Newspaper Page Text
e'w Se.tie.ft—-V«V
Wo. tag.
II T»«
liv G. $ W. Robertson,
■S mibliihed to meet the arrangement o,
, ' tht« timta a week frueaday,
:?* JSJv tad Saturday) at the Office of be
iW«\v Georgian, and contains al) the iiHeUt-
»ertce,Coinniercial,VolitiemI end Mi.jellen-
eou», including .dverlitemeuts, pubHhed ir.
"“Th'e'ciounu/i’tper to «e. Uo *11 part, of
,be State end Union, or dcliteced m the city,
it fife dollars pee annum, payable In Advance.
tdi erliseroenta are inserted in both pa era
at 75 cent* per square, of 14 lmes, for tin fire,
insertion, and 37* for every succeeding pub-
’‘'cmnmtinicaliona by Unit, mu.1 he Put-paid
8,1,4 of land and n-groea by Administra.
tors, Kx-r.utora or guardians, are required,
by law, to be held on the lira Tuesday I" the
th between the hours often in ' nre
noon sod three in the afternoon st the Cob
House of the county in wlncli the property is
siwTe.-Notice of. hose ..lea must be,oven
in a public gazette sixty Jays prefioua t# th,
"*Noii'reofthe sale of personal property must
be give in hire manner, F. f day* previoti..
o rise* lay af sale- , ... , .
Notice toih. debtor* and creditors of ar
eiiaic twist be published for Forty days.
Notice that application will he made to th,
Court of Ordinary for leave to aell land, mus
oe nuhlished .Vine Month.
•JliiMi & ©©ITa
04|\ HOGSHEADS prime ami second
©tW quality St. Croix Sugar.
SO barrels do do do eugor
70 bags prime green eofthn'
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rnni
half pipes, quarter enska, and hall'
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do Long Island white, equal to
Georgia Hint corn
nov 23
i N otice.
months after date application will
In be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of flic Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of mud,
known as number eight, 8th District, Pike
(formerly Mtinroe) County, for the beneht
of the heirs and creditors of the estate ol
of N. 8. Bayard.
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Ian 5 ••»»*
crush garden seeds
BuYturas I'ldYVftT Hoots-
J UST received by the robscriber, and w»--
ranted of the hut season's growth, 3\
boxes Garden Sesdi, pul uohv A. M’tlahon tv
to. Philadelphia, expr-ssly for this' market,
and nimlsining the following asiortnf nti, via.
1. Drumhead Cabbage 14. Rurli curled Let-
2. Long led Beet tuce
3 Igrng Orange Carrot 15. Boyal Cabbage do
4. Parsley 18. Nutmeg Melon
5. Leek -17. Spinach
8, Onion 18. Summer Savoy
Salmon Radish 12. Sweet Brill
8. Early Purple do. '0 Sage
9. Round lesved it. Nlslurtliim
0. Early Turnip* 22. Celery
1. Late do ?3 Early Pcaa
2 Sa safy 74. Late do
13- Asparagus 25 Karlv bench beam.
26 Red French do
"0 Packages containing Ihe following Bui
mis Blower Knotty V'z.
. Doubie Hyacinth* I 4.Wexleantigerflower
F ae Tulipa $ D uble Tuberose
Narcissus 1 6 Star of Bethlehem
Pur u'e by P. H’DEUMO IT
Feb 1 >8
P ERSONS having demands agninst the
estate of Thowan Johnston, will please
pn*SRiit them, prfiperlv attested* ufc the
Countine-R<»om of R. & .!• Hahersliain.
Executrix oftlie estut** et Thomas Johnston.
| q . -1+t.
M)i ICE.
mhse.ribn s being I'hiMt to decline bn-
new in nlnoey retju«?st persons
in, 1 . 'Imv-.’.-is ajj.»:»» tlw'n, to present then
for payment
1 1'IK AW
. sV'Cs
A ft.
6 ( 'h.
Avhi'.imsii'-itvf’s ■ N otice.
s : US from 'his date, vc shall ap-
i.vj ait t« luAnWft the It.ferior Court
emvMv. when sit tv £ fir ofditwty
•*u. (v’s, to sell the rti&i estate of William
Hi', h* a. •
ft. UAYflKW,
iii:*n«t 12 45
Cognac i.randy.
Hl’KS Si'iifnetteJs Brand, w just re
. vi <1 per Ltiui ttt Matilda, for gale by
,S0 Tierm* new Rice
1«» Vipob Holland Gin
10 Hogblieatls Jamaica Rum
5U JJarrols Flour •
30 Barrels 11 an in
75 Barrels Gin
50 Crates Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
50 Btfruln Maekaref, No. 3
20 Cases Fort Winu
10 Casks Oil
Jun 12
Goshen tiut er, Lard §c.
rUST RFaCEIViCI) by ship Corsair, and
P other late'arrivals
12 tirkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality
25 ketrs leaf Lard
H bb\s Butter Crackers
10 half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat
and Rye Flour
10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. 1. MougiiftsNew Buildings
fsb 12 b 67
By the Fresident of the United States.
N pursuance of law, I, Jambs Momrof, Pres-
_ ideut of the TT ni'ed States, do hereby de
'ilare and make known, vbat a public sale wil
e held at the Land Office at Tallahasse, i«
Florida, on the third Monday of May next, fo
the dlspnaid of the foil owing lands, v"»2 :—
Township 1, south of Range 1, west of the
Meridian lijje.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township 1, south . 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5, east.
1 & 2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5*
Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, & 5.
rh* sale will commence with the hiw>-»
timber of •ootiw*, Uwnahip* ■—4-ra)
>roce?d in regular numerical order. Tl
I nds reaerved by law for the use of Hchooh
• other purposes will be excluded from ti>
G’ven under mv hand, at the City oF 'VsA.
ington, this d«»v of January, 18/5.
By the President.
Commissioner of the General Land Offic
03* Printers of tin Laws of the Uni e<
•J'a'es, in the. Territory of Florida, end in th
States of 4lab<ma, Louisiana, Tooesaee, Mi -
lippi, Georgia, and Sonth-narolina, Bre an
Iho-izdto publish the foiCstoing ProciauM 1
ion one? ■«* week un il the day of sale
Prh 7 6 f
T HE aubacriber intemliug to done liis
businesa ill this city, oilers Ilia stock
at retluml prices, Tor CASH, consisting sif
Sidchoarils of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wnrdnibes, Fronch Tresa-
ns, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Table ,Coni,
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tallies,
Card Tables. Tea Tables, Dining Tabled,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen's Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Bnsin Stands,
Wnsh Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahosinv high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple;
Field do. Wire Safes, Colts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy da Windsor ('(lairs,
&.c. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta-
kor,Street and Bay l,ano.
J. H, O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
. Jan 25 fil||
[ Bij Ihe brig Phetwmt, from Philadelphia,
JH IIHDS. and 100 bbls* Philadelphia
3 JU R*e W' Iskey
150 Dutch Demi|ahna
10 kegt Saltnetre
50 whole ard 100 half bhta, fresh Flour
Opposite the, Academy
3KU,*. 15.EU,
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends
and the public, that her school is now
open, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
the reception op copies. Assisted bv
her daughter Miss E. A. IIsrrison, she
oilers her services in teaching the following
useful 'and ornamental branches ofeduea-
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi
Ihe patronage hitherto extended, shr
liopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the pro
grepsof her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
tlior extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, are—
IstClasB—Spelling, Reading, Sewing nnd
Marking, per quarter, : jjl 00
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, : 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : : : : : i : 10 00
Painting tm velvet, por quarter,: : 8 00
ID" The most careful attention will bt
paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her churge.
nov 2 • 85
Consumptions, Coughs, ^c.
Damuscus Steal Razors,
J UST received, a supply of the above ar
ticle, which will be warranted good.—
For wale by N. B. WEED,
nov 24
,KEGS ixew Leaf Lard
150 Hams
3 Barrehi Castor Oil
5 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jnn 14
£000 huihe!* Liverpool grou* d Salt
5 hh(.«. A ;0 bhlg. prime tti. Cr«ix Sugar
3 pipes and 25 demijohns best Holland
C* n
5 pipes and 30 demij jhns best Cognac
10 hhds. and ?j bbls. superior Northori
75 bbls 'Torthern Gin
50 b igsG ecn Crft'e :
*5 ca'ks superior «»kl Fjis^on W’nt
25 bb»s Lump and 72 bbls. I.ouf Sugar
3 boxes white aud 7 do brown Havana
25 bags black Pepper
3* pipes Imitation Gin
2 bales Bagging Twine
25 qr hnxos Hyson Tea
30 reams Wrapping Paper
15 box< g Pipes
3 cph*8 Wool Hat* m
10 bales best Osnahurgs
3 bales unble.ic’ ed Uomrspun
4 eases colored ditto
30 kre* Dupont's Gun Powder
1000 bushels Table Sait
9 J kegs msmifsetured Tobacco
25 tons ytiortcd (tt4rr«,n) Cutingl
5 large Smith Bellows
5' kegs assorted Cut Nails
100 bags assort'd Shot—also an
Asaortmtnt of Cedar Wa*e, Market and
Clothes Baskets.
AH of which w ; ll he sold low for cash, or
good town acceptances.
march 14 9'
Cider, Porter, IVine, ti c.
i) K BOXES first quality Cidor
*4 J 5 Casks do do London Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wino
10 do Madeira do
123 Boxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soil Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Feb 18
XQija TONS carron castings, just roceiv-
o,l from Greenock, via. Charleston,
coil-isting of the following assortment, via i
2000 pots from * to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches
50 set Hat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
4 i let.
120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts
1300 camp ovens, from !< to 18 inches
130 untinned to. kettles, from one to 5
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
Jan 8
Ll3r Op LET I EKS , Geo Hammond •
“ Oracle’s Company’ Hofs.
CASKS Brade’s Patent Hone, fur
J41/ sain by N. B. WEED,
dec 13
Georgia— Camden County.
O N the hrst Tuesday in March next, 1 will
sell atJtCfcrson, in said conntyj a negro
man, named Daniel, the properly of the ea*
•teofMic jah Crews, de*eased, pursuant to
leave granted by »be Court of Ovdinary*
M’AUY CREWS, Executrix-
J n 14 4<
Share Moulds, P irk, Gin, &*c
C C. GRISWOLD olfors for sale, lan-
. ding from ship Corsair
4 tons Share Moulds
> In Store,
56 barrclB Northern Gin
18 do Mesa Pork, New-York
city inspection
I ton 8teel
'J? 1‘cga White Lead
n kegs Black Paint
8 «« Verdigris
“ Jo Spanisli Brown
Beers* Axes.
A S mid P for Y #1 ”e by 4W *- A .“-’- T - e “l vei!
07 /
oet 21
jy. n.
a(1 j ninistrator’s N otice.
N ine MONTHS after date, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court lii
niatham county, (when titling for ordinary
purposes) for leave to sell the real estate ol
l9aac H. Robins, to aatiafy the heira ar.d cred.
tori. C- H HAYDEN,
aeon st 12 45
Bunch Muscatel Raisins.
J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di-
reot from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
Foil 3 Anciaux’s Wharf.
Fresh Teas, Hums, Flour, csc.
QA CHESTS Hyson Teas
£d vr 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Hha Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura- Jane, for sale, by
-Feb^ «
F OB the cure i f Colds, Coughs, Consump
tions, Spilin g of U'ood., Asthmas, and
ise»'.8cs oftlie b< east and lungs.
There is perhaps no medrld observation
better tstab.iahod, nunc mure generally con-
Ormed by the experience of the best physid-
Hiisof «|| sires and countru-0* and none ot
•ore importance to the human f.imily, than
lie fact that many of the most difficult and in
curable consumptions originate in neglected
colds.. In a cliirate so variable as ours, where
the changes of the weather are frequently
sudden and unexpected, it requires m ?re care
f »nd attention to guard against ibis dauger<4i..
enemy of life, than most people imagine or
nre ableund willing to bestow. The bills «•
mortality exinbit the melancholy fact that the
p-oportion of deaths by this disease may be
considered as about five to one. Inasmuch
then as this fatal disense frequently bi !s defi-
unce to ihe skill of the most learned pbyaici-
•ms, it is a ^ratification to the proprietor that
'te is enabled to offer to those rffi cted with
't, a goodly prospect of relief, in thnt highly
valuable remcrh, ‘.lie Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. The Indians uie happy in llieir know,
ledge of m dica! plants; governed whollvhy
■ xperience, they are certain ss to their i.ffrct,
tnd it la s:iid by an author of great character,
that a true consumption is a disease never
known among them.
'This Specific >s obtained by extraction from
herbs, root -, flow.-rs, plmt /Su: when in ner-
faction. In consequence of a happy combinu.
(ion of the most viduable herbs, &c. it becomes
h bulsain of a superior value. It heals the in.
jured parts, opens the pores, and composes
the disturbed nerves, after the manner i f a>
anodyne/ consequently the obstruction ot
the chegi and the lungs which constitute tb.s
disease, particularly need ita use. It promotes
expectoration, which ia constantly celled for,
and whilst it cleanses ard heals, it also give*
strength to the tender lungs In this manner
itremoveathe hectic fever, improvea diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs ihe
ippetite and improves the ipirits. This speci
fic mav always be give n in safety it ia mild,
pleasant to the taste, and may safety be given
o infants, tor which it is of inestimable value.
It alibids relief in bowel complaints, t -etlmig,
whooping coughs, tjc. and is found particu*
lirly useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and
hysterical diseHst-s. Each bill ot direction
contains a detailed account of this di? -tase in
ail its different stages, and will be accompa
•Jed with the signature of the proprietor jo
Red ink. Itia offered for sale by GEO. Rt-
EH: ON, only (my sole agent) Diuggitf, cor
uerBay and Whiuakei.streets, Savannah, at
one dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
Camden Superior Court.
Henr v UnronD, I Verdict MarchTcri.i,
Thomas Kino. ) 18011 '
O N motion uftlio Attornoy-of the Plain-
tilF, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment 'should not be entered in
the above corc, as of March Term, 1808 ;
and that publication be made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extract from Ihe Jllinulpe,
dec 23 25«u
Mr. Arnaud
Susan Adams
James Adams
John Avery
John Atherton, 3
Jos Allen
Dr H Ames
Seth T Ames
Abraham Andrews
R. J Arnold
John Abbot, sen.
Cnpt Janies Blan
Mrs Baker
Isaac Baslny
Miss Amanua S Ba
ker, 2
Georgo Bailey, 5
Miss F.lenor Batist
Sain’l C. Brown
Miss C Barnes
Jodndiah Barstow
David Brandon
Miss R T Barnes
F Bardon
John Basely ,
Geo W Beckford
Richard Berrie
John A Bently
Nathan Bennett
U II Bevins
A Bnry&nt
Edw’d Boorquino
Mrs I. Bolluugli
D Brown
S D S Brown
Jacob Brown
Mrs Mary H Brown
Win Bones
Mrs F. A Boyd
Edw’d Butler
Thus Bagshaw
London Butler
Jas R Benedick 2
Wm. Campbell .
Mrs L Capps,Effing.
ham county
h L Crane
John L Clark
Christiana Campbell
Mrs M Callahan
Stewart Campbell
John Caswell
Lucy Cambredgo
But«ey Carpenter
Lunas Clark
Charfos L’haso
John Childs
Mrs Francis Cole
tJ eomiottpy
1 John Coobat
F. Cooper
Henry Cooke
Cap C Cooper
John Coit
M. Correghnn
John Cooper
Miss l! Cruse
Messrs J &. C Cum
Remaining in the Poit-Qflire, Savannah 31 at
March, 1825.
in* Persons wishing letters from this list,
will please ask for Advertited Ltttcrt.
A. t h.
S AM’L ADAMS # John Liwson
Mr, Arnaud j Master G A Lnthrnp
J Miss Janelt Lcyou
j David Lee
\ G Lao
; Hugh Learmnnth
t Mrs Mary Long
James Luce
\3. states bank .Votes,
F or salf. at
Jan .’U
N ine MONTHS after date, application will
be made to the Uonorablc Inferior Court
if Chatham couniy, for leave to sell ilic real
andperaonaleatateofthelateMra Ann Ham
ilton, deeeaaad, for the benefit of the bein
and creditor* of auid estate,
March 10 _t)9$a
informal i:m WanluA
I F GcjOItGFi MILLER, otherwise DAN-
IRL OLAND MILLKK, who in the >e«r
• 815, arr.vei* in Suvannhh, in the Abei(ie«*n
transport, belonging to Messrs. D< wson &
Sons, of London is living, and will apply to
his friends in England, he w;il hear of
aometi «ng much to his advantage, lie left
the Aberdeen while she lay at Savann^i, and
has not been hea.d of by his f iends since
that period. He had been many years a Bai
lor, and while on board the above vessel,
w;<8 employed *h a carpenter. If he left Sn*
vaunah at that time, it is probubte that he
entered some veauel going to the Urssil Is
lands, as in his lust letter, he stt'ed that it
<van h a intention to do so. Should he havr
died at any place whe'c a register or certifi
cate of his burial can be obtained, it would be
thankfully received and all expen^ei attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
•lent O 57
Administrator's Sale.
O N the fi st Saturday afrev the fust Tues
day in May next, between the hours of
ten and four o'clock, will be sold st the mar
ket-house in the town of St. Harys, pursuant
to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary for the cour ty of Camden., a ntgro wo
man named Jenny, belonging to the estate of
D»v d G. Jones, deceits d, for the benefit of
the creditors of said estate.
Wnrcb 96
A LL ptmns having dt manila against the
estate uf .'he lute John Wakerly, (plant
er) dee. are requt* etl to render them, prop
erly attested, immediately; and all persona
indebted, to make imme<li.,te parmrnt to
RDUEIIT HOY, Executor.
F-h °4 7 7
i [ N otice.
N ine MONTHS afn r date of this notice.
application will be made to ihe Honor*,
hie the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty, for perm |.ion to sell all the real estate of
Joha.Wakctlv, dec. for the benefit of Ih
lieira and creditor* "f said decerned'
HOB BUT HOY, Bxeeutor.
Feb 24 67
Buembua Luce
Andrew Marshall
_ Wm Mallory
Owen Maker
Miss Mary Mnnyon
Mr.s Melzler 2
Miss Ann C Milled
John Myrich
Thos Miller
James Mints
John Morrel
G Mountfort
Master Clias Morrell
Henry Morqingstar
Jas hfiitcherson
Neal Mi'Lahlin 2
John McRae
Wm McCormick
D McCarty
Isaac McKim
Rob Mellow
Bollard M’Cormick'
G W McAllister
Mrs B B M’Call
James McConkcy 2
Sand McFeddin
David McMillen
Bond & M’Henroy
N. & O.
Miss Ann Nowlan, 3
Thcadorc Nelson, 3
Capt Stephen Nye 3
•Mrs R S Norton
MissC Nortun
•Wm Nye
R B Nye
George Oliver
Wm Ogiesbay
• P.
Wm A Pollard
David Barry
Sami Batterson 2
Geo H Parker
Cap Jaa Perry
Walter G Perry
Francis Preble
Rob Petigrew
Phillip Pierce
Lewis Phinney
Cap David Ptnge
\ John \V Pomeroy
I Mai C Powers
} Uhleitn PtrwtMfe*
\ R.
5 Geo Randall
j Jnn Rain
<Edw’d Ryan
{Ilan’l B Rider
5 Henry Ringold
j Alex Ryburn
(Abraham Rikcr
\ John .1 Richardson
B _ SSnin’l Rithardaon
Henry Cunningham 5 Dr C W Rodgers 2
Wm Csttersiui i Thos Rodgers
Mathew Caclibo- | John A. Rowell
rough _ | Ann E Roles
1 CaptMoses S Robin-
I son
{ B‘ B Rutland, 2
J Green R Ruthcr
1 ford, 2
j Capt J W Russell
| Miss R Russell .
I S.
I Miss MaryStafford 2
J William B Savage
| Jonathan Sawyer
< Amos Salsbury
5 Thomas M Sanders
I George Starbueh
jJohn R Shad
s Naomi Stanton
> Sarah Sawyer
I Robert Sawyer
J Cap John Shaw
j Joseph Backet
| Miss Martha Spal
J ding 2
5 Miss Egster SheRoll
j Miss Margaret Ste
{ veils
David Setson
John Ellis " I Richard Stewart,
Rev ilr Elton J (colored mail)
F. . | Alfred Shearman
Mrs Mary Faro j Capt Michael Sele-
Pat Fay } wich
Mrs Margret Fegan IJamesSealy
lUurtnlo ll’enjlnaiiilr . Men P,\tl,tn 4
Christian Dasher
A Dan forth
Wm L Davis
Henry Durberk
Gilmore Dexter
Rev L Dewight
Win Deginaud
Rob Dillon
John Diver
Wm B Dopsnn
John Doore
Charles O’Donnell
B Donavnn
FarriB Dorffey
Oliver Dudley 2
Aug Durkie
Cap Dewforce
Lucy Durkeo
Gilford Dudley
Paul Dupon
Miss Murv Davie
Joshua Evrett
Jrssee Ellerbeo j
Anthony Evergreen j j
Martine Frederick
John B Flinn
John N Fry
Michiel Fesher
Miss Caroline Floyd
Rob Galt 1
Evans Grant
Thos Garnett
Joseph Gilford
Wing S Green
John Gibbon
John Grimes
Capt Aiithonio
Mr A Ginn
Jos Gibson
Rebecca Giriilon
Win Gifford
Mary Griffith
Abner Gifford
Thos M Goddard
Jas J Grogan
Copt Nath Gonkin
S H Goldsmith, Jr
Jacob Gould
Miss Selvey Guy
ftobt Hamilton
Miss Sarah Harri
John Hance
Thos Hinvkine
Mrs Bethia Seabury
Levaitt Steevens
Mrs Ann Seagrovc
James Smith 3
James Sims
Daniel C Smith
Mrs Mary Smith
William H Smith 2
Capt Reuben Swift
James W Sims
Miss Jane Stibbs
Thomas B Smith
Mrs Sarah Sims
Richard Smith
David B Squires
Mrs Slone
William I Sott 2
Ezra Spooner
William Spooner
Abraham Sttolihnr
Mrs Sarah Strobhar
David A Strobhar
James H Suydaui
Capt C E Trentlin
Capt Wm Touimcr-
John Toebert
John 8 Thompson
N Turnbull
Joseph Tuttle
Mrs Mary E Turner
JIT Tutberville
ii n
Mrs 1
Miss Candasy Har
Time Hanford
Daniel Hatcher
Charles Hart
~ M Handy
Mary Harrison
-- - Halsey
Chas Hammond
Charles Hart
—. is Hines
Charles M Hill
Miss M Hylton
Owen Higgins
Samuel Hine
John B Hobkirk
Patrick O’Hare
Misa Jane H Hogg
Eliza Huntington
Col John Hnntcr
Simon Jackson
Lewis Jackson
Mrs Rose Jaleneau
Joseph Jordon
” W Jordon
Mrs Ski rah ICusen-
Daniel Kean
Geo Kursenkie
16th Class—New Series.
VYILL be drawn on the 11th of May.
T A' 1 *®’ lln ‘* finwfied in a few minutea.
Sixty Numbers— Eight Ballots to he Drawn-
Prize of 5(t,CK.ODJLr*i.gJloon.
, W,
John J> Warm,
MrsJIury Warlei,
Mrs Nary Wallah
Jolin f VVillimns x
ChristRn WtsenbaX
kev j '
■ C?P l , J ]"‘ Wfnklcy, 2 ’
l JVm iTilliarna
5 Edw’d Willey
- Mr, M Wylly
Elizabeth Whil
Jos Wing
John Witter
Pears W’ithiegtcn
Mis* Annett .Wil
Thos A William*
Geo H Wood
Jas Wood i
Stephen Wood
Mrs PI,ilk Voting
Barnabas If Young
J“hn Young
Ph. R yourqp
Antonio Zonon^r
•Inhn R Zitrower
Mit»s Ann Zachman
Yt®hc\i Ie\tfc ta
Mrjeanjaequcs Lau
rent, 2
april 2
Miss Celeni
20 00(1
' 10.000
5/ (0
4 720
30 0UQ-
10 000
4 720
5 00.
24 960
33)100 Blank', 1 3< * ? *l fiek *to- J S WftO
34 380 Ticket! at g8,
In till* 6-hrwe with via hr *fo.» n ballotta
04 flUmnCT* nt!
1416 wi»h l*« neirdiers on them and
10 608, with one number on them. Those
tickets having none of ihe druv n ballun on
I'o di-term nt the fate 0 f ull »hc tickets in
’.be above luticry 60 "lur.hf », f, 0 n) one to
■ixty inclusive, will Severn!|;' be placed in a
wheel on the day of drawing, and eight of
them will be drawn, and that ticket having on
.1 at a combination Ihe 1st, 26 and ilurrl num-
>eta drawn, will be entiilcil t' R50 000. '
That having 011 il the 6th, 7ili and ftth. will
be entitled to g 0,000,
That having on it the 4ih, 5th aid ft.h. will
be entitled to g.0 000.
T'_na h .v'ag a them tbe 3d, 4 h tnd 5tb
nd 3d. 7th and 8UI, r «-i, g5 000
T' at luiving en it ihe 2d, M , nd 4th will
be entitl' d to 4,730.
Those 20 having on them the
’d, ftth ami 811
2.t, 6.h anti ft!
*’d, ft' h and 8 I
2't V'h arid 8ti
Id 4'han.t. ftu
l.i 4th and 7'
3<i, 4iti and 8>i
3d, ftth and 6th(>lih,filb and 7th
3d, Jtha,.d7thl4th6'h and 8th
3d, Jth«nd8ih 'th,7thatd8ih
3d. ftth and 7th th.6thand7th
3d. fell am Oil 5th 6th and 8'h
4'b 5 hand T !, ->.h,7lli am- 8'h
4th,ftth and 8t>, each gtuOO.
All ethers, (being 30 ticket.,, having thre*
•f the d' awn number, on them will *»-*•
•ntitled to gftOO. •
'he 53 tickets having on them two of tba
Irawn numbers and these twit, the 3d and
4tn, •*ill ench be entitled to giOO.
The 155 tickets having on them the 4th
"d 5th or 4;h and flt >, nr 4th and fth drawn
umbers only, will each be entitled te «#).
All " l tiers (being 1248 ticket*) having two
uf the drawn numbilts on them, will each be
e'tilled In 830.
And th-sc having "n (hem any tnt of the
i awn numbers, (bejng '0,608 tickets, or 13 6
ar each drawn number.) will each be enti
tled to £10.
Notickvt which shill have drawn a ptixj
olaauperiordeiioirication can be editlrd to
16 inferior prize, prizes payable thirty daya
.tier the drawing, and subject, as usual, to a
deduction ,tf 15 per cent'
A considerable portion . f this lottery is put
ip in parcels o' 30 tickets, embracing all th*
■oedtination numbers, from one to,
itch parcels are warranted to draw at lit ait
£60, lest lie deduction of IS per cent, with
to many chances f *r 'he e^eitsl pi zr a
J. B. YATES, 1 m,
A. M’INTYRE, f 1,aIul g crs -
Pbiladtlpltia, Marc* 9, 1625
__ * P-
Orders received and forwarded at the above
price at
March 31
W hiskey,
F or sale by
Feh 23 T. S. LUTHER.
Bills on New-York. *
F or sale by
Feb 24 C. C. GRISWOLD.
Socket Spades.
CASK Socket Spades, just received
and for sale by N B. WEED.
Jan 4