Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 26, 1825, Image 4
TOliLHiD 8MJ9» raiW BMm City Shei itPs Sales. On the first Tuesday in May null cniILL be i»M in fr. nl of tbe Court House \J# in t ie City of Savan. ah, between Ihi usual home of 10 end 4 o'clock, One negro man named Tom, levied on ta tbe property of John and Valerie Devil, to Htiafy two executions from the Court of Coin nun Pleas and Oyer end Terminer, for the 01. ty of 8av.nneb.J ihn G. Blanco ve. John F. 0 Daria, G lerdian of John end Valerie Da. VNbeod Wm. Bowen ra the eeme. All the boildtiqp on the centre part of Truai Lot letter H> at present in the occupation of Jab T. Bo!lea, PVrcival tVa-d. bounded north by aouth by Vnrk'it eeat by ene portion oi said Lot, weat by the Court. House, laried on n ih; property of Job T BoUba, t* aetiafy'an execution from the Coutt f common Pleaa and Oyer end Terminer for |he City of Sevan nab, Samuel II, llordecai va Job T. Bolloe. i . Southern half of Loti’ N a 39, thirty-nine, end 4:1, f.rtv, with the improvemena there or, Btycit We. d, bound id nbrth by the northern hall of laid Lota, sojth by Liberty at. east by Jeffeta m-st, Ivr ed ou at the property of Ben jamin Sheftall, to satisfy two eaccoiionl from the Court of Common Pleaa and Oyer and Terminer for. tbe City of Savant ab, J sac Mount A B< nj Sheftall. A'l the l ight, title, and interest, of Bddwiu Co k to that double tenement bualntT on t tic weateru part of Trust Lot lettei A, bounded no th by Bryan-,t. south by St. Julianat. ear by part of aid Lot, weat by Whitaker-ai lev led on aa the property of Baldwin Cook, tn aTiiafy an execution from the Court of Cum ■tun Plea, and O/er and Terminer fu the City of Savannah, Norman Pease va. Baldwin Cook, All that Lot and improvement! known In the plan of the City of d tvannah, aa Lot No.2 two.Percivd Ward,bounded noitli by Wright Square, aouth by a lane, east by Lot No. 3 three, weat hv Lot No 1, one, levied on as properly of ho T Bollea. to sat tfy an exe ention fro n the C«u t nf rtoinmin Pleas and 0 er a id Terminer for It City of Savannah, J aeph Clark va. Job T Buil.a, rod assigned to s B' Parkman. property pointed out by dtf r.dsnt, and aubj tet lo n m'-rttrage. A. I. D’LYON. C S. apri'4 09 Sheriff's Sales. On the fil'd Tuesday in May next, W ll L Ue .old xt the • ourt House in the City of S ivannah, between the bourn often and four o'clock. Lot and B iddings No. ’T, seventeen. Wash, ington Warn in 'he Cd> of Savannah, bound ed east by Lit Vo 18 eighteen, aouth by 8t. Julisnxt. weat by Prioe-et. and north by Bryan at. levied on aa die property 'of Ste r.hcn 8. Williams to aatiafy an eaecution in favor of James M Henry, and oth&s, Aa- signeesof Wm. Turner. All that tract of land known by the name of Tweedside, in the County of Chatham, eon taining 346 aerei, bounded on the north by Savann .h tt ver, levied on m the property or Jo 1 Un Morel, tn satisfy executions in fayor of Wm. Taylor h Son, and others Whirl Lot containing 66 feet, 8 inchea on Savannah Diver, 66 feet 8 inches on Indian- street, extending from Mid River to the said ■treat, in extent about 400 feet, ihs same being tbe eastern part of Wharf Lot No' 3, three,levied on aa the property of Robert W Footer, to t* efy twd executions in favor of Joaiah Id, and John Dicks, property pointed out b•> tlie defendant* All that half of Lot No IS, Columbia Ward, with the improvements the, eon, to satisfy an eaecution issuing out of a Juaticea Court in favor ofWm Robinson, returned to me by Constable. HAM) D’LYON, S. C. C. acri’ 3 09 Sheriff's poles Continued. On thefint Tuesday in May next. TBPiLL be auld at the Court House in tb- city of Savannah, between the houre of en and four u’clook. I AU that 'not of Land un the Island >f Sk’d* swav, Chatham county, called Springfield, said to contain 710 .cres, bounded northward ly by lard* of the eatst.i of John Milledge, eaatwardly by lands of James Bilbo, suutb- w'ardly by lands formerly Sulc iffs westwaid lyby river and marshes with im|M 01 erne III. thereon, levied on en the property of Clias. Stephens, to satisfy an oaecu ion in favor of Richard Richardson, for uae, Uc- Ac All that tract or parcel of Land containing 567 a rea more or to,a with 100 acres of Marsh .and, called Okeland, situate, lying ond be- ng in lilt e 0„echre D.strict, in ths county nf Chatham bounded un the north by lands of Fleming Akin, . I the east by lands nf D. Parker, on the south by lands of the late B Walhurger, and on the west by a nurtlieasl oranch of link O.-echee River together with all and singular the eJtficcs, i npruvemeul, rnd apnurenunces, levied on under a A' fa un foreclosure aa the property of George L. Cope, in favor cf John M', Peter Mitch- ell and Robert Mitchell. * A'l that tract or parcel of Land a'tunte, ly- ng and being in the county of Chatham, <i.own by the name of Muir Hall, containing 11,97 acres more or less, bounded un the souti. hy lands of .laoiea Forrest, on tne e a. by Col J. Marshall's lends, an the north by Georg lones’sland, and on tht weal b Little Ogee chee River , Alio, Two Lots of I and in the city of Savannah, known By the Nos. (29; twenty nine, and (JU) thirty, in Columbia Wa d, with the appoitrnancea thereunto ap ne> taming, levied on under a fi fa. on fore* cloture aa the propeny ,of Flemming Akin, dee. in favor of Wm, Dixon A Co, astigneei of M M'Leod. Half Lot and Buildings, No 4, Ewinsburg Oglethorpe, Ward, in the ci'y of Savanna' the unexpired lease of aid ! J Lot for three years from January last, levied on as the pro. nerty ol Uobl Lewis to satisfy an executior from a Justices Court io favor of J, A M' Pen lergsst, ri t urned to me by a constable Also,ihe following .'IJn.gro a, via; Coffee (Conper,) Harriet, Ally, old Charlotte, Jana, iky, Charlotte, Pendaw, Bess, Precessa and child, Bridget and Peggy, William, E'ssy, Bliley, Philip Phyllis, old Combo, Jenny, oh Peggy, B -utus, Jesse, Brutus, Sandyi Maria, Cynda, Dick, Tubs ,Sophia, Daphne and child, lacnb.Sye.Bcck’ y and John,with the increase if the temales, levied un as the prupeity of Nicholas Cruger, under a fi fa on a foreclosure o. a mortgage in favour of John Carnahan and lames McHenry for use of Chris Una Levelt. Also, the following 19 negroes, vizAbis- ham. Harry, Cato, Chance, Daniel, Aaron, Sambo, Lucy, Scipm, Maryan, Rachael, Lon don, Aggy, Simon, Grace, Eiixa, George, Ho ly, and Jim, with tilt increase of the females, levied on as tbe property of Flemming Akin, dee, under a fi. fa. on a foreclosure of a mort gage in favor o! Wm. Dixon A Co. assignees >f Murdoch M'Leod. I. D’LYON, S. C. C April '6 20 J. Shinn's Panacea. T HE subscriber having discovered the com positinn of SHM.W3 CELEBRATED PAAACEA, has pow a supply on hand fo; -ale i he baa reduced thep-ioe from 2d JO, to 83 JO, or by the doaen gJ4. All charitable institution* in the V. Stater and the poor will be aupplied gratia. ir the eitixena of the principal eities and towna, will appoint in agent to order inn distribute this medicine to the poor, if will be aupplied. Thu medicine is celebrated for the cun- of tbe following diaeaaes i—" scrofula or king’s evil, ulcerated or putrid sore throat, long standing rheumatic alTeetioni, cutaneous dis eases, white swelling and disease of the bonei, and all cues generally of the ulcerous charac ter, and chronic diseases, generally a- ising ir. debilitated constitution!, but more especially from syphilis or affections arising therefrom i ulcers in the larynq, nodes, tic. end thai dreadful disease occasioned, by a lung and excessive use of mercury, Uc• It ia alio use ful in the disease of the liver'” CeYtiftcates. I have within the last two years had an op portunity of aeeing several casea of very inve terete ulcers, which having previously reiiil' ed the regular modes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Sweim’e Panacea, and 1 do believe, from what I have aeeu, that it will prove an important remedy in aero, fulous, venereal and mercurial diaeaaes. N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and practice of Physic, in the University of Penn aylvatiia I have employed the Panacea of Mr, Swaim, in numerous instances, within the lait three years, and have alwaya found it extremely efficacious, especially in aec-ondary syphilis and mercurial diseases. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M D. Professor of Surgery in the Um’ty ol Penn. Philadelphia, February 17, 1823. JOHN SHINN, Chemist, Philadelphia, AW 17, 18 '3. Treasury Depart me ut,; March, 14, 1825 ; W HEREAS on the 3d of March, 1825 a law wm passed by the Congress of the Sheriff' 9 s Sale, On the fint Tuesday in <May next, \tyil.L be sold in front of tbe Court- NJnt Houae, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours often and four o'clock, Tlie following right i egroes, via. Cuffee, Peggy, Roaannah.Carotinm, Joseph,Mary Bei- ty and Jim, levied onuuder a on afore* loaute, H8 thep.>peny of Charles H. Hay* len, in favor of Frederick W. Hiem man* march 7 IS \AC IVf.YON, aV C C. .sheriff s Sales, On the first Tuesday in May next, between the > usual hours. W ILL be mid at the Court House in the County of Brvan, the Allowing Lota or parcels ol Lind on the laland of Osaabiw, in the said County, known in the plan of lie partition of the lame Island by the numbei s one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and that part of number'eight, beginning at the hedge at the edge of the woods, in the South part of the Mid lug tract, from the Wiltermnst to the Eaatermnat'Creek. Alla, the Cabbage Garden tract, being the Ea-termost parti of tract ten, eleven, twelve, from the p till in the ole! fi 'Li in the Savannah, to be continued in a straight line until it inter ■ Btadley'1 Hammock Marshes on one aide ai d igeechee riveron the oilier. A'smHorse Hammock, containing fifty acres, Alan, Brad iey’a Hammock, containing one hundred and titty five acres' And also, a Utmmnr k called Hraddoek's Camp centring thirty eight acres, be ng parts and parcela of the said Island of Oiaabaw. Levied upon aa a pait of tne es tate of the la'e John 'Morel, deceased, under and hy virtue of all. fa on a decree of thr Superior Court of Chath am County, in a case wherein Simon Donald and wife were com plainin'a. aud Thomas N. Morel and ethers defendants THOMAS HEARN, S. B. C, March 90 105 0 Sheriff’s Sales, OP ATTACHED PROPERTY. • Iif' frat Saturday after the tir*t Tuesday ui M t> next, will he sold at the Court- louse in tlie town of St Marys, between the hours of ten and tour o'clock, tlie following negro flares, vis. Lancaster, Furry, H .se, and her two chil ten, If annuli and Atchib«ld, sold ia the property of Thomas Andrews, under an attachment in favor of Robert Miller.— Sold by consent of ail partita. April 1,18 5. 11 BOB A1ID S.C.C. Apr!* 8 13 Administrator’s Sale. On the fint Tuesday in jftay next., 1 W1LL sell at the Court-House in Jeffer son, Camden Cuunty, between the usu al hours of sale, Harry, Ned, and his wife Tamer, and her four children, Daniel, Stephen; Jolm, and Yorick, the property of the estate of George Morrison, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors and heirs of said estate, pursuant to leave grunted by the Court of Ordinary of said county. GEORGE MORRISON, Administrator, with the will annexed, of George Morrison, Sen. deceased. April M 18 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in June next. yayILL he Hid at the Court-Houac in the ij# City of Savannah, between the hours of. ten and four o'clock, the following 16 ne groes, vis .— Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, lerry, Billy, Burke, Parris, Biwm, Dinah, Little Bram, Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increase of tne families, levied un und. ra foreclosure of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William Washington, for use. *' Two negroes, vis: Ned and Glasgow^ levi. ed on a fnreeloiure of a mortgvgc from Chat. Ulmer to Joseph K ipman. ISAAC D’LYON, S C. C. an-il 4 t'9 Sheriff'’s Sale. O N the fint Saturday after the first Tuea- day in May nest, between 4he hours of tan and four o’clock, will be sol 1 at the mar- kit house ih the town of St- Marys, 'he fol lowing negroes, vix i Judy and tier s on John, Siam, and Charles, levied on aa the proper ty of James Wiljiamaon, deceased, to utisfy an oaecution on tlie foreclosure of a mnrt gage, in favor of Edward f! Tattnall, adminis trator'f John Hamilton- M. U. HEBBARD, S. C. C. St. Ustya, Fnbrmry 25.1825. ’lire'' 9 ... 87 Sheriff's Sales. O N the fits! Saturday, after the first Tues day in June'next, will be sold at the Market House in the town nf St Marys, (wo negroes, via. Bub and Roae, levied on aa the property at Joseph Rain, to sat'afy an eaecu- non on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of faipuel Clarke, andGecrge 8. Brown, April B, 18JJ- M.U. HEBBARD,N C.C. April 1 13 Georgia— Camden County. Supehior Court, October Term, 1824. Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvester Bryant. \ KN petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating 1 " tlut in consideration of certain prom- sanry notea, made to the said Timothy, by them, one pavable with inte-cst, from first of January, 1821, on the first of Junuary. 1822: <i second payable as aforesai', on the tirsi ol January, 1823; and a th>rd pavable at afore said, on the first of January, 1824. executed a nortgage to said Timothy llopkms, hia hen and assigns, on all those four trac<s of W'd. 91tutted in the county aforesaid, conveyed by the said Timothy, to the said Langley and Selvester, and lying on the aouth side ot Great Satilla lliver, one tract containing sev iiity scvenjacres, more or less; two tracts :onUining fit y acres, more or less, and on* ther tract, containing one hundred and eigh v-eight acres, more or less, conditioned fo- he payment of the three said several notes, •n the dayi above mentioned, and that auid s* veral notes remain unpaid—on motion ot Archibald Clark, attorney for plttintiP 9 it r i dered, that th; said Langley and Selvestei, their heirs or assigns- pay into Coura, withid welvf months from this date. sums due >n said notes, and the interes and coats, oth erwise that tlie equity of redemption be for. ever foreclosed, and that such other proceed inga take’place,it are ourauant to jaw. True extract from the minutes, $7th Octo ber; 1894. JOHN BAICRY, Clerk. nov 4 u 7 $ MOTlcE N INE months after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Judges of the Court jf Ordinary nf Cha.hum county, for leave to sell all the real estate of the late William Craig, deceased, for tbe benefit of the heirs and crea- .tors of said estate. JOHN ll'NISH, Executor, oct 12 71 United States, of which the 3d 4tli, and 5th sections are in tlie words following, viz : •* Sec. 3. And be it fu ther enacted, That a subscription • o the amount of twelve millons of dollars, of the six p r cent. *tock of tlie year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and the same ia hereby proposed ; for whi::h pur pose bookr shall be opened nt ihe Treasury "f the United Stales, and fit th. several loan uffi ces, on the first da;, of April next, to continue open until the first day of October thereafter, for such parts of the above mentioned de scription of stock as shall, on ih.* day of sub scription, stand on the books of the Treasury , and on those of the several loan tftices, re spectively; which aubsciiption shall be effect ed by a tramf r to the United States, in the manner provided by law for such tramf rs, the cred t or cred.ts standing on the said books, and by a surrender of the certificates of the stock so subscribed : Provided, That ail subscription by such transfer of htock ahali be c insideicdas part of the said twelve mil lions of dollars authorised to be borrowed by the first secti* ii of his act. i* Sec. 4. And be»? further enacted\ That for the whole or any part of any sum which shall be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to the respective subscribers, who shall be enti tled to a eertift *»te or certificates purporting that the United States owe to tbe holder or holdera thereof, hia, her 7 or their assigns, a sum to be expressed therein, equal to the amount of the principal stock thus subscribed, bearing an interest mt exceeding four and one half per centum per annum, payable quarterly, from the thirty-fi st day of Decem< ber, one thousand eigh*. Nu.idred and twenty five; transferable in 'lie same manner as i< provided by law for the transfer of the stock subscribed, and subject to ri d.mption at the pleasure of the United States, as fallows i one naif at any tim*» sf er the thirty-first day of December, oi\e thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight: and tbe remainder at any time after the thirty-fi at day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty*nine : Provided, That no reimbursement shall be made except for, the whole amount of such new certificate ; 'not until after at least six months public notice of such intended reim bursement. Andit8hallbe the duty of ihe Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be trans ferred to the respective subscribers the sever al sums by th^m subscribed beyond the amount of the err fioates of four and one haif per cent, stock issu 'd to th-’m respectively. “ Sec. 5. And be if further enacted, That <h? same fundi, which have heretofore been, and now are pledged by law for the payment of »he interest, and for the redemption and reimbursement of the stock which may be re deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like manner f»*r he pavment of the interest accru ing on the stock created by reason of su^h subscrip'ion, and for the redemption or reim bursement of the principal of the same. A< d it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the >inking fund tn cause to be applied and paid, out of the said fund, yearly and eve^y year, such sum and sums as may be annually requir ed to discharge the interest accruing on the stock which may be created by virtue of this act The said commissioners are, also, here by authorised to apply, from time to turn, •uch sum and sums out of the said fund, as ihcv may think proper, toward*) redeeming »y purchase, or by reimbursement, in con formity with the provisions of this act, the i) incipal of the sud stock : and such part ot the annual sum often millions of dollars, vest 'd by law in the ssid commissioners, as may be necessary and required for the above pur- noses, shall be and continue appropriated to he payment of interest and redemption ot the public debt, until the whole of the stock which may be created under the provisions of tins act, shall have been redeemed or reim* bursed." New, therefore# notice is hereby given, that books will be opened at thp Treasury of the United States, and ;.t the several loan cflh ja, on the first day of April next, and continue open until the first da*’ of October, thereaf- er, for receiving iiibscrintioni in conformity with <he provisions of the said law. 'The subscriptions msv be made by the pro prietors t f the stock, ei'her in person or by their attorneys duly authorized to subscribe and transfer it to tfie United States. Should subscriptions of said stock be made to an amount exceeding twelve m llions of dollars, a distribution of the said sum of twelve millions of dollars will be made among 'he subscribers, in proportion to the sums subscri bed by them respectively. SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury* March 26 10 !|tO VALUABLE MEDICINE. TOTTER’A Vegetable Catholicon. rpHK subscribe r res.» etfully solicits the at li tentiun of every friend of suffering hu nsnityt to to the above new and invaluable remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating from the avatem the very seed* of disease, apflln resting tbe deranged and morbid obnditi m of .the organs of fife to a free and healthy exercise of their functions, turn exci ted the s^t^nishment, end completely silen ced the objections of the moat incredulous — Facte are the beet arguments. In order to put the virtues of tne < .aiholicon to as severe a scrutiny aa possible, it was offered by adver tisement. together with the attendance of a physic's*, gratuitously to any persm who would apply for it, and wh-jse cause might seem t* a come within the range of its healing power—{lumbers of severe cases of long ate d- ing, and xime of them seemingly de .p* r *te ones, pr*i ented themselves, all of which have been cured, orso much relieved lj warrant tbe assertion that a little nerseverance will do so. In fact, such is the Jence of the pliysi cian tisder whose ca*e these patients were placed, in this remedy, a co. fide ce reci t ing from thw irresistible conviction that bus been forced upon his mind by ocu ar demon- Htratioa, and a personal trial of it on h'nnselt ♦hat he permits me to declare it as h<s d :ci- dtd opinion, th»t (he Catholicon ia nut only a perfectly safe and innocent, but a most pow eriul and invaluable remedy in certa-n dis eases and states of the system, such aa thef jl owin gt— Debility resulting from intemperance and dissipation; Ol l and inveterat ■* Uicers . PainK in the bon- s attended will! swellings of the join's; Indigestion, Blotches on the face, pimp.e?, &c.; Al complaints of the Liver.; Tetter.* Yaws; Syphilis.* Cutaneous diseases generally ; Mercurial and scrofulous com plaints The Catholicon (which the proprietor sol emnly pledges h i word consists exclusively of vegetable maitc) with the exception of u sight determi i?fmn to the bowels, which d preserves in a soluble state, act) insensibly, is pleasunt to the taste, and requires n - particu ar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuous Ii quors always excepted,) or confinem -nt. A a gentle, safe and agreeable cathartic nud cme, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of the system, it is confidently recommended to iadics in a delicate situs* tion. W. W. FO ITER, 66 Chesnui-sireet. Vjut\c& Dftir Matrasses. T HE subscriber has just received an as sortment of the above articles, war ranted to be of the best quality, fur' sale by /. W. MORREL. octm PhiUitistphia, May 31,1824. At tbe request of Mr. W. W Potter, t have late y exhibited, in several in' tancee, a medi cated airup, called tbi'ler’s Vegetable Gatho ■icon, with tbe must decided advantage, lias, aa' et, never failed eff ecting a cure in every case in which I have thought proper tn employ it. 11. M’MUllTttlE, M D. Phi’ailefihia, July 28th, 1824. Mr. W- W. Putter, Dear Sir—You exprcaied a wish that would give a concise statement nf my sufl'.'r inga. from • the liopcleas commencement tn the present propitious stage nf my Abiiut five years ago, on my passage from Bordeaux, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, 1 was soiled with a violent fever. Having no medical at' tendantson hoard, I was compelled to bear it, as I might for two weeks, when on my ar rival at Gharlestun, S. C. it was treated as I'yphus, The skill of my Physician subdut d the fever, but Pl anix-like, the terminatiun nf this gave ris- to a disease equally distress, ing, and which, till now, 1 had thought incur able. Various abscesses made their unwel come appearance, particularly on the joints, which were swe'lcd to an enormous size.— These graduslly subsided into hard tumors, one of which on my left knee affected the bone—an incision was now mede ami a large evacuation of put, mixed with pieces of hone took plsce. in addition to this, I suffered the most excruciating pains in my j unta that man ever experienced. Every thing that was adininirtered cither gave me no relief or ser vedto aggravate the disease, the severity of whichincr.used with every succeeding year. Such was in v painfui si uutinn that I despaired of ever being restored to my heal h ; I had not oily trie l the icular menu of relief, hut used, though in vain, every popular rem edy 1 could ties oh It was in tins awful and desponduig condition,that I was persuaded tu commence a courae of your Vegetable ftaihi I icon, and the happy result ia, “/ am the uce ef the two b itth s, my wh.le system bus muter gone a complete revo ulion, my peine h .vefo su. ke i me, " tlie discharge from my knee began o diminish, and sou i ceased altogether, the ilcerfrom alienee it proceeded being com iletely healed. The tumors, for the removal nf which I have tried in vain more remedies tiian I can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my appetite, which was gone, lias returned—I un in fact, nearly web, and feel confident that a few bottles more of y ur, (to me) invaluable medicine, will m»ke me poriectly so. Your oblig-d friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. Philadelphia, July r 6, 18 4. My confidence in the Vegetable catholicon is undiminishsd, and aa fresh in-tances of its powers are daily occurring, in my own prao lice. I hive no hesitation ill recommending it in the peculiar diseases to which it is spplica ble, as superior to any remedy I am acquaint ed with. M. M’HURTItiE, M. D. Philadelphia, Muy 28,18 4 Sin—In consrquence of imprudent expos ure four vears ago I had the misfortune to be enmerffl cted with a disease, the painful re sul'snf which induced me to apply in sue cession to several respectable physicians of this city, from whom,, however, I received either no reliel, or from whose remedies I re. ceived another complaint quite as distressing the farmer. My whole system became a'- fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac count of tlie violent pain that I felt in every put of my body; the weakneM and emacia tion cf which was such that I could scarcely walk. In this state I fortunately heard of your vegetable catholicon—four bnttlea of which, baa completely restored me, I have now no pain i my appetite is good i and my strength restored With many thanks for ihe relief your medicine baa given mo, I am your obliged friend, tec. WILLIAM WILSON. Sworn and subscribed to bel'oie me. May 28, 1824 JOHN B1NNS, Alderman. Pluadetphia, May 28,18 n 4. Sir—I am nnw, thanks to your medicine, hearty mai. F >r nearly six yean I have been a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period u my existence. Having had no regular medi cal advice from the commencement, my complaint at laat got to such a height that I eould nut swallow without great pain and difficulty. Tumors formed in different parts of my bedy, and I began |o think my situation almost desperate. The five bottlet of the Catholicon which I have taken have com pletely cured ai^ and 1 am now aa well aa' tould wish to be. With my thanki, I am your ihliged humble vervent, Un GV-ORGE KANE. City of PM'ndc'phia, ss George, of the District of South, vark, penoiially appeared, and, being dul; (worn, doth declare and say that the ihuv .tat ■ m-nt ia in all reapecta correct and true and that the signature to it ia in the hand writing of this deponent Jl)H k ' BIVNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28, 18 24- Tf> SOUTHERN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Catholicon ia peculiarly adapted to thole disetaes which are prevalent among the coloured population of the south In that disease which is csllcd yaws, it ia a sure remedy i a single trial of it, will convince S antera of ita superior efficacy to any rente yof a similar nature in the United Statca- NOTICE. ' The aff vantages of this medicine are# not confining the pa'iem unnecessarily to the house, or keeping him from his business.*-** With one solita* y exception, ’hat of apiritii- out liquors, it does not lay any restrictions upon his appetite It is so gentle in its opera' ioii that tlie p itient finds himself getting well he ctnnot tell how. As it is not the wish of the proprietor to take any thing for which he cannot give t consideration equal in value, persons at h distance who may wish to try ills medicine, but who are not certain if it be applicoblo to their comnlaint, are request d to describe 'heir case and symptoms in letter, piist-paid, and directed to him—this letter wiii be immediately placed in hinds y comp-tent to decide the question.— tiould he remedy not sesm 10 suit the dis case, they will be frankly told si. UAUHN* To prevent d sippoiutm-.nt it is well to tdtc thit it tV'es in orilina'y cases from 3 to 5 bottles to offeJt a cure sothat pe a >ns who are labouring under any ser ous infirmity, muff make up their mind to persevere to that extent at least—if they do nut, they might as well ssve themselves the trouble and expense ff usings smaller qu«ntitv. All o"de • pjtt pnd nnd enclosing the mmey, immediately attended to, and viie medicine packed and delivered with directions for use, to any place in the city, and forwarded as di* rented N. B To prevent the possibility of al! im* *sition. it v iff bt sold in the city of Philadel* phiz, st the office in Fifth near Rsct-Ptr. et, oral the dwelling of the propri tor, No. 66 Uhesnut street, only, an l abroad by his au thorised agents W W POTTER, 66 Chesnut Street, Philaddpfiia' I have appointed GEORGE RYFj (SON Druggist, of Savannah, m/ sole agent. Drug gists wti'.lmg the above valuable medicine, will b; supplied by him for cash, at thi: same rate, ai if ordered direct from me—viz. pei d sen, or three dollars a single boule. W. W. POTTER* Philadelphia. Any pe'son on application to the subsc.ihe will be furnished with certificates of the a ffi cncy. of the r:b-)ve medicine, sufficient to run* voice the mind of the most sceptical, although too numerous :»n:l ting'lty for newspaper'fr sertion. GEO. UYF.KSON, Druggist, Corner of Bay and Whittaker-Streets, dec 13 SCOTT’S BIBLE STFSXOTTM KDITIOX, ^ By SA HUKL T. AH HSTRW a v. romhW, H.s’on foe p.Mshn. Snare , FA HILT BIBLE , gmnl ftefe'cnc s to be tonp ,„j VOLUMEY OCTAVO „ , bethshed with a likmcni of the Author- ^ ** T ERJI8. I T be P ri 2'« d . ®" Rr°°d p.n„ „. be comprised in six han llume vr),V,l ,, will contain the Senjitu'ea of t'ie qvi , Mew Teetaments, t'ie Introductory 0/,,, re,,- Explanatory holes, an 1 Pructic ,1 ana alt the copioua Mar.jinn. Refir„ ca inir printed word lor wor i fr., m ,|, e , 01 ,r' Stereotype Edition, published aine e tha a/ i hor’s decease The price will be st’o, ■ board* i *24,inihcepi *20, in calf bind, *8^ "° rk WiU be 'e-dyfordelivcryb, Ex rads of Lette-e addrttscdto the Pub’li'. n , I eatcein Dr Short'. F-m'ly Uihl», em:n „ u ,, calculated to prom ite t'ie caat - of truth piety. It aeems scarcely possible f„ r one " read daily the Noteiand Obanrvs'bniintk. Family Bible without becomi-ig a ,22 better miin. El) WARD D G'l'Kf'is™ I have aeen no e-mm rotary of tnV b»‘ rt ',a Scriptures which 1 think so well adapt., general use and edification. It j, , trenmre which ever; famaly ought lo possesa. It is • work distinguished for ihe almnlici- ty and convenience ol its otringcme'it tlie clearness s.U fi lelity of im expoihions the neatness and perspicuity of si- style, the oe. nevol, lice and candour of its spirit, the on. ciseness and pertinency of its applicAtiona! and for its uniform tendency to pro note geltcal truth 'wd piety. . ABIBLHOLRES. Of Dr. Scott’s Family tlibie, I feel fr, ell , say. that in my estimation it deservedly a nong our ablea* and heat Comm n'o i- ( ' THOM VS BALDFiji Dt. Scoll’a Family B ole ii.teiiderl imrels. pecially for t' e use of Christian Irmilies j,, work high‘y ev- ngclinsl, extensive:)' tnalvue- live, and deeply ietererring Daniel c. svNnF.ts. IN EQUITY. Between tV. Davies. Administrator, Complain ant, aud John Caniochun Administrator, de buds no . with the wt l annexed of Georre Richardson and others, D-jemlunts In equity, Chatham Superior Court— Chanceiy, 4'0th August, 1824. 1 1' appearing that John Murray Carnochttn, one of the defendants in the said bill of nmplaint nnmed, resides wiifoout the stale of Gcn.gia, in that part of the United Kingdom: o. Great Britain anu Ireland, called Sr.utland It is ordered that the suid John Murray Car- nochan, do appear and answer to the com plainant's Siid bill, within nine months from the date of this «»rdi*r, otherwise that the Siid bill; as to him, betaken pro confess*).* :*nd it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be publish'd once a week, in one of •he publ'C G>ze<tes of this sta’e, until the e* 1 piratiun of the time within wiiichthe snidde iVndant is required to appear and answer as aforesaid. fiue conv from the Minutes, this *■*• day August, 1824. A. B,FANNIN, Cierk. august 24 Georgia—Camden County. TOALL TO WHO VI IT MAY CONCERN W HEREAS Sarah Brown. Junior, widou, applies to he Court of Ordinary of aid ffounty, for Letters of Administration on the estate of John Brown, lat»' of said county, de ceased, »r next of km: These are, therefore, to effe and ai'monith, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to fiie their objections, if any they have, in ro\ of fice, on or before the firat Moi.d .y in June next,'<therwise Letters will be granted the ap plicant. Witn'.S* the Honorable Briliai R Bunk ley, one of the Jauiccs of baid Court, thu- sixteenth day of April, eighteen hundred a d twenty five. (L S. JOHN BAILFaY, C. C. O C. C. April 21 24 Georgia -Camden County, HY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR SAID COUN'Y. W HEREAS ‘ohn C.ievffier, has applied lo said Court, f -r Letters Dismissorv n the estates of Samuel Cozens ami Evan E. Muck, decessed. These are, therefore, to aite and admonish, all and sii g «Ur, tho kin dred and credit ora ol the said d ceased per* sons, to file their ohj clions, if any they IikV'-, in my office, on or before the first Monday in January next, or Letters will be giant.d the applicant. Witness the Honorable J *mes Scot’, one of the Justices « f said Court, this six* day of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-6 <*«. [L. S ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. t. C. Anri*! 24 Georgia—Camden County. BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR SAID POUNTY VWHERKAS Lewis Bachlotl, applies (o the V. Coutt of Ordinary of said Count; i tea Letters Ditmiasory- on the eatate of Fr.nces R iaolupe : These are, Ihareihre, to cite and ailmoniih, all and aingular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to fi'e their ol-jec tiona, if any they have, in my offiae, on or be' fore the fi at Monday in January next, other wise Le'ters Distmasory will be grained the applicant- Witneia the Honorahle Samuel Clarke, one of the Juaticea of said Court, thia sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun dred and twenty -live. [L. S ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C C April 21 24 The character of Dr. S.iotl’a Cummeiiii,, ■ro Ahe Bible, in to general]; kuotvn, im| ^ :ughlv approved amoii?st the mm intei'ipnt aid [lioua Christiana throughout our com,try, and has passed rapidly through su many ini-, edit ions, that 1 deem further 'ions needless- , J VOllSE I am acquainted with no Cwn-enisrj ih- Sacred Sc ipturea, whi-h I would mare cord ally recoinmtiru for general use. The plan of the work ii good JOSHUA B4TR3, Perhaps in no way, can ministe rs, Ii-stiuclnra of youth, and private Christiana, do grftin aerv'ee to society, than by exertrog them. selves to dissi minne (hit t-uiv inveiuble work. JOBHUA HUNTINGTOA. I know of no Oommenta y which is brt'tr calculated Tor difiusrog correct views of Ilia great Irntha of Christianity, aid le ivmg salu- lai-v impreasiona on the mind when rulr-g trnm the per uaal of it, than the one you rue about lo publish. „ , D ANIEL SHARPS, No writer .reins less disposed to contend for barren apeculati ns None mote uniform, ly or more powtrfully inruleatesthe great el- sentials ol religion Tire spirit Winch pec vadei the work is excell ri- ( it is the me. k, affectionsre, healing, yet faithful spirit of the gospel. DANIEL DANA. From particular exsminati -n, and concur, ring ti-'Mimony, there* is no d>»ubt on my nW that 8cott's Family Bible is superior to ill others JOSEPH EMERSON. You will plesae to se* d me six copieR of 3cott's Bible ,* I refer to your lately proposed edition Perhaps I shall induce five more tc take the stm* number. II-1„ It is with extreme ;4« .sure I perceive you are about to public, a new edition 4 Snell's Bible. Having been in ptsstiaiun of it moi-e than 20 years, 1 trus’ 1 know some* thing of ita value, and am detci mined to pro mute its circulation among my friends You will please forward ait copies us soon na pub* uahe-L C.U 1 have obtainnd four saubicrihers tV toe exct-ilent work you arc puiMiKiiing M. S.' I prupuse to take seven sets of OcoU'd Hi hie, aud will be accountabie fur the asune. J. 0, I have obtained aubscribera for nine copiff of Scott'9 Family Bible. J. fi. I shall probably need eight or ten s u / Scott's Family Bible. J. !’ • Rev. S. S. of P. has o' tained ten sub‘CT bers. E. II. have observed that you are about pu?. inhing another edition uf Scott's U-bic hope you may succeed as you li ve done io former edition*. 1 have been endeavoring to orocure subscriber? amoi g our propie, m;J enor more subicribe.s will be obimr.ed. 0. S..H, I will take ten sets (of Scott’s Bible) bound a'd leltercH. J f- 1 have obtained ten subscribers for your edition of the Family llible—und have n» d. ubt but there might he s-rmethi' g like 18^ copies sold in this place if you had an igtw here—I thought the work ou^ht to bt? en couraged and for hat reason to >k a subsenb** lion paper. It is a work that every f tmly should have that ia able to purchase. J. Fa a’C I am glad, that y r u propose to print Uf' Scotl'a excellent Family Commentary, should be very glad if it were in my power to give a more liberal patronage to the worh than, as circumstances are, I can. I^slli however, be able to do something ; eight cf ten sets I shall certainly lake; and it miy be, double that number. A. 8* I have procured fifteen subscribe 10 Scott's Bible. J A. D. 1 think I shall dispose of 20 sets or morew ihe Family Bible. KB | I have circulated proposals for S^ottv B ble / how many have been engaged in all* cannot tell ,* but between 20 and JO sets n .h a vicinity. J* ?• 1 have concluded to become response® to you for thirty sets of Scott's Commentary. C. B. I have procured 106 subscribers to the Bible; 6 seta to be bound in culf / 3 «eW 'J be done in boards the other 97 boui° and lettered aa described in the prmpw’jj* 1 presume I could procure 500 hers for your edition of Scott's Bible * demand is inercaaing for them. Th *y finally supersede every other large or Fa* 1 / Bible. Fifty of my aubscribera live w' ,D ‘ n circle of 8 miles! ‘ just published an edition of the six* \ completed in six volumes, without references ; price in boards *18; w> ® P *21; in calf *2f.* Either of these ediWJ m«y be had of the publisher in Boston; ox S. C. k J. SCHENCK, SavonnaA. Js 1 11 HAY. K BUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing OVf from Brig Pheasant, for sale hy April 19 C. C. GRISWOLD, Marking Brnskefi, I O P a superior for sale by nov 20 ,just receive GfeaRYKKSON : d ad