Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 30, 1825, Image 1

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S' ,VeY< Aerkea—Y oV Ylt- SAVANNAH, SATURDAY MdllNING, APRIL 80, £825. S EDITED AND PUBLISHED |S Till CITY OP SAVANNAH, lY G § \V. UOBEUTSON, AT Hour 1IOI.LAH# PKH ANNUM, VAVAllbK IN AltVANCl* I FOB THE COUNTRY, ., puhfuhed to meet the arrangement ot e 'mil, three times a week, (Tuesday, tuirsdny and Saturday) al the Office uf In nily Georgian, and contains al' the irnelli- Commercial, Political and sfis lellan* jut, ,’ncluding advertisements. pub ithed in e Daily Paper. HI,* Country Paper n seitto all parts til ; st»te and Union, or delivered in the city, live dollars per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements are inserted in both pa or* 7f cents per stpinre, of Ulines, for c fits, ■triion, and 3'/* fot every succeeding pub- wtion. Ornmirnicalionii by M at, must be Putt paid Sutc-s nl lanU uy 4(lmMi«iru. •8, Wteculors or guardimi, *rf* required, to be held on tin* firs Tuesday »n the •ctween the hours of ten in It ■ fort* ' vl thru'' in the Afternoon, #t tlm Court ot • of the county in which the property •« lti i e . —Notice« f tin w» .sales mut*t b*: given s public gazette iixly days pieviuua to th • of sale. Sotiee of the sale of person*! property mus; give in like manner, forty day* preview the »ay »f n*!e. ifulict to tli.: debtors sml crriln.ors of an •ile must be Inr Forty days, sot'ce that application will be made to th art of Ordinary fi.r te-ve to sell land, muv published Nine Month Ql£Mi & KlWil'p OFFER FOR S ALE, rt r\ HOGSHEADS prime aud second ©'■S/ quality St. Croix Sugar. 50 barrels do do do sugar 70 bags prime green coflee 30 urates blue and green edged plates 10 tons iron, assorted 5 pipes e.ognac brandy 5 do Holland gin 0 hogsheads Januiiea mm hull’ pipes, quarter casks, and half quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 eoilB lmle rope .200 grind stones 2000 bushels .Maryland corn 000 do Long Island white, equal to Georgia Hint corn nnv 23 i-REsii garden seed s AND SuWiiraa Ylowtt Hoots* J UST rece ved by the ruhici iber, and w»-. ranted of the lent season’s gr->wth, 2 bevn. G.rdenOeedt. pit* itchy A. M’tAntein A To. I’MIliJeJphis, (xprrsaly for this market, and detaining the f,..lowing asiorlinents, via. T HE subscriber intending to close bis business in this city, otters his stock at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, Wardrobes, french Press es, Bureuus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, l’illar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen's Writing Ta bles and Book Casus, Inclosed Busin Stands, Wash Stands, Caudle Stands, Work Stands. Maltogauy Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do.' Staple Field do. Wire Safes, Cntts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs, die. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta- kcr-Street and Bay Lane. J. II. O. nlsiwoqucsts that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. II. OLDER SHAW. Jan 25 511| Notice. TINE months attur ditto application will % be made to the Honorable the J us ed of the Inferior Court of Chatham unty, for leave to sell a tract of land, own a9 number eight, Oth District, Pike* rraerly Munroe) County, for the benefit the heirs uiul creditors of the estate of N. S. Bayard. N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Bayard. Jan 5 34nl Adininistiv.ti.p’ri N o'ice. T N •' )'.(*:• i HS*Voin ih^dute. wes.iitll up ^ ply to thr Honorable *he Inferior tiou; h’ltlum countVi when for nHin*:.- poses, to ceil tlie reuj esint'-j of SVilUan lyauw. C. II. HAYDEN, P. MAYIIF.W, Administrator's, awrn't 12 4S Notice. PERSONS having demands against the estate of Thomas Johnston, will please sent them, properly attested, at the uiiting-Uooui of R. & J* liuhersiiuin. HAMUTAL JOHNSTON, ecutrix of the estate of Thomas Johnston, dec 18 21 fl. iiO.ICli- I AE subscriber being ihn it to Recline bn siness i:i • >*•» place, req »t r. era-ms ha* deim’ils hg-iiisi them, in present tlierr pay meat A B. FANNIN 8c ^O. Pc 5 fi Q +. . Drumhead Cabbage' 2 Long Bed Beet 3 Loop Orar.gc Carrot 4. Parsley 5. Leek 6. Onion 7. Salmon Radish Early Du ple do. 9. U '\vvt Waved 10. E ii ly Turnip! 11. Late do 2 Sa-safy 3 As.avsgui 14. Karl; curled Let tuce 15 Royal Cabbage do Ifi. v^trneg Melon 17, Spinich 18. Summer **vfty 19 Sweet Bufcil 70 Riga H. Ns-lurtuun 22. Celery ’3 Early Peas '4.Lute do 25 Earlv b'litchbean- 26 Red French do A L S O. °0 Packages contsi vrg the following Bui ' *vis Blower Roots, v'z. \ D»ub e Hyacinths I 4.^rvicant'ge'flowc! FneTulipa I 5 Double Tuberose 3 Narcissus |6 S’.nr of Bethlehem For «H ! eby P. M'DERUO IT V :(* By the President of the Unitul States, I N pursuance of law, I, James Monroe, Pre.* . itlcnt of the 7 T ni‘ed Staten, do hereby de ‘are and mat? known, that a public sale wii e held ut the Lsn 1 Olfise at I'allahasse, Floridn, on the third lao.nlay of Mav n?it, f> ihe di^r-ofiMl of the following lands, vi* t—- Township 1, south of Range 1, west of the Meridian line. 1 and 2 nortu of Range 1, do dr fractional D - do do do do Township 1, south 1. 2, 3, 4, & 5, east. 1 & 2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5* Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, & 5. 'I ll’s aile tv II commence with the lower umber of aec'ion, township, and range, ai •roceed in regular numerical order. Tl i nds reserved by law for the use of schaoK -r other purposes, will be exclucli d from th •.ale G ven under my hand, at the City of 'Vad.- ingtpn, this 26th dnv of .1 intiarv, 18.5. JAMES MONROE. By the President* WO t'RAIIAM, Commissioner of the General Land OIRce. (Tj* Printers of th^ Luwg of the United .‘» , a»i.'i l in the Territory-of Florida, »ud in f .h Rates of 4l<*b .nia, Louisiana, Teness' e, Mi * I’^sippi, Georgia, and 8otith*Cnrohna, are an ho-iz d to pub ish the fo;e.;ning Proclamv* ,rtn once a week omit thr div of sale r-«> 7 fif O^oaiietVve AcaAewyj Al^.KEU, R ESPECTFULLY inform, her friemlh anil the public, that her scnooi. is now oi">:n, opposite the Chatham Acailemy, for the reouptioV or PCI'II.S. Assisted by her daughter Miss E.' A. Hauuisun, she oilers her services in teaching the following useful anil ornamental blanches of educa tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi the pnlronage hitherto extended, she hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and her increased exertions to further the pro gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur tlier extension of public favor. The course of tuition, and the terms on which scholars arc received, are— 1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and Marking, per quarter, : J1 00 2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar, Geography and Arithme tic, 8 00 The French or Spanish Languages, including elegant embroidery, on lace or muslin, to any pattern, per quarter, :::::: 10 00 Painting oj®/civet, per quarter,; : 8 00 ID* Tlie most careful attention will be paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and morals of those entrusted to her charge, nov 2 85 Consumptions, Roughs, fijc BUTLER’S Cognac 11 randy. PIPES “Hi'ignottn’K Brand," just rc coivud per Loui>a Matilda, for sub* by J. II. HERBERT & CO. IN 8 rollK, 50 Tiorros iiow Hire 10 Pipes Holland Gin 10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum 50 Barrels Flour 30 Barrels Hams 75 Barrels Gin 50 Crates Crockery „ 20 Kegs Butter 50 Barrels Macknrcl, No- 3 20 Cnses Port Wine 10 Casks Oil Jan 12 Goshen Butter, Lard £;c. JUST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and • other late arrivals 12 firkins GobIioii Butter, 1st quality 23 kegs leaf Lard - 8 bbis Butter Crackers 9 20 half and quarter bblsBuclt Wheat and Ryu Flour TO bbls Pilot Bread, for family use For sale by A. BASSETT No. 1. Mongol's Now Buildings fob 12 67 “ hare Moulds, Pork, Gin, 6:c 1 C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan- • ding from ship Corsair 4 tona Share Moulda In .Store, »6 barrels Northern Gin 10 do Mess Pork, New-York city inspection 1 ton Steel 100 kegs White Load 22 kegs Black Paint 8 do Verdigris 5 do Spanish Brown 10 barrels Whiting feb Ji 67 be ' rs ’ Axes. L and fo'JLf e' 8 lbove Axea > 'cceived o«27 ' * *•"'*£*>- Damascus Steal Razors, tfUST roccivnd. n suj»|dy ofllic above ar- lirlc, which will be warranted good.— For sale by N. B. WEED, nov 24 NEW LAUD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. ltF.CF.IVKT) PF.n nitlfi GKOlir.F, WASHINGTON. 1 lAitlA.EEGS New Leaf Laid lVO 160 Hums 3 Barrels Castor Oil 6 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Mess Pork For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jnn 14 " is rude’s Company’ 1 hoes. CASKS Brade’s Patent Hoes, for sale by dei‘ Mi N.B. WEED. Georgia— Canulcn Count tj, O N the Aral Tueidny in March next, I will sell at J* fferbon, in said connty, a negro nun, named Daniel, the property of the es* ute of Mic j ib Creivs, de eased, pursuant to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary. MAbY CREWS, Executrix- JnU 41 Administrator’s Notice. VPNB MONTHS .fter date, l shall ipply i.1 to the H-.norable the Infeiior Court oi ■Jnailiam county, (when titling for ordinary purpnKi) for leave to sell the real estate ot Isaac H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cred. tors. C. H. HAYDEN, Administrator august 12 4j. Bunch Muscatel Raisins. J UST received per ship Win. Penn, di rect from Gibrnltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD, F"b :t Aoriniiv's Wharf. Fresh Teas, Hums, Flour, c c. QA CHESTS Hyson Teas AV 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco I Illid Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv ed per Laura Jane, far sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Feb 5 F \I. * tales V.ank .Votes, lOR SALE at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jaa 20 F or the cure « f Colds, Cougt-s, Consump' lion«, Spitin g of Bloody Aaibmu*,and i-iacuaea oftheb'east and lungs. There is peibups nu medical obflei vatioi better t stab is’-.-d, none* mor-e -erally con firmed by the oxperienoeof the best phy*ici naaof all aifes and cuuntti a. and none o; • ore importance to the human family, than ’lie fuel ilint many of the most difficult and in curable (onsumption# originate in neglect-c colds.. In Mcliit.aie so vanHoleasours, where, the changes of the weather are frequently sudden an I unexpected, it requires more cart .ltd attention to guaid ugainat this dangerou enemy of life, than most people imagine or are ub!c and willing to bestow. The billa o» mortality bit the melancholy fact that tin '••ropoition .4' deal ha by tins disease rnuy b» r oiididered as nbout five to one. I* asmut !• tlicn «s this fatal disease frequently bi .s defi ance to the skill of the most learned pli;sci ans, it ia a gratification to the proprietor that he ts enabled fo otter to those affiicted with a good y prospect of reiief, in that |;ighl> valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sfnci- Jic. The Indiana ore happy in their know* ledge of m- dical plan's; g-iveroed wholly b> xpenence, they are certain as to their effW, ind it io oiid by an author of great character, that a true consumption is a disease never known among them. '1 his Specific is obtained by extraction from herbs, rootf, flowers, pLnt *, &c. when in per- 'Vustion. In consequence of a happy coml.inu. lion of the most valuable herbs, &c. it become# j balsam oi* .1 superior value. It heals the »n» ju ed parts, opens :hs po»es, and compose: the dialui bed nerve#, after the manner of an modyne; consequently the obstruction ol the cites’ and the mngs which constitute th<» disease, particularly need its use. It promote* expectoration, which is constantly culled for, and whilst it eleansi-a a* d lieals, it also giveF s rength to the tender lungs In thta manner it removes the hectic fever, improves diges tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the appetite and improve# tbeapirits. This sped fio mav always be given in safety it is m-lii. pleasant to the taste, and tnay-sufely be given =o infants, for which it is of inestimable value. It affords relief in bowel complaints, fettling, whooping coughs, £fc. and i» found particu larly useful in bypochondrl .cal, nervous anu htstericil diseases. K^ch bill ol direction contains a detailed account of this disease in all its' different stages, and Will b 3 accompa ied with the signature of the proprietor in Bed Ink, It is offered for tale by GKO. KV* Klf OV, only (my sole agent) Diuggiit, cor ter Bay and Whittaker-atreeta, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. Wli BI/ILKB. dec 30 30 N 1 Notice. INE MONTHS after date« application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court hathatn county, for leave to «eH the real nd personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the netrs md creditor!of § id er.ate, WORTHINGTON GALE, Executor. March 10 fc 89fa JUST RECEIVED, By the brig Pheuant, /hm Philadelphia, && Rye WUkfy ‘°° bbb * Phil * dt, P hi * li-J Dutch Defrijohvi 10 kegi Salt- efre SO whole ar.d (00 bhla. fresh Flour ALSO, IN STORE, COOO hushei. Liverpoolynui S khi’.,. & 20 bhla. prime St. Cruix Sugar 3 j>ipe. and 85 demijohn, heat Holland 5 pipe, and 30 demijohn, beat Cognac Brandy to hlnl,. and 15 bbl*. lupermr Northern Hum 75 bbl. Northerii Gin i-i bog* G e. n (3 ffo • 5 ea<fc. superior old Li.' on W'ne 35 bbl. Lump Hi d 72 fibl,. I nuf Sugar 5 bo.ea white and 7 do brown Havana Sugar 25 bag. b].t k Pepper 5 pipe, Im lalion Gin 2 bale. Ragging Twin# 25 qr bnxt.s Uyiun l'e. 5U eirna Wrapping Pipel 15 bo. a Pipe, 5 esa -a Wool H»tl 10 bub-, bet 0, '» 'Urge 5 bale. unble»c> t d Homeipun 4 cue. colon d ditto 50 keg. Dupont’. Gun Powder 1000 buabeli Table Sa.t 25 keg, manufactured Tobacco 25 ton. oHorti d ((’arron) Coaling. 5 large Smith Bellow, 53 keg. anoitrd Cut Nail. 100 big. assort, d Shot—alto an .assortment of ( edar Ware, Market and Clothe. Basket. All of which w'll be anlil Ipw for cash, or good tow n acceptances. P M’DBBMOTT march t4 9 Cider, Porter, iVine, e e. ,, e* BOXES fir.-it quality Cider U J 5 Casus do do London Porter 30 Boxes Claret Wine to do Madeira do 120 Boxes Bunch Raisins 10 Burrels Soft Shell Almonds For sale wholesale and retail by BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN &. WOOD, Anciaux’s Wharf. Feb 18 Castings. TONS carron castings, just rcceiv- ed from Greenock, via. Cliarleston, con isting of the following assortment, viz : 2800 pots from i to 30 gallons 200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches 50 set flat metal Weights, from 1 oz. to 4 lbs. 120 London skillets, from 1 to C quarts 13tl0 camp ovens, from 9 to 18 inches 130 untiimcd tea kettles, from one to 5 quarts For sale by P. M’DERMOTT. Jnn 8 Camden Superior Court. Hcnh v Hnronu, J Vetdict MardlTem Thom as Kino. $ 1U0U - O N motion of the Attorney of the Pluin- titf, in the above case, it is ordered that the defendant do shew cause, on or be fore the* first day of the next term, why a final judgment should not be entered in tlie above case, as of March Term, 1808 ; and that publication be made of litis rule, once a month, for four mouths, in one of the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy be served on the defendant, sixty days be fore the next term. Extract from the Minute*, JOHN BAILEY, Clerk, dec 23 2Mu InfuEvn&U.m W auted \ I F GiOoG? UILr.HR, otherwise DAN IPX OLAND MILLKR, who in the u l 1815, urrtvcd in Savunnvh, in the Abetdeen transport, belonging to Metrora. Dowson Sc Sons, of London, i# living, and will apply to iiis friends in England, he wdl hear ol something much to his advantage, He 1ef< the Aberdeen while sh,e lay ul Savannah, an A has not been heard of by his f lends vine* that period. He had been many years a smt' !o% and whjle on board the above vewel, whs employed hs a carpenter. If he left Si-* vannah kt that time, it ia probable that hv efitt^red gome vessel going to the Brazil Is. Liu's, as in hi# Lst letter, he staled llutt it ( ^r - h.# intention to do so. Should he have (lit d at any place where a 'egistcr or certifi ente of hi# burial cm. be obtained, it would be i lian'-ful y received and all expend attending it, paid by • ISAAC W. MORRELL, SavHnuuh, or W.W-&T.L. CHESTER, New-York. •pd'0 57 Admiiiistiator’s :iaie. O N the fi at .i turc ay af c. ilie fra: Tues iky in May between the hours of ton and four o'clock, will be told at the mar ket-hviifle in ti e town of St. Marys, pursuant to an order of the Honorable (be Court of Or dinary for the county of Camden, a negro wo man iimed Jenny, belonging to the estate of Dav d G. Jones, decei*#- d, for the benefit of ‘.he creditors of said estate. fOHN HARDEE Adm'r. WLrrh 9fi P. M’DERMOT'P, ■■NFORMS his friends and the public gen- «- erally, that he has received by recent ••rivals, a large and extensive assortment or Groceries t Hardware and Dry Goods, which wRl be disposed of wholesale and re tail, on the moat reasonable terms. T/u inflowing articles comprise a part of his present stock, viz.— 10 Hogalieuia prime St/Groix °ugsr 10 notes White and \ „ . 0 Bme. Brown S Hsvsns aa 60 Barrels Loaf and Lump d, 50 Bags Havana Green Coffee 6 Pipes wperior 4lh rroot Brandy f. PipM J. n..i!u-.j <i-M— 5 Pines Imitation Brandy, 4th proof 5 D) do Gin 2 Pipe# very tuperior o!d Peach Brandy 5? Puncheons do do Irish Whiske;. 50 Hogsheads and > Philadelphia Hi i 100 Barrels J Whiskey 100 Barrels Northern Gin 2 Pipes superi ir old Madeira Wine 5 Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do 10 Quarter Casks Teneriffe do Very superior old Madeira Wine anc Cognac Brandy in demijohns 150 Whole and? Barrels superfine fresh 100 Half J FI ur 100 Han ela No* 3, New Mackarel 50 Barrels No. 2, do do 1*500 Baskets Table Salt 20 Casks Goshen Cheese 20 Barrels Copperas 200 Ream# Wrapping Paper 50 Bags Black Pepper 10 B-ixea Chocoiate 20 ■ Five Gallon Oeiuijohna 5 Barrels Glue 100 Kegs HE niid HF Dupont's Gunpowdei 5 Pound Caniate 1 a of superior do 100 Pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging 2 Bales Bagging Twine 10 Whole and 7 Boxes S. Wbittiroore’t 6 Half { genuine Cards 10 Boxes Wool Hats 5 Boxes Straw Boonets 10 Coils Bale Rope 5' Dozen Bed Cords 50 Do Plough Lines 100 Pounds Sash Cords 6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle Blankets 10 Cues colored and bleached and uih blenched Homespuns 70 Gross Iron Table Spoons 15 Do do Tct do ^0 DoTeutania Table do Plated Table and Tea do Copper,Cast, Wrought and Compos tion 'Tea Kettles of all sizes BrasL Kv*ttles for making preserves 20 Sets if Dish Covers SO Tons Shear Moulds 1 D j Sad Iiw>ns 1 Do Bar Lead 1 D a Sheet Iron 100 Ciuiko assorted Cut Nails Mil), Gross Out and Whip 8aw, made expressly for this market 20 D jsen Handsaws, Woodaaws and Ten nant Saws Blacksmith Sledges and Handhammer# Anvils., from 1 to 200lbs, real mouse hole Bkcksmith*# Be Hows,from 24 to 3fi Single grid Double Screw Plates Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5 2 Tons Hooks and Hinges Brass Andirons, from £2 50 to £3 B: 0u and Wire Fendeia, with shovels and tongs to match 5 Cask* Uru d’s Patent Hces 100 D:.zen Padlocks Slticlya da to weigh from 200 to SOOlbt 2 Tona of Steel,consisting of Siiear,Lng fish, BlitkC’ ed and Cast Stoves wiih Fip • 1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted Fancy Curtain Pius 5 RagrTrace Chains 2 Dozen Currying Knives 20f> Dnz::n Curry Combs 6 Sets White handle Knives and Fork#, consisting of 50 p eces each 10 Seta Britannia Teapots, Sngar a tul Cream do 6 Dozen Patent Shot Belts • Dozer. Game Bags 2 Dvjz. n Powder Horns and Flasks 1 t.i-ac double and single barrel Guns 10 D *zen Wire and 20 doz. Hair Sifters ' 2 Dczen Fancy Hall Mata aud 50 seta Table Mata ALSO, A general assortment of Carpenter's Planes, Brushes, and Fancy Bellows, with many other irt'cles in the above line,too tedious to enu^ •nerate. EXPECTED D^ILY, 20 Tons of C'urron Castings, which will ht •oh- low from the wharf Rills on New-York, JTOR SALE by Feb 24 C. C. GRISWOLD. N otice. 4 1.1, person, bavin, demand, .giinst thr estate uf the Lte John Walter ly. (plant, er) dec. ire requeued to render them, prop erly attested, immediately i aud all person, indebted, to mtke immediate pavmrnt to ROBERT HOY, Executor. Fi*h 74 7J Notice. N ine MONTHS .her date of (hi. notice, spplic.tion will be made to the Honora. bin the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun ty, lor permiaiion to Mil .11 the »<l eitste of John W'kerlv, dee. for the benefit of the heir, aud creditor, of mid deee»Md- ROBERT HOY, Executor. w>84 «r rjOR SALE by If Fnb 23 Whiskey, T. S. LUTHER. Paeon and Lard. BOXES BACON 50 firkins Lard—Landing from <chr. Burracoa, from Bultimore. For sale by ‘ HALL & HOYT, *' March 8 87 40 Gin and Butter. Received per ship Corsair, <#»ft BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas j# ” Hall, 34 Kegs Butter Forsnle by J* B. HERBERT A CO. ih 26 Marc Butter and Hams, R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkins firnt quality. Goshen Butter 5 Barrels Burlington Hams aor nnlo by A. B^SETT. March 31 Door Mats. J UST received by the William Wallace three dozen beet quality India Door Mats, for sale by I. \V. MORRELL. March 15 »3 In thii Scheme with eight drawn ballots there will be 5fiprisfiwitb three numbers on thrni, 1455 with twu numbers on them aufi 10,688, with one number on them. Thun t 'ckets having none of the dravn ballot, on To deteim'ne the Tate of all the ticket, to the .hove lottery 60 numbe,., from one to mxty inclunivt, will Kvewlly be placed in ■ wheel on the a.y of drawing, and eight of them will be drawn, and that ticket haring on it M • combination, the let, 2d .nd third num ber, drawn, will be entitled to RJUG00. That having on it the 6tb, 7th and 8‘b, will be entitled to g O.000, That having on it the *tl>, Jib ai a oui, w.a be entitled to gib 000. Time-, having t o them the 3d, 4:h and 5th and 3d, 7th and8th. etch £5,000 Tint having on it tlie 2d, 3d aqd 4th will be entitled to 4,720. ^ Thoie 20 having on them the -lh,6th and 7th 4th,6ih and 8th lh,7th and 8th nth 6th and 7th 5lh,6th .ml 8lh 5th,7lh anc 8th each £1000. Xo. 132. anwaiDEi CANAL LOTTERY 16tu Class—New Sxmu. W ILL bs drawn on the- nth 0 f M.v •825, and finished in a few minuter sixty Numbers—Eight Ballot, to be Drawn- Scheme. J Prize of 50,000 Dulluz U £50 000. 20,000- >0000. 10,000 4720 2O.0UL 5 .00. -.800, 24 960 106,080 30.000 10.000 5,000 4 720 MV 100 50 20 10 34,3' £8, £273,76(1 2d, 5th and 8th 3d, 5th and 6tb 2d, 6th and 7th "d, 6thand8ih 2.1,7th .nd 8t'i 3d.4tli .nd 6tn 3d, 4thand7tii 3J, 4th and 8th 3d, 5>hand7th 3d, 5th aud 8th 3d, 6th and 7th 3d, 6thiOL8th 4iii,5thand 7th 4th,5thaud8th _ All other., (being 30 ticket.) having threw of the drawn number, on them will each ba entitled to £500. T lie 52 tickets having on them two of the drawn numbera and thoae two, the 3d ani 4t't, will each be entitled to £K>0. The 156 tickete having on them the 4th .nd 5th or 4th and 6t >, or 4th and 7th draw* .umbera only, will each be entitled to £50. All oihera (being l248tieketa) having two o( the drawn numbera on thtaa will each be e-ititled to £20. And thoae haring on them. any me of the tl-awn numbera, (be'ng 10,608 ticketa, or 1316 fur each drawn number,) will each be enti. tied to £ 10. No ticket which ahall have drawn a prig* of a superior denomination can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizea payable thirty day* after tlie drawing, and aubject, aa ulus], to a deduction of 15 per cent- A eoniideruble portion efthia lottery la put up in parcela of 20 tickets, embracing all the combination numbera, from one to aiaty, -hich parcels are warranted to draw at lea at £ l ’0. It sathc deduction of 15 per cent, with ao many chuuci-i- fit the capital ptixea. J. B. YATES, ) M ‘ A. M’INTYRE, ( Mlu, “8 er % Fhiladdptu., Match 9, >825. TICKETS AT PRESENT ;;»$£. Orders received and forwarded at the ebow price at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE♦ March 31 J. feHiNN’s Panacea. T HE subaertber having discovered th• com position of SWAIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, haa now a aupply on hand for sale i he has reduced theprice from £3 50. to £2 50, or by the doaen £24. All charitable institutions in the U. State! and the poor will be supplied gratis. If the citiaens of the principal cities and towns, will appoint an agent to-order aud distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be supplied. T his medicine ia celebrated for the cure of the following diseasesscrofula or king’s evil, ulcerated or putrid sore throat, long standing rheumatic affections, rutaneoita di%n n««es, white swelling and .disease of the boned, md all cases generally of the ulcerous charac ter, and chronic diseases, generally ariaing'in debilitated constitutions, but more especially from syphilis or affections arising therefrom » ulcers in the larynx, nodes, Uc. an dihat dreadful disease occasioned by a long and <■ reel live use of mercury, Oc- It ia alio use ful in the disease of the liver-” Certificates. , I have within the last two years had an op. portunily ot seeing aerci al cases orrery inte rn rate ulcers, which having prevlhuily resist* ed the regular modes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Swrim't Panacea, and I do believe, from what I have Men, that it will prove an important remedy in Kill- fulous, venereal and mercurial diseases. N. CHAPMAN, M. D, Professor of the Institutes and practice of Physic, in tlie University ol Penn sylvania v* •' j I have employed the Panacea of Mr. Swalm. in numerous instances, within the het-. three years, and have always found it extremely efficacious, especially in sec-ondary syphilis und mercurial diseases. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it e medicine of inestimable value. w. GIU80N, M D. , Profeiaor of Surgery in the Uni’ty of Penn, Philadelphia, February 17,1823. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia Aw l7> Iff 5, Socket spades. 1 CASK Socket Spades, just .received and for sale by N 8. WEED. Jan *