Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 30, 1825, Image 3

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JOURNAL INUTILE, «/,’ JHSMMQES POLITIQUES ET ** L IJTTERA IRES,. A FRENCH MAGAZINE publish';il in Nett-York, in weekly numbers, price 45per annum, f> for nix month., or p for s,ree months, payable in advance. Sixteen number, nrc received, ar.d per- ,«in> desirous of obtaining it, »ro requested „ call and subscribe^ T wn UAMs April 14 Httit.&i. Unwed Oil, R ECEIVED per brig Frances and ship Emperor, XU Barrels Linseed tin ft Barrels White Beuns 3000 Pounds Codfish jo Kegs Goshen Butter 5 Barrels Sergeant’s Butter C rackers F ° r m,AbI.EV,CLAG1IOUN A' WOOD April i 1 Anciaux’s \i harf. Masonic Aprons. A FEW elegant Royal Arch and Master Mason’s Aprons, just rocoivod and for sale bv BUTLER A ECRANT1 >N. March ll> «# (BaSHWikSia James Anderson Co. H AVE removed to the middle tenement young’s Buildings, where they otfur for sale a large and general assortment of FANCY ANT) STAPLE DRY GOODS, received by the latest arrivals from Liver pool and New-Yorlt. April lift 0 27 SO Mi gar. Loaf BARBELS LOAF' AND LUMP SUGAR, lor sale bv P. ADDER MOTT. April 14 Wj & YYiiutlvickstm, H AVF, received at their Drug and Che mical W n re-IIouse,corner nl'Congresa and Wliittakur-Streete, Shad’s Buildings, Savannah, by recent arrivals, carefully su- Icctud by one of the part ners, now in New- Vurk, a general assortment of jl'Rfll'M'E.V IIVKHDOOS, OFF. stupes, apotheojuiesi outss, vjntevMEHr, spicesj tea-., uc comprising the host assortment they ever offered, which will be warranted of the first quality, uud sold at wholesale or retail, for cash or good paper- Merchants, Physi cians ami Planters, ore invited to examine for themselves. N. B Orders will he executed with de spatch, and forwarded without delay. April ’8 Pesh Oilmeul t':> Gram Sago. R ECEIVED by ship Wm. Wallace, and lor sale bv LAV HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings, Savannah. April 25 . '7 Just. Received by ship Augusta, •J DOZEN'Suiillitz Poivdnr. A Sulph. Quiuino, English Mustard ' Cinchonine Best Lamp Oil . _ Sat sale bv P- R - AS . SI £ N E. Anril M Qpposito tin* Exchange* Moward-Struet f lour. ■* fkfh BBLS. Ilowaril-Street Flour, for IUU solo by HALL & HOYT. April 22 Glass Lamps. A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with f\, Glass St amis, for nnlo bv geo. n verhon, Comer Bay and Whittakor-Streets. March \ ViLu-king. FEW do7.*m of Day &. Martin’s Genu* l ine Blacking, for sale by P. E. BIIAKSINNE, Druggist, opposite the Exchange. Jan 26 JfotYvfc T HE co-partnership of GAUDRY & HERBERT, is dissolved by mutual consent. Persons who are indebted tu said firm, arc requested to make payment to JOHN H. GAUDRY, he lining fully au thorised to settle the nfinirsof said concern. J. 11. GAUDRY, M. HERBERT. Anril 88 SR J08EPII KOPMAN J* C0. H AVE rcceivod by the William Wal lace, a further supply of DrVtisVi, Vxeack 8c Canton Uoo&a ,\Vi*. I and 2 Cambric Prints Ginghams, Dimities White and Printed Marseille Vesting Plain sad figured Jaconet und Book Muslin Plain and Figured Swiss Muslin Swiss Muslin Bohns and Aprons Do do Hhdkf* and Points Silk Stripe Drilling lJenmark Hatting, Corduroys Cotton Hose, assorted Madrnss Handkerchiefs Super Blue Cloths and Oassimercs Black and Colored Canton Crupes Blnck Nankeens do Colored do Robes Sinchews and Levantines Levantine Sattin Black Figured Silks Brown do do Bareges Scarfs, Shawls and Dresses Seersuckers Blue and Yellow Nankeens Bandana and Flag Handkerchiefs Black Barcelona Silk Stockings und Half Hose Buckskin Gloves Umbrellas, Parasols and Fans 4 Cases ? Linens, assorted 2 do 5' a . and ’V, Diapers 20 Bales Domestic Plaids, Stripes and Shirtings, &c. II do Oznnburgs together with a variety of other articles, worthy the attention of Planters und Coun try Merchants. A nril 16 20 m mm mm ¥OR AAVB.E. A LINE OF JACKETS ha. been esta blished betwaun New-York and Havre, to leave both port* regularly, on the First 'Hit h'flecnth days of each month during the year. The ship, composing the line, are fast sailers, well found and commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom- mudations for passengers, comprise all that can be required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers iii the cabin will bo ta ken for $ 1 it) oavli, for which they arefurnish- ed witli beds, b«ddtlin<r, wines and ample stores of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, may be sent to the agents, who will attend to thoir reception und forwarding, without charge for storage nr commissions. The exponsos which limy, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, bo col lected with the freight, at Havre. A Idler Bag is at the New-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must be addressed, pest paid, to CRASHOUS & 110YD. J gents, Jii'fie York. 1 ■ " 7? ram si.m BY CAL VIM BAKER, THIS DAY, 30th iiiBt. At XI o’clock, in front of Iris Auction Store, 70 Pieces COTTON BAGGING.— Terms cash. April 30 THK hUttelJhlBEK I NFORMS the friends of the former firm and the public in general, that he will continue the GROCER V BUSINESS, at the same stand, and solicits their patronage, nnd nil persons indebted to tin* firm of ( GAUDRY 6i HERBERT, urn requested to make as speedy payment, as possible. JOHN B. GAUDRY. April 26 2»cp Coffee. A f* BAGS St. Duiningo Coffee ■TO Iii do Havana do Just landed anil for sale bv J. B. HERBERT Sl CO. Anril ’0 Vat ni h M Turpontme- B RIGHT and Black Varnish and Spirits of Turpentine, on consignment, fur sale by T. 8. LUTHER. March 11 Potatoes. jfC TIERCES Prime Northern I’uta- I . / Ices, just received and for sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD. Atf.'ifo T. i’ lour. BARRELS FLOUR, for fam ')'•) ily use, warranted superior to Canal, for sale by April 4 JOHN W. LONG. <19 Carriage ami Harness. A FIRST HATE Philadelphia built Car* rioge, but. little used and iu fine order, fi»r sale low if early application is made.— Apply nt this ofiice. April *?W 30p fuvtnin's I'anacea. A FRESH SUPPLY of this eolohroted ri Medicine, just received per ship Globe, and for sale by GEO. R VERSON, dm 4 W lib key. Y ®*ntREIj8 landing from brig J. V/ xJ (iovernor Hopkins', for „ulo by March 14 J. 11. HERBERT St CO. At Private Sale. rnWO rillMF. NEGROES, one a first A rate cook, und the other a prime field Imnd, for sale bv April 2R J. B HERBERT & CO. Checks uud Drafts on New- Yrlc, nt uvy sight, I N sums to suit, purchasers. Apply ai the Marine ami Fire Insurance Ofiice. April 15 in COHXAM) iLMOJ*. OKAH BUSHELS CORN hd 15.0(i0 Founds Bacon, for sale in lots to suit purchasers, bv GEO. F.PALMEH, Exchange Duck. April 29 dip - Venetian Minds. T IIE Subscriber offers for side a com plete assortment of VENETIAN WANDS, suitable for windows of every size*. Also, old Blinds repaired. 1. W. MOItUELL. march 30 105 At Private Sale. A PRIME NEGRO MAN, about twon- ty-five yours of age, an excellent house Servant and coachman, tor side by J. B. HERBERT &. CO. Auril 7 Cotton Lagging*. A FEW pieces best liiiltiu Hemp Bagging do do do Flaxen do For sale by JOHN H. REID. April 29 :u B Darien Money. ILLS of the Bank of Darien, will bo received for Dry Goods, bv C. W. ROCKWELL & CO. April M Ifi Fish Ho iks :>ml hi h Lines. O NE huwtrcd M. Fish Hooks, assorted 50 Groce Fish Lines, assorted Received per the Augusta, and for solo by F-f. et) N. R. WEED. F Prime Seed Rice, OR SALE—applv to SAMUEL M. BOND, or R. & J. HABERSHAM. March 11 no YtEMAW.Ui. T HE subscribers have removed to John ston’s Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are opening a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to thoir former stock. W. &i H. ROSE. April 5 10 (t7* The Du rien Gazette, and Recorder, Milledgcville, will give the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this office. S1HU.VU tuuV SVsM.MkiU uuums. B Y the ships Georgia aod Harp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have received their usual supply of SEASONABLE Having been purchased with cash, pre vious to the advance in England, they can bo afforded ami wilt be sold ut tow prices, and on a long credit, for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. Feb V. 90 Dividend, No 14. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, J Savannah, 22d Aprils 1825.1 rptlE Board of Directors having this day A dec In red dividend on tlm capital stock oft his Bunk, for t ho last six nioiphs, of £;» per share, or six per cent per annum l he same will he paid to the respective Stockholders thereof, or to their order, on and after Monday no. t. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. !D The editors of the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News. Southern Re corder and Georgia Journal, Milledgeville, will please to publish the above throe times, and charge the expense to this Bank. April 23 26 i’ or Liverpool, (7b sail about the hth May,) The ship OGLE T H O R V E, Tabnrr. Master, For freight of 300 bales of Cot ton or passage, npplv to BEXJ. BURROUGHS. April 22 25c For Freight or Charter, The fast sailing pilot-boat schr. GEORGIA ANN, J. Low, Maslcr y _ Apply to tlm master, or to BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD. April 7 For New-York. Tim substantial schooner DOLPHIN, Ste/ihen Bargee,, Master, Will barn immediate despatch.— Fur Ireigl.t ot passage apply tutlie master on board, nr to PARIS HILL, April 29 31e For New-York \ Providence. The sloop ELIZA NICOLL, Blankenship. Mastery Will sail on Monday next.— For freight or passage, having superior fur nished accommodaf ions, apply to the mas ter on board, at Hall & Hoyt’s Wharf. Anril 29 3 lp* For Sale, #Sl fjfeg A PAIR of chnsmit colon..! CARRIAGE HORSES, warranted sound. Apply to ROBERT HABERSHAM. April 27 29p TICKETS RECEIVED. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, J Savannah, 31st March, 1326.) Notice. A N election will be held at the Banking- House in this city, on MONDAY, the second day of May, ensuing, for Nine Di rectors, on the part of the Stockholders in this Institution. The-poll will bo opened nt ten o’clock, A. M. and closed at two, P. M. By order iff the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. April 1 07 IL' The editors of the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Georgia Jour nal, and Southern Recorder, in.Milledgo- ville, will please publish the above until the »|n v of plop*ion. 1’i'imc Fork fi$ Sperm Oil. Just received per ship William Wallace, OA BARRELS Prime Pork O vl in Barrels first quality Sperm Oil i - 40 Barrels Prime and Mess Beef - | For sale by lilt.Mil,EY,CLAGHORN ti. WOOD, I in ' fo AueiniixV VVlinrf. E mpty porter bottles—Ap ply to GEO l VERSON. March 4 Wanted, Hair •MaUYft8ftfc&. I JUST received by the William Wallace, *"l«l>lv »f DOUBLE nnd SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSKS. which I will bo warranted of t lm heat quality. . I. W. MORRELL. Inn 27 Whiskey and Paint, lC WW "WftTH for sale, laud- ,Vl l "R l 'r; ,ra *fop Savannah, 10u Barrels Wlfishcy „ In Store, 100 Kegs White Load •G do Black Paint ® D ' io Spaniah Brown 10 Barrels Whiting March 10 B i ’ ^ in » Bam, &c. 15 *3 P 4o M°n N ^ C BRANDY I ^ 11, * ,ol| and Gin 1 m S" 8 | ‘ ll ® Jxmaica Rum kl i n? * 1 " ft y° Whiskey pluch will be sold low to close sales, 1 A P r ‘>9 HALL & HOYT. BANK STATE OP GEORGIA. J Savannah, Ajtril 2\Hh, 1322. 5 N otice. YJONDAY NEXT, the 2.1 of May, be- J-tJI ing election day, for nine Director on the part of the Stockholders, this Bank will he closed, 60 far as relates to the usual transactions at Bank. All notes therefore, fulling due on Monday next, must be taken up on Saturday, the 30th inst. A. POUTER, Cashier. April 29 32 Chatham Academy, A PUBLIC EXAMINATION of the Classes in tlm Academy, will take place on Thursday next, ‘Jlltfi inst. Tlm parents and friends of the pupils, are invi ted to attend. The ensuing quarter commences nn Mon day, May 2d. W.T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. April 25 27, City Sixeriff’a Office, } April 23d, 1825. 5 T HE Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer, for the city uf Savan nah, will bb udjourned until Wednesday, the fourth of May next, of which all per sons,- suitors, knd other's concerned, wiU take notice. A,. I. D’LYON, C. S. April 25 27 Those persons mho Intvc ordered tickets in the PHILADELPHIA Union Canal Lottery, Sixteenth Class, W HICH draws on the 11th of next month, may ob'ain them, by appli cation to the subscriber. CAPITALS. 1 Prize of • - - 850,000 1 20,000 i 10,000 2 5,000 t 4.720 20 1,000 30 500 52 100 &c. &c. amounting to dolls.273,760 DOLLS. Tickets, : : $10 (K I Quarters,: : :$2 50 Halves, : : : : 5 00 I Eighths, : : : I 25 April25 W. ROBERTSON. •NttUce. U NDERSTANDING a general impres sion exists, that I had abandoned the practice iff Law, in consequence of my pub lic situation in the Custom-Honsc, I have thought proper to’ notify my friends, that I have a prirnts office in that building where I shall be happy to receive their patronage. Unromitted attention will be given to any business which may he confided to me, and the greatest pun-duality observed in the col lection of debts. JOS. S. PELOT, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. April 26 30p Notice. N EITHER the assignee or (he master of the British brig Tom. from Pernam buco, will be accountable for any debts contracted by the crew of said vessel. April 28 28 Notice. T HE undersigned will receive proposals for tiic erection of an Engine-llousu, in Liberty-Square, of the following mate rials aud dimensions, viz.—14 feet wide, 28 feel long, 9 feet in tlm clear, a door at each end IU loot wide—the materials brick, the roufslated, and to extend 21 feet from the eaves, with irons from which to suspend lad ders—the floor to bo of brick laid edgeways, 2$ incites above the surface of the earth- end all the necessary locks, hinges, &,c, &o. Also, fur a similar building, materials wood, with the exception of the floor, which must be the same as above specified. GEO. MILLEN, I. MINIS. I- MORRISON. April 25 27 TICKETS RECEIVED In Union Canal Lottery, NO. 18, W HICH will bo drawn in Philadelphia on the eleventh of May, and deter mined in a few ininutcs, CAPITALS, ; 850.000 20 000 — 10,000 5,000 1 1 1 2 1 20 30 52 — &c. ami a In rye amount of smaller denom- iwtion. amounting to Those who have ordered tickets in this brilliant Lottery, will call ami receive them. Present price jJlO—Shares in proportion, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. April 25 -4,720 -1.000 500 100 Howard-Su eet Flour. 1 AA BARRELS superfine Iloward-St. 1UU Flour, landing from sloop Cadet, will be sold luw if taken from the wharf, by April 11 HALLS HOYT. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY CALVUf BAKER, ON THURSDAY. 10th May next, AT.. ELEVEN O’CLOCE, Will be sold in front ofhia Auction Store, all the personal property belonging to the estate of Col. John I. Roberts, deceased, consisting of a dwelling House in Greene ward, on lot No.20, An excellent Horse, Gig and Harness, one Gold Watch, two pair Pistols, Sword, Sash, Epaulets, die. toge ther with a quantity of Household and Kitchen FURNITURE. Also, a valuable collection of BOOKS. Sold by permission of tlm Court of Ordinary,—by order the Administrate. April 8 113 W an (0 ft;-- 7IRST QUALITY GEORGIA AR’ 1 ROW ROOT, Apply to April 1» GEO RYERSON. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVUf BAKER, On the FI llST TUESDA Yin MAY NEXT, At XII o’clock, in front of the Court- House, will be sold without reserve, that valuable tract of Lund, No. 75, in the Third District, Habnrshum County. One half of ttie purchase money will be required at. the time of sale, and the balance on the first of January, 1828, with interest, secured by mortgage on the land. Sold by permission of the Court, of Ordinury, and by order of the administrat(jx. , March.drc’' ’•avannah and Augusta Mail LOACH. N* ,r Arrangement—Georgia Side. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has removed the Une of Stages on the Georgia side, and will hereafter, leave Savannah every Sunday Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A M lodge nl Pierce’s, and arrive in Augusta at 5 o’clock next day. For scats, apply at the Georgia-Hotel. JOSEPH I. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Savannah, March 20,1825. N. B. Horses, Carriages, and Gigs, to Let—and expresses sent at the shortest notice. Msreh 24 100 Administrator’s Notice. A LL persons indebted to tho estate of Randolph M’Gillis, late of Cuinden County, deceased, are requested to make payment, ami those having demands against said estate, will present them to the nudeia signed. HANNAH M’GILLIS, Administratrix. G. M'DONNELL. St. Marts. April 10th, 1825. April '27 • 2nfi, raoa BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. on Monday, 2d May, Will he sold at Messrs. Scott Sl Balfour 1 * Wharf, at XU o’clock, for tho benefit of the underwriters and all concerned, the shin ELIZA ANN. with her tackle and apparel as she now lies, having put into this port in distress, on her pas sage from Turks Island, to Wilmington. N. Ci rolina, and condemned and sold by order of the Port Wardens. Terms cash. April 29 BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in MAY, Will be sold before tiie Court-House in this city, two PRIME NEGROES, one* first rate cook, and the other a field hand. Terms cash. April 28 PUBLIC SALE AT AUGUSTA, OJf account of the Underwriters. On TURSDAY, 5tli MAY, Will he sold at Public Auction, in Au.- gUHtn. at XII o’clock, as she now lies the wreck of the steam-boat HENRY SHULTZ, her sails, spars, rigging, 1 machinery, engine, Ac. un account ot the underwriters und all con. corned—Conditions cash. April 30 J8 The C huff Fireman, I S desirous of ascertaining the number and location of the private wells in the city. He therefore requests those who own or occupy lots on which there are such, to leave a memorandum ut the Post-Office, or nt his Counting-Room, mentioning the ward and number of the lot, upon which they arc situated. If their depth, their diameter, the depth of water in them, and whether there is now a pump or bucket for lifting the w ater, can be added, it will be very ac ceptable. March 2ft, 101 Cap Missing. A BROWN FUR CAP having cover ings tor the oars, aud somewhat soiled within by use, was taken from the Ex- cliango on Monday night. As the adver tiser’s name was fastened inside, the per son having it can be at no loss in ascertain ing to whom it belongs. Apply ot this of fice. March 24 inn o ice. A LL persons having demands against tho estate of Francis CuurvoisuJate of Cliatlinm county, will present them duly attested, aud those indebted will make pay ment to R. HABERSHAM, ) QHalfiedEx . J. HABERSHAM, S ecul018, march 18 96 Notice. T HE Commi dinners of Pilotage "have made arrangementa to fuvnibli all ves sels inward and outward bound, with Pilots. \ slate will be kept in the office of the Commissioners in Hu* Exchange, where masters in want of Pilots will apply. By order uf the Board of Commissimers of Pilotage, March 31 06 Notice. CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, \ April 13th, 1825. { T HE city taxes for the present year, will be payable at this office from this day, to the 13th of May next, after which, time, executions will issue against all per sons in default. M. W. STEWART, April 14 City Treasurer. N’fttice \a\iete\>y til Yen, f IIHAT ninety days utter date, appliea* X tion will be made to the Steam-Boat Company of Georgia, to issue a new cer tificate of stock, for one destroved, dated 20tli .October, 1819, for two shares, and numbered 138. Savunnah 10th Feb. 1825. JAMES C. CAMPBELL. Feb 11 66 Nttlicfc. a BUNDLF.S of Cast Steal, were left in the subscriber's'store about four months since. Tile owner is requested to cull, pay charge* aud take it away. , H.E HATHAWAY. April 2? 89p 1 do of 5,000 dollara ia 6 do of 1,000 dollars ia 4 do of 500 dollars is 20 do of 100 dollars is 30 do of 50 dollara is 50 do of 20 dollars is 200 do of 10 dollars is 300 do of 5 dollars is 10000 do of 2 dollars is IMPROVED •MODE OV WIU WYNG, Secured by Lfiters Patent under the seal iff the United States. T HE Commissioners of Lotteries, in conformity with the Act of Assembly, present to the public, the FOURTH SCHEME or tiis MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, The drawing of which will take place in the city of Baltimore, and will be completed In one day. The scheme and mode of awarding the prizes, being on au highly im proved plan, the Commissioners anticipat* an early period for the announcement of the drawing, ILigVmt PtiiR $20,000, SCHEME. 1 prize of 20,000 dollara is #20,00© 1 do of 10,000 dollars is 10,000 5,000 6,000 8,000 8,000 1,500 1,000 2,000 1,500 is 80,000 10812 Prizes, J[70,000 20000 Tickets—not one blank to a prize IJ Every prize payable in cash, sixty days after the drawing, subject to a deduction of fifteen percent. JUodc of Drawing,—The numbers will b» put into one wheel as usual—and in tl)« other wheel will be put the prizes above the denomination of two dollars, and th» lirawing to progress in the usual manner. The 10,000 prizes of ^2, will be awarded to the odd or even numbers of the Lottery, (as the cash may be)dependant on the drawing of the capital prize of #20,00n— that is to say, if the 20,000 dollar prize should come out to an odd number, then every odd number in the scheme will he en titled to a #2 prize. If the 20,000 dollar prize should come out to an even number, then ull the even nintibers in the scheme Will he each entitled to a prize of 2 dollara, The odd Numbers are those ending with 1,3. 5,7 or 9. The even Numbers are those ending with 2,4, 6, 8 or 0. This mode of drawing not only enables tho Coiiiniiabionura to complete the whole Lottery in on« drawing, but has the grout advantage of distributing the amall prizes regularly to every alternate number in the schemes, so thnt the holder of two tickets or two shares of tickets, (one odd and one oven number Jwill be certain of obtaining at- least one prize, and in the same ratio for any greater quantity. A ticket drawing a superior prize in this scheme, is not restricted from drawing an inferior one also. The Tickets will be ready in the course of the ensuing week. JAMES L. HAWKINS. ) NATH. F. WILLIAMS, > Com’ega, JAS. B. RINGGOLD, ) Baltimore, March 25, 1825. Orders (nr Tickets or Shares in the a ho® Lottery, (which will positively be drawn in Baltimore, on the 18th of May next,) ne- eived nnd forwarded at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Notice. T HE subscribers to the Savannah A iliary Society, for ameliorating condition of the Jews, are requested to their subscriptions for the present year. E. E. PETTIGREW, Sec’r Fnh 2? -rs otiefe. FflHE Honorable the Court of Ordin JL ofClintham County, will be held the Court-House in Savannah, on the : Monday, being the second day uf May in By order of the Court, S. M. BOND, Clerk C. C April 26 ..jf) Sperm Candles, Goshen ter, &c, ntr.srvnn per snre wm. rt f- BOXES SPERM-CANDLES Ci 20,Kegs Goshen Butter 20 Half Barrels Beef 22 Keg* Tripe For sale by J. B. HERBERT fc i April ifi