Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, April 30, 1825, Image 4

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votbubd SAM. City SheiilPs Sales. On the first Tssesslay in May next, rrOlLL be aokl In frnt of the Court Ilnur: M# in the City of Savannah, between tin umjiI hours of 10 end 4 o’clock, One negro n»n named Tom, levied on w the property of John end Valeria Davis, to lallafy two exticutiuoa Tram the Court of Com mon Plot! and Oyer and Tannlnor, for the e> tv of Savannah, John Q. Blanoo va. John F. 4) Daria, G tardtan of John and Valeria Da, vir,and Win. Bowen va. the aarne. All the building. on the centre part of Tmil Lot letter H, at preaent in the occupation of Job T. Bailee, Perciv.1 Ward, bounded north by Preaideut-at. aouth by Ynrk-tt east by one portion ot said Lot, weat by the Court- House, levied on aa thr property of Job T. Bollea, to aatiafy an elocution frum the Court f common Pleaa and Oyer and Terminer for the City of Savannah, Samuel M. Mordecai va Job T. Bollea. Southern hair of Lota! N a 39, thirty>nine, And 4t),forty, with the improvementsllifcrtun, Blbert Ward, bounded north by the northern half of aaid Lota, aouth by Liberty-at. east by Jiffc ion-st, levied on as the property of Ben jamin Sheftall, to satisfy two eaceulioni from tile Court of Common Pleat and Oyer and Terminer for the City of Savannah, Jrvie Mount va B- nj. Sheftall. A'l the rignt, title, and intereat, of B ltd win Co k to that double tenement build'mr on the Western part uf Trait Lot lettei A, bounded norah by H vn111 south by St. Jiilian-at. eaat by part of .aid Lot, weat by Whiraker-it lev ied on aa tile properly of Baldwin Cook, to aauafy an execution from the Court of Com moo Plea, and Oyer and Terminer fir the- City of Savannah, Norman Peaae va. Baldwin Couk. All that Lot and improvement! known in the plan of the City of Savannah, aa Lut No.2, two, ’ Wa: d.bound -d north by Wright Square, aouth by a lane, east by Lot No. 3, three, west hv Lot No 1, on”, levied on as property uf Job T Bollea, to lat sfv an exe eurion rout the Court of nommen Pleas and O ei a d Termin-.-r for the City of Savannah, Jr-aeph Clark va. Job T. Bo',La, rnd otiigned to -t B- Parkman. property pointed out by def ndant, andaubjuct too m-rtpag”. A. I D'LVON C S. .inS’ 4 09 rtf Sheriff’s Sales, On the first Tuesday in May next, W liU old. thet'oun House in the City of S .vonnah, between the boura often and four o’clock, Lot and Building, No. 17, seventeen, Wuh. ington War: in b>- of Savannah, bound* e l cad by Lot No- 18 e ghle n, aouth by- St. Julian-at. weat by Price-at and north by Bryan at. levied on aa ihe property of Ste. r hea S. Williams to aatiaiy an execution in vor of Ja-nea H Henry, and othca, Aa- aigneeaof Wm. Turner. All that tract of land known by the name of Tweeda d -, in the County of Chaiham, eon taining 346 icres, bounded on the north bv Savannah it ver, levied on as the property of Jo .n Uuret, to satisfy executions in favor ol Wm Taylor k Son, and oihera All that half of Lot No 12, Columbia Ward, With the improvements thereon, to aatiafy an •aecution issuing out of a Justicea Court in fa? >r ot Wm Ribinson, returned to me by Conetable. I'AAO D’LYO", S C. C. anrii 3 hu biie iff s ->ales. On th first Ttuula in May next between the - usual houri, W lfXbe>o)d tthe Court House iu the County »f Bryan, the ful owing Loi or parcels ot Land on the Islan \ of Osab l> the Mill County, known in the nl*i» of he partition of he aarne bland by the numbers one,two, three, four, five, six, seven, and tha- part of number .eight, beginning at the hedge at the edge of the woods, in the South part of th i sard last tract, from the Westermust to the Ksstermost Greek. Also, the Cabbage Garden tract, being the tta>termnit parts of tract ten, eleven, twelve, from tie p ith in the oi l fi-ld in the Savsnnah, to he C'-n mued in a straight line until it -nier ac-ts Bradley's Ham*' ock Marshes on one aide ai d itveechee riveron the o'h^r. Alio,Horae Hammock, containing fifiy acres. Also, Brad* le '* Hammock, containing one hund eii and fifty five acres* And also, a Hammock adieu Bmddock's Camp contang tbirtv eiirht acres, be »ig parts and parcels of the said Irian J of OisYotw. Levied upon as a part of the es tate of the lue John More 1 , deceased, unde-* and by virtue of a fi. fa on a decree of th* Superior Court of hath «m County, in a cast uh .rein Simon Donald and wife were com plmanta, aud Thomas N. Morel and others defendants THOMAS HEARN, S. B C. Vareh ?0 'US Sheriff’s Wales. On the first Tuesday in June next. fffflf o a id dX the JouivHous- in the wT *5i»y of Savannah, between the hours of >'*n and four o’clock, the following 16 ne* grots, v;s . — Sippio, Hager, Abner. Snap, March, Jerry, B-l'v, Bur*e, Parri-, B am, Dmat). Little Bram, Prince, Ben aud Mciiant, with the .increase jf the families, levied on und r a foreclosure of * mortgage from Peter Timothy to William W^'i ngti*n for use. T*v . oegroet. viz: Ned and Glasgow,, levi- e<l on a foreclosure of a mortgage from Chas. U.mer to Joseph K>pman. ISAAC D'T YON, S C, C. **»?'•> 4 i»Q Sheriff’s Sale, O N theft ,t S.iurday after the first Tues- l.y in Ma> next, between the houts oi ten a:.d f mr o'clock, wiil be eol I at the mar ke house in the town of St- Marysi -he lol- li.w..g u-grnca, vit: Judy end her eon John., and harlea, levied nn as the proper ty of larnea Wiiliaimon, deceased, to utiafy an execution on the foreclosure of a murt gage, in favor of Edward F. Tattnall, adminis trator nfjahn Hamilton- U. H. HEBBARD, S. C. C. St. Marys, February 25.1825. M v”. U 82 Administrator’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in May next, 1 VVILI, sell at the Court-House iu Jeffer son, Camden County, between the usu. al Ilnurs of sale, Harry, Ned, and hia wife Tamer, and her four children, Daniel. Btophen, John, and Yorick, the property of the estate of George Morrison, deceased, for the benefit of the creditors and heirs of said estate, pursuant to leave granted by the Court of Ordinary of said county. GEORGE MORRfSON, Administrator, with tho-wdl annexed, of George Morrison, Sen. deceased. April 14 18 Bhciiff’a ^ales Continued. On the first Tuesday ill May next. ITOlLL be »uld at the Cmin-Houau in th. 1# city of Savannah, between the hours ol .mi aud four o’clock, Ail ' lut raci of Lund on the Island if 8k d- sway, Chatham county, called Springfield, aaid to contain 7.>0 icns, bounded northward ly by lai da of me estate of John Milledge, eaatwardiy by lattda of Jamei Bilbo, south wardly by landa formerly Suic-iffo, west waul ly by river and marshes with improvement:, thereon, levied on aa the property of Chas Stephens, to aatiafy an ezecu ion in favor ot Richard Uichardaon, tor uie, ^c&c All that tract or parcel rf Land containing 567 acrea more or 1 t • with 100 acres of Marih •.and, ctdlcd t>kf lmd. aituate, lying ond be* ng in Kit e O^echee D jtrict, in the county of Chatham bounded on the north by landa f Fleming Akin, on tile east by landa of D Parker, on-the aouth by lamia of the late D. Wulburger, and on the weat by a northeast branch of little 0,'echee River together witli ill and aiugultr tne edifices, i itprovemenu uid appnrienunces, levied on under a fi* fa on foreclosure ua the property of Gaorge L. Cope, in favor of .John M'Niaii, Pjtjr Mitch eii and Robeit Mitchell. . AH that tract or parcel of Land s tuate, ly ing being in the county uf Chatham, kr own by the name if Muir liatl, containing 109^ acrca more or loss, bounded on the south ly lands uf lames Forrest, on (lie e s bv Col. J. Marshall's landy, n the north by Georg. Jones’s land, and on the west by Little Ogee* dice River , Alro, Two Lots of t and in the any of Savannah, known by the Nos. (VO) t venty nine, aud (10) thiny, in Columbia W* d, with the app ^ tenances thereunto a,, pei laming, levied on under h fi fa. on iort' closure as the property of Flemming Akin, dec. in favor uf Wm, Dixon & Co. assignees ol M M’Leod. Half Lut and Buildings, No- 4, E *in*bui g Jglcthoi'pe, Ward, in the city of Savanna the unexpired lease of s: i.* fi Lot fir three v cars from January last, levied on as the pro* oertyofRobt Lewis to satisfy an cxccutioi from a Justices Court in favor of J. & M* Pen- lergaat, re turned to me by a constable Man, the following o5 mgrov*s, viz: C fice, (Cooper,) Harriet, Ally, old Charlotte, Jack, Suy. Charlotte, Pendaw, Bess, Pieceisa ahd uhild, Bridgrt and Peggy, William, E!sey, Billey. Philip Phyllis, old Gumbo, Jenny, old y'-ggy, B ulus, Jesse, Brutus, Sandy, MuriR, Cynda, Dick, Tob>,Sophia, Daphne and child. Ucnb,Sye,Ueck<-y and John,with the increau of the females, levied on as the property ol Nicholas Cruger, under a fi fa on a foreclosur* ». a mortgage in favour of John Carnahan and James McHenry for use of Chris inua Levelt. Also, the following 19 negroes, v-zAbra- ram, Harry / rtsto, CiiHnce, Daniel, Aaron Sambo, Lucy, Scipio, Maryan, Rachael, I.o ** Ion, Aggy, Simon, Grace, Eliza- George, lto ly, and Jim, with iht increase of the femalr-. ; levied on as the property of Flemming Ak.n iec. under a fi. fa. on a foreclosure of a mor*- gageiu favor of Wm. D;zon h *;o* ausigneea •if Murdoch M’L&od* 1. D'l.VO.N, S. C C h.pri 6 20 bheiiif’s sale. On the first Tutsday in May next, YCOlLL bu aoiu in „i ibe Ji-uri- >## House, in the city, bctwcui e '.sual hours often an<1 four o'clock, T ie following eight negroes, vi*. CulT.'.- P ’g-ty. Hossniish.Csroliua, Joseph,Mary Be y and Jim, levied onunder s fi.fa. on a fore- Insure, ss the p. operty of Charles H. Huy. .eo, in favor of F-odurick W. ma-chr 18 .hr. O’lYON, .Y C C hlieiift’s Sales, OF ATTACHED PROPERTY. 0 - th;. first Saturday after the first Tuesd } in May next, wilt be sold at the Court tfi-use in the twn of St Marys, between tr.t himrs of ten und four o’clock, rhe following negro slaves, vis. Juancaster, Furry, Rose, and her two chit .ren, Hannah and Archibald, sold »s the propR , 'tv of Thomas Andrews, un.'e a.i uttschment in favor of Robert Miller. Sold by coiiaenl of ail parties. April 1,18:5. M. H. HEBBARD. S.&.C. April 8 13 aheriff’s Sales. O N the fir.-t Saturday, after the first Tu-» day in June next, will be soid at th Market Hons • in the town of St Marvs, tn negroes, viz Bob and Rose, levied on as tl- property ol Joseph Rain, to Sut sfy an execr • ion on the f ireclosure of a mortgage, in fav of Samuel Clarke, and George 9. Brown. Aori»8 18*$ M.H HEBHAKJ). S C C. April 1 13 Sheriff's Sale—Continued. On the first Tuesday in May next, /L i.e sold '0 front of the G-'urt Hou? in ihe City of atiVH’mah, between tl.i us» I hourss of 10 and 3 o'clock, Eighteen head oi Cattle, more or Jess, lev nd on i:8 the property of the Kst. pf T o*:. Melrose, dec'll to satisfy an execution in L vor of Wm. Ing'.i9 *4 * ! o. Sold for, and on hl count *nd risk ofthe former purclo a :r, he n» having complied with ihe tormw« f sale. ISAAC D’LYON, S. C C. April 23 125 NOilOfc. N INE MON I'HS afler the date hereof, pj plication will be made to the Honoru'.ii. ibi Inferior Cc.-'t of Chatham countv, ulr jittii g (or ordinary purp.iaei, for leave to no :• lot, with- the improvements, aituate in t 1 - ty of S.varmah, in the laid county,amt know o Ihe plan of said cilv by the No. 53, Brow .Yard, lor tilt- benefit of the heirs and legate, if the estate ol the late Hugh H'Call, d ueaicd. THOU AS M’CALL, PHILIP BHASUH, Bxecutora. net *4 79 NOTIOh. VJTNE months after date, application will be X made to the Inferior Court ofChitham County, lilting for ordinary purposes fur an order, absolute, to sell lota Noa- fourann five, (4 anil 5) it) Carpenter's Bow, and lot No. -me, (l) Green Ward,in tht city of Savannah, heii.g the real estate of Francis Jalineau, dec. for tne benefit of the heira and creditors ol uid estate WILLIAM GASTON, tjuulified Executor, 7 i(7.. N otice. I^INE MONTHS after the date of this I- notice, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. STACY, Administrator. dec 18 21 Treutturj Dfe^artmenl, ^ March, 14, 1825: 5 W HEREAS on the 3d of March, 1R?5. a law waa pasted by the Congreii of tbc Un ted States, of which the 3d 4th. and $u. section* are In the Aoida f illowmgt vi* t Sec. 3, And be it further enacted Th*t > subscription to the amount of twelve millon of dollars, of the *'X P- r cent, stock of t'.c year eighteen hundred *nd thirteen, be, Rnd the Mine is hereby proposed t for which pur pose book* shall be opened at the Treasury of the United States, and at tin several loan uJH ces, on the first dty of April next to continue open until the first day of Ozlobor thereafter, for such parts of the above mentioned de scription of stock as shall, oi> the day of sub scription, Hand on the book* of the Treasury, and on those of the several loan cfK :es, re spectivcly ; which subscnption shall be effect cd by a transfer to the United States, in thr manner prov.ded by Ivw for such transfers, ol the cred.t or crtd : p standing on the said books, and by a surrender of the certificates of the stock so Subscribed : Provided, That all subscription by such transfer i f stock shall be c nsidei?das finrtof the said twelve tnd- 'ions of d-ilbrs anti«r zed to be burrowed by the first secti n* f hi* ac». ,l See. 4. And be i further enacted^ That for .he whole or any part of any sum which shall be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to the respectiv a ibsc ibers, wh » shall be enti vied t<> a ;ate or certificutes purporting, that the United States owe to the holder or holders thereof, his, her, or their tasigns. u sum to be expressed therein, equal to the mount of the principal stock thussuHcribid, tearing »n interest n it excuedi g four u ,cl m.e half per centum p"r snnum. payable quarterly, tr im the thirty-fi at d«y eff bt cem- bt*r, me thousand eight hundred ai d twe ity five,* trans'erahie in the same oanner as it provided by law for the transfer of the slock uhscribed. and subject to r»d .m;ition at the IPHSure of the United States, as follows: one h*i f at any time t f or the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight: and the remainder at any t.m» fter the at day of December, on* hnusand eight hundred and tweut.*nlne: Provided, That no reirnburfemenl shall be nide except for tlie whole amount of such »ew certificate; nor until afler at least sis months public notice of such intended reim- juracment. And it shall be the duty of the iccretary c f the Treasury to cause to be tratis* f-irred to the respective subscribers the sever* d sums by them subscribed beyond the amoum >f the c:rt fixates of four und one half per uent. stock issu**d to th rm respectively. 41 Sec. 5, And be it further enacted, Ths* he same finds which have heretoioie been nod now are pledged by law for the paymeut of the intersst, *ncl for the redemption and rdmbursement of the stock which may be re teemed or reimbursed by virtue of the* pro visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like manner fur di* pavmcnt of the irtereat accru* rig on the stock crented by reason of su . ubzcripdon, and for the redcmntiou or reim- urseirent of the principdof tin- s ime. A» d it shall be the duty of the commissioners of tl t -inking fund to cause to be arq-lieo and paid •nil of the said fund, yearly ami e cy year, such sum and r.ums as may be annually requir- !<lto discharge the tote est accruing on tbi »ock which may be created by virtue of th< not The said comm-8ffon< rs ar<?, also, here by authorised to apply, fr. m tme to tim- "»ch aum and auma out cf the s»‘d fund, a they may think proper, toward* redeeming •»y purchase, or by reimbursemcut, in con formity with the provisions of this act, the o incipal of the said stock : and such part of the annual sum ofteu millions of dollars, vest ed by law in the laid commissioneis, as m .j he necessary and ri quired for the above pur poses, shall be and continue appropriated to he payment of intereat and redemption o» fhe public debt, until the whole cf the stock which may be created under the provisions ot tins act, ahail have been redeemed or reim* bursed." Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, ‘hat Hooka will he opened at the Treasury r.f tot 1 United Slates, ai d *t the several loan c.fth. K. in the first day of Anrii next, and continue opc*' until the firs! dr’ of October, thrreaf er, for receiving sub* ciintiona in coi.fcrmity with .he prov s>enscf the said hw. The subscription* mav be mar’-e by the pro. priutora i f the stock, either in pc T> t*on or Kj their attorneys duly author's *d to subsevib^ »nd transfer :t to the United Statej. bh .uid subact'iptions of said stock ha made n» an am mnt exceeding t .velvc nr» llions ot i'dlars, a distribotr n of i lie said sum of twelve -pillions of do'.lni9 will be iri4de among ’.he subscribers, i*i pi jporiion to the sums -ubscri ;»rd by them reaper lively. SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the r reasurv" * -! 6 -0 (1 Georgia—Camd-n Comity. Superior Court, October Term, 1824. Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvesler Bryant. iN petitic-n of T.m nhy Hopkins, stating i v that in consider ation of certain prom- ••sory notes, made to the sa d Timothy, by •dicin,one pliable with interes», from first if January, 1821, on the first of January, 1822: •v second p iyable as aforesai', on the first of .l^nuary, 1323; and a th ; rd pavHhle as afore, aid, on the first of January, 18 ?4. executed a rortgage to said 1'irootny Hopkins, hia heirs and assigns, on all those four trues of t.„id, tuuted in ihe county aforesaid, conveyed by he said Ti oothy, to the said J-angley and Selvesler, and lying on the south side ol Great Satilla River, one tract containing sev •ity-seven!acres, more or less; two tracts .-outlining fit'y acres, more or leas, and one her tract, containing one hundred and e'tgli- >-eight acres, more or leas, conditioned for *.e payment of the three said several notes. .»n the days above mentioned, and that aaid :• veral notes remain unpaid—on motion of Archibald Clark, attorney for plainltf’, it i. dered, that th* said Langley and Selvester, heir heirs or ass'*fnt, pay intoG'oum, witliit. welve months frum this date, t".*e sums due »n aaid notes, and the in teres and costs, oth- rwiae tliai the equity ol redemption be for- * ver foreclosed, and that atrh other proceed »gs take place, as are puriuant to law. True extract from the mmoles, 27th Octo* her, 18V4 JOHN BWLEY, Clerk 87 ^re NOTICE. N INE months alter date, application will bt made to the Hun. the J udgea of the Court ui Ordinary -f Chaiham cuunty, for leave to sell all the real estate of the late William Craig, deceased, for ihe benefit of the heirs and cred- tura of laid eatate. JOHN M’NISH, Executor. o*> f 71 M otice. A LL persona having Jemanda against the eatnle of Constant Freeman, Eaq late of the city of Washington, deceased, ate re quired to hend them in, legally attested, within the time preaetibed by lew : and those indebted to aaid eatate, are requi-ed to make immediate payment, to JAMBS HUNTEB, Adm’r. Jen 14 42ps VALUABLE MEDICINE. TOTTED.’* Vegetable Catholicon, ^ HE hubscrib* r respectfully solicits the^st tentiun of every friend of suffering hu riRnity, to to the above new and invaluable remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating from the system the very seeds of diieRse, and in ret iring the deranged and morbid condition of the organs of life to a free and healthy exercise oftheir functions, has exci> ted the a ( <t inishment, and completely siltn ced the objections of the most inert dnlous — Facts are the best arguments. In order to pm the virtues of titcGniliolicon to as severe a scrutiny as possible, it was offered by sdver- tisement together witi the attendance of a physic'an, gratuitously to any perBin who wou'-d apply for it, sn.l whase cause might icemt come within the range of its healing power—numbers of severe cases of long all d- ing, at d 4ume of thorn seemingly de .p* r *'c ont-s, pm ented themselves, all of which have been cured, or so muc.i relieved as to warrant ■ he assertion that a little perseverance will do sn. In fact, such i» the confidence of .lit* plsysi cian under whose ca"e thene patients wen* placed, in this remedy, a cor fide ce resu t ing from the irresistible comiutinn t»iat has been fora d upon ilia mind by ocular demon* stration, ai d % personal trial nf it on himseSt 'hal he peiniits me to deolare it as ho il *ci* •ltd opinion, that die Cath ilicon is not only r perfkCtly safe and ii nocent, but a must pi w erful and invaluable remedy in certain din eases and slates of the 8* s en», such as the f 4 owi»»g:— Debility resulting from intemperance and 1-ssipation; Ol I .md invifferat Uiorrn. Firm* in the brn s :tt* nded with swellings of tilt join's| Indication, Biut'hes on the face, ;#rnp.e L , Bic j Ali complaints of the Liver; !’etter.* Yaws; Syphilis.* Cutaneous disease: general y i Mercurial and scrofulous com plaints The Catholicon (which the propricter snl emnly pledges h s word consists exclusive 1 } •f vegetable ma te*) with the except on of ;• •'•l’gbt dutermi tation to the bowels^ which ,»i preserves in a soluble state, l< insensibly, ib pleasant |t» the taste, and requires n parlieu* ar regimen, tabstinvnee tr-in apirtuous li quor >? always excepted,) or confinement. As •a gentle, safe and agree«b'e cathartic med cu e, improving the appetite and rtsw.ri’ g the general tone of the system, it i« conSidciitly rccommeiidcd to iadics in a delicate situa tion. W. W. PO ITER, 66 Chestiut-siicet. Philadelphia, May 31, 18 '4. At the request ot Mr. »V. W Bolter, 1 li ivt hleiy exhibited, in several in^taure**, a u-udi cule/l smip. call* d t’o.ler’s Vegetable Catbo. icon, with the moat decided advantage. 1‘ uas, aa * et, never failed e ffecting a cure ii. every ca*e in which I have t.toug t proper t; mploj it. H. M’MUtt ruiB, M D Phi'ade'phia, July 28th, 18.'4. Mr. W fV. Totter, Dea»- Sir—You expressed a wish that 1 would give a concise sts tement of my stiff.* ings. from • the hopeless comrr.enccmei L t- the present propitious stage of my disease' About five years ago, on my parage from Rnrdesux, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, l was seized with a violent fever. Having no medical at tendants on board, I was compelled to bear it, as I it ght for two weeks, when on my ar> •'ivsl at Cliarleatnn, S. C. it was treated *? t'yphus. The skill or my Physician stibdi; d the fever, but PI tc iit-Uke, the termination of this gave ris* to a disease equally distress ing, an 1 which, till now, I had tn-night incut- Able. 7 Virtous abscesses marie their uiiwcl* come appearance, ptriicularly on the joints, which were swe led to an enormous aize.— These gradually subsided into hard tumors, one of which on my left knee atTected the bone—nn inc.ston was now made and a large evacuation of oua, mixed with piece’s of bone took plHCe. Io addition to thia, 1 suffered the most excruciaiting pains in my joints ilmt man ever experienced. Every thing that wus administered either gnye mt no relief or ner ved to aggravate the Ji»ca<p, the s-jverily of with h increased wi-.h every succeeding year. Such Was my painful si uation that I • le^paireo of ever being restored to my heal Ii; Iliad not or.Iv trie J the te^olar means of relief, hut used, though in vs»n, every popular rem» cdy 1 could hea o’ It was in this awful aud despond*ng condi'ion,ihat I was persuaded to ..nmm-nce a course of your Vegetable <Vlr I ico**, and t !, e happy result is, “ /* om the vat of the two b'dtl a my whole sys'etn hut under gotten comp'etcrevo ittion, my pains hcv* fo s i* ke me;" the discharge from my knee oeg 'n o dimmish, and suo i ceaned aiiogetker, th- ulcei from * hence it proceeded being com plctely healed. The tumors, for the removal of which I have Died in vain more remedit t than I can name, are rspidly decreasing ; my appetite, which was gone, has returned—I an. in fact, near.y well, and feel conf.d mt that a few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable medicine, will ms*ke me per ectly so. Your oblig 'd friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. Philadelphia, July r 6, 18^4. Mv confidence in the vegetable catholicon is undimiinsli-d, and as froah in tancca of its powers arc daily occurrit g, in my own prac tice- I nave no hesitation in recommending it. in the pecul-ar diseases to which it is applica ble, as superior to any remedy 1 am acquaint ed with. M. M'UUtil R1E, 14. D. Philadelphia, May 28,18 4 Sin—Tn consequence of imprudent expos ure four rears sgo. 1 had ths misfortune *o be come! IB ctcd with a disease, the painful re Hill's ot which induced me to apply iu sue-. cess on to several respectable physicians of this city, from whom, however, I received either no relief, or from whose remedies 1 re. ceived another complaint quite as distressing as the former. My whole systen became a'- fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac count of the violent pain that I felt in every part of tny body; the weakness and e*nacis tion cf which wu such that I could scarcely walk. In Ihia state I fortunately heard of your vegetable catholicon^ fjur bottles of which, has completely restored me, I have now no pain; my appetite ia good; and my strength restored With many thanks for the relief your medicine has given me, I am your obliged friend, &c WILLIAM WILSON. Sworn and subscribed to before me, May 28, 1824 JOHN BINNS, A derman. Philadelphia, May 28,18*4. Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a hearty mai F *r nearly six years I have been • martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regular medi cal advice from the commencement, my complaint at last got to such a height that 1 could not swallow without great pain and difficulty. Tumors formed in different parts of my body, and I began to think my situation almost desperate. I he five bottles of the Catholicon which I have taken have com pletely cured me, and I am now is **!] as I could wish tobe. With my thanlu, Z am your obliged humble iervant, Ifo GEORGE KANE. City of Philadelphia, ss• George K .ne, of the District of South- wsrk, personally appeared, and, being duly worn, doth declare and say Hut the abovl statement is in all respects correct and true and that the signature to it is in the hand writing of this deponent. BINNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 2q, 1824- TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Catholicon is peculiarly adapted to those diseases which are prevalent among the coloured population of tne south* In that disease which is called yaws, it is a sure remedy ; a single trial of it, will convince planters of its superior efficacy to any reme dy of a similar nature in the United States* NOTICE. The advantages of this imdic'n* are, not confining the pa'ieut unnecessarily to the house, or keeping him from his business.— With one S'diu*y exception, that of aoiriiu- ou « liquors, it does not lay any restrictions upon his appetite It is so gentle .u its operat ion that the patient finds himself gelling well he cannot tell how. Ai it »*j not the wish of the proprietor to take any thing lor which he cannot give a consideration equal in value, persons at a distance who may wish to try his medicine, but who are not certain if il be applicable to their complaint, are request .ri u» describe heir cnae and symp'orns in letter, pust-pHid, and directed to him—th s ettcr wui be imm.-d.ately placed in hands fiiily competent to de:.d.- the question.— ho"ld ihe remedy not seem to suit the dis ease, they will be frankly* told si. CAUTION- To prevent d suppoi.:ttn«:nt it is well to ®t‘*te that it t ikes in ordinary cases from 3 to 5 oottiei to effect a cure ao th*t pe ions who ire labouring under any scr ois infirmity, must make up their mind to pci severe to that extent fit least— if they do not, they might us well save themselves the trouble and expense f usings smaller qum'-itv. All o r de s Pdtt p lid and enclosing the mmey, immediately uticnd;J t., and he medicine .nickedaud delivered with directions for use, *° any place in the city, and forwarded as d.- rc-'ted N- B. To prevent the possibility of idl im r»”sition, it wT) be Sold in the city ofPhiUdei- pl‘i«. at the office in Filth near itaci-Suvet, *rai the dwelling of Ihe propri- tor, N-.». 66 OheKimi street, only, and abroad by bis au- ihonzed agents W VV, 66 Che>nut Street. PhJude'pfil<i‘ I have appointed GEORGE RYE a$ON, Druggist, ot SavaiitiHh, m. so'eageut. Drug gists waiting the above vaiunble medicine, 'vill be supplied by him for cash, at the same rate*, a? if ordered direct from me—v z. &3C per dt *211, or three dollar# a single bottle. W. W. POTTER, Piiiladclphia. Any person on application to tiie suhsciil * i will be furnished with certificates of the t fti oaev ot the above medicine, sufficient vO run* / nee the mind of the most see.iti- al, idthougo 'no numerous t*nd h ngthy for newspaper ii- aertion* GEO. HYER^O'd, Druggist, Comer ol Bay and M hiltaker Streets, dec 13 IN EQUITY. Between W, Davies, Administrator, Complain ant. and John ( amoeban, Administrator^ tl'. bonis no with the will annexed of' George Richardson and others, I).Jen (fonts In eguiiy Chatham Superior Court— Chancery, 2Oih August, 1824. I T appearing that John Murray Carnocliar, one of the defendants in the aaid bill of .vunplaint, resides without the state of Gco-gia, in that part of the United Kingdom* il Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotland : It is ordered that the said John Murray Car- nochan, do appear ar.d answer to the com- •.iluinant's said bill, within nine months from the date of this order, otherwise that tin anil! bill, as to him, be taken pro confesso .* and it ia further ordered, that a copy of this order be pub'nslwri once a week, in one of the public G izeites of this stale, until the ex piration of the time within which tbc b.<id de fendant is required to appear and answtr >*8 aforesaid. True copy from the Minutes, this 21st d-iy August, 1824. A. U.FANMN, Clerk, august 24 5tif Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN W HEREAS Sarah Br**wn. Junior, widow, applies to he Court of Ordinary of .aid •bounty, for Letters of Administration on the state of John Brown, late of sued county, de ceased, ar next of kin: These are, therefore, > cite hn-1 a('m >ni-h, all sod singular,' the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their ol j 'Ctious, if any they h ive, iu m- of ficc,on or before the fint Mo:dty in June i ixt. therwiae Letleis will be granted the ap plicant. WitncS' the Honorable Britian H Bunk ley, one of the Justices of aaui Court, thi- si.vteemo d.,y of April, eighteen hundred a d t-■ enty five. [L S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C. C. April 21 24 Georgia -Camden County. -Y THE COUBT OF OttDlNAIlY FOB 5 41D COUNiY. W HE7.EAS John Clicvahtr, has applied to daid Court, fir J^t’ers Dismiiaor-. on the estates of Sanmtl Cczens and Evan E. Muck, deceased, 'ihase ate, therefore, to •rile and admonish, ail and si* g liar, the kin dred and creditors ot the said deceased per sons, t. fi e 1 heir o! j ctions, if any they hsve. • u my ctfi :e, on or before the first Monday in January next, or Letlera will be granted lh> applicant. Witness the Honorable J .mes Scott, one of the Justices rf said Court, this six- teei.tli day of April, e ghteen huudred and uventy-five. (L. S.) JOHN BAILEY, C, C. 0. t. C Air 121 24 Geo'-gia—Camden County. BY THE COUBT CF OHBlNAItY tOlt SAID COUNTY. 4 WtlEBEAS Lewis Bachlutt, appliea to the- JJ Court of Ordiuary of aa.d Count)! ti’i Letters Di.miuory on the e.tate of Fr.nces Huaolupe : These are, therefore, to cite and admon'.s’i. all and singular, the kindred and creditora of said deceased, to file their of j -o- tion., if any they have, in my office, on or be- fore the fi st Monday in January next, other wise Letters Diamiasory will be granted the applicant’ Witness the Honorable Samuel Clarke, one of the Jmticesof said Court, this sixteenth day of April, eighteen hum dred and twenty-five. [L, S.] JOHN BAILEY, C.C.O C C And 21 ?4 HAY. KA BUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing sJXJ from Brig Pheasant, for sale by April J9 C. C. GRISWOLD SCOTT’S BU1LR arraaoTtr. ini7, 0ll- 7 Y R.oToTa L a H, SAMUEL T. AUMHTItlMal sniMU. tt i'm for b'Ml,u„ a o-’J*’ 50. «'tn-rniuLE c.„Z;t f ,Z 0l 'n S"“‘l Ite fertile s i. be -o •(, JjM ' 1,a '- VOI.U *fNY HQYAL OCT.iyn liUuhed with it likeness o/ii# *** m TEHilS. |T shall be well printed, on good I. be enmprlird in via haniisom. will contain the Scriptures uf the nT’ 11 A. VI Testaments, the IiUroilucttn o',, ' Explanatory A otct, ani auu a It the copious Marfinn, ltd,.' m "'i mtt printed vrutd tor word fr-im ttwi ’ “ Stereotype Edition, published dneetk.," ‘hor a dec-r.e The price wilH.*!?,,*- board* i 8^4, in sheen, g.ib, in ciiri,? "* The whole work will be Toady fiX May, 1835, / *or dehaerj bjr Ex'racts ./ Ixf.e s athhetieilt, thePa. If.teem Dr Seott’aFamily U,hi, ? dculatcd to promote the cause of trath^ piety. It aeen'i .carcelv pu»«d,le f. ,J -end daily the Nuteiand Obscrv. i,,!." 1 ' 11 Family Bible without becoming w i!.' r nli ' letter man. BUw Allu B a liFF N ‘ ,J 1 have seeh no'•urnra-nUry , duripturra wlilcli I ‘hink » well adapted general use and edification. U ia a C which ever.* fainaly ought to posses. U It it a work diitingunhed fufiheS.; tv and convenience ut its arranevaent rt cleurneu i fi lelity of iia neatneaa anil p.-.rapitu ’.y uf ,i« s ,. )c ' nevol; nee and candour of ita sp.ii’, ’.rl cisennaa and puitiuency of it, sn„i„ , and fur ita t-n,f.rm t r.d.-ncy to pronoie !^ geiical truth Mi piety, '** A Bird, hoi ure Of Or. “tcod’a Family liioie, | i e , | . . aay. that in my estimation it dcamed|, K ,., among our .bleat and b'.»l Comm nla i,, _ B , „ THOMfifi BALDiVijl Dr. Scott*, rarndy U bie ii.terded .icrially lir t> e use of Ch isti.-.n :omiP e . 1.. work high y evangelical, extensive.)’ J,!! live, and deeply lMerestiug. ^ p4NlF,Lfi.S\NI)ERl rbe character of Dr. SuutPa on the B.ble. ,s ... generally kumm, and « highly approved amungai the ntwt minu., and tuuuaOhr stiana throughout ota-eMMa und has passed rapidly through** n ; anvIi., i d" ions, that 1 deem fiuller rec.W, ■ ions needless’ , ... Jl OBSB. I am acquainted with no Oi,,»„ a 11, vhich I would Li cordially recumiiionci ^ general u a e. 'ih plan of the work is good . JOSHUA BATE*. I ernsps in no way, con ministi is. i.*.st<*uc(.-i *f youth, «*id private Uh:iMi»M, ,l u greur ■< to society, than b) exeiting thru, selves to tlissLini-i’.te this t. ulv biva'uilli wor «* JOSHUA HUN »'INGTON. I k now of no Commentmy wlirih i» b Urr calculated for diflusit g coriect views oftU great-ri,ills of Christianity, »k1 le»v;ngaV tar) impulsions on th* mmd when ruiti trom the perusal of it, than the ore you tre about to pub.ifch. DANIEL SHARPE. No writer s# em« Jess disposed to cynterl for barren specula*!, ns. None more uniform, ly or more pow: fuily inculcates the grant n <ontifcj* of religion. TOe Spirit which p?:< vxdss the work is excelUn’ *, it is the me*.^ affectionure, healing, yet faithful spirit of lU g^snei. Daniel dana. From particular eXHmi>iati -n, tnd concur ring t-.-siimon”, there is no doubt on my mini that Scott's Famiiy Bibif* in superior to ill others JOSEPH EMERSON. You will plc-.gctose d ue six copiesU Sc> - it's Bible. ; 1 rcf*r '.o your la'.e-y propuii edition. Perhaps, I ‘hull induce five su->re to take the rme number. H I, It is wiib extreme pleasure I pcrctiie Vol are about to publish a new edition l Scott's Bible. Ifavi-'-g been in possi-ssion d •t more tl ao 20 y. his, I trus 1 know s ne :hmg of its value, and j.r detci mi: e > to im. mote i s c rcuLiion among my friends Y4 will please forward six copies ns soon us p-> fished. ,',m 1 have obtain, d ftiur siib>cribcrs l»r Cl exet .lent work j ou are publishing il. S. I propose to take seven sets of Ncolt'j iii' bit*, and will be scccunuble for the sume . J c > I nave obtained si bsc ibers for n.n c :u:;i of Sco*.i»-. F irmly B.ble. ). ff 1 shall probably need eight or ten s lid Scott's Family Bible, J, p- Rev. S. S. of P. o' tained ten sihtcr bers. fc.ii, l have observed that you are abo.,1 lithing another edition of Sum's B hie hope you m^.y suecte ! as yui h*ve d./.e ii lovmer editions. I have been endeavoring b procure subscribers atno: g our people, strf ten or more subscribers wiil be eb aped. i). i. lit I will take ten sets (of Scuti'a H*«ej bound «' d lettered. j. F* I have obtained ten subscribes fjr) 'A edition of the Family Biblt— and liav«* d* ubt bu» ihere might he s -nie'liii g hkriW copies »old in this place if you h« i an Kg' here—I thought if e work ought to h? es* couraged at:d fur hat icasua to;*k * suiucnfi* ti’l.i paper It is a work that every f;Sir'j should have trut is able to purc-hnsc. J. E M'C. I am glad, that y* u propose to print U'- Scott's excellent Family Conimtiitntjv * ,J should be very glad ifit were in my power to ve a more libcial patronage to the work than, ss circumstances are, I can. however, he able to do something ; eight if ten sets I shall certainly take; and tl may to double that number. A. R- i have procured fifteen gubscriixw to Scott's Bible. J. A. D. 1 think 1 shall dispose of 20 sets or mure d the Family Bible. £• H I have circulated proposes for ScoUk B. ble ; how many have been f-ogaged in cannot u ll; but between 20 and 30 se'| i> It s vicU.ily, J-f I have concluded to become respond to you for thirty sets of Scott's Comme-WY* C. B- I have proenf^d 106 subscribers to ^ Bible j 6 sets to be bound in caif; 3 set* be done in boards the other 97 seis, uad lettered as described in the proSpeclOJ* I jiresume I could procure SO0 subset** oers for your edition of ScotCs Bible demsud is incretiing for them. They ucma'.a is merewung iwr tun». finally supersede every other large or r Bible. Filly of my subscribers live wj circle of 8 miles! * Just published an edition of the sam* » completed in six volumes, without ma references; price in boards 8*®* i 231; in calf g27. Either of (best ed m-y be had of the publisher in Boston / 3. C- & J SCHENCK, Savannah, Ja' 11 ^ Marking Bruskea, O p r.V.IK' ’“SKSv'Sy DAY fid