Newspaper Page Text
►heart's bates.
0* ikJpV ’/fisad-iy in Jans ntxfy .
\\V\Mt Hsjf'Jd at Ihe (Jtus.-Houi* In thi
W the hour _ w „ „ F ..„.. v , I10 „„„
to nr..""JL 1 ' 10 ab ? vo bu “ in P"“- b . e ”
in the afternoon* one undivided moiety,
fi»"'.l* Stiver, containing five hundred egret,
tn r* or le*i. two hundred end fifty ecroe cl
which ii under cultivation, end bounded gut
hr Isadcvf toft -P- toOibut-ne, imtli by Ends
ft — H bu sham, west by lend! nf J bn.
Mon, north wn/dry by Setil'e Hirer, togitht-r
with ell the building! end pknlstiou tout*
thereto belonging.
Also, fi'y or eilty heed of Celtic, thlrtt
sheep, two Dili, one b ut, edd the fo lowing
h g o slaves, to wit, D-orge, Lucy, Al«!ib„.
March, Vherlo tc, Georgette, Peggy, UsStiu,
Bileck, Pendandy, Floret, Harriet, Sam, Hch
ry, r>idey, Simon. Biiheve/, Loutia, Sunn.
Drunctta, Helly, P.ttcy, Nancy, Marcui, M)
re, James. Toney, Uelen, Homnluai lanctu
Scendy, Abbey, Ben, P evidence, Mon ion
D h*. Cyme, Big Jack, Amelia, Juliet, Pale
m >r, Philip, Lucinda, Altamont, Leuia, ^ui,
Jna. Bobo, Little Jim, Little Jock, Smart,
Pltebe, Billy, Nat, Demor, Driver Ji n, Man,
l**iuia, "loopat, ia, Canadi, Dorcas, Tenah
Luke, Sally, Paulina, Caliata, Boaana, Scip.o'
Cain, Nancy italic, Fredci ick, Job, Bora, Pi..
aah, Deck, Pompey, Patty, Diana, t^kuabu
Bob, Liaaa, Andrew, Nanny. Matthew, London
I lit tie Pendiih, Prince, Leaser. Ptill>a, Litlli
Jack.Fanny,Daniel,Castor, Nid, Little George,
Solomon, Gaiubay, Kate, Pngula, Adam, am
Mary, being one bundled in number, levin
on 'and to be aold to satisfy an executin'
■gainst Juh K ug and Weavale Junes, in f.
Also, one h mac »nd lot, lituate, lying am.
Being, in the town of St Marys, being part ol
Jot number ope, cnntainiug me hundred fee
in front and four hundred and thirty aix feel
deep, levied on am! to be aold aa the properl
of John % Christopher, to satisfy an eiecu
lion on loreclpeure of mortgage, in favor in
WUitom Borne. under the ruin absolute
April 93d, 18 S
•- •’« , 30
itiei-itt’s ales.
On the first Tuesday in June next.
TVWitakj .. • id tot tht. Ouurt-Hous*. in th
w Gcyof Savannah* between the l.ouri
of ten.Mid four o'clock, the followiog 16 nc
(roes* via.—
Sippitif rtxfcer, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry,
Billy, burke, Pirns, B *m, Dinah. LHIe Brain,
Prince, Ben and Meriaia, with ihe incrense
jf the families* levied on uiul r a foreclosure
of * nlnrt^e from Peter Timothy to William
Wath'ngton for use. '
Tw»negroes, vs i Ned and GfcgoWj If vi.
e«f on a foreclosure of a mortg g? from Chan
VtAier to Joseph K.p.nvi.
•prll 4 09
sheriff’s Sales.
O N the first Saturday, after the firat T res.
day in June next, will bn xold at the
Market Houa- in the town of St. Marys, W o
negroes, ril B.ib and Hose, levied on as the
property u 1 Joseph Run, to ait’sfy an eaecn-
tion on the foreetoiure of, mortgage, in favor
of Punnet CI'irke,anrlGeorgc 8 Brown.
Apni 8 1«J M il IIEBBAHU S.C C.
Aruil !
Administrator’s ale.
On Ms ji it t aesctiy in July n-.xt,
B it WEEN ' ,e iisjr.j hours, w*L u.. sol
at (lie Court-Howie in Bryan County,
th. Pillowing desor b 'd property, being part
if 1 h: estate of Matthe-' Carter, dec. and
•nid inr die benefit of the heire and creditors,
tod by an order of ihe court of Ordinary of
•aid nnui ty, via i
2.0 acre*' of ivrd in Gwinnett County,
known aa Lot No 361, in the 7th II Uriel.
2J0 acres in Pm ly County, known u Lot
No 174, in rh Sdth District
2,0 fixer Land, in Effingham County.
Aiso, two slaves
Cotuiila-ii.*: f sale m 4 - known on the day.
BI.IZ iBETH vAIH EIt, Ad-n’ra.
- .April 2tt 30f •
N INE MONYriS after tht? date hereof, ip*
iiticati'iit will be made to the Honorable
th I utV.rior Court of Chatham county, when
•iiung f nr ordinary put p-.>ge«, f >r leave tosel 1
a lot, with the improvements, situate in the
City <if Savannah, in the said county,and known
in the plan ofaaid city by the No. 53, Browt.
Ward, lof tne benefit of the heirs and leg'itee*
of the estate of the late Hugh M’CalX de
N INE month, after due, application will be
made to the Inf-nor Court nfChuhatn
County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an
orjc ("solute, to sell tula N 4 fuur an' five
(4 • d 5) in Carpenter’s tow, and lot No.
one, (I, Green Waul, in hi city of Savannah,
bei .g tnuresl f atal' of Francis Jalineau, dec.
forth# hint ill of th'- Mr, and creditors ol
■aid estate AlLLltM GAS ’ O 4, '
Qua'ified Executor.
r 97.
N TNfi MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will he made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to self a part of
the' roal estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heira and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN IV. STACY,
dec 10 2t
R espectfully inftrms hi» friends
■ml the public, that he has purchased
Ihhging to Dr. A. Dclaroche, opposite the
Exchange, where he offers for sale at low
prices, a large assortment of
Fresh Drugs, Medicines,
and Chemicals,
amono which arc thf ror.i.nwiNo :—
Aijua Fortis, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Root, llurax, Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do
Peru, tie Fnla
Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas
Columbn, Fniery, Gum Assafcntitla
Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, LnncetB, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxvd of Bizmtith
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rlmliarh. Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar
Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits ofTurpcutine
Paints 3 and in Oil.
White, Rod and Black Lead
Prttssion Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan and Copal Varnish.
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Best English Shaving Soap
Enu tie Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med
icines of every kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jan 20 47
Piano Fortes, Curled Hair Ma
trasses, eather Beds,
T HE subscriber offers for Rale the follow
ing articles, warranted to be of the
bent quality
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables
Breukfmjt do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Muhogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hall Lamps. Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tonga and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fort ns
Double and Single Hair Mattrassos
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrasses to fit.
Also, a large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match
The above articles can be examined at
th« store in Whittakor*Street,<»pfMwfe Col.
Shcllman. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 93
SPEilM OIL LVMP.-i, i c.
Lay Hendrickson,
IT.WE received by ship William Wal*
. !X, lace, a new supply of
Glass Lamps
Japan Socket and Stand do
Lamp Feeders, Lamp Wick and Lamp
Glasses of different sizes
Also, Pure Sperm Oil and Oil Cannis-
ters, of one,two and three galls, each-
Together with every article necessary for
making safe, cheap and pleasant light, at
the corner of Congress and Whittaker-Sts.
Whiskey, cef and Paints
C C. GRISWOLD, offers for sale,
. 1 no Barrels Whiskey
50 Barrels Prime fit I Beef, N. York
25 do Moss (city inspection.
100 Kegs White Lead
22 do Black Paint
5 dn Spanish Brown
10 Barrels Whiting
March 28
Prime Pork, ■*<:.
Jmt received by brig Pheasant,
Jm\J 10 do Mess do
20 do Prime Beef ,
10 do Mess t|o
5 do Whito Beans
10 Firkin* choice Geshsn Butter
200 Pounds Pearl Barley
Tor tain by A. BASSETT.
Abril 9t
M .SS PO fK, c
Jmt received per brig Pheasant,
QA Barrels Mess Pork
Mlr 10 Kegs Goshen Butter
20 Barrels Mess Beef
5 Bbla Snrgeants Butter Crackers
5 Bbls Market Hams and small
expressly for family use
For sale by
Anceaux’s Wharf.
April 19 122
Private ^aie,
A NEGRO WOMAN, about twenty-five
.ftryoars of age, an excellent cook, wash
er und ironer, with her two children, one
6 boy About ten year* of age, end a girl
Kboht five Joan old. ■
April 8 J. B. HERBERT* CO.
March 25th, 1H25. <
P ROPOSALS for keeping in repair the
railings, posts, &c. aror.nd the Public
Squares, mrnishing all materials for the
same, for one year, will be received at this
office for one month.
Plough Lilies and Ped * ords.
T WO hundred und fifty d oxen Plough
60 Dozen Bed Cords
For sal| by. N.B. WEED,
March, 14, 1825 5
ifjniKrlB tS on the 3d of ^ J D
fw lew p»s*:il hv tfur.C'wirfrMi
Uvnted 3t{^ee»6f which tlie 3d'^ b h- • id Sd
lections if*'*’ the or »h f 4jq>.V'g, t
" Sec.4. And be it fu tksr enuc erU That *
mthr-ripiion o ihe nui uut of mlllont
of dolin' a, of the ail p r cent, ntuck of L-e,'
yw eighteen bnndrrd jnd ihirteen, be, Mnd‘
ihe Mitn* it hereby propoteil j for whluli puv-
pose book- thall he opened at the Treanry of
the United State*, and >*t th »-veral loa> »ffl
ce», on the first rf«, of April neat, (n continm |
opeu until the Arat day of Ociober ther*«itr.r.i
for tuch parts of the above mentioned d ?•
scriotion of stock av shall, on ihe d*y of *ui>
•cr'ption, -land on the book* of the Vrcaiun,
and on thoac of the several loan i ffl ;e«* re
•pectively t which au'isoriptom whall oe effect
ed by a traiifcf-r to the United State*, in thr
manner prov.d»id by law for nuch tran T r«,o!
■he credt or cti-dts itandiiig on the anid
oooki, and hy a sui-ren ler of the certificates
of ihe slock to fuhacribed: Provided, That
4i1 lubacrintion by *uch transfer of »tock alitl
!>e c niidei *da» part of the and twelve mil
ions of djllara author s^d to be borrowed by
the firat seen n • f Iih am,
*' Sec. 4. Anddte i further enacted, That for
he whole orm.y p«rt of uny »uta which ahull
he thus Bohftcrih- i, cr« di »»hi)| he entered to
<he reapectiv § ibsc ibera, uh < aliall be eoti
led t » » CFrtifi Ate *»r ce tih ut a purport
‘Imttlie United states owe to the h il er oi
'i old era iheic.f, h.« her, or their utaigfia,»
sum to be expressed ih iam, equal to th*
•m Mint of tiit p-incipul alock tliimau -soiibi.*!,
>**i»ring in iniFrcftt n-t exc >etTmg four hi d
»”« lial r per co-it im p *r kuirntm. putable
qui*rterl>, fr m the it liny of Decern-
H r a one thtiusaudeight Mi.tdred aid tweity
five t t -auaferable in the same .» aimer as i«>d by law for the traralof of die stock
' U iarribed, and •m' j ctto nd iHt ition at th
i>le:iau> e of the United Status, us f tllow*: one
'>» f «( any tim/ af er the tturty-fipit day of
I) :cembc~i one thouiHnd eigh' hundred and
iwentv-eight: ard the remaind-r at any tm«
*ft*;r the at day «f December, om:
h 'UimJ eight hundred and tweut,*nme:
P-ovided, I’hut no reimbursement ki'all tn
•liaJe es-ent for the wiiole amount of aucl
ew cer .fi -ute/ nor until after at least w> a
nont is ruibhc K*tice of such intended reim
•ursem- n An I «t shall he the duty of the
^■ecretii^r f the Tremury t»» cause to be tra-is-
tVr-d to Vtn rr-spectivt* hubscriheistto gyv^r-
T. sums by them auhaev-bed beyond the anioun
d the ce» fi .itva «*f fair and one had per
cent, stock a«u • to th *m reap xtively
" Ser. . md be it fw ther enucted, Tlmt
h^aamef' dh wii-cri luv.* lic«-e u(u r been,
tj now are pledged by law for the pay men
of lie int-rest, and lor the redemption avr
t-imhnrsnment of the stock whicli m*y be ie
ie m d • r reinibuned b\ virtue of the j:r-i
vinontt o!'t !« Hrt.aludl r* mdn pledged in lik*
manner f.*r h pi men? of tfi*3 ndereat accru-
.-•g on the stock rroiled h v reason of su .
uibxerip ion, a- d fu* t ie r*d - i;it on or re m-
ourseinent of the princid‘1 of'h nme. A d
it shad he thedut. of the e irmi .aioucra of tlu
inking fund to esuae to be ajqdieo «nd puid
•ut of the sa*»' fun yearly and e- e^> year
such su n and *:u •)« «•> may be annually n*qu . •
dd to dia .btr^e the t« «e out ac; <u- .g on du
iiock winch >nay be created b vi <u*i ol tin*
'•.t 'Ihe auid comm aliniicr*. ar , also, heir
oy authorised »o apply, f, m i me fo lim ,
- jeh tu n and sums ou> of the. B*.td fund, ,i‘(
they may think proper, i w^ds re leemii |r
oy purc.imae, or by re.mbiirseinmis, in con'
r.n mity with the provisions < f thii set, h'
p mcipnl of the sud stock : and surh par» in
the annual aum often mimong opntirsprwr
•I bylaw inthes'td commiasioneis as m >
tie nece ja' ry and n q tired for th above, put
poses,shall he *nd continue app opria*'tl t>
ihe payment of interest and redemption n
i he public debt, until the whnle f t’e § ocl
sh cl» may be cheated under the provisions ot
ties am, shn I have been redeemed or reim«
Now, therefbrei n flee is hereby g ven, h
irokg will oe open dai the rrcasury « • tin
tJnit«‘d St>*te8, a-.d ’t -hn several loan i.fli.:-v
nthefiiflt day »#t April n xt f and cuimimii*
open until the fi-gt d»- of October, rhereaf
•er. f-»r receiving subletiptiong in confa.rfiiit)
wi’h hr prov siona*. f he su’d law.
Tile *u*//»crii>tio»* m»v he made by the pw*
pr - tors * f the stock, eHhft*r in perso*i «»• hj
ihtir ftU 'n.cys duly sudior z to sub^cnb
md tran«f*»r t to the United a'ate-i.
*h U'd subtouriplior-s of said stock he mitd
to «n amount exceeding t.velve m llimm o'
lhra, r ihutt n f he aaidsun of*welv
idiorg of do'ilms will be m«.de among hr
8 ib^ciib *ra, in proportion to the sums subacri
ned by them respeciivtrly,
Artmg met Jtrfjiy'of ’he 'i- «s-i»r-**
*6 n q
Vegetable Cdtholicotu
rtlrtiLjMBrX'h,, res . MIM«v
iftlenUon of every friend ydiifferiqg
,h * " b “? “** •« inv“,Wr
""'I"* 1 pnwers inellmit,sting
ftnmtne sirtcm Ihe very seeds of dineasr',
s«il n rett mg- the d-rtnired and morbid
e'lii-liti n ol the organs of life to a free end
healthy exerirte of their fund ons, has ext-.i.
t?<l the tat n'lhment, and completely alien
M'l the ol'j-etions of the most inert d ,lous^-
Fucli art ihe bat argument!. In order to nut
'.lie virtues ol tne' sihoiioon to u sever.;
•crotlny as poss.b'e, it was "flared by sJve
t Wimcnt togethex witi the .ttendanee oi's
lirysio sn, gratuitously to any oer»„, w h„
ontld tpply for it, an I u h .se cause might
seeii t< come within the r.n/eot its healing
pnVer—numbei* ofsovere css ■« of long sta X
iiKindH-'itte ot thorn seemintrlv da - r ■<?
pr eitted themselves, alle/vi.iich have
O'-at cured or so muon relieved as U warrant
; .v erticil that s little rrersoversnne will dn
s"J In tsvt, such is the confidence of the plrosi
cts. inder whoso ere these nst.ents were
hlltotl, in this remedy, a egrfide ee rmu t
ing Irum th': irresistible comi.-.tinn that tins
"d?ti for-, ,1 upon his mind by oen'ar detno.i
wstiun, at d a trial "F it on hhnseh
that he po aids me to declare it as Ins d-ci-
Ii d opinion ih.t he is not o,d
rt 'h etty s.fc and innocent, hilt a tnntt pnw
srim txd mvaluab.e ,i;„
-as'rti and -itotcto i>.« ni'.eai, such us die f I
pwia g !—
\ l>e lil.ty resulting from intemnerxnce gn«l
yssipation; Ol: 'nil inFeteiat • U c»*rs. I*a«ii-
i\ t.ebmiS rttf-niicd with swellings .,f t".'.
j in s | I , Dr t hi-s on the
mV p *• , &c.; Al complain s of the Livtr ;
.'fl er.- Y*ws; Syphilis.- (Jutaiieousdiset»«e>
g< teial y t Mc.curibl and scrofulous com-
'lie Cxtholienn (whir.b the proprietor ««>l
CBijlk pledges ha v;oru consis's evciusive
f vig t.hlti mait’v) vith be except on of
s l gi\t d t« rmi lition to the bowels, which U
i)i'esfe ’ves iu u soluble state, act insensibly, is
pl-u^nt to the tsate, and rrquires n ; srdcu-
»r reg msn, ^abs»inpnc■* tr >m spirtuous li :
q i'iM f*l -ays except d,) <»r confiautnent. A-
a g> ntle tale and agree b e cathartic mud
c *.e mprovingthe a petite ami i t sinr.iig tb«
gener«dtone if*he riys*eo», it in enund ntiy
recommended to iadies in a dei>catr situa
tion. w w. po n E*t,
66 OhedHU'.-sireet.
Philadelphia May 31, 18 ’4
At the request nf Mr. »V. V V PoUt*r, Ihju
Lte y ‘niub itd, in severMl in tance*>*a • eii
c-t -«1 a rup c) led 4 J n't.u-’s Vegetable ('atho
icon wit * th* most dee ded advantage, i
mb, h§ et, nevr r failed tffectmg a cure ii:
•-•cry case in uhicli l have fipugi t proper t"
vmplo> it. II. U'MUU ! RIE, U D
Ph ade phiiu July 28th, 18 4.
Mr. W W. Hotter.
Dea Sir—You expressed a wish th*t I
wmil! g Ve a concise si* tniueut of niy suff r
higi, fr.ww th-’ iiopeless com me i.ceme»t t<
tlie pr-s-ent i ropitinus stage of m- dise«st* *
About live years on my pa .suge from
Hnrdej'ux, <lu«*»rg die month of January* from
•murudunt exposure on deck, I was seixr i
with a violent fever Having no medical at*
’»«*;ts on hoard, 1 w 'it ccnpei’e 1 to bear
it, s;, I n |j..t fur two weeks, when on my sr-
ival srt C tarleaton, S.C it was t anted ah
ix oiy.ui—ouind n County.
Superior Court, October Term, 1924.
Timothy Hopkins, vs, Langley and Seivester
^N petition o: 'I ni jilty Hopkins, stating
* tlut m cons de utiun <*f certain pr >m
ss -ry nnteSj made to the su'd Timothy, by
Xbfim, one p^vable with inte es*, from fi-v
ufjuiuia-y, !82l,on tn« of Jaf.u..r ; J82’2:
a second pinkie aaaf'rnsai * on the fus-. of
JanuBry, 1823; and % th rd pavsble as af r •
(tHid* on the firs) uf JunuHry, 18 '4 executed a
•nortgftge to emd r 'i noti,y t|«>pRit>s, hia hn
and assigns, **n all those four trac t of * „*d,
■t tuated ill the county aforesaid, cjnveyed ;;
he said Tt nnthy, to the auid . r «ngky anil
St.ivester* and lying on th-.* smith aide c
(■rent SatilU River* one tract containing aev
rity scvcnii-crps, 4 more or less; two
■••outHining fif*y acres* more or less, sr.d one
'tier tract, containing one hundred and c.gli-
-eightVres* more or less, conditioned for
ie payment of the three said several notes,
•n the days above mentioned, ami that asiu
\ veral notes remain unpaid— >n motion ol
trehibaid Clark, attorney for plainti 1 ’, it i^
dcred, that th said Langley and 9elveste<,
:neir heirs or assignit pay into Coin ,, within
welve months from this dste, t’..e suma du-
'.j said notes, «nd the intcres and C’.sis* otb
rwise that the equity of redemption be fo»-
ver foreclosed, and that such other proceed
mgs take place, as are puimanttolaw.
True estrac* from the min-tea, 27th Octo
ber. 18*4 .TOH’4 BAILEY, Clerk
n^v 4 «7 A-*
N INE months after date, applies'ion wll h,
made to tile U 'n. the Juugesut the Goun
,t Ordinsrv if Chu him enu uy, for leave t'
ael 1 ell the real, state of the Isle William Graig,
diseased, fur 'he benefit of the heirs and c'ted
it"re of said estate.
JOHN Il'NIStL Executor
n to 71
4 LL peraunt hsvmg <lento' da against the
esttte of Gouslant F-eemsn Esq late of
the city of Wuhingt'n, deceased, as re
q iired to hand them in, leeslly silested,
within the time presenbr'd bv law t and those
indebted to said -'the, are n qui'ed to make
immediate payment, to
Ja« 14 4apa
-atoWtriWtrtMr-WRHW lk«a;-’t-,m ySif
’bilged humb.'e terv.nt, fje ’
• WKto,
Mtd say that the ebnv
? « > respect, correct and true
...d that the Sigilaureto it bin-the hand
writing of this deponent
Di-. .... ^ If HI VNS, Alderman.
FUibdelpUt*. May 28,1824-
The Vegetable Gathidicon it peculiarly
adapted to those di.euec which are prettied
s nong the population of the south
it Hint dtaease winch ia coiled yew*, it Its
■Mire remedy i ■ aingln trial "I lf, will convince
pantera nfitiaopi-rior (ffi-.aey to any rente
•ty o! a aim,tar nature in the United states-
_ NO i’lOR.
The er.vantagea oftl,is medicine are, not
confimnr the pa ici" unnectia.rily to the
n<Hi«,orkrepiiig h.m from his b iaines,.—
til C b "; v • , '‘ OT I> 1 ">" hat of sniriii,.
ii J'? lt d’llBM fai/ uny rrueicaviis upon
hiiuppru,. It ,,** gentle ,n ,ts opetw.tu"
hat t"o |>'tient findi iiimsclf getting well he
cannot tell As it ia nutate wbh of the
pto^tetuMotakc any thing lor which lie
ckiinut g,ve a consideration equal in value,
p rsuii? at a di.lance who may wish to try
‘in unite m’ ^"'i *” certain if ,1
j •PP' Coble to their comnlsint, are request
d _o describe heir case sod symp o n, in
L*i-P®‘*1i jncl. JhfifiLaLLi aim -^th.ya
fully C'm,jvtent to de-. cL the quootiou.—
•hu ild he remedy no* se.m to suit ‘the di»*
e »se, they wdi be frankly told so.
To prevent d SAppoiuttu'mt it is well to
t .te that it tutes ia ordinary coses fro u 3 to
5 'Oit cy to •-(feet h cure to that pe.s jus wh«>
tic luomiring under Any serous m’lrunty,
-nut makeup the!*- mind to persevere to that
x> n at least - if »liey do nut, they might uu
•-11 NHvetliemsetves Hi*-, trouble and expense
1 ”«ingo ■»"iler t|ii«n*hv c
All 0"tiers P’Jtt p lid .aid enc'oting the m-mey,
i ji'.'icu ait ly ativiid ;d t >, todd • iiu inCitioine
c-ea ami delivered with directions for ust-,
any place iu the city* and forwui Jed os di
N U. To prevent the possibility of all «m-
P siiioii, it viM bi s.d'l in the city of PiiiZade!-
hu. at tlie office in Fifth near ttxct-Str et,
">rai the dwelling of the i ropri tor, Nj. 66
'Jheamir r.reet, only, an I abr »sd by his au-
hur.Xi.-d agents W \V P-t'l i ER,
66 Che, nut Sleet, PkHadelpfi a 1
I have appointed GftORGR HfR lBON,
DnigjMht. ot StoVumuih, ntt boietegcut. I>iug
fisl* Wat t ug the above valuuble medicine
vill b; supplied by Itim fov cash, at llm •amt-
rut», ah if ordered direct from me—vx. $30
pe d i -ii, or three dolla.-o a a ngie boitle.
W. W. POn*BU 4 Philadelphia.
Any pe'son on applieation to the subsc-ibf r
wdi b«- furnis!icd with certifies)es of the tfii
cjcr of the ..byve medicine, sufficient a mn»
v not- the nund of the most tscenl"-a!, although
«'»o tiwnerous and Ii ngthy for n 'vipaper‘in
sen ion. GK*>. UYERSO’ .,
Ccner of Bay and W bhtaxer Street!,
dec 13
KMnov. ?
H > ssitueL J* 8
be,Lifted Tvith a tikineu tfih, j*,®- W8 ^
f 'L‘ h ‘" b * P'^tofifon M
*.be cnmprisid mris StoiliSSjW^N
wO’cnmain the Softfitu^T'JlK*
A.W Ie,lament,, the Inladuciir, m, 0l1 Ol
Explanatory Asm, and Proemnm ™ 1 ”n,
ett .U)e cupiwus Marina, *■«
•’»« printed Wwrd tor word f , JP
Stereotype Editor, published 111 '• ‘ l,e ^ n l«i
Ihort, de'cesse The' “S'£
hoards t R?4, in sheep i R.^o i *5 i*
I he wll lie work will ber.» i ^W'din*
May. 1825. ‘ Me i-ewdy fordeiivery^
the fever, birt P' a «i v-hke* t'u) te'-iuination
of this g ive rm to u di i*-ace t q tuily (tigt< is* •
mt;, sn ■ wa c't, till now, Iliad m tight incus .
tble. Virions ahsceitex made tliei iiiiwul-
tome appearance* pirticularly on the j nnts,
which were two led to an enormous »ise.—
These g adually *uosided into hard (utioiv*
•me of -vluch on my left knee affected t : -e
bone—su incision vv«s now m.n'-e ann a 'ar/re
ovicuation »*f, nnxeil with pmcf a »>f bone
»ook place, 11 a s diti-jn to this, 1 snffered the
moat excruciating paimiq m-, j iint» tltgl rnf*p
e%»*r experienced Every thing that wn»
:)dmin»'term'd e;ti»er gnv nit no relief r «er-
ved to agg-uvate the Jisi-g't*, the S'-vcntv of
whi h inctytasgd vi-h every yuccc-ed-ng year
-ich w:ts ny pai'duisi uati -n iha( I ie*.paire !
'-fever beiog restoed ‘.-i my heal h j 1 hud
to'a dv tr.e I t‘-e e u!«- n-jAm of r-lief,
but used, though »n vaui, every popular rem*
edy 1 ( he* o f It WisN in tins h« f*i‘ and
de4pond ( ng c- ndit o i/.lial I waspeiwuttL 1 to
.ommenceacnu'se «».;you • V • «*#•.— * h I
**>•», nr’* t’ e ha in- r • u’t i ’ f om the use
if the (wo b ttl’S my vthof* tyahat under ,
tfonra comp'd revo u-ion my p .uu h v fo s i•
ke mi/'* ihediu :lu:r,' • iv m m/ «;nc-; ocg t:
o, .m.l soo • ?.ea&ed ahogc^.ei-, h
.luerf.i'm hence it proceeded being coir,
oictch healed. The tumors, for tne r* ni-»Vtil
»f which I oiive t-ied in vain mo r e rerndha
( tan i car. • a ne, are rapidly dccrev-ing ; niy
upprtite, which wasg ne, Itus return*.d—lati
i- f.iot nt ary we!-, and feel confd nt that a
few bi'Uiea more of y- u*, (to me; invaluable
tiiediciuc* will m-<ke me p«-r ectly so.
Yourobl g d frit ml,
Philndephii, July 6, 18'4.
Hv confidence in tm: v.-get ,oie catholic-*i*
ia Un linr»iin8l.w l. »»nd hs fresh in Unct-»*'f its
powi r.i daily occturi g, in my own prac
tice 1 > ave no hesitation »n re'-ummending ii
in the peculiar d.xe st s to which it is apnhci •
a!e, aa superior to a ;>• reme !y I » n acqtiaiiit-
ed with. M- MMUiil KIB. m
Pin!a ,r.ipIda, May 28 l8 4
Si*—In c'mrrq ictic* of imrrud*. nt expos
urefo 1 •- e’fs -jgu 1 had 'h*: misiortune *o be
come > with a disease, tne painful re
huI'i >t induced me to apply iu sue*
ecssun" It ^e v eral respectable physicians ot
s city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whuie remed ea I re-
ceivcu another complaint quite as disu essing
• the former. My whole system became a -
fected. I could get no rest at night on ac-
cou rt of the violent pain that I felt in every
part flf my body / ’he weakness and emteia
lion tf which was such that I could scarcely
wall. In this state I fortunately ht-srd of
y iur vegetable cathelicon- f >ur bottles of
which, has completely res' nred me, I hsv**
tow no paint my appetite is good; and m>
strength rustorecl With many tb-nks for
the relief your m>. d«eme h as given me* I am
your obliged friend, &r.
•iworn sad subscnSed » r * before *tv»* May 28,
1824 JOHN 1UNNS, Alderman,
Phi culeiphia, May 18, 18 n 4.
Sir—I m now, thankr to your 'medicine* a
tesrty mu F-r nearly six years 1 have been
h martyr to a disease, whose rsi'ig s threat
ened, if not soon stopped* to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi-
oal advice from the comoHmcemrnt* my
complaint at fast got to such s height tbs} I
could n >t swallow without great pain ind
diffii ully- Tumors formed in different parts
of my body, and 1 began to think wty situation
-Imo t desperate. The five bottles of the
Csthol ctn v/hich I have taken hate com
pletely cured inc. and 1 am nuw aa well as I
IjN tiaUtl'Y.
Between IV. Davies Aiim nistraior, Complain
aw and John amovhun Atlm nistrator\ d
b'-nis no wah the will annex-d of Georye
- HicKnrdton and others. Defendants
■■ WPjiwufrX-tiV'''*'" L,ulMC,±u
I T app« ari*«g ibat John Hurray Csrnonhsn,
one o* the detendanta in the said bill of
.unphint nt-m- d, resides without the 9tate ot
G-iO- giii, in that part jf the United K ngdonrih
r G.-f-st Britain snu Ireland, cai-'ed Scotland :
It is ordered thnt the laid John Murray Csr-
luchan, do appeal r«nd answer to the coin-
oJuiiiant'a said bill; wilriin nine montba fron.
>Se dde of this order* otherwise that t'i»-
sai-I btllj hs to h m, be taken pro confess<-
jr.d i- is further otdered, that a copy of thi**
order be • nbli'di* d once u week, in one of
he public G.x:\tes of this sta’.e, until the ex*
pitatioii of tne tin) 5 within which the said de
fendant is required to apoeur and answer i:s
C'ruu conv from the W* n*es, lhi« 21st day
Augoiit, 18J4. A- H.F\NNIN, Clerk,
xtigtix- '4 50f
G corgi t
D Ai
■Cumdiui County.
rilAl.L I OW IO JIi MAY UOiV. E 'S
ME’(KaS Soi-ah Btowr. Junior, widow,
aonl-es to he tlour* of Ordinary of si-l
•ounty, fir- Letters of Admi-*istntion on tne
st-ite of J.ihn Brnw", lute of su d coi tty, <k-
cesat-d, j-r next *'f k-n s Tht-oe ure, thi.relori,
cite nnl a m n,i b, all and singular, the
t’dred n ! credit H-fi of said deccaaed* 'ofile
*.eif <»! J ctions, if any they h ive, in m of
fi -c, on before the first .to d y in June
i -xt, -thcrwisc Letters will be gr .mud th* ap
Wilncs the Honorable B'ttisi R Bunk
lev’* one of the Justice* of Raid Court,
tin* si'-teen •' d*y of April, eighteen
hunure ? a dt-»-e»qy -fiv .
[L -S. JO l j ii • 1LEY C.C 0 C. C.
A-)ril 91 V4
Ge .rgui -Cavvlen County.
i]K T HEHEAS tohn Glievnl'er, hns applied
* T to said '(purl, f t I.ut era U.smis.iir
ti me es'asve oT.asnm-1 ■ ,.s.m ...vj n...
.lusk, (tooeesed. Tit le sie, l ie-eforo, Ii.
•re admotiislti ail and si 1 K ■ x, iho kin
Jr< d and oreili ots "1 Ihe <1 c.ased per.
fi a ihair oi.j clions, ifany they li.v
n m> offine. on or hcfiire the first Mondav- in
January next, or Lette'i will be granted Un
Wit'ess thelltmo'sble J mes Scott, one
of the-'Uhtices i f aaid (luurt, this i t dsv nf April, e gltteen hundruct
and .wen')-fi •-.
fL ] JOtlN BAILEY, C. C. 0. L C
r l ’ ‘H
Geo gia—Camden County,
CWHEREAS Lewis Bacltlott, applies to the
JJ C Hit t of Ordinary of sa d Countyi fm;
• .etters Dismissory on the estate of Fr nee*
H.soluoet these are,th.refure, to cite and
n.'.ntonis'i, ail and singular, the kindred and
creditors of sa>d deceased, to file their ol j c
(tons, if any th-y have, in my effi e, on or be
tore tlie fi it Monday in January next, other
rise Letters Dtsouasory will be grratel the
Witnesa the Honorable Samuel Clarke,
one of thr Jnaltoea of said Court, thia
aiateen'hday of April, eighteen hun
dred end twenty-five.
[L. S ] JOH’r BAILEY, C C. O C C
A •"•'121 "4
■—■ I tie price a il: , i' <«•
boards i g?4. in sheep , a- 0 , '
fheivlnio wurk will I,- ... t
May, 182J, ‘ be re “ J » for deli, ^
Ex raci, uf Lette-, orM eneili, ,
I estrern Dr Sum*. p lln , .... “ 7, V
ca.culated to prom-uji.“ la,“
|t seen.a scarcely H
read daily th,- N„te, / „ blc h ’ wt|,
Famtly B.ble without Zc«
uetterman. RllWinu i’' * * , *’HcS
I have -ennouu ^ ^'FP^
Scripture, which l wink ,u w ll “/
general use andediftetton ^;!' ‘Htelt,
luuL..v»e. fo.p.| *t IS S ttcliM,,
It ta a work dieting,, ^eiTTor the j’Zfe -
ty aud convenience oi its arrsoK.ine.v ii.
clunrnesa no I fi ielity of its canwiiiuni' '
:,eatnesi amt pcrspicm-.y „f , lv | e _ *
uerolenceanucand.inrof iu spin', q,, '
cisettess and pertinency of ts •pulicatili
and fur it* Uniterm t. nduncy to pro ,, ace ;"}
geucal truth ad piety. w
Of Or. tooil’s Family inble, t fer\ f tl! ,,,
say. that in on' esum.tion it dewrseitlyrub
a-nong our ablest »nd bra, Comm ntaii,
Dr. Scott’* Family B.ble intended rr„ tt .
pectahy for l e ure of Christ,,,, ismilwsi,.
work high y ev njgei„„l, ewenatveiy .rai,*
live, and deeply interesting
D aniel a. stNiigHs,
The character ot up. Scott’s Commentsi.
on th'! Bible, is in geueralli known, mo ,
Highly approvetl amonj-at thr m«i inttilqtn,
,»nd Pious Cliristians throughout onr couj,
!>«:' paused tapidiy thtnugliao rmnvh J
rditroris, ri al 1 deem furtlier tecjunwri*
"ons ueedleaa-
. . J FOitSg
I am arqurinted with m Coin-i-i.uq „
ih Saereij, wtnrh I wn.M an.
JoVd'ltlv rccommero tor geni-rsl tne. xks
plan of the work t* good
„ . JDSItUA B.trgt.
Pnrhapa in no way, can minim, rs,
‘f yoiitii, and ptiiate Ch istiarm, ilo y ,
e.rv’ce to aociefr, than by evritriR ton
selvea to iliss. iniu.te thia tiulv inv.tiAk
I know of no nommenta y which M brttc
niiculaird lor diffusing correct *ir.a of tip
grir.t iritis of ChiiKti.nity, and lr«* I r
mry impressions «n tn mmd when mi
irnni the pe u.u! ot it, tlian ti.e one you hi
-h ut to piib r-h,
DANIEL 8H\q n g,
No writer si ems lens diipi.sei ti conoid
for barren apeettlaii n. None more uniform,
lr or mere now f.iiy incttlcateslhe grr-1-
eitt'als ot Tlie jpint Wfiiclij, r-
'itlrctionare, healing, yet finihful •p.ritifiM
got;,el- DaYlKL DA fin.
From particulsi eaimiimtl n. and'coigis
r>ng tesumnn , the' > is no doubt on my aid
that Scott’s Fwmi.y B-hie is superior In ,11
"titers JO I PH EMEttSON.
You will phf.s.1 to se.4 .lie six coyirnf
Scull’s Bible / 11 ofer to your lately propud
■rdition Per haps I >>11.1, induce five nwr a
take i he s .me number. Hi.
Ii is with extreme pleasure I pintin
roc are about In publish a new e iitito -f
dcoti’s Bilrle Having ones in pirniwnorf
l more tha i 20 y HI', l Irus I kina mw
'.lung of ns vtiiie. anti am dele mil e > to ns I
mtut s:ra c rciiivtion anior.g tny frciili Is j
will pfes.efot ward sia ropies aasoonupA I
tahed. t:, M
I have obtain 'd four sttb.crihers f-.r fa |
excedenl work you are publishing H, t
I propose tn take seven seta nl Smll'l IS
ble, and willbv accbUulable fur the mine.
J C.
I have obtained ."bic.ibtrsfornin sp'e I
ofScott’vF.mdyBblo. J I
I shall probably needeight urtmltll
Sioti’r Fumi.y Bible. J p I
Her. 8. 8. cl V. lias o tainedter I'ittor |
brrs. K. n
t have observed that you are shout put-1
billing ann'her edi'iun of Si o t's B.ble
hope yon may succeed u V"u h ve rioreia I
former edition..'. I nave been eviduavorieg t* I
itrcure subacriiterr smo'g our people, id I
cn or more subscribers will bo idnu-eJ I
I will take ten sets (nf Scuf.’n ll»<!|
bound and letlerei. If
I liavc obtained ten •i,hscribi , 'sf"rye|
edition of the Family bible—and hsv. "I
t uht bui .here might be."mrihiighkf Ml
copies-old in this place if you hi" ante 11 f
here—I thought t"e work origin til 6c III
r.nuragrd and f»r # hat re.sou tub a siibsc'ib-1
lion paper It isawoik that every f'tnjl |
should have that ta able to puiduie.
am glad, 'hat y u propusptu mint lJ ‘ j
mould be very glad if it were in my P»» et j* I
pve a more liberal patrona,' : m the wm |
tntnj»u circtt nstanccs ire, / tin l**’L
however, be able to do something I cp 11 * I
et) ae't I shall erl*iu(y take i and *.■*" |
daubte Ihul number. , ' I
I have p.ocured fifteen subarnc"" " I
Scott’s Bible. J A.IA' I
I think I shall dispose of 20 sets or nr'’* I
he Family Bible. “•» .
1 hn/e circulated proposals I"’ S;t, ‘ I
B blc i how many have been eng-gco" ‘ I
cannot it II; but between 20 and J" “J I
h a viciiiily. 'mw I
I have concluded to become reip"* 1 J
to you for thirty set, of Scott’s Coasw’T' r
I have procured 106 sobte-iherr t«*l
Biblet 6 sets to be bound in cdf; 3
be done in boards the other 9f I
and lettered as described in the p , “ l ?jj a j T
I presume I enuld proenre
vers tor your edition of Scott’s W* al
demand is increasing for them j I
finally aupertede every other “’ui 1
Bible. Filly of my eubeenbera hve t
circle of S miles! ■
Just publithcd an edition tf the •*** J
completed its «* volume* *;*•“.
references/ price in boitos 1 vgs
*31 / in call *27. Kitts.-r art %3|
m y be had ol the publi-h r in BJt »“ f
S C. Ss J 6CHENCK, Savannah. $
■l» II —
11 AY.
JU from Brig Pheasant, for sale by
April-19 C. C. GRISWOLD)
O F a superior
for tale by
■nr *0