Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 05, 1825, Image 1

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Bv G.-ty w. ltoBERTSON,
IT X18HT HU».tAI»» FK» A*»U*,
. iiblished to moot the arrangement oi
*«• «*»» ■***«*•
Thntsf’iv and Saturday) itthe Office of tht
^J- Cummerciil, Political and Mmellun-
;„cl«din(t advertisements. pubmhed in
^I'he CounSy' Piper!» ae. tto all part, of
rill State and Union, ot dtjivered ra the city,
■t five doliiri pet inmitn, payable mtdvanci..
Adverliaementa ate inserted in both p*-era
it 75 centi per iquire, of M lines, for ie Bra-
insertion, ind 37* for every weeeedtng pub-
U Communications by Mi'll, sm»l be Pmlpnid
Salts of land anil ii gror* by Admu.uiira.
ton. Rxrontora nr guardian!, are required,
by 1„w, in be held on the fir. Tuenliy in Hie
Biiotli, between the hour, often in -h’ fore
o jon ■ id three in the afternoon, si the Court
H„ n : of the oounty in which the property is
lituite.— Notice of ihraesilea must be Riven
in n public Riietie tixty days previoui to th,
'**Notioc*oflhe nle ofpera-mal properly must
be give m l ie manner, Petty day* previoui
« the Jiy Ilf 9ale.
Mnliee to the debtori ind eroditon oi in
oslnte mutt be published (or Forty diys.
Notice that application will be made to the
Court Ilf Ordimry for leave to tell land, mun
be published AVue Menthe.
eiums & lawa?
jj.nrv HOGSHEADS prime and Second
9w quality St. Croix Sugar.
SO barrels dp do do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
6 do Holland gin
(I hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quarter disks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bsle rope
SOD grind stones
8000 bushels Maryland corn
• BOO do Long Island white, equal to
Georgia flint com
rnv S3
hiksh garden seeds,
TVuWmvub Ttower Hoots*
J UST receded by the rubioribor, ind wi -•
rented of the hut lewon’i growth, 2
boa -a Ovrdcn Seeds, put uphv A. M’Uahon A
r.o. Pltilidelphii, eiprenly fbr this mirket.
and containing the following asrortmi-nta, vii.
N ine months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus-
ices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land,
tnown as number eight, 8th District, 1 ike
formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit
if the heirs and creditors of the estate of
if N. S. Bayard. j BAYARD,
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Jan S
P ERSONS haying demands against the
estate ofTliotnas Johnston, will please
iresent them, properly attested, at the
Jounting-Room of K- fit J* Haberslinm,
Executrix of the estate of Thomas Johnston.
dec. Ill 71 it.
r ltv, subscribers being about to decline bu
siness in this place, request persons hav-
ng demands sg -inn them, to present tlienr
for payment ....
net 5
Administrator’s Notice.
N INUKO ,THSCrttni (hisdale, weslmll "P
ply In the Honorable the Inferior Court
Cbatnam county, »h* r '“"ti'g fir ordinary
S urpoaea, to sell the real eslatu of Wihiair.
aiieiKt 12 45
t. Drumhead Cabbage
2. Lone Ited Beet
3 Long Orange Carrot
4. Parsley
5 I.eek
6. Onion
7. Salmon Hadish
3. Early Purple do.
9. Hound leaved
0. Early Turnipt
II. Late do
t2 Selsafy
13- Asparagus
14. Eerly curled Let
15. Royal Cabbage do
IS. Nutmeg Melon
17. Spinach
>3. Summer Savoy
19. Sweet Baiil
30 Sage
II. Nadiirtium
22. Celery
31 Early Peie
’4. Late do
25 Surlv bunch beam
26 Red French do
70 Package! containing the following Bui
-ion. Blower Routs, via.
1. Double Hyacintbe I 4.U»»ieantige r flower
7. FreTulipe I 5 D uble Tuberose
3 Nareiraua ! 6 Star of Bethlehem
For sale by P. M’DBUUO IT.
Fes 2 58
By the President of the United Slatei.
[ N pursuance of law, I, Jama Monnoa, Prer-
ident uf the ’’niied States, do hereby de
dare and make known, that a public tale wil:
he held at the Lan' Office at Tallahasie, ii
Florida, on the third Monday of May next, fo
the dirooaal of the folWin|! lands, via t—
Township l.soutli of Range 1, west of the
Meridian line.
1 anil 2 north of Range I, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, I, fir 5, east.
t fir 2,north 1, 2,3, 4, fir 5*
Fractional township 3 t, 2,3, 4, fir 5.
The ailc will commence with the lower
lumber of section, township, and range, an-'
: rooecd in regular numerical order. Th-
l.nds reserved by law for the uae ofsch iota
or other purposes, will be excludid from list-
Given under my hand, at the City of Wash
ington, this 26tii dm- of .lanuarv, 1875.
Bv the Preaidei’t.
Commissioner of ilte General Land Office.
dj- Printers of the Laws of the United
S'atcs, in the Territory of Florida, and in th-'
Stales of Alabama, Louisiana, Teuessie, Mi> -
iissippi, Georgia, and South-Carolina, are au
tho-iadto pub Wi the foregoing Pruclami-
Uon once a week nn,il the day of »ale
P-t, y 6 f
T HE subscriber intending to close Ms
business in this city, oni|rs his stock
at reduced prices, for CAHH.jconsistinp of
Sideboards of various pattern, Secretary
and Ilpok Cases, Wardrobes, French Press
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing rabies,Com
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Diiing Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Brsin Stande,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Malnganyhigh
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cntts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy'fit Windsor Chairs,
fitc. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitt a
ker-Street am] Bay Lano.
J. H. O. nho requests that those who arc
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having nny demands,;
present their accounts for settlement.
Jan 25 51||
Ovfpo&UfctVxe Academy
—»»»■■ ■
MHft. KEtt,
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends
and the public, that her school is noiv
oi-ijx, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
the reception or men,a. Assisted by
hot daughter Miss E. A. IIirrison, she
offers her services in teaching the following
useful and ornumental branches of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from tiio roduced rates of tuition am)
her increased exertions to further the pro
gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
tlier extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
arc received, arc—
1st CIosb—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
Marking, per quarter, : fi t 00
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, i : : i i .! : 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : i i : : : : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
tr The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and
morals of thoso entrusted to her charge. .
nov 2 85
Consumptions, Coughs, £jc.
Damascus Steel Razors,
I UST received, o. supply of the above ar
ticle, which will be warranted good.—
For sale by N. 1). VVEi3D.
nov 24
Cognac brandy.
• PIPES “ Soignetto’s Brand,” just rc
I ceived per Louisa Matilda, for sale by
J. B. HERBERT fit. CO.
50 Tierces new Rice
• 10 Pipes Holland Gin
10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
50 Barrels Flour
30 Barrels Hams
75 Ilnrrrla Gin
SO Crates Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
50 Barrels Mackerel, No. 3
20 Cases Port Wine
10 Casks Oil
Jan 12
Goshen Rutter, Lard Sjc.
[UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and
) other late arrivals
12 firkins Goslicn Batter, 1st quality
2 > kegs leaf Lard
it bids Butter Crackers '
20 half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat
and Rye Flour
10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. 1. MongiuVNuw Buildings
fob 12 ° • 87
Share Moulds, Pork, Gin, #$c
C C. GRISWOLD offers for'salo, lun-
• dmg from ship Corsair
4 tons Share Moulds
In Shore,
!>6 barrels Northern Gin
18 do Mess Pork, New-York
city inspection
1 ton Steel
100 kegs White Lead
22 kegs Black Paint
8 do Verdigris
5 do Spanish Brqwn
10 barrels Whiting
Ibb 12
**■ and for s
Beers’ Axes.
°, f * he sbove Axes, received
■ind for sale by - X. B. WEED.
-g AA.KEGS New Leaf Lard
1Uv* 150 Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
& Pipes II. (iin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
tirade’s Company’' Hoes.
qrv CASKS Bradc’s Patent Hoes, for
UvjL» sale by a N. B. WEED,
dec, tit
Georgia—Camden Coumy.
O N the fynt Tuesday in March next, I avail
•ell at Jefferaon, in Mid connty» a negr<.
•nan, named Daniel, the property of the ea*
'ate of Mic-jih Crews, debased, pursuant tc
leave granted bv the Court of Ordinary,
MAUY CREWS, Executrix
.? n U 4»
Administrator’s Notice.
N INB-MONTHS after date, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol
Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinary
purpose!) for leave to sell the real ts-ote oi
Isaae H. Rubins, to satisfy the heire and cred.
itora. C- H HAYDEN,
august 12 45
Bunch Muscatel Kaisiiis,
J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar, **
140 Buxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
F"h 3 Ancianv’s Wharf.
Fresh Teas, Hams, Flour, xsc.
(}A CHESTS Hyson Teas
£i\3 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Hhu Richmond Cut Glass Wsro
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Feb 5
\J. SIfttea Bank .Votes,
Jan 20
F OR the cure of Colds, Coughs, Consump
tions, Spitting of Blood, As. Innas, and
Jiaeawa of the breast and lungs.
There ia perhaps no medical observation
better eslab.iahed, none more generally cr.n
i-rmed by the experience of the beat phyiici-
ms of all ages and eounti iri. and none ol
core importance to the human family, than
he faci that many of the most difficult and in
curable consumptions originate in neglect' d
colds.. In a climate oo variable as ours, where
ihe chtnges of the weather are frequently
sudden and unexpected, it requires more care
and attention to guard against this dangerou-
enemy of life, than must people imagine or
are able and willing to bestow. The bills o 1
mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that the
ompurtion of deaths by this disease may bt
considered as about live to one. Inasmuch
then ss ihia fatal disease f-i quently bids defi
ance to the skill of the most learned physic!
„ns, it is a gratification to the proprietor that
he ia enabled to oiler to those affliettd with
t good y prospect of relief, in that liighi)
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. The Indiana aie happy in their know-
edge of medical plants i governed wholly b;
experience, they are certain as to their -fl-ci,
nm it is said by an author of great character,
hat a true consumption ia a disease never
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extraction from
lerba, roots, flowers, pi .nt , Ac. when in per-
<ection. In cnnsequence of a happy eomhina.
lion of the moat valuable lierha, Ac- it becomes
■ balsam of a superior value. It heals the in.
ju-ed parts, opens ihe pores, and composer
the disiurbed nerves, slier the munnernf an
anodyne; consequently the obstruction ol
the chea 1 and the lungs which conatitule th.s
disease, particularly need in use. It promotes
expectoration, which ia constantly called for,
and whilst it elear.sus and heals, it slau gives
strength to the tender lungs In thu manner
ltremovesthe hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs Hit
appetite end improves the «| inta. This speci
fic mav always be givr n in aifety it ia mild,
plessant to the taste, and may snfely be given
-d infanta, lor which it is of imta-imablevalut
It affords relief in bowel complaints, t. etliing,
whooping coughs, Ue. and ia found particu
larly useful in hypochondri -cal, nervous am.-
hysterical diseases. Etch bill ot direction
contains a detailed account of this disease in
all its different stages, and will bp accompa
t ied with Ihe signature of the proprietor in
Red Ink. It ia offered for sale by GEO, RY -
Ett. O . only (my sole agent) Dihggist, epr
nerBay and Whitlaker-atreets, 8avannah t it
one dollar per bottle.
dee 30 30
N 1
INE MONTHS after date, application will
be made to the Honorable Inferior Court
if Chatham county, for leave to sell the real
and personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Ham
ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said estate,
March 10 —
By the brig Phecuant, from Philadelphia,
g\gt HHD9. and 100 bbls- Philadelphia
»© RyeWMikri
150 Dutch Demiyihns
10 kegt SaMnetre
50 whole and KR half bblt, flesh Flour
6000 huabela Liverpool groui d Salt
5 hhus. A 20 bbls. prime St. Cr-iit Sugar
3 pipes and 25 demijohns beat Holland
5 pi pel and 30 demijohns beat Cognac
10 hhds. and 25 bbls. superior Northern
- ,- Rum
( 75 bbla Northern Gin
So bags Green Coffee
5 casks superior old Lisbon Wine
, 25 bbls Lump and 72 hb|i. loaf Sugar
5 buses white slid 7 do brown Havens
25 baga black Pepper
5 pipes Imitatiun Gin ,
2 bales Ragging Twine
25 qr boxes Hyaon Tea
50 reams Wrapping Paper
15 boxes Pipes
6 cases Wool Hits
10 bales best Oanabnrga
5 bates unbleached Homeapun
4 cues colored ditio
50 kegi Dupont’s Gun Powder
1000 bushels Table Salt
9 5 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tana snorted (Carton) Casting*
5 large Smith Bellows
S') kegs snorted Cut Nails
100 bags assorted Shot—slau an
Assortment of Cedar Waie, Mirket and
Clothea Baskets
All of which w : ll he aold low for cash, or
good town acceptances.
march 14 9?
Cider, Porter, Wine, iSc.
S\ K BOXES fir-t quality Cider
Av 5 Casks do do London Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Feb 18
TONS carron castings, just rccciv-
sO®5 cl from Greenock, via. Charleston,
consisting of the following assortment, viz .-
2600 pots from i to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches
60 set flat metal weights, from I oz. to
4 lbs.
120 London skillets, from I to 6 quarts
1300 camp ovens, from 9 to 18 incites
130 untinned tea kettles, from one to 5
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
Jnn 8
Camden Supenor Court.
Hzxn r Hnronn, 1 Ver(Uct MsrchTerD))
ThomasKino. > 1U08 '
O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain
tiff, in the above case, it is ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not be entered in
the above case, as of March Term, 1808 j
and that puhliration be made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the .defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Ertrnctfrom the Mimitee,
dec 23 25)ii
Information Wanted’.
1EL OLAND MILLER, who in the year
IBIS, arrived in Savannuh, in the Abeideen
irnnspnrt, belonging to Measrii. Dowaon &
Sana, ot* London, ia living, and will apply to
nia f iends in England, he will bear ol
something much to his advantage, He left
the Aberdeen while she luy at Savannah, and
has not been heard of by hi* f iends since
that period. He had been many years a sai
lor, and while on board the above vessel,
was employed aa a carpenter. If he left Sa
vannah at that time, it ia probable that he
entered some vessel going to the Brasil Is-
Unds, as in hid last letter, he stated that it
war. Ilia intention to do ao. Should he have
died at any place where a register or certifi
cate of his burial can be obtained, it would be
thankfuliy received and all expenses attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
•#an» 0 17
Administrator’s Sale.
O N the fint Saturday sfer (he fiiat Tuea
day in May neat, between the hour, of
ten and fuur o’clock, will he aold at the mar-
ket-h.-uie in the town of St. Marys, pursuant
to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary for the county of Camden, a negro wo
man named Jenny, belonging to the estate of
l)av d G. Jones, decei-a d, for the benefit of
ihe creditors of said estate.
March ”0 96
4 LL perrons having demands against the
e-ilate of the late John Wakerly, (plant
er) dec. are requrs'ed to render them, prop
eriy aUrtted, immediately 1 and all persons
indebted, to make immediate peament to
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
F-h ”4 77
N ine MONTHS after date of thia notice,
application will be made to the tfonora.
ble the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coon
ty, for permiasion to sell all the real estate of
Juhn Waberlv, dec. for the benefit of' tl|f
heirs and ctedilora of oaid deceased-
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
Feb 24 tT
RNFORMS his friend* and the public gen-
I., crally, that be lies received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ot
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale aid re
tall, on the moat reasonable terms. Tl.t
following articles comprise a part of his
present stock, viz.—
10 Hogshe ids prime St. Croix °ugar
■ “wssri «••-• <’
60 Barrels Loaf and Lump di
50 Bags Havana Green Coffee
6 Pipes superior 4lh Proof Brandy
1 Pipes do Holland G.n
5 Pines Imitation Brandy, 4lb proof
* 1)0 do Mm. ■■
Pipe* eery superior old Peach Brand]
2 Punchrona do do Irish Whiskey
50 Hogah-ads and J Phil.ddpbia Rye
100 Barrels J Whiskey
100 Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pipes superi ir old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do
10 Quarter Casks Teneriffe do
Very superior old Madeira Wine and
Cognac Brandy in demijohns
150 Whole and? Barrels superfine freal.
too Half J FI ur
100 Parrels No- 3. New Mackerel
50 Barrels No. 2, do do
1600 Baskets Table Salt
20 Casks Goshen Cheese
20 Birrels Copperas
200 Reims Wrapping Paper
5o Hags Black Pepper
10 B-ixea Chocolate
20 Five Gallon Demijohn*
5 Rar els Glue
100 Kegs HE »nd HF Dupuntfl Gunpowde:
5.1 Pound Daniate-auf superior do
100 Piecea 4.) inch Cotton Bugging
2 Btlei Bugging Twine
10 Whole and J Bozea S. Whi<timcrc’>
6 Half J genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wool Hats
5 Buxes Straw Bunneta
10 Coils Rale Rope
5 Dozen Bed Cord*
50 Do Plough Lilies ,
100 Pounds Sash Corda
6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Cues colored and bleached and un
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron Table Spoons
15 Do do Tea do
10 Do Teutania Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Copper,Cast, Wrought and Compos
tiun Tea Kettles of all sises
Braa K -ttlei for making preserve*
20 Seta uf Dish Covers
20 Toms Shear Mould*
1 Do Sid irons
1 Do Bar Lead
1 Do Sheet Iron
100 Casks snorted Cut Nails
Mill, (iron Cut and Whip 8aw, raadi
expressly for tliia market
20 D sen Handsaw., Wooiisaw. and Ten
nant Saws
Blacksmith Sledges and Handhammen
Anvils, from 1 to SOOlba. real moult
Btackimith’s Bellows,from 24 to 36
Single and Double Screw Plates
Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5
2 Tout Hooks and Hinges
Until Andiron, from f,i JO to $3
Brai* and Wire Fendeia, with ahovela
and tonga to match
5 Casks Braid’s Palent Hoes
100 D sen Padlocka
steelya-da to weigh from 200 <o 500lbi
2 Tons of Steel,consisting uf Shear,Eng
lish, Bliateied and Cut
Stoves with Pip a
1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pina
5 Hagr Trace Chain
2 Dozen Currying Knivei
20'l D- z -n Currv Combs
6 Sets White handle Knivei and Forka.
conaiating of 50 p eces eacb
10 Sets Britannia Teapots.
Sugar and Cream do
6 Dusen Patent Shot Belt!
7 Dnien Game Baga
2 Dozen Powder Horna and Flaaks
1 Case double and single barrel Guns
10 Diaen Wire and 20 dos Hair Sifters
2 Doz-n Fancy Hall Mata and 50 lets
Table Man
A general aaaortmei tnfCarneiiter’aPlinei,
Brut lies, and Fancy Bellows, with many other
artioles in the above line,too tedious to enu
20 Tona of Carron Castings, which will br
sold low from the wharf
Hills on New-York,
Feb 24 G. C. GRISWOLD.
F or sale by
Feb 23 T. 8. LUTHER
Bacon and Lard.
/ iU 50 firkins Lard—Landing from
schr. Barrncoa, from Baltimore. For sale
Mnrch 8
Gin and Butter.
Received per ship Corsair,
WA BARRELS GIN* ind by Thom&a
# U Hall, 34 Keg* Butter
For sale by J. H. HERBERT &
March 26
Butter and Hams,
R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkina
first quality Goshen Butter
6 Barrels Burlington Hams
,qor sale by , A. BASSETT.
March 31*
Door Mats.
J UST received by the William Wallace
three doaen beat quality India Door
Mats, for sale by I. W. MORREl.L,
March 16
16th Class—New Series.
ILL be drawn on the Itth of Mil
50,000 Dollars la £50.000,
SO 000 30,0gQ*
10,000 10000.
ftOO 10.000
***> 4720
*» >5,000.
100 5 00.
-'■IS •
1 Prise «f
<2,120 Prises,
22^100 BUuka.l 34,230 Tickets. J 8 27 V*Q
34^20 Tickets at gS,
.hi” ,M .* * che ™« *'‘ h eight drawn ballots
htm P"*** *itn three number, on
in fti« 145 -?K W ' ,h »*• number, on them and
lo.oOo, with one number on'them. Thva*
l‘cket» having none of the drawn ballolk ox
them being blanks. V
To determine the fate or alt the tiekets lx
the above lottery 60 number Horn one to
sixty inclusive, will severally be placed in x
wheel on the nay of drawing, and eight bf
them will be drawn, and that tiekel having oa
it as a combination, the 1st, 2d and third num
bers drawn, will be entitled to 850,000.
Thathaving on itthe 6th, 7ih and Sh, will
be entitled to g. 0,000.
That haling on it the 4th, 5th at d 6:h, will
be entitled to glbOOO.
Thou-having m them the 3d, 4hand 5th
and 3d, 7th and 8th, each g.5,000
That hiving on itthe 2d,3d and-4th will
be entitled to 4,720.
Those SO having on them the
7d, 5th and 8th
2.!, 6th and 7th
°d, 6ih andSih
2,1. 7th and 8l!
3d, 4lh and 6tl
3d, 4th and 7ti
3d, 4tii and Bill
3d, 5th and 6ih *th,6th and 7th
Tri Ilk a aid Tlh All. C,L I n.a
4th,6th and 8lh
ltb,7th and 8th
•th,6th and 7th
5th,6th and 8ih.
5th,7th and 8th
each glOOO.
3d, 5tb and 7(h ,
3d, 5th and 8th
31, 6th and 7Ui
3d. 6ihanr 8th 1
4tli,5 hand 7;h -
4di,5th and 8tli
All other., (being 30 ticketi) having three
of the diawn numberz on them will each be
entitled to g500.
The 52 tickets haviog on >hcm two of the
drawn numher, and Ihow two, the 3d and
4th, will each be entitled to gt00.
The 156 tickets having on them the 4th
and 5th or4tb and 6t i, or 4th and 7tb drawn
numbers only, will each be entitled to gJO. N
All others (being 1248 tickets) having two
ol the drawn numbers on them, will each be
entitled to £20. -. — - -
And those having on them any me of the
d awn numbers, (bt : ng 10,608 tickets, or 13.4
for each drawn number.) will eaoh be enti-
lied to glO.
No ticktt which shall hare drawn a prise
of a superior denomination can be entitkd to
an inferior priae. Prizes payable thirty daye
after the drawing, and subject, aa uaual, to e
deduction of 15 per cent-
A considerable portion i f this lottery Is put
np in parcels of 20 tickets, embracing all the
ombination numbera, from, one to Mxty a
”b*ch parcels arc warranted to draw at leaat
8"0, leal the deduction of 15 per cent, with
so many chance, f-r the capital prizes.
J. B. YATES, ) „
A.M’INTYRE,( Mlna e er *'
Philadelphia, March 9, 1825.
* #’»•
Orders received and forwarded at the about
price at
March 31
J. Shinn’s Panacea.
T HE tubacriber having discovered the com*
PABACEA, has now a supply on o- na f or
sale i he hoi reduced theprice from 83 50. to
82 50, or by the doaen g24.
All charitable institutions in the U. State!
and the poor will be supplied gratia.
If the citiaens of the principal cities and
towns, will appoint an agent to order and
distribute thia medicine to the poor, it will be
This medicine ia celebrated for the cure of
the following diseases i—** scrofula or king’#
evi), ulcerated or putrid sore throat, long
standing rheumatic affectiona, cutaneous dis-
eases, white swelling >nd disease of the hones,
and all cases generally of the ulcerous Chirac-
*®fl* n d chronic diseases, generally a-iang in
debilitated eonstitutinns, but more especially
fro-ii syphilis or affection! arising thrrefrom i
'deers in the larynx, nodes, Ue. and that
dreadful disease occasioned by a long and
escessive uae of mercury, Uc- It is aRo use-
ful in the disease of the liver-”
1 have within the last two years had an op
portunity of seeing several cawa of very mve-
ti-rate ulcers, which having previously resist* *
ml the regular modes of treatment, were >
healed by the uae of Mr. -Swrim’a Panacea,
and I do believe, ftom what I have seen,
that it will proveko important remedy io scro
fulous, venereal and memorial diseases.
Professor of the Institutes end practice
of rhyaic, in the University of Penn*
I have employed the Panaoea of Mr, Swaim,
in numerous initaners, within the lca» three
years, and have always (bund it eitrvmely
efficacious especially in aec-ondary syphilis
and awrcurial diaeasea. 1 have no heiitatio
in pronouncing it e nrediei-e of inestimabl
value. W. GIBSON, M D.
Professor of Surgery in the Uni’iy ol Pent
Philadelphia, February 17,1823.
Philadelphia AW '7 ’8\7
Socket Spades.
1 CA8K Socket Snadea, juat rec
and for telg hjh N B. WEI
Jm’4 >"r-"