Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 05, 1825, Image 2

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    1 <' '»W*w.»o»zSr»dtfNj
D*II.Y fAMR, : ! ! t I !
country FAPfcn,i • 1 t t t
: five DOLLAR*.
The Binltop will preach at halt-pant sev
en o’clock THIS EVENING, a sermon on
the special wanta of the churcli in this city,
after which a collection will be taken up in
aid of the funds thereof.
or £u hope.—The writer of a new
wnrlfftblished in Europe, entitled ” Revue
Politlbue do I,'Europe oil 1826," thus .lints
up hie retnarku
law* or the union. 1 Prance, without any fixed position, placed
between her ancient and her now regime,
and yielding to her Aid prejudices; Italy
waiting impatiently for the moment ef
throwing oft' hers j the civilized portion of
Spain reduced to silence and despair by
that portion which remains in bnrborism ;
Austria preserving the model of a happy
•Mr ofeenitwlr ; Prussia ignorant how to
reconcile her political existence with her ci
vil state; the Polanese spirit surviving Po
land ; Germany forever busy with the
rights of the people and the rights of Kings,
discussing every thing, and determining no.
thing; Russia instructing Europe in an
Asiatic obedience; Turkey crouching at
longtli to the acclamations nf a civilized
people ; Groeco rising from her mins, and
resuming her rank among the noblest na
tions ; Sweden marching with a wise and
steady step towards her new destinies; Don-
murk unmoved amidst the general turmoil
aud contusion l Belgium within a single
step of being the happiest slute in Europe
Switzerland somewhat disturbed in her li
berties by her Catholic population ; Ireland
still more fanatic than she is unhappy; Por
tugal escaping from the yoke of sovereigns;
Rome persecuting philosophy wherever she
finds it, and enveloping Europe with her se
cret armies; in fine, proud England, leaning
upon America, whose destiny she sanctions,
glancing from her ocean home at the agita-
tations of Europe, contemplating in safety
the storms which rage around her, and hold
ing in Iter hand the power to givn, at will,
a direction to these agitations which must
be fatal to tyranny, Such is Europe at the
beginning ofthe year 1925 ; she will be no
longer the same when the year shall have
An attempt was made last night about
eight o’clock, to set fire to the three story
brick building in Broughton street, between
Bull and Whittaker-streets, belonging to
the estate of Col. Steele Whits, It was
extinguished before any essential injury
had been done to the buildiug. The -fire
was applied by means nf lightwnud chips,
near the fire-place in the third story. The
house is unoccupied, except hy carpenters,
who are preparing it for the reception of h
tenant. A tall white man was seen com
ing from the building at the timo the alarm
was given. The same house it will be re
collected, was attempted to be set on fire
some time ago, in a drawer of one of the
closets. Weontrcat every citixen to be
We learn that it is probable, the sloop
Three Brothers has received so much inju
ry by the accident which has befallen her,
at Mr. Fi.ournox’s plantation, as to render
her incapable of repair. About one hun
dred bales or upwards, of the cutton arc
very much damaged, which being long sta
pler. the loss will be considerable. We par
ticularly regret the less sustained by Cnpt.
Howland : he is an industrious man, who
has been long in the trade between Darien
•nd this place, and can ill afford it.
We yesterday by invitation, spent a half
hour at the “Dinner Tarty” of Col. Sar-
geant, in Shad’s Buildings, and can truly
gay that we were highly gratified by the
treat offered to us, whether we regard the
company or the viands—indeed, the fruit
and wine appeared to be the most excel
lent of their kind, and every face at the .ta
ble in that happy state of contentment which
will be found round a well furnished board,
when the cloth has been removed. We
were so woll pleased with our entertainment
that we recommend all to partake.
Those who have seen the Capuchin
Chapel, can form an idea of the painting of
the “ Dinner Parly," allowing for a subject
entirely different. The effect is produced
in the same manner, by the judicious dis
tribution of light and shade. The painting
represents a company of gontlem'cn at tho
table, enjoying tho desert, and contains
portraits of Cooper, Duff, and several othor
characters, well known in Boston. Thera
is a vividness and a freshness in the color
ing. and an attention to minutim, which
render the illusion complete.
Inst day of its exhibition.
rora, is b'rcdibly informed, tl
ecrtaln^Ickpoekot, well known to thtpo
lice iu Philadelphia, is following Gopral
Laeavette in-Ins Southern aud .Wo«rn| merohauts.
tour. As his appearance is that of a fin
tloninn, and His talents of no ordinary tier
anter, it would be surprising if ins su
should nut be very considerable. -
nur market being at 2B centa, and we be
liovo that whatever it lias reached above
that price, is attributable to tho spirit oi
, mill epMulatim, too cummon amongst onr
Mr. Hurley, of Now-York, (the (fine
who presented the Washington hat to Gan
Lafayette) in making one of his best bin-
vers for Gen. Bolivvr, to whom it is tobo
presented, with an appropriate address by
tho manufacturer.
The PinATEt—(official.)—Extract of
a lotter from Liuut. Cnmdt. John D. Sluat,
commanding U. S. Schr. Grampus, to the
Secretary ofthe Navy, dated
St. Thomas, 6th April, 1(125.
Under date ol'Jhe March, I had
the lionorto inform you that I had visited St.
Johns. Porto Rico, tor tile purpose of otter
ing our testimony against the pirates that
made their escape from the vessel takip en
the south side of that Island, when the dap-
tain General assured me that these iniicre-
uuts should have summary justice
On my arrival at this pluce yesterday, I
had tlie satisfaction to rnenive the informa
tion, that all who made their escape lion;
the vessel, (eleven) wer-- shut on VVeikms*
day,the 3 r ’th ultimo. They all, except ope,
■net their fate in the most hardened munnir.
The celebrated Cefrecinas refused to»c
blindfolded, saying that he hiinselfliadiiiiJr-
derntl at leastlhree or four hundred persona
& if would be si range if by this time hesheul)
not know how to die. From his and olhel
confessions, twenty-eight otliors have bueil
token and seventeen are to bo executed in
few days, and the remainder iu a short timo
niter. Those already executed have heen
beheaded aud tpiartcred. and their parts
sent toall the small ports round tho Island
to bn exhibited.
This capture is thonght by the Govern
ment of the Islund to be ofthe greatest im
portance, and it is believed, from the num
ber taken and convicted, that it will he fora
long timo a complete check to piracies about
that Island.
A letter from Campnuchy, of March II,
published in a Kentucky paper, says, thal
Gun. St. Anna resides there, and is us groal
a “ fanatic” (meaning, it is supposed, en
thusiast) “as over Gon. Miranda was.” Ho
hud n project on foot to revolutionize the
Island of Culm; and take immediate pos
session of Havana. For this purpose, four
hundred troops were embarhod on board
two merchant brigs and an armed schoon
er. The expedition was to be commanded
by Col. Sa nano, a young man from Cuba ;
the immense works which fortify Havana
were expected to be delivered up through
treachery. Bat. just as the expedition was
on the eve of sailing, an American vessel
arrived from Havana, and reported that
away of the titles, Aleavala, &c.—and I am three thousand troops had armed at, that
assured, from good authority, that
they adjourn an act will be passed granting tion in the head, and tho embargo which
a complete religious toleration—such a 1 been on for a week was removed, and
—- u —r* ■ «w~ tsKaw&jsssssSi
climax to their proceedings. Chiloo is still who had considered thorn as already drfad,
in possession of the Royalists, and causes and. Jit the moment the letter was written.
. .. . * _, . hundreds were flocking to the wharf to re-
some uneasiness to the government m that ceive th?m as f| .„ m t |,“ t omb.
quarter." This is a curious piece of intelligence,
■! J— ! and may serve as a key to the lately innrea-
The fiftieth anniversary of the battles of sed vigilnnco and rigor nf thn Captain Gen-
Lexingtnn and Concord, was celebrated at f ra ' 1,1 Luba, who could hardly nave been
„ , „ , . , , ignorant or tho protected expedition, not-
Concord, Massachusetts, on the 19th ult—j withstanding the embargo.—Xut.lnl.
Tho corner stone of a Monument in memo-1 ■
ry of those events, and of the men who fell The following information is from Mr. S.
on that day, was laid, witli masonic cere-! Y - Gar *I'' tll<! Hiib-'ndia" agent, brouglf. to
. . „„ , us ui a letter by Ni'amuthla the younger.—
monies, in the morning. 1 lie monument j The willingness, tho moment the murder
is situated in the public square, betweenI was communicated to the Indians, they man-
the Church and the Court-House. After I ife8, *. rf pu»»*li the offender, is a sufficient
...v.. proof ot their friendly disposition; indeed
This is the th!B ceremony, a long procession, escorted 1 1 |, 0 Indians are not Ms and therefore could
Extract ofa letter dutod Santiago do Chili
Jan. 10.—" The Congress of Chili have
been in session about six weeks in this ca-
pi'al: for the first month little or nothing
was done of interest—for the last fortnight
thqir proceedings have been more interes
ting. Thn Constitution was declared to be
null and void on tho 29th ultimo.—Since
then, they have been debuting upon an aug
mentation of the army to 8000 men ; the
imposition of a direct contribution; the doing
Mass'Squire, I know da gentlemen of da last four raarai.d-.i .
jurry berry voll-do.u >. Teorpnn. uwn, v.£ wm Sl CUlM6d , -
iiing, ol Little ’Hopus-kubw him berry veil reL arrivals in ...
“-I plough for loin—den dore is Manna Tra- East-holies. ItisJiL s H4(,0()
plmgtin, ot our town—how de do Massa— that the arrivals’
There will inevitably be a reaction, and ah I dere Musaa lopper, vat prints dc pa- precarious, on actum r
though w.g may count on better prices than per at Big ’Knpus—dore is Mussa Poet the state of warfare j
we have hall-tor a few years to cotne, yet Stecuberg—know him too—ho owe me lit- the consequent ’ ■
the very cause which hat now more than tie tnuney—1 know ’cir. all Massa ’Squire - - M
any thing else, contributed to the present —l did not go to get Massa Lucas to plead
high value of our cottons, will ns inevila- tor me, but. he gone to do Court of Error at
bly occasion itB downful—we nlludn to the . Albany—Mass Saui Freer, and Mussa
free institutions of Spanish America. Oe- ; Coeklmrn, suid they coinc to gib uie good
copying a country which for climate and . character, hot I no boo ’om here."
for soil doubtless is superior to our qwu ; I Cull’ was ordored to stand uside,and Finl
and as fur as thu culture of cotton is in qnes-1 lis was sworn.
tion much more extensive, they have only | Plaintiff said she did not know how old
wanted unr political institutions, to uut-tt-,she was—bclinvift she was IG—she looked
val OB in this groat staple of the South.— j nearly 20—she livod with Hans Schooimia-
Thcse under the guidance of Divine Provi-1 ker—was brought up in tho family—she
dcnce, tliey are acquiring. Their iminedi- told her case us pathetically us possible.
“ lvlusua Squire," said she, " J vus gene
up to Massa Schoomiiaker’s lot, on Sltuun-
gutn mountain, to pile brush ; den C11ft', lie
ate wanti they are supplying from the man
ufuctoriei of our raw material, and for
which thiy must and will pay hy the crea
tion of a taw material of tneir own.
' Let us then be warned by recunt experi
ence anl reason. Lot ns prepare in our
prosperity for tho adversity which must fol
low the imprudent use of the present. As
our property will rise with our cotton mar
ket, let those who are in debt dispose of
sufficient to pay their debts—and prudent
ly employ the remainder. While we pny
due attention to the cultivation of cotton,
let us not neglect the grain crop which must
supply our own consumption.
Lot ns pay strict attention to our stock
of hogs and cattlo. Let us employ onr
evenings and wet weather in clothing our
selves and our domestics. Let us ride eur
ponies and drink at our own pure fountain
For it is a solemn fact, that in 1 ft 17— III.
when our cottou was worth above 30 or*'*;,
that the whole crop of cotton made in South
Carolina and Georgia, would not pay for
the luxuries brought from the West Indies,
manufactories from Europe, notions from
the Enstern States, corn and slaves from
the Nort hern and Middle Elates, and hogs
and cattle from tho Western Sretes. To
conclude, we sum up all in the following :
1st. Get nut of debt while your prop
erty will bring its full value and stay so.
2. Make all within yourself which you
have to consume ut home.
3d, Sell all yon made to spare, and then
lay out tho proceeds on substantial properly.
Do these three tilings, and you will ac
quire riches by prudence, 'morality hy tem-
lioranen, individual independence by indus
try, and happiness from all.
“ And may ye i better reck the rede,
“ Tlmti e’er did the advisers.”
extend, including arrival)
from various ports iu the
Mediterranean, to ah i„.
crease above tltOBo of 111;.;
of 1(10,000 bales, mn .
king 133t)ua
Deduct for decrease
of wt. from the av
erage of American
vat stands dare, cum by vid do teem, lie Wosiludicsand other port?
topJiis horses and Boy, how do do Phillis,” No reasonable expectation
or us bIio gave it, probably in Dutch, kmc 1 exists of any increase in
{■■aud it mil you,” “ hail gout, said I; den the quantity imported lost
mussa, ho look ut mo berry hard, and say . year
Phillis, pose you meet me in the nite, ven ‘
de moon is up, infer do barn, I got sumting This calculation of import
to say--den 1 soy, berry bell Cuff, Ivill—i is Idg.OBO bules more than
lie vent up de mountain, and 1 vent home— ’ the arrivals of 18 >4
ven 1 eat toy supper and milk’d do cows, 1 Probable Coneumptmi and
say to myself, Phillis, pose you go down to Exporltin Iftvj.
de barn, and hear val Cuff bus to say.— Export. The gonaril im-
Woll, massa squire, I go, dare was Cuff, 1 pression is, thut the stocks
sure enough—lie told me- heap of tings all in the continental tnntltvts
about love—call’d mo'wenus and jewpeter, ~
Under our commercial head will be found
a Manchester calculation of imports and ex
ports of Cotton, and remarks as to stocks in
Croat Britain, It is of 23d Murch. and
said by the New-York American to be from
a most respectable house, and will speak for
Columbus.—The King of Spain has au
thorized the printing of the Autographies!
Journal of Christopher Columbus, and
those of several other illustrious Navigators!
which have been preserved in the Escurial
with the most religious care, but which np
one has hitherto been allowed to peruse.
The reward which Columaus received
for “ adding a new world to Castile and
Leon," is such as Ferdinand lias bestowed
upon more than one of Ms faithful friends—
yet it is so seldom that we arc gratified hy a
good act from this source, that, we arc are
perfectly willing to give him full credit for
this one.
Robert M. Patterson and John Ser
geant, of Philadelphia; Wm.'.Darling
ton, of Chester County : Albert Galla
tin. of Fayette County, and David Scott,
of Lnzorne County, have been appointed
by the Governor of Pcensylvania, to com
pose the Board of Canal Commissioners of
that state.
Dr- Barnard, of Larris, in Germany,
has mado a very interesting discovery, for
which he has received a patent. It con
sists id obtaining from animal substances,
of which hitherto no use h is bean made, a
product perfectly similar to leather. A
manufacture has been established at Cum-
bold, near Vienna, where this now species
of industry is practised with the grestest
activity. This discovery of Dr. Bernard,
is tho more important, gs the composition is
capable, when iu a fluid slate, of being
firmed into bools *pd shoes.
by three handsome companies of light in
fantry, moved from the Court-House to tile
Church, where an oratiou was delivered by
Professor Everett. A very large audi
ence was assembled, among whom, besides
the inhabitants of Concord and the vicini
ty, was a number of gentlemen and ladies
from Boston-
The Harrisburgh, Penn, Intelligencer,
statos, that at the Courtwhich commenced
its sessions out ho Itllh ultimo, the Grand
Jury found a “ true bill” against twelve
black men, with others, concerned in a riot
■nd attempt to rescue a slave from his mas
ter, a few days previous. The trial last
ed until Wednesday, and on Thursday the
Jury rendered a verdict of guilty against
twelve of tie rioters, aud an acquittal for
four. One nf them had escaped. The pa
per adds, that the Grand Jury appropriated
$300 for the erection of a tread mill to give
them employment. This conviction was
necessary to let these deluded persons un
derstand that tho laws are made to be re
The second timber ship at Quebec, will
be launcliod about tho 15th of May, and is
considerably larger than tho first. She is
300 foot long, 60 feet breadth of beam, depth
of hold 36 feet. tonnage by register 5050,
and carries about 8500 tons of timber. She
differs from the Columbus in having a round
house abaft, of 70 feet on deck, for the ac
commodation of the officers end men, and
tho stowage of provisions.
* .Since writing the above, there lias been
a decline nf a few cents in the market.
Duel, Cinr.t.ENr.E, &e Complaint wns
entered at tho Police, hy some person of dis
tinction, that there was reason to believe
that a duel wns on he tapis beta eon Jemmy
Jessatny, thn heir aud hopes ofthe,
and a certain Monsieur La Blond, de Puri.
A warrant was forthwith issued, anil tho
parties brought up. It appears that there
was a petticoat in the affair. Tho vouog
gentleman had a penchant for pretty inss in
I he vicinity of ono of our avenues, anil he
fancied that Monsieur either took snuff at
Itor, or warbled the fashionable air of « O
t ie love, 'lis love.” under hor cottage win
dow, very much to the annoyance of the
young gentleman. With a true chivalrous
spirit, ho determined to call him out a d
put an end at once to this poaching upon his
manor—but not being able to procure a se
cond, and not boing familiar with the eti-
and other tings vat lie got out of de play
house ven he vent down iu do slope to New
York, and lie nx’d me if I'd marry him be
fore de Dominic Osterhaul, he val preach
es in Milton., down pen Malbro. I say,Cuff
you make full on me—he ssy no, " by mine
teal," I vill marry you, Phillis—den lie gib
me dis here us artiest.” Phillis here drew
frum her huge pocket, an iuimutise pair of
scissors, a jack-knife, and a wood pipe cu
riously carved, which she dieted as testi
mony uf the promise, and which wus sworn
to as tiie property of Cuff, who subsequent
ly had refused to fulfil! the contract.
Cuff admit ted that lie had made her a
kind of promise, but it was conditional. "I
told her,” inns,a squire, “ thut site vus a
slave und nigger, ami she must wait till the
year 27, ben sill would bo free, cording to
the new eonslitutiim—den she suid, berry
veil I will wait.” Phillis utterly denied the
period of probation—it was, she said, to
tako place “ hen lie got he new corduroy
breeches from Cripplety Coon, dc taylor—
lie ewe tree ami six pence, and umssu Coon
wont let him hah em vulout do money—den
Cull’he ran avuy Id Vnrsing—l send Coon
Crook, de countable, and ho find mn 01
Shumlukin. and lie bring him before -you
massa squire.”
Tire testimony here closed, Tho court
charged thejury, that although the testi
mony was not conclusive, nur the injury
very apparent, yet the court was not war-
gcnled in taking the case out of tho hands of
the jury.
The jury brought in a verdict often dol
lars and costs for the plaintiff. Tho defen
dant not being able to pay, was committed
to Kingston jail, where he now lies, a mar-
try In ilia own folly, aud an axample to all
others in like cases offendiag.
The no rt, which was held at Budd’s Ta
vern, Now-Paljx, was excessively crowded.
Seveial reporters were present.—jY. YMv,
Valuable Cargo.—The ship Shenan
doah, which cleared yesterday for Liver-
not do well otherwise; tint lie says the Indi
ans am dissatisfied with tljo treaty,and that
tliey will tint submit to its terms, ln.adili-
tion he says thal in removing from their old
settlement to where they now are, ninny of
them, died with hanger and fatigue. We
have heard ol'ihis before, and could not bu-
lieve it. aud whit credit is to ho attached
to^Neamalhla’s statement we cannot know
because we are unacquainted with his char
acter, but there appears to be ti frankness
ahnut him that is pleasing, and seine state
ments of his were corroborated hy facts.
IIamui.v’s, April tuth, 11125.
Mr. Gout.n,
Sir,—In a former communication-ven
were made acquainted with the murder uf
Mr.Vanswearengen, justice and cundour re
quire that yon give publicity to the result,
it is owing not less to the pacific and friend
ly intentions ofthe Indians themselves than
to the indefatigublo attention of CoS. Hum
phreys thn Agent that as soon ss the fuels
had readied the Agency on inquiry took
place which brought to light the atil hor of
tho murder, a Seminole Indian, who in con
sequence absconded, but was pursued by a
party of Indians led on by Tuskenahaw.
who fired upon him as lie tied and inflicted
a mortal wound which will prevent him from
a repetion ofthe crime. From the first in
timation ofthe offence the chiefs and Indi
ans gem-rally shewed the utmost disappro
bation, and from tiie prompt and energetic
course adopted on the occasion and their
determination to rigidly chastise in the most
exemplary manner every abberalion, from
goml order, it is believed they will keep the
Imd spirit, in subjnetion E. F. Herald.
quettc in such cases made and provided, hepool, has a cargo of I’lflU hales Upland and
sent the challenge by Will, the Gardiner, 1140 Sea Island Cotton, weighing 408.082
who trugged to town in his pepper and salt | lbs, valued at 123,316 dollars 14 cents,
coat and heavy shoes, and rang atthe door,! which is the most valuable one exported
and demanding to see Monsieur La Blond,; this soasnn to Liverpool Southern Pat.
wns ushered in the dining parlour, where]
Monsieur was enjoying bis claret with a An Opper.—George W. P. Cl-stis,
large party, and presented his credentials, of Arlington, having been informed by emi-
Mnnsieur. having read thn note, looked at ] nc „t Planters of the South, that his estate
the messenger from head to foot, took two of Smith's I-land, at the Capes uf Virginia,
violent pinches ol En 11 tl and hroke out thus; ‘ possesses peculiar advantages tor the raising
—“ Vat de diablo is dis ell ? a eiinllnnge ? of idea Island Cotton, and being desirous
eh, bngar votre mnitre, send mo von dial- j that un experiment should ho made, offers
laiige vis de dein jardininr ? l’onrquoi, ilia- to givo the benefits ari-ing from the cultiva
ble mem portc, vat von mean, to treat von tion of ten or twenty nrros, free uf any
jentiman in dis mam.air, eh?” Will said charge, for one or two years, and should
“ as how he knew nothing about this ere - such experiment succeed, will give to tiie
matter,'his young master had ordered him experimenter the rifwml of the''property oil
to carry the note, and so lie did it.” Men-! fosse of 15 or tweniv years, on reasonable
sienr was exceedingly enraged atthe indig-j tprms. Smith’s Islnn'd is situated in the
nily. and very fairly kicked Will the Gar- ; Atlantic Ocean, immediately off Cape
dener, out ofthe parlour, for u “ dem jack- Charles, and contains about 5000 acres,
annpes.e villain e coquin.” !
Will went homo and told the winds story 1
to the family—thn ladies fainted—Jemmy j COMMBROIAL.
looked np, nnd Squire Stickull’s
31st Den. last, were much
below the usual quantity,
and that the demand is
good, but taking that of
last year will he
Consumption, Noin ithslnn-
ding the report, that if e
trade hold 40000 hales on
31 hi- Dec. 1(124, mure than
at the end of 1823, the re
sult has shewn the spiam-ts
and dealers (with the ex
ception of a few of the
leading houses) tuhovrhml
only average stocks; ta-
king the consumption the
refuro of- 1824 ot |n-r
And adding the av
erage increase of 5
years past, which
advance of prices,
may be reasonably
expected from tho
great increase of
exports & demand
for home use of
goods und yarns
per week
12150 631060
Estimated stocks in London,
Liverpool and Glasgow,
Dec. 31, 1825
Against the stocks iu the
same places, December 31,
11124, nf
- «J
dork wu« ordered to go with Papn to tho
Police, nnd get out (lie no.con?ary mittimus.
Tim parties a^mared, and wore severally
bound over in small recognizu m es.
[Abu/i’a Jlilv.
Breach of Promise of Matuii \«e.—We
extract the following from the report of a
case, in which Miss Phillis Shooninakor of
Ncw-Paltz, Ulster County, Now-York, ap
peared as the fair plaintiff, against Cuff
Hogcbooin, of (hut ilk, the gallant gny Lo
thario, who had won h«r too confiding heart,
then “thrown her like u hi
C(tlcul(tfinn of Import, Kcport, Consumption
(uul Slocks in Manchester, for 1U*25.
The Stocks on 31st Puq.
18-23, were hales 383000
The imports of 1824 were
from i lie U. States
JOiiKl -Indies,
West Indies,
Deduct Exports,
33000 539500
Pilot Boat Savannah, White,CliarJojInnJ
I day, witli merchandize, to T. (j. Cham. I
beriuin, and A E. Wund. Ptmniry [
Messrs. Butts, Wood, Baiiour, and CUa* |
At New-York, 24th ult. brig Panlha, |
Bradley. 6 days.
At Charleston, on Monday, schr. Carrot-1
tor’s Son, Hacked, t duy—(bound to Ply f
mouth, (N. C.) put in on account of Lai I
At Boston, 23d ult. ship Chariot, Pra't.
vi* for this poiyr,
At. Now-York, 25th ult. ship Empent,|
At Philadelphia, 20th ult. brig Franco!
Croft. I
At Baltimore, 20th ult. schr. RisingSuk,|
The brig Enterprize, Mastnnfrom Dar. l
en, 15 days, arrived ut Now-York 23d ult I
in a N. E. gale, on the 16th, hit, J-. «»l
knocked on her beam ends, sprung (Mr
and was obliged to throw overboard part c*|
the deck loud.
Charleston, May 3.—. ?»r/W, schr.ft!*!
rinr, (of Philndolphin) Hill, Hnvnnn. 5dty-f
Markets—Coffee. $10 u 18 ; Sugnr, Mnsco-I
Vttdo, $5. I
Schr. Retrieve, Tcfft. Providence, R l |
15 days.
Cleared, ship Shenandonh, finsp. Liver |
pool ; brig Richmond, Prince, Liverpool- f
Went to Sea, ship Milo, Wood berry,
verpnol; ship Jane, Childs, Cowes.
way ” Wo omit the remarks ofCouiihcl,
which like many other remarks of the gen
tlemen ofthe Long Robe, contained some
thing very little to the purpose. We are
desirous that these tender lovers should <
breathe their own complaints :— I
Philis advanced to the bar to give
her testimony. She was, as her counsel re-
presented truly made up of flesh and blood, I
being what is called a strapping wench, as
blaok as the ace of spades. She was dress
ed in the Low Dutch Fashion, which has
not varied for a century—linsey-woolsey
petticoats, very short—blue worsted stock
athoHome weed a- Quantity taken out of the
tmrlre < nnrtfc for rnimiiiiiutiiiti.
ports lor cot,sumption, 634000 687000
A Turn Out.—Tiie Journeymen Car
penters of Boston hare agreed to insist upon
confining their day's labor to ton working
hours. Their employers refuse to comply
with tho demand, and 5 or 600 workmen
are in consequence now said to bo without
employ. The Centinol states, that at a
meeting of tho Journeymen Carpenters, up
wards of450 attended. Two ofthe Master
Carpenters have advertised for 60 work
men from the country.
From tho Columbia Telescope, April 22.
—The most important event that hits occur
red to the Southern States in the last live
years, is the late extraordinary rise in cot
ton, which ts now risen in six weeks from
15 to 33 cents—120 per cent.* To our far
mers Lilia occurrence is of the utmost im
portance ; but it wifi only prove a blessing
as it is prudently used.
Wo trace tho causes which have made'fore "the bench
ings—leather shoes, wijjt a thumping pair of Deduct for native co
silver buckles—bead ear-rings, her wool nsumption and ex-
nicely combed and face sleek and greasy. 1 portationtothe cott-
Stnrks on bond Dec. 31,1824 235500
Prnljnhlt imparl q/*l825.
United States. The estima
ted growth, allowing tho
crop aud the produce of the
statue on the Mississippi to
make up for the deficiency
of 50000 hales, occasioned
by drought and Hoods in
Carolina and Georgia ia
generally taken at not more
than 430000
tinent of Europe, 140000
There waa no • dejected havinur of visage’’
—no broken heart visible in her face—she
looked fat ond comfortable, as if she had
sustained no damage by the perfidy of hor 1 Deduct 5 per ct. for
swain. Before she was sworn, tiie court loss in spiuning.ow-
called the defendant, wlm came from a-j ing to inferiority of
mnng the crowd, nnd stood respectfully bo- ^ quality
r.— .i—' '■ Cuff was a good looking I
T his splendid picture.p*" |
by Col. H. Sargent, of Bosk®* I
he exhibited TO-DAY ONLY, » I
iShad’s Brick .Building, west bideI
Bton-Squnre. j I
Open from nine in the morning* ^ I
nine at night. During each evening 1 *" I
be splendidly XUUSnMATEP-
ILr Admittance twenty-five cents.
Mav S
tho change in cotton, from tho following 1 young fellow, with a tolerable smartish | 2760U0
sources. dress, and appeared as if he had been in j Add possible remain-
the metropolis taking lessons of perfidious ] ing Block of the
lovers—lie cost one or two cutting looks at |
Phillis, accompanied by a significant turn '
1 st. The short crop last year.
3. Increase of manufactories in Europe
and America, from the increase of consump
Horse and Sulkcy.
F OR SALE, an excellent Gig and 51 I
die Horse, together with a lig»j",, |
and'Harness, complete—will be scW
for cash. Apply at the ollice of the ' ,<5 '
gian. j,
Mav S —-
lion from every part of tho world, but mart | up of the nose,and now and then a enntemp-
ions which ous ejaculation of elt ! umph ! engh ! which
growth of 1823, in
stead of 30000 say
This estimate will
exceed tho import
of 1824 by 11000
particularly from the free institutions
have recently coma into existence in Span- did not diaeoncert the fair one in the least,
ish America. | B he returning the compliment, by placing, u
These are sufficient to justify an increase her arms a-kimbo, and surveying her lover Brazils. A degree of un-
of price; but hot to the extent to which i’ from hnad to foot. The Court inquired of. certainty hangs over the
has reached. As far aswe can judge the Cuff, whether lie had counsol—“no Massa," j imports from thence,butthe
markot in Europe; would thu eeatm justify ha replied “ 1 toll my own 'lory—you see average of imports of tha
Hieriff’s Sale.
On the It ti Tueeday in Ju-'i nexh
rfWt;'.I. be sold a. ihe Court House’’
\JJr town of J«ftirr«on ( Camden Cl ‘ a ^ l ' t a
tween the ireisl hour, of etle.» "HJ, p
cam <1 ’Innicl, levied on (by ecnata”},,
the propertv of MiCsjsh Urtwi, I
^r i,, Trr7o^:isc.c. 1
jiff-rein, April 30, IBCJ. jj
M *J 6