Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 05, 1825, Image 4

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    «**h •^y**-r.vr»rTr?:-*'"<!» .
rjjaa aAtaiT - ®
Hbaju »u& medicine
' On l»aT'uttday in Am next,
nail bn sold at the Court-House in tli
rfjariwoi*. «|M Mu;
ofteno’olook in ihs murulng, and f«<*r o dl
in the tftomoon, on* undivided moiety, oi
A tract of lend situ*!*
on tho couth lido of
Satilla River, eonUMng five >Wn*od cotes,
ana or leas, too Ittndrod end fifty aorea ol
which in under enHWation, end bounded mil
by had* <4 lift PM. Osborn*, eouth by Hindi
bint by landi of John.
Mom northwardly by fietHI* Rivet. together
with all tkg building* and plantation toidi
thereto belonging. '
A too, fifty or aiity head of cattle, thirty
aheap, too 8«la, ana b rat, 4nd the fallowing
negro staves. to oil, Qcorge, Lucy, Alalibn,
March, Charlote, Georgette,, Peggy. t!aaiu>,
Blleck, Pend indy. Float, Harriet, 8am, Hen-
S , Friday, »iaon Bilhatay, Louua, loan,
rueetta, Hally, Pattey, Maiiey, Marcua, My
ra, Jam**, Toney, Helen, Romulus, lanettr.
Seeudy, Abbey,. Ben, P.oVidenee, Honaou,
Q-llt, Cyrus. Big Jaek, Arnel-a, Juliet, Pale
■nor, Philip, Lucinda, Altamont, Laura, Lon-
Jim, Boar, Little Jim, Little Jack, Smart,
Phebe, Billy, Nat, Damor, ptivfcr Jim,, Maris,
Ltvinis, Cleopstiis, Csnsdi, Dorcss, Tenah,.
Luke, Sslty, Paulin*, Caltatc, Roiaos, Scip,o.
Cain, Nancy Cane, Frederick, Job, Bon. Pi
ash. Deck, Pumpey, Patty, Diana, Culumbu
Bob, Lraaa, Andrew, Nanny, Matthew, London
Little Pendah, Prince, Ceaaar, Phillis, Litth
Jack,Finny,Daniel, Castor, Ned, Little George,
Solomon, Gambay, Kate, Prieilla, AJam, and
Mary, being ana hundred In number, levicu
on and to 'be told to aatiafy an execution
against John Kng and Weatrale Jones, ip ft
ror of jac b R. Volk*
Also, one h -use and lot, altilate, lying and
being, in the town hf St. Marys, being part o'
lot aumber one, containing one hundred fee
jn IronL and four hundred and thirty.aix fen
deep, levied on and to be sold aa the property
of John B. Ohriatopher, to Mt'ufy an exeeu
tion on foreeloaure of mortgage, in favor oi
Williatto Barrie,, under the rule abaolute.
April 23<i, is:s.
April 28' 30
R espectfully informs his friends
end the public, that ho has puruhaBud
tile establishment in tho abovo business, be
longing to Dr, A, Delaroche, op|wsite the
Exchauge, where ho oflfcrs for sale at luw
prices, a large assortment of
fm\i Brags, MetViclncs,
and. Chemicals,
Aqua Forth, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do
Camphor, Cautharides, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas
Colombo, Fniory, Gum Assafoetula
Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bixmuth
Oil of Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Pearlosh, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar
Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
Ttauurs Bnpattn\aai, ?
Ma«^h, 14,1825 5
IKTHBREAB an the 3d of M*y^, IW«, a
TT law was pined by the CingraH of H e
United States, nf which the 3d 4ih,atd fill
lectiona are in the word* f idowu’g, y ! l t
'■'V ; .'•> A ■* nw m- '
Vegetable Catholicop.
mrtExnbecrfh. »iisp.eifully''iiiilicidfthe *f
Sheriff’s Sales.
On thtfirii Tuesday in June next.
ttWiU be a Id at the Uunri-House in the
<M Citv of Savannah, between the hour,
of ten and four o’clock, the following 16 ne
groca, vis .—
Sippio, Hager, Abner. Soap, March, lerry,
BiUtuBurke, Parris, Bram, Dinah, Little Dram,
Prime, Bon and Menu*, with the increaae
jf the fkmiliea, levied on under a foreeloaure
of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William
Washington, fur use.
Two negroes, vlx : Ned and Gltvoa, levi
ed on a foreclosure ol' a mortgage Dorn Chaa.
Ulmer to Joseph Kipmsn.
april 4 09
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the Aral Saturday, niter the Brat Tues
day in June next, will be sold at the
Market House in the town of. St. Mary*, two
negroes, vis. Bob and Rose, levied on as the
property ol Joseph Rain, to satisfy an execu
tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
of Samuel Clarke, and George 8. Brown.
April A 1825 M.H HEBBABD.SCC.
1?stints Dr^ «■“& ' n Oil.
White, Bed and Black Lead
Prussion Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan and Copal Varnish.
Pomatum, Antique Oil, MacaBBar Oil
Beat English Shaving Soap
Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med
icines of every kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jan 20 47
April 1
Administrator’s rale.
On the jf' K Jhitiday in July next,
B ETWEEN toe usual noun, wili be sold
at the Court-House in Bryan County,
th ■ following described property, being part
of ihe estate of Matthew Carter, dee. and
sold for the beneAtof the heir* and creditors,
end by an order of the Court of Ordinary of
mid county, vis:
2J0 acres of ford in Gwlnnelt County,
known aa Lot No. 363, in the 7(h District.
250 acres in Early County, known as Lot
No 174, in tho 20th District
200 acres Land, in Effingham County.
Alsbi two slaves.
Conditions nf sale m d; known on the day.
April 28 30t •
N INE MONTHS after the date hereof, ap
plication will be made to the Honorable
the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when
sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
a lot, with the improvements, situate in the
city of Savannah, in the said county,and known
in the phut of said city by the No. 53, Brown
Ward, tor tne beneAt of the heirs and legatees
of the estate ol the late Hugh M’Call, de-
net *4 * 72
N ine months after date, application will be
made to the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, sitting for ordinary purpoaea for an
order, absolute, to sell loti N<« four am five.
(4 and 5) in Carpenter's Bow, and lot No.
one, (1) Green Ward, in tht ciiy of Savannah,
being the real eatate of Francis Jalineeu, dec
for the beneAt of the beiri and creditors oi
mid estate WILLIAM GAS "ON.
Qualified Executor,
7 97i
Piano Fortes, Curled Hair Ma
trasses, Feather Beds,
T HE subscriber offers for sale the follow
ing articles, warranted to be of the
best quality:—
Sideboards, Sets of Dining TahleB
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs. Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hail Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrasscs
Do do Moss do
v Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows '
Children’s Chairs of ail kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrasses to At.
Also, a large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Ruga to match
The above articles can he examined at
the store in Whittakcr-Street, opposite Col.
Shellman. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 03
Lay ££ Hendrickson,
H AVE received by ship William Wal
lace, a new supply of
Glass Lamps
Japan Socket and Stand do
Lamp Feeders, Lamp Wick and Lamp
Glasses of different sizes
Also, Pure Sperm Oil and Oil Cannis-
ters, of one,two and three galls, each'
Together witli every article necessary for
making safe, cheap and plnasant light, at
the corner of Congress and Whittaker-Sts.
April 25 <?7
" See. 3. And be it fwther enae'ed, That a, tentiun of every friend of sdffcriiig hu
subscription to the amount of twelve qiilhuv
of dollars, of the alx p r cent, stock of tht
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
the mae ia hereby prupoaed i for which pur 1 '
poa* book* shall, be opened at th* Treaaury of
the United States, end at th, several loan offl
ees, on the Ant day of April neat, t* continue
open until the Ant day of October thereafter,
for such parts of the above mentioned 4"’
acriptionof atock aa shall, on the day of sub
seription, stand on the bnnka of the Treasury,
and on those of the eevenl loan offi tea, re
apeellvely; which subseriptinn shall be effect
ed by a transfer to the United States, in the
manner provided bv law for such true fora, of
the credit or cicdt* standing on the said
books, and by a surrender of the oertiAcaies
of the stack so subscribed: Provided, That
all subscription by such tranifer uf stock shah
be considered aa part nf the aaid twelve mil
lions of dollars authorised to be borrowed by
tlie Aral teeth n of his act,
*' Sec. 4. And ie •' further enacted; That for
the whole nr any part of any su n which ahall
be thus aubacribed, credit! shall be entered to
the respective subac-ibers, who ahall be enti
tled to a errliA :*t« nr certificate* purporting
that the United State* owe to the holder or
holderi thereof, hia, her, or their assigns, *
sum to be eapressed therein, equal to the
amount of the principal atock thuiiuhacribcd,
bearing an interest not exceeding four and
one half per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-A. at day of Decern-
her,one thousand eight hundred and twenty
Ave ; tranaferahle in the same manner as i«
provided by law for the transfer of the atock
subscribed, and subject to r< demotion at the
pleasure of the United States, as follows: one.
haf at any time afer the tluriy-Arst day of
Deoember, one thousand eif^ht hundred and
twenty-eight i and the remainder at any time
after the at day of December, one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine :
Provided, Tnat no reimbursement shall be
made eacept for the whole amount of such
■tew certificate; nor until after at least six
months public notice of such intended reim
bursement. And it shall he the duty nf the
Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be trans
ferred to the respective Mibscribersthe sever
al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
of the certificates of four and one half per
cent, stuck taati-d to them rrapeolively
"Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That
he same funds which have heretofore been,
..nd now are pledged by law for the payment
of the interest, aotl for the redemption and
■eimburaement of the stock which may be re
teemed or reimburted by virtue of the pro
visions of this set, shall remain pledged in like
manner for iRcpavmentuf the interest accru
ing on the atock rr.; -(ed by reason of su 'l
subset-ip'ion, and for die redemption or reirn-
ouraement of the principal of the aame. A'd
it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the
linking fond to cause to be applied and paid
out of the said fun- 1 , yearly and e-e-y year,
such sum and sums aa may be annually requir
ed to discharge the interest accruing on the
stock which may be created by virtue of this
act The said commissioners are, also, here
oy authorized to apply, from time to timi.
such cum and sums out of the arid fund, as
they may think proper, towards redeeming
by purchase, or by reimbursement, in con
formity with the provisions cf this act, thv
principal nf the said stock : and such part el
the annual sum often millions ofdollars, vest'
ed by law in the aaid eommiasioners, aa may
he necessary and required for the above pur
poses, shall be and continue appropriated to
the payment of interest and redemption nt
the public debt, until the whole of the stock
which may be created under the provisions of
this act, ahall have been redeemed or reim
Noiv, therefore, notice ia hereby given, that
b-ioka will be open- d at the Treaaury of the
United States, and -t the several loan office*,
on the first day of April next, and continue
open until the first dr of October, thereof
er, for receiving aubacriotiona in conformity
with the prov aionc cf the laid law.
The suoacriptiooa mav be made by the pro-
pikstors uf the atock, either in peraon or by
their attorney! duly author Zid to auhacrib
and transfer it to the United States.
Sh uid subscriptions of aaid stock he made
to an amount exceeding twelve millions of
dollars, a diatributi-.n of the aaid sum of twelve
millions of dollais will be made among the
s ibseriben, in proportion to the suma subscri
bed by them respectively,
Acting Secietary of the Treaaurv"
March 26 1()''H«0
Whiskey, beef and Paints.
C C. GRISWOLD, offers for sale,
, 100 Barrels Whiskey
50 Barrels Prime & 2 Beef, N. York
25 do Moss S city inspection.
100 Kegs White Lead
22 do Black Paint
5 do Spanish Brown
10 Barrels Whiting
March 28
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty. County, for permission to sell apart of
tl)e real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the hein and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. 8TACY,
dec 18 21
Prime Pork, *jc.
Juit received by brig Pheamnt,
a(\ Barrels prime pork
2U10 do Mess do
20 do Prime Beef
- 10 do Mess do
6 do White Beans
10 Firkins choice GobIicii Butter
200 Pounds Pearl Barley
Forealeby A. BASSETT.
April 2*
Private Sale,
A NEGRO W0MAN, about twenty-Avo
1%, jiears of agp, an excellent cook, wash
er and'ironer, with her two children, one
a boy about ten years of ago, ’slid a girl
about Ave years old.
April 8 J. B. HERBERT dp CO.
Unity, to Id the shove new and invaluable
rimedy, whose unequal powers in-eliminating
rom the ayatem (lie very seeds of dlneaae,
i nd in reatorlog the deranged and morbid
tonditi-n of the organa of life tot free ami
bftlthy exerblae of their funct'bns, has exel-
ted the art miahmeni, and completely ailtn
ced the objections nf the must inert d.iloua —
Facia are the belt urgumenti. In order to pin
-.lie virtue! of tne Osiholicon to a> severe a
scrutiny aa possible, it was offered by ailvei-
nem-nt. toge'her Witn the attendance cf a
physician, gratuitously to any pars in who
would apply for it, and wh ine cause miglu
seem t- come within the range of its healing
power—number! of severe ease* nf long sit u-
ing, and some of them seemingly deiprr-'e
one*, pre enteil Ihemselvea, all ofvhiuh have
dean cured, or so much relieved a* to warrant
ihc assertion that a little perseverance will do
ao In fact, such ia the confidence uf the physi
cian under whose rare these natirnts were
placed, in thia remedy, a coi.Hde ce r«ru t
ing from ihe irresistible eoii-iui -n that has
teen forced upon hit mind by demon
«ration, ai.d a trial of it oil h'riael
that he permits me to declare it aa his d-ci-
dud opinion, that -he Ca ll ilicoll ia not only i
perfectly safe and ionoceni, but a must puw
erlul and invaluable remedy in coria-u ilia
asses and slates of the s, stem, auch aa t he fol
qwin g -—.
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation i Old and inve'erat - Ulc -ra. Pirns
in the bonea attended with swellings uf the
joint* i Indigestion .CBlatches an the face,
pimp ea, the.; All complaints of the Liver i
TetterYaws i Syphilis t Cutaneous diseases
generally , Mercurial cad scrofulous com
The Catholieort (which the proprieter aol
emnly pledges ha word consists exclusively
of vegetable matte') with the exception of a
si ght determi istion to the bowels, which it
preserves in c soluble stale, atti insensibly, is
pleasant to the taate, and requires n - partieu
ar regimen, (abstinence from apirtuous li
quors always esceplrd,) or conAnement. As
a gentle, safe and agree,b'e cathartic medi
cine, improving the appetite and restoring the
general tone of the system, it is confidently
recommended to iadies in a delicate situs-
tioa. W W. POITER,
66 IJbesnut-urect.
Philadelphia, -Afay31,1824.
At the request of Mr. «V. W Potter, I have
lately exhibited, in several instance,, a medi
cated airup. called Poller's Vegetable Cstho
licon, with the mast tlec'dcd advantage, 1
hai, as let, never tailed effecting a cure ir.
e-ery case in whith 1 have thought proper to
employ it. II. M’MUrt I HIE, M D
eoutfwhh toba. With my thanka, I cm your
obliged humbiererv.a..«C wo||GBKANfi
•. Vityof^ndellMa.^
t .vteuivty o* iW^-r, , . . .
' »rk, peraOnafiy appekVed, Sti'l, Wing dol
-iwdw,dtjlere *cy t!„t,the aoov
a atem-nt i* in ell riapiect* WpeetJInd true,
and that the aigua-ure to it bin the hand
writing of this deponent
Jill 1 B(NNfi, Alderman,
Philadelphia, May 28,1824-
• »T*tteoTTr* BDivioa. Y
I Histrict *f South- M « a n «’
d. eit'l. Wing dol, ; ‘ P ^ O V O A A L tt
a*y that ,tW above, fly SAMUEL T, 4HMHrno.Va „ «
SSL ^pubMnXl*
. ,{t 7 P HIBLE contwmi ail th. i! 5
ginnl Referencet. to be comb i tei ti
btlluhed with a Hkenenofthe A\ubtr> **
Explanatory Aoiee, and /'niche,/ m, J* *">
and all the copiott* Marginal ttefern.T*' 1 '
mg printed word tor word from th. ,’ e ’
* , * 'VJOlJou
MLS8 PORK, (sc.
Juit received per brig Pheaeant,
Oil Barrels Mess Pork
■ vt 10 Kegs Goshen Butter
20 Barrels Mess Beef
5 Bbls Sergeants Butter Crackers
5 Bbls Market Hams and surall
expressly for family use
For sale by
Anceaux't Wharf.
April 19 • 122
Georgia—C'(linden County.
Superior Court, October Term, 11!24.
Timothy Hoplcin», t». Langley and Selveiter
O N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating
that in consideration of certain prom
issory notes, made to the aaid Timothy, by
them, one payable with inte'est, from first
of January, 1821, on the Aral of January, 1822:
a second payable aa aforesai \ on the first of
January, 1823; and a third payable aa afore,
said, on the first of January, 1824, executed a
mortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, his heirs
and assigns, on all those four tracts of <-,iid,
otuated in the county aforesaid, conveyed by
the acid Ti nothv, to the said f-angtry and
Sclvester, and lying on the aouch aide of
Great SatilU River, one tract containing lev-
inty-aeven|acrea, more or leas; two tracts
-ontaining fil'-y acres, more or less, and one
ilier tract, containing one hundred and eiglt-
\-eight seres, more or less, conditioned for
he payment of the three aaid several notes,
«n the days above mentioned, and that said
several notes remain unpaid—on motiun of
Acehibald Clark, attorney for plaintif, it it
ordered, that the said Langley and Selveatei,
their heirs or assigns, pay into Cntir,, within
twelve months from this date, the sum* due
on said notea, and the iuterea- and costa, oth
erwise that tlie equity of redemption be tor.
ever foreclosed, and that aurh other proceed-
i ngs take place, aa are purausnt to law.
True extract from the mimitea, 27th Octo
ber, Iff*. J0HN BAfLEY, Clerk.
nev 4 ay t,„
March 25th, 1825. (
P ROPOSALS for keeping in repair the
railings, posts, Ac. around tho Public
Squares, furnishing all materials for the
same, for one year, will he received at this
office for one month.
March 26 - ,
Plough Lines, and. Bed Cords,
T WO hundred and fifty dozen Plough
Lines t
SO Dozen Bed Cords ....
For sale by N.B. WEED.
fe)i 28
^TINE monthi after date* application will he
Iy made to the Hon. the J iidgei of the Court
jf Ordinary rf Chatham couniy v for leave to
•eli all the real estate of the late William Craig,
deceased, fur the benefit of the heira and cred
itors of laid eitate.
JOHN Il’NISH, Executor.
«*♦!? 7|
4 LL persona having demands against the
estate of Constant Freeman, Esq late of
the city of Wuhington, deceased, are re
quired to bend them in, legally sttceled,
within the time prescribed by taw i and thoee
indebted to mid estate, ere requited to make
imittediate payment, to
Jan 14 42 p.
Phi'adeiplda, July 28iA, 18 '4.
Mr. W IV. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed * wish that I
would give a concise statement of my Suffer
inga, from ‘the hopelcs, commencement, to
the present propitious stage of mv’
About five years ago, on my passage Dorn
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure 'or, deck, t was seised
with t violent fever. Having no medical at
tendants on hoard, I was compelled to hear
it, aa 1 might for two weeks, when on my ar
rival at CTiarleston, S. O. it was treated aa
Typhus, The skill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Plutnix-like, the termination
of thia gave rii" to a disease equally distress
ing, and which, till now, 1 had iln.nght incur,
able. Various ehaceasrs made their unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swelled to «n enormous sixe.—
These gi .dually rubsided into hard Ill-lull-,
one of which on my left knee affected tlie
bone—an incision was now made anil a large
evacuation of oils, mixed with pieces nf bone
took place. I:iaddiiiontolhia,lsuffeiedthe
moat excruciating pain* in myj iinta that man
ever experienced. Every thing that was
administered either gave me no relief nr ser
ved to aggravate the disease, tlie severity ol'
which increased with every succeeding year.
Such wjs my painful si uation that I despaired
of ever bring restored to my heal h t Iliad
not only tried the regular means of relief,
hot used, though in vain, every popular rem
edy 1 could hear of- It was in this awful and
detpondmg condition,! hat I was persuaded to
.nmmence a course of your Vegetable rv.ili -I
-eon, and the happy result is, em the ute
of ihe two holtlro my whole tyo'em hat under
gone a complete revo ution, my paint have fo- on*
ke i me,-” the discharge from my knee uegn
to diminish, and soon ceased altogether, .the
ulcer from whence it proceeded being com
pletely healed. The tumors, for the removal
of which 1 have tried in vain more remedies
than 1 can name, are rapidly decreasing i my
appetite, which was gone, has returned—I an
in fact, nearly well, and feel confid mt that a
few bottles more of y'-ur, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will make me perfectly so.
Yourobl-g- d friend,
Philadelphia, July "6, 1824. ’
My confidence in the vegetable catbolicon
is undiminishu'l, and as fresh in tancesof its
lowers arc daily occutrh-g, in my own prac-
ice I have no hesitation in recommending it,
n the peculiar disease! to which it ia applies-
>lc, as superior to any remedy 1 am acquaint
ed With. M.M’IIUKIHIE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28.18 4
Sm—In consequence of imprudent expo*
tire four vearsago I had the misfortune 'obe-
come affl-cted with a disease, the painful re
sul'aol which induced me to apply in sue.
cession to several reapectable phyaicians of
lira city, from whom, however, 1 received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
as the former. My whole system became *’-
fectqd. I could get no rest at night on ac
count of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body,- the weakness and e naeia
tion of which wai such that I could scarcely
walk- In thic Mate I fortunately heard of
your vegetable catbolicon-four bottle* of
which, hes completely sectored me, I have
now no pain t my. appetite ia good i and my
strength restored With many thanka for
the relief your medicine has given mr, I am
your obliged friend, tie
Sworn end aubecribed to before me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, Aiderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,18?4.
Sir—I am now, thanka to your medicine, e
hearty mar. Fur nearly six years I have been
l martyr to c disease, whose ravagec threat,
ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Haring bed no regular modi-
cal advice fixup the commencement, my
ooipplaint at last got to such e height that I
could not awatlow w.Ovoyt *re!t pain and
difficulty. Tumor* fi rmed in different parts
of my body, tndlbennto think toy litu.tlon
fttmoit detpente. The fife bottle* of the
Ottholieon which I taken hive W
pletely cured me# end I em now u viSul
The Vegetable CetlioUeon i* peculiarly
adapted to those diieneet witch ere prevalent
enong the coloured populejupn of the iouthv will cnr.tain the ScriiitureiTff'nT- ,f
In that disease which ih culled yrv», it •* * JVV W Tentamentt, t ie Introductory m. 0 rl ^
sure remedy j a single trial of it, will convince ■t-Ai-,,-.-.... a » #. ut>1,
P'sntere of its s iptrior rfliuscy tn any reme
dy of * aimilar nature in the United States*
The ftdvtntsges of this median'* tre» not
confining tlie pu'ienl tinncceusarily to the
house, or keeping him. from his business.*—
With «ine sditiry hat of shirhu**
oils liquors, it dote not lay any rcotrictiono upon
hit appetite It «kho gentle m ns operu>'.en
•list the p-Tient fmns himself getting well In;
cannot tell ho v. As it i* not the wish of the
proprietor to take *ny thing for which he
cannot give a consideration equal in value,
persons at » distance who may wish to try
i ( is medicine, but who are not certain if it
be appiicobte to their complaint, are request
. d u> describe heir esse and symptoms in
» letter, put-paid, and directed to him—this
letter wiii be immediately pieced in hinds
fuily compt tent to dc/’di the question.—
•Should 'he remedy not seem o suit the dis*
eise, they wdi be frunklv told si.
To prevent dsippmntm^nt it is well to
it.*te that it tries *»; ordinary oases from 3 tr»
5 Pottles to effect a cure sothttpe s-tiiswh
tire labouring under sny ser ous infirmity,
mini mskc up their mind to peisevere to that
exU nf ut lenst—if ihey do nor, they might as
well save themselves the trouble and expense
•if using s smaller qtiundtv.
All o 'de't poit p iid and enclosing the mmey,
immediately attended to* and the medicine
pHcfced and delivered with directions for use.
!o any plsce in the city, and forwarded as di»
N. B. To prevent the possibility of nil »m
position, it br s iM in the ci^y of PhtU.lei
phia, at the officf* in Fifth near
>rat the dwelling of the propri' tor, N >. 66
Cheanu* s'.reet, only, and abroad by his su
thorixed agents W W POTTEH,
66 Ciemul St cct, Philade'pfiia'
I have appointed GEORGE RYE tSON
Drugget of SbVHnush, mv sole agent. D. ug
gists ww.'tng t'.e above vshmbie medicine,
will be supplied by him for Citsh, at the s^me
rate, m if ordered direct from me—via.
per d.xen, or three dolUm « • ng:e home.
W. W. POT I Ett„ Philadelphia.
Any person on application to thesubuciih
will he .furnished with certificates of th? effi
cacy of tiie ; h ive me-bcine, sufht*ie»t t •» con
vince the m nd of the most nceptira!,althmigli
too numerous find h ng'hy for n^wspuper n-
senion. GEO. ltYBI^ON, Dru^guit,
Corner of Bay and Whillaaer-Streets,
dec 13
Betioeen fV, Davies Administrator, Complain
ant and John t-antochan Administrator, de
bonis no , with the will annexed of George
Richardson and others, D Jendants In
equity Chatham Superior Court• Chancery,
20th A tgust, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Carnochau,
one uf the defendant* in the said bill of
coinpUint named, resides without the state of
Georgia, in tiiat part of the United Kingdoms
of Grew! Britain anu Ireland, called Scotland :
It ia ordered thut the said John Murray Car-
nochan, do appear and answer to the com
plainant's said bill, within nine months from
the date uf this order, otherwise that the
said billj as tu hi in, be taken pro confesBo .*
snd it is further ordered, that a copy of this
order be publish'd once a week, in one of
ihe public G.(Suites of this state, until the ex
piration of the time within which the t>iid de
fendant is required to appear and answer as
True copy from the Minutes, thi« Stat day
August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk.
augus» '4 50f
Georgia—Vumdey County.
41THEREAS S*rah Brown Junior, widow,
If applies to he Court of Ordinary off aitl
County, for Letters of Administration on the
relate of John Brown, late of said county, de
ceased, nr neat of kin: These »re, therefore,
to cite an 1 a<-m■inish, all and aiitgula% Mu
kindred snd creditors of sniil deceased, ? o file
their of j ictions, if any they h ive, in mv of
fice, on or before the first Mot d v in June
next,'therwise Letters will be granted the ap
Witness the HoM^rnble Britian K Bunk
ley, one of the Justice* of said Court,
thi« sixteenth day of April, eighteen
hundreds dtwenty.fivew
April 21 24
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS John Chevalier, haa applied
to said Court, fir Let'ers Diamisaon
,n the estates of Samtt-1 flezena and Evan E.
Muck, deceased. These are, therefore, to
:ite and admonish, all and aii-g iUr,.iho kin
dr- d and crediiors nt the sanl d ceaied per.
sou., t- fi'e their oHj - ctioni, if any they have,
in my office, on or btfore the firM Monday in
January next, or Letters will be granted the
Wit-ess the Honorable Junes Scott, one
of the justices cf .aid Court, this six-
ten th day nf April, e ghteen hundred
her I tt 24
Georgia—Camden County.
BY the court UF ordinary for
'VDHERE AS Lewis Bachlott, applies to the
W Court of Ordinary of acid County: fo(
Letters D'wmisaory on the estate of Fr.ncea
Roaohipe i These are, therefore, to cite and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
creditor* of laid deceased, to file their objec
tions, if any they have, in my i fii-e, on or be
fore the fi st Monday in January next, other
wise Letters Dismisioty will be graniel the
Witness the Hnnorahle Samuel Clarke,
one of the Justices of said Court, thia
sixteenth day of April, eighteen bun
dred and twenty-live.
April 21 24
Stereotype F-ditmn, published eince thf a
■horti dee-iie The price will be am 1 ?'
boordsi £24, in cheep: g:’>0, in calfb^l','
Ex raelt if I*Ue~o aiblrtiled to
I -Micin Dr. Scoit's F imily Bible,-,,.’
calculated to promote the cans; of truth
piety, ll seems scarcely noriihle fc,..
read daily the Notec and Oburvaiion* ,| te
Family Bible without becomiJ,
... ED WARD D G”! FFIn’ 1
lommmtaryof «,‘V,
Scripture, which ithink so well ednp te ,W?
Reneral use and edification. It j, , i”
which ever, fcmcly ought to poteen. *
It i. • work distinguished foTihViSd
tv and convenience or its arcaiuiemenr .k.
clesmew a.ij fi ielity of its eipoi'uitl'!!?
neatneas and paraoicu '.y ( ,f it, tl> |, '
nevolcnce and candour of ; t , sp , rj , ’jl,
cisenesa and pertinency of n, appUc.h,^!
and for iti uniform tendency to proi W t e . ft '
geiicci trutli 'nd piety. w
■ Of Or. tcott’s Family llihle, 1 i e , i
3ay, that in my csiimalion it deservedly r" ,1,
among our ablest and best 'tomm nl , • * ”
thom vs u.u
Dr. Scott’s Family B bin n-trndeil
peoially for t' e use of Chiianan 'aunlinu,
work high-y evangelical, cxtemively mini
live, and deeply mierrsting
■ Daniel n. 9 vndrbs
The character of Dr. Scott's Cammemio
on tho Bible ia so generally k.ioivn, Z
inghlv approved amoopst thr m-,.i inlelloijrt
and pinna (ihnatiana thrmigiimit oor conn'.,
.nt has passed rapidly through^ mm,-),'J
editions, that 1 deem further rec.ia*,,,'
lions needless-
, .... J VOSSE
I am acquainted with no -Com aria,,,
ih - Sacred Fc-ipltnes, wliirh I wnold
cord-ally recommeno lor general u, t . p.
plan uf the work is good
, Joshua mryi
Pcrhapa in no way, can ministt rs, it n ,
•f youth, and private Christian,, do g i !l!t
serv e,; |„ society, than by exeruiig tli-j.
selves to disseminate this Huiv inwuilk’
I know nf no Comments-y which is brtnr
calculated for difluaing correct *ie».s oftl,
great tmtln of Christianity, nd Icavnignh
tary impresaions on the mind when riiii*
from the pel ursl of it, than the one you
-bout tu publish.
No writer aeema leas disposed to ctmiend
for barren speculatl-.n*. None more uniform.
•y nr more powerfully inculcates the great ex.
'entiali of religion. The tpirit which pie*
vadea the work i. exeeffrni j it ie the me V,
affcctionare, healing, yet faithful spirit of tig
gospel. DANIEL DANA.
From particular eximinaii n, and concir-
ring testimenv, thei e is no doubt on my mini
that Scott’s Family Bible ia superior tn ill
others JOvPPil EMERSON.
You will please to sci d me ail copiei tl
Scoit’s Bible; I refer to your lately propored
edition. Perhaps I shall induce fire m-re t
take the aame number. H. L
It is with extreme plewure I ptrain
ym: are about to publish a new e litinc if
Scott’a Bible. Having been in pnllril -!i! d
it more than 20 years, 1 trust I knew me
' hi jg of da value, ami am dcte> mine I to.
male its e rculation among my friends You ,
will please forward six copies as limn ujn> I
iiahed. c. M r
I liave nbtainod four nuhaeriher. lor the j
excellent work you are publishing H.!
I propose to take seven eels uf Scute's hr |
hie, and will be accountable for the lime
J C.
have obtained B'lbiei ibenfornineei-pin I
of Seim’s Fimily Bible. J.C.
I si-ail probably need eight or ten,d«rf I
Scott’s Family Bible. J. P- f
Hev, S. S. of P. has o’ tsined ten iiibwii |
hers. E. 8
1 have observed that you are aM pub
li'hing another edition of 8coit’s Bbls
iiope you may suceee I ac you h -re dune it I
former edition*. I have been cmlnvoriiiih I
procure -II b acrid er* aino< g our people, ft |
enor more subscribers will be obi lined. I
I will take ten seta (of Scott', Bihie) I
bound n d lettered. J. F I
1 have obtained ten subscribe!, for ye I
edition of the Family Dibit—and lint I
dmbt but there might be a-meihng like WI
copies aold in this piece if you hoi on q ‘ I
here—I thought the work ought to b* to I
couraged and for hat reason took a atii* 1 * I
.tion paper. It is a work that every 1*41
should have that is able to purchuc.
J. E Ft
I am glad, that y u propose lo print S’-1
Scott’, excellent Family Coinmtmary, ‘ -1
ihnuld be very glad ifit were in my pwd* I
give a more liberal patronage to the cv |
than, as circumstances are, I can. I™
however, be able to do something: eV 11 ' 1
ten sets I ahall certainly take i and it «f"
double that number, *- *■
I have procured fifteen subscribd)"
Scott’s Bible. J A.B.
I think 1 ahall dispone of 20aetiorr ,t!
he Family Bible. U 1
1 have circulated proposal* for A'* 1 J I
Bible ; how many have been aig-iged i* •* |
cannot tell; but between 20 and 30 act** I
h a vicii.ily. J-. , I
I have cnneloded to become repm*-’ I
to you for thirty tele of Scott’s CumnwW I
C 'kl
I have procured 106 aubtc'iben <° ” |
Bible) 6 ceta to be bound ine*!f; 3 I
be done in boards the other 97 ran. 6l "I
and lettered as described in the pnept* 1 * I
H.a I
AfvF from Brig Pheasant, fob sale by
April 19 C. C. GRISVVQLD,
I presume I could procure 500 tube*
bers for your edition of Scott's Bible ,
demand ia increasing for them. Thry
finally supersede every other large or n-
Bible. Fifty ol my subaeriberi lire anl«
circle of 8 miles! ... a
Just publiehed an edition of the I
completed in six volumes, without /"*T I
references; price in board* gt8iI
£21; in calf g27. Either of them e*“ j
m-y be bad of the nubliaher in Boaica,
S. C- A j. SCHENCK. Savannah. «
Jc* It
Mucking BrashMii ,,
CfeXo **&«««»