Newspaper Page Text
Mo. 188.
is tii
Iv G. $ W. Robertson,
AT RldHT BOIXAM »*» A*»*W*»
published to Beet the ®<
£»il, throe thee. • week A JTuMdey,
mAil. tnree xms«c» - .
rsdey sod Bsturdsy) *t the Office of ihr
v Georg'*". *"d eonteme el' the in .elti.
. Commercial, Political end Miscellan-
, including adverfaements. pub tabed in
us Country 1 Paper i» ee tto M parti of
SUtrend Union, or delivered in the city,
ve dollar* per annum; payable in advance,
dvertisements art inicttedin both pa-’SM
cents per squire, of 141>ne»> for\e nr*»
rHon, and 37* for every aucceeding pub-
Imimmicatien* by Mail, mast he Postpaid
H of land and n-gtqea. by Admimstr*.
F.x-cutors or guardians, are required,
to be held on the fir*' Tueaday in the
n between the hours often in die fore
and three in the afternoon, at the Court
of the county in which the property is
t — Notice of these sale* must be giveo
iiblie gaesite sixty days previous to the
Elite. , .
dee flfthe tale nf personal property must
■re io I'Ve manner, Forty days previous
• usy »f sale.
iee to (he debtor* and creditor* of an
must be published lor Forty days,
ice that application will be made to the
of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must
blished Mine Months,
1NE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus-
of the Inferior Court ot Chatham
ty, for leave to sell a tract ot land,
a as number eight, 8th District, Hike
indy Muntoe) County, for the benefit
i heirs and creditors of the estate of
S. Bayard. ..
Administrator estate N. S. Bayard.
Ian 5 3 dni
)ERSON8 having demands against the
w estate of Thomaa Johnston, will please
sent them, properly attested, at the
luntinir-Room of R. ft J. Habersham.
lecutrix of the estate of Thomas J ohnston.
dee til i^'i+i.
IQ£Mi ft 01»7lf 9
et/cv HOGSHEADS prime and eccond
Bid quality St. Croix Sugar.
SO barrels do <lo do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
8 hogsheads Jamaica rum
halfpipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf Btigar
30 coils bale rope
■200 grind stones
2000 buBhqls Maryland corn
800 do " Long Island white, equal to
Georgia dint corn
nov 23
Bulbous Ylower Boots*
J UST reea ; ved by the rubseriber, and war
ranted of the last aeason’a growth, 2
boxes Garden Seeds, put up hy A, M’Mahon A
Go. Philadelphia, expressly for thia market,
and containing the following assortments, viz.
1. Drumhead Cabbage
2. Long lied Beet
3. Long Orange Carrot
4. Parsley
5. Leek
fi. Onion
7. Salmon Radish
8. Early Purple do.
9. Round leaved
10. Early Turnipa
11. Late do
13. Saisafy
13- Aaparagua
14. Early curled Let.
IS Royal Cabbage do
16. Nutmeg Melon
17. Spinach
18. Summer Savoy
t9. Sweet Baail
30 Sage
11. Na.lurtium
22. Celery
93 Early Pea*
’4. Late do
25 Earlv hunch beans
26 Red French do
20 Packages containing the following Bui
Sous Eluwer Routs, viz.
1. Double Hyacinth* I 4. Meiiein tiger flower
9. F oe Tulip*
3 Narciaau*
For sale by
Feb 9
5 Double Tuberose
6 Star of Bethlehem
By the President of the United Statet.
IE subsoribers being about to decline bu
siness in this place, request persons hav
demands ag dost them, tu present them
•i It 6Rfi
Administrator’s Notice.
Nt'.MC.iTHSfrnm this date, weahallap
ply to the Honorable the Inferior Court
hatham county, when sitting for ordinary
pones, to tell the real estate of William
ugust 13 as
I N pursuance of law, I, Jaws* Moxaoa, Pres
ident of the United States, do hereby de
clare and make known, that a publie sale will
be held at the Land Office at Tallahaaae, ir,
Florida, on the third Monday of May next, fo.
the disnossl of the following lands, vi* :—
Township 1, south of Range 1,'west of the
Meridian lige.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4, ft 5, oast.
l & 2,north i, 2,3,4, ft 6-
Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, ft 5.
The sale will commence with the lower
number of section, township, sod range, an ,
■ receed in regular numerical order. Th
lends reserved by law for the use of schools,
or other purposes, will be excluded from th.
Given under my hand, at the City of Wash
ington, this 26th dav of January, 1825.
By the President.
Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Ixy Printers of ihe L«w« of the United
Stales, in the Territory of Florida, and in the
Stales of Alabama, Louisians, Tenessre, Mi--
a’tsippi, Georgia, and Snuth-Cirolini, are an-
thorized to publish the foregoing Proclatni-
-,on once a week unlit the day of sate
Veb 7 « f
Cognac brandy.
PIPES “ Seignette’s Brand,” just re
:eived per Louisa Matilda, for sale by
T IIE subscriber intending to close his
business in this city, oilers his stock
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardrobes, French Press-
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tubles.Coni'
inodes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glosses, Fancy ft Windsor Chairs,
&c. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta-
ker-Strect and Bay Lane.
J. H. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
Jan 25 . 511|
Opposite the, Academy
MUft. KEft,
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends
and the public, that her school is now
open, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
the reception op pupils. Assisted by
her daughter Miss E. A. Harrison, she
offers her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamental branches of educa
tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the pro
gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
t iler extension of public favor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on wiiich scholars
are received, are—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
Marking, per quarter, : $4 00
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme
tic, ::::::: 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: : 8 00
EF The most careful attention will be
paid by Mrs. Ker, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 05
Consumptions, Coughs, 8}c.
Damascus Steel Razors,
J UST received, a supply of the above ar
ticle, which will he warranted good.—
For sale by N. B. WEED.
nov 24
50 Tierces new Rice
10 Pipes Holland Gin
10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
50 Barrels Flour
30 Barrels Hams
75 Barrels Gin
50 Crates Crockery
20 Kegs Butter
50 Barrels Mackerel, No. 3
20 Cases Port Wine
10 Casks Oil
Jan 12
Goshen Butter, Lard $c.
UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and
other late arrivals
12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
8 bbls Butter Crackers
20 half and quarter bbls Buck Wheat
anil Rye Flour
10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
No. I. Mongin’s New Buildings
fob 12 67
iare Moulds, P >rk, Gin, &c
“4 C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan-
J . ding from ship Corsair
4 tons Share Moulds
In Store,
56 barrels Northern Gin
18 do Mess Pork, New-York
city inspection
1 ton Steel
100 kegs White Lead
22 kegs Black Paint
8 do Verdigris
5 do Spanish Brown
10 barrels Whiting
ftb 12
Beers’ Axes.
I SUPPLY of the above Axes, received
II. and for sale by Jf. B. WEED.
oct 27
•j rk/VKFaGS New Jjeaf Lard
Av/vr 150 Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
6 Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
“tirade's Company’ Hoes.
Afv CASKS Brade’s Patent Hoes, for
1IW sale by N. B. WEED,
dec 18
Georgia—Camden County.
O N the first Tueaday in March next, I #iil
aell at Jefferson, in said eonnty, a negro
man, named Daniel, the property of the ea-
'ate of Micajsh Crews, de'eased, pursuant to
leave granted by the Court of Ordinary,
MARY CREWS, Executrix-
Jn 14 41
Administrator’s Notice.
N ine MONTHS zfter date, I shall apply
to the Honorable the Infcrior Court ot
Chatham county, (when aitting for ordinary
purpose*) for leave to sell the real estate ol
Isaac H. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cred.
itora. C- H. HAYDEN,
ailguat 12 45
Bunch Muscatel Raisins.
J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
Fob 3 Aneinux’s Wharf.
Fresh Teas, Hams, Flour, ec.
4J0 CHESTS Hyson Teas
13 Kegs p
1 Hhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Feb 5
F OR the cure of Colds, Coughs, Consump
tions, Spitting of Blood, Asthmas, and
uisesiea ofthebrcaat and lungs.
There is perhaps no medical observation
better established, none more generally eon
firmed by the experience of the beat physici
ans of all ages and cuuntris, and none ol
nore importance to the human family, than
.he ftet that many of the most difficult and in
curable consumptions originate in neglect"!)
colds.. In a climate ao variable as ours, where
the changes of the weather are frequently
sudden and unexpected, it requires more care
and attention to guard against this dangerou
enemy of life, than most people imagine or
are able and willing to bestow. The bill* oi
mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that the
proportion of deaths by this disease may bi
considered ss about five to one. Inasmuch
then as thia fatal disease frequently bids riefi
anee to the skill ofthe most learned physici
ans, it is a gratification to the proprietor that
■ie is enabled to ofler to those afflicted with
it, a goodly prospect of relief, in that highly
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. Thq Indians are happy in their know
ledge of medical plants i governed wholly hy
-xperience, they are certain as to their effect,
ind it is said by an author of great character,
' hat a true consumption is a disease never
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extraction from
Herbs, roots, flowers, plint-, Sic. when in per.
feetion. In consequence of a happy cwnbina.
lion ofthe most valuable herbs, Sic. iti « omes
a balsam of a superior value. It heals the in.
ju-ed parti, opens the pores, and composes
the disturbed nerves, after the manner of an
inodyne; consequently the obstruction ot
the chest and the lungs which constitute th,a
disease, particularly need its use. It promotes
expectoration, which is constantly called lor,
and whilst it cleanses and heals, it also gives
strength to the tender lungs In this msnner
it removes the hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the
.ppetite and improves Ihe spirit!. Thia tpeci
fic mav always be given in safety it ia mild,
plesaant to the taste, and may safely be given
' o infants, Tor which it ia of inestimable value.
It aff ords relief in bowel complaints, teething,
whooping coughs, Uc. and is found particu
larly useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and
hysterical diseases,. Each bill ot direction
contains a detailed account of thia disease in
all its different stages, and will be accompa
nied with the signature of the proprietor in
Red Ink. It ia offered for sale by GEO. BY
RR.aO yon/y (my sole agent) Druggist, cor
nerBay and Whittaker-streetl, Savannah, at
one dollar per bottle.
dee 30 30 !
H. r tate.3 Bank .Votes,
Jan 20
N INE MONTHS after datej application will
be made to the Honorable Inferior Court
>f Ghstbam county, for leave to aell the real
and personal estate of the late Mra. Ann Ham
ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the beirs
and creditorsuf said estate,
March 10 |89}a
By the trig Pheasant, from Philadelphia,
fiH HRDS. and 100' bbls- Philadelphia
saW Rye Whiskey |
150 Dutch Demijohns
10 kegs Saltpetre
50 whole and 100 half bbla. fresh Flour
6000 bushels Liverpool ground Slit
5 bhiis. & 20 bbls. prime St* Croix Sugsr
3 pipes Wid 25 demijohns best Holland
5 pipes aid 30 demijohns best Cognse
10 bhda, aid 25 bbls. superior Northern
75 bbls Northern din
58 baas Green Coffee
5 casks superior old Lisbon Wine
35 bbls Lump ind 73 hhls. Imsf Sugsr
5 boxes white and 7 de brown Havana
35 bags black Pepper
5 pipes Imitation Gin
3 bales Bagging Twine
25 qr boxes Hyson Tea
50 teama Wrapping Paper
15 boxes Pipes
5 ciasa Wool Hats
10 balca best Oznaburgs
5 bales unbleached Homespun
4 cues colored ditto
50 kegi Dupont’s Gun Powder
1007 bushels Table Sait
95 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tana assorted (Garron) Castings
5 large Smith Bellows
50 kegs assorted Cut Nails
100 bsgs assorted Shot—also an
Assortment of Cedar Ware, Market and
Clothes Baskets.
All of which w ; ll be aold low for cash, or
good town acceptances.
march 14 92
Cider, Porter, iVine, (Sc.
£y k BOXES first quality Cider
5 Casks do do London Porter
" 30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Bunch Raisins
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail by
Anciaux’s Wharf.
Fob 18
TONS carron castings, just receiv
ed from Greenock, via. Charleston,
consisting of the following assortment, viz :
2800 pote from * to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches
50 set fiat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
4 lbs.
120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts
1300 camp ovens, from 9 to lU inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from one to 5
quarts x
For sale by P. M’DERMOTT.
Jan 8
Camden Superior Court.
Hznn v Hhford, l VerdictMarchTerm,
Thomas Kino. j
O N motion of the Attorney of the Plain
tiff, in the above ease, it ia ordered
that the defendant do shew cause, on or be
fore the first day of the next term, why a
final judgment should not be entered in
the above case, as of March Term, 1808 ;
and that publication be made of this rule,
once a month, for four months, in one of
the Gazettes of this District, or that a copy
be served on the defendant, sixty days be
fore the next term.
Extraclfrom the Minutes,
dec 23 25iu
Information Wanted \
I F GbOfiGK MILLER, otherwise DAN
IEL OLAND MILLER, who in the yesr
1815, arrived in Sayannsli, in the Aberdeen
transport, belonging to Messrs. Dowson &
Sons, of London is living, and will apply to
hit friends in England, he will hear of
something much to his advantage. He left
the Aberdeen while she liy at Savznnth, and
his not been heard of by his Menda since
that period. He bad been many years a sai
lor, and while on board the above vessel,
was employed as a carpenter. If he left Sa
vannah at that time, it ia probsble that he
entered tome vessel going to the Brazil Is
lands. as in his last letter, he stated that it
was his intention to do so. Should he have
-lied at anyplace where a register orcertifi
cate of his burial can be obtained, it would be
thankfully received and all ezpeaces attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
sent 9 57
Administrator’s Sale.
O N the fi st Ssturdsy after (he first Tues
dsy ia May next, between Iht hours of
ten and foar o'clock, will be sold at the mar
ket-house in the town of St. Marys, pursuant
to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary for the county of Camden a negro wo
man named Jenny, belonjring to the eitate of
David G. Jones, deceas'd, for the benefit of
the creditors of said estate.
March 90 96
A LL persons having demand! against the
estate of the late John Wakerly, (plant
er) dec. are reques’Cd to render them, prop,
erly attested, immediately; and all persons
indebted, to make immediate paymrnt to
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
Fnh "4 77
N ine months after date of this nptice,
application will be made to the Honors,
hie the Court of Ordlnan of Chatham Coun
ty, for permission la tell all the real estate of
John Wakerly, dre. for the benefit of th<
heirs and creditors of said deceaaed-
ROBERY HOY, Executor.
Feb 34 «
NFORMS his friends and the public gen
erally, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ol
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
Goods, j
which will be disposed of wliolesale and re
tail, on the most reasonable terms. ■ Tlit
following articles comprise a part of his
present stock, viz,—
10 Hogsheidi prime 8t. Croix °ugar
10 Boxes White and }
.’0 Boxes Brown J H *''* n * do
60 Barrela Loaf and Lump do
50 Bags Havana Green Coffee
6 Pipes auperior 4th nroof Brandy
f Pipe* do Holland Gin
5 Pipes Imitatian Brandy, 4tb proof
5 Do do Gin
3 Pipes-ery auperior old Peach Brand)
2 Puncheons do do Irish WMakcj
50 Hogan-ada and > Philadelphia Stye
100 Barrels J Whiskey
100 Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pipes auperi ir old Madeira Wine
5 HalfPipea auperior old Liibon do
10 Quarter Casks Teneriffe do
Very auperior old Madeira Wine and
Cognac Brandy in demijnhna
150 Whale and) Barrels superfine (real
100 Half j Flour
100 Barrels No- 3, New Mackarel
50 Barrel* No. 3, do do
1600 Baskets Table Salt
20 Osaka Goshen Cheese
30 Barrels Copperas
200 Reams Wrapping Paper
50 Baga Black Pepper
10 Baxes Chocolate
20^ Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Barrels Glue
100 Kegs HE and HF Dupont’s Gunpowde
58 Pound Canisters of superior do
100 Pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging
2 Bales Bagging Twine
10 Whole and J Boxes S. Whittimore’i
6 Half J genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wool Hats
5 Boxes Straw Bonnets
10 Coils Bale Rope
5r Doaeu Bed Conti
50 Du Plough Lines
100 Psunda Sash Cord*
16th Class—New Series.
In thia Scheme with eight drawn ballot*
there will be 56 prises with three numberao
wi,h tWo number* on >bem and
10,608, wth one number on them. Those
tickets having none of the draan ballots on
them being blank*.
To determine the flue of all the ticket* in
the above lottery 60 numbers, from one to
sixty inclusive, will severally be placed in a
wheel on the day of drawing, and eight of
them will be drawn, and that ticket having on
it as a combination, the 1st, 2d and third num
bers drawn, will be entitled to jgSO.OOO.
That baying on It the 6ili, 7th and lib, will
be entitled to g' 0,ono.
That hating on it the4th, Itb hid 6th, wilt
be entitled to glOOOO. *
Thoiatuvisg o them the 3d, 4‘.h and 5th
and 3d;7th and 8th, ehch 555,000
Tt at having op it the 3d, 3d and 4th will
be entitled to 4,720.
Those 20 having on them ihe
6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Cases colored and bleached and un*
bleached Homespuns
70 Gross Iron Table Spoons
15 Do do Tea do
10 Do Teutania Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Cupper,Cast, Wrought and Compos
tion Tea Kettles of all sitea
'ea Kettles of all sisea
Brass Kettles for making praaerves
30 Set* of Dish Covets
20 Tons Shear Moulds
.1 Do Sad Irons
1 Da Bar Lead
1 D.i Sheet Iron
loo Casks assorted Cut Nails
, Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, Ittadi
’ expresaly for this market
SO D .len Handsaws, Woodasws and Ten-
nant Saw*
Blacksmith Sledges and Handhammer*
Anvils, from 1 to 2Q01bs. real mouac
Blacksmith's Bellows,from 24 to 36
Single and Double Screw Plate*
Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5
2 Tuna Hooks and Hinges
Brass Andirons, from 552 50 to g3
Brass and Wire Fenders, with shovels
and longs to match
5 Casks Uraid’a Patent Hoea
100 Dozen Padlocks
Steely* ds to weigh from 200 to 500lb>
2 Tons of Steel,consisting of Shear,Eng
lish, Bliatei ed and Cast
Stoveawith Pip“»
1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, usiorted
Fancy Curtain Pina
5 Bags Trace Chains
2 Dozen Currying Knives
208 Dozen Currv Combi
6 Seta White handle Knives and Forks.
consisting of 50 p : eces each
10 Seta Britannia Teapola,
Sngar and Cream do
6 Dozen Patent Shot Belts
9 Dozer Game Bags
2 Dozen Powder Horns and F’aak*
1 double and single barrel Gun*
10 Dozen Wire ind 20 doz. Hair Sifters
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mata end 50 lets
Table Ms s
A general assortment of Cara enter’* Planes,
Bruthee, and Fancy Bellowa, with many othei
srticlea in the above line,too tedious to enu
20 Tons of Carron Caatinga, which will hr
sold low from the whatf.
-... u
Bills on New-York,
Feb 24 C. C. GRISWOLD.
Feb 23 T. S. LUTHER.
Bacon and Lard.
rxrVF 50 firkins Lard—Landing from
schr. Barracoa, from Baltimore. For sale
by - HALL ft IIOYT.
March 8 87
Gin and Butter.
Received per ship Corsair,
BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas
f V Hail, 34 Kegs Butter
For sole bv J. B. HERBERT ft CO.
March 26
Butter and Hams,
R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkins
first quality Goshen Buttei
6 Barrels Burlington Hams
jot sale by A. BASSETT.
March 31
Door Mats.
J UST received by the William Wallace
three dozen beat quality India Door
quality India Do
Mats, for sale by I. W. MORRELL.
March it 83
W ILL be drawn on the 11th of May,
1825, and finished in a few minutes*
sixty Numbers—Eight Ballots to be Drawn'
50,000 Dollars Is g50,000.
26.000 20,Aud
io,000 10 COO;
5,000 10,000
4.720 4 720
1,000 30.000.
500 , 15,000
100 S "00.
SO ,800,
20 24 960
10 106,080
§»SS2E;!H9D Tlck.„j *273,760
34,220 Tickets at *8,
2d, 5th and 8th
2.1,6th and 7th
”d, 6th and Bib
3d, 7th and 8th
3d, 4th and 6th
3d, 4th and 7tl
3d, 4th and 8th
3d, 5th and 6lh Oh,6th and 7th
4tb,6th and 8th
<th,7th and 8th
lth,6th and 7th
5th,6th and 8th
5th,7th and 8th
each giOOO.
3d, 5th and 7th 4
3d, 5th and 8th
3d, 6th and 7th
3d. 6th and 8th 1
4ih,5thitid7th I
4th,5thnnd8th _
All others, (being 30 tickets) having three
of the drawn numbers on them will tech be.
■ untied to *500.
The 52 tickets having on them two of the
drawn numbers atid those two, the 3d and
4th, will each be entitled to *100.
The 156 rickets having on them the 4th
snd 5th or 4th and 6ti, or 4th and 7th draws
numbers only, will each be entitled to *50.
All others (being 1248 tickets) having two
of the drawn numbers on them, will each be.
entitled to *20.
And those having on them any ane of the
d awn numbers; (being 10,603 tickets, or 1324
for each drawn number ) will each be enti
tled to *10.
No ticket which shall have drawn a prise
of a superior denominstion can be entitled to
an inferior prise. Prizes payable thirty dayi
after the drawing, and subject, as usual, to s
deduction oi 15 per ceat*
A considerable portion if thia lottery is put
up in parcels of 20 tickets, embracing all the
.ombination numbers, from one to sixty,
vhich pareela are warranted to draw at least
*80, lets the deduction of 15 per cent, with
so many chances f.i- 'he evniral prises.
J. B. YATES, ) 4.
A.M’INTYRE, 5 "‘ lna 6 er *
Philadelphia, Much 9, 1825
Orders received and forwarded at the above.
price at
March 31
J. Shinn’s Panacea.
SHE subscriber having discovered the cnm.
PAXACEA, hat now a supply on •tend for
sale i he has reduced the price from *3 50. to
*2 50, or by the doien £24.
All charitable inatilutiona in the U. States
and the poor will be supplied gratis.
If the eitixena of the principal citiea and
towns* will appoint an agent to order and
distribute tbit medicine to the poor, it will be
This medicine ia celebrated for the cure of
the following diseaaea I—” scrofula or king’s,
evil, ulcerated or putrid tore throat, long
standing rheumatic affections, cutaneous dia-
eaaea, white swelling and disease ofthe bones,
ally of the ulcerous ebane-
and all cases genenUl,
ter, and chronic diseases, generally arising in
debilitated constitutions, but more especially
from aypbilit or affectiont ariaing therefrom t
ulcer* in the larynx, nodes, Ue. snd-thst
dreadful disease occuiot<ed by a long and
excessive use of mercury, Cfc* It ia also use
ful in the disease of the liver”
I have within the last two years had an op.
portunity of seeiug several cases of very inve
terate ulcers, which having previously resist
ed the regular modes of treatment, were
healed by the uee of Mr. Swfim’a Panacea,
and I do believe, from what 1 have seen,
that it will prove in important remedy in scro
fulous, venereal and mercurial diaeasea.
Professor of the Institutes and practice
of Physic; in the University of Penn
I hive employed the Panacea of Mr. Swaim,
in numerous instances, within the last three
year*, and hive always found It extremely
efficacious, especially in aec-ondary syphilis
and mercurial dlaeaae*. I have no heiitatio '
in pronouncing It a medicine of ineatiombl
value. W. GIBSON, M D.
Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty ol Pent
Philadelphia, February 17,1823.
JOHN SHINN, Chemist. '
Philadelphia Mm. 17 1R°3.
Socket pades.
1 CASK Socket Spades, just receive
and for aale by N B. WEED.