Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 08, 1825, Image 2

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    SY * W. ft0.SAT.01f,
DisHuANCei among Tin: Cnr.rK#.—Wet X'rftMl^fttlcan pnpor contain, a latter
C|{rat^barn Unit wlint haa been hithurtol Irom the S"cretnry of Foreign Affair! to
i matter of report,'haa become matter ol Baron dc Humboldt, in which the tnrvullnr
ict; and that tliesu unhappy people hnvcj ia tliaokod, ill behalf of the Mexican nutioii
which waa boo0)11 up for exportation. Tba , Mour. arret:, ction There
oriicle continue! to go off rapidly. Baker’s bustle nmong Hu. merchinla an ' M
flour *3 6*i a 3 7b. Shipping 3 60. Baltimore’, yesterday inorniiie m
Tobu cu continues in great demand. A qucticu of information not made
. Ihu time of writimr this nrii. u
daily paper, : :
: riVR dollars,
Latest trow Enoi.ano.—London pa-
port to the 88th Maroli, and Liverpool to
the 30th have been received by tho Bnlieiia
. and Sabina, at New-York.
The moat important subject .continues to
bathe measure! of tho ministry for reducing
the duties on foreign iron. In the House
of'Cbminons, on the 85th of (larch, Mr.
Hoskisson moved a lerious of resolutions,
the object of which is to remove the exist
ing prohibitory duties. He proposes to re
duce the duty on foreign cotton m.mufac-
. tares imported, to fen per cent. The ef-
. feet of this will be to remove all difference
of price between India and Scotch muslins.
On Woolens to 15 per cent—on Linens, to
85 per cent—on Foreign Books, per pound.
6d—on Paper, to 3d—on 'Vine Bottles, to
led ; Earthen and Chinawaro, to I per cent
—on Foreign Iron, to 30s per ton ; on For
eign Copper, to £il per ton. With respect
to the Corn Laws, the ministry yet preserve
Charles Richard Vaughn, Esq. is ap
pointed Minister Plenipotentiary, and En
voy Extraordinary from the British Govern
ment to the United States.
Mr. Stratford Canning was about to re
turn home, having wholly succeeded in bis
mission, which was a special one, relating
solely to the adjustment of the differences
between Russia and the United States, on
the subject of the navigation of the Pacifi'c
ocean. It is said that Mr. Canning, after
the nrrartgement of the specific object of
his mission, introduced the question of
Greek politics ; but the Russian minister
i. not finding the discussion of this subject
included in the bond, declined entering up
on any topic not expressly cemmitted to
him, to negociate' with the English envoy.
Lord Strangford will become the resident
ambassador at that court.
It is asserted in the London papers that
the recognition of the independence of Bra-
ail by the mother country is suttled. The
price fdr which the Brazilian state is said
to have consented to pay for the diploma
tic recognition of.that of which it already
had the actual possession,is a million and a
half, now in the hands of the contractors
&.*L. L... -Mpinalljr intended Cot Brasil#
The Emperor of Russia had issued two
proclamations : one convoking the Estates
of the kingdom of Poland, in which his Im-
amall rise has boon experienced in ull qua. the time of writing this article «
lilies. Tho imports of the week amounted in great demand, and mmiv thnu. "!!'***
t 3150 liliils. The solus were effect- rellWure bought bv the ■" bsr -
«"Q'H"g caw ,
Chief Gen. Wm. M'Intosh, and the Cliiof
of Cowetau, TusTUNMJOorn ToMMB.whioh
Wax brought to the Governor yesterday
evening by Chii.i.t M’Inttmh, the Geueral’s
son, and five Chiefs of the- Nation, who
made their escape from, the in assn ore
The mischief was perpetrated last Saturday
by a large body of Indians, supposed to he
four hundred, who attneked Gen. M’Intosh
in his own house, on tho very day he had
appointed to set off at tho head of a mission
to explore the country west of tho Missis
sippi for the future residence of the Nation.
There is too niurh reason to fear, that
inAife men are the instigators of this horrid
It is further stated, that the houses of M’-
Intosii were burnt, and his catllo and
slaves cairied off.
Gnn. Bernard. Col. Sliriver and two other
gentlemen of the U. Stalesxorps of Eugi-
ners, engaged in viewing the several routes
to enable the Government tn select the lire!
fora National Road from Washington City
to Nnw-Orleans, arrived at Milledgevillu a-
bout the 89th lilt, and proceeded the next
day on their journey Southwardly. They
will return by the upper road in this stato.
passing by Athens, and will afterwards view
the road ort the western side of the moun
tains. The editnroftho Recorder had some
conversation with these gentlemen, from
which he understood that the scarcity of
stone and the deepness of the sand in a few
places, were the principal difficulties to be
encountered on the lower route. To coun
terbalance these disadvantages, however,
the surface of the country on this route is
by far the most level—the road would pass
through a number of commercial towns, and
by the seat of government of several states
—It, would cross too, at the he al of natiga-
linn, a number of fine rivers, emptying into
the Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico, thus
affording, besides the rapid conveyance of
the Mail, great facilities to commence and
tho transportation of troops military stores,
Smai.l Pox.—The Hoard of Health of
Montieelln, in this state, announce official
ly the existence of five cases of small pox
in that village. An express haB been des
patched for the vaccine matter, and vacci-
ionion is recommended.
Annhuac, of studying again its nn'turil pro
duclinns, and enjoying 1 he spoctnclo of that
progressive prosperity which fire institutions
and the arts of peace must necessarily pro-
duco in the bosom ofthe Mexican republic.”
By an official notification from the Trea
sury Department, it appears that the eleven
million loan of 1312 is to be paid an the 1st
of October next.
The following Circular Wes received by a
mercantile bouse in this city,, to, whom wo
neon induced to commit acts of violence, for rho justice of his writings relative lo'.arc indebted tor it
which qiay ho followed by tho most disa- Spanish America, tnd invited to re-visit Liverpool, Mirrh 29,—'The sales of Cot- to about 3160 hhds. I.lie sains were "ffoct* rels were bought by the „, v
greeabU, consequence,. The MilledgeviUe j Mexico. M. do Hu,id,old,in reply, ..Tortil^Si? eleniSoh.'ve *■ dm 1 4} { the^inTne/^^^^,
Recorder of Tuesday .last, says We preM es the pleasure lie feels at l|fo honor nmhuhted to «9,35« bag#or all aorls j vl*. '« halo#, 3J a 4j. resolved what to ask or receive, g '8
stop the pro## to announce the distressing done him, and says : *‘l havo not loaf tho 15 881 American, 5689 Brazils, 723 West- . ... will settle down speedily as to its",
w- .(^.i, ei u—*•“«**■ •«*• teato-i
aion of my sovereign) the. CorrliUeaas mt ■ Tim American description#consisted of Philadelphia Gazette. Tho intelligence tiou of Canadian (lour, and tin tnanw'^
120,13 Uplands—233 at-18], 130 at lit, was received at Hint port by tho brig Draco, thm of some degree «fre!tlom'nsm w ? W V
075 at I3J, 175 at I3J, 1270 at I3j, 65 at fia P l Drew, from Gibraltarity in certain ofthe European power,
13j, 1311 at 14, 05 at llj, 741 at I4j,2319 Speculation has at length extended its ef-' assigned as being the cause of this
•at l-lji fflT it I If, 83 at 14j, 1117 at 15, fects to our staple, and sales of flour worn lion. But we know nothing about a !'*'
718 at 15}, 89!) SU5}, 140 at 15J, 378 at yesterday made at p.37^ to 5 50. This tlior than that large purchase, hj ve \ "'
16. morning more is asked, but though purcha- made.—JWci Reg, 30/A uit.
1019 Orleans—30 at 133,20 at 14, 39 at sers by retail have been forced to pay six ___
I4J, 287 nt ,5.1IO ir.j, Il3at 15j, 94nt 15J, dollars, this must not as yet bo quoted as
S6R at 15}. 317 at IS, 134 at -10}, 174 at eluent price. • ■Jamatca.—Advices frem LiAerponl
16J, 53 at loj, 50 at.'id. | The immediate cause of tills rise, ia intol- 84th ol February, ofthe rise in
1416 Tenessecs—130 at I3J, u.-iHgence from Gibraltar that the Spanish produce, were received at Kiiiwvtoi), Jain'h'
30 at 14}, 50 at 143,359 at 14J, 227 lit 14},: porfB have been opened for grain and flour. * brig in the short passage of26 data. '.J
40 Qt 14| Qt j ^ 170 At Idj OIJ jj | vet .A rnnir Ilf tlio Annrnr. io tint rriunn Knt it So iltllRPuintl* fldvnilP.P tfuib ralnnv, ... «i*
30 \vhit«. fi4 stained So.a-fslamls^-lw ^ • — - - ... ,, au
3s, 20 at 3s 3d, 60 stained 16 a 20d. I ‘ )CPn »t Gibraltar ns high as eight dol- vtonsly been selling at 10 cents wm
The following
A public dinner was given on tho 16th
uit, by the ci.izens of Lexington conn*
- ■ , . r . . * . , , _ ty, to the Hon. Wm. H. Crawford, Geo.
penal Majesty admomshes the Senators t ^ Gl , /MEB< [„ [lle chnir .
and Deputies no, ,o follow the example of, are anion the t0sst8
the Die, of t820, which he says, spent its I Bv t||e , Ion . Wm . „ Crawford-The
,me m continual and useless debates ; and prcaent adnlimstration _ !et it bo jud d b
the other effectually remedying the evil of it8 measUfe8
which he complains, by excluding the pub
lie from its debates.
Major Denham and the mission from the
interior of Africa, have returned to Eng
land. after a residence ofl8 months in Cen
tral Africa.
The intelligence by the Baliena and Sa
bina, at New-Yorkj-of the 28th of March,
Was received in this city by express on Sat
urday morning. Soma transaction# took
place in consequence ; the exact amount
of which we have not ascertained. Tho
sales we understand were trom 22} to 25}
cents per lb. The commercial letter, da
ted on tlie 89th, which we publish this mor
ning, were not received until Saturday eve
ning, by mail.
From New-Obluans.—By the pilot boat
Eclipsei we have been favored with New-
Orleans papers to the 27th of last month,
inclusive. They contain nothing of more
importance than the commercial intelli
gence, which will bo found under the usual
head, with other matters of more than usual
The Eclipse and Richard Nelson,, both of
which arrived yesterday, having suilod from
New-Orlemfc and continued in company,
were despatched from this port with the in
telligence by the Emily to the 24th of Fe
bruary. Owing, however, to the prevalence
of unfavorable winds, we understand, they
arrived too late. The intelligence had been
previously received by mail, and tho ac
counts from Liverpool by theCriais to early
in March, arrived about Ihe same time by
vcsael, the effect of which will be seen un
der the head to which wo have referred.
The Eclipse and Richard Nelson were
repeatedly mistaken for piratical'cruisers,
by merchantmen, which invariably changed
their course, and crowded all sail from them,
and off Caps Florida, dirrlng thp night, the
Eclipse was fired upon by a ship, apparent
ly Enghsh. The shot from tbegmi disharg-
ed, fortunately did no damago,passing a few
yards from tha howl -
By the President.—A hearty welcome to
oar distinguished statesman, old friend and
By Col. J. II. Lumpkin—Home—a sweet P" American crulzer send her boats on;
hoRru of thf* 8cnr. Planfor, thou Ivnigat. an- :
TIip Boston Ontinr|8totnB, that a Pedi
ment for the Eastern front ofthe Capitol in
Washington, (an original design bj J. R.
Penmman) was exhibited at lloston, previ*
ous to its transmission to Washington city
where it is to be in tho competition for tin
premium of five hundred dollars, for the
best design, which is now soon to be de
It is stated in the Maine Inquirer, as a
proof of the flourishing state oftrade on th«'
Kennebec, that there arc now on jthe stocks
within one mile of Hath, vessels ofthe fol
lowing descriptions : 2 ships of 350 tons
each ; 7 brigs ovor 200 tons each, and I
schooner of about 120 tons, a great er part
of which are nearly ready to. b«. Uun:hcd.
The number of weavers who recently
“ turned out” for higher wages in Philadel
phia wax twenty-nine hundred. ' Most, .of
them have come to an understanding with
their employers.
The whole number of foomi in tho city HI®’'
Philadelphia, is said to b \ forty-jive hwidritl
An enumeration of those in the noighhoripbr
villages, would swell the total consident-
IT win ISf Ames.—The select mon of Cofli.
cord, (i\. II) have published Isxac Iirr.r..
Esq editor ofthe New Hampshire Patriot*
ns “ a vile calumniator, and a wilful and
malicious liar.”
Charleston, Mav 6.—Pima/ nnd Mur
der.—We learn hv Capt. Luddington. of
tlio-ajivm .Tames Monroo, arrived yesterday
from Nenvitas and Nhhsru. (N P ) that
tho Bclir. Planter, Capt. Ei.oarnoE (former
ly n consterfmin this porttothe southward.)
which sailed from New-York for Nnuvitas.
on the of February Inst, was fallen In
with about the 10th March, oflf Nuevitas, hy
a piratical pilot-boatrigged schooner,moun
ting r> guns, who took possesson of her and
run to fep ward of Non vitas, when* it is be
lieved, thpv murdered the captain and all
hands. The above pirate is supposed to he
the vessel captured by the U. S. Steam g«|.
lint Rea Gull, and the boats ofthe Br. frigat e
Dartmouth—goods having been found on
hoard, known to have been shipped in the
Plnnter. Capt. T#. sNo stated, that n boat
from Matanzas had arrived nt Nenvitas, a
short time previous to his sailing, which re
ported that she had been fallen in with by
the Colombian privateer schoonofrRevenge.
Capt Bedford, who took out her cargo,coni
8isting of beeswax, and nllowed her to pro
ceed. The captain of the boat stated, that
while in comnunv with the Revenge, he saw
retreat from the falte quicksand# and chan,
ful tidet of an illusive world.
St. Petersburg!! Convention.—The
Board of Commissioners under the St Pe-
tersburgh Convention adjourned on the 23d
uit. after a session of nearly five months.
They will meet again in the early purt of
Of the Commission, the National .lournal
remarks, constituted as it is of joint mem
bers of different governments to settle and
determine mutters involving delicate points
of international law and diificult questions
of individual rights, it cannot, from its pecu
liar organization, and the nature ofthe pro
perty which is tho subject of adjudication,
facilitate the progress of the business before
it, to meet the expectations and wishes of
the claimants concerned. But wo have *io
doubt, from tho best information we are en
abled to obtain, that the Commissioners are
using every exertion consistent with their
duty to their respective governments and
the individuals concerned, to bring to a
speedy determination the business before
them ; and that no delay will arise other
than that which is necessary to the promo
tion of mutual justice.
Letters as late as the 25th of March are
received in Philadelphia from Pernambuco.
Prices were, for old flour 3 a 5 rnr; the
quantity in port is excessive and no one of
fers for it at any price : new flour 6 a 8 inr;
a large stock on hand and few purchasers*
Hides are p 75 a 3 35 each The sugar
crop has failed, and prices have risen to 2
inr. per arobe for .jvJiitc und others in pro-
portibn. The condition ofthe people is ve
ry wretched. Several assassinations had
taken place, one of the principal officers
was found dead with seven stilleto
wounds iu his body. The government of
the Emperor was considered to bo firmly
established. Many executions had also
taken place. •
elior near the shore. The Lieutenant com
manding the bents went on hoard tho P.
when onoofthe pirates, supposed ro bc.tlir.
captain, presented whnt he called hi* com!
mission, upon which the Lieutenant shot
him through the bend.
Pirates.—-A letter from an officer at
Key West, states, that, some of the hexes
containing Claret, found in the hands of i he
pirates, cnpl ured hv the Spr-Gnil. ere hran-
drd—“ Nnv. 15, 1824. B. & P. and under
neath, B. 12, nnd G 2}. bv .1. O. Swift,,
surveyor ofthe port, of New York.” These
marks are fould to correspond with a shin
ment made by ti.® schooner Planter, Eld
ridge, for Nenvitas. and render it cp*fai n
that that vessel had the dreadful misfortune
to full into the hands of tho pirates.-
The small figure head of n vessel, (a fe
male,) found on hoard tho piratical sehnr.
has been forwarded to tins city.; am* may
be seen at tho Ocean Insurance office.
JMer Ado.
Baltimore, April 29—A letter from
Ponce, Porto Rico, now before us, speaks in
very commendatory terms ofthe aid render
ed by the Spanish authorities there, in se-
curing and executing • lie pirates of-which
we have heretofore published an official ac
count. The letter, speaking ofn contest in
which Lt. Pondergrast was engaged, says.
“ twelve who swain to the shore wore seized
and cut to by a Spanish captain#
named Matcano, a noble nnd gallant officer,
who heard.the cannonading nnd was near
the beach with about 30 soldiers, just in
time to catch them. Tho troopa wore- or
dered from P. by the authorities ofthe place,
Don. Jose Torres, Alcalde, nnd Col. Thom
as Renovales, military commandant, the mo
ment. the pirates, were seen passing the port.
This, says the lei tor, is a death blew to those
villains in this quarter, us nearly all their
associates, hy the vigilance ofthe authori
ties, are arrested and awaiting thoir fato.
Street Contracts.—Yesterday, flie"
contracts for sweeping and keeping the
streets clean, and taking the dirt, was, gfter
VVhir.Ii, if tlm former estimates wore cor-1 kjj* n “d more demanded,
red, make the business of to-day from 50001 The gentlemen who brought this intelli-
to 7000 bags, nt a further advance of aboutfound our market in a state in which
Td in Uplands, Orleans, nnd Teuesscew, \ lt Was fi,tF V rn produce a rise, for by the ex-
and Jd in Bt-nzil. . 17d is said to have been tc,,s i vn shipments to South America, the
refused to dav for Upland. stock on hand in the different shipping
Tiie sales here during the last six days I P Hrt8 *» *he northern and middle states is
harve b‘*en unprecedentedly large, exceed- 1 educed to much less than the usual quunti
u,, ‘ prth
hail jjf e .
Up to
lie .0
ing OO.noo bags of all sorts, which in quan
tity is nearly, if not quite i of all the (Jot-
ton in this port; nnd speculators are now
more sanguine than ever that prices must
yet advance considerably.
Other articles of American produce are
very dull of aule, and prices remain without
P. S. 0 oVWfc, P. ,M. —Since the arrival
of the evening’s mail from Manchester, se
veral thousand hags of Cotton have -been
sold at a further advance of $d per lb. up
on the prices of this morning.
The Tsinerpoot Markets, March 28.—Cot
ton.—The market last, week opened very
heavily, and up to Tuesday at noon the
transactions had been very circumscribed,
and the curren y had generally declined
from the quotations of Friday 4d to .Jd per
lb., At. t he close of Change on Tuesday
and Wednesday morning i ho speculative de
mand was resumed with considerable spirit,
and the market being visited during the.
week bv many ofthe trade, the operation®
, were extensive, the currency jiot only hav
ing fully recovered from the depressions pre
viously sustained, hut further advance was
.realized, and the market generally closed
(d to id higher in American and Brazil.| mil ;
td to id on Egvptinti.jfd on Bnngnls. and
Vd cm Sorats. with 4d in other descriptions.
The total transaetioas renorted are 34.740
hags, of which. 21.000 have been on specu-
!atfn. viz. 10.000 Bnweds, 1000 Orleans,
1000 Remains, 3000 Marimba ms, 4f>00 E-
gyptinnfq and 10QO Surnts. The following
are the details, viz. 15.710 Rowed* 12-Vd. to
15Ad ; 1269 Alabamns and Mobile t3.’,d to
!5d i 2315.Orleans 13d to 18d : 225. Sea
fslands 2s 6d to 3s 2d; 32 stained Son Is
lands I5d to 20d; 26.95 Pernams IRd to
17$d; 3829 Mar an It urns 15d to 16d: 590
Bafiias I54d to 16jd; 302 Mina Novas
.14'd ; 30 Mina Gera*»s 15d ; 60 Demurnras
16d to 16$d } 5435 Egyptian 14d to I5d ;
100 Cumana* 12^d ; 150 Carthagenas 1 l^d
to 12d ; 1571 Surltts 9d to 11d and 425 B.m-
gal at 8j to 10 per lb.
P. S. Monday 4 o'clock.—The market
opened this morning with renewed vigour,
andverv’earlv, considerable purchases were
made at advanced prices * the activity has
continued without any abatement up to this
hour, and the ngrogate sales are estimated
at upwards of 10.000 bngs. On American
descriptions tho improvement is about fd to
• Vera Cruz. Lumber at Moi ant
ty at this season of the year. It is even 1 ARRIVED,
said that, there is a deficiency of one hun- • Brig Sarah, Lowell, M or uni. Bay, (Jama.
dred thousand hitrrels ; a quantity about e- cni) 14 days, in ballast to the uiai-lvt.^
qual to the surplussage in Rio de Janeiro, L‘dtBr. biig Calui* Packet, in 7
Montevideo, Buenos Ayres, and the ports f° r this port or Darien. Oil’ fan
of Peru and Chili. T11 this city there is u- Antonio on the 26th ultimo, spoke Fi'T-aj
snail y, on the 1st of May, a stock of 40,000 Constellation,^ 13 days from NorfoiiM-ti
barrels in the hands of the factors ; but, *
yesterday moruing, it was supposed not to
exceed 6.000, and, to-dnv, we do not know
of more than 1000 hnrrefs remaining in first
hands. In like manner, in Baltimore,
where there is usually nt this season of the
year, a stock of 50,000 bbls, there were m l
more than 10.000 a few days ago, in the
hands of the factors , and similar observa
tions might, be made respecting N. York
and other places.
These remarks refer of course, to auper-
fluedlnur only, remaining in fir®t hands.
The stocks of the retailers are said to he
considerable, and we have not heard of any
deficiency of flour of inferior quality.
Other causes besides the opening of the j
‘Spanish ports, may concur to raise tin*;
price of our staple. If the in ’roused ability; April, iu comjmnv With
ofthe lower classes in Britnin he as great: Ram’T r. Mains, of Ellsworfh, Maine,
as has boon represented, und if the port* be ^ 0UM< * lu VV ilmington, and parted ceinju*
open to Cnnada flour at a duty of 5 shillings! Pf • ^ R y s n f ,or -
a vent will bo found for much of the grain j Sloop Rising Sun, Darien, 2 days, w/li
raised in the northern parts of the Union. I hales Cotton, to order.*
And, if the high price of cation bo main- j Sloop Eleanor. Darien, 2 days with* 130
twined, the-cultivation of that article will* holt’s Cotton, to G. B. Luinar.
extend over n considerable portion of coun-j ®I ,,0 P Good Lit out Allen. Darien 2 flats,
trv, nt present devoted to raising grain.— ; 260 bales ( . ftcu to (i. B. Lamar, and
The high price of sugar will, moreover, be or ^® r *
beneficial, as the more the West India ‘ S *9°P Ann » “odlcy, Norfolk, 14 days, to
planter receives, tho more he is able to; • ^ >0 ^ ,ne '‘
give* j Slonp Three Brothers, Howland, from
These are contingencies, the exact ope-! Thunderbolt. The T. B*. Will be repaired
ration of which cannot now be determined. ’ 1,1 a duys, when she will again be ready
The present rise must be attributed to the t0 receive a cargo,
deficiency of stocks, occasioned by a super- n . , v ° nue ^ utter Gallatin, Matthews from
abundant export to South America, and by Charleston.
the opening of the Spanish ports. A letter „ , * ot Boat Eclipes, Wood, Nety^Orleans,
of the 19th March which we have seen,
dull at $33 ; Collet; 14 c. ; M\:li,8ses Jinjj
or none to be had ; Sugar^ aice.
Brig Almira, Harding, Martinique, 15
days, in ballast, to b. B. Burkinan. Le t,
at «t. Pierres. Martinique. April JUt, bi>J
l , 'ranc«ri, Giiddeu, ot BrU'tni, R.J, t« *e;A
in 10 days fur Bristol, R. I. • brig —
mot, of Glmu ister. fur Gloucester, uikcm
tain, just began to load with iindiuwe.-; brg
Spartan, Foot, of Bath, to sail in Id ou t
lorBtilh; brig .Foster, of East RiWr,
where for uncertain, just began to duJ
charge ; sclir. Union, H.irvey, of Salem ft
Thomas. 5 days. 'J’ho whr.Actor,Stnnwro.1,
was at Fort Royal to sail fi»r Ncw-Vudj. I
he | The above were all tho American yossolsitj
jj„ • St Pierres. The Almira «;umc out ot &’f*
9 days. 100 miles S. E. hf the* Ritiiir’
“speaks of temporara permission having 'P* c ^ et ^ U P 1® quarter casks Tencriffe Wine
been granted at Cadiz and in the neighbor- ( . )n th ® oul ward passage, off Havana, on
hood for the. importation of wheat and flour, . e u ^ t# w . as hoarded by tho Culi»m-
on account ofthe scarcity of grain experi- ^ ,A,, ®chr. Zulima, Captain Lomeni, a;«i
enced by the drought and ruin of the har- politely. The Z. was left in chaw
vest ; w but the writer, an intelligent mer- • P a * , ' t, h jJ°°P*
chant afterwards expresses an opinion that' , 1 ot ® oa * R' c ' ,ar d Nelson, Delano, Now
prices will not rapidly decline. l r c hud-° r,eal ) 8 « 9 J ,a P- ^Patnenger, Mr. Piatt,
previously anticipated an advance m pro- 1 ni, ' eH ® E. of t he Bnlize, picked up 13
visions, as appears from his letters of the T' ar /*’ r Tenerifte Wine. Off (’ a pc
19th Fob. and he states that, on the I9tl* F1 °rida, spoke brig Romp. Bourne, from
^d on Brazils, ^d to M on East India, and j March, the slock of flour on tiiand at Oib- • H*i' rafia New-.Yorlc.
ot he* sorts Jd per lb. Tim prices realized ! *’altar would scarcely suffice to supply the SteamBotttbaiiiuelHoward,Dnliois,A«-
this pioming, are for Bnweds 7fid; Pernains I bakers in the town. The first, arrivals of 5R Iiottrv, with Bouts Nos. 3 & «,
18d: Maranhams and Bahias I7d p6r pound. | flour after that date, therefore, have Gorton
Sugars.—The British Ptantatidn Sugar
market.has confinii.od .very dull, from tlie
reluctance of the trade to accede to the
(urices demanded hv the importers, who re-
Aninyerv firm, and for about 160 hhds. have
rvHtained full preyimis rates, which with
300hbds bought, from second hands at ra-
tlirr lower prices, comprise the total trans
actions ofiho week.
Cnffcc.~The demand continues almost
wholly suspended, no sales worthy of notice
hiving taken place, and prices may be con- 7 5 Brazils, white. B li 60 do 7$
sidered nominal. jPortyg. qt.; Brown M M 40 do 6*.
paid handsomely. . arrived from this port,
It is even said that ns much ns ter. dollart Liverpool March 29, ships June.Tuc-
was asked for some parcels on hand. | kel : ! S ' lrl111 ' Shna»e; hri ? E! i/.u Ann, Bnir/.
Gibraltar, March 26.—Sate# during the! At N’lssau, (N. P.) March 18, schouner
week.—Coffee, about 500 quintals,at <*!:$ coich Wheeler,
per cwt. ; 1300 do 13 do 250 do 13."do 1000 ! At “evidence, April 22d, sloop Caroline*,
do 14 do 300 do 15 do ; Grain, wheuf, hard i * * da vs.
1000 fanegas, 56 rfi. vn. per fanegu ; Su
gar, Havana whites, 600 boxes 9 do : 200
do 9| do : 770 do 9A do : Son do 9 : { do ; —
Browns, 800 do 63 do i ;19» do (I J tin ; 740
do |),:r
do do ;
jy'rw-Orleaiu, Morrh 85.~Co«on—The
market had continued to hn very animated
during the whole week, and Cotton was go
ing offhri.kly at 25 centefor fine qualities
—some Inis had even obtained j cent more
—when, on Saturday morning, a few mer
chants entered the market, and purchased
several thousands of hales at an advance of
2 and 3 cents on the prices ofthe day before.
A crop of 60 Imles changed hands at 30 cts.
and in the evening the principal holders re-
fused to sell at all.
TJft imports of tho week amounted to
o500 bales ;„lhe sales tout leant 9000 halus,
moeny ;n tycond hand, or afloat,
jj.^issisrfppi, choice. 87 a 30 ; do. prime,
! : *<l qual. 28.24 ; 3d, 10 , 2I __
,i long law dnd advertiaiunont, put up for ’.fy qiTfllra a^i'Td 6 tSa* 9 — ^ '
m/e at the City Hall, when, instead of buy- ap^Tduoikoe, clioiee, 22 IiW .^"^20
mg the contracts, offers were geniTnusly a « ; V5„ nm on, 17 a 19.-M,,bile none' 2 °
made, to take the duty, and take the dirt, -NoTi-iTIm sales ofii,! a ' "! . e ' -
provided the corporation paid ^10,000 ; the r^ted a, fltill higher prices Prime NaJeh™
streets vanished into dust. Wo must de-, Ft
vise something else—Yet. Ait. | boRt
F< " U oTZ ,,e imp " r,s ° r the week were a
From T) g'aml't Salt ll-pirt.—l am indebt
ed to ■» e l fr.crid, mi w■ kno.v|sdg. ,|*
the »u j , J tuv gre t uonfideeoe, for ill
toll,,*,, ■■ ..baervstioni:
Mohus,■» ia held fi mbv tlie pri, cipal hnl.
dcr», ■, b d maud 35>o 40 c Tne dlst lt-rj
ire unwilling to pay 'll a; price#. I h.v, l a «
ken some palm ,0 iiifdrni myaeif c'mcerning
he, auicle. I „nd iiiatih, ue ia no M ,l,..<e.’
,1 3ala nr Newburvport. «'d oime in PurK.
o nil'i or PorlLnd. In Ne v Y ;k tl.e «up-
,i v ia ouirli lea. ili.n tiieir wants. In Pbila-
delphl., Ilaltimore, and other ..luthern e.ties
there is little or none From Ms tie. q u. and
Gued doupe I learn that Molaava w.a very
scarce, and the price high, hui little will come
trom that quarter. Several cm,guru a-e to
"ome .from Surinam, but the I poriera are
ull Distiller., and none of t will he lor sale
51 the lastdi.t-, from Havana, 5lli April, u
vessel# were o.duig with and when the i.e here , caches Cuba, the
ae.wn ofthe irrcate t plen'y of H .luaaea will
be gone by and cinnut ue reca ltd t he eu-
tire importation of Uolsuc.9 into die whole
U ,’ited State, in 1825 will probably not be
norcthan onu half, certainly not mure than
two thirds, .,f th 1 year 1824 To the prcaenl
com-n’, 3d April, the Import imo Boston i.
'ew th. R a fourth of mhit it was last year up
to th a bine All thr U stillerirs in this m inh
borh ed e Icep t two or three, are without
suy l|,> aces The a- a. i, olgre t at ietnaod
ror New K,m ia just at hand. I i, e 1, g , or,,,
d brown 8ugf will cause a greater demand
' >r Molasses for family one. In Cuba whence
mines our greai supply, the Planters getting
» nd ,c “« <ur their Mplaiaes, have become
uori- and mere indifferent about it every year
■•at year the supply , 0| p d j,, August i
hn reason they nave had errible rains du
mg toe months of Januarv F bruarv and
Uarcti, by which the e-ops',re very b ektrard
in Cuba, and when the,good weathei com, e
they mutt .Head to thbir Sugir, and Iheii 11 ‘
*' 11 n ' n ,n w «*« -from .11 which t come
r. tins cocci,,,in, that Molaaac, will rule high,
I this yebr, s -d I tee no good rea on why it
Tobacco.—VV'itMho exrpption of 90 liliils ’ °f Franc*?, 1500 «lo (>.| a 6} p»»r cwt,— \
ofordinarv Virginiu Inafi tak*»n on aperula- ; Provliioiie, Flour, 5000 bbls 6.J a 7.', per bbl!
lution «t 2Ad per lb. nnOihighna been done, j— 8 do; Butter, 400 firkins 0 2 6 pt*r
*Pries of Corn and Flour at Liverpool i P‘"md.
'8— rii—e * ip. mpp v«vj d-n.-m-i | * A lettor of a later date 9tates, that
Tn s'»v Is • for Wb*'Rt. F'onr .jsar bbi Flour was selling at 8 a $9,
i b T-ff % 96m ; ’r.fiMo. 3 n a -4*. *
London Markets F Ulna. Ma 'ch iS ’ - Q ugar
—I.Mtl-h*ig n ’ 8 don: this w i»k in Muico
vndo 'nut . ai I prre* ar;- quoted In v*r { hoi
'•■rs hoavvi-r no force th^ m ‘rVet, ar-.f!
tb stock is d-.ilv r’ecreH?!' g Foreign Sugars
v o wther inp^*v*ng. At a public snic of ^87
-be«fgrn i-if v, very -tf U o So
gn-sovur 4’-. ♦•-41: | 0 w do. 38t-j 4*S' vel
' : *3 ,f > c im»*r« nre also inqn'ved
f ir. find ire firm it tbeq*t nn«. ll..ori?nw
Siorarj are t»xp^e’ *dto be slewed for home
'Consumption at -hr duty of Vfr per r.wt« sod
' J^'On-ntly nq i‘:re l for by the refiner*
at f*, 3 "ti fo' dry Urowos.
Cifee —The holders, unwilling to depres
Me m rket, huve withoM their (Joffeefrom
public sail.; by private contract there appears
but little t-ling, sMn igh it it renorted tkai
’«r*eU nf St. l)t»ming f hivechaigjJ Usadi at
rSs to 77s per cwt.
13,3® barrel., the'gre"»U? nart If 'ft* V *’ VP “ » *ae at any p«.
pari ol nod «ace the close ol ourwititt 1815.
At New-York, April 28th, shop Morion,
At Now-Orleans, *April 16th, Revcnne
Cutler Louisiana, Jackson.
At Charleston, ou Friday, sloop, Delights
Ci 0 er, I day.
List of vessels in the port, of Sovonah,
May 9, 1825—3 .-hips, 4 thins, 3 schooners,
8 sloops—tntnl 18.
The ship Olive Branch, for this port,sail
ed from Liverpool :tn?h March.
A ship belong to Wisensset, 35 day? from
Liverpool Ibr this port, wuaspoke 2-itln
lat. 34, Ion. 74, 30.
Charleston. May G.—.drrired, sloop Janv»J
Monroe, Luddington, Neuvitas, und 5 day*
from Nassau, N. P.
Chared, ship Juno, Hussey, Cowes and*
Market; brig Mary & Eliza, \Vhittem<’ r f.
Copenhagen; brig’Trader* M’VVilliani. Ha
vana ; schooner Throe Sisters, CreighMi
Baltimore. •
Mercantile Advertiser Office, }
New* York, April 29.)
The ship Alfred, ofthib port, was off fa!*
lao latter part of January. While lying
there, four gun boats and two launch 1 *
with about 200 men, came out of Call**' 1
with the intention of surrendering them*
selves to a Colombian ship of war then oi
the port.
T HE subscribers have removed to John
ston’s Square, next door wcet •«
Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they afk ‘
opening a handsome assortment of
Fancy and Staple Dry
in addition to their former stock.
April 5 I®
ST The Darien Gazette, and Recorder,
Millodgcville, will give tho above four in -
sertiuus, and forward their accounts to th ,s
D URING our absence, Mr. Homes Top
per will be our Attorney.
May 7 3’"