Newspaper Page Text
» *
DM atlas.
> b^
OUUtt &uiV MEWl^lXE Ytmu'ry ItapMctmenj,|
*M0!*jW* '$
town of Jefftrwm, between ike bouts
■ - o4(k
;LL b* a<Jd at lb* Court-House iotti n ESPRCTFtJLLY informs bis friend)
Jtl< end the public, that he like purclueed
tll« establishment in the above business, be
longing to Or. A. Delaroohoj opposite the
Exchange, where ha oilers for sale at low
prices, a large assortme. i of
Yoftib ©tags,, MetUeinta,
ami. Chemical*,
of toaa’alock In <h> morning, and four
in the efternoon. one undivided' moiety, of
tWfbfcritlhg. ptopAfty, vise iff. .
A tract of land situate on the aoutb side of
by lands ofMrs F#». Qiborne, e»uth by lands
of — Hab, )b)m, yre*t by land) of John-
•ton, northwardly by 8«til!a River,, together
with ell toe buildings eud plamauon tools
thereto belonging.
Also, fiftv or a.sty haad of cattle, thirty
aheep, two flits, one but, end the folowing
. nsgeo. status, to wit, George, buoy, AWib,,
Merck, Oherio'tpjGeorgstto, Peggy, uaasus,
Elleck, PewLndy, F)on|t, Harriet, SagL Ifon.
ryi Friday, Simbiv Bilheiay, Louies, Suem,
Druectta, (tally, P.ttoy, N vney, Marcus, 4y .
ra, James. Toney, Helen, Kpmuh|S| 'entitle.
Seendy, Abiiev, Ben, P. evidence, Mon on,
1> die, Cyrus, Big Jack, Amelia, Juliet, P de
nier, Philip, Lucinda, A.Umont, Laura L my
Jim, Boev, LMc Jim, Little Jobk, Sirfert,
Phebe, Billy, Nat, Damor, Driver Jim, Illyria
Lav'mia, Cleupat.ia, Canadi, Dorcas, Tenab
Luke, Salty, Panlma, Galiata,*, Scip.o"
Van. Nancy Gene, Frederick, Job, Bora, fli*-‘
aah, Deck, Pumpey, Petty, Diane, Columbti
Bid), Liau,Andrew, Nanny, Matthew,London
Little Pendah, Prince, Geaeer. Ph.lliS,' Little
Jto k,Finny,Deniel,Oi«tor,Ned, Little Georgi,
Solomod, Gambay, Bate, PricilL, Adam, Jim
Mary, being one hundred in nugiber, let ied
on end to be told to satisfy an execution
■gainit J h i Kugand Wesvale Jones, in fi-
voaof JeeibilLVolk- ‘ j
Also, one house end lot, elluate, lying end
being, in the town of St, Mary a, being paft' ot
lot number one, containing one hundred fee
in front and'four hundred otld thirty Six' feet
deep,levied on end to be cold ae the property
of John B. Uhriatepher, to sMiafy an esecu
tiun be foraebaare - of mortgage, in favor ol
William Besrie, under the rule absolute'
.. M. H. HEBUVIID, S'. 8. C
April 33d, 18.5. -
April 28 30
SPECTF^IiCY infoftrii hik frie
at Uf-
Sheriffs bales.
On IheftAtTuctdny in June next.
ayiLi.oe a ; id at the Coon-HDuee in the
W City of Savannah, between the hoora
of ten and four o’clock, the following 16 ne*
gibea. vie
Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry,
Billy, Burke, Parris, Brant, Dinah, Little Brant,
Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the inert nr
of the families levied on under e foreclosure
of e mortgage from Peter Timothy to William
Washington, for use.
TwVnegroee, vii: Ned and Qteigow, levi-
ed bo a foreclosure of e mortgage from Cbee.
Water to Joseph K ip-nan.
. epril *i 09
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the Drat Saturday, after the first Tuee-
dsy in June next, will be sold at (be
Market Hour* in the town nf St. Marys, two
negroes, via. B *b and ilose, levied on ee the
property ol Joseph Rain, to satisfy an execu
tion on the foreclosure of t mortgage, in favor
of Samuel Clarke, and George 8. Brown.
April 8 IRIS. M.H. HEflliARD.S.C C.
A"-* 13
Sheriff’s Sales,
On the ftnt Tuctdny in June next,
F VBbuurid tires if Land lying in the
County of Effingham, hounded north by
Michael Hyde?, ewl oy ihistian Robenhuiet
all other sides vacant at the rime of :be origin
al survey. Also IJOacr-fc half of e tract of
3QJ acre, originally granted to Christian Bo-
benburet Abo 4J0 acres bounded north by
lands of Daniel Steiner, east Jno Pcyderand
others,at ihe time of original survey. Also,
150 acres sou' t-wa-dly by lands of Kobenhu: st,
eart John and George Snyder, and n r It
*’ ilienhuiat, at hy rime oftbe original surrey.
. lie above lands levied nn as the property of
Charles Tiot. to satisfy .executions in favor of
Henry H'Aipin and David Gut-le.
May 6 21
Sheriff's sale.
On the ft t‘ Tuctdny in June next.
V*|bl.,L be sold a the Court-house in the
\Jw town of letferson, Camden Count,, be
tween the usual hours of aele, e negro man
nam, d Daniel, levied on (by a constable) as
the property of Macajah Crewe, deceased, to
eatiafy sundry executions in favor of Joseph
Thomas. G W. THOMAS, D. S C. V.
■ Jefferson, Ap il 30,1825.
May J 36
Administrator’s *>ale.
On Ihefi’H Tuesilny in Ju'y next,
B e.I'WEEN the usual hours, will be told
at the Court-House in Brysn County,
th following described property, being perl
of,he estate of Maithe* Carter, dec. ami
sold for the benefit oftbe heirs end creditors,
and by an order of the Court of Ordinary ol
said county, vies
350 acres of land in Gwinnett County,
known ea Lot No 36J, in the 7tl) District,
350 acres in Bsriy County, known as Lot
No 174, in tht SOtToietriet
3VO acres Pme Lend, in Effingham County.
Aleo, two staves.
Conditions ,,f sale m di known on the day-
; BI.IZ - HBTH uARTBK, Adm'rx
a 2 ’<t ‘
dmlnistrator’s once
A LL persons having demands against
John Street, late of Chatham County,
deceased, are requested to hand them in,
within the time prescribed by law, duly at
tested, and those indebted are requested to
make immediate payment to
Qualified Executor.
Mav 6 3*,+
*iano Foitea, Curled Hair Ma
trasses, f eather Beds,
T HE subscriber oilers for sale the follow
ing articles, warranted to be of the
host quality
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stouls
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Sh„vels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrasscs
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrasses to fit.
Also, a large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to mutch
The above articles can bo examined at
the store in Wliittnker-Street, opposite Col
Shellman. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 93
Adininistratui s notice.
A LL persons indebted to tho estate of
Randolph M’Gilli), lato of Camden
County, deceased, are requested to make
payment, and those having demands against
said estate, will present them to the under,
\ ' Administratrix.
St. Marys, April 10th, 1025.
April 37 20tr,
Fish Lines.
S ILK, Cotton, Hair; India Seaweed and
demp Fish Lines, received per Wm.
Wallace, and for sole by
March 7 N. B. WEED.
Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony •
Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, de
' ' Peru, do Fola
Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Creatri Of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas
Colnmb'o, Finery, Gum Assafoptida
' Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guincum, Gum Opium
IsitiglasB, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
1 Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
. Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bismuth
Oil ofAniseed,do Peppermint,do CloveB
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpet re, Salt of Tartar
Glauber, Epdom and Rochelle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
l’blnta Ik*} aftA in Oil.
White, Rod and Black Lead
Prussioh Bine, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan and Copal’Varnish.
Pomatnm, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Beet English Shaving Soap
Eau de Cologne, Lavendet Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med
iciruis of every kind, the whole ,ol
warranted quality.
Jan 20 47
Lay 8£ Hendrickson,
H AVE received by ship William Wal
lace, a new supply of
Glass Lamps
Japan Socket and Stand do
Lamp Feeders, Lamp Wick and Lamp
Glasses of different sizes
Also, Pure Sperm Oil and Oil Cannis-
ters, of one,two anil three galls, each-
Together with every article necessary for
making safe, cheap and pleasant light, at
tho corner of Congress and Whittakcr-Sts.
April 25 ‘ 27
N INE MONTHS After the date hereof, sp
plication will be made to the Honors!)!
.lie Inferior Court of Chatham county, win
ailing tor ordinary purposes, for leave to ic
. lot, with th; improvements, situate in tl
:ity of Savannah,in the aaid county,toil know
n the plan of laid oily by the No. 53, Brow.
-Vard, for the benefit of the heira and legatee
if the estate ot the late Hugh U’Cali, di
act H 77
IPEAS on the 3d of March, Hr,
Wat past id by th® ....
t«a,of wl lcli tht
B the u orda f diuwioffp
3. And be if further b*at*eilt «
subaeription to the aiuount of. twelve
of dollar a, of the aii nr cent. *tock of'tftt
year eighteen buhdrea *nd thirteen, be, and
the aame ia hereby pvopoaed » for whioh pur-
poae botthn. abaH be optnid at the Triewuiyjjf
the United States, tndiat thi several lf*n « m .
oec, on the Aral day of Apr il nest, to hnlinui-
open,until the, first day of Qoio.ber ttfrcaftrr,
forauoh parti of the above mentyned d«:
aeription of stock ea auail, on (he dtJ of aub
acriptiun, stand on the hooka of theff reaaur>.
and on (hose or Ihe a<iveral loan v®
•pectively t which aubsoription aba/b® effect
ed by a transfer to thi United Stipi* in tlw
manner provided by law for such r»ni fera* of
(he credit of credts standing (> the said,
bookvihd by a surrender if thJcertifioatef
of the stock so subacribed: Prwidetf, Thai
all subscription by such transfer | »tock shah
be onaidet ?d as part of the saiditwelve mil
lions of dollars aufinrsed to be borrowed by
the first secti n of hia ac\
11 8cc. 4, And be *' further enaaed, That for
(he whole or,any part of any. sum which shut;
be thus aubacribed, credits shall Up entered to
(he reapectiv< s il»ci ibers, who shall be euti
tied to acurt fi ute or certihcMtcs purporting
that the United States owe to the holder or
holders thereof,, his, her, or their nasigns, a
sum to. h® expressed therein, equal to the
amount of the principal stock thuMSui^cribtd,
bearing an interest n t exceedi; g fouraoi
one half per pentum per annum, p«yshh
quarterly, from the tbirty*fi at day of Deccq*
ber,one thousand eight hundred ar.d twenty
five i transfershfe in the same it auner asV
provided by law for the transfer of the'atoo}
jubacribed, and subject to r< demotion at the
Measure of the United 8tatca, aa follows: onir
ha f >t 4ny .time af er the thirty-first day is
December, one thousand eight hundred anc
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
fter th® tliiity^fi at day "f December, ony
houa,and eight hundred and twdi tyrnine»
Provided, Th.t no reimbursement shall be
nude except for the. whole emount of such
new ccri.ficate; nbr until afier at least six
months public notice of such intended reim
buriement. And it shall be the duty of the
Secretary i.f the Treasury to cause to be trant-
ferred io the respective subscribers the acver
d sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
nf the ccr^ficktes of four and one half per
jent. stock iisu -d to th*-*n rrspeclively
“Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That
be same fundn which have’ heretofore beep.
j»d now are pledged by »aw for the pay mem
of the interest, and for the redentptioo and
.reimbursement < f the slock which may be re-
deemed or reimbursed by virtue 6f th« pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like
manner for the pavmentof the interest accru
ing on the slock creuted by reason of 8U- ; l'
oibscrip ion, and f>r the redemption or reun
fiirsewent of the pnncip 1 of (hi* same. Ai d
it shall be the duty of the c immi siouera of tbe
finking fund to ccuae to be applied and paid
out of the said fund, yearly and try year,
such sum and sums as may be annually requir
ed to discharge the inte eat scorn*, g on (he
stock which may be created by virtue of thi*
act The said comm s/u nr-s are, also, bere-^
ny authorised to apply, fr.-»m time to tim/,
such cum and sums out of the «Vid fund, as
they may think proper, towards redeeming
by purchase, or by reimburtemeut, in con*
formity with the provisions cf this act, the
pr incipal of the said stock t and such part ol
the annual sum of ten millions of dollars, vest
ed by law in the said commissioners, as m«>
be neceraary and required for the above pur
poses, shall be and continue appropriated ti
the payment of interest and redemption oi
ihe public debt, until the whole of t’e stock
which may be created under the provisions of
th>.a act, shall have been redeemed or reim
bursed. rt
Now, therefore, notice ia hereby given, ihat
broke will be opened at the Treasury ft' the
United St .t3S,ard it «he several loan offices,
on the first day of April next, and conunur
>pen until the first d»*' of October, thereaf
er, for receiving subsciintions in conformity
with he prov SiOtiSi fibeaaid law.
The subscriptions may be made by the pro
prietors of the stock, either in person or by
their attorneys duly autbor'z •• I to subscribe*
and trsnsfer it to the United Stales.
Sh uld subscriptions of said slock be made
to an amount exceeding twelve millions of
dollars, a distribution < f the said sum of twelve
millions of dollars will be made among 'he
subscribers, in proportion to the sums subscri
bed by them respectively,
Acting Secretary of the rreaaurv"
March *'6 1 0 J| O
valuable mjedicine.
ml icon.
• ■
tould wish to he. With my tfcaQki#
am your
VTINE months all-.r date, application will be
LV mad, to the inferior Court of Chathin.
bounty, sitting for ordinary purpnaea for an
jrder, anaolute, toaelllotiNna fuaram five.
'4and 5) in Carpenter-i Bow, and lot Ni.
me, (I) Green Ward, in the city Of 8,v*nnal',
>eing the real catate of Francia Jalineau, dec.
t'.ir the benefit of the heira an-’ creditor! ol
.aid catate WILLI AM GAS I ON,
Quu ified Executor 1 .
7, 97.
Georgia— Camden County.
Superior Court, October Term, 1U24.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvester
O N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating
that in consideration of certain prom
issory notes, made to the said Timothy, by
them, one payable with inteicst, from first
if January, 1821, on the first of January, 1822:
o second payable as aforesai!, on the firs> of
January, 1823; and a th rd pRyable as afore-
•aid, on the first of January, 1824. executed a
nortgage to said Timothy Hopkirs, his heirs
»nd assigns, on all those four tracts of
otuated in (he county aforesaid, conveyed by
*he said Timothy, to the said F-angley and
Silvester, and lying on the south side of
Grest Sattlla liiver, one tract containing sev
onty-sevenjacres, more or less; two tracts
ontsining fif : y acres, more or less, and. one
:heV tract, containing one hundred and cigh-
iy-eight*cre», more or less, conditioned for
he payment of the three said several notes,
on the days above mentioned, and that a&iii
i veral notca remain unpatd-t-nn- motion o:
Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintiP, it fr
n dered, that the siid Langley Jnd Selvester,
their heirs or assigns, pay intdCbur,, withii,
• welve months from this date, ihe sums due
r>n said notks, and the interea. tnd coats, o(h-
irwise that the equity of redemption be for.
•ver foreclosed, and that surh liher proceed
ng* take place, as are purauunt to law.
True extract from the minotel 27th Octo
ber, 1824. JOHN BAInBY, Clerk.
noy4 \B 74rn
STINE MONTHS after the 1 date of this
Ln notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permisaioq to aell a part of
the real estate of John $|aey, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of saiil
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec 18 . si
■f,- -i '•*- ,
' Vegetable
4 JinHEftibiirib. r rradjitflilfy ioliefljrtlii
41 teiitfon of every fflhftd orsufferihg hb'
•a-ihity, to to tt.e above nrw and invaluable
remedy, who*® unequal powers in eliminating
from the ayat *id tli® very aeeda of diaessc,'
nndjn, r^tivying thp deranged and motb'd
ciipniu n oftbe oiwani btflire le a and
healthy exercise of thtiir functions, baa exci
ted thdV. t^hiaVmprhJ, 4nd dbmplctely alien
ccdihe ohj^ctiofts of th® most inert d dous —
Facte arc the beet, arguments. In order to put
the virtues ot the Umhohcon to aa severe a
scrutiny as poasible, It was offeree! by adver
tisement .together with the attendance ti n
phyKicisn, gfstuitoiia|y to any p®r§in wh<^
would apply for it, and w h >se : cause might
seem t\- come within tk® r*»ngq.of‘ its bealirig
power-numbers of severe cases of long *t4 cl
ing, and nom® ot thrm seemingly cle^* rffe
ones, pr** ented ihcmaelvea, all of-which have
been cured, or an much relieved ms tj wurrunt
' lie sssei tion that a little perseverance will do
so In fact, such ia the cut.ftdenco of the physi
dan under whose care these patients wert
placed, in this remcAly, a coi fide ,cc reau t
tngfrom (he irresistible con action that has
been fort-cl upon hia mind by ocular demou
nt ration, ai d a pera^ml trial »f it on h J nael<
that he permits me to declare it as Iva d tci-
ded opinion, tb-t heCath diccn il not duly 8
perfectly safe and innocent, but a moat pnw
erfut and invalusb e remedy in certain dis
eases and states of the a) item, such as ihe fol
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation t Oi l and inveterat - Uic^rs.. Psins
ia the bum s attended with swellings i>f the
join's; Iadigts'-ioq, pu»t>hcs on tlie face,
pimpie*, tfc. i Alt complain s of the Liver ;
fetter.* Vaws ; Syphilis.* Cutaneous diseases
g-nersl y ; Mercurial and scrofulous com
plaints '
The Catholicon (which the proprleter sol
emnly pledges h i word ccnsisif exclusively
f vegetable matter) with the exception of a
sl ; ght dtforml n-tion to the bowelft, which it
preserves in a soluble state, arts insensibly, h
pleasant to the taste, and requires n r particu -
ar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuous li
quors fclvyays excepted,) or confinement. As
a gentle, safe and agreeub’e cathartic mi di
cine, improving the appetite and ivstor.i g th»-
generkl tone of the ays^m, it is confidt.nUy
recommended to iadlca in a delicate situa*
t.on. W W. POITEK,
66 Cbesr.ut-sireet.
. Philadelphia, May 31,1824.
At the request of Mr. W. W Potter, I b n;c
late y exhibited, in several in*tsncep, a «»,edi
cated sirup, called Peter’s Veget«bte Uatbo
’.icon, with the most decided advantage. I
haa, ap^et, never failed effecting scare in
every case in wh’uh I have thought proper to
employ it. H. mtUR ' Klti, M D.
Phi ade-phia, July %'dthy 1824,
Mr. W W. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish thnt I
would give a concise st atement of my suffer
ings. from Mhe hopeleiK commencement, to
the present propitious st^ge of my disease.*
About five years ago, on my passage from
Bordeaux* during ’he month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I was seised
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendants on board, I was competed to bear
it, as I might for two weeks, when on my ar
rival at Cnarleston, S. C. it was treated as
Pyphua. The ak-11 of my Physician subduvd
the fever, but Pl anix-like, the termination
of this gave rise to a disease equally distress
ing, and which, till now* I had thought incur
able. Various abscesses made ibetr unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swe led to an enormous aiac.—
rhese gradually subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an Incision was now made and a large
evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of hone
took place* In addition to this. I suffered the
most excruciating pains in my joints that man
ever experienced. Every thing that wst»
administered either gave me no relief < r ser
ved to aggravate the disease, the severity cf
which incr?nscd with every succeeding year.
Such wasmy painful simation that I despaired
of ever being restored to my hea) h ; I had
not only tried the. regular means of relief,
but used, though in vain, every popular rem
edy I cojld hear of* It wag in this awful and
desponding condition^hat I waspersui ded to
\ ommence a course of your Vegetable ^ath I
icon, and the happy result is, **f 0 m the use
of the tivo bittlre. my "whole system hat under
gone a complete revo utiott, my pains have fo sa*
ke \ me the discharge from my Knee beg in
(o dimmish, and scon ceased altogether, the
ulcei from ■‘hence it proceeded being com
plctely healed* The tumors, Tor the removal
of which I have tried in vain more remedies
than l can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, which was gone, has returned—I an
in fact, nr*r!y well, and feel cunfid lit that «
few bottles more of yiur, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will m»ke me pt r ectly so.
Your oblig'd friend,
,bllg.dlmmb ! ...rv. U L^ onGEKA ^ B -
u, of tbej
'.II 5&ncu;i
Jflcf- Ilf ,jmi*!iI)
t;,<t .tho.biiT':
! '-frus’
VTINE month. ,ft.r date, application will bf
lx to the Hon.the Judge.ot tlieCoun
jt’Ordin.ry-'f^ Chatham enmity, hr'leave ti
■ell *1! the real .state of the late William Craig,
d?e**iWl )j ftd , ibe ,benefit of the hemaadeied-
ilufa bf aaid estate. I
JOHN M’NISH, Exetntor
■ or’1® 71
A LL persona having demands alainst the
e.tate of Constant Freeman, E ] late of
the city of Waabingtoni decease are re
q ilred to hand them in. lewdly uteried,
within the time preMribed by Isw t md thone
indebted to said esMe, are require to make
immediate payment, to
Jan 14 42pi
"ni thatthe s\'at«rq to it is in tl.e hand
writing of this (Knouent „
Philsdelphh, May ^1824-
. The. Vegetable Oatholicon is pccufcJvV
adapted to those diseases Which ire preva 1 ®^ -
aino'ug tJj®. cplyur d poymlatuuV of Itie south ^(itiln fh>
in* thit disssse which is railed It is s jvVw Testawnfe,
uire remedy; s single triel^of Ifowill convince
planters of its s jperior efficacy to any reme
Jyof a similar natu e idtba UitUcd States*
The advantages of this mftdic’ne are, not
sonfining ihe patient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his business.—
With one solitary exception, 'hat of snirilu-
ou • liquors, it does not lay uny netrictione upon
his appetite It is so gentio n its operation
•imt the p tient finds nimp-lf getting well he
cannot tell how. As it is not the wish of the
proprietor to take any thing for which he
cannot give a consideration equal In value,
persona at o distance who may Wish to try medicine, but who are not certain if it
be applicoble to t|>eir complaint, are request
c d to describe (heir case and symptoms in
a letter, pngt.paid, and directed to him—this
letter will be immediately placed in lunds
fully competent to dead j the question.—
should ’hc remedy not seem lo 'suit the dis
ease, they will be frankly told si.
To prevent d sappointin nt ft is well to
itxtellfrt it takes inordinary esses from 3 to
5 bottles to effect a Cure so that pe:sons jvhn
are labouring under any serious infirmity,
must make up their mind to persevere to tliai
extent st least—if they do not, they might as
well ssve themselves the trouble and expense
f using a sandier qunntUv,
All o*de e poet-paid and enclosing the money,
immediately attended t«*, and the medicine
backed aad delivered with directions for use,
o any place in the city, and forwarded as di
N. 0. To prevent the possibility pf. lIJ im
position, it a id besoH i» the city ofPhilsdel-.
r»hi«, atthe office in Fifth near et,
iral th® dwiffling of the propri- tor, Nj. 66
•Thesnu' s'reet, only, an I abroad by his au
thorised agents. W W FfiYJEH,
66 Chemut Street,. Philade'pfiia*
I have appointed G^OllGE HYE ISON,
Druggist, ot Savannah, my sole agent D# ng
gists wa; ting the above valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him for cish, at the same
rate, oi »if ordered direct from Vne—-viz. %:>0
per di sen, or three dollars a s ngie bou'.e.
y/ r tv. UO r rEU, Philadelphia,
Any person on application to tli'esuhacih^r
will be furnislied with certificates of ihe effi
cacy of the i-bove medicine, sufficient to run*
vince the m nd of the most sceptical, althougi
too numerous und lengthy for newspaper in
sertion. GEO. UYElfoON, Druygiit,
Conner of Bay and Whittaker Streets,
dec 13
Philadelphia, July ‘ 6, 18 ,, 4.
Mv confidence in the vrgel iblc catholicon
is umlitnitmlw I, and as fresh in tanets of its
powers ar^ daily occurrirg, in my own prac
tice I have no hesitation in recommending it.
in the peculiar diseases to which it is applies.,
bfo, as superior to any reme !y I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’MUIH RtE, M. D,
Philadelphia, May 28.18 4
Sir—In consequence of imprudent expos
ure four years ago, I had th® misfortune to be
come i ffl eted with a disease, the painful re
sul’s of which induced me to apply in sue.
cession to several respectable physicians of
tide city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
«s the former. My whole system became a ( -
fected. I could get no ftst at night on ac
count of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of .;\y body ; the weakness and emacia
tion of which was such that I could acarcely
walk. In this state I fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon-four bottles of
which, bat completely restored me, I have
now no pain; my appetite is good; and my
strength restored With many thanks for
the relief your medicine his given me, I am
your obliged fHend, &c.
Sworn and subscribed to before me. May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, A derm.n.
Philadelphia. May 28,18?4.
Sit—I .ra now, thank, to your medicine, s
he.rty mat. F-r nearly aix year, I hare been
a martyr to 1 disease, whose ra.agi s threat,
ened, if not toon stopped, to put s period to
my existence. Hiring had no regular medi-
otl adnee from .the commencement, mv
complaint at lart got to aueh a height that I
could not .wallow without great pain and
difficulty. Tumor, formed indifferent parts
of my body, and I began to think my ritiutibn
almobt desperate. The fire bottle* of the
Catholicon which I bare taken hive com-
gtetely cured me, and 1 am now aa ^rt!l aa I
.na.B’rrra mmot •
~" "mm'
I t shall be weft piCieti, on good . .
be Ih ah handta^e vtK,"?
0,-i,t.i5 tb- floripture* „f the Vd
hr TeHantnH,\»^l n, """‘oio-<i
Erphmatlr, Ml ee, qnd rractutu rijjfr,',,,.
ailuaU.rilpoqpioua Uefcenm i.‘
in? printed woM'tor void from the London
Stereotype Edit on, published tince the Au.
■hot'sdeneire The price will be $21
hoard,, g?4, in aheeo i &S0, in calf biudiar
The.wlinle work will be ready for delivery bw
May, 1825/ 1
Ex' raeU rtf Xetlc-i addretted to the P,M,h c „.
I OBteem Dr. Beolt’i Famdy Biblr, em u' ml,
calculated lo prom ite the cause of tmth , 0 J
piety. It teems trarccly possible for nneio
read daily the Nnteaand Obaeira'.iom inth.
Fttimly Bible without beeom'nit a wi„., .„i
oetter man. ■ BDWAhu D G'flFV'iv
I hare teen no comm'Mary of the Sat-U
Soripiurea which I think ao well adap'edta
general use and edification. It is a trjuure
which ever) funnily ought to porai'tu.
. . .... 4. BATON.
It is a work dutingu ahcd for ihe aimplci.
ty aud .convenience qf; its arrangomeni, the
dcarneu and fi lelily.of its- expoyilions, the
ueatneia and perapiou-ty of its style, ih» ne ,
nevoh nee and candour of its spirit, the coir
oi.cnesa.nd pertinency of it. .ppllctmns
and for its uniform tendqncy to pro mote tvan-
gelical truth '-od piety.
' „ , . 5BIKL HOLMES.
I OfDr. 9coit» Ft nily lltble, I reel free t»
ray, that m myeslimation it dthretreilty rjnla
q nong our ablest and heal ijomm ntsriea.
Dr. Scqtt's Family B.ble intended more rb
peoi.llyfur t-e,uae of ChiiMian lamil'en/iin
work high y evangelical, extenlively insiruc-
tire, ana deeply mieri ttinq
Daniel o. s andebs.
The character of Dr. Scott’. Commentary
on tlie Bible, in »o generally known, and u
.Ighlv approved auionuM the moat intelligent
and pious.Christians throughput our count™,
un i hr,s passed rapidly through so many l„ tt
editions, that 1 deem-ftirlher rediffiBeiiS.
-.ions iieedlear
J. F089&
I a>q icquf inted w’th nn Com neulnry on
th- Sacred Fc iptui ea, which I Would more
cordially rccomnirnn for general uiid. Tie
plan of the work ia good
Perhaps in no way, can ministers, iirtma
f youth, and private Chiistiaou, do grcst.i
“pjr'ee to .ociety, than by exerting them,
selvet tddiafcmiii.ite t|pa truly- ■ibV.nluMite
I know of rto Commentaiy which "ia b, ttei
calculated for diffusing contet viev.a ofiAi
gri-iit(rntha ofClniatianity, and luHvinguk.
iary impraiwona on the mind when ran.
trom the peru al of it, th«a the one you in
b iut to publish.
No writer at ema less disporad to contend
for barren apeculw Lna. None more unirurm,
ly or.murc- pownfully incuicateathe gieaits.
sentiala ot religion. The' tpirlt which pm
vail!, the Work i. excellent i it ia the me.I,
affectionare, healing, yet faithful .pirit of the
ffuapei. Daniel dana
From particular examinati n, »nd concur,
ring tettiMony, there is no doubt on my mind
that Scott*. Family Bible ia superior lo ill
You will pletu to Wild the aix copimcf
Tcott’a Bible ; I refer lo your lately propmed
■dilion Perhap. I shall induce five m iri t»
t ike the i»me number. H I.
It i. with extreme pleaftire I perceive
vor. are about to puhlali a new e liliu.i if
Scutt'a Bilile. Having been in pomtinofi nf
t more than 20 yi era, I'trna- I know vine
lung of it. value, and am dele, mired to jin.
mole i'8 circulation among my Im'ndj. Vwi
will p. w.,e forward aix copies aa toon al pula
iished; tj.g.
I have obtained four anb.- eribera fir die
excellent xvork /od are publishing. H. 8.
I propose to take .even aen of Scott'f Hi-
hie, and will be ecectintable for the lime.
J C.
I have obtained . "hsc^ ibrn for nine copies
of Sco't-s Finely B.ble. J, 0.
I shah probably need eight or ten .'inf
Scott’s Fondly Bible. J, !■•
ltev. S. 8. of P. has o' tained ten euhrcrl-
berfc B. B,
l have observed th.t you are shout pub,
lulling another edjiion of S,oil’> U>hle
nope you may succeed as you li-ve dune in
former editioun. I have been endeavurirg t)
orocute nibacrihern amoi g our peojde, tor',
en or more subscriber, will be obiaued.
I will take ten sets (cf Scoti’n B hie)
hound and lettered, ,1 F
I; have ot.'tr. ; r—d teh subBcrihrt. (v yoor
edition of the' Famity Pihle—and have
doubt but there might tie nnnielling like 1W
copie. Bold in thin place f you h. i »n »«
here—1 thought the work ought,to b* i
couraged ard for list reason took a subset'),
lion paper It ij a work thnt every Ml
should have that is able to pnichrae.
J. K M’G.
I am glad, that y-u propose to print d r '
Scott’s excellent Family Community,
aiioold be very glad If it were in my porter " a more noeial patronage to the vudi
than, aa ctrcumitancea ire, I cm. IM
however, be able to do something t eight a
ten sent I shall certainly take t and it ttuy T,
double that number. A. Ih
I have procured fifteen aulwcrtbcr* »
Scott’. Bible. JA.D.
I think I shall dispose of 20 sett or aft
he Family Bible. f B
I bare circulated pwipomla for Sron'i,
B'ble t how many have been engaged in *'!’
cannot tt li; but betweep 20 and JO «" 111
h .vicif ily. I. *;
I liave concluded to become regwn.Hl
to you for thirty let! of Jcott’s GomnienhT 1
I.have procured lOfi uibncriber. to th*
Piblet 6 sets to be bond in calf # 3 sst* 'J
be done in boards tbe other 91 ueis. tw ‘ 11
and lettered as deacrih id in the prosptW 1
I presume I eould procure 500 lub.f'
"era for your editioq of Scott's Bible 1*
demand is inoreasti f for them Thjf *.
. finally supersede evTry other large otfJT'
wise Letters Dismissory will be granted the Bible. Fifty ol my subscriber, live s' 1 *'" ‘
applicant* •
Witness «h* Honorable fi.muel Clarke,
one of the Justices of said Court, this
sixteenth d«y of April, eighteen hun*
ored and twenty-five.
April 21 24
Between W. Davies, Administrator, Complain
ant and John Carnochtm Administrator, d
bonis no . with the wi l amn xed of Geor re
Richardson and others, Jljendants —~ifn
equity, Chatham Superior Court- Chancery,
20th August, 1824.
I T appearing iktt John Murray Carnocban,
ont of the defendants in the said hill of
<:otnplaint named, resides without the state of
Geosgis, in that part of the United Kingdom*
of Great Britain ami Ireland, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the said John. Murray Car-
nochun, do appear ard answer to the com
plainant’s said bill, within nine months from
the d ite of this order, otherwise that thr
Said biif, os to him, be taken pro confesse .*
and it as further ordered, that a copy of thin
order be publish* d once a week, in one ol
the public G suites of this state, until (he ex
piration of tbe time within which tbe snid de
fendant is required to appear and answer ns
IVus copy from the Minutes, this 21st dxy
August, 1824., A. BsFANMN, Clevk.
august 24 50f
Georgia—Camden County.
W ’HEHBAS Sarah Brown. Junior, widow,
applies to he tJouri of Ordinary t»f (aid
County, for Letters of Administration on the
estate of John Brown, late of said county, de
ceased. next of km: These are, therefore,
to cite un i I 'm inish, all and si.'igu>ar,
kindred »nd creditors of suid deceased, tofi'e
their ol j'ictipni, if any they have, in ray of
fioe, on or before the first »loi d ty in Junt
next,'thtrwitte Letters will be granted tht ap
plicant. > .
Witnre* the Honorable Britian R Bunk 1
icy, one of the Justices of said Court,
"thi? sixteen'n dtijr of April, eighteen
hundred a: d twenty five.
April 21 24
Georgia Camden County.
W HEREAS 'oho Chevalier, has applied
to. said Court, f r Let eru U'.mi.aor,
in the eitate. of Sumu-1 Tu ns and Evan E.
livck, deceased. Th,.ae ate, tberelbre, to
site and admonish, ail and sh.guljr, the kin
dted and erediiora nl the said d ceased per,
abbs, tn fi'.e their ol*j ctions, if any they h.v ,
in my office, on or before the first Uondev in
January next, or Letters will be granted tbi*
Witness the Honorable J’mea Scott, one
of (he .iusticcs • f raid ('.non, this six
ten th dav of April, e ghteen hundred
and twemy-fi *-.
[L. 8 ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. L C
h' l I ’> 24
Georgia—Camden County.
A WHEREAS Lewis Bachlott, applies to the
*r , Couit of Ordinary of said .-County, for
Letters Di.misaory on the estate of Fr.neea
R 'Solupe, These sre, therefore, to cite end
admonish, all ard lingular, tho kindred end
creditors of and dcee*sed, to fi'e their ohjac
tions, if any th*y have, in my offi ;e, on or be
fore tbe fi at Monday in Jnnuery next, other-
man T .lloaa 'SI L *
50 hay, leading
* for cell by" *
April 19 C. C. GRISWOLD,
circle of 8 miles t / 1 *•
Just published y\ edition of ihe n»»
completed in .i>, volumes, -Mthout
references/pric: in boara. gI81 in •“.**'
821, in cnlf * 17. Either of these e* 11 "}
may be had ofte?publirh r in Bosioat”
8. C. It J SQUCNCK, Savannah.
Jn*< 11 j
•Mat king BrusheSi ,
O F a BUrerior quality, just receirw riA
for sale by H GfcO. RYEIISON
nor 20