Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 11, 1825, Image 2

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BY Q. *W.nO BERTS ON, n'Bl.lilKHI or THK LAWS OT TltlTUNION, % of Artillery, were to leave Corunna, Stir- agossa, nm! VrfUiris, on tlm lft of April, on their jytnrn to France. It If nlmi said tlmt two Swisb regiments at Macliid were to ru- turn. An account was published in tins Madrid PREMIUMS. Tlio proprietor of tlm Mndicul Recorder, doalfoue or advancing the acicnco of inedl- cine III rough tlm moans of Ilia Juuriial, and Hlittered by the roenption ol tlm Essay which lately obtained a premium and was were vert) H'litled. Cnllnn Bugging.—A large proportion of I by. tho Block in maradt in tlio kmida of ipocu-1 W Inters. A ■mill] quantity Iiub been sold. 4lice o.trlaat, at 110} centa. Cntlm.—The traiiBactioiiflon Wednesday On Thursday the udvi- hi Mackenzie, P. M'Dermntt, C. . . I). Belt*. O. Gordon, E. Uilli- liert, J. H M’Kcnzie. J. M’Nish, 1. D. Her- berl & co. J. I’. Henry, 8. C. & J. Schenk, I. Norton. P. Hill, It. Donnie, P. Minis, M. Hong, Butler Si Scranton, C. Kidney & co. ' C. W. Ruckwcll & co, daily Mean, i : i COUNTS* PAFKR, t I I : KIOHT DOI.I.AR1. • t 1 iriVK IIOI,I. ARB. AmNiMUb TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 10. IMS. IT The Memhera of the Savannah Mia- eionary Society, are requested to meet at ew-York, The fast aailing packet k.t panthea, "* u , „ Bradley, Marttr, Wd! muot with quick dcnurl, For ireiglit or passage, liuving nm .L. coniiaodntinua. nuolv t„ n ' "0 board May It COHEN Si ■"? Gazette, said to have been derived from pnbli.he.1... the fnun.ber, propose, to m*»n^^12 id UMm i.“»^ new im- Schr. Ocean He welt, Baltimore, 6 days, connnoi^tinna, applt to Jlap* B i£»l*- «»■!'*. »^he .H,r Gen. JaekBon. at oft^ . .ones “ of 8rjoncfl p Te tothemarket,andextend..lee were will. Corn, to it. Habersham. at donee* Wharf,,7,„ ^ B .St.SebasUans.from Ball more, the Boh- Lonv need^th*t he promm on ot ec onc^ P «f a n advance of I toljcoht. on Schr. Jolly Sailor, Tillet, 48 ho,ire from ■xrrtss'xAffia AvrjvsAsrsi denied that he ever communicated any such n« it will enable every individual to exert a . ‘ ri ; g, jn Now . ()r . Schr. Flag of Tmcn, Ethridge, 4 dnys report Spain i. infested in niany pbees his ..lents in a way from Elizabeth fit*. (N. C.) with Corn, l b i ° r0bbcrB * Wl,0,:0l, "" ilt8d * JinooMd to^riie for them, to enn^ their Uplands and Alabama.—Yoatcrday morn- the master. The F. was bnumlto Charlos- TlmP^po had declined tho honor of crown noinmunic.tiona on or before the firnt days ing tho holders advanced their |prices. ,,r ton but h^ingni'ipaBt him nertw.i. com- irig the King of Franco, u.ilesa Charles a- of January and July, with » scaled letter consequent*af whirl; very little bust ness peft-d to hear away lor tlm. greed to reit ire the ..neient citv of Avion.,,, on.-bwino tlm name of tlm candidate. They was done. Tlm total sales of tho last three Schr;. Wiiterbero. Nye, from Elizabeth tn the Church, i restore tho unrient city of Avignon enclosing t|m name of the candidate. Tlmj .... .. • , ,n, Ihurch. The Rothschilds are said will bo submitted to tho examination of not iluys. however, are estimated to amount to City (N. 0.) with Corn, to Thompson & at Ini the Sabbath Day School Room, in the Chat-1 lu have negotiated for tho monopoly of salt lose than three respectnble physicians, who at meat I2.00U bales, Ilie Imptirt, fertile Boniicy. . . — .. . ■ n " m, me • « in It . _ .. • i . t • a .L —Innl I lisnn /In uu liaa hi Oil nil iftl I ft fit II. V !'/«■ Mi'll 1“ T ham Academy, five o’clock. THIS AFTERNOON, at W- Thc citizens of Chatham County, are re spectfully requested to attend at the Coun cil Chamber in the Exchange, on FRIDAY NEXT, at twelve o’clock, to express their view* in relation to a propur disposition of the late acquired territory from the Creek Indians, and to adopt such measures in re lation thereto as may to them appear prup- JOHN STEVENS, TLM. 1JARNAKD, E. JACKSON, PAT. HOUBTOUN, W C.l)AiNIELL. U F. WILLIAMS, A PORTER, JOS. CUMMING, JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, ROB. HABERSHAM, ED. HARDEN. P. 8.—The Exchange bell will be rung at the hour of meeting. By tho ship Emperor, Captain Bfhnktt, arrived below yesterday, wo wore favored with New-York papers to the 4th instant. By tho brig Francos, arrived yesterday, we were favored with Philadelphia papers to the 3d inst. To do justice to our advertising friends, we have omitted several articles in type. The ship Oglethorpe, was got off from Tybce Island on Tuesday morning, without di*mage, and will sail this day for Liverpool. The cargo of the 0 is more valuable thun Was stuted in our last—it consists of 1130 bales of Cotton, weighing 349,111 pounds— ▼alue $143,113. All the foreign Ministers at Washington have presented their congratulations to Mr. Adams, on the occasion ofhis election. The steam boat Albemarle, was destroy ed by hie at the wharf at Philadelphia, on the 1st instant. The Charleston and New-York packet ship Franklin, the loss of which, is mention ed under our correspondent head, at Bar- negat, it is stated in the New-York Mer cantile Advertiser of the 3d instant, had on board a cargo worth from 70 to 80.000 dol lars, a considerable portion of which, was not insured. The hull, on Saturday the 30th ultimo, appeared to be broken in two near the middle. Latest from France.—By the arrival at New-York of the packet ship Edwurd Queewl, from Havre, letters from that port to the 1st of April, and papers from Paris to the 31st March, have been received.— Their coulents arc? not of grout importance. Tin- Paris Journa Idea Debuts, of the 21st of March, remarks on the state of Europe :— 41 A shott time ago, a word from England shook it to its centre—flow it is alarmed by the silence of Russia. The alliance of crowned h<*ads which the revolutions of Spain had cemented, serins to dissolve be fore those powerful opposing interests which follow subdued revolutions. The indepen dence of Greece, the independence of Bra zil, the independence of all the world, is the subject of debate in the Councils of Kings, and may soon be contested on the field of battle. Different interests and the differ ent Powers seem, after a truce often years, pr< paring for a new contest. Thu Universe is in labour; what will it bring forth ? The future will soon show. Wc have not hitlier- to endeavored to pry into its mysteries. It is enough to recollect that Lord Liverpool lately suid pcac* will not be eternal. One thing is plain, that every State is fortifying it* t'l nutters or stn.ngi honing its institutions, tor-iiuole it to iutluence the decisions of fortune. 1 * The accounts from Constantinople are contradictory. In one it is said that trail (polity hud been restored; in another that the alarm and disquietude was so general as to induce tho Grand Seignior to remove his treason s from the capital. Intelligence had reach**! the Turkish Government that the Greek.- had got possession of the out works* of 1’airas. There can be no doubt, that the’ girrison capitulated on the 6th February. The emperor Alexander, was expected in Bessarabia in the month of A* mil, to review his troops on the frontiers of Turkey. It was again reported that Russia contin ued opposed to allowing the {jireckB to form a constitution for Ihetnselves ; and. contra ry to tin- Vishcs of Great-Brituiu, hud re newed tin 1 proposal to choose a sovereign for this gallant people among the princes of Enron *. A A '• wnbor of families in Spain wore a- Vo. i ' ••tnbark for England nml France, to i »i»« oppressive measures of the gov or n-'it• According to report, 6 regiments oi ailantry, 2 of ouvalry, aud 2 battalions The-amount of each premium nm. 864; Soulh-CnroIjna,626; Noth-Car-j Schr Rambler, Shelden, Providence, 8 ... . »..t •!-. «»• . v—no. ui,;i..i..u,i. n.-.. i—. with merchandise, to Paris Hill, O. , W Bowers, S A Condy, E Padleford, in France." The Marquis de Bonnay, Peer will award the premium to those essays last three days, has been ns loilows, viz 8chr. Rising Sun, Fairbanks, days from of France, and governor of the castle of which will best advance tho interests of the From New-Orleans. 1117 halos ; Alalia- Baltimore, with corn, to J. B. Herbert &co. Fountainblenu, recently died iu France.— science. fru '* nwsm ’ ,,mi A large Monkey was performing iu one of will the theatres to crowded houses. Jacko candidate,.........— , was engaged to support a principal churnc- plan to bo continued for ono year ; if sur- Total Import, wince 1st lust. 26,138 bales, and the master ter in inolo-drama. He also pei formed tra- ccasful, the value of the premiums will bo Export, trout 1st to 27th in* gedy, in which “ ho saves the lives of tho increased. ! New Orleans, 27 a 30 ; Upland, 23 a 27 • son and wife ofhis master, besides his loot- The communications, with a sealed note ( Alnhnmn, 23 a 26 ; Tennessee, 24 a 25. mnn, and i* finally killed nmidst the tears containing the author’s nnmo, must he ad-; Flour and Meal.—*'] hero has beep si and sensitiiiitips of tlio audience.’* ntre at VVci/nnr was burnt down H.U. i on miiuuiii. «•«»» •* r | ho $50, to bo paid Co tho successful olma, 321 ; Virginia, 118; Philadelphia, 75; dnys. lidato, in medical or other books. The Boston. 46.—Total, 3096 hales. iTnlt, • . Total Import, nincu 1st lust. 26,188 bales, nml the innster. Lett, ship Itisiiig otutes, i Export, from 1st to27th inst. 13,283 bales, i Penrce, li*r ibis p»»rt in a few duys. New Orleans, 27 a 30 ; Upland, 23 ii 27; j Pilot Boat. Be hr. Savannah, White, 8 hours from Charleston—full i argo, to order, some; /Mvwngm. Rov. Mr..' Blodgot, Messrs. J. For Phiiadejj)| ua T. h8 . pu v M h,i 8 At the Oniuilmg-ttnnm ot'S, M, For talc, landing from al m , ColTi'i! in Barrels anil Bn it. Whiskey and Linseed Oil May II March. The village near Dole destroyed by tiro ; 110 houses The Neapolitan government had published a decree of amnesty, with a few political exceptions those who off-r E««u*v -for the Promiums to cents ppr barrel on previous rates, Letters from Barcelona of the ISth of s-iv-if not snrcw fnl lli« Edims. »r iho ,.f Gnnal Flour wen- m.d., »o.irr.l»y sii*oJ, !Uur«4. Oiui tiir French gero repair- M<'djri|l R.H’nfilpr prr* i* li’ior*v to make j, and $5* — ot Howai'd-Street at $•»_. ing the in Ii.«i cii^t j* iSnwi- useltFth'ein atf tTTny «rutv »hink prcjicr ? and No -York at 5{. We al er our quo- ber of individuals who had been detained Bv adopting this course, many important j tat ions accordingly! Export, from Lst to a length of time in consequence of their facts to the Profession might be made known j2illlit st. political opinions, wore about emburking which olherwipo would be Inst. oi.u for England. Editors friendly to the promotion of Med- j remr, r ince our last notice, has boon a sale A considerable hand of robbers infested irnl Science will plonse to insert the nh«.ve. jofaUjut 90 liiids. Trinidad, of handsome tho neighborhood of Tarragona, where — they were committing tho greatest execs- Wheat Flour 13,684 bbls. o/.iA-yr#.—Tlm most important occur- I .- comsttzvivx&iu M. de Soltsev had arrived iu Paris from ■■ “ - Petersburg to visit his mother, who was ' sa/e* at Havre, March 28.—489 bale* of sick ; but it was currently reported that lie Georgia Cotton at public sale. 168 to 178; was charged with important despatches j 7j bales Orleans, 178 50; 150 bbls. Pot- Accounts from Constantinople of Feb. | afci hes. 42 5ft to 43 25 ; 239 bags St. Demin- 25. announce the situation of that capital „<> Coffee (entrepot) 75 ; 170 do. do. (aego) as very alarming. The Sultan was much ; 122 50. occupied with the repairs of the arsenuls,| \ letter from Havre, of the 1st inst. and bud distributed decorations of honor to : 8 t 0 te-, that. 10*»« hales of Louisiana Cotton the several officers who distinguished them- j W ere bought the previous evening, on spec- selves in the last cnmpnjgn, in order to in-: uhUioii, for 37 a 40 sous, full one sous higli- duce them to remain at their posts for tho j or ihnrf previous prices* There was on hand, of nil American Cottons, 8953 hnl< next campaign. But is was doubted wheth er these means would bo efficacious iu re taining the sailors. Tlm Grand Seignior Tlm sales for tlm month hud been 14 603 haler, and the imports only 8 008 ; St. Do* i^very 1nm.l1 enraged with the Vice Roy r0 ft’ ( . 0 W ns pteady nt 15$ to I5J of Egypt, whom Im suspected of hiving cx cited un insurrection iu Syria, in order to excuse himself from taking part in the next expedition ugainst Greece. The singular conduct of his son, Ibrahim Pacha, authori zed this suspicion. The nomination of thirty Peers is spoken of iu the French papers; mid in order to give sotnp idea of tlm promotions, the Jour nal du Commerce gives the following ns a Ashes 13 to 14, heavy ; Indigo was station ary; Sugars very scarce and high. M irtin- iques and Gaudnloupes were 82 to 85, for best; Cochineal 27 to 28, 30 for best; Rico 35 a 36. Havre. April 1—Referring to oijr last of the 351 Ii ult. we now submit to your peru sal onr monthly statement of the "cotton trade in this plnrn, hv which yon will no quality, at 33 emit a—which is a reduction of 2 rents from our last quotation, and e alter accordingly. There have been some further arrivals of New Orleans, but no sub's that have come to our knowh'dg *. /hr/.*.—There is very little activity in the market, and sales are limited. We do not alter ourquotations. Import, from Charles ton 443 tcs. 40 lialftcs; Georgetown, 8. C. 8 tes; Wilmington 30 tes. Total, since 1st inst. 3764 tes. 540 lialftcs.—Rice, lb. 3J ;i 4. Sirjart.—Since our last notice about 100 lihdf*. Porto Rico have been disposed of at 9L 9$, 9^, and a small lot at I0.$ cents |x»r Ih. 8t. Croix is selling ut 11 a 12, aud •wine nt I2i eta. Several very conhi- deralde parcels have arrived from New Or- Joins, as nl*o from the W»*st Indies. The woollier for the last two days, has been uu favorable for outdoor business. Frnghl*.—Cotton to Liverpool, lb. Jd. Tobacco, hlid 35s a 40s ; Rice, tierce 10s a 10s Cd. Cotton to tie* Continent, lb 1 \ a lj i ts; Tobacco, hhd. 45sa 50s ; Rice, 60s a 70s. Exrhange.—Bills on London, 60 days, 3 a 8j pro in ; Fruuce, 5 15. inong tho number: M. l>eshu.ssyns do Rich- t j cn that the stock ofnll sorts is reduced to onuii.t, brothor-in-lnw ol M. do Villele i M- ^QI tmles. Tlio quantity in tlm interior de Lunuvillo. ft.hDr of Ins Exccllunoy s lnus t i,| 80 bn triflins, the dealers in conse- zon m.luw, a"‘l M. C. Jdn p «nouze, eous.n qllonce „f the high prices, having bought ol the Minister. sparingly and only for immediate wunts - 1 ™ generally beheved at S . Petersburg, aceoonts from England continue fu- snysthe Augsburg Gazette, that the inis- vorab |e, ami yesterday, again, about 12110 Ston of Stratloral t.nmm.g particularly re- lm | UR L , ou i si: ,„ a W1 , r( f purchased at 37 to latcs to the affairs of Grooco. It appears that Alexander will only consent, to the in depence of Greece on the exclusive and ex press condition that she shall receive a prince and constitution from one of the members of the Holy Alliance. Latest from Brazil.—Accounts from Brazil to the 14th of March, have been re ceived at Baltimore. Apprehensions for lhe safety of Monti-video appeared to exist after the receipt of the intelligence of i he complete triumph of Bolivar in Peril.-— Troops hud been sent to reinforce Montevi deo and a ship of war sailed on the same day Urn Virginia Ml. nu mn arena Y\ itli the regard to the Markets—they re- Penrls. 43f. 5* maim d in the amo deplora • o state, and even worse, thaifc representcu by our previ ous act omits from tlmt place. *A number of vessels with bread stuffs had arrived, and some were throwing wheut into the tea, to avoid paying the duty. tfts. and atlded by the English speculators to their present stock, so that they now are in possession of full two thirds oft he cottons in tlio market, and remain mnaters of tho field. The easterly winds prevent arri vals. The vessels expected, will coino in nil at. once, and may have a mor/i mtnry ef fect on tho prices, but cannot b«* of long duration, as the quantities expected are smaller than usual We now quote uplands at 35^ a 37; Lou isiana, 38 to 12 ; Sen Islands, 5t. Owing to the failure in Paris of a large deoler iu ashes, who find about 12()ft lbs. which were forced on the market, they are nn the decline. Pots have been I3f. 25c. ; "»0. Rice lmd been considerab ly inquired for, and all that lias arrived been sold at. 36f. and more would, no doubt, bring the sumo price. Coffee. St. Domingo, 25$ in bond. Ha vana Sugar, brown, 40 a 42f; whiles, 50 a out. weather, sprung her must, and carried a- wnv her shrouds. Sloop William. Lucr, Darien, 3 days, with 217 hales Cotton, to T. Butler & co. and T. Nussier. Pansenger, Mr. Mnnroe. AIIUIVF.I) FROM THIS TORT, At New York, 29th ult. brig Pheasant, Bailey, 5 days; srhr. Fame, Fnrnham, 4, days ; 30th, schr. Reporter, Brown, 5 days; 1 271 h, schr Sparrow. At Elizabeth City, (N. C.) 30th ultimo, schr. Albecore, Robertson. At Providence, 25th ult.. biig Rambler; 29th. ship Rising States, Pearce. At Norfolk, 1st instant, sloop Cadet, Ro bins. 3 duys. At Charleston, 8th instant, sloop Falcon, Gibbs, 1 day. UP FOR THIS PORT, At New-York, 3d instant, ship Augusta, White ; brig Pheasant, Bailey. Tho schr. Eufaw. Vickers, for this port >rCharleston, was up t Baltimore, 2d inst. Tho ship Clifford Wuyue, White, was ut Havana, on the 21)ill ult. louding for the Mediteirnuenn. St. Augustine, April sloop William. Swnsey, Charleston, 5 days. The Spanish tnlneea Providence, a prize to the brig of war ElVincedor, put into the inlet at Si George’s Island, near St Johns, in the 241 h April, in distress. Cargo, Hides, Auguodonto, Cotton, Cocoa. Coffee, &<\ The Captain and prize master, in the last stages of consumption, and crew un healthy ; the vessel in a had condition, and j to appearance unsouworthy. , For Bull!more, Tlio taut sailing coppwd ,„ d par taatciiPil srhoa,,.. ^ RIMING SUN, Captain, onn huiidivt] and thirtv-ri* | m , lod an a regular pnekot," will „ . despatch. For ifyhtViT ox bad Hojl’a Vharf.Tto“ May 1) J. B. HERBERT & CO. Chat 1* slon, The sloop ANN, Charleston. Hay 9.—Colton—Thrro wns some vaccil/alion iu Uplands, until the re ceipt. oft he latter and better news from Liv erpool, when they became very steady and linn, ami higher prices were asked at the close of the week. Some sules are reported ns having been made at 3ft cts but we*could not uMcerMiin this to ho triio. Pitrobaeor* in general take up good fair Cottons, and for these fully a cent more was gotten ut the close of tlm week thnn could have been ob tained at the beginning, for such 25 and 26 cents were given. Much more would have he m done l.ut for the difficulty of negotia ting hills and raising funds. In Sea-Islands the transactions are small, th*'quantity at market being very limited, 35 to 80 cents are the current rates for mid iling to good : somo are held much higher. Rice—!Tlm quality of the Inst crop is so very bad, that buyers are afraid to take hold '»f Rice, and ill" market languishes. Infe rior 2? : good 3J to J, and perhr ;m none at l,,s market would bring morn than to l. (■nm hns risen considerably, and as high as 5*2 cents Ins been gotten for some. F'our having risen all over tlio north, j nric/’s have remained steady here at 5| some holders n-k . CoFre has a tendency to decline; weean- Ertrart of a letter front BordeniM, dated I pn . , l0pt „ ri . on rents; middling "Conlirni ng our respuctnof thn i,g a in. Tb«re i« but littlo dwpoaitiun to Mari h 24. — New-YoHc, April 30.—We have rceiveil Curocou papers to the ninth of April inclu sive. Thu only article of Intelligent that • 1,,m " t''*' 1 “ u . u jbnv tiieartt-'e. we can discover, is an account via Bermuda ! f Ul : cot . to hr ure still improving lucre is j Sagir*.—There are no very prime Mils, and La Guayra, “ that war is about liein** 1,0 * <nn,smna but tn second and third hands (-ovadoe** nt Market : they would bring 13 a declared bv the Holy Alliance against Great ~" u bout 70ft boles. The Limn is expected ^4 Cuba Muscovadoes bring from 1<> to Britain, the Netlicrlunds.Portugal,Sweden, • roni . New-Orleans. with HOft miles—-165 . j.4. OrbMins 1ft 11 II : Havana brown 9^ a Denmark, the United States of America,' 0C .T ,lite w retiwod for this cargo. Tlm joi: Whites 13 a II. The demand is stea- and the various South Ami'-rienn Republics.”, . ,na ^ ^ e , J) 110 . a ^’ 101 *' J‘j P r,nie : dy and prices firm. This will make quite a busy season. !, ^ 18 vonwod lor 114 hales good Carolina,; . nolniuct continues to be very scarce and A small black schooner, of about 15 or 20 1 ’. ut rut ,cr "’Ift 0 * 1 a fault Orleans is worth 35 cents, tons, capsized yesterdav aAernooti on tho • V ,IH .- vcar * C’araccus. Bengal, Bourbon,! Cotton Bagging Is iiomonnl at 3ft to 32 cts flats between Bodlow’s* Island and Bergen : ,n P r °P nr,, °o- Coffee is without de- nothing.worth notice lias been done in tlii?* Point. After a boat punaod andj m ? ,ul ' <>"'»*« ,'o the nm. tion in London- |„ h sow the schooner, bull under water, no per-' P r|r<is Lurncoas Cocoa dull sale • nt 34 sols entrepot. son on board or near, and it is feared thu\ hIJ on board were drowned. From ourCorrwitovdisvt—N. Y. Ga- zettcOkfick.M \v 1.—FromjVuo Orleans. —By the ship William, in the unprecedented pus-wage of ten duys from New-Orleans, we have received pupers to the evening of tho 19tli ult. Painful Di*a*trr.-\V eregrot to learn, that on the 14th tilt, at two in the morning, the steam-bout Teclie, Cnpt. Campbell, on her passage to New-Orleans, when about 10 miles below Natchez burst, her boiler; throe men were killed and several severely scald- ed. The boat wns set on fire, and with her cargo of about 500 hales of cotton, con ■mined. She lmd on board about 70 passen gers-—the scene of confusion can only be imagined. Most, of them got ashore in tho yawl in three trips, and some floated from the burning wreck on bales of Cotton, and were saved. The calainnity did not end here—the strnrn-boat Washington was soon after passing up, hove too, and a boat with from 12 to 18 of the survivors, at tempting to board her, and were drowned. Wylie’s Price Current of the lUth stulns that little business had been done in cotton, owing to bad weather, and the presence of Gen. Lafayette. Sales of Tobacco were made on the 15th nt full one cent perpousd over last, quotations. Wreck—'The ship reported in Saturday’s poper, us being ashore 8 miles north of Bar- Iiegor, proves to be the packet ship Frank lin, Cupt.Munro, from this port for Charles ton. She got ashore last Wednesday night in the fog—Passengers and crew* saved I— vessel gone to pieces and cargo drifted to .sea, most of which will be lost. Several , Artic.l' j Exchange on England OJ a 7 premium— On France 5f 12 Havana, April 3ft.-^-Rire sound and clear grain, 6 4 a 7 ; Tobacco Kentucky, 7 a 9; Coflee, 1st qunl. 13 n 14 ; 2d nml 3 do 10 a 12; triage, 7 a 84; Molasses, keg. of 5 galls 34 a 3$ ; Sugars, nss. 3-5t.hs white, 2-5ths brown, 0 &■ 13 a 11 & 15 ; white alone, 14 a 15; brown alone, *8i a 1ft; Muscovado, 8 a 9 ; Segars, 8 4a 15 ; Hides, 2 6 a 3 1 ; Tobacco, windward, 12 a 17 , Wax, white, 15 a 15 4. PORT SAVAKHAH ARRIVED, Ship Emperor, Bennett, New-York. 5 days, with a full earpo, to Hall & Hoyt, ... ,, , owners, J W Long. E Bliss, J Kopmnn. H hrehnnge >On London, 12 a lo percent j Wiim B \ \Vliitf, Millodgevillo, I VV prein. sates . United Slates, I « 3. I Morrell, Dunham and Cumpfield, Lay and Freight,--To G. Britain. £ nig. 4i a 4} , n , ni|ricks0 T c Uutler Co . G Gordon, per ton i Spam, p a 0 per box. .j «,aI per Curami & Gwatluney, II Cassidy & Co ,|„ ut. Span, vessola i U. 8 atez, I per hhd. Q c 0ri( T wol<K a & Hamilton. IV Pat- I 4 a 1« per box. i ot. per lb. tcrenn. A G Miller, Ponce S( M’Kenzie, ,, , . . , . ml „ , 1 A Dufaure, G & VV Robertson, H Lord 4r Extract of a letter from Thomas Rojlney C((j N B G It L;(n)sr< p Dunaler, P Eui. Vico Loinnioreml Agent ot tho U. 8 Hj || w T Williams, C VVestfcldt, O F at Havana, dated April I I—“ One ol the Palmec) . j Meigs. O Tall, A Bassett. J An- lirisoners will be liberated as soon as I can der8on & v f. SurrM1 R Campbell, S C And some one logo security hat he will 4, J Schenck. and R Habersham not leave hero until tho trial ol all is deter- mined, os the order for bis release stipulates Brig Panthea, Bradley, 8 days from New —This I find to be a difficult business, with York . witl ' merchandize, to Cohen & Mii- seareely any benefit to tho man. ^’ r > J- W’ Baelieldor, J. W. Long, G. Gor- We have more cases of British inter- 'I' 10 * 8* Weed, II. B. Hathaway. Lay & _ Cnpt. Hiil/cy. will rail to-ninrrow, wind s»j weather permitting. For passage can having good aceominndntions. aii.ilv to ill innster on board, at, .Times* Wlmrf or to ' COHEN fc MILLER. ^May ti C1UK KEUY •China, and Gl ss Ware. T.O.HmuWUw, JVb. 5. Gibbont* Building*. HAS Jutit received by tin? laif auiva/tf rVuin Liverpool, V,«- V rk and Button, n iargciann- n.ent of Crockery. China m:ii Glass Waie, which will be sold low for Ci.4, or approved paper. May 11 VEG£TARLF l\ rk Crackers. J UST received per ship Corsair aud brig! Panthea, j 30 Barrels Prime Pork 5 do Sargent’s Crackers 10 do White Bonn* 6 Half barrels Fufton Market Beef in store, 25 Barrels Mess Pork 45 do Prime Beef 20 do Mess do 10 do Sperm Oil 15 do Paint Oil For sale by BRADLEY,CLAGUORN& WOOD. May II A FRESH SUPPLY of the above val uable MEDICINE, jubt received per brig Fiances, mid liir sale by GEO. BY EPSON, Hole Ag^nt. ivrnv n Landing, | BARRFiLS Non Hern Gin X vfU 5 Pipes Superior Brandy, Seig nett’s Brand 5 do' do Holland Gin AI.SO, 3000 Pounds Bacon, and a few kegs North Carolina Lard For sale by COHEN & MILLER. May II 4Ip 32 Yrtuwis OFFKHS FOII SALE, BARRELS LOAF SUGAR 3 Barrels Peach Brandy and 2 Bunds 5th proof Whiskey, land* ing per schooner Rising Suu IN STORE, 200 Barrels Superfine Flour 15ft Burials While’s Gin 8 Barrels and ft boxes Bacon Window Glass, American • actings American and Spanish S gam MOO v orn i a on Aless i'orK. 3000 liJJSI1EliS 25 Barrels Moss Pork COftft Pounds Prime Middlings 23 Kegs Blitter Landing from schooner Rising Sun, for sale by J. B. HERBERT &. CO. May 11 0/74 jlJlOUl. BUtSHELiS North farnliini Corn, ou board tin: sdin-.i. r Nancy, ut Telfair’s Wharf. Pur-liastis may enquire of the matter on board, or THOMPSON & BONNY. May 11 li Corn .'l/hiiti k)QAA BUSHEL* Imrd *ml O < 9the slot p Regji'itor. Ht JolKl* Upper Wliurf. Enquire of the inastsmr THOMPSON & bOiNM. Mnv II 41 MEMftAli RttCOUDtblt, ao. I S just received ami' ready for delivery, ut the Book-Store of W. T. WILLIAMS, where subscribers to said work will be re ceived. From the Boston Medical Intelligencer. THE MEDICAL RECORDER. A desire to extend u knowledge, among our professional brethren, of the inerita of Ibis highly valuable publication, has induc ed us to bring this subject aguin before our readers. Since its first appearance, the Medical Recorder supported a high reputa tion, but when it came under tho superin tendance of the present editor, Dr. Col- houn, a spirit was infused into its page.*, which has given it a decided superiority over the multitude of those tame periodical works on medicine, which are continually teeming from the press, we can strongly re commend the Medical Recorder to the no tice of the profession, as one of the best public journals of medicine in the Union. It is published at Philadelphia, by Mr. James Webster. From the Frcilerick-Town Examiner. Without intending any disparagement to the other periodical medical journals of our country. I will at present advert to but one. * ■ The Medical Recorder," conducted bv Dr. forence with respect to on» seamen. I have Hendrickson, D^dt B. Foley, A just written to the ate, about a mnn I to the schr. Ursula. not had an answer—tic shall not nave the v. ol I « verv man, if I can help it.” Schenk, Mrs. Mnrew, Curr.ming d/: Gwath-j ij j iiiov, Dunham A Uampfield, H. Clelaud, Z. \ h 1 B Alu>-Korfr.^pri/3n—Coffm.—'Thomar- ’’."L* c0, T- H” 1 ' * Hoyt, K , ln , krt rnmniiiB Hxlramcly inar.tivi*; and tlm U , .I"P. P ®. r '*!! < L A i'.* E ;) Vo0 .'!; ^*^ er *-11icula? medical rolLe to the only occurrenco that has come In uu? know!- Dnet CM.* lady Mra Welly. Moaara. 1'n '^ r . i exe n t S ndiri. O. n |,. of» a m»ll lot of Kn„ J' w ®iuhelder, and Hondnckaon. J".,"L,..V aician and medical itudent ill tho llatcs. It ia truly an independent wo.k. Under the thraldom of no acholaa- lic dogma, and pledged to support no par- * ' " " ‘ prej dice of rum one of the moat fatal cirernn^tancea wliirh ton often attend edge Inn been a Bale of a email lot of fine Gmoh, for the eouthorn market,nt 20 rente, llrlg f'roneea, t:rort. Philadelphia, S daya,! works of thiadeecrii.tinn—the nromVil'oation . „ . , - - and ono or St. Domingo at 18 centa—Our with merchandize, to John VV. Long, R. of error under the imnoeimr influence of. am.ill vnaaida w-re fialnng for tho curgo, rtoek.liaa been increaaad by a number of Campbell. G. Ryeraon, 8. B., J. reape. tnble univeraitv * °‘ 1 aome ot which had been picked up. jarrivala. Shaffer, VV. Neff, W. T. Wfiliaiua, H. Kir- j I ) l 04lp L orn ami /)•• con t IWJSHBLS CORN, and IW I- • v/vF poiinils Bacon, fit to eat,on board the schooner Wateruorougb. in quire of the master, or THOMPSON & BONNY Mav 11 41 Corn Aflo it, iTAAA BUSHELS CORN, on Uni the schooner Postillion,^i^* Hor, at Bolton’s Wharf. Enquire of the master, or " May 11 THOMPSON & BONNY. 41 too Mnv 11 Flour. BARR RLS Baltimore Superfine Flour, lor sale hv S. I!.' PARK5IC- 4 Ip Wanted, Apply 1 " E mpty wine May 11 GEO. R VERSON Coffee. K I BAGS Prime Green Coffee, la*? *J .1 from brig Pantlie.i, which ftL " c Bold low if taken from the wharf, bv BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & ' V0 ® D ' Mav 11 Anciaux’a Whin. AUaaing, ] "NRO.M the ship Savannah, Capt. Bj** 8, . a Trunk, supposed to contain pbortj marked John Wingfield. Kingston, Any persou having received the same, ww please give information to a BENJ. BURROUGHS. May Iff 4011 Ftce School. A N examination of the pupils of *J*jf' * A ft it ut ion. will lake oil '* NE8DAY NEXT, at ten oViock. when the public are reapect.ull)' ntub’ attend. ,0 May 10