Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 11, 1825, Image 4

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TOOlO 6MJS9 (sheriff's Sales. On At Jirtl TuttJay In June next, <rn>iLL be .old »t the Court-Route in th \}f town of Jefforaon, between the hour often o’clock in lie morning, end four o’elk in the afternoon, one undivided moiety, ol the following property, via : A tract of land lituate on tbe south aide of Satilla River, containing five hundred acres, more or lest, two hundred and fifty acres ol which ia under cultivation, and buondetl east by lands of Mrs F M. Osborne, south by land, of — Habersham, west by lands of John- slon, northwardly by Satilia River, together with all the buildings and plantation tools thereto belonging. Also, fifty or suty head of cattle, thirty sheep, Wo flats, one b tat, end the following negro slave*! to wit* George, Lucy, Alalibn, March, Charlo te, Georgette, Peggy, Cass us, Elleck, Pendandy, Florat, Harriet, Sam, Hen ry, Friday, Simon, Bribes./, Louisa, Sussn, Druectta, Holly, P,Mey, N.ncy, Marcus, My ra, James. Toney, Helen, Komulusi Isnette Seemly, Abbev, Ben, P. evidence, Mutism 1) ilia, Cyrus, Big Jack, Amelia, Juliet, Fale- mor, Philip, Lucinda, Altamont, Laura, Limy Jim, Boar, Little Jim, Little Jack, Smart, Phebe, Billy, Nat, Uumor, Driver Jim, Maria. Lavinia, Cleopat.-ia, Canadi, Dorcas, Tenth Luke, Sally, Paulina, Caliata, Roiaoa, Scip.o Ca.n, Nancy Cane, Frederick, Job, Bore, Pu tab, Deck, Pompcy, Patty, Diana, Columbu Bob, Lisaa.Andruw, Nanny, Matthew, London Little Pendeli, Prince, Cellar, Philhs, Little #avhtrinii;iun ^«i|Owotut| mvOf,mmu Uoor K" Solomon, Gtmbay. Kate, Pnciila, Adam, anu Mary, being one hundred in nuniUer, levied on and to be eold to iitisfy an execution against J, bn King and Weavale Jones, in fa vor of Jec.b B. Volk- Also, one h ruse and lot, innate, lying and being, in the town ofSt. Marys, being part or lot number one, containing one hundred let in fronl and four hundred and thirty aim feet deep, levied on and to be aold aa the property of John B. Christopher, to satisfy an esecu tion on foreclosure of mortgage, in favor ol William Berrie w under the rule absolute. M. H. HEBBAHD, S. S. C April 23d, IS. J. April 28 33 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in June next. rr»{LL be s 'Id at the Uourt-Home in th* \jjr City of Savannah, between the hour* of ten and four o’clock, the following 16 ne groes,vi».— * Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry, Billy, Uurke, Parris, Brand, Dinah, Little Bram, Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increase jf the families, levied on und r a foreclosure of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William Washington* for use. Two negroe», via: Ned and GlaigoWj levi ed on a foreclosure of a mortgage from Chat. Ulmer to Joseph K ipman. ISAAC D’LYON, S. C. C. april 4 <>9 DB.\3G av\A MttDlttlNE P. E. BltASSINNE, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased Lite establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Dolaroclie, oppoaito the Exchange, where lie oilers for tale at low prices, a large assortment of ¥ves\k Drugs, Medicines, and Chemicals, AMONG WHICH A at: THE roM.owtNO : — Aqua Portis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Peru, do I-'ola Camphor, Cantliarides, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Columbo, Pmcry, Gum Assafietula Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gmn Copal Gum Guiacttm, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Mngncsia, Mutmn.Chnmomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Niix Vomica, Oxyd of Bizniuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jnlnp Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Paints De} and in Oii. White, Red and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Jap An and Copal Varnish. Perfumery. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan ‘20 47 Sheriff's Sales. O N the lint Saturday, after the first Tues- day in June next, will be sold at the Market-House in the town of St. Marys, two negroes, via Bob and Rose, levied on ss the property ot Joseph Rain, to satisfy an execu tion on tbe foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of Samuel Clarke, andGeorge S. Brown. April 8,1825 M.H. HBBBARU.S.C C. April 1 13 W Sherift’s Sales, On the Jint Tueoday in June next, F V £ Hundred acres if Land lying in the County of Effingham, bounded north hi Michael Hydec,east by t-h’iitian Robenhuiat all other sides vacant at the time of the origin al survey. Also 150 scr-9, half of a tract of SOU acres originally granted to Christian Ro- benhurst Also 400 acres bounded north by lands of Daniel Steiner, east Jno Snyder and others, st the time uf original survey. Also, ISO seres routhwa-diy by lands of Itobenhuist, ei t John and George Snyder, and nor.b R ibenhutst, st h • time of the orginsl survey. The above lands levied on as the property of Charles Tiot. to satisfy executions in favor of Henry M'Alpin and David Gu„le. TH03. ELKINS, S.,E. C. May 6 27 MAIIOGANV FURNITURE, Piano Fortes, Curled Hair Ma trasses, Feather Beds, BOLSTERS*. PILLOWS, CHAIRS,*c. T HE subscriber offers for sale the follow ing articles, warranted to Ijo of the best quality:— Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tubles Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Curd Tables Rosewootl Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double und single Work Stands Ward Robns, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Molioganylledsteads Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses CribB, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Sln.vels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrnsscs Do do Moss do Feather Boils, Bolsters nod Pillows Children’s Chairs of all kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match Thu above nrticles ran be exnntined ol the store in Whittakor-Stroet, opposite Col. Shellmnn. I. W. MORRELL March lb 93 Sheriff’s Sale. On thrjtrot Tueiiluy in June next. TTTPL.L be sold a the Court House in the \J/ town of'efferson,Camden Count,, be, tweea the u .tial hours of sale, a negro man Dim d Dinit 1, levnd on (by a constable) ss the property of Mscxjnh Crews, deceased, to sat afy sundry executions in favor of Joseph Thomas. G W. THOMAS, D S C. C. Jefferson, April 30,1825. May 5 36 Administrator’s dale. On the Jirtl Tuetday in July next, B ETWEEN the usual hours, will be said at the Court-House in Bryan County, th following described property, being part of the estate of Matthew Carter, dee. and ■old for the benefit of the heir* and creditors, und ijv SO order uf the Court of Ordinary ol Witl county, vis i 250 teres of Und in Gwinnett County, known ss Lot No- 363, in the 7th District, 250 teres in Early County, known as Lot No. 174, in the 20th District 230 acres Pine Land, in Effingham County, Also, two slaves. Conditsons of sale m de known on the day. ELIZABETH CARTER, Adm'rx An-t* 2“ t » Administrator’s Noiiee. A LL persons having demands ngninBt John Street, late of Chatham County, deceased, are requested to hand thorn in. within the time prescribed by law, duly at tested, and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to HENRY CHAMPION, Qualified Executor. May 5 ■ ;) 6, t Administrator’s Notice. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Randolph M’Gillis, late of Caindon County, deceased, are requested to make payment, and those having demantis against said estate, will present them to the under signed. HANNAH M’GILLIS, i Administratrix. . G. M’DONNELL. St. Marys, April 10th, 1825. April 21 20tr Fish Lines. S ILK, Cotton, Hair, India Seaweed and Hemp Fish Lines, received per Win. Wallace, and for sale by March 1 N. B. WEED, SPERM OIL, LAMPS, 6c. Lay Hendrickson, H AVE received by ship William Wal lace, a now supply of Glass Lamps Japan Socket and Stand do Lamp Feeders, Lump Wick and Lamp Glasses of ditferent sizes Also, Pure Sperm Oil and Oil Cannis- ters, of one,two and three galls, each Together with every article necessary for making safe, cheap and pleasant light, at the corner of Congress and Whittaker-Sts. April 23 27 TreaaUT^ Deportment, ? March, 14, 1825. 5 W HEREAS on the 3d of Mlrehi 4JPl, * law was pasted by the Congress of tbe Onftetl States, of which the 3d, 4th, and Ith sections are in the wordaffdlnwing, via s •» See. 3. And be it further enacteit, That * subscription to tbe amount of twelve millaBF of dollars, of the s'«* P*r cent, stock of trtt year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, a 1 ?® the umc is hereby proposed \ for which pur pose hook" shall be opened st the T f ea*ury the United States, and at the §-‘veral loan «m ces, on the first day of April neat, to contmm open until the first day of October therewter, for such parts of the above mentioned de scription of stock as shall, on the day of sub sertption, stand on the books of the Treasury, and on those of the several loan offices, re •peelively t which subscription shall ne effect ed by a transfer to the United States, in tht manner provided by law for such tr«o pj the cred t or oted ti standing on the said books, and by a surrender of the certifleatefe of the stock so subscribed : Provided, That all subscription by such transfer of stock shall be cmsidei ed as psrt of the said twelve mil* 'ions of dollars ai.ti*r «cd to be borrowed by the first secti- n of hi* art. t* See. 4. And be it further enactedj That for the whole or any part of any sum which shal» be thus subscribed, credos shall be entered to the respective subscribers, who shall be enti tled to s ate or certiftcatts purporting that the Umted States owe to the holder or holders thereof, his, her, or their ussigns, s sam to be expressed therein, equal to the amount of the principal stock tbuiBu^nribifO. Kx.o~.VP sit inlprast n »t eXCOeHlfig tour MjUl one halt per centum P’.»r annum, pHyablc quarterly, from the thirly-fi-st day of Decern* her, one thousand eight hundred tt:d twenty five */ transferable in the same u anuer as i« provided by Isw for the transfer of the stock subscribed, and subject to redemption at the pleasure of the United States, as follows: one 'is f at any timesfer the thirty-first day of D~‘cembe*-» one thousand eight hundred snd twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time 4fter the thirty-fi st day of December, one (i.)usind eight hundred snd twenty^nine: Provided, That no reimbursement shall be nude except for the whole amount of such Mew cert fvmte ; nor until after at least six months public notice of such intended reim- o'trsemcnt- And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be trans ferred to the respective subscribers the sever* al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount if tbe certificates of four and one half per ent. stock issued to them respectively. '• Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That ! same finds winch have heretofore been. I now are pledged by law for the payment if the interast, sod for the redemption and eimbnrsement of the stock which tnay be re- le- nv-d or reimbursed by virtue of the pro visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like manner fir thepai mentof the interest accru- ,ig on the siock created by reason of su< h ubscrip'ion, and fertile redemption or reim* uroercent of the princip 4 of the si»me. Ar d sha'I be the duty of the c-msmisstoners of the linking fund to cause to be applied and paid out of the raid fun ’, yearly snd e’-e-y year such sum and sums as may be annually requir ed to discharge the inte est accruing on the •nock which may be created by virtue of this set The suid commissioners are, also, here by authorised to apply, from time to timi, inch sum and sums out of the said fund, a* they may think proper, towards redeeming by purchase, or by reimbursemeut, in con* formity with the provisions cf this act, the i> incipal of the s«id stock : and sue!! part ot the annual sum of ten millions of dollars, vest ed by law in tbe said commissioners, os m-> be necewry and required for tbe above pur poses, shall be ami continue appropriated to the payment of interest and redemption ol the public debt, until the whole cf the stock which may bu created under the provisions ol tlrs act, sha : l have been redeemed or reim bursed. M Now, therefore, notice is hereby given. Hut oka will be opened at the Treasury c f tilt United States, ar.d t 'he several loan clikes, on the first day of April next, and eouumie open until the first di'of October, thereaf- er. for receiving subycrintions in conformity with he prov sinus <<f said law. The subscriptions muv be made by the pro prietors cf the stock, eh Iter in person or bj heir attorneys duly authorz -l to subicrib and transfer it to the United islatea. Sli- uld subscriptions of ^aid stock he mud to an amount exceeding twelve m.llion* ot dollars, a distribution < f the said sum of twelve millions of dollars will be made among -the. subscribers,i t proportion to tbe sums aubscri bud by them respectively. SAMUllL L. SOUTHAUD, Anting Secieuryof the t'reasurv Warch ’0 ll’O NO 5 ICE. IkTINB MONTHS after the date hereofi ap plication will be made to the Hoiioiubi he Inferior Court of Chatham county, wh iting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sc. lot, with the improvements, situate inti < ty of Savannah, in the said county,and know ; n the plan of raid city by the No. 53, Brow. 'Yard, tor the benefit of the heirs and legate*.' f the • tate ol the late Hugh M’Call, de eased. THOMAS M’CALL, PHILIP BttASCH, Executors. oct U 7? NOTICE. \TINE months after date, application will bo x msde to the Inferior Court of Chatham ountg, sitting for ordinary purposes for ar< irder. absolute, to tell lots Noi’ four xnt. fire, i.4 and 5) in Oa-penter’l Row, snd lot Nn. me, (1) Green Ward, in the ci'y of Savannah teing the rest estate of Francis Jtlinctu, dec. f ir the benefit of the heir, and creditors ol asid estate WILLIAM GAS ION, Qualified Executor. 7 97- Notice. N INE MONTHS after the. date of this notice, application will bo made to tho Honorable ihe Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County,Tor permission to Bell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN \V. STACY, Administrator. dec 1!) 21 VALUABLE MEDICINE. TOTTEBr’d Vegetable Catholicon. rDHE subscriber reai-ctfully solicits the st tention of every friend of suffering hu manity, to to the shove new and invaluable remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating from the system tile very seeds of disease, audio restoring the deranged and morbid condition of the organs of life to a free and healthy exercise of their functions, hits exoi- ted the tUnnithment, and completely silen ced the objections of the most incredulous — Fnete are the beet argumentt. In order to put the virtues of toe Usiholioon to as severe t scrutiny os possible, it was offered by adver- titement,together with the attendance eft physician, gratuitously to any person who would apply for it, and ulnse cause might icemt'- come within the range uf its healing power—numbers of severe cates ol long all d. mg, and tome of them seemingly de-jpirde ones, pre ented themselves, all tf vi'iick have been cured, area much relieved as to warrant ihe assertion that a little perseverance will do so In fact, such is the confidence of the physi cisn tinder whole care these patient* were placed, in this remedy, a cot fije. ee resit t- ing from the irresistible com lotion that has been forced upon Isis mind by ocular demon stration, aid s personal trial of U on Ifimaell that he permits me to declare it as his d voi ded opinion, that he Catholicon is not only a perfectly safe snd innocent, but a most puw vrlul and invaluable remrdy in certain dis esses and states of the s sieth, tuch-as the foi owin g:— Debility resulting from intemperance and dissipation; Ol-l slid iiw-lerat llicers . Pams in the bone, attended with swellings ol' the join's i Indigestion, Blutrhes on tbe face, pimpler, tec.; All complaints of tile Liver ; Tetter: Yaws; Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases general y i Mercurial and scrofulous com plaints. The Catholicon (which the prbprieter sol emnly pledges it s word consists exclusively i f vegetable matter) with the exreption of a ■light determi nation to the bowels, which at preserves in a soluble state, act. insensibly, is riesssnt to the taste, snd requires n > purticu ar regimen, (abstinence Irurn spirtuous li quors always excepted,) or confinement. As s grntle, sate and sgree tb'e cathartic mndi cit e, improving the appetite andresP-ring the general tone of the ays'em, it is cunfid rntly recommended to iadies in a delicate situs- i, W. W. HO ITER, 66 Chesnut-aireet, Georgia—Camden County Superior Court, October Term, 11124. Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvtskr Bryant. } |N petition of T.molby Hopkins, stating l f that in consideration of certain prom* ssory notes, ma le to the said Timothy, by them, one ppvabie with inte:est, from first if January, 1821, on tbe first of January. 1822: second payable as aforesai'» on the first of January, 1823* and a tlvrd payable as afore- rigid, on the first of January, 1834. executed a iortg8ge to said Timothy Hopkins, his her? and assigns, on all those four trac’s of L,,d, tuated in the county aforesaid, conveyed by he said Tine.thy, to the said Fsngley and vdvebter, and lying on the south aide of Great Satilla Kiver, one tract containing «ev ir.ty-seven|acres, more or lew/ two tracts ontaining fifty acres, more or lest, and one •her tract, containing one hundred and eigh- v-eight acres, more or less, conditioned for he payment of the three said several notes, m the days above mentioned, and that said veral notes remain unpaid—on motion of Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintiP, it i* I'-dered, (hat th^ said Langley and Selvestei, ‘heir heirs or assigns, pay into Coun, within twelve months from this date, li.e sums due on said notes, and the interea and costs, oth erwise that the equity of redemption be for. sver foreclosed, and that such other proceed- ngs take place, ss are pursuant to lsw. True extract from the minutes, 27th Octo ber, 18?4. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. nov 4 87 $ri> Philadelphia, Muy 31, 1824, At the request of Mr. W. W. Bolter, I have Iste y exhibited, in several instance*, * modi oaten sirup, called Potter’s Vegetable Catho ;icon, with the most decided advantage, has, ss:»et, nev.-»r failed tfleeting a cure in every case in which I have thought proper to employ it. H. M’MUHHUE, M- D. Phi'ade’phiay July 28th, 18?4, Mr. IF* W. Potter, Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that 1 would give a concise statement of my suffer ings, from ' the hopeless commencement, to the present propitious stage of my dise-se.* About five years ago, on my passage from Birdenux, during tbe month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, I was seized with a violent fever. Having no medical at tendants on board, I was compelled to bear it, as I might for two weeks, when on my ar rival at Charleston, S. C. it was treated as I'yphus. The skill of my Physician subdued the fever, but Pl.anix-like, the termination of this gave rise to « disease equally distress ing, and which, till now, I had thought incur- able. Various abscesses made their unwel come appearance, particularly on the joints, which were swelled to an enormous size.— fhese g'adually subsided into hard tumorr, one of which on my left knee ulfec'ed the hone—an incision was now made and a large evacuation of nus, mixed with pieces of bone took place. In addition to this, I at;Acred the moat excruciating pain* in my joints that man ever experienced. Every thing that was administered either gave me no relief * r ser ved to aggravate the Jiscaue, the seventy cf which incr rased with every succeeding year Such was my painful si uation that 1 despaired of ever being restored to my heal h » Iliad not o ily tried the leader means of relief, but used, though in vain, every popular rem« edy 1 could hea; o f ' It was in this av fill and dcspond*ug condition,that I waipersmded to commence a course of your Vegetable fuili I icon, and the happy result is, **fom the use of the tivob ittl s my •uihole tyt'nn hat under gone a compiet' revo it lion, my pains b.vcfo s.i- ke i me s'* the discharge from m> xnee began to diminish, and soo i ceased altogether, the ulcer from alienee it proceeded oeing com pletely he tied. The tumors, for the removal of which 1 have tried in vain more remedies than I can i.ume, are rapidly decreasing ; my appetite, which was gone, lias returned—I am in fact, nearly well, and feci confident that a few bottles more of y< ur, (to n e) invaluable medicine, will make me per eclly so. Your oblig'd friend, THOMAS UHOWN, JB. could wish to be. With my thinks, am your ibliged humble servant, Ua* GEORGE KANE. City of Philadelphia, ss- George Kane, of the District of South wark, personally appeared, and, being duly sworn, doth declare and uay that tbe above atatement ia in all respects correct and true, and that (he signature to it ia in the hand writing of this deponent. JOHN BINN9, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28,1824- TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Catholicon ia peculiarly adapted to thoae diseases which are prevalent among tbe coloured population of the aoutli In that disease which ia called is a sure remedy \ a tingle trial of it, will convince planters of its superior efficacy to any rente dy of a similar nature in the United Stater NOTICE. The advantages of this medic'ne are, not confining tne patient unnecessarily to the house, or keeping him from his business/— With one solitary exception, (hat of spiritu* oils liquors, it does not lay uny restrictions upon his appetite It is so gentle :n us operation that the pitient finds himself getting well he cannot tell how. As it is not the wish ofthe prop:ictor to take any thing for which he cannot give a consideration equal in value, persona at a distance who may wish to try ;iis medicine, but who are not certain if it be applicoble to their complaint, are request ed to describe 'heir crae and symptom* in i letter, p<tst-p«M, av.d directed to him—this letter will be immediately placed in hands fully competent to deads Ihe question.— Should 'he remedy not seem to suit the dis ease, they will be frankly told •?. CAUTION* To prevent d.sappointmcnt it is well to ttite that it takes in ordinary cases from 3 to 5 bottles to effect a cure so that persons who ure labouring under any ser ous infirmity, must make up their mind to persevere to that extent at least—if they do not, they might as well save themselves the trouble and expense f using a smaller quantity. All orders post-pflid and enclosing the money, immediately attended to, aod (he medicine packed and delivered with directions for use, >o any place in the city, and forwarded as di< rented N. B. To prevent the possibility of all im* position, it wi'l be sold in the city of Philadel phia, at the office in Fifth near Race-Street, or at the dwelling of the propri tor, Nj. 66 Chesnut street, only, and abroad by his au< thorized agents. \V. W POTT EH, 66 Cnesnut Street, Pllil(nle^p^iia , I have appointed GBOUGH RYE (SON, Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. Drug gists Wtti ting the above valuable medicine, will be supplied by him for cash, at the same rate, as if ordered direct from me—v z. p-T d. zju, nr three dollars a single bottle. W. tv. POT (’Eli, Philadelphia. Any pe'sonon application to the subscriber will b-.‘ furnished with certificates of the efii cscy of the above medicine, sufficient to eon* v.nce iht- m<nd of the most sceptical, sdthougli too numerous and lengthy for nr wspaper in sertion. GEO. KYKKSON, Dru^gikt, Corner of Bay ar.d Whittaker Streets, dec 13 SCOTT’S BIBLE STLBROTVSR 1D1TIOI, IN EQUITY. Between IV, Davies, Administrator, Complain ant, and John L'arnochun Administrator^ de bonis no . with the will annexed of Georye Richardson and others, Defendants. In equity. Chatham Sujterior Court— Chancery, 20th August, 1824. I T appearing that John Murray Carnnchan, one of the defendants in the said bill vf complaint named, resides without the state of Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdoms of Great Britain anu Ireland, called Scotland ; It is ordered that the said John Murray Car- riochsn, do appear ar.d answer to the com plainant’s said bill, Within nine months from the jute of this order, otherwise that the 3m id bill, ss to him, betaken pro cot.fessn.' and ii is further oulered, that a copy of this order be publish'd once s week, in one ot the public G zeiles of this state, until the ex- ii rat ion of the tinn: within which the said de- endant is required to appear and answer as aforesaid. itue copy from the Minutes, thi* 21st day August, 1834. A. U.FANNIN, Clerk, august 24 50f NOTICE. N INE months sfter date, application will be made to tbe Hon. the Judgee of the Court jf Ordinary cf Chatham county, for leave'to sell nil the real estate of the late William Crsiw, deceased, for tbe benefit ofthe heir, and cred' itora of aid estate. JOHN M’NISH, Executor, net \2 71 Notice. A LL periona having demanda againat the eatate of Conotint Freeman, Esq. late of the city of Waahington, deceased, ere re qtired to hand them in, legally attested, within the time prescribed by Isw : and thoae indebted to asid ectile, are required to make immediate payment, to JAMES HUNTER, Adrn’r. Jan 14 , 42pi Phihiddjhic, July ' 6, 18'’4. My confidence in the veget tble cathol.con is tinditninisn .d, snd st fresh instances of its powers aru daily occurri, p, in my own prac tice. I have no hesitation in recommending it, in the pecul'tr diseases to which it is applica ble, as superior tonoy rente W I am acquaint ed with. H. M’UUR IK1E, M. D. Pluladclplda t Muy 28.18 4 Sin—In consequence of imprudent expos ure four years ago I had the misfortune to be come i ffl cted with a disease, the painful re suits of which induced me to apply in sue- cess on to several respectable physicians of this city, from whom, however, I received either no relief, or from whose remedies I re ceived another complaint quite as distressing ss the former. My whole system became S' fected. 1 could get no rest at night an sc. count of the violent pain that I felt in every part of my body; the weakness and emacia tion cf which was such that 1 could scarcely walk. In this state I fortunately beard cf yuur vegetable catholicon-four bottles of which, has completely restored me, I have now no pain i my appetite is good i and my strength reitored With many thanks for the relief your medicine has given me, I am your obliged friend, tee. WILLIAM WILSON. Sworn and subscribed to before me, May 28, 1824 JOHN B1NNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28,1824. 8ir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a hearty mar. For nearly six years 1 have been l martyr to a disease, whole ravages threat ened, if not toon stopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regular medi cal advice from the commencement, my complaint at loot got to ouch a height that'I could not swallow without great pain and difficulty. Turners formed ip different parts of my body, and I began to think my situation almost deeperste. The five bottle* of the Catholicon which I have taken have com- plttety cured me, and I am now as well aa Georgia—Camden County, TO ALL TO WHOM IT HAY CONCERN. W 'HENEAS Sarah Brown. Junior, widow, applies to he Court of Ordinary of -aid County, for Letters of Administration on the estate of John Brown, late of sn d county, de ceased, ar next of kin j The ae are, therefore, o cite and armonioh, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of s iid deceased, to file their objections, if any they luve, in mv ol Ike, <m or before the first Mo. div in June uoxt.-t Her wise Letters witl be granted the ap plicant. Witness the Honorable Br'tian U Bunk ley, one of the Justices of aaid Court, tln« sixteen:o d«y of April, eighteen hundred a d twenty -five. [L S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C. C. April 21 24 Georgia —Camden County. IIY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR SAID COUN I Y. W HEREAS lohn Chevalier, has applied to said Court, f .r Letters Dismtssory in the estates of Samuel Cozens tnd Evan E, Vi>ok, deceased. ’Ihcse ate, therefore, to aite and admonish, all snd sirg ■ L,r, the kin dr. d ar.d creditors ot the laid d .ceased per sons, to (i e their ol j ctions, if any they have, in my ofiise, on or the first Monday in January next, or Leltcra will be granted tho applicant. Wit’ess the Honorable Junes Scott, one of the Justices cf said Court, this six day of April, eighteen hundred and twenty-fire. [L. S ) JOHN HAILEY, C. C. 0. t. C Apr I ’I 24 Georgia—Camden County BY IHE COURT OF ORDINARY FOli SAID COUNTY. HEREAS Lewis Bsehlott, applies to the Court of Ordinary of aaid County; for Letters Dismisxory on the estate of Fr-nces U.jsolupe : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of aaid deceased, to file their objec tion., if any they have, in my office, on or he. fore the fi at Monday in January next, other wise Letters Dismioaory will be granted tbe applicant- Witness the Honorshle Samuel Clarke, one ofthe Justices of said Court, this sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun dred snd twenty-five. [L. 8.] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C. C April 21 24 £ ft>0£Q$ ALS BySAMUEi. T. AHHsrno.Yt t v„ „ rtSur umife p " b ^ hini "°°A FA HIET BIB IE, cmtmvnj „n , 4 * final ll-.ftrtnce,. t. be comp VOLUMES UOVAL 0CT°ip f , ,n ,'« belli,hed with a liktno, ofihe TERMS. ( T shall be well printed, on »n n a be enmpriit-d in six handsome 3S ''" {i will eontsin the Scriptures 0 f Hi. nT' 11 Mw Tc,lament,, the Intioduclar, nj Ji, 1 "'- 1 Explanatory Acte,, snd Pracllci OilmH,"' and all the eopiotn ll e f ere 2 - 1 . ing printed word tor word from th. i"'f" Stereotype E lition, published since th. . n thor’s decease The price will he in- boards; g24, in sheep; 830, in cilfhir' 1 ” The whale work will beTesdyfcSl'J- May, 1825, ’ tae “*eiyby Extract, of Lent , tuldrcisedlo Ihep^ I esteem Dr Scott’. Family Bible, en iJ Ml calculated to promote the cause, of truth. V t piety. It aeetr. scarcely possible fo read daily the Notea and Obaerv.ii 0l „ ■- > Family Bible without becoming « wit,.!,™! oetter man. EDWARD D G !|FFn" J X have teen no commentary u f «''•. Scripture, which 1 think so welt general use and edification. It is , which every fxmaly ouglit to possess. It is a work di.tingffsbed fo^theSk ty and convenience of its arrangement' ^ clearneoa anJ fidelity of its expositions ! neatness and ty of it. S[> : e , th e 3 nevolt nee and candour of in npiri-, the Z ctsencs. snd pertinency of it. ap;.licatici» and for ita uniform tendency to pro note etS gelicol truth 'nd piety, v H ce i1 Of Dr. Icons Family It,hie, I f e ,| fcj.- say, that in my estimation it deservedly r.r,h among our ablest and best Cumin nta ies Thom as bald .yin Dr. Scott s Family U b.e intemleo more q pectal y for t- e use of Ohristun - amities, work high y cvat gelicsi, extcuiiveiy mst» live, and deeply interesting D .NIELC.SANDEItS The character of Dr. Scott’s Comments,, on tite Bible, is so generally k .otvn, and to highly approved amongst the most intellige, and pioua Chr.atians throughout our count,, tnd bus passed rnpidly through So many l.rt-e Millions, that 1 deem fuither icc:.n.a.e*j. lions needless* . . , .. J- V0U3E. I am acquainted with no Coinwniiiy ( th Sacred Scripture*, wiiirli I would ^ cord,ally recomniciia for geiurul use. ’ik* plan of tbe work is good JOSHUA BATRS, Perhaps in no way, can ministers, instmci ,;t if youth, and private Obristiim?, do grevtM iwrvxe to society, than by exe»tin|j tl«A selves to diasuniiute this truly iftvulmble work. JOSHUA IIUN INGTON, I know of no Commentary which ii bfiiti calculated for diffusing correct views ofi grr-st troths of Christianity, ai d leavings'*, fary impressions on the mind when risiq trem the perusal of it, than the one you u about to publish. DANIEL SHARPS. No writer seems less disposed to contcn! fur barren spcculuikns. None more uniform, ly or more pour..* fully inculcates the gmt seutmis of religion. The spirit which p v&d^s the work is excellent i it it the medr, aflt-ctionare, healing, yet faithful spirit gospel. DANIEL DANA. From particular examination, and coscur- ring testimony, there is no doubt on myriad that Scott’s Family Bible ia superior to others J03F.PH EMERSON. You will please to set d me six copies of Scott’s Bible t I refer to your lately proposed edition. Perhaps I shall luducc five mure t take tbe s.'-me number. H-t. It is with extreme pleasure I pereeire you are about to publish a new edition Scott’s Bible. Having been in poss?5B;on t more than 20 yr%rs, l tms* 1 know sad. • bing of «ts value, and am determined tc pro. mote i>s c regulation among my friends You will pieasc forward six cupies us soon *ipu> fished, (J.M, 1 have nbtninnd four sub:criberi for Hie excellent win k >on are publisliing- H. $. I propose to take seven seta of Scott’s It ble, and will be accountable for the isms. J. C. I have obtained subscribersforninecqw of Scot t’b Family B ble. J. C. 1 shall probably need eight or tensets Scott’s Family Bible. J. ?• llev.S. S. uf P. has o tainedten subsed- bers. E. Ii. 1 have observed that you are about pu! lulling another edition of Scott’s Bble tope you m«iy succeed as you lr*ve done f ormer editions. I have been endeavorirp orocure subscribers *mj:g our people, nJ eaor more subscribers will be obtained. 0.S.I I will take ten sets (of Scott’s Bib) bound aod lettered. Jri ( have obtained ten subscribers for jf? edition of the Family Bible—and lisves doubt but there ntigSitbcaametliiigltoN copies »oldin this place if you bad an ^ here—1 thought ti e work ought to b.- :ouraged and for hat reason to» k a aubs:r> ion paper. It is a work tliat every Ml should have that is able to purchase. J. E U’C I am glad, that y»*u propose io print 8 f ; Scott’s excellent Family Commentary,»’ should be very glad ifit were in my power give a more liberal patronage to the worj than, as circumstances are, I can. W however, be able to do something j eight ten sets I shall certainly lake j and it nay 1 double that number. A W 1 1 have procured fifteen subscribe a Scott’s Bible. J A.D. think I shall dispose of 20 sets orroo'eof the Family Bible. * I have circulated proposals for 5;o« Bible ,* how many have been engaged » n 1,1 cannot tt-ll ,* but between 20 snd h s vicinily. *' I have concluded to become respond* to you for thirty sets of Scott's Cuannciit»7' . C. 0 1 HAY. BUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing ejU front Brig Pliensant, fijr sale by April 19 C. C. GRISWOLD, I have procured 106 subscribers W W Bible; 6 sets to be bound in calf y 3 sett be dune in buardt the other 97 sets. •J®' and lettered as described in the 1 presume I could procure 5M wWj bers tor your edition of Scott’s Bielc , demand ia increasing for them. W , finally supersede every other large Bible. Ftftjr of my subscribers bve circle of 8 miles I 1 .. Just publiabed an edition of the * completed in six volumes, wi/IouT references; price in boaras 8(8; ni". 1 821; in caif g27. Either of these , m.y be had of the publisher in Bustos. 8. C. It J, SCHENCK, Htvumah. Jna II red tel Marking Brushes* OtoXg'^KavS'' nov 20