Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 12, 1825, Image 2

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    'YChJt W. ROBB&fSOH,
r paper, : :
:pive noi.i.ARn.
8M H$Mb
•JIiik Creeks We are grotifiud to loam
that tho Inti- hostile movement oftlie Crocks
is not likely to lie pursued. Gon. Thomp
son, of Gwinett, who arrived in this city u
few days since, we understand, stated that
flic party who murdUred General M’Intosh
had dispersed, satisfied with tho veu-
gcanco, which they had taken ; and it was
expected would offer no further, resistance,
to the-eaecntion of the treaty.- Tho Gen
eral was shot shout daylight on the morn
ing of the first instant, between twenty and
The citizens of Chatham County, are re- thirty ballsentering his body as ho stood
dpectfully requested to attend at tho Conn- prepared to address his assailants,
eil Chamber in the Exchange, on FRIDAY | We also learn, from a gentleman who
NEXT, at twelve o'clock, to express their was in tho Creek Nation a short time before
views in relation to a proper disposition of the murder, that the^nelings of the inferior
the late acquired territory from the Creek ( Chiefs, nt that time, were much excitod a-
Indians, and to adopt such measures in re-, gainst M’Intosh, in consequence of hishav-
lotion thereto as may to them appear prop- ing neglected to consult or hold a talk with
tlURSIM Y MORNING. MAY 18,11123.
them for a long time past. The General,
from their conduct, was then fearful of some
act of violence, and appeared anxious to
leave the nation, on his western survey. He
wss to have departed the next day, when lie
was ariested by the bullets of his country
men, as has been staled.
South-Ameiuca—Giiekce.—Tile rccog-
P. S.—The Exchange bell will bo rung : nitiiin by Great-Britain oftlie independence
at the hour of meeting. of Soutli-America, has, without doubt, gone
«——— further to derange the plans oftlie Holy
One day later We are indebted to a Alliance, than any event since the ibrma-
friond, to whom we have before been under'tion of tlmt congregation of despotism—
similar obligations, for the following Let-, The advantages, iu a commercial point of
ter from Liverpool of the 30th of Mych, re- view, which will be obtained by Great- Brit
— ' J a* Van, V—kl# iliA Vf lltllll HI
ceived at New-York by the Milton, and for
warded to this port by the Emperor :—
" Liverpool, -Ilarch .30
ain, have excited the envy, not more thnn
the support giveu to revelutiomiliqt,. and re
bels, according to thuir vocaiftfary, lias
“ Enclosed we hand you our report up to j endangered the power, of the monarch*
last night, of what had been done iu Amer- i composing this iniquitous association. Of
icon Produce during the previous ten days. j those who are said to view this act of the
The ilcienliuii of this conveyance enables British government with most displeasure,
us to add the business of to-day. We have our old friend "the Deliverer,” tnkes it
informed you in a postscript, that several, most in dudgeon, amt it is said is likely to
thousand bags of Cotton were sold last; retort the cavalier treatment his opinion
fiight.a'fler tho arrival of tho evening's mail! has received, by laying his imperial hands
from Manchester, at an advance of ^d upon
the prices of tile day. A number of pur
chasers were in the market early this mor
ning, and would have bought extensively at
those rates, but holders asked another 'd
advance upon the prices ol last night, and
even /his was generally obtained ; and
there was a heavy business doing until
about twelve o’clock, when the demand
seemed simultaneously to cease, and pur
chases might now be made upon terms
similar to those of last night. Holders ap
pear to be very confident that this absence
of demand will only be tempurar*- •»d-
will sgaiu advance. The sales las' night
are supposed to have been at least 3000 bags
v-and to-duy they are estimated at 3000 to
6000 bags of all sorts.
“ The demand for every other article of
American produce is nearly suspended—
Thu duty on U. S. Ashes, will soon be re
duced to 6s per cwt.
“ Easterly winds prevent arrivals, and
our imports so far as this week, are trifling.
“AVc remain your assured friends."
The Cotton Market.—A quantity of
Cotton for which 24 cents was asked on
Tuesday, was yesterday sold on terms
(time) which reducod the price from t J to 2
cents per lb. This transaction took place
With the knowledge of the contents pf the
letter which we publish above.
Another Murder !—We are informed,
by a gentleman from Effingham county,
thai the body of a man named William
Fluke was found on Saturday last, in the
Little Ogeechee, in Scriven county—the
throat cut apparently wilh a knife, and the
■kill! fractured. There was also a blow
across the nose. The body was discovered
by two buys, who were tlicro Ashing, and
Who immediately gave information. The
horse of the deceased had previously retur
ned, but the saddle and hat were missing.
A Coroner’s Jury was summoned, who re
turned a verdict of wilful murder against
some person unknown. Flake was last
seen on the preceding Saturday, returning
from a Justice’s Court, in company with an
individual named Colson, with whom he
was disputing, a difficulty having for some
time sn’ sisted between them, Colson sta
ted ill his evidence before the Coroner’s Ju.
ry, that he parted from his companion be
fore they came to the place where the body
Was found, and where the murder is sup
posed to have boon committed. The mur
der is supposed to have taken place be
tween 1 and 8 o’clock in the evening. The
deceased was a man of family, and a coun
ty constable. This is the amount of our
The Athens Gazette states that the ex
ercises of Franklin Colloge, were resumed
on the 2d i.iat. The major part ofthoStu
dents have returned to their posts, and from
this manifestation of alacrity on their part,
the best results may be anticipated, as to
their progress in the different sciences that
form the regular course of study.
The Rev. Gahm.iei, S. Oi.hs, has arriv
ed, and entered upon the duties of the Pro-
fewonahip of Natural ftbiLoiophy.
consistent opponents oftlie measure ; and,
if they have changed their opinions, there
is little doubt oftlie passngo of the Bill flu'
ing tho present session. We seo no rea
suns assigned for this unexpected conver
sion. Ifit be true, it may have arisen from j
5umm iwumsAL
^ For New-York,
The regular packet ship
IVm. Belief, J!latter,
ARRIVED. SSiKLWin sail THIS DAY, at one
Schr. Friends, (of Hampton, Va.) Marre- o’clock, P. M. precisely. Four passengers
... <•. »t if '•. - -I - ■— c- handsomely accommodated by
“. on board, Jones’
an indication, on tho part of tho King,, t^ft tier, from Nassau, (N. P.) with a cargo of can yet be hsndsomel
he still retains his early opinions in favour! Gbm-in distress-cargo damaged. Thu application to Capt. B
J 1 ; r. Hailed from llumplpii Itoada on the 17th Upper Wlmif, or to
oftlie measure* j ult. for the West Indies—on the 20th and
__ . 7— _ , j 21st, experienced a severe gale, in which
Charles X.—A letter from Pn/is^ dated lost tho top of her foremost, split her ■
on the 30th of April, to a gentleman in sails, and not being a bio to keep her course,
Charleston, says-" Our King Charles X, was obliged to bear away for Nassau-but;-
; , . ,. , , ... "/ - could do nothing thero, on account oftlie
is losing his popularity daily, 00 account of heavy expenses demanded—her mast whs
his absolute indifference to all Jinds of bu- therefore temporarily secured, and she left
siness. lie never attends at/CoUncil, ex- j th "« "".‘J 1 ?. 3d ill9 . l . ant ' fn . r . ‘ his P^fi
Mwv 19.
Tlie passengers by ship SA
VANNAH. are requested to be
"I OO Northern Gia
J.W5Iipcs Superior Brandy
nett’s Brand 1 Cl t'
5 do Holland Gill
3000 Pounds Bacon, and a fi™ v
North Carolina Lord ”!•
P May °M y C0HEN & miller.
Torn, > at on fc. McsTiwiT'
3ooo B cr ELs Maryland Whip,
25 Barrels Mess Pork
0( W0 Pounds Prime Middling,
on board at ONE'O’CLOCK, , , a3 Kep Butter
P. M. precisely j and those huv- Lmunng from schooner Rising Sun, i
s, to attend at ten o’clock, fur HERBERT A
iofclearin? them at the CuaLo
Schr. Valiant, Perry, Edenton, (N. C.) ing servants,
copt when very bad weather Prevents hiring dayP( with Corn, to ft. Habersham.
P... 4«4,4A1I>>4M 1, ■ • .. 4 4 .. — IT ll ft A Qt.l/ll, lYln.Wl.. ' I" I. 1% S\ M Tin SlAH 1
from enjoying hunting. Hi Minister M.
De Villele, is execrated by (J Fronclnnon,
save the emigrants.”
Tho pupils of this institute!), were yester
day morning examined on thl various branch*
esin which they are instructed, viz:—Ora
tory. Grammar, Arithmetic, Reading, Wri
ting, Spelling, and Needle work. There
were present one hundred and 4 rty-five
scholars. After the examination was con
cluded, the Direct!esses distributed medals
and other Premiums to the following chil
dren : -
Hugh M’Lf.od, Peter Gooper,
Inlk Dblanois, James ('oopj:r,
John Ci. ago eh, John Cooper,
Robt.Th.mnghest. Catharine Smith,
Eml Sheftai.l, M. Mahrr, & others.
The following letter which was received
from a lad who recently left the school, is
published with a view to shew the progress
made in the institution :
“About to leave the charitable institution,
in which I have received tho benefits of in
struction, [ avail myself of the present oc
casion, to returu my sincere thunks to Mr.
Cooper for his kind, indulgent, and tender
treatment to me, and to the Ladies who have
been actively instrumental in promoting its
chief design,the education of the friendless.
Savannah, May 11th, 1025.
Mexico.—From the Correspondent of Mo
nk's Advocate.—Tampico, March 18,1825.—
In the papers brought here by the Hero, I
notice, with regret, that a motion befor con
gress to prevent our vessels of war from car
rying specie, was lost by an equal division
oftlie house of representatives.
I perceive, in the same papers, continued
accounts of piracies ; and thinking the a
I bove subject accounting, in some measure,
on Greece, with which he intends to pro
vide for some royal cousin. We have
in our late foreign journals, rumors of
war and combinations, plots and counter
plots, but they have, been so often repeated
with so little foundation, that we are alto
gether sceptical in our opinions of them.—
The fate of Greece, depends on the govern
ment of Great-Britain, but it is a minor ob
ject. The commerce of that country of
fers but few inducements for a sacrifice of
any consequence, and we have little doubt, | ,|,e audacity with these enemies of A
if necessary, a.compusition might bo made,' merican citizens sally from their hauuts, I
by which Russia would be permitted to as- £"?* inc,mlbent r » » J tt y b « li ’M m y
sume the protBClion-m-...*-. -MS'WyW&wML 8 United
er than ujuv wai Bimuid b« haaurdod , «;!-*-piracies, or«TTca*t
of Europe is at this moment in danger— pin statement of fact will show the correct*
the overwhelming weight of the Russian this supposition,
autocrat to the contrary notwithstanding., During the months of December and Jan-
J ® unry last, an American scliTotWiir lay hei^e,
We are willing to believe it depends upon a waiting to obtuin a freight—which, having
Sloop Nancy, Taber, Darien, 3 days,
with 125 bales Colton, to T. Butler &co.
and H- Tupper.
Br. brig Tom, Dickerson, Liverpool.
Schr. Dolphin, Burgess, New-York.
Charleston, May 10.—Arrived, ship Em
erald, Howes, Boston. 12 days.
Line ship Niagara, Crane, N. York,6 ds.
Ship Minerva, Woodberry, Alexandria,
13 days.
Ship Albion, Lee, Philadelphia,5 days.
Brig Coinnu»ro©, Tumoy, N- VorK, 7 ilojn.
U.L. schr. Gazelle, Osborn, Ncw-Y’ork,
7 days.
Schr. General Hawes,Chase, Providence,
(R. 1.) 10 days.
Schr. Adeline, Seabury, Plymouth, N. C.
4 days.
Sseam boat Pendleton Bracken, Augus
ta and Hamburg, 4 days.
Cleared, ship Plutarch, Graves, Liver
pool; ship Annamillo, Gray, Liverpool.
In the Offing'—British bark Caledonia,
M’Comb. from Liverpool—(said to have
sailed 27th March.)
Mew-York, Mai/ 3.—Cleared, brigs Fan
ny. Baker, Porto Cavello ; Hyperion, Bon-
ney, N. Orleans.
Arrived, Br. ship Flora, Blair, Liverpool,
todays. Saw on the Banks numerous Is
lands of Ice, some of them apparently a mile
n circumference, nnd 3W) feet high. Also,
saw on the coast a number of large whales
——— 1 1 ii
the purpose of clearing them at tho.Cuslo
May 12
For Philadelphia,
The packet brier
F R A N C E^S,
Captain Crtifl.
Will pusitioely sail flarly on Satur
day morning next. Fur freight or passage,
apply to WILLIAM NEFF, “
At t bo Counting-Room of S. B. Pnrkman.
For tale, landing from above,
Cntfh. in Rnm-lp anil Rium
Whiskey and Linseed Oil
May 12 42
For Charleston,
The elcgsnt, fast sailing pilot-boat
While, Master,
Will sail THIS DAY. For passage,
having superior accommodations, apply to
the master, or to
ET The Savannah is intended hereafter
to run regularly, once a week, to Charles
ton, and will leave here on Thursday, am)
Charleston on Sui day, of each week.
Mov 12 40
Holland Gin.
■J 4^ PIPES Real Weosp, Swan Brand,
i. O of the bent, quality, landing from
ship Emperor, for sale hv
Anderson’s Wharf.
May 12 42p
"J TIERCES Prime Northern Pota-
X foes, just received and for sale hv
Mnv 12 Ahc.iaux’s Wharf.
( or ISe\v-York x n Hedf rd
The fast sailing pilot boat schooner
Delano, master, •
bWill sail for tho above ports on
Sunday next,and can handsomely accommo
date a few passengers, for terms apply to
the master on hoard, or to
May 12 Anriauxl» Wharf.
slender contingency ; but the sacrifice of. obtained, she sailed for New-York.
Greek freedom, for we consider its indo! , lmn,e<iia ';' ,| y °" bfi 1 r <le P" rt “ re ono ! 1,e ,r
. 1 schooner ot war took her situation ; nnd at-
pendence under the protection of Russia t er waiting nearly a month, a freight, offer-
os a sacrifice, will secure it for the present, ing for New-Orleans, she received it, and
whilst it may divert Alexander from any , th-n again repaired to this port, where, a-
m : wait mg another month,sheobtaiued a freight
designs upon iurkey and that sacrifice tor New-York, for which place she left a
will be made by the government of a peo- few days since. Thus showing, for at. least
pie whose bosoms beat, as warmly in their three months, the employment oftwtvofour
r ... . vessels of war, who cairo* here lor Inn pur-
cause, as we know they do in this chosen a- j p 0SI ; 0 f cruising in the Gulf of Mexico,
bode of freedom. Iu saying this we do not | Our government supposes (it is said) that
mean to be understood, that no effort will I Pfivilepoour commerce is protected.
I 1 he tollacy ot this must be obvious, as it
be made by Mr. Canning to obtain the un-, takes owav tho protectors of commerce
conditional recognition of Greek indepen
dence—what we mean is, that it will be sa
crificed in the mode we have mentioned, in
from where they ought onhj to be ; and, bu
sides, takes from merchants the freights to
which they arejustly entitled.
The commanders of our vessels are en-
preference to the hazard of a war, which titled to these freights. If instead, howev
er they were to go into nur national trea-
Sugar, Ci ffee Figs, &c.
O \/ 33 Bags Prime Grven Coffee
100 Ca..t- ig-ita
-ni rve^W^’iWWir wine
Just received ami for sale low, bv
May 12 42n
Coffee and '’anal F ! our
C c GRISWOLD CO. offer for sale,
• landing from ship Emperor,
100 Bags Prime Green Coffee
25 Half Barrels Canal Flornr
May 12
For New-York « New Redf rd,
The fast sailing pilot boat schooner
Wood, master,
Will sail for the above ports on
Sunday next, aud can hadsomely accomo
date a few passengers, for terms apply to
the master on board, or to
An. iaux's Wharf
May 12 j
for nl t
Francis Sorrel,
32 L0AF 8UGA R
3 Barrels Peach Brandy and
2 Barrels 5th proof Whiskey, Raj
ing per schooner Rising si#
200 Barrels Superfiue Flour
150 Barrels White’s Gin
8 Barrels nnd 8 box* ]), IC on
Window Glass, American Castinn
x, ■ Alnor ' cl '" aUl> Spanish Scaurs, P
Corn Jijioat.
1 4-00 B ,V SHEL ? Norll > Carolin,
Itw Lorn, on hoard the sehenn,,
Noncy, at Telfair’s Wharf. Purchoretl
may oncjuire of tin- master on hoard, or
May It * 5,
Corn :ifltjtu.
99410 BCSIIELSUORN.on Imail
hd UUv the [sloop Rvg.iintor, at Jours'
Upper Wharf. Enquire oftlie uiartor or
May ft .[j
Corn tii/d Bn am
i BUSHELS CORN, ami Idoo
*. * UU pounds Bacon, tit to eut.iiu'
hoard the schooner Waterhorimgh, Bn 1
quire of the master, or
May 11 .it
Corn AJiont.
9finn BUSHELS CORN, onl.oarj
»vUU the schooner Postillion,Wind,
sor, at Bolton’s Wharf. Enquire of tl-e
master, or THOMPSON & BONNY.
May 11 41
| AA BARRELS Baltimore Superfine
vU Flour, for sale by
Mnv 11
For Providaiu,
The packet schooner
•y. BrA:Mi)W' K .^i,nt!r,
"Will sail on Tuesday next, 17th
inst. For passage only, apply to the mas
ter on board, or to PARTS HILL,
IVho has fir sale, landing from saitl vessel,
10 Bags Havana Green Coffee
10 Barrels New-Orleans Sugar
20 Barrels Gin
6 Hogsheads Now Rum
I Pipe Holland Gin
100 Barrels Pilot and Navy Broad
May 12 42l
pr -g BAGS Prime Green Concc
May 11 ' Anciaux’s Wharf.
Roiib'e Dhtillrd <iosn JViicr.
A FRESH SUPPLY of host London
Rose Water, received per brig Pan-
tliea, and for sale hv
Chemists and Druggists. Shad’s Buildings.
Mnv • 0
Prime Fork.
Just Rermed by ship Emperor,
RBLS prime Pork, city inspection.
£dFor sale by A. BASSET.
May 12
its recognition on tho part of Great-Britain
might produce, and which would entirely
derange the immense plans of commercial
aggrandizement, introduced during his ad
The following toast was given by General
LxFArETTE, at the Masonic fostival in New
The Brethren who worked together on
the tales(,n the Rth of Jnnuury, and tho
Master workman who directed them.”
Commodore Porter The Court of In
quiry for the investigation of the conduct of
this officer, on the Faxnrdo Affair, &c. con
vened at tho Navy Yard in Washington, on
the 2d inst. present Com. Chauxckv, Capt.
Crane, and Capt. Read.
It is understood, says the Intelligencer,
that Com. Porter took exception to the
composition of the Court, on the ground
that a majority of the members were offi
cers junior to himself. This exception, be
ing referred to the Secretary of the Navy,
was overruled by him on the ground that
tho time for making this objection, had
Tho Court commenced tho examination
of witnesses, (officers oftlie Navy of course)
on the 3d, many of whom are attending
this investigation. Among them are Capt.
Cassix, Capt. Dallas, and Capt. Finch.
It is stated, as a rumour, in the London
Times, says the Nutioual Journal, that both
tlie Earl of Liverpool, and the Chancellor
(Lord F.ldenr) havo determined to support,
in the House of Lords, the Bill for the
Emancipation of the Catholics. Both these
sttry, we should have less avidity of visiting ]
these ports by our vessels of war, and would
be the means of keeping them on tbu pirates,
ground, around the island of Cuba, where
nothing but American power can keep these
enemies of mankind from continuing their (
depredations. Trusting that they may have 1
tlie desired effect of meeting the eyes of I
those who would represent this ahnse in its
proper shape before congress, and be the j
means of preventing piracies.
The Library
I S open for the delivery of Books, on *Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday t from three
until five o'clock, P. JJ.
May 12 42
The Philadelphia Gazette gives tho fol
lowing additional particulars relative to tho
Gibroltnr Flour marketThe exciicnu'iit
N otiee.
T HE holders of Job T. Bolles’ Change
Bills, who lmvo not received iheir div
idends, are requested to rail nFthe Connt-
ing-IIouse of S. B. PARKMAN, THIS
DAY, and receive the same.
May 12 42r-
1HE members of “ The Female Missinn-
at Gibraltar, commenced on Monday, the 1 T ary Society of Christ Church,” are
14th ol March, on which day all the bvo- requested to pav their subscription for 1825,
kors were observed busily engaged in quest to g H . WALL, Secretary,
of provisions and colonial produce,when the ]yf av 22 41
greatest confusion began to spread over the
town, and much agitntion appeared to pre-
iff TIlHE subscribers have just received per
>f- A ship Emperor, a fresh supply of the
hs above VALUA BLE .MEDICINE, and have
vail among the speculators, all being doubt
and conjecture, and no assignable cause be
ing given for the alarm. Flour, for which
$8 25 had been offered on the preceding
Saturday, was then sold for $7 ; nnd Cof
fee at $13 per cwt. three and four months
credit. The next day the Packet arrived made such arrangements with the inventor,
in 11 days from Falmouth with London let- Mr. VVm. Swaiin, ns will enable them to
ters to the 2d of March, and all doubis as offer to the public a pufennd unadulterated
to the brisk demand were removed. Colo- article. Druggists nnd others who purchase
Dials had advanced considerably in England, to sell again, can have it at the original
and tho news brought by tlie packet had price established by the proprietor. °
been anticipated by way of Lisbon. It. was LAY & HENDRICKSON,
further understood that the Spanish ports Chemists nnd Druggists, Shad’s Buildings,
were open for flour and grain. Flour rose A Trealiso on Swaim’s Panacea, with
immediately from $<» to 7£, and $.1, and $9, cases illustrating its success, will he loaned
.and $10 was asked for some parcels. Colo- to thoed interested, by applying as above.
May 20
nial produce also experienced a considera
ble advance. The amount of sales was
eiiormnuB So much activity Imd not bf- fit strict '('nssrt
fore baen noticed in the market—not even JJVhlf ll-l y-oOUVT.—J\OtlCC<
in war time.
Fbom F.noland.
I N consequence of his Honor Judge Cuv-
ler, being detained at Milledgevillo. in
Captain Smilfi, has arrived at Boston, from attendance upon the Circuit Court, the Ses-
Liverpool, whence she Bailed on the 30th of sion of the District Court in this city, is
March. Captain Smith states, that his postponed to MONDAY, 30th inst. of which
consignees at Liverpool, told him tho day all concerned, will take due notice,
before he soiled, that inferior Cotton had JOHN H. MOREL, M. D. G
peers havq, heretofore, been the strong and j advanced 1 Jd per pound on that day. | May 12 42
China, and Cl .ss Ware.
T. G. CAwuttbfcvYin,
HAS Just received by the late
A fresh supply of the above val
uable MEDICINE, just received
per brig Frances, nnd for sale by
Mnv 11 Sole Agent.
Prime Green (Joll’ce.
IAS Just received by Ui« late BAGS of prime qunhty. tor sale bf
rrivals trom Liverpool, New- / qj S. B. PARKMAtc
York and Boston, a large assort
ment of
Crockery China and
Glass Wai e,
which will be sold low for Cash,
or approved (daper.
ID" The Constitutionalist, Augusta, is re
quested to insert the above six times, and
forward bill to Georgian Office-
May 12 41 ||t.
Mnv 10
tspermui eti C, vdlts um I'hil-
adelphii Rye iVhiskeij.
F OR sale by
Mnv 9
Hunter's Bsi mp
The Subscriber,
B EGS leave to inform the inhabitants of
Savannah, that he intends opening an
AcutYtm^ in t\\ia Citj,
about the 20th of October, for the instruc
tion of young gentlemen in the English,
Latin and Greek Languages, and tlie Math-
fmodes. Having been educated at one of
tlie first Universities iu Europe, he humbly
hopes to meet witli encouragement from
those who wrah to give their sons a liberal
education. Having taught in the Chatham
Academy, for the last six mouths, he has
pleasure iu referring to the trustees for in
formation respecting him as a teacher.
May 12 42p*
Prussic Jell •. Nu'ph'QtM M)
J UST received by ship Savunnali-
for sale bv
May 3 Shad’s Building*-
Tvcaswr-j Ywp art meat.
April 29, 1825
T HAT, on the first day of October next,
the principal of the six per cent, stock
of the United States, *reated under the au
thority of an Act of Congress, entitled “An
Act authorising a loan for a sum not exceed
ing eleven millions of dollars," approved on
the fourteenth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred and twelve, together witli
the interest then duo thereon, will be paid
to the proprietors of said stock, or to their
attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasury
of the United States, in Washington, and
at the several Loan OfliccB, on the buoka of
which any portion of said stock may stand.
A surrender of the Certificates of said
Slock, will he requited at the time of pay
ment, and the interest on said Stock will
cease, from and after the thirtieth day of
September next.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
M*y 12 42}b!
Inspector of Dry Culture•
A N inspector is wanted for tlie iwprctK#
of the lands under contract tor Uq
Culture. Applications will be recp’Wid.iin-
til the 20th inst. when a choice
by the Committee, according to the tiff*
and qualifications of the applicants
Chairman Committee Dry Culture-
May 5
For Sale,
ber and honest. Abo, to be #• ‘
one or two good waiters. In a privet a ‘
ly or in a well regulated boaidinff*^ 11
these servants would be an
Apply at the office of the Georgian* ! or
thcr information.
May 9
Dividend. No 14-
Savannah, i'idAprd, MW
T HE Board of Directors having tb® «|
declared a dividend on lbe Zg
stuck ofthis Bank,for the last six inn “
43 per share, or six per cent pef ?
tlie same will be paid to ,bc . rt “m
Stockholders thereof, or to their o
and after Monday uext.
tr The editors of the A "fl“ et, 1 L Re-
tionulist, Washington News, hou ^^
oorder and Georgia Journal. “'Sun,
will please to publish tlie abovethr«
and charge the expense le thi» 8*°*
April 23 26