Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 13, 1825, Image 2
JIIL-U-- BT Q. Jt W INSERTION, fU*I.I»HE1U or Til* I.AW* or Tint union. daii.t vartn, i : coafrrnr vaf**. KIOHT nol.LAltt. : nvc doi.i.ars. lettOTS reived at Washington, it appenrsthat Cion. 01 a nett ha’il scut in his unqualified subinis- sion to the Liberator Bolivar—leaving the whole of Peru in possession of its indepen dence) excepting Callao. Olaneta coin- FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 13,18*6. The citizens of Chatham County, are ro- apoctfully requested to attend at tho Coun cil Chamber in the Exchange, THIS DAY. at TWELVE O'CLOCK, to express their views in relation to a proper disposition of the late acquired territory from the Creek Indians, and to adopt such measures in re. lation thereto as may to them appear prop ,r. JOHN STEVENS, TIM. BARNARD, E. JACKSON, PAT. HOUSTOUN, W. C. DANIELL, R. F, WILLIAMS, v A. PORTER, JOS. GUMMING, JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, ROB. HABERSHAM, ED. HARDEN. P. S.—The Exchange bell will be rung at the hour of meeting. > Fnois England.— 1 The accounts by the Milton. Webb, at New-York, are from Lon don to the 29th, and Liverpool to the 31st March, both inclusive. The only intelli gence of any moment is of the market— Owing to the prevalence of easterly winds, there had not been any arrivals at Liver pool for several days. Many vessels were however, due, and the opinions of letter writers as to the eft'ect they would have on the market when they did arrive, were v* fious. Our correspondents, tb® editors or the Gazette, have furnished us with the follow ing letter of the evening of the 30th March, and with extracts, which follow :— *• Since mine by the Bultena, we hove had no arrivals. The demand for Cotton is most animated. Tho total sales of the three first days of the week were 29,500 bags. This day about 10,000 bags more were sold and prices are fully U higher than last week—IBJ have been paid for Bowcds, and for a lot of old, of as good quality as I have ever seen, I7d have been refused. Upon a change of wind we must have large arri Vais, but I do not think they will affect pri. ces materially, if at all.” In addition to the above, Gore’s Advert!- "KasTieen exTremcly animated. he poreolve that Rmli is completely cut olffiom supplies both byiea and lend, and his only nitertietive is to fight nr starve. A Cow weeks since three |un boats, full of men headed by a man of tho name of Williams, who has often chaiged sides, deserted from the Castle and oonunsaoiAXs. [or TUB SHIP PBBIIDBNT AT CHAHLESTON.] Acte- York, May 5.—Coffee.—The same ve inactivity, as noticed in our last, still per- For New-York, established line, The regular packet ship i.-m oi,-iiiiii EMPEROR, J. II. Bennett, Matter, Will meet with immediate de- thcmselves up to tho Patriot equation, vadcs tho market, and tile sales are confined spatch. For freight or passage, having su- . D .. ft.ti.i, pniivinfr off here Three niirhts anolthe' to trifling parcels, of which some line Green perior accommodations, apply to Captain manded 5900 men m upper Peru. Callao cruizing w g n | T Cuba has boon disposed of at 20 cts. feennett, on board, at Jones’ Opper Wharf, blockaded on the 2d Feb. by tho frigate „ n(lBrl | 1P _ IMlllu f tho Castle, wjoro Cuba, lb. Ill a 20 | Brazil, 19 ; PortoRi- or to HALL & HOYT. , rectly under the guns of tho Castle, wiaro O’Higgins, the slopp of war lineament, they succeeded in getting out one gun nit; and brig Montezuma—the royal squadron. only two or throe men were wounded, bl- though tlioy were exposed to the incessant had sailed tor Manilla* co 21 ; Laguira, 20; St. Domingo, 18; Ja va 22. Cotton Bagging—'There is less inquiry fire ot’three batteries and ono hundred and jSorthiH articlo, aud we have heard ot no ,, Bnn - tra hvtlw* Gear win. Patriot tliat My niusketmen for nearly two hours.— jialBsinco our last, except a lot of^ about 60 It appears by the Georgia Patriot, that Tw y 0 ni , lt8 gince t h 0 y v. ntured in nguin,, Viocts, by auction, yosterday, the quality the Small Pox which has uppeared in Mon-1 but without success. The Spanish Squa- of • Inch was not such as to afford a criteri- ticellu, in this stato, was brought by a mor-! dron have left the the coast, it is thought for on of the market. or to May 13 chant from Charleston, as we have stated, Iftho disease is known in that city, to any extent, we trust there will be no hesitation in divulging the fact. The Georgia Patriot of the 10th instant, gives the following statement relative to the late disturbance in tho Creek nation :— old Spain.” About the 1st of February tlie Frigate United Stales. Commodore Hull, had sailed For Liverpool, The first-rate coppered ship CHARIOT, P. Pratt, Master, Will r.ommeoce loading this dny Hump, yard 30 a 31; Flax 26. and he promptly despatched. For freight CUlm.—The transactions, since our last of cotton or passage, having handsome ac- rsport, have been leBS extensive, hut prices commodntious, apply to the master on froiii Collao Bay for Truxillo, leaving in ! arc hilly maintained. Amnngthe salestlmt board, or to S. B. PARKMAN. the Buy, the U. S. Sloop of War Peacock ! have been made, about 600 bales North- May 13 43i. to protect our trade during his aosenco.— Clnralinn were disposed ot yesterday at 24{ BIaMJU, W\\IfeUV,X,f Cl Oft BARRELS HAXHALL’S FLoiJ OU 30 do Rye Whiskey UlR \\ N. Fmglund Rum 15 do Rye Gin 15 do Prime Beef 20 do Navy Broad 15 Tierces retailing Ri ce ALSO, Tar, Pitch, Rosin, Bright and Black Varnish, and Sperm and 7V 0 / n 0i , with a variety of other articles in ii,„ r “ eery Lino, for ante low bv “ r °- JOHN HfiRNANRRZ April 29 EXClmne \^ Tho U. 8. Schooner Dolphin had sailed for (|uilca.—Fed. Gax, The Sea Serpents have rather nistimed their visit this time, they have heretofore On Saturday morning 1st of May, about opportunely to till up a corner an hour betore daylight, an aitock was . , r !. , ... made by a party of several hundred, who surrounded the house' of M'lnlosli, set tire hut now we have no mud of to it, sliat Iiiiii, and threw ids body into the flames ’. Two other chiefs, Etomme Tus- tuiiiiugge, and Colonel Hawkins, being, u- niong those who hud signed the treaty, were alsu killed. They then commenced plundering and destroying property. M’- Iiitosli had a large sum of money in his house, severul thousand dollars of which, ill bills, were burnt, tile rest was plundered by the hostiles. No insult was offered the women and children, ami we hear of no person being molested but. such as had sign ed the treaty. Chilly M’lntneh, son of the General, made hie escape by leaping out of the window, dashing through the midst of his enemies, aud plunging into the river, which he swam amidst a shower of bullets. Two passed through his shirt, but’he came oft' uninjured. Chilly M’lntoah and four or five other chiefs arrived in Millcdgcville, from whom we learn the above particulars. Their ob ject here, woe. we understchd, to solicit the aid of the governor to punish the uftenders, as he had promised. But getting no as sistance from this quarter, several of them have gone on to Washington City, to lay the affair before the President. It is further stated by the Patriot, that three fourths of the nation are said to be against the treaty, and determined to avenge the injury they allege they have have sustained. This is directly contra dicted by the statement we published yes- terday, which we presume to be true—they Anil been determined to avenge their wrongs, but were satisfied with the execution of vengeance upon M’lntnsh. Citv Councii—Circumstances have for a time past prevented us from noticing the proceedings of Council. A regular meeting was held yesterday. Present the Mavoh, Aldermen H.iukhsham, The week ;»mc*,J 5t .:Yoc„. and'M,LLZN_ ... , , ,, , ! A bill to Iio entitled an ordinance, fur de- eiuling 1 uesday last, prices generally ad- vising a mode of payment for the Poor- vancetl, leaving off about 2d per lb. higher House aud Hospital, was read the first than tiie previous Tuesday. Yesterday the ^ ll ' 8 ^ I s Indicated upon the fol- demand continued, and about 10,600 bags which* wTadomed' 1 on "uieVsth.’ald Urn were sold at an advance of Jd per lb. above Mayor requested to carry it into effect: the prices of the day before." ‘ Bci'ort.—The Committee appointed to In the House of Commons on the 28th ? e A° ciatt :. th , e 1 building, com- nionly called the Poor-House ami Hospital, ofMarch, Mr. Curwen presented a petition now in possession of the Planters’Bunk and from the merchants and dealers in corn in !,Vi 8U , rau , c<i Company, of this city, reported, - , f ■ , , t hat, they had obtained an offer of that London, for a revision ot the corn laws, building, from those Institutions, to the Cor and for a protecting duty of from 56 to 60s poration, for the henelii of the city, for tile a quarter. They also prayed that a duty 3um . 0t l,uven tll0U8u " <i dollars, as their .• . , , . , minimum price, payable in or within the on foreign gram might be imposed to the period of ten years, with interest at six per extent of 20s on wheat, 10s on barley, and vent, per annum and payable semi-annual. 8s on oats; but they wished the corn, ly ' .T 1 '® Committee entertaining the opin- , . ion‘tiiat tuu bunding in worth the amount 4 -n bonded, to be admitted into the market demanded, and that it should become fort h- duly fret*. Mr. Ellice opposed the prayer, with the property of the city, recommend and Mr. Huskisson deprecated any discus- t0 , * 1B Board that it accept tiio oft'er herein " on »“ P—nutlon. of the petition$£& .mS. 0 ™ ““ ‘° C °"“' be was glad that Mr.Curwen, who. in 1821, j On motion of Alderman Mii.i.en, Was a staunch advocate for monopoly had Bentved, That each Engine-House be so fa, relaxed in his opinions. After some j Ump't'tomh, 1 Tt'lT la '‘" ,0rn ' °"° further discussion, the petitiou was ordered to lie upon the table. Air. Huskisson had given notice that he should move on Monday the 4th, for an ad journment on the I fli of April. Inconsequence of the important servi ces rendered to the town of Liverpool, by their talented member Mr. Huskisson, by unfettering commerce from impolitic re strictions, a subscription had been opened for the purchase of a piece of plate, which imountod on tiie 3t)th to £' loo. Fkom Kev West.—We learn from Capt. 8issou. from Thompson's Island, that at the time he left it, the island continued very unhealthy—and many of the United States Troops wore sick. No U. S. vessels were in port. The American ship’Henry, Captain Ingersoll, (of New-York) went ashore on the Dry Tortugus shout 16 days ago. The vessel is totally lost, crew saved. Tiie lar ger part of the cargo had arrived at Key West, partially damaged. The II. was loaded with cotton, and was bound from N. Orleans to Liverpool. The cargo was to be sold at Key Wesi on the 9th iiietant. It appears by a letter from Captain Mun- *ok, of the ship Franklin, published in the New-York papers, that a large amount of property saved from the wreck of hie vessel, was plundered by tiie inhabitants, 200 or more, aasainbed on tiie beach near Barne- whore the vessel went ashore. Advices from Jamaica to about the 6th ef April, state that Coffee, &c. had declin ed in consequence of intelligence of a de cline ot West India produce in England. purpose of being us ed by the Fire Company when on night duty, and that the name of said Company (j ||m niunlif,. ..4* ..™ '. .1 TJ.- .! I I ' l I and tho number of said Engine, be legibly marked or painted on said luntiiorn. Among the petitions presented wa9 one from Louts Ginoi>o«, praying a remission oi R HIlf* imnnunit .11 liint ao I .......A-.... ol a fine imposed ll him as Lainp'Cuntrac- tor—referred to the Lamp Committee. A report ot the Committee of the Engine Company, advising tiie placing a scuttle in each pump lor introducing the hose in case of fire, recommending 500 feet of hose for each suction engine, three inches in diame ter, and 50 feet ot ditto for each piuying engine, to he attached to the pipes of the same, was referred to the Engine Com mittee. Mr. G. B. Cummins was elected a mem ber of the Fire Company, to fill the vacan cy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. Ker, Interesting from Peru We have been favored with a letter from an esteem ed friend, which contains some interesting information relative to the state of affairs at Callao, in January last. This letter con firms the surrender of some of tho royal Garrison, with three gun boats, to tiie pa- triot squadron, as stated a few days since in the F edernl Guzctte. The following is an extract of this letter, dated Callao thy, Jan. 21. 1825.—“ My report of tiie entire defeat of the Spaniards has proved to be correct, they met with a total deteat and the Vice Roy and the principal generals were taken prisoners. The arti cles of capitulation which included the sur render ot the Castle of Callao has not yet been complied with, and the comma niiing officer,General Rodil, has positively refused to give them up, and moreover aays lie does not believe the Patriots have gained this boasted victory, hut that it is a report originating among themselves to play upon Ills fears—which he appears to have very little ot. There is a Chilian frigate and a Colombian sloop of war laying here, which prevents all supplies by water, and General Bolivar ia in possession of Lima, with a- bout three thousand men and expect- a re. in a dearth them. Uncommon Pish.—From the Boston Pal ladium.—Being on board the brig Mary & Eliza, of Boston, from Bullimore, on Wed nesday, 27th April, 1825, at 6, A. M. Race Point, Cope Cod, bearing S S E, distance 4 leagues, discovered something a little on our larboard bow, hauled up for it. When at a small distance, found it to be a living animal—t *ok it to be what bus been called a Sea Serpent. When passed it a small distunce, tacked ship and stood for it again. Fonud that there were two of thorn—they made from us—however, we soon overtook them. Being some time in company with them, we had a fair view. They anpear- ed, when head to us, more like horses sw.m ming than any tiling we could compare them to. Their length appeared to bo a- bout 40 feet, their head aud neck about 6 or 8 feet, which they kept out of the water about 4 feet. From the top of their heads to the water, the head part appeared to be full of bunches like barnacles, or knots of divers colours—being about 100 feej from them we could view them well. Their bodies appeared to be of the colour of a whale, their tails lay flat in the water, aud spread about 8 feet, like a whale’s tail. After viewing th *m about 15 minutes, we tacked ship, and stood on our course. They likewise tacked and swain after us, when they appeared more like horses than ever, and their way through the water was nearly as fust as ours. There was a white screak running about two thirds round their heads at tiie water’s edge which wo took, to be where the mouth was. They some times bloweU like ■whales. The spout holes were about 4 feet from their nose, on their hacks. They hud a very blunt nose. They must either be Sea-Horses or Sea-Serpents, for such fish noneon board evorsnw before. ABNER H. LOVELL, Master. BENJ. SMALL, Mute. ennts, which is considered a little advance on previous rates. The Import hns been from New-Orlenns 13 >0 boles ; Florida 156; Aliihaiiiii 306; Georgia 323; S.Carolina 41 ; N.Carolina 183.—Total2311 bales. Import from 1st to 30th April 28.828 bales. Export from 1st to 30th April 14,923 hales. By refer For 8t. Johns.E. Florida, The fast sailing schooner EMELIN E, Ihiljicldy Mauler, Will sail for the above port on Sun day next. Fur freight or passuge, apply ring to our monthly table it will be seen that to the Captain on board, at Jones’ Upper Liinding, 100 Northern Gin Holland Gin 1‘ipes Superior Brandy, g»i, nett’s Brand • 5 do do, 3000 Pounds Bacon, nnd n few K,., North Cnrtdinn Lnrd Fur sale by COHEN & MILLER M »y 11 % The follewingshori passagesoftheSpeech of Mr. Huskisson, who moved a plan for a red u ('Lit mjifjlu UtsJjLjJ iUliWAVOrf tive. “ He proposed to reduce the duties on me tallic substances; first, tho duties on foreign iron from £6. 10s. to£l. 10s. Since , he had given the intimation he had seen many iron masters, but tlioy all seemed to think that freedom of trade was excellent in all brunches, except in the iron trade—there mononpoly was the best thing in the world. (*tl Laugh.) Tho high duties, however, wore occasioning orders to bo senttoGor- mauy insiendofEnglund.” “Thesilktrade had so increased now, that it was the prac tice, to accommodate the empire of fashion, to manufacture in England * French ar ticles, to be sent down to the coast of- Sus sex to be ‘smuggled back’” “A friend of his had imported a mummy throe thousad years old. The custom-house could not call it a 4 raw materia) ;’so, after much debating they voted it a 4 manufactured article. [Loud Laughter.) It was valued at four hun dred pounds, and. being pronounced n man ufactured article, he bud to pay £200. or 100 per cent.” the Import from 1st January to the 30th April, amounts to 98,518 bales. And for the same period last year, to 39,660 bales. In creased Import, 58,958 bales. The Export, from 1st Junuary to 30th April, amounts to 44,317 bales. And for the same period last year, to 19.58*2 bales. Increased export, 24,735 bales. Upland 23 a 27; New-Or- leans 27 a 30 ; Alabama, 23 a 26 ; Tennes see 21 a 25. olasses.—the market has become very dull, and we have heard of no sales since our Inst quotation. Martinique and Gua- daloupe, gal. 31 a 33 ; English Island* 31 a 33 ; Havana 31 a 32 ; New-Orlei ns 33 a 35 Sugar Hou?o 40. Rice.—We have no sales to report; the inquiry has been very limited since our last notiep. We continue the same quotations. The import has been from Savannuh 764 tcs. 17hull*tea. Charleston 809, 1 hulftc. ; Georgetown. S. 0. 96 tcs. 11 half tcs. To tal, from, 1st to 30th April, 5433 tcs. 669 half tcs. Export from 1st to 3oth April, 2828 tcs. Rice, cwt. $3 25 a 4. Sugar*—The transactions since onr last have been principally in New-Orleans, of which about 60 hhds. have been sold ; 140 hhds of prime quality were disposed of by private contract at 9J cents, and about the same quantity by auction yesterday at 7^ to 8| cents, averaging about 7J cents ; an other parcel of 80 hhds. was sold by auction on Saturday at 6g to 8A cents. These sales indicate a small decline in price, but tii holders generally would not eel) at these rates. The depression has resulted priuc.i pally from the great infinx of Sugars within the Inst few days; but ah the export demand may be expected soon to take off the for eign Sugars, it is probable the market may recover its aetitvity at former prices. Freights—To Liverpool, Cotton, gcr lb. ?d; Tobacco, per hhd. 35s a 40; Rice tierce, 10s a 10s. fid To the Continent, Cotton, per lb. 1| to 1$ cents. Wharf, or to May 13 HALL & IIOYT. For New-York, ng s< OCEAN, Hcicett, Master, ■For freight or passage, apply to JOHN CANDLER. Janes’ Buildings. Who hat for sale. Imperial and Bolion Tea Philadelphia Family Flour, Cheese Wine in Boxes and American Scgurs May 13 4J Fresh Medicines. A company is forming in Liverpool for the purpose of cutting a ship canal across Ireland, to avoid the dangerous passage from the western coast of England round Cape Clejir. >, It has been estimated, that the annual loss of property to and from America, on the const of Ireland, amounts to £180,000; a great part ol which might]be saved, and voyages be shorteiipd, hy means of a canal from-the Bny of Dublin to tialway Bay, Sir Walter Scott had declined the honor of being Rector of St. Andrews University, on tho score of his increasing years and a- version to business. There is no latei intelligence from the continent than we have previously received. It seems to be pretty generally believed that serious negociations on the subject of self-emancipation of the Span isli Colonies, have commenced. London, March 27.—A serious impression was made on the market about the middle of the week, and consols for money decli ned to 95$ ; Colombian bonds 98$, and Mex ican to 72. A reaction had since occurred, hut scarcely any business had been done.— Two negocintions for a Spanish loan are understood to be open. Consols for account 93$ to j. Exchange.—Bills on London, 60 — - — — —■ «■ t ywwi tiali do. 2J,a 3 dis. i a J. » -i-Mivaii 1 New--Orleans do. par We are informed that we did not exactly understand, and of course did not accurate ly state, the ground on which the exception taken by Com. Porter to the Court ot* In quiry now sitting in this city, was overruled by t lie Hecretn ry of the N avy. The Letter ofthe Secretary to the Court stated, that, as far as the Secretary could be called upon lor an opinion on that question, Com. P. ought to have made liis_application to him at an earlier day, but that the opinion of the> Rp, ; p&rtment, as to tho legality ofthe niannerin. which the Court was composed, had teen expressed in the very act which croued and convened the Court, and that nothin" was discovered in the argument of Com. P. to change the opinion. The act of the Department was placed, therefore, on the ground ofits legality, by the Secretary, ind not on the jjronnd of time in takingthe exoepj tion.that circumstance being incidentally in troduced in his lettef. Our information was obtained in current conversation, and was «ii~.Ti'«ix.aar aaa a ss sx&iz*. Augusta, Mat/ 10—Our market haR ex hibited for several days pasta gluoniy pros pect to holders of Cotton ; and prices have grndually dor-lined, without any indications of a* disposition in sellers or buyers to do any thing. The few parcels that have been sold went off at 20 a 24 cents, according to quality. By the mails of/Saturday evening, w • are put in possession of Liyerpool quo tations to 29th March, at which time upland Cotton rumred from 12Jd a I6J.1 and I7d and been refused for prime ou tiie evening ofthe 28th. Tiie total sales during 6 days amounted to 60.000 bales at Liverpool. It is thought that the article will continue to improve.— Qur latest dates from Havre are ofthe 25fh March. Uplands were steady at 30 to 26. The stock left on hand was 9000 hales Cotton of all descriptions, nnd the monthly consumption rated at 12.500 bales. All the other markets on the continent were equal ly bn re. In consequence of these flattering ac- co'ints we linve had more enquiry for Cot ton, nnd 25 cts. hns been offered and refu sed for lots. Our stock in warehouses is about 2p,000 bales.— Constitutionalist. We omitted yesterday to acknowledge the receipt of Providence papers, in antici pation ofthe Mail, hv tlioschooner Ramb’er. atiAUHi x&miXASLn A SMALL QUANTITY of very supe rior Castor Oil in hottles. Magnesia of excellent quality, Soda nnd Soidletz Pow ders. with a number of other Medicines, may be Imd at. prices much below the usual rate, if applied for to Mrs. S. HOWARD. Mav 13 43p Supe. ior Fresh Figs and 1 ‘urn arinds, J UST received nnd for snle by LAY if HENDRICKSON, May 13 Ehnn’s Buildings. Coffee. A FEW B;igs Prime Havana Green Cof fee, for sale by T. S. LUTHER. fee, for sale by May 13 Superior * ohm ,e IVuer. W ARRANTED GENUINE and im ported, just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 13 Shad’s Buildings. IN THE PRESS AND nrn.t SPEEDILY BE PUBLISHED, BY S. C.and J.SCHENK, . Price in Boards 75 Cents, TRIUMPH OF RELIGION. orn ! a- on 6c Mess Pork 3000 BUSHELS Maryland W'bita !i5 Barrels Mess Pork 8000 Pounds Prime Midilliiw 23 Keg* Butter Landing from schooner Rising Sun, for=al«* by J. B. HERBERT & CO. May 11 Ftaucis ftoml, OFFKRS FUR S/W.!., QO BARRELS LOAF SUGAR 3 Barrels Peach Brandy mid 2 Barrels Alii proof Whiskey, land ing per schooner Rising Sun IN STORK, 200 Barrels Superfine Flour 150 Barrels White’s Gin 8 Barrels and t» boxes Boron Window Ghius, American Castings American and Spanish Si ear* K .. a 1 1 » i v i line jtVrk Just Beci'ivcd by ship Emperor, •JT BPLS prime Pork, city in^rr nn For sale by May 12 ity inyrrtion. A. BAaSSkT. 1 Corn Afloat. 1 /i OO BUSHELS North Cnn'ini " Corn, on hoard the srhimnef Nancy, at Tcdfuir’s Wharf. Purchaseri may enquire ofthe master on boarJ, or THOMPSON & BOKNY. * May 11 41 Corn Afloat. OOAA BUSHELS CORN, on bnarl the sloop Regjlulor, at Jones’ Upper Wharf. Enquire ofthe master or THOMPSON & BONNY. May 11 11 BY A YOUNG I.ADY OF GEORGIA. T HE following compliment to the merits ot this little book, is contained in a l orn and Bacon 1 *3 A A BUSHELS CORN, nnd I6» ■ M ijnKM put,info uacon, fit to eai.^a board tho schooner IVaterbortmgH. En quire of the master, or THOMPSON & BONNY. May 11 4i Co’’/! Afloat. 2000 BUyHELS t:oRN< o '> ''"mj the arhoonar Puurillion.VVii l i|. enr, at Bolton's Wharf. Enquire of lit master, or THOMPSON & BONNY. ' May 11 p Flour. I AA BARRELS Baltimore Superfine 1 OU Flour, for sole bv Mnv 11 S. B. PARKMAN. 4ln letter from a Presbyterian Clergyman in this stuto “ One great beauty of the work is, that it rises in ianguuge, and thought, and inter est, from its commencement to its end.— There is a constantly increasing elevation nnlij it closes with our feelings excited to the highest pitch, and we leave it nrdnntlv i — desirous to “ die the death of tiie righteous." I Coffee. e th« l M 8 H nL ! 0, ” 0n ot,u f ut * n " ll 1 av " l f l K f BAGS Prime Green Coffer. Ming the lt le M ;, 8 A mU< ' ' P T ed " * fr0,n br 'g Pantiles, which trill be mein advanced i&P '!' « b»rf I, Subscriptions received nt the Book-Store of Messrs. S. C. & J. SCHENK. Mnv 13 43 Tickets Reck vkd. 3HOSE who have ordered tickets in the BRADLEY, CLAGIDWOOD, May II - Anciaux’nWharf. Grand State LoWry of Rhode Island. First Cluss, New Series, are informed they are ready for delivery, and are requested i to call for them. The following are tlir* 1- principal prizes, which will be distributed on 3d of June next VTOETiVBLi: PORT OP SAVAXUffAH ARRIVED, Schr. Anna Maria, Sisson, Key West, 4 days, in ballast to tiie master. Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charleston, tl hours, with a lull cargo, to Guudry & Her bert, C. Baker, J. E. Burrill, Jno. M’Nish, E. Paildlnford, W. Cruthers, J. B. Herbert & co. and to order. 6 passengers. Steam Boat Commerce, Harvey .Augusta 3 days, with 600 hales cotlou ior Charleston. BELOW, Schr. Science, Wing, from Darien, bound to Charleston, put in ou accuuut of head winds. SAILED, Pilot boatschr Savannah, White,Charleston. ARRIVED FROM THIS POUT, At Boston, let instant, schr. Bethia & Anna'. Hawes, 14 days. Passengers in the pilot boat achr. Savan- yaniiab, tor Charleston—Judge Huger, Dr. Huig, Capt. Thomas, Messrs. S. Elliot G Buchanan. Win. Turner, J. M. Jones C M’lutire, J. M’Nish, J. W. Long, and oil,'ere! Charleston, May II.-Arrived, Line shin President, Jennings, New-York, 4 davs^ ship b mini, Pratt, Philadelphia. 5 days, ami 4 hom the Capes ; ship Georgia Packet Bonce, Philadelphia, 7 days j Br. bark Pn' liidonia, M’Cumb, Liverpool, 42 days • hr!" Now- amshire, Snow.Von.T day ® Sloop Helen, Bourn, Ballimoro. 7d» J y * * . . Ballimore, 7days, brrn ’ #VyBou e h ’ Lee - New- ^Cent toSea, V. L. achr. Orbit, Beets. N. 1 of 1 of 5 of 1 of 810,000 5,000 1,000 548 4 of 8 of. 44 of 8500 100 50 $C. fcC. $c. Present price p 50—Apply at LUTHER’S Mav EXCHANGE OFFICE. 13 Holland Gin. I 6 PJPES Real Weesp, Swan Brand, JL U of the host quality, landing from sihp Emperor, for sale hy FRANCIS SORREL, „ Anderson’s Wharf. May 12 42p Sugar. Coffee, Figs, &c. 30 BARRELS SUGAR 33 Bags Prime Green Coffee 50 Drums Figs 4 Half Barrels Shad 100 Casks Nails 10 Kegs Currant Wine Just received and for sale low, bv ORRAY TAFT. - M "y 12 4-?„ !■ V.’L- A fresh supply oi the pi UABLE MEDICINE, just received per brig Frances, ami for sole hv GEO. R YERSO.V, Mnv 11 Side Agent. Prune Green Coffee. WiV BAGS of prime quality, forra'p • ” S. B. PARKMAN' Mnv 10 -I") Sperm t. eti L< ndls ond PhA- adelphiu Ry ; tVhisketj. pOR sale bv May 9 WILLIAM CROTHERS, t Ihinkr't IhoohA !,.an Prussic Acid nr Staph.Qti.nnA J UST received by ship Savannah,and for sale by , LAV & HENDRICKSON, May 3 Shad’s Building- Coftee and ’’anal F'our C C. GRIS WOLD S; CO. offer for sale, . landing Irom ship Emperor, 100 Bags Prime Green Coffeo 25 Half Barrels Canal Flour May 12 Double Distilled Rose Water A r RES £ SUPPLY of best London .■h7a,a"d e f„rsafoV; CUVCj ^ b "® P “*’ ri. • . * HENDRICKSON, 9 Mm ° tU ® g “ U ’ ^ kd ’* BniWinfft. V Inspector of Dry Culture- A N inspector is wanted for the inspection ofthe lands under contract tor Dry Culture. Applications will be reco'vcd »»• til tiie 20th inst. when* choice will be nuu* by the Committee, according to the term* and qualifications of tho applicants. WM. R. WARING. Chairman Committee Dry Culture. May 5 * For Sale, A COMPLETE WAITING MAN, 'fi ber and honest. Also, to be b| r|, “ one or two good waiters. In a private W* ly or in a well regulated bptrding-hotue, these ' servants would be aa acquisdi* Apply at the office of lh« Georgian, lor '“P tber information May • ^