Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 13, 1825, Image 3
£ fUSMOVAL. , n T UB aubscribore have removed to John- ft on’s S(|iinre, next door wont ut Hohh. A. Low & Co. wb-re they are opening a handsome assortment ol fancy and Staple Dry Goods, b ,»i«. to tlieir Amner stock. RosR IT'Vhc Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Milledgeville, will give the above mur in- icrtaius, and forward their accounts to this olBcc. 8VYL\.IS*H (Hid SlXAYlkBi tiOOHA. YJY the ships Georgia and Harp, arrived JJ from Liverpool, tlie subscribers have received t/ieir usual supply of SEASONABLE IDUYOT CSsDDIDSo Having been purchased wilh cash, pro- lious t» the advance in England, they can be afforded and will be sold at low prices, uid on a long credit, for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW Si. CO. Feb VI t J rk •* crackers. tUST received per ship Corsair and brig (| Pantlica, 3U Barrels Prime Pork 5 do Snrgi'iii’s Crackors JO do White Beans 5 Half barrels Fofton Market Beef IS store, 25 Barrels Mess Pork 45 do Prime Beef 20 do Mess do 10 do Sperm Oil 15 do Paint Oil For sub! bv „ BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD. May U TMWYK. W v F. Sic. c. GRISWOLD Si CO. offer for sale, , lauding from ship Corsair, 75 Barrels Prime and ) Fork, N. York 25 do Moss J city inspection. IN STORE, 25 Barrels Prime Beef, city inspection 100 Kegs YY T hite Lead 25 do Black Paint 5 do Spanish Brown 10 Barrels Whiting May 10 Copartnership, fJ7HE subscribers have connected them- 1 selves iu the Grocery Business under the firm of WHUbttpT & C«uvwfc\\, and solicit a share ofthe public patronage. P. WTLTBERGER. Jr. GEO. D. CORNWELL. Mnv 8 t--I : t ttun Ragging. A FJ5YY r pieces best Baltic IL-rnp Bagging A do do do Flaxen do for sale by JOHN II. REID. Anri! 29 31 Prime Seed Rice, TlOR SALE—applv to r SAMUEL M. BOND, or R. & J. HABERSHAM. . March 11 90 Darien Money. TjlLLS of the Bank of Darien, will be JL> received for Dry Goods, bv (L YV. ROCKYVELL& CO. April 14 13 Potatoes. 4 K TIERCES Prime Northern Pota- X toes, just received and for f.:i!e by liRADLfiY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD, M v H’ Anein'w’-- Wharf- i he Library open for tlie delivery of Books, on Mon- J. day, Ifydntvluy and Friday, from three un* il five o'clock, P. M. May 12 42 ftpe m Oil nnd Candles. • Jii-’ received by ship Corsair, A OASlvH Sperm Oil. first, quality tc 20 Boxes Sperm Candles do For sale by A* BASSETT. May 10 Landing aiid f >r Sale. Q|\ BOXES Spormneoti Candles 0\F 100 Reams YY T rapping Paper L. BALDWIN & CO. May 10 4Ou Loaf *uigar. DA BARRELS LOAF AND LUMP Ovr SUGAR, for sale bv April 14 P. M’DERMOTT. Just Rec ivcit b>t ship Augusta, ■J O BOZEN Seidlitz Powders A. A Sulph. Ommne, English Mustard Cinchonine Best Lamp Oil Por sale by p. E. BRA8SINNE, April 14 Opposite the Exchange. Js'oUpe- fpIIE co-partnethhip of GAUDRY & X HERBERT, is dissolved by mutual consent. Persons who are indebted to said *)Y m , ate requested to make payment to J0IIN B. GAUDRY, he being fully au thorised to settle the affairs of said concern. J. B. GAUDRY, M. HERBERT. April 26 28 aasawAan, James Anderson Co. H AVE removed to the middle tenement Young’s Buildings, whore they oft'ar for sale a large and general assortment of FANCY AN*) STAPLE DRY GOODS, received hy the latest arrivals from Liver pool and New-York. April 25 27 F ^Visaing, ROM the ship Savannah, Capt. Bebee, a Trunk, supposed to contain shoes, marked John Wingfield, Kingston, Ga Any person having received the same, will please give information to BENJ. BURROUGHS. May 10 40p MEDICAL RECORDER, Wo. ais. 1 9 just received and ready for delivery, at the Book-Store of W. T. WILLIAMS, where subscribers to said work will be re ceived. From the Boston Medical Intelligencer. THE MEDICAL RECORDER. A desire to extend a knowledge, among- our professional brethren, of the merits of this highly valuable publication, has induc ed U6 to bring this subject again before our renders. Since its first appearance, the Medical Recorder supported a high reputa tion, but when it came under the superin tendance of the present editor, Dr. Col- hottn, a spirit was infused into its pages, which has given it a decided superiority over the multitude of those tame periodical works on medicine, which are continually teeming from the press, we can strongly re commend the Medical Recorder to the no tice of the profession, as on« of the best public journals of medicine in the Union, it is published at Philadelphia, by Mr. James Webster. From the Frcderi<:k~Town Examiner. Without intending any disparagement to the other periodical medical journals of our country, I will at present advert to but one. “ The Medical Recorder,” conducted by Dr. Colhou , and published Quarterly in Phila delphia, is a work entitled, not only to the patronage, but to the attentive perusal: of every physician and medical student in the United States. It is truly au independent work. Under the thraldom of no scholas tic dogma, and pledged to support no par ticular medical college to the preju dice of another, it is exempt from one of the most fatal circumstances which too often attend works of this description—the promulgation of error under the imposing influence of a respectnble university. mnv 11 04’n Remedy for the tiles, T HE Medicine now offered to the public is one which haR heen fully subjected to the infallible test of experience ; and in every instance where it has been fairly tri ed. it has been attended with the most com plete success. Ill some of the cospr, the patients had been labouring under tbo dis ease for years, and during that period, had received the best medical advice, and had even undergone a painful surgical opera tion, without permanent advantage. It is not (like those usually advertised) offered as a certain cure for a long catalogs r * diseases, but. those afflicted with this com plaint, for which alone it is recommended, may roly with confidence upon obtaining relief, even in its worst forms, in n short j time; nnd themselves are the best judges ! of the importance of such a. remedy. Price ' 60 cents per box, wit h directions signed by i the proprietor. Prepared and sold at I JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug and Chemical Store, No. 273. North Third St. above Callowbill, PhiladePa. The proprietor has appointed LAV &. HENDRICK SUN, corner of Congress and Whittaker Streets, Shad’s Buildings, sole ; agents for the sale of this medicine, in Su- vaiinMi. Clio. 1 ID’ The Darien Gazette, the Washing ton Nows, Georgia Journal, and Macon Messenger, wiil please give the above three | insertion and forward their accounts to Mnv to L. & If. The Subscriber, B EGS leave to inform the inhabitants of Savannah, that he intends opening an Aca&emjf in tivia Git y, about the 20th of October, for the instruc tion of young gentlemen in the English, Latin and Greek Languages, nnd the Math ematics. Having been educated at one of the first Universities in Europe, he humbly hopes to meet with encouragement from those who wish to give their sons n liberal, education. Having taught in the Chuthum Academy, for the last six months, lie hns pleasure in referring to the trustees tor .in formation respecting him as a teacher. HENRY HOOD. Mny 12 42 p* THE SUBSCRIBER I NFORMS the friends of the former firm and the public in general, that he will eontinue the GROCERY BUSINESS, at thesaine stand, and solicits their patronage, ana all persons indebted to the firm of GAUDRY Si HERBERT, are requested w make as speedy payment as possible. , „ JOHN B. GAUDRY. April 28 -28ep tsWAlAl’a CELEBRATED PANACEA. riNHE subscribers have just received per X ship F.mperor. a fresh supply of the nbuvn VALUABLE MEDICINE,and have made such arrangements with the inventor, Mr. VVm. Swaim, as will enable them to offer to the public a pure and unadulterated article. Druggists and others who purchase to sell again, can have it at the original price established bv the proprietor. LAY &' HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings, A Treatise on Swaim’s Panacea, with cases illustrating its success, will be loaned to those interested, by applying as above. Mav 20 Rece ver l ax Returns Office. T HE subscriber is now ready to receive the Returns of Taxable Property, for tiiis county. His office is in James Morri son, Esq’s. Building, adjoining John C, Nicoll, Esq. ADAM COPE, R. T. R. C. C. Fob 11 6611 Notice, T HE members of “The Female Mission ary Society of Christ Church.” are rrauested to pay their subscription for 1U25, K, S. JU- WALL, Secretary. May 82 4' » J08EPH KOPMAN 4 CO. H AVE received by the William Wal lace, a further supply of lSritiftYv, VreiwYx & Canton OowU, Vvz *. j and J,Cambric Prints Ginghams, Dimities White and Printod Marsels Vesting Plain and figured Jaconet and Buok Muslin Plain and Figured SwisB Muslin Swiss Muslin ltnbcs and Aprons Du do Hlidkfs and Points Silk ► tripe Drilling Denmark Sattins, Corduroys Cotton Hose, asserted Madrass Handkerchiefs Super Blue Cloths and Cassimeres Black and Colored Canton Crapes Bluck Nankeens do Colored do Rohes Sinclinws ami Levantines Lovantine Sattin Black Figured ’Silks Brown do do Barugcs Scarfs, Shawls and Dresses Seersuckers Blue and Yellow Nnnkeens Bandana and Flag Handkerchiefs Black Barcelona Silk Stockings and Half Hose Buckskin Gloves Umbrellas, Parasols and Fans 4 Cases 4 Linens, assorted 2 do J.f, nnd 'f. Diapers 20 Bales Domestic Plaids, Stripes and Shirtings, &c. 11 do Oznaburgs together witli a variety of other articles, worthy the attention of Planters and Coun try Merchants. April 16 20 &P' P&dH&IBffS Jfl> ML Mh If OR, .lAVWto. A LIilE OF PACKETS has been csta- blidied between New-York and Havre, to loavejboth ports regularly, on the Firtt and FJhfntk daye of each month during the year. The ships composing tho line, are fast well found and commanded, cop pered and copjie'r fastened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise all that can be required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers in the cabin will be t&- kenfor£ 140 each, for which they arefurnish- ed with beds, beddding, wines and aftiple itoroB of every description. Goods intended for shipment by them, may be sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception and forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with jhe freight at Havre. A letter Bag is at the New-York PoBt Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas-' sage, must he addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS Si BOYD. Agent., New York. oct 14 72 m A Teacher, W HO has had several years experience in the instruction of youtii, in the English Language, wishes a situation. He can give the most satisfactory references both for character iind qualifications. A line addressed to II. D. at this office, will meet with prompt attention. May 10 40p||* ■Dividend, No 14. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Savannah, 22d April, 1025. \ T HE Board ofDircctors having this day declared a dividend on the capital stock of this Bank, for the last six tnon'hs, of $3 per share, or six per cunt pur annum, the same will be paid to the respective Stockholders thereof, or to their order, on nnd after Mondnv no't. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. IT The editors of tho Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Southern Re corder and Georgia Journal. Milledgeville, will please to publish the above three times, and charge the expense to this Bank. April 2.3 96 District Court.—.Votire. I N consequence of his Honor Judge Cry- lbr, being detained at Milledgeville. in attendance upon the Circuit Court, the Ses sion of the District Court in this city, is postponed to MONDAY, 30th inst. of which nil concerned, will take due notice. JOHN II. MOREL, M. 7>. G Mnv 12 42 N ot ice. D URING the absence of the subscriber, Wt kmi'fl Biiukn is bis Attorney. JOHN W. LONG. Mav 7 38l Notice. D URING our abnenco, Mr. Homes Tup- i‘KR will ho our Attorney. JAUDON & CROWELL. May 7 37l Notice. 4 REGULAR MEETING of the Com- tnisidoners of Public Roads of Chat ham County, will take place at the Court- House in Savannah, on MONDAY, the thirtieth day of May, instant. By order of Thomas Young, Chairman, BOND, Secretory. Mnv 10 10rn r 0 lCv‘. 4 LL persons having demands against the estate of Frauds Courvnise,late of Chatham county, will present them duly attested, and those indebted will make pay ment to .R- HABERSHAM, i Qlla , i( , od Ex . J. HABERSHAM, ) ucutor8 ’ march IR 96 mm sms. For Liverpool, The fast ship TAMERLANE, Capt. Johnston, Will have immediate despatch, having the greater part of her cargo in read iness to go on board. For freight of 400 hales cotton, applv to JOHNSTON, HILLS A CO. 1 Liverpool, The fust sailing coppered ship LOUISA, Will sail on the 22d inst. For freight of 200 bales cotton, or passage, apply to Capt. Hopkins on board, Moore’s Wharf, or to H. LORD & CO. Mny 10 PM: tor >ew-iork, Tim packet ship CORSAIR. r . D. L. Dorter, M •sler, • Will meet with despatch. For freight or pussage, having superior accom modations, applv on hoard, nt Taylor’s Wharf or to C. C. GRISWOLD & CO. M • h> For ■ cvv-1 or. , The fast sailinc packet brig FA NTH LA, Bradley, Vaster, Will meet with quick despatch.— For freight or passage, having superior ac commodations, apply to Capt. B. on bnurd, at Jones’ Wharf, or to COHEN & MILLER. May 11 lip For PhilucUJpilia, The packet brig FRANCES, * Captain Croft, 5®$? Will positively sail early on Satur day morning next. For freight or passage, apply to WILLIAM NEFF, At the Counting-Room of S. B. Parknmn. For sale, tmuting from above, Coffee in Barrels nnd Bags Whiskey and Linseed Oil Mav 19 42 For Balt nin e. The fast sailing, coppered and cop per fastened schooner RISING SUN, v-r. Captain Fairbank, Burthen onn hundred and thirty-six tons, intended ns a regular packet, will meet with despatch. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, nt Hall Si Hoyt’s W liarf, or to J. B. HERBERT Si CO Mav 11 for New-Vork N edf rd The fast sailing pilot boat schooner RICHARD NELSON, Delano, master, JbWill sail for the above ports on Sunday next,and can handsomely accommo date a few passengers, for terms apply to the mastMr on hnurd, or to BRADLEY,CLAG1IORN & WOOD, May 12 Anvinux's Wharf. Notice. CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, J April 13th, 1825. ( T HE city taxes for the present, will he payable at this office from this dhy. to the 13th of May next, after which time, executions will issue against all per sons in default. M. W. STEWART, April 14 Cih Treasurer. Notice. VvvuYfcnA «Vo, 1 A DIVIDEND of six dollars per share has this day been declared on the pro fits of the Steam-Boat Company, for the last four months, pnyable on the first Mon day in June next, to the Stockholders or thdir authorized agents, at the steam boat office, Savannah. WM P HUNTER, Treasurer Steam-Boat Company, May 3 34 it! Fur New-York Ncw'*edf r The fust sailing pilot boat schooner r E c L1 p s e, \ V’ood, master, J. Will sail for the above ports on Sunday next, nnd can hadsomely accomo date a few passengers, for terms apply to the master on board, or to BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD An iaux's Wharf. May 12 N otice. T HE undersigned will receive proposals for the erection of an Engine-House, in Liberty-Square, of the following mate rials and dimensions, viz.—14 feet wide, 26 feet long, 9 feet in the clear, a door at each end 10 feet wide—the materials brick, the roof slated, and to extend 2} feet from the eaves, with irons from which to suspend lad ders—the floor to be of brick laid edgeways, 2) inches above the surface of the earth— and all the necessary lockB, hinges, die. Sic. Also, for a similar building, materials wood with the exception of the floor, which must be the same as above spec ified. GEO. MILLEN, I. MINIS, J. MORRISON. April *5 87 For Providence, Tile packet schooner RAMBLER, P. Shadon, .Hotter, Will sail on Tuesday next, 17th inst. For passage only, apply to the mas. ter on board, or to PARIS HILL, Who hat for tale, landing from taid vettel, 10 Bags, Havana Green Coffee 10 Barrels New-Orleans Sugar 20 Barrels Gin 5 Hogsheads New Rum t Pipe Holland Gin 100 Barrels Pilot and Navy Bread Mav !■:> 42l Union Society. T£ROPOSALS in writing, will be re- JT ceived until the 25th of the present month, for boarding and clothing the boys snppmed by the Union Society, for one year from the first day of June next; or proposals may be made for their hoard, in cluding washing, mending, Sic. only. ' "' TON, May 4 L. MASC Secretary Union Society. 35 W tiuen, E MPTY WINE BOTTLES. Apply to Mqg 11 GEO. RVERSON. SUGAR, COFFEE Si MOLASSES. \BY CALVIN RAKER, THIS DAY, 13th instant, At XI o’clock, will he sold on Mongin’s Lower Wharf, landing from sloop Delight, 21 Hogsheads Prime Muscovado Sugurs, 13 dn. do. Retailing Molasdes, 20 BngB Ha vana Green Coffee.—Terms at time of sale. May 13 BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. TO MORROW, 14th inst. Will be sold on Mongin’s Lower Whirf. at XI o’clock, landing from sloop Delight,' 20 Barrels Prude Sugar, i Boxes Loaf Su gar, 8 Bags Coffee—Terms at sale. Also, before our Store, a general assort- ment of Groceries, 6cc.—-Tenns cash. May 13 MARINE *. FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY STOCK. BY CALVIN BAKER, On MONDAY, 16th inBtant, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of his Auction Store, 250 Shares Marine and Fire Insurance Company Stock.—Terms cash. May It ■ ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, ON THURSDAY, 19th May next, AT 'ELEVEN O’CLOCK, Will be sold in front ofhis Auction Store, all the personal property belonging to the estate of Col. John I. Roberts, deceased, consisting of a dwelling House in Greene ward, onlot No.20, An excellent Horse, Gig and Harness, one Gold Watch, two pair Pistols, Sword, SaBli, Epaulets, Sic. toge ther with a quantity of Household and Kitchen FURNITURE. Also, a valuable collection of BOOKS. Sold by permission of tlie Court of Ordinary,—by order the Administratix. April 8 113 BY J. B. HI.RREHTSe CO. On MONDAY. 16th inst. Will be sold on Huhter’s Wharf, at Xln’elk. for account of all coiicernnd, 26 Eighth Casks Teneriffe Wine, picked up at sea by the pilot-boats Richard Nelson and Eclipse, on their passage from New-Orluans to this port—Terms cash. May 10 TO St IT i HK TIME 4 !. ALL DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. By authority of the State of Rhode Island. Under the superintmdance of Man agers apjxrinted by Lau>. 1 Prize of £10,000 is 1 do. 5,GUO is 5 do. 1,000 is 1 do. 548 is 4 do. 500 is R do. 100 is 44 do. 60 is 88 do. 25 is 528 do. 8 is 5676 do. 3 is 6356 Prizes J 19,600 l 13244 L.anks ( Tickets. \ STATE LOTTERY, * FIRST CLASS—NKW SERIES. 9 - W ILL positively be drawn in Providence. on the 3d next month.—Fifty Number Combination—6 ballots to be drawn. S. M. Allen § Co. Agents for the Managers. 8fl(D 9 <D<D®9 Highest Prize. SCHEME. 0,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 548 Dollars. 2,000 Dollars. 800 Dollars. 2,200 Dollars. 2,200 Dollars. 4,224 Dollars. 3 is 17,028 Dollars. 49,000 Dollars. drawn ballots, there will be 20 prizes with three numbers on them, 600 prizes with two numbers on them, and 5676 prizes with one number on them. Those tickets having none of the \rawn ballots on them being blanks. To determine the fate of 19,600 tickets, the 60 numbers will severally be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and six of them will be drawn—and that ticket having on it as a combination the 1st, 2d and 6th ballots drawn from the wheel, will be entitled to $ 10,000 ; that having on it the 3d, 4th and 6th, 5.000 dollars *, those having on them 1st, 3d and 6th—2d, 4th and 5th—1st, 2d and 3d—4th, 5th and 6th—2d, 3d and 5th, each 1,000 dollars; that having on it the 1st, 4th and Cth, 548 dollars; those having on them the 1st, 2d and 4th—3d, 5th and 6th—1st, 4th and 5th—2d, 3d and Gth.each 500 dollars. All others, being 8 tickets having on them three of the drawn ballots, will be entitled to 100 dollars each. Those having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those the 3d and 4lh, will be entitled to 50 dollars each. And those having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those the 1st and 2d, or 5th and 6th, will be enti tled to 25 dollars each. All others, (being 528 tickets) h iviug on them any two of the drawu brfllots, will be entitled to 8 dollars each; and all those having one of the drawn ballots on them, will be eutitled to 3 dollars each. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination, can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, and subject as usu al to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in parcels of 17 tickets, embracing all the combination numbers from 1 to 50, and which must of course draw at least 18 dollars, less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the capital prizes. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT 4 CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will be sold before the Court-House in ^ city, between the usual hours, TWO NEGROES, Peter and James, belonging to the estate of the late Janies Wallace, Esq. deceased. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chat hail) County, and by order of the administrator. IVrms cash. May 5 IMPROVED MOUE OF lV\UW\N*n, Secured hy Lrtlert Patent under the teal of the United Statet. T HE Commissioners of Lotteries, in conformity with the Act of Assembly, present to the public, the FOUUTH nCIIEME or THE MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY The drawing of which will take place in l he city of Baltimore, and will be completed in one day. The scheme and mode of awarding the prizes, being on an highly im proved plan, the Commissioners anticipate an early period for the announcement of the drawing. ttigueBtrtiZfe ^20,000. i •i 6 4 20 30 50 200 300 10000 SCHEME. J; pTize of 20,000 dollars do do do do do do do do do do of 10,000 dollars of 5,000 dollars 1,000 dollars 600 dollars 100 dollars 50 dollars 20 dollars 10 dollars 5 dollars 8 dollars is £20,000 is 10,000 is 6,000 is 6,000 2,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 2,000 1,500 20,000 10612 Prizes. £70,000 20000 Tickets—not one blank to a prize 11 Every prize payable in cash, sixty dayl after the drawing, subject to a deduction of fifteen per cent. Mode of Drawing.—The numbers will be put into one wheel as usual—and in the other wheel will bo put the prizes above the denomination of two dollars, and th« drawing to progress in the usual manner. Tile 10,000 prizes of £2, will be awarded to tlie odd or even numbers of the Lottery, (bb the case may bo) dependant on the drawing of the capital prize of £20,000— 1 that is to say, if the 20,000 dollar prize ^ should come out to an odd number, then ! every odd number in the scheme will be en titled to a £2 prize. If the 20.000 dollar prize should come out to an even number, then all the even numbers in tlie scheme will be each entitled to a prize of 2 dollars. Tlie odd Numbers are those ending with 1,3, 5.7 or 9. Tlie even Numbers are those ending with • 2,4,"6, 8 or 0. : This mode of drawing not only enables tlie Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery in one drawing, but has the great advantage of distributing the small prizes ’ regularly to every alternate number in the schemes, so that the holder of iwo tickets ; or two shares of tickets, (one odd and one even number)will be certain oCobtaining at least one prize, and in the same.ratio for any greater quantity. j A ticket drawing a superior prize in this i seheme, is not restricted from drawing an ! inferior one also. The Tickets will be ready in the course of the ensiling week. JAMES L. HAWKINS, ) NATH. F. WILLIAMS, J Com’er*. JAS. B. RINGGOLD, ^ Baltimore, March 25, 1825. Orders for Tickets or Shares in the above Lottery, (which will positively be drawn in Baltimore, on the 18th of May next,) re- <ed and forwarded at LUTHER’S April 1 EXCHANGE OFFICE. PRICE OF TICKETS, : £3 50. Packages of 17 Tickets, which are war ranted to drawn 18 dollars less the usual deduction, with 17 chances for the highest prizes £50, and shares in proportion. iLT Orders received as usual, BY WM. ROBERTSON, GEORGIAN OFFICE. April 22 , Notice. T HE Commi sioners of Pilotage have made arrangements to furnish all ves sels inward and outward bound, with Pilots. A slate will be kept in the office of the Commissioners in the Exchange, where masters in want of Pilots will apply. By order if the Battl'd of Committioneft of Pilotage. M»ch 31 <P savannah and A gusta Mail ( OACH. T 1 Nne Arrangement Georgia Side. ’IIE subscriber respectfully informs the public that lie has removed the Line of Stages on tlie Georgia side, and will hereafter, leave Savannah eve/v Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A.M. lodge at Pierce’s, and arrive in Augusta at 5 o’clock next day. For seats, apply at the Georgiu-Hotnl. JOSEPH I. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Savannah, March 20, 1825. N. B. Horses. Carriuges, and Gigs, to Let—and expresses sent at the shortest notice. March 24 100 Whiskey. ■g BARRELS landing from brig A VF Governor Hopkins, for sale hy Match 14 J- S. HERBERT Si CO•