Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 13, 1825, Image 4

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    Mi™ SAW.
►heiiff’s Sales.
On the Ji it 'Tuesday in June next,
nVcLL be auld el the Ccurt-Huuie in th
W town of Jefferson. between the hour
often o'clock in thj morning, end four o’cilt
in tbe efternuon, one undivided moiety, ot
the following property, vie i
A trect of lend situate on the mutb lide of
Bktille River, containing five hundred ecvea,
more or Icm. two hundrut and filly acres of
which in under cultivation, and bounded coat
by laada uf lira P U. Osborne, south by lands
of Habersham, wot by landa of John:
•too, northwardly by Satil'a River, together
with all the buildings and plantation touli
thereto belonging,
Also, ft ' * or silty head of cattle, thirty
sheep, tan fl its, one bust, cud the following
D >gro slaves, to wit, George, Lucy, Alulibu
March, Charlo'te, Georgette, Peggy, Qas*iu>
Blleck, Pendsndy, Floret, Harriet, Sam, fieri'
ry, Friday, Simon, Htiheasy, Louisa, Susan,
Drueclta, Holly, P.tuy, N.,ncy, Marcus, My
ra, dames Toney, Helen, Homului, lunette
Scendy, Abbey, Ben, P evidence, Munsuti,
Delis, Cyrus, Big Jack, Amelia, Juliet, Pale
mor, Philip, Luciuda, Altamunt, Laura, Long
Jim, Hose, Little Jim, Little Jack, Smart.
Pliebe, Billy, Nat, Damnr, Driver Jim, Mans
Lavinia, Cleopatvia, Canadi, Dorcas, Tenah
Luke, Sally, Paulina, Caitsia, Roaans, Scipto'.'
Cain, Nancy Cane, Frederick, Job, Bora, Vi
aab, Deck, Pompey, Palty, Diana, Columbu
Bob, Lina,Andrew,Nanny, Matthew,London
Little Pcndah, Prince, Ccasar. Philhs, Lilli
Jack,Fanny,Daniel, lastor, Ned, Little Georgr.
Solomon, Gambay, Kate, Pricula, AJam, and
Jftry being one hundred in number, let let!
on and to bn sold to satisfy so execute
against .lull t Kuig and Weayile Jones, in f.
Tor of Jac b K. Volk-
Also.'unr h use and lot, liiunte, lying anu
being, in the luwn of St Marys, being part i
lot number one, curtailing me hundred lei
in front, and four hundred and thirty six feet
deep, levied on and to oe sold as the proper!;
of John B. Christopher, to satisfy tn execu
lion on foreclosure of mortgage, in favor
William Berne, under the rule absolute.
April 23d, 18 5.
April 28 30
<v-— ■ «■——
Sheriff’s Sale.
On the first Tuesday in June next,
Uyt.L oe Hotel »r. l> o: -it ie Court-
V*/ louse, in the city of SHvarmah, betweei
the aual hours often and four o’clock.
4 *•»- •»*»*! wutUinff« No ‘'S, Brown ward, Ie*
▼ied on under two executions again** G H H<y
den,'n f*vor of Frederick W. Hemema .ii.
and in favor'f R & J Ht»bu alnm*
Two L its of and, situate from the comer
of East Oro.ds, oa the Thunderbolt H ad
on the t»dj iiiug comer, levied on as the nro«
periv of . if Hayden, to satisfy an execution
issuing from a Justices Onurt in favor of A D
Lsrocii, returned tome by aconst no ie.
A negro m m tisme i D fci >p, levied on as
the property > r Josiah,J Tippin, to satisfy two
executions io favor of Georg- W Coe, and one
in fa ’or of .1 B Wijk.
Three negro*s, Titu-, B itsey, and Chanci
levied on as the p;oper'y »f Thoa N More), to
aatisf* «n execution in favor of ihe Bank of the
State of Georgia.
A woman na ned Phillis and tier chill S»e
J hen. levied on as the property of-he est, of A.
nckaon, un 'er an ex rout on from Richmond
Superior Court, in worn? Jonathan Sawyer*
A. DM .YON. D. S C. C
Slav 0 ' 9
«he rut’s "aies.
On thejirit Tuesday in June next.
l.1. he si.ij at In. (a uri.House in the
\Wf Oily of Savanns , between the hours
of -en and fuur o’clock, the following 16 ,e
gro.u, vis
Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry,
Bil’j Burke, Parris, U-am, Dinah. Li’tleBram,
Prince, Ben and Murium, with ihe incre.s
of the families, levied on und r a foreclosure
of 1 mortgage from Peter Timothy to William
Washington, for use.
Two negroes, vis: Ned snd Glasgow, levi.
*d on a foreclosure of a mortgage from Chan.
Dimer to Joseph K ipman.
ISAAC D'LYON, S. C. C. 4 09
sheriff’s Sales.
O N the fit i Saturday, alter the first Toes.
day in June next, will b • sold at the
M.: ket Ho is- in the town of St Marts, two
negroes, viz B b ami Rose, levied on su the
property J_ eph Rain, to Sit sly an execu
tion ..n the frreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
o' .i . nuel Clarxe, vndGeurge S Brown.
A IPS M. il .'IF,HR villi SCC.
City Sheriff’s Sales,
On the first Tuesday in June next,
W ll.Ltu ■••him t .e Court iloUMfiu the
City of Savannah between the hours
ten and four o’clock.
One negro womnn nam 'd Sender, frvied on
ts the property of John and Vderia Dxvii, to
satisfy an execution from the Cmirt of Com
mon I’lcaa and Over and Terminer for the . i«
ty of Sivmi'iiih, W n Borers, v* jihn FGDc
via guardian of John and Valeria D.tvia.
Alao One negro woman named Louisa, le
vied on aa the property of John 1. Bui loch, to
satisfy sundry executions from the Court of
Common Pleia and ^yer and Terminer for the
ciiy of Savannah, Win G Barton and others,va
John 1 Bulloch.
Alao all .h 1 buildinga on Lot No forty (4))
Warren w< d bounded north by a lane Bout-
by Broughton street, car. by Lot No tbiitv
•line (39) and west by Linco'n street, levied
on as the property of Chas fl Hr dr», to sati^
fv an execution for ground rent in favor of the
German Lutheran Church, vs < hi* fl'Havden.
irsv 9 9
Sheriff’s Sales,
On the first Tuesday in July next,
W M l. be sold a th* Cuuri House in the
City of S .vmn*!i, between the hours
oft*»- and f ur o’clock.
All the buildings sail improvements on Lot
N 40. Warren ward, wdhthe u** l as
ofai -l Lot of (.an'l, levcd on is th? prnperie
if Chslea II Hsyito*. under p fin, fa on fori
closure in favor of Fred ‘rick W W*»int*"i«m.
a. d’lyon; n s c. c
Mb' 9 9
R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
and the public, that he has purchased
the establishment in the above business, be-
longing to Dr. A. Delarnclie, opposite the
Exchange, where he offers for sale at low
prices, a large assortment of
Yvesli Ihv.g.i, Medicines
nnd CUeu.icais,
Atjna Flirtis, Aliim, Antimony
Arrow Ruot. Borax, Borgamot
Briiostono, Biirley, Balsam Capivi, tlo
Porn, tin Kola
Camphor, Cantliarides, Cinnamon
American best nut) common Castor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas
Colombo, Pillory, Gum Assafietida
Aloes, Guin Araliic, Gum Copal
Gum Gttiacum, Gom Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Blzmuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Pearlnsh, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar
Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
l'ainls il nj and in Oil.
White, Red and Black Lead
Pi'iidsion Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Y
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan and Copal Varnish.
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Best English Shaving Snap
Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments anil Patent Med
■ciiies of every kind, the whole of
warranted quulity.
Jan 20 J
•Mieiiit a . ,alcs,
F On ihe first Tuesday in June next,
V-4 iu :i •• r.S'fL.iwu lying in the
o'nW of Kffi g'c ni, oun led north b>
Mi ;iael Hydes,ewt bv h'isiian Rubenhu st
•II olber aides v«c*nt at the tini-. of lie orii io-
al survey. Alao 150acr*8, ha f uf • tract* or
30J«oreaoriginally granted to Christian Ro-
benhurst. Also 4 0 teres bounded north bv
l*nda of D fuel Sttmer, cast Jno Snyder and
others, at >he time of uri.;inal survey. 41a",
150 tc es vOu’ wa Jly by landaof Bobciihurst,
es. t John and Gvngt Snyder, and imr.l.
R inen-iuiKt, at ihtime of the or-ginal .survey,
Thu above land^ tcv>» d un an the property of
Cb rlcs Tiut, to satisfy exe -tition. in favor ot
Henry M'Alpin Old DavP] Gtx le.
■ HO-,. El.KINS, S. F. C
“ V 6 27
fcherilTs bale.
On thcjh'i* Tueiday in Ju ie next
W l .l. be S lid a the Com t House in the
town of Jefferson, Camden Count , be.
tween Hie until hours of sate, i negro man
nain, d "aniel, levnd on (by a Constable) as
the property of Usca| .h Crews, ileceasetl, to
satisfy sundry executions i t favor nf Joseph
Th m»- G tv, I FIONAS, DSC. C.
Jeff : non, Ap il 30 '8>’J.
«»y 5 36
Administrator’s - ala.
On iheji it I'aetduy in Ja y next,
Vl tV K,f,.N toe us o.i hours, will lie sold
xt the Court.House in Bryan County,
tn i'jllowt'tg deaeribod property, being part
of ,Uj ■ aute of Matt he.' Oerter, dee. tod
•old lor Hie benefit of the heirs sntl creditors,
»qd by sn order of the Court uf Otdmiry of
laid county, viz •
2S0 acre, of hod in G vinnett Countv.
«'■“*■>»» Lot No 361, in the 7,1. D oriel.
2J0 aores in Es ly County, known as Lot
Vo. 174, in th- 2i)t'u District
200 acres P oe Ltnd, in Kffinghsm County.
Also, two slaves
Condits m, f ssle m do known on the dsv
a KLIZ iBETH GAlt TER, Adn ' x,
ipr“ 28 bXta-
p iano b’oites, Curled Hair Ma
trasses, Feather Beds,
T HE subscriber offers for sale the follow
ing articles, warranted to be of the
best quality :—
Sideboards, Sets ofDiuing Tables
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Olnsses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Maitogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrassca
D° do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters nad Pillows
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every duscription
Cots and Matrusscsto fit.
AIbo, a large assortment nf Brussels and
Ingram Carpeting and Rugs to match
I he above articles can be examined at
the store in Whittakor-Street, opposite Col.
Shclltnon. i. yv. MORRELL.
March 15 93
Administrator’s Notice.
A LL persons indebted to tho estate of
Randolph Al’Gillis, late of Camden
County, deceased, are requested to make
payment, and those having demands against
said estate, will present them to the under
„ „ G. M’DONALD.
St. Marys, April 10th, 11125.
April ‘27 29 f r
E mpty porter bottled—ad
ply to GEO A YERSON.
March 4
Treasury IlevaYtmeil,}
March, 14, 1823 5
W HBI’EASnn the 3d of March, 1“ 5 ,,
law wa« pusautl by the Congreaa of tbe
Uivted SlMtes.of wbich the 3d. 4(h, «n<] Su
sections are in the ord« f .llowinir, v 4 :
“ Sec. 3. Jiml be it fw thsr snooted, I'hnt <
subscription 0 «ht» a iiviunt nf t.vt’tvmmiilnn;
of dollflrg, of the six p r cent. <*tockj of t'u.
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, «ik1
the same is hereby proposed 1 for whbh pur
pose bonk shall be opened kit the Trejktry ot
the United States, and nr tb- aoversl loan offl
ocs, on the firit day of April next, to tnntinu*.
open until the first day of Osmber thtre»tt«*r, such parts of the above mentioned d >
script ion of stock as shall, on the day of sub
xcription, stand on the books of the fressurj,
ami on thoae of the several loin cfli :e.i, re
spectivcly / which subscription jhall be effect
ed by • transfer to the United Itates, in the
mnnner prov.ded ny law for sucfi, ot
ihe cred't or end ts standing on the said
books, and by a surrender of the certificates
of the stock so subscribed: Ptovided, Thai
all subscription by such transfer . f stock shall
be consideiodas pait of the said twelve mi:-
•ions of dilla’ s ant t\>r ; sed to be borrowed by
the first secti n • f his *<”.
’* Sec. 4. Jlntl be 1' further enacudj Thst for
Ml* whole or any pari of any sum which shall
be thus subscribed, a shall be'entured t«
1 he respective subscribe s, uh > sha| be euti
ted to s cpi'tifi-itc or cci-tificut.s jRirpfirtin^
'hat tne U.iMed State* owe to the hul ! er or
holders thereof, his lu*r, or their igsjgns, v
sum to he expressed Ih rein, tquai to th
mount of the p. i icipal stor k thmsu '•cribuJ,
earing m n t ciceedi ig font an*
>ue hal r per centum p * Annum, p^yabl
qilurt'.rlv, from the th' »t d«y of Uecem-
ber, o->e thousand eight‘iu .tired and twenty
five / transferable in *h» same • aimer asi<
provided by law for »iie irons*-r of ihe stock
luhscriued, and subj ct to i» d mpt ou at the
de mure of the U.ubd States, -s f..Hows : one
>» f at any timeafer the thiru -first day id
D-ceiuber, one thoiusiind eighi hundred and
w«nty*eight: and the remniud: r at any time
ft?r tho thirt' .fi st day **f Decemhcr, out*
h niamd eigl»t mindrcd and twent -nme:
P nvi.led, Th .t no reimbursement shall be
nade except for the whole wm uni of such
ew certificate / nor until after at least ab
mmths puohc notice of such intended teim
virsement And 11 shall be the duty of the
■tcrctsry ■ f the Ti'essury t‘> rau«e to be trar.s-
tarred to the respective ^uhAciibersthr s*J v cr
al sums by them auha-.nbed beyond ih .- amount
ul the ceriificatrh ••! tour .nd one half per
uent. stock -sp i*«* r.b th-m rcapcctivelv
“ Sec. 5. vhid be it further enacted, That
h-same finds. i»h>ch have Uereioiott: been,
old now are pledged by iaw for the payrnen*
of thu inti-r-jsi, vrd lor the rodempton and
t imlnirsement of the su ck which may be re
’e fil'd nr reimbui »ed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in lik*
inauiier I'-r h ■ psvmcntof ihe iniereat accrti-
•ig on1 the Siock created hv reason of su
tub^cripMon, and f *r the rid -• npt on or rein>
*nr«enent of the priurip hit 'h a .me. A d
u shall be the duty of the c mm:-sinners of < 1.1
linking fund to cause to he applied and paid
‘Hit of the said fun h yearly and t"e p y year
nioh sum and su nt? as may be ani<u*ily requir
ed to dis. barge the inte est acc wng on iht
jmek which may be created b virtue of this
ic-t 1 he said commiS’7i n ?r•: ar.-, also, here-
uj authorize d to apply, f m t me to tin ,
, >iicii sum and a .mg om ot the afid fund, us
*hey may think proper, t w« ds re leemi-.g
uy purchase, or by re.niburstun *ut, in c«n'
formity with the provisions of this act, the
p tncipaf of the Slid stock : and such p*rt ol
the snuuai sum often millions ofd liars, vest-
ml by i»w in the n«ii» nti-umlssloncni. as fft .y
be necess.iry and rtq-fired for th^ above pur-
ooscs, shsll be *na c. ntinuc spp opriated tc
•he paj ment of interest and redemption ot
public debt, until tbe whole »f t e s eek
whiuh may beceatnd under the provisions of
th-s acr, aha.I have been redeemed or reim
burse u n
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, :h
b-io!<8 will be open-.d at the rreasnry rf tin Stulls, ai d t h ? several loan tffi? s.
m the first day “i Aord ni-xt, and c< ntimu*
•pin until the firs’ d. of October, :here»f~
er, f’*r receiving suh iutiona in confjrmily
wi ll he prov sM’nacffhesaid liw.
I he sid'sctiptions mav be made by the pro*,
p.’jf'tors i f tbe stock, ei'h'*r in person or bv
iiieir attorneys duly author's :d to subscribe
nd transfer it to the United Pistes.
Mi uid subscriptions ol sitid stock be nwle
to « j amount exceeding twelve millions 01
■‘‘Ij irs » 8 distribution t.f'.be said sum of twelve
nifitong of dollars wdl be mvie among he
subscribers, i 1 pi ^portion to the sums subJcvi-
oed by them respectively,
Acting Secretary of the f'ressorv*
’* *fi tp !l
Vegetable Catholicon.
•pHE tubs' riH.r res,.' ctfully sul oits the st
•JL tenlion of every friend of suffering hu
.unity, to to the above new and invaluable
■etnaciy, whose unequal powers in eliminsting
from the st stem tlie very seeds of disease,
and in rest trig the deranged and morbid
conditi in of tbe organs of Me to a free and
healthy exercise of their fimet ons, hu exci-
ted the Sft inisliment, and eompleteiy Film
red the objeeHor.a of the most incr. d ilotu —
Foci«ate the ben urgumenli. In order to put
the virtues ot tne t iatiiolicon to at severe a
sen-tiny as possible, it waif t ff'ered by adver-
t.ement. together with the nticnd’ince of a
physician, gratuitously tn any per. m who
would apply for it, an I vl. se cause might
seem t • come within the range of its healing
power—numbers of severe esses of long the il
ing.aodsime of them seemingly de-.irdt
ones, pre ented themselves, all of-wikh have
been cured, or so much relieved us to warrant
in as«eition that s littlarfi rseveranee will do
s > In fact, such is the cot fldence of the phi si
cian under whose ra e these natitnts were
placet), in this remedy, • cot fide ce resit t
mtild wish lobe. With my thanks, am your
'bhged humble .ervant, Utt
. George kane.
City if Philadelphia, n
Gorge Kme, of the District of South-
«srk, personally appealed, and, being dul
’worn, doth declare and say that the aonv.
statement is in all respects correct and true
tod that the signature to it is in the hand
writing of this deponent.
BINNS, Alderman
Philadelphia, May 28,18’4-
The Vegetable Oatbolicnu is pceulialy
adapted to those diseases winch are prerulenl
mong the coloured population of the south
In that disease which is Culled ya ws, it is a
sure remedy ( s single trial of It, will convince
planters of its superior e fficacy to any rente
dy of a sim.iar nature in Ihe United States-
The advantages of this medic'n-; are, nut
confining the patient unnecea.arily to the
house, or keeping him from hts business.—-
vVitli one s.ilna y exception, 'hat nr s-uri-,,.
ou - liquors, ir doci not lay any rtiiriedo.ii upon
hit appetite 11 toso gentle tn us opera tor,
'hut Uiep lienl finds himself getting well lie
cannot tel! how. As it ir not the wish ol the
»Tl HE'JTTfl! Pft*-. in„ 1
y »• v7yoTTilft
tSHUBl r. dn 4ST/1 JVC t,
Centhl'l. « /•„„ h..iai.L, v 9 ’Vr
iiiaceu, m mis reraeuv, a coi nue ce resu t l : . . . . »»*—»»• wn,
ing from the irresistible r.omiclion that has 4- h ' n8r ,or , w . hicl » he
been forced upon his mind by ocular dem,
Miration, ardt persond trial of it on himsali he permits me to declare it os his d ci
n d opinion, that the Ca li ilicon is not oifiv
perfectly safe and innocent, but a mosl v pow
erlul and invaluable remedy in certam d»fi
L*8s« s and states of the s s.em, such as ihe f
owin ij
I'e fihty resulting from in»emnerance an )
dissipation t Old and inveterate Uic«*rs. Pains
in the b -nt a ait'-nded with sweihugs uf th?:
j »ins{ Iiitli.jea'ion, 01-it*hea on the face,
»i 7»p e ,&c $ .\l compiaiixs of the Liver j
cannot give h coosidoiation equal in value,
persons at a distance who may wish to tiy
ds medicine, but who are nut certain if it
bn applicable to their complaint, are request
cl to describe 'licit chs-^ and sympio us in
i .otter, p ist.puid, and directed-to him—th s
! ettei will be immcd.atoly placed in litnus
tally competent to de-td*. the question.—
:<ho ild he remedy not seem to suit the die-
case, they a ill be frmikiy told ai.
To prevent d lippointm -nt it ii well to
t »te that it takes ia ordinary cases fro n 3
* »'u c , , .11 oi tne i.iver ; I c * . «r * * , * ^ .
ettar.- Yaws , Syphilis Uutsneau.disease, fi® ! “ Jl'®f “I?. ,0 “ h . i ‘' '• v . hu
H neral y ; Mercurial and scrofulous
The Gatludicon (which the proprieter a<fi
etn.dv plulirva h s word consis.s exclusive'
f vegetable main-.*) with ihe exception of
«fi ght dntermi ution to the bowels^ which ,i
preserves in a soluble state, art-, insensibly, i?,
pl'htssnt to the taste, and requires n • parucu
ar regimen, ^abstinence from spirluous Ii
q mr..always exceptul.) or confinemem. A«
a g. ntle. safe and ag^ec-b’e ralhartic med.
ci» e, improving the a -petite and restoring tiic lone of the sys’em, it is coiindcntly
rtcominendtd to isdic6 in a delicate situs
lion. W W. PO man,
66 Ghejiiul-suect
Philadelphia May 31, 1824
At the request of Mr. vV. w potteri * have j
rite-y exliib.tnd, in several instances, a ruedi
cat-1 sirup, called Coder’s Vegetable Gatho.
.icon, with the annt decided advantage. J.j
ias, sa - ett never failed effecting a cure in ,
?.ery case in which 1 have t ougi t proper to I
employ it. H. M’MUliTRlE, II D
Omitfia—Camden County,
SuPERion Court, October Term, 1824.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvcsltr
|N petifu n Tm .thy Hopkins, sUting
9 lh a t m cunsidcation r.f certain prom-
s9(-ry n'*t‘S, made to the sa-d '1'imothy, by
‘hem, one pax able with inte-est, from firm
January, 1821, on the fi--*t of January. 1822:
second pxvable as aforestd , on the firs - of
January. 182,3; and % th’rd pavable as afire-
t.d, on the first of January, 18 ’4, executed a
• ortgage to said Ti noti.y Hnpkirs, his hei -
•nd assigns, on all those four tr%cs of t,
.touted in ihe county aforesaid, conveyed by
no. said Tioothy, to Die Langley ant)
'.dvester, and lying ou the south tide of
(ii’t at Sat'lls Kiver, one trset containing sev
ily-seven:seres, more rr less; two tracts
•nUining fifty acres, more or less, and one
he. tract, co■-•turning one hundred and cigh-
vweight acres, more or less, conditioned for
ie payment of the three said several notes,
n (,ie ®hove mentioned, and that aihi
veral notes remain unpaid-—on motion ol
Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintP*, it i?
’tiered, that the- said Langley and Seivestc,
ivir heirs or assigns pay into Court, within
welve months from this date, ti»e sum* dm-
n said notes, and the interes snd ci ats, oth-
•rwise that the equity of redemption be for.
*ver foreclosed, and thst stuffi other proceed
ngs take place, as are purauant to law.
True extract from the mmutea, 27th Octo
ber, 18 4. JOH N BAILEY, Clerk
Phi adepfaa, July 23/A, 1824,
Mr. W W. Potter,
Uear Sir—You expressed a wish th<«t 1
would g'vea concise statement of my suft* r
ings, from the hopeless commencement. t«
die present propitious stage uf my’
About five years ago, on my ponsage from
Horde* ux, during the month of January, from
■mprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seiz 'd
with a volent fever. Having no medical at-
•endantson board, I was compelled to bear
it, as I 'tug it for two weeks, when on my ar-
ival st Cnurleoton, S. C. it was t. eated as
y phus. I he skill of my Physician subdued
tlk« fever, but T’.vcdix-Uke, t’ie termination
if this ris to a dut sue equally dist*es
n?* 1 , an l which, till now, I had th ught incu 1
•ble. Vi^ ous ahscessca made then unwel-
'omi*.apjteurance, p' :■ icularly on the junta,
vhich wee 'we led to an enormous siz»^.—-
1 he3e g ad'ialiy subsided into hard Iutioj?!,
me of which on my left knee affected th
b«ne-**:»n inc sion was row made and. a large
evacuation of mis, mixed with pieces of hone
took place. In addition to tills, I suffered the
m °at exdrucirttmgpsinsin thy joints that man
experienced Every thing that w'as
.idot'ni’tereri either gave me no relief r r ser
ved to agg -avale the 'Jisea :*-, the severity of
whi* h increased with everv succeeding year.
Such wjs mv paiufiil »i uation that I lespaire i
uf ever being restored to my heal h t Iliad
not ofiy trie 1 t^e e-u!ar means of relief,
but used, though in vsoj, every popular rem*
edy 1 cn.ild heur of- It was in this awful and
despondmg condition,!hot I was persuaded to
.ommence a course of your Vegetable r-,*h I
•'•on, an«l t' e happy reau’t i«, **/ om the use
of the two b ail 8 my whole sys'cm has under
gone a complete revo ution, my p-uns have fj s j-
ke- mef* ihe discharge from my knee neg n
o diin nish,and suo i ceased altogether, ih«
ulcer from olienee it proceeded being com
ire labouring under any ser ous infirmity,
mint nnke up their mind to peis-veie to that
:£at least—it they do not, they plight «?•>
veil save themselv:** the trouble andexpeme
»f usings a uhller quantity.
All o 'de t p is'-p (ij u n d enclosing the m'.ney
n;,nedia;ely ..ttendvd t», and the medicine
pitcheda.ui delivered with directions for use,
• any place in «he city, and forwarded as di
re ted
N. B. To prevent the postibilily o( :.ll im-
n : ’8ition, it wi 1 bu sol 1 i i the city ofPhtladei-
dhi<» at the office in Filth neur Race-'itr. * et,
urat the dwelling jf the nropri tor, N,. 66
.diesnu 1 S‘ rcet, only, and abroad by his an
horized agents ’ W \V 1MTTRW,
66 Chesnut St eet, Phdadc'rpfiia 1
I have appointed G iOKGE RYE cSON
Druggi: t, ot Savannah, my soie agent. Drug
•4»stg wanting, the above valuable medicine
•kill be supplied by him for cash, at tin- s
rdf, as if ordered direct from me—v:z. Jg3G
per di z.*n, or ti*ree dollar^ a a-nglc botiie.
W. W. FOTTEtt, Philadelphia.
Any pcMion on application to (lie subscriber
will be furnished with ccrtificulcs of the tfli
ci'cy of the above medicine, sufficient io - o»
vmce the mind of the most sceptical, alihoup
too numerous •nd lengthy for n-r-vspuper n
seriion, C-RO. HVEKbO s’, Druggist,
Comer of Bay and VVhiltauei Streets,
dec 13
Between B r . Davies. Administrator, Complain
ant. and John i 'a-'nochun Administrator, d
bonis no with the will unnexed of tieor re
Jtichardson and others, D Jen dan! s -—In
equity, Chatham Superior Court■ Chancery,
HOth August, 1824.
I r appeari:.g that John Murray Carnochui.,
one of the defendants in the said bill of
miplaint named, resides without the state ol
Georg?*,, iu that part jf the United Kingdom*
ol Greit Britain ami Ireland, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car-
’ipnlian, do appear and answer to the com-
• m Hint’s suid bill, wthin nine months from
Hie due of this order, otherwise thst th-:
suid billj hs to him, b'e taken pro confess > .-
nnd i« is further ordered, that * copy of thi-
uder he pubuslu d once a week, in one of
he public G •ziMtes of this state, until the ex-
piration of the tiimi within which the sni 1 de
fendant is required to appear and answer *s
•d unsaid.
True copy from the Minutes, this 2!st day
August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk,
aligns' 24 gyf
olntely healed. The tumors, for the removal I ® c ' le an ^ B'-ntoni'h, all and singular,
of which 1 have tried in vain njore remedies kindred snd creditors of said deceased, t
nev 4
97 4
TyjINE month, after date, appliostion will be
,r e l0 ’ ,lt; H' i n. the Judges ot the Court
..t Orthnsrv-f Chatham county, forlesve ft
sen .11 the real estate of the Iste William,
deceased, for the benefit df the heirs snd cred
it >rs of sud estate.
JOHN M'NISH. Executed^ 1
pel I? „
4 LL persons having demands against the
estate of Conatsnt Freemsn, E«q late of
the city of Washington, deceased, are re
T'e'"* Bond them in, letrally sttested,
wdhtn the time prescribed by law t sndthn.e
indebted to said estate, are required to make
immediate payment, to
Jin 14
I rqore
than I can name, are rapidly decreaiing ; nty
appetite, whiclt was gone, has returned—I am
in fact, neary well, sntl feel confident that _
few bottles more of yi ttr, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will make me per eclly so.
Your obliged ft tend,
Philadelphia, July ‘‘6, 18'4
My confidence in the veget ihle calliolicor,
is undiminishsd, and as fresh in tuuces of its
powers ar„- daily ocettrri g, in my own prac.
lice. I nave no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to it Inch it is appltca-
Georgia—Camden County.
tATHERBAS Sarah Brown Junior, widow,
f T applies to 'he Court of Ordinary of <aM
iounty, for Letters of Administration on tne
state of John Brown, hte of su'd county, de
ceased, nr next nf kin: These are, therefore,
“ ' \ the
to file
fa dtiY
f'nal Heftrenc:. h c 0 .1 . 'J 11 Jt»a
VOI.U HKH Itoi’Al, or i w'n '■«
balh.hcd with u likenen o/,/ lt \, u (%
I T * ha ’ ! be winletl, on gnn,l
be compris 'd msix haniisom. . P ? Pt ''
« >R<>ii usnasome 11
■ Scriptures „rfcl
i, tie Ini' .duct.-, of“l '»i
‘"■f'reclicVnj '•‘■•h
w*U C'nitain the
A*, w 'Ter.laments,
Explanatory Aoi««, si., Hructic Ini','^
aoti all the copious Maroinn.
mg printed word tor word ^ '*
Stereotype Edition, published sinwH, J#
hor’s dcC 'HSe The price w ili
hoardst 824,iosheep, £!0,m c ur h ?V"
The whole work wilt bo r.tutlvfoe.i r
May, 1825, ““P Wdelmryl,
Fxmcu ./ IxHe-t add,e,wli. th, p^
r ;t,tl,
I esteem Dr Scott’s F tmily Uilil
calculated to promote the cause of
f- ie 'y, .I'seems scarcely powibtef ,
read doily Hie Notes and ObstTy..;, ,'"'"•
Famly DibWwithnut becomi-ij, th IIUht
tetter man. Kl» VAMu IJ G UFpiV d
I have ssen no oo nm-nUry „f , ,'
Scriptures whiclt 1 tltinlt so Ws |i . j,”fl
genera) use and edification, iiwlb
•vhich ever, famaly ought toporsijn* 6 ’""
s Eaton.
it. „ “ siB 'Pltci.
clearness ar, 1 fi ielity 0 f its et?2 MI ' ""
neatness and perspL,, ty of it.i.jK'^
It is s work distingo'shed fur ihe.
ty and convenience of ■ s
nevnltnce and candour of it. q„ r ,, ,u ,
ciseoess and pertinency of 1, n %
and fur its untform t md'Dm . „
gelid truth ™d piciy > ' 0,,,u ’" ,tli6, «-
OfUr. ycttt'sF.oiiy
say. that in nty esl,n,.,li„„ g deserve IU, " *
among our sblu.t and b 'Cn'n^
Dr. Sc,FamiK 1
peciuliy fiir t-e use of cbm,,,,, ,.mu'
work high yev.,.gelid, f «, cil „ vei '
live, and deeply imervfliiur
ree. I B‘.N1EL C.9\NnKHS
The character of Or. S-mti’s Ceiv *'
•m Hi Bible is sn geuenlly kuoan,
b'ghly approved ainonggi th
re a
it i
-n! has pass, d rapidly thruugh ao-yj
. tintens, that 1 Uetm further
lout, needles.' *
. . 1 V0RS3
I am acquainted with n > O.-.n -n,i H rJ
'' S-ffe'l &c, whirl, I wrt.ii
enrd.allv rccummtna iur general use. 'ft,
pian of the work is good
1 trhaps in no tvny, can minis,, rs inst-ucM
"t youth, and private Chtistians, do nni*
rent ce tn society, than by exert w-’t'J m .
selves tj dissetniocte this truly tpvinnVb
I tnow of no floimuenta-y whi h is b t*»
'slcultted for difiuiing correct visv.s cft!,i
great truths ofCiui.ffiaiiity, g. t 1 ; v njr ju,
tury impicgMong un til • nm.d when Vsir.
r ,ni «« perusal of it, tliar, the coe you ut
*b >ut to pub.ish. 1 5
No writer s> ems less disposed to evn'.ttid
for barren spenulo’hns, ”
'heir <*bj -ctions, if any they h’ivo, in m-, of
fice»on before tbe first 4o:d.y in Junt
■iixt, therwise Letters will begr«u:ed th* ap
Witness the Hon**rabie Britian R Bunk
ley, one of tbe Justices of said Court,
thi* sixteen'n day of April, eighlfci
hundred a d twenty -five.
Aoril 21 24
Georgia —Camden Coway.
ble, as superior to any remedy 1 am acquaint- I 4X7HE3EAS John Chevalier, hts applied
edwith. U. M’MURflilE, M. D. | ’ * to said Court, f,r Letters Dismissor'
Philadelphia, May 28 18 4
■n the estates of Snmtiel Cozens and Evan E.
-fuck, deceased, 'li.e.e AMI • 1 • . . i'.... a ..
. 'These are, therefore, to
Sin—Tn consequence of imprudent expos I ’"c sndsdmottiih, all and singitlar, the kin
tire four ears sgo I had the misfortune lobe- d ' ed p rt . i ". on "■« ,aid J ceased per.
come tffl cted witli a disease, the painful re • IPS ’ fi e 11 -‘"' °’j ntions, if any they have,
suits ot vhich induced me to apply in sue. I ilnll™ '^,® f r ''' **°nd»y in
cession to severil respectable physician, of
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relirf, or from whose remedies I re.
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
■s the former. My whole system became a -
fected. I could get no rest st night on ac
count of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body,- the weakness and e nacia
January next, or Letters will be granted the
Wit"es» the Honorable Junes Scott, one
of the justices i f said Court, this six day of April, e ghleen hundred
•nd twenty-fire.
Anr i-l 24
'™. of * h '= h w « •■"th ■>' I could scarcely ~7, T
walk. Sn this state I fortunately heard of GeO glU CuVUlen COUUtll
,HK c Z'!d of °“ uv
ssriaa*Ci“jr , j3iB
tagaatft-■» «"*“ ™ ^SSSrsvaLWt-t
y.ur obliged friend, Ac ”* ‘ 1° n ,* he of ft’cces
WILLIAM Wll9nv | V 10 • f • l,* 1 **®i #r . e * to cite and
Sworn tnd subscribed to b foie me, Msv 28 I ered?tnra‘ f . 'Jj " nBu f r ' tbe kindred and
1824 JOHN BINNS of “ ,d d * ce “<*l. ■» fi'e their objec
_r S * A derm,n - rfAZy h / Vf ' tc, 00 or be-
fore the fi st Mondsy in January next, other-
«"c Leuer* Dismissory will be grantej tbe
Witness the Honorable Samuel Clarke,
one of the Justices of said Court, this
MtX f Hvf' ei8l,leenhUn '
l L '. S 1. JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C C
Phi.adelphia, May 28,18n4.
"IT!,* to your medicioe. s
■ j ’ r ne,r, y •>* years I have been
• martyr to a disease, whose ravage, threat,
ened, if not soon stopped, to put s period to
3 "dvrfrem‘Z* h e ,<1 n " ‘
ass «s-as? iaLssfc
April 2t
cSholie d on P wMeh I'h* 1 . ve^uken' U , ,e°c„ t m 150 f UN DLESPRIME HAY, landing
** CUred me> Md 1 « I ° AprU Ts 8 " 6
_ . ■ j- / Noue more unifoirn.
Iv or more pow. fully inntiles-e.tlie gresip.
eutia.s ot religion. The ifirii whick [»-.
( .des the work is excelle,,., ,t is th e „, t l
(tec,lonare, healing, yet faithful spiri: ..;2
' •*;«■>• damel dana
from particular ex'minati n. and eotcur-
eg U itimuni, the c is no doubt ot, my Bind
'*’• 3:uu ’ s Family Bible is superior to ,l|
•hers jOAVpii EViEUSON,
You Will pie.,o' to se d ne r',r cosinJ
Tc dl e Bibie ; 1 refer to ymtr ate'v ptn.i,, j
tuition. Perlit^is 1 shall induct five muff*:j
«xc the a-mie I'limbtr. |4.,
It is With extreme pleasure I p ( revive
? rL ' .‘i" ,ut •» pMiili* new c ii ion .f
ocot! 9 Bible, Having hivu in pu-s _js ..•! uf
t mure than 20 y-.n-s, 1 rrus* 1 k;. w s v
ln'ig of its value, am. h n deti-n.iile'to ■*
Time i s c rculaiii.n among my fm sib y )U
will please forward sit monies as s«'imi it
shH. r. M
1 have obtain 'd four subscribers iw tie
SiU: * -nt woi k you are pubiiabmg H.
I pronoso to take sevxta :»ers of.^eoti'a Ui-
ole, and will be accountable fur tbe inti,t-.
. , . , J C,
nave obtained •' bscjibn’aforiJin, 1 copies
of Scon’s FjRi'iv B.ble. in.
! shall probably need cU ht or tn «•■ so/
Scott’v Faniilv Biole. ,1
Bev, S. S. of p. has o' tained ten «• V-cri*
‘jere. h.k
I have observed that von nr? shout piiiv
u flung another edition of Si oil’s ‘B-blc
■ope you mty succue ! as you Ir ve done in
iornter editions. 1 have been endeftToritif; ti
iocure subscriberi» am., g our ptopit, sul
enor more sub.;ciibers wdi be obwii.ed.
I will take ten sets (of Scott’s Bet)
bound and lettered. j.F
j have obtained ten subscribers f‘>r yjn
u'ailion of the Family BibU’— hr,vc «
1 ubt but there mry;lit he s smotliu g iik-:lW
copies rold in this place if you l:nd un » h !, nt
here I ihoiihht tie w>irk oufih* to b- en
couraged and lor hat re.ison to. It a stiinr !>•
'ion paper. It isauoik that every Imly
should have that is able to pmdiwe.
J. E «’C
I am glad, ijiat yu propose to print Hr*
Scott’s excellent Family Gommenisry, and
should be very glad if it were in my power w
give a more libeial patronage to the work,
than, as circumstances are, I can. I«Wi
however, be able to do aomelbingi eight d
ten sets I shall certainly lake; and't bfi
double that number. A. B-
I have procured fifteen subsrribfri t?
Scott's Bible. JA. 1).
I think 1 shall dispose of 20 sets ornweef
• he Family Bible. f,. B
I have, circulated proposals fir Scoli's
B.ble ; how many have been engaged in if
cannot tell; but between i!0 sod 30 «t» ii
h s vicir.ily. j. 5-
I have concluded to become responsible
to you for thirty sets of Scott’s Cyinnnei‘t'7'
C. B.
I have procured 106 subre ibers to the
Bible; 6 sets to be bound in caif; 3 #eW *c
be done in boards tbs other 97 sets, booni
and lettered ua described iu tho prosr-ectui.
. H. Hi,
I presume I could procure 500 lubicri-
r*ers for your edition of Scott’s Biole The
demand is increasing for them. They *•"
finally supersede every other large or Fanidy
Bible. Fifty ol my subscribers live within >
circle of 8 miles! J L
Just published an edition of the sax* * 0Rl j
completed in six volumes, without lurg' 11
references; price in boards j$18{in *‘‘ M P
821; in calf 827; Either of th*e editions
n*«y be had of the publisher in Boston ; M 0 *
S. C. k J. SCHENCK. Savannah.
Ja. 11 JL
Masking Brushes,
F a superior quality, just roepivod and
for sale by GEO. RYEltSON.
bov 20