Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 14, 1825, Image 3
James Anderson^' o H AVE removed to ilio middle tenement Young's Buildings, where they offer tor side o inrge nod general assortment of FANCY AN'> STAPLE DIIY GOODS, received hv the latest arrivala from Liver pool and New-York. April 25 £B> AAV Ali. A LINE OP PACKETS has boen at* blinked betweon New-York and Hn>re, to leave both porta regularly, on the first dah * * " * * UbJAUVAVi. T stoii’s Si|naro, next Messrs. A. Lmv & Co. where they aro opi ning- a handsome assortment ol Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their former sloe It. W. & 11. ROSE. April 5 1° rr The Darien Garotte, and Recorder, Millcd^eviile, will givo the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this office. IN THE PRESS AND WII.L SI-KKIIII.Y IE PUII.ISHED, BY S. C. and J. SCHENK, Price in Boards 7b Cunts, Tiuvnsrn or religion. nv A YOUNtl I.ADV or OEOnatA. | - .- B „„v ...... ■' i and Ffleenth days of each month during '{Iff * T HE following compliment to the merits 'f <ir ■ The ships composing thu line, arc of this little hoolt, is contained in a fast sailers, well found and commanded, cop- letter from a Presbyterian Clergyman in pored and copper fastened. Their adcom- this statu :— ! modations for passengers, comprise all that •‘One groat beauty of the work is, that °an be required, for comfort and conveni- it rises in language, and thought, and inter- «ncc. Passengers in the cabin will be ta- ost, from its commencement, to its end.— • ken for $140 each, for.which they arc furnish- There is a constantly increasing elovation with beds, beddding, wines and ample HIE subscribers have removed to John, until it closes with otir feelings excited to stores of every description. door west of the highest pitch, and we leave it ardently 1 Goods intended for shipment by them, desirous to “ die tin 1 deatli of the righteous.”, mny he sent to the agentB, who will attend Several gentlemen of education having t0 thoir reception and forwardiig, without read the M. 8. ore very much pleased with charge for storage or commissyms. The the style, and highly approve the senti- i oxpensea which may, in such casts be actn- ment advanced in tlie work. I ally incurred, will when requested, he col- Subscriptions received at t he Book-Store i lected with the freight at Havre of Messrs. 8. C. ify 15N 1C 1 A Intfnv Tin ip iu tko Mass* May 13 .,3 Remedy for the Tiles, T HE Medicine now offered to tbn public is one which bus been fully subjected ft — ■ — ■- to the infallible test of experience; and in Sl’&l.YU muV AUNlNYkAl, : every instance where it. Inis been fairly tri- „ _ m . «d, it has been attended with the most com- B Y the ships Georgia and llnrp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have received their usual supply of SEASONABLE IMS'S ®©®ID9» Having been purchased with cash, pre vious to the advance in England, they can may rely with confidence upon obt(lining be afforded and will be sold at low prices, j relief, even in its worst forms, in a short and on a long credit, for undoubted paper, time; and themselves are the best judges ANDREW LOW & CO. of the importance of such a remedy. Price W. . (IA I Clt i.nntn ,.u Ln*. a a... 1. .li.^.il! ... . plete success. Ill some of the cases, the patients had boon labouring under the dis ease for years, and during that period, hud received the best medical advice, and had even undergone a painful surgical opera tion, without permanent advantage. It is not (like those usually advertised) olTered as a certain cure for a long catalogue of diseases, but those afflicted with this com plaint. for which alone it is recommended, may rely with confidence upon obtaining A letter Bag is at the New-Yirk Post Office, for all letters that may be lout by mail. Letters respecting either freight ot pas sage, must be addressed, poRt paid, to CRA8SOU8 & BOYD. •Agents, Ncto York, oct 14 72 Feb *?« /' JVC nickers. J UST received per ship Corsair and brig Pantheft, 30 Barrels Prime Pork 5 do Surgent’s Crackors JO do Will to Beans 5 Half barrels Pulton Market Beef IN STOKE, 25 Barrels Mess Pork 45 do Prime Beef 20 do Mess do 10 do Sperm Oil 15 do Paint Oil Tor sale bv BRADLEY,CLAGIIORN& WOOD. May 1,1 IMVR ft : ¥, &c. C C- GRISWOLD & CO. offer for sale, • landing from ship Corsair, 75 Burrels Prime and J Pork. N. York 25 do Mess {city inspection. IN STORE, 25 Barrels Prime Beef, city inspection tpl) Kegs White Lead 25 do Black Paint 5 (ID STpanisfrJTiawn 10 Barrels Whiting Mny 10 ¥r-Alicia SiovVi-A, OYFEnB YOU BALK, Qb> BARRELS LOAF SUGAR fjtmd 3 Bunt,a Peach Brumiy ami - Barrels 5th pruuf Whiskey, land ing pur schooner Rising Sun IN STIHIK, 200 Barrels Superfine Flour 150 Barrels White's Gin 8 Barrels and 8 boxes Baron Window Glass. American Castings American and Spanish Sugars Mv- ’’ iin 50 cents per bnx, witli directions signed by the proprietor. Prepnrod and sold at JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug and Chemical Store, No. 273. North Third St. above Callnwbill, Pliilndcl’o. Tbn proprietor has appointed LAY & HENDRICKSON, cornerof Congress and Wbitinker-Streets, Shad’s Buildings, sole agents for the sole of this medicine, in Sa vannah. Gen. if?' The Darien Gazette, the Washing, ton News, Georgia Journal, ami Macon Messenger, will please give the above three insertion and forward thoir accounts to May 10 L.&H. The Subscriber, B EGS leave to inform the inhabitants of Savannah, that he intends opening an »\cadem>stins Uity, about the 20th of October, for thn instruc tion of young gentlemen in the English, Lritin nnd Greek Language!, and the Having been educated at one nf the first Universities in Europe, he humbly hopes to meet will) encouragement from I hose who wish to give their sons a liberal education. Having taught, in the Chatham Academy, for tlio last, six months, he lias pleasure in referring to the trustees fur in formation respecting him ns a teacher. HENRY HOOD. May 12 . Soig- Ji udsng, J AABARRELS Norlliern Gin A Wo Pipes Superior Brandy, nett’s Brand 5 do do Holland Gin ALSO, 3000 Pounds Bacon, nnd a few kegs North Carolina Lard tar sale by COHEN & MILLER. •Mny It .tip siWAUt 1 * CF.t.EBtl ifKD PANACEA. rpHE subscribers have just received per -1- ship Emperor, a fresh scpplv of the a hove VALUA RLE MEDICI NE, and linve made such arrangements with the inventor, Mr. Win, Swaim, as will enable tliein to offer to tile public n pure and unadulterated artirle. Druggists and Olliers who purchase to sell ngain, can have it at the original price established by the proprietor. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Building. A Treatise on Su'uim’s Panacea, with cases illustrating its success, will he loaned to those interested, by applying ns above. May 20 For Liverpool, The fast ship TAMERLANE, Capf. Johnston, Will hnvf? immediate despatch, having the greater part of her cargo in rend- iness to go on board. For freight of 400 bales cotton, apnly to JOHNSTON, HILLS & CO. Mny 7 33 L For Liverpool, The first-rntf* coppered ship CHARIOT, P. Pratt, Master, Will commence loading this dnv and ho promptly despatched. For freight of cotton or pappage, having handHome ac commodations, apply to the master on board, or to S. B. PARKMAN. May 13 43 L For .New-York, The packet, ship CORSAIR, D. L. Purler, Master, Will meet with despatch. For freight or pnssngp, having superior necom- mndations, apply on henrd, nt Taylor’s Wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD & CO. May IP For New-York, ESTABLISHED LINE, Tlie regular packet, ship EMPEROR. J. II. Bennett, Master, —. Will meet witli immediate de- palcli. 1 Fur 1 might or passage, having sa- periur accommodations, apply' to Captain Bennett, on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, " r *» HAUL A. HOYT. May 13 For Baltimore, The fast sailing, copperod and cop- por fastened schooner RISING SUN, vw Captain Fairbank, Burthen ono hundred and thirty-six tons, intended as a regular packet, will meet with despatch. For freight or passage. Jppiy to the captain on board, at Hall A Hoyt’s Wharf, or to „ J. B. HERBERT &. CO. Mav H mo® six&Sg tor St. Johns.E Florida, The fast sailing schooner EMELIN E, „ Hatfield, Master, Will sail for the above port on Sun- day nojt. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board, at Jones 1 Upper Wharf, or to HALL &, HOYT. Mny 13 Savannah and Augusta Mail COACH. New Arrangement Georgia Side. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public that lie has removed the Lino nf Stages on the Georgia side, and will lioreatier, leave Savannah every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at4 o’clock, A.M. lodge at Pierce’s, and arrive in Augusta at 5 o’clock next day. For seats, apply at the Georgia-Hntei. JOSEPH J. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Savannah, March 20,1025. N. B. Horses, Carriages, nnd Gigs, to Let—Horses kept by the day, month or year, and expresses sent at the shortest notice. March 24 too CROCKERY CniNA, and Gl .bs Ware. T. O. CVrnnbfevWn, NO. 5, GIBBONS’ BUILDINGS, HAS Just received by the late srrivals from Liverpool, Ncw- York mid Boston, a large assort ment of Crockery China and <Ulnss fVaie, which will be sold low for Cash, or approved paper. Bj 3 The Constitutionalist, Augusta, is re quested to insert the above six times, and forward bill to Georgian Office. Mav 12 •11||r. MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY STOCK. BY CALVIN BAKER, On MONDAY, 16th instant, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of his Auction Store, 260 SJiaros Marine and Fire lnsujanco Company Stock.—Terms cash May It TOO0 SIXbi i. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, ON THURSDAY, 19th May next, AT KI.RVEN o’clock. Will be sold in front ofhis Auction Store, all the personal property belonging to the estate of Col. John I. Roberts, deceased, consisting ot a dwelling House in Greeue ward, on lot No.20, An excellent Horse, Gig and Harness, one Gold Watch, two pair Pistols, Sword, Sash. Epaulets. &i\ tocre- ther with a quantity of Household nnd Kitchen FURNITURE. Also, a valuable collection nf BOOKS. Sold by permission nt the Court of Ordinary,—by order the Admini-tratix. April 8 113 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of the Court-House in this city, a TRACT OF LAND in Tattnall County, containing 57. acres, situated near Cauoochee River. b< ♦ longing to the estate of’ Samuel Haughton, dec and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, by order of the administrator. May 10 For New-York, Tlie fust aniline packet brig PANTHEA, Bradley, Master, — Will meet with quick despatch.— 1' or freight, or passage, having superior ac commodations, apply to Cnpt. B. on board, nt Jones’ Wharf, nr'to COHEN & MILLER. Mny 11 ' 41 p VEGUTABLI A fresh of the abort* VAL UABLE MEDICINE, just received per brig Frances, and for sale by GEO. RVERSON, May 11 Sole Affent. * Oin a on • Mess Fork 3000 BUSHELS Maryland White 25 Bari els Mess Pork tloftu Pounds Prime Middlings 23 Kegs Butter Landing lroruRchoon“r Rising Sun, for sale r J. B. HERBERT & CO. May 11 S gar, Ct ffca, Figs, <jfc. Oft BARRELS SUGAR OilRags Prime Green Cofloe 50 Drums Figs 4 Half Barrels Shad# 100 Casks Nails 10 Kegs Currant Wine Just received and for sale low, hv ORRAY TAFT. May 12 4*u A Teacher, WHO lias had several years experience V !• I * lc ittatruction of youth, in the “Shall Language, wishes a situation. He i B! vo the most satisfactory references *>, ,! c “aracter and qualifications. A *nc address,.j to H. D. at this office, will mnet With prompt attention. 10 4flpn* N’oUce. ““-partnership 0 f GAUDRY & _ 'LRBhlir, is dissolved by mutual sent, i ersons wlio are indebted to said ini'ivo 1,1 “"the payment to JOHN B. GAUDRY, ho being fully ««- iscd to settle the affairs of said concern. J. B. GAUDRY, . „ M. HERBERT. April 20 Tickk’i s Rkck*vkd. T HOSE who have ordered tickets in the Grand Slate Lottery of Rhode Island First Clnss,^ Now Series, ore informed they oro ready for delivery, ami orn requested to call for them. The following ure the principal prizes, which will be distributed on 3d of June next' l of 8(0,000 4 of 8500 t of 5,000 8 irf 100 5 of 1.000 44 of 50 1 of 548 £$C. t- C. iije. Present price $3 50—Apply at LUTH Ell’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Mav 13 District Court.—Notice. I N consequence ofhis Honor Judge Cuv-, being detained at Milledgovillo. in attendance upon tlm Circuit Court, the Ses sion of the District Court in this city, is postponed to MONDAY, 30th inst. ofwliicli all concerned, will take due notice. JOHN H. MOREL. M D. G May 12 42 HIE Notice. D URING the absence of the subscriber, Wi klifkk Bit CRN is his Attorney. JOHN W. LONG. Way 7 31!l TUB feUBSCHIBER INFORMS the friends of the former firm . , a . nd ll1 ” P u hitc in general, that he will tanlinue the t.ROCERY BUSINESS, at “i{ same stand, and solicitH their patronage, to th ® f,rm ° f to iunlii 1 ^ * HHHBF.itT, are requested v make as speedy payment as posfilile. JOHN B. GAUDRY. 23ev Notice. A REGULAR MEETING of the Com- missioiiers of Public Roads of Chat ham County, will take place at tho Court- House in Savannah, on MONDAY, tho thirtieth day of Muy, instant. By order of Thomas Young, Chairman, BOND, Secretary. May 10 . Ultra For Philadelphia, The packet brig FRANCES, * Captain Croft. i' Wi!! positively sail early on Satur day morning next. For freight or passage, apply to WILLIAM NEFF, At the Counting-Room of 8. B. Parkman. ( For sale, landing from above, Coffee in Barrels and Bags Whiskey and Linseed Oil May 12 42 For New-York, The fast sailing schooner OCEAN, Hcwett, J\Iasler, •For freight or passage, apply to John handler, Jones’ Buildings. Who has for sale, Imperial nnd Bohea Tea Philadelphia Family Flour. Choose Wine in Boxes and American Sogars Mny 13 43 For New-York * N Hedf rd The fast, sailing pilot hoat schooner RICHARD NELSON, Delano, master, s - j Will sail for the above ports on Sunday next,and can handsomely a acorn no* "*t° 0 Few passengers, for terms applt to tlie master nn board, or to BRADLEY,CLAGHORN & WOOD, M «y 12 Aneiaax’s Wharf. ForNcw-York* NewBedf rd, The fast sniling pilot boat ichooner ECLIPSE, Wood, master, ^ .iWillsail for the above ports on Sunday next, and can hndsoimdy acc(tmo- date a lew passengiirs, for term's apply to the master on board, or to BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD, -In iatu's )Vhnrf. May 12 inst. j " HUM.. ,.„1 RUODUgO Ulliy, Uppi A LL persons having demands against I ter on board, or to iv the estate of Francis Courvoiso.late ot Who has for sale, landing ft Chatham county, will preseut them duly —" For Providence, Tlie packet schooner RAMBLER, P. Sheldon, .’.aster, _ Will sail on Tuesday next, 17th For passage only, apply to the mas- FAIi j, will , „„„ attested, and those indebted will make pay ment to R. HABERSHAM, ) Qui]ifiodEx . 1 HABERSHAM i ccutore - march 18 t.B ’A'RIS HILL, from said vessel, 10 Bags Havana Green Coffee 10 Barrels New-Orloans Sugar 20 Barrels Gin 5 Hogsheads New Rum 1 Pipe Holland Gin 100 Barrels Pilot and Navy Bread May W 42l MEDICAL RRCOHDKR, ??o. I S just, received and ready for delivery at the Book-Store of W. T. WILLIAMS, where subscribers to suid work will be re ceived. From the Boston Medical Intelligencer. THE MEDICAL RECORDER. A desire to extend a knowledge, among our professional brethren, of the merits of this highly valuable publication, has induc ed us to bring tiiis subject again before our readers. Since its first appearance, the Medical Recorder supported a high*reputa tion, but when it came under the superin- tendance of the present editor, Dr. Col- houn, a spirit was infused into its p.igcf, which has given it a decided superiority over the multitude of those tamo periodical works on medicine, which are coutinuaily teeming from the press, we can strongly re commend the Medical Recorder to the no tice of the profession, as one of the best public journals of medicine in the Union. It ia published. at Philadelphia, by Mr. James Webster. From the hrcdevick-Town Examiner• Without, intending any disparagement to the other periodical medical journals of our country, I will at present advert to but one. "The Medical Recorder,” conducted by Dr. Colhou , and published Quarterly in Phila delphia, is a work entitled, not only to the patronage, but to the attentive perusnP of every physician and medical student in the United Slates. It is truly an independent work. Under the thraldom of no scholas tic dogma, and pledged to support no par ticular medical college to the prej dice of another, it is exempt from one of the most fatal circumstances which too often attend works of this description—the promulgation of error under the imposing influence of a respectable university. may II 041 p liUTfc'i GLUT Si KINGS, ' VIRGINIA. Tiiis new and elegant estab lishment, will be open lor the re- option of company as usual, next ‘enson. The quality of the wu- ■oming bo well known, in conse quence of the great numbers of persons who used and received benefit from them the last season, that the subscriber deems it scarce ly necessary to ,■liter iuto a detail of their properties and effects. He will, however, lor tiie information of those wlto may still remain unacquainted with them, remark, that there are two springs—the waters of one of which, are strongly impregnated with sulphur mil magnesia—the other with iron. The firm, acts on some as a miid, on others, us an active cathartic, and are strongly re commended in complaints of tiie liver nnd . kidneys, dispens* and In all diseases aris ing from a oisurdored stomach. They at’ . once remove indigestion nnd the cause by . which it is produced, restore lost appetite, Purity tho blood, and exhiliarate the spirits. Incnses of debility and weakness, they have been found particularly efficacious. The waters of tho other spring are strongly ton ic and thought very proper to be used after drinking thn sulphur water. To promote 1 lie effects of each, hot, cold and shower baths are provided. 'I'll- buildings of this establishment, as mentioned in a former advertisement, are nil of brick, and in an eminent degree unite neatness, convenience and comfort. These points have been particularly attended to ill those departments intended for the use of ladies or families. The adjacent motile tains abounding in game, gentlemen fond ot hunting, will have an opportunity of in dulging in that pursuit. Those prelerring morn inactive amusements, will find news” papers books, chessmen, backgammon ta bles, &c. Amusements also for the ladies have not been overlooked i Music of thu best kind BY J. B. HERBERT Sf CO. ... THIS DAY, 14th instant, Will be sold on Mongints Lower Wharf, In n 0 , ^ 'landing Irom sloop Delight, 20 Barrels Prime Sugar, 8 Boxes Loaf Su gar, II Bags Coffee.-—Terms at sale. Also, before our store, a general assort ment of Groceries, die Terms cash. May 13 BY J. B. HERBERT t, CO. On MONDAY, 18th inst. Will be sold on Hunter’s Wharf, at XI o’cllt. for account of all concerned, 20 Eighth Casks Toneriffe Wine, picked up at sea by tlie pilot-boats Richard Nelson and Eclipse, nn their passage from New-Orleans to this port—Terms cash. May 10 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT It CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, W ill be sold before the Court-House in •J'tn n'ty. between the usuul hours, TWO NEGROES, Peter and Julnes. belonging to the estate of tho late James Wallace, I'.sq. deceased. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Interior Cuurt of Chatham County, and by ordor of the administrator. Perms cash. Mav 5 J-JSEPU kopman^lo. H AVE received by the William Wal lace, a further supply of ttritiah, VtencYi & Canton liooiU,\\z, *. L und J Cambric Prints inghams, Dimities White and Printed Marseills Vesting Plain and figured Jaconet and Bouk Muslin Plain and Figured Swiss Muslin Swiss Muslin Robes and Aprons Do do Hhdkts and Points Silk r tripe Drilling Denmark Sattins, Corduroys Cotton Hoic, assorted Madrass Handkerchiefs Soper Blue Cloths and Cassimerog Black and Colored Canton Crapes Black Nankeens do Colored do Robes Sinchows and Levuntiuos Levantine Ssttin Black Figured Silks Brown do do Bareges Scarfs, Shawls and Dresses Seersuckers Blue and Yellow Nankeens Bandana and Flag Handkerchiefs Black Barcelona Silk Stockings and Half Hose Buckskin Gloves Umbrellas, Parasols and Fans 4 Cuses i Linens, assorted 2 do J, f, and '{, Diapers 20 Bales Domestic Plaids, Stripes and •Shirtings. &.c. It do Ozunburgs together with a variety of other articles, worthy tho attention of Planters aud Coun try Merchants. April 16 20 Dividend,'No 14. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, ) Savannah, 22d April, 1825. ( T IIE Board of Directors having this day declared a dividend on the capital stock of this Bank,for the last six mon'lis, of $3 per share, or six per ceut per annum, i lie same will be paid to the respective Stockholders thereof, or to thoir order, on uud after Monday net. By order of I he Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. IT The editors of the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Southern Re corder nnd Georgia Journal, Milledgeville, will please to publish the above three times, and charge the expense to this Bank. April *J3 "8 Inspector of Dry Culture. A N inspector is wonted for the inspection of the lands under contract for Dry Culture. Applications will be rcce'vcd un til the 20th inst. when a choice will be made by the Committee, according to the terms and qualifications of the applicants. WM. R. WARING, Chairman Committee Dry Culture. May 5 38 Treasury i wpavtmput; April 29. 1825 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T HAT, on the first day of October net the principal of the six per cent, stoi of the United Slates, created under the a Glorify of liII Act of Congress, entitled •*/ Act authorising a loan for a sum not excee ing eleven millions of dollars,” approved i the fourteenth day of March, one tiunisai eight hundred and twelve, together wi o,;n i.,„,fi j VT" T"“ ?*"" i tbe interest then due thereon, will be pa Tr„ r „ i 1 •? d d fur d .1 nc E*7 a n^ such “ iproprietors of said stock, or to the ' d ol playing oil Gie Forte Piano, will t attorneys duly authorized, nt the Treasui hod in the drawing room an elegant one : „f t | le United States, in Washington, ni provnied for their use. Moderate exercise l at the several Loan Offices, on tlie hooks on horseback or in carriages, being consul-. which any portion of said stock may stan J V h P y n P Tn r W e S ' t,lu ' vnt, ' ,rfl ’! A "'"render of the Certificates' of su he subscriber takes this occasion to remark Stock, will he required at the time of pa 1 . 10 * j country in which his mnnt, and tho interest on said Stock w springs aro situated, are peculiarly adapted cease, from and after the thirtieth day to this kind ol exercise—they are surround- September next, e l on every side bv lolly mountains, with a SAM'L. L. SOUTHARD, rich anu beautiful valley intervening be- tween. This valley uffords excellent roads, and in riding out, the pure air inhale d fresh tr im tiie mountains, acting in connexion with the waters, at once gives assurance of reitiming health, even to the greatest invalid. Gentlemen from the South, wishing to dispense with the use of carriages and hor ses, can come directly to the spot without incurring the expense of either—they will proceed by water from Savannah, Charles ton, or any other southern port, to Norfolk, thence in the steam-boat to Richmond, from whence there is twice a week, a mail stage that now passes wiiliin two miles of tiiis place, and after the 15th of June, will come directly to the spot, passing through the flourishing town of Lynchburg. After arriving here and remaining as long as Acting Secretary of the Treasury. May 12 42 jiff is agreeable, they can then proceed to any of the adjacent springs they may choose in a hack kept by tno subscriber for that pur pose. The distance to tlie Sweet Springs, is thirty-seven miles—to tho WliiteSulphnr, fifty-five—'o the Sweet and Snlt Supliur, sixty—to the Red Sulphcr. seventy-two— and to the Hot and Warm Springs, between sixty and seventy miles. It is recommended to gontlemen intend ing to visit any of the Virginia VVutering Places, to have their letters addressed to the Botetourt Spriugs. It being the first wa tering pla e they will touch at in going, and the lust in returning, they will experience great convenience in following these direc tions—because on their arrival they may find letters from home, and during their stay, will have an opportunity of hearing from their friends every other day, as the muil from the South arrives three times a week. If after remaining with the subscri ber as long as is agreeable, they should choose to proceed to any of the neighbor ing springs, he promises that their letters shall be carefully forwarded, whithersoever they muy direct. CHARLES JOHNSTON. Botetourt Springs. April 4th, 1H25. IT The Augusta Constitutionalist will copy the above, once a week, four weeks, and transmit the account to the Office of thn Georgian. ^ay 7 CCfu N olice. T HE siffiarriher in a groat measure ha ing recovered his health and the tu ofhis h«n<lB, offers his services to his friem and the public generally, in the Clock, and WatcVvlVc^aix i g VYusincss, and solicits a elmie of their patronage. II work will be faithfully executed—his clutre moderate—anil he will expect prompt put ninnt. He will at present be found nt li" residence in Bryan-Street, three doors cm of Mr. White’s Boarding-House. Haul Square. CHRISTIAN D. LEBEY. April 20 -23ji, Uwon Society. P ROPOSALS in writing, will be t ceivod until tho 25th of the prose month, for boarding and clothing the bo supported by the Union Society, fur oi year from the firBt day of June next; i proposals may be made for their hoard, ii eluding washing, mending, <tc. only. L. MASON. Secretory Union Society, Msy 4 3j .Nonce. T HE Commi dinners of Pilotage hai made arrangements to furnish nil ve scls inward and outward bound, with Pilot. A slate will be kept in the office of tl Commissioners in the Exchange, whei masters in want of Pilots will apply. By order if the Board of Commissioner of Pilotage. March 31 (lfl Notice, T HE members of “ The Female Mifsiei arv Society of Christ Church." si requested to pay their subscription for 182) to 9. H. WALL, Secretary. May 22 41