Newspaper Page Text
fcherift”s Hales.
On thi Jt it Vumla, in June next,
LL be >uM nt llie Court-House in th'
town otJpfferion, between the limn
often o’clock in h; morning, ami four o’clk.
in the afternoon, one r.nJivnleJ nioicly, ol
the lollowi; g property, via i
A tnct of Und situate on the tooth tide of
■atilla Hirer, containing five hundreil toien.
B >re or lets, two hunared end fiuy ncrei.ol
which It tinder cultivation, nod bounded rant
by landaof lire F U. Oihorne, e iutb by land,
of - Habe.ihim, weal by laiula of John-
Mon, northwardly by Snttfn Hirer, together
with ill the building* xnd pluilttion loot,
thereto belonging.
A|xo, fif r or eiety hexd of cxttle, thirty
eheep, two Salt, one b mt, end the following
Itegro tUret, to wit, Qeorge, Lucy, Alnlib.,,
llxrch, Chnrlo te, Georgette, Peggy, Caaa-ur.
■Heck, Pendmdy, Flornt, Harriet, Sum, Hen
ry, Fuday, fiimon, B.lheiiy, Louisa, Solan,
Urueottx, HeHy.P ttry, Nancy, Marcus, My
rt, Jrmei. Toney, flolen, Homulusi linatto.
Bcendy, Abbey, Ben, P ovidence, Montoti,
D-lis. Cyrus, Rig Jack, Amelia, Juliet, Pule-
mur, Philip, Lucinda, Altamont,, Long
Jim, Bose, Little Jim, LittleMlack, Smart
Phcbe, Billy, Nat, Uamnr, Driver Jim, Maria
Lavinia, Gleopat.ia, Canadi, Unreal, Tenab
Luke, Sally, Paulina, Caiiata, Itoiana, Scipio'
Ca'.n, Nancy Cane, Frede.ick. Jab, Bora, Pi
aah, Deck, Pumpey, Patty, l> ana, Culunibu
Bob, Llaaa, Andrew, Nanny, Matthew, Lundun
Little Pendalt, Prince, Ceasar, Philba, Littl>
Jaok,Fanny,Daniel,Castor, Ned, Little Cenrgi,
Solomon, Gambay, Kate, Pncnla, A lam, and
Mary being one hundred in ttumuer, leiic'l
on and to be aolJ to aati.-fy ao execum"
against J in K ig and Wesvule Jonea, in fa
vor of Jac b K. Volk*
Alio, one h use and lot, si-uate, lying and
being, in the wwn of St. Marys, being part oi
lot nuuner one, containing mu liundrcd lev
in front, and four hundred and di.rty aix fei t
deep, levied on and tu be sold as the properi
of John B. Christopher, to satisfy an execo
tinn on foreclosure of mortgage, io favur ul
William Bertie under the mle absolute
April 22,1.18.5.
Anril 28 30
mno sAim
Sheriff *s Sale
On the first Tuesday in June next,
\\to L Dc sou in n .a oi in Gnnr-
\Kr louse, in the: city of Savannah, brtweet
the t.iUdl hours often and four o'clock
Lot and buildings No 5, Bt o -vn waid, le
vied nn under two executions *ga : »s‘ C H Hhv*
den, in fsvor of Frider-c* W. Iler.ena.u
ai d in favor f B * I Habersham*
I'wo Lots of and, situate fiom the corner
of East H'Otd-s', on the Thunderbolt Rad
on the -dj ining co-ner, I. vied oi^uthe pro*
C rtv «t , ti Hayden, to satisfy an execution
itng from a Jus* ices Court in favor of A D
Laroch, returned to me i>y a const »b»e.
A negro mm named Doctor, levied on as
the proper y , JjsUh.J Tippin, to satisfy two
executions i > fsvor of George W, and one
in fvor of J B Win's.
Three negroes, Titus Betsey, and Clianc*.
kv'ed on ua the p operty - f Thoa N Morel to
satisf in execu.i m m favor of .ue Bank of the
State of Georgia.
A woman na ned Phillis and her child S«e
S ben,levied on u the prop rtv f hecst. of A.
ackso i, uu 'er a>i ex nuron from Richmond
Bupenor Court, in «> f Jonnt'*»n Sswy
A D'LYO l. D.S C. C
II .v 9 9
Slicmf’s -ales.
On the first Tuesday in June next.
Uv uu j M a! til.' Jour.'Hous-<n thr
-Jit y of Savannah, between the bout a
of -:ii and f jur o'clock, the following 16 le
grocs, via. —
Sippio, (lager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry,
B 1' Bui he, Parris, B am, D .ah, Little Bram,
P'Hice, Btn and Merum, with the increase
jf the families, levi. d on und ra foreclosure
of a mortgage fr'*m Peter Timothy to William
Waah ngtnn for use.
T* > negroes, viz: Ned and Glasgow., lcvi>
erl nn a foreclosure of a mortgage from Gitas.
Wmer to Joseph K >pman.
an il 4 09
sheriff’s Sales.
O N the fi ri Saturday, after the first Tues
day in June next,, will b • sold at the
11 *•»< Hj"S ■ in the town of Si Mar s, two
ue ,r s. viz B h and Rose, levied on a i the
prop*-»y o | j eph R in, to Swtiafv an cxrcu-
tio . . V\: foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
ot ' • !?' ’,lHr!<e» m-lGeorge S Bn.wn.
A 8 1*5 W. f HKBB-JtO S C C.
* n
;'»llt./i in
'In h<- fir a Vuesdny in J me next,
F V u r fL i in .ytog in the
•t/ of t fit g!i .in, ; ottoded no'th b*
h -et llvdes, e*u by h is i.m R ibenliu st
ail ; ..-r Hiden vacant at the time of he origin-
a u • ev. Also I50acr°8, ha.f of a tract u
acres originally granted to OUr s inn H—
be ihurr. Also 4 0 acres bounded north b)
lmds of Dmiei Steiner, east Ino Snyd> rand
others, at thy time . f original survey. Als ,
158 %c eaaouf’wa dly by lands of Urbenlurst,
ea t John Q orge Snyder, and n n
R *<enhu»at, at h ’ lirtn of the or ginal survt-).
The above lanuu 1 iV*» d on as the property « 1
Ch ri’-.s Tiot, iosau»f, executions in favor o
Henry M'Alpin und Davi?l Go le.
v y 6 27
fchenif’s . ale.
On thtfi tt Tuesday in Ju ie next.
UMl L be so il a. the Court House in tlu
\A# town of Jetferioi^Camden Count', be*
tween 'he usual hours of sate, a negro man
nam d J'aniel, levu A on (by aconst.ble) as
the property of Macaj th Crews, deceased, to
•ati f/ sundry executions in favor of losepli
lb nu G W. THOMAS, D.S C. C.
Jefferson, 30,1825,
May 5 36
City Sherift’’s Sales,
On the first Tuesday in June next,
rtflM.ii a Mat >. e Court liuiio** to the
JJ City of Savannah between the hour<
»f t'>n and four o'clock,
Ono negr.i woman nam 'd Sander, h vied on
aa t».e property ofJidn ind V leria l)»vis, to
MBtia’y an exeeii'ion from the C uirt of Com
mon Ploaa and Over and Tet miner for the r j.
ty of S v.miah, W n Bowers, vs John FGDi-
vis guardian of Jtln and Valeria D via.
Also One m gro woman named Louisa, le
vied on aa the property of John I Bulloch, to
satiety sui d y executionsf om the Court of
Common Heaa and n ycr andTerminer for the
city of Savannah, Wm G Barton and.pthera.v*
Jolm 1 Bulloch*
Ala> all h buildings on Lot No forty (43)
Wanen w« dbaunded north by al»nc sont.i
by Br-ntgh'uti street, east by Lot No thi-1>
vine (39) and west by Lincu’n atr* et, levied
on as the property of Chts *f H i. dan, to sati«5-
fv an execution for ground rent in favor of th
German Lutheran Church, vs* ha- H Harden.
may 9 '9
Sheriff's Sales,
On the first Tuesday in July next,
W IILbe.iolda tli* Court House »n t^r
City of Savannah, between the hour ,
of ton and fi ll- o'clock,
Al' the buildings and improvements on Lot
N j 41) Warren ward, w th th»* u expire- 7 Ichm
pfia.d Lot of Land, l-Ved o» is t»ie proper- v
of Chalet H llayden. under a fi .fa on fort
closure in favor of Fredtr'~k W Hcim-mann.
>. D'LYON 1) S C. C
Ms- 9 9
ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
and the public, that ho lias purchusod
tiie estublislimcnt in the above business, be
longing to Dr. A. Dclarochc, opposite the
Ext iiange, where lie offers lor sale at low
prices, a large assortment of
V*rea\\ Nr \g«, .MeCLicvncft,
ft mi Cheu'.ictiYs,
Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Root, Borax. B irgamut
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do
Peru, do Folk
Camphor, Cautharidcs, Cinnamon
American best and common Cantor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas
Colombo, Finery, Gum Assafcctida
Aloes. Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Ibinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxvd of Bizmuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Pearlasli, Inecacunnlia, Jalap.
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar
Glauhur. Epuom nod Rocholli! Stalta
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
faints D,>| am\ in Oil.
White, Retl and Block Lead
I’russiim Blue, Verdipris
Ivory, oml Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetinit Red, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan und Copal Varnish.
i’er turnery.
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Best English Shaving Snap
Eau do Cologne, Lavender Water
()tto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med
iciues of every kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jail 20 47
Administrator's tiaie.
On Vie fi si Tuesday in Ju y tiexti
B ETWEEN toe us ml hour*, will be sold
>«: th« Courtdlouse in Br>»n County,
th fdlowing describ 'd property, being purl
of <hi estate of Mitthe Carter, dec. rud
sold for the benefit of the hers end creditors,
end by an order of the Court ol Ordmsry of
•aid county, viz:
2J0 ucres of Is- d in G vinneit County,
k town as Lot No 363, in the 7 •• 1> tricl.
2 »0 acres in Kniy County,.known ss Lot
Nu 74. in tli 2)to District
2 0 seres P ne Land, in Elfiugham County.
Also* two suvea. <
Condit" * i< f sale m d j known on the day.
ELlZiBBftl cAttl'EU, Ad r.'rx.
April 38 30f .•
Piano :'o.tes, t urlcd Hair Ma
trasses, cather iitds,
T IIE fmhBcribcroffers forsulethe follow
ing articles, warranted to be cf the
best quality
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes. Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Cuiled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post .Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curb'd Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedst eads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, I-lnsy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrasscs
Do do Moss do
Feather Bods, Bolsters aad Pillows
Children's Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
C'lts and Matrasses to fit. • ».
Als.o, a large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match
The above articles ran he examined at
the store in Whittokcr-Ntreet, opposite Col.
Shollman. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 93
Admirjistratoi's Notice.
A LL persons inilubtrd to the estate of
Randolph M’Gillis, late of Camtli n
County, deceased, are requested to make
pnyinnnt, ami those having dementis against
said estate, will present them to tlto under
St. Marys, April loth. lies.
April 27 Sflft,
ply to
March 4
VV anted.
Treasury Heyarhnetvt,)
March, 14, 1825 5
W HERE VS on the 3.1 of M»rch, 5
law hi p-inxed by the CungreM of tnc
Un ted Stales,of Which 'he 3d 4th, and 5'i
iectbna arc i" the i»vd* f diow. ig« viz :
" 8cc. J. And be it fu- lher enuc ed, Th)»t -
lubi^ription o'.he a-ii 'uat of twelve mlllon-
ofdollaia, of the aix p r cent. *tock of tin.
veae eighteen hundred and tnirtean, bo, «nd
the aame i$ he eby prupuaed j for which Pur
pose b"»>k - shall be opened at the Tressu'y “I
the Uintrd States, and At th* several loan • fll
cea, on the firat da« of April next, to ccntinu.
open until the first day of Oomber thereat** r,
for such parts of the above mention -1 d
script ion of stock aa ahall, on th 4 day of sub •
scription, *tand on the hooks of the Treasur
and on those of the several lorn os, re
apectlvely / wlunh atibscipti >n ahall bo clfV-cv
ed by a transfer to tiie United Slat^, in th<
.nanoer prov.ded by hw for » uch tP»,o-
the credt or cridts standing on the said
books, and by s surrender of the certificate*
of the slock so subscribed : Provided, That
all aubacriplinn by such transfer i.f «lock shah
be c maidei das part of the said twelve mil
ions ofddlars author led to he borrowed bj
tiie first secti n • f Iiih ac : .
,l Sec. 4. And be i further enacted. That- for
'he whole or any put of uiiy nu«n which slul
hr thus subscribed, credits shall beentered t'
he respertiv m ibsc ibers, uh * shill be unti
led to Hci rtifi ate or cei-tificates purporting
that the Uruled states owe to the li »l'cr or
holders thereof his her ; or their assigns, u
sum to be expressed th :rein, equal to tlv
amount of the principal stock thiMSu -.-scribi**,
.earing n interest n texc..edhg four a d
*re half per centum p r Ffmum, puahlo
pnrterli, fr-»m the tli st. uay - f Decern-
ber, one thousand eight ill .dred aid twenty
five / tra.istemhle in ill.- aame aimer as i“
pr rvi». (I by Ihw f:ir the transfer of 'he stock
uhsrribed. and suhj ct»o rul :mptmn at tin
le-mire cf the U.*.’t;d btaus, *s f-llows : out
.i f at any time J er the Hurtv -first day ol
December, one thousand eight hundred an t
"wenty-eight: and th? remainder at «ny^
fter the thirl*- fi st d»y of December, one
linns<nd eight hundred and twei;t>nine s
i'.i-vhled, rh-.t no reiinhuroement shall be
n-»de except for the whole amount of sue)
ew :ate ; nor until after at least six
nonths purine .ot. ’C of such mien.led rtiim
mrsenent. And u shall be the duly of tin
Secretary ,f the T^cusurt t '• cause to be tra •»
ferred to the respective MibsciEcisthp arvpr
ii sums by t‘» -m suhser bed beyond the runoum
tf the ctT li rates i.-f f.air one haif pc:
ent. stock s..u 1 t.n them r* si *etiv<»lv
** Ser, 5 And be it fvther ennettd. Tha'
h; same- fi. dr km.:i have h?'-a«dore b’« •
>d now are plfiigcd by mw io: the payinen
f he int» r.-st, >. d for the redemption a.,
'indorsement uf the stock which ir.a !> b. i"
?e-.-m d nr reintbuned b" viitu- of ths pr-
vijions of this act, shall remain pledged in lilt-
maiMT for hepaMnentof ilur ii-tereat accru-
. g on the siock created by I'tason of su f
-ubftClip'ion, and f »r tie ud * notion or reun-
*ursen ent of the prmcip' l of * 1»n same. A. d
it shad tic the dut ol tt'e c-n mu-aionere of 'he
unking fund to cause to be Aiq.lied and paid
nui of the said fun ; , yearly and e cy year-
such sum and sum? as may be annudly rnqil.
ed to dis .barge the inte e^t ac-Mi g cn • «
svock which may be crca'ed bv vii'ue of tlm
t T he said commis.m’iu'v? ar-, also, hurt
oy authoriied to apply., f - m tune to tim ,
men sum sod sums oui of the arid fund, a:;
•hey may think prop«r, t .ward* redeeming
ny purchase, or by re.mbursemeat, in con-
fomiity with the provisions of this act, th 1
p incipai of the- S lid at”ck : and mir.h part oi
the annual sum often millions tfd liars, vot
ed by law in the a*i < rommissioncis. as m
be necessiry and required for tht above pur
noses, shill be ana continue tpp opria' -d t
the payment of interest and redemi tion u
ihe public debt, until the wlr le ..f t'.e slock
which may bi. c-eatcd under the provisions ol
th s act, sha.l have been redeemed or reim
Now, thcr fnre, notice is hereby given, li«
h «oks will ue open-dal the Treasury * thr
United St -at'**, aid .t the severs! loan ofR;vb
on the firat day ot April n-xt, and c-mauue
•»pen until the firu. di of Octobc, there af
er, for rece<ving suh-niiotinns in cu.forn ity
with he prov s ons. f -hesaid hw.
The subscription nr»*»v be made by the pro
prietors «f tiie stock, ci’|it*r in person or by
.bcirattorneys duly «u»nm z to subisub-
■hd ti-ansf* r .t to the United Males.
Sir uUl subscriptions of said s’oek he made
to an em )*mt cxcc-diog twelve »»• Iliooa m
ltdinrs,a dial.ib-.iti n cfilie sai lsumi ftwelve
millions of do-Iars will bn ma*le amang lie
subscribers, i i proportion to the sums subscri
bed by them respectiv* jy.
Acting Secretary of ihe ir.-'i.mir ,B
March ‘26 tp l •
Georgia—oamd n County.
Super ton Court, October Term, 182 4.
Timothy Hopkins, rs. Langley and Selvcster
Jl’kN petith n of Tmatliy Hopkins, stiting
t f Ih^t in consideration «‘f certain prom-
isnry notca, made to the said Timothy, bv
thom, one p*\able with inte rs*, fr< m Bis1
>f January, 1821, on tlu- frst of Jat:ti.-r> 1822:
« second posable as sforesai , f*n the fas' ol
Januiry, 18X1/ and a th'rrt pavable as af-ire-
Mid, on the first of January, 18 '4. cxecut'xl a
•nortgage to said Timothy Hops*it s* h»a htir-
*nd aiaigns, «*n ail those four tries of Lid,
diluted in he county aforesaid, conveyed^)
•ie said Ti nothy, to the said Langley ^nd
lelvcster, and lying on the south side oi
GrcMt Satdla River, one tract containing stv-
.tv-st venl acres, more nr lcs r / two tracis
•outHining fif y antes, more or less, at d on;
’her tract, coi■Mining one hundred and nigh,
weight acres, more or less, conditioned fm
•ie payment of the thru© said several notes,
"ii the days above mentioned, and that saiu
nvcral notes remain unpaid—on motion of
vrchibald Clark, aitorney for phinti! 1 , it ir
•i dered, that the said Langley and Selvestei,
'.htir heira or assigns pay intoC-our., witltir,
welve months from this date, the su-^i duo
m said notes, and the intcrea and c< a's. oth
erwise that the equity of redemption be for.
,iver foreclosed, and that su. h other proceed
»'igs take place, as are pursuant to law.
True extract from the m-n - es, 27th Octo
ber, 18 7 4. JOHN BAlI.nY. Clerk
nov 4 y.7 ^
Not loE.
\TINE months after date, applicsfion wdl bt
ml a 1 ' to tile Hun. the Judges of the Court
• Ordinary''f Chu'h&m c< unty, for leave tu
Tel* all the real estate cf the late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs sik! cred-
t -ra of said estate.
JOHN M'MSH. Executor.
O'-* 19 -j
N otice.
4 LL pfrannn lwvm f ; lamanili against the
Tk esiale of (.’oinnant Freeman. Esq late ol
the city of Washington, ileecaicd, a e re
q nred to ham) tliem in. loyally,
within the time preacrib. d bv law : anil thin.-
indebted to said ert.te, are n qm-ed to m,k-‘
immediate payment, to
Jan 14 4Jpa
Vegetable Catholicon.
~ IIK mbs^rih r respt ctfully sol-cits the at
teiitinn of every friend of suffering hu
mility, to to the above new and invaluable
rJmuuyt whose unequal powers io elimiribting
fnmi the 8vflt?m tlirf very seeds of di*e»se,
a id in rtst rmg the d-rsoged and moibid
coivlilh'n of the organs of Me to a free and
healthy etercao of I heir fuuctons, has exci.
ted the n.-t in ; shm* n', and completely sih. n
o.ed the objections of the most mcr» duluus —
Fuels are tht best arguments. In order to put
ihe viriuesoi'toet.atholicon to as severe a
scrutiny sap sa ble, it was r ffered byadver-
t sement. tor* her w't i the atteiidince of a
pbysic'an, gratuitously to any tiers in who
would ippV fur it, and whose cause might
seem b e rne within \he rniige of its healing
power—mmbers of severe Chscant inng«n d.
ing,ai d ipno ot them seenmiitlv de u* r 'c
o-ms, pr ented theimches. all of -Jiikh have
bt cn cnrtfl or so much relieved as to warrant
i he Bs»er*ion that a little n- rsevera* re wi 1 do
so I ii Uct, such is the co fi ience of ihe phyai
cian under whote rare these Patients were
,jIhcc1, in this rein* dy, a coi fiJe ce resu t-
in«r from tlio irre-.istihle eoir.icti-in that hxs
.ie«i forced upon his mind by ocular ile.n
itrstiou, ar-d a person*1 trial'>f it on h-msull
list he permits me to declare it as h s d -ci-
u cl opitdon,, ihxt he Cu'h dic-n is not oolv b
perfectly safe am) innocent, hut a m,.st puw
erlul ai-u invkluabio remedy in ceiia n do
*-as» 9 an I states of the S' s.em, such us dit f I
OWin g:—
Ue ihty resulting from intemperance am:
-i sxpationt Ol t inveteiat U.c' rs. Pa:n<
in tiie h- n s .it Tided with »welbngs f tm
j in a s I li./Sicn, Bl-'t lies on tlie face,
m np'c* , <f<c. i Al' couipUin's of the Liver:
e' e": Yiws; Sypnilis Cutaneous disease.*-
g'-ne-ul y j Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Catholicon (which the proprieter s d
em r i!y pledges h s word consis-s exclusive
•f itg tnbie matie r ) with the ex» epi on of ..
slight d.b.rmi ution to the bowels, which ii
presm vi-sin a soluble 8t.»te, a. t-. insensibly, i»
pi^sant to the taste, and r< quires n ;>arlicu
ar regimen, (absiin.rce spirt nous li
quors 1 vays excepted.) or couKnein^ot. A^
,t g nlle sate and agree b e cathartic m. il
C" e, 'mprov:ng the appetite and rt-atornig lot
<em*rs| t«-n? of the ays'c.ii, it is couiid uti>
reconnnended tu iadies io u delicate bitua-
tion. w w. pun Ed,
66 Chei-u'.-aircet.
Philadelphia, May 31,1824.
At ti e request «;f Mr. W. W Foiter, I have
late y »xiMb.ted, in several in-tance 4 , a- >ncdi
oat^.l s .-up. caih d Ho ter’s Yeg^t'.oif Catho •
icon with the nu .t dee ded advantage* 1
•mb, os : et, never failed effecting a cure u
v'.ei'y calc in which I have t'lougi-t proper t»
employ it. H. M'MUK.'iUE, M U
Ph< ade'phia, July 23th, 18 4.
Mr. W IV. Poiter.
Dei: 3ir—You expressed a wish tint 1
would a concise ut tement of nay s> tf .r
ingx, from 1 the hopehss coafimu.ceine-.t, t*
the present propitious stage of my dise«sc.'
About five years ago, on my pnasugc from
RorcJesux, <lnrmg the month of January, from
mprud-Tit exposure on deck, I was seized
with a violent fever. Favng no medied at-
'endnntson board, I was compelled to bear
it, as I ir ght for two weeks, when on my ar-
ival at C-mrleston, S. C. it was treated ax
• ’vpi'll*. '| he wtril *>f my Phy«ioian snbdo- d
the fever, but R! a;iix- : :ke, the termination
of this gave ris- to a di-^sse «qjslly distres •
nc, und which, till now I had thought incu’~
•ble. Various abacesaes made thei unweh
:ome appearonce, particularly on the j i nta,
wliich were < we led to an enormous* mac.—
l licse g tdualiy subsided into ha'd tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
hone—an inc sion was now made .me a ltr r e
evacuation of nui, miyed with p'»crs of bone
took place. In addition to this. I si-ftVtcd the
moot excruciating pains in my j *in's that man
ever experienc'd. Every thing that was
nd. idni-ttcred either gave me no relief or ser
ve l to aggravate the Jisea’ q, the seventy of
wlii h wicr.-'iseJ ' i ll every succeeding yror
•uch wi* mv p.'i.Ju: si lutimt that I le paire-
o' ever b. i.ig rn»t«*rcd to ny heal it * 1 had
.ot O'dv tnc I l‘»e e.rular means of relief,
t used, though in vs'ui, every popu’ar rem«
-!> I cojH lit-a» o' It was in tiiiaa« ful and
despond ng coi,di*:o:.,sh*t T was persni-ded te
omm -MceHcoM-se of your Vegetable* f* I
i :*»»», and t: e baonv remit is, •\f om the use
of the tivo htitl s my wWr tys'nn has wider
go tea comp'et two utirui, mu p.cni le vs fo sa
ke i me { ’ the discht-r^e fr-uu in» aiiut* heg n
o -1 in.nish, and s o i conaed al'.ogether, ih r -
ulcei tVcm alienee it ptoceeded being coin
pictcly liv ded. The tumors, for the removal
of wliich I have tried in vain more remtdi/p I can :.ame, are v.pidly dvcrea iing ; my
appetite, which was gone, has returned—I ai
i:i fict, ncir.y welt, and feel confid nt that a
few bottles inure of y'-ur, (t«> me) mvaluabh
medicine, will make me p«-r ccily so.
Yuurobhg- d t’iend,
Fhilude'.plii i, July 6, 18 '4.
Mv confidence in th* v* get tide catholicon
is tin'Jimintsfwd, and ds fr- sli in tan;es of its
powers arj daily occurri' g, in my own prac
tice. I have no hesitation io recommending ji,
m the peculiar diseases to which it is applica
ble, hs superior to any reme !y I am a« «|-i'»it i
ed with. M. M'VUUTHIE, M. 1).
rhilatUlphia, Muy 28. 18 4
Sin—In const qurmce of imprudent expos
are four • ears ago I had the misfortune *o be
came i fll cted with a disease, the painful re
HuVsof which induced me to apply in aur.
cesi'on to several respectable phyaicians oi
th’S city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose ren I re-
ceivea another complaint quite as disti easing
”B the former. Tly whole syate r» became a •
meted, I could gel no re>t at night on ac-
< ount rf the violent pain that I felt in every
part of ny body; the weakness and e "acia
tion of which was such that l could scarcely
walk, in this state 1 fortunately heard c f
y-rnr vepelable catholicon- four bottles ol
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain j my appetite is good j and my
strength restored With many thanks for
tin* relief your medicine has given me, I am
your obliged friernl, &c.
Sworn and subscribed to before me, May 28.
1824. JOHN DINNS, A derinin.
Phi ailciptua, May 28, ie",.
Sir—I xm mw, thxnk, to your medicine, c
hexrly mx, F r nexrly xix yexra l been
• mxrtyr to x disene, whole rxv.g s threit.
ened, if not luon xtopped, to put u psriod to
my existence. Hxvinf, bed no re K >iltr medi-
cal advice from the commencement, mv
comnlxint it last (fit to such i height tbit I
.®°" ld "'•» '“* 1,ow ""hoi'l (fext pun xnd
difli,.. ty. Tumor. r< rmed in different pxrts
of my bMy, xnd I begxn to think my .itustion
«lmo‘t deiper.te. The five bottle, of the
Cxi hoi,con which I hxve liken have com
pletely cured me. xnd I em now he .well ax 1
'ould wi th to be. With niv thanks, am your
>bhged liumb.c t ervant, He
City of Phi ade'phia, ts
Gj.rrge Km.', ot the Diitrict of South,
wark, penouuiiy appealed, and, being dol
sworn, d>th declare and say liiat the ab^vc
statement is in ail reupacti correct and true,
mid that the signature to it is in the hind
writing of this deponent
J ill BIN VS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28, I8J4-
The Vege'able Oalhdino.i is peculiarly
xda.ited to those diseiscs wli ch are prevalent
among the coloured population of the south
In that diacM9e which is called yaws, it is a
sure remedy ; a single trial of it, will convince
planters of its superior t flnmcy to uny remc
Jy of a sim.iar iiitu e in the United states*
NO flCfl.
The advantages of this medic'-n; are, not
confining the paiient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his business/—
With one solita- v excu|Uio»i. 'hat of soiritu**
otn liquors, it does not lay any restrictions upon
his appetite It m ao gentle in its operu iou
' too p titni finds himself getting well he
cannot tell ho v. Ai it is not the wish of the
proprietor to take any thing for which he
cannot give a conaideration equal in value,
persons at a diMarcc who may wiali to try
•is medicine, hu» who are not certain if it
be applicable to their comnlwint, are requent
ul to 'heir cvse and symptoms in
a letter, p 'si-psid, ur,d directed to him—tins
'ett*.r will b': iiumcdaicly .dared in ltinus
■ inly comp tent to de-. d* 'he q-ie.tion,—
-ihoiild he re medy not seem ; o suit the dis*
•jase, they will b*: IVaukly told s i.
To prevent d sxppoi 'Ui 'nt it is wed to
t te that it tiae-i io Oi-linary cases from 3 to
5 notl fcj to effect a cur« uo Cut pe s-»"9 who
•.re labouring under any serous infirmity.
Ti nt m.'-.e up their niiml to persevere to that
ext ell a*, least- if ib-y di not, they ijiighl us,
■ i R savetbemsciv -a the trouble uud cxptn.-e
f usintf a s n-!|»»r quuniitv.
All omle s p'S' p iid <nd enclosing the m mey,
iiimeUm. U « t .id: .1 t , ai.a no incdijim-
•HCRedand d' livere j with directions fur use
any place in »be city, and fur wauled as di-
rertf d
-N !l To proven' the possibility of ll im-
:> -s»tion,it wi l b- s il l iotheeily of Philade'.-
uhia aitheoffio" in Filth near ttace-v.r et,
oral the d'.vriling of ilie oropri tor, N >. 66
diitssnui street, only, «n 1 abroad hy {>la au
thorised agents W W PUT | Eli,
66 Che nut Street, Philade'p/ila•
I have appointed G'CORGE RYE ISDN.
Druggiit. of SiiVHimali, in*/ sole agent. Drug
gists wat ting the above valuable medicine,
will b s q.plied l»y Mm for cjnIi, at the sum.
rate, h if onltTed direct frnin me—v.z.
pe» d. z ii, or three (iollars a s>ogle bottle.
W. W. Plir i EH, Philadelphia.
Any pe'Sunou appheation to the su .at.iil - r
will be furnialiL-d with ct'riitic.lcs of the till
cucy of the above medicine, sufficient to t on-
v nee the nr-ml of the ar.epti<'al, allhoupi
too numerous and I. ng'hy fi»r n* wspaper n-
sertioo. GED. UYEU^ON, Driugiat,
Corner of Bay sud Whittaker-Streets,
de.* 13
Helween W. Davies, Adin nistrntor, Complain
ant. and John Camochan Aduvnisirut/r, d
bonis no rvith the will annexed of (Jcor r e
Richardson and others, Hjeiulants —In
equity Ch dhum Superior Court- Chancery,
*0th A ’gust, ■ 824.
I T spp* un ig that John Murray Camochan,
one of the defendants in the said bill of
. unplaint named, resides without the state of
GvO-gia, in that part uf the Unit id Kingdcni*.
n Grcr.t Britain ami Ireland, etti ed ScotLrd ■
it is ordered that the said John Murray Car-
loclmn, do appear and answer to the com*
hlainint's said bill, within nine months from
'he dtte of this older, otherwise that th
said bill, hs tolnni, betaken pro coi.fcssr .*
and i> is tut 'her oldened, that a copy of tlu*'
order be ; v:hi.ah« d once a week, in one c*
he public G zo tes of this state, until the ex
piration of the time within widch the said de
fendant is required to uppear and aiibwcr t.s
fiue ony from the M'ntites, this 2lg' d ij
Augu-t, 1824. A. B.FA »NIN, Clerk.
IMIg'lH! v4 50f
Georgia— Cli mdeii County.
W 'hEUEAS Harsh Rrnwn. Junior, w : low,
apples to he Court of Ordinary of • aid
County, foi Letters of Admi'*istr»U:ou «»u ti «•
• state of J iliti Brown, 1st*- cf sc.d county, de
ceased, te next of k.n : These are, therefore,
to cte m l tv moni>h, all and aingular, tlu
kindred »n I creditors o* siid deces-icd, *o fi'e
their ol j -ctions, if any they have, in n»v of
fict*, mi or before the Hr-t Uo; d y in Junt
next,- therwisc Letters will be grunted tin ap.
Witnis. the Honorable Britia'i R Bonk
ley, o »e of tb : Justices of said Court,
tin sixteen'*) d»y of April, eighteen
hundred a d t»**nty fiv *.
April 21 *4
Georgia —Camden Cowuy.
W IIKUKA8 t«hn Chevuher, hm applied
tosuid Court, f-r Let-era Disrms-ior
n the estates of Hamiu I Pt*x-?nr. and Evan E.
uck, dccium-d. are, therefore, to
Ue ami ndinunish, all and si g d-,r, the kio
dred and creditors ot the said d -ceased per..
» ms, t ti e llteir ol j ctions, if nny they h .v».
n my » fti-;e, on or before the first Monday in
J rnuKiy next, or Letters vpil be granted th.
Wit 'ess the Honorable J mes Scott, one
of the !u«tices c f-laid Court, this six
teei.tli lav of April, t ghteen hundred
andtweny-fi .
(L. 9.] JOHN HAILEY, C. C. O. C C
A*r | M P4
Geo gia—Cavulen County.
TWHF.HF.A8 Lewi. Bacl.lolt, nppliea to the
« Camt of Ordinary nf .i d Conntyj fur
l .etter. Di.nii.iwry on the r.Ute of Fr.neet
K ixolupc: rhe.u .re, therefore, to cite .nd
•drauni.l), all ai d singular, the kindred xnd
creditors of deceased, lu fi'e their ohj c
tions, if any .l.-'y have, in my < ffi-e, on or be
fore the fi at Monday in January next,
»ixe Leitera Dumisiory will be 'grxn'el the
Witnesx the Hnnnrxhle Samuel Clarke,
one of the .fhiticea nf laid Court, thia
■ixtdenth day of April, eighteen Imn
dred and twenty -hve.
April 21 04
50 ? UN 2 L E8 PRIME IIAY, landing
“V trom Brig Pheasant, for sale by b
April 18 C. C. GRISWOLD,
P «- 0 $ t \ \, %
By SAMUEL T. t'lMST/llXO v» m
rTiju /hTbi e P lM ‘' hi w snorri
beltulicil 1ntA a tikof ihe Autlw
T *1.1.11 be well primed, on gnnd „,„. r
L be compnied .n six handsome v,J,
Wdlcnirtaln the Scrnd.irna of the Oil n.
• v '« •/Wmsie«r.,t ie hit’o,Incur, Oh rn „r',,.
Explanatory A «i«, and I'maic l Oh
»iu all the eupious M,u rinal U.fcencn "l"
mu primed word tar word f.onitbe i,
Siereotype B lition, publiahed line* the * u ?
-bar a decease. Tbe price will he aoi ■
The d wVnP^' rk‘ ht h P h t S '°' ln c ‘ lfl *w'"s!
the,whole work wdl be ready for delivery
t’x racto of Lctte-I a,UrnutUo the PubHthcrt
I esteem Dr. Scmt-s Family Bibb-, emin»nll»
calculated to prumate the cause of irutti and
p.ely 1- acen^s scarcely pnsaible fur cetj
read daily h. Nule. anj 6b.urya.ionu j„ ,
FkmilyBible without becomiic n wis r,.!
better msn. EDWARD D GRIFFIN *
I huve seen no cu nm-nlary uf the a
Scnpiurexwhich 1 think ao wdl adapted!,
genera) use and cddic.lmn. I> is a , r ' *
whicl. ever, fumaly ought to possess. ™
. • . .. . A. F.*TON,
It II s work diit.ngu shed for ihe sim-dy,
ly and convenience of its arrangement! t| w
clo.rness u . I fidelity of its eapodiions o.,
neatness nod uersmctldv of ns,t,| c 1(ll . „
nevoh nue nod candour uf iu ap.tii, the r..n.
BI **S'- 4 ! '*" J Pcrii.iency of ds apphcoli.m
and for ds uo.forin tendency to j.tu note e. J
j,e.ical truth *td piety.
Of Dr. e Co-.ll Fanitly t tevl fr o-to
ssy, ll.‘l in mv estini.linn it deservedly r.„ti
a oonn ourobliit and b-w dom n ,.1. i,.«.
„ „ , _ TMl>M\s BALDWIN
Dr. Scott. Family B ole iotendeu more ei.
pecally tort c mu .f Ohnatian 'umil.t. j,.
.vork high y, extenaiveiy iosi,,.*
live, and dtiply loirt: sting
l-lie character of Dr. Suoli*i G.imuiuniirir
111 tie 11 die IS so general!) known, and ,,
n ghlv approved x^.onyxt the m ,v. in(ellra.- n i
-"I PMua Citriatians throughout Our comfy
n 1 bus passed rspidly thmii|,h so many k '.l
editions, i) at 1 deem fu;liter recoininenja.
•.ions necdltss'
. ... J fohsk.
I am nrqu-.intfg with n*> Cim^e^v v ,„
‘ll. Sacred fc iptures. wlii. h I would n>, recbttimeiia lor geuc ril use. ine
plan of ihe work isguod
Perhaps in no way, can minislt rs. un *|
‘f youth, ai-d private Clriltiant, do gii-tcr
-t*rv c*. to society, than by exerting tlit-u.
«elvc-s to disicinin-.te this tmlv iov;-.'n*vble
I know of no Oummenta y which i-;
:ntcuLt«:d for diflusir-g coriectvi**vs -if the
grt at (ruths of Cl tistiunity, and leavingsnlu.
fury impression! on tb mind when risiir
trun Uu- pe'u-ul of it, tl>an the one you are
^out to publish. 7
No writer seems less disposed to conirird
for barren specula-.i .ns. None more uniform,
ly or m ire pow- 'fully iiKiifeatcstlie great es.
enlials of religion The spirit which 0C f
* 'dea the work is excel'cn i it is the me k.
.ifleclionare, healing, spirlto/zj!;
From particular cximinati n, and concur
ring toitnnonv, the' e is no doubt o.-i mv roivl
tos» Scon's Family Bible is suptrior to ill
You will pleas** to se d me six copies i<f
Merit’s Bible / 1 refer to yo-ir lately proposed
edition ^Feihaps 1 shall induce five m *re to
tike the s me number. if.£,
Ii is wall extreme pleasure I pe*ciive
von are about to publish a new e li’io'i f
inoti's Bible. Having been in poss- wj-un uf
t more than 20 y< «rs, I (rug* I kn.-w j-rr.e*
hing of its Vjilufl, and am dete it li e i to «'0*
mote i s o.rcuJation among my fricn-b VuU
will please forward sia copies as soon rs fn.b-
'Shod, f- t jy.
I have tibt-iin-ul futt r subicribcrs IV.r the
J'nt work you are pu’Uif-hmg II, S.
1 propose to (axe se7L*n seis ol Scot.’i Hi-
Ule, and will be accountable fbr die su-m*.
J G.
I have obtained s hscrlbcrsfornini ct.pici
of Scon's Fmiily B.hlc. J. G.
I shall probably need eight or ten ant J
Scoti’* Family Bible. J V-
Rev. 8. S. of P. has o' tained ten snl.seri*
bers. K. II.
1 have observed that you ar* iixu.t pub.
IMiing another edit ion of Si on’s bble
hope you maysuccecl os you Ii ve 4 , »"C !, i
•ormer edition*. 1 have been endeadiri'-; ts
jiocire sutibcriberV amo. g ot.r p. opit,
en or more subscribers win be obtafe
0. ill.
I will take ten sets (if Scjt.'s K•'*)
bound «"d lettered. J F-
1 have obtained ten subwribt ts fnr r
edition of 1be Family Bibii*.—'jinJLv.-n
d ubt but there might he si’uietlut-g
copies .-old in this place .f you hah nn »
lu re—I ibought t» e wo-k ought to W ii-
couvaged and for hat teison tovk a pihscr-^*
•ionr-aptr. It is a work that every Lniiy
sliuutd have that is able to puich»s'.
J. B HT-
I am glad, that y» u propose in print
t »cott , a excellent Family Cnmnun>ty.
Jiiould be very glad if it were in my'poxerk
»:ive a more liberal patronage to thr r»A
than, as circumstances are, I can. ^IshsU
however, be able to do sometbmg; cip''i ‘
ten sets I shall certainly lake i and it n»») h ‘
double that number. A. H.
I hive procured fifteen aubicdo'R ,rt
Scott’s Bible. J-A.D-
1 think I flhall dispose of 20 sets or m ■ r J
the Bible. F-U,
I have circulated proposals fi»r S<ot* A
Bible ; how msny have beenfngiged
cinnot t. il/ but between 20 ana 30 set*!■
I) s vicinily. J-
I have concluded to become reopm
to you for thirty sets of Scott's Coin.i.ei t-»7-
C 5-
I have procured 106 subic- ibeM to ^ I
flible t 6 sets to be bound in calf / 3 JI
be (Line iu boards the other 97 »c'.s. tlo:lrt I
and lettered as described in the pruipw^ 1,
1 presume I could procure 500 subtf*
^era lor your edition of Scott’s Bible 1
demand is increasing for them ThO ”. 1
finally supersede every other biff Of I
Bible. Fifty ol my subscribers live within i
circle of 8 miles! J Jj L I
Just published an edition of the sa«« t ^ I
completed in six volumes, without I
references; price in boards in S, rf i|
221 / in calf g27. Bith-r of
m*y be hgd ol the publisher in Bos!® 1 **
9. C. & J. SCHENCK. Stvannah. , Q
J* It JU
•Marking Brushefit .
O F a superior quality, just wcei****'
Fn. Hn It* hv GEO. RYESSO'V I