Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 16, 1825, Image 1
fettle*-—’V ol V ll the IS EDITED AND PUBLISHED 1!» TH* cm or SAVANNAH, , By G. § W. II011ERT8ON, AT KlflHT POV.U*• m ixnv*, PAfAHl* IS AllVANCM . ,POR THE COUNTRY, 18 published to meet the arrangement ot the mail, three timea a week, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of the Daily Georgiam and coutaioa al' the in ■ elli* pence, Commercial, Political and Hiarellan* enua, including advertisements. published in the Daily Paper. The Country Paper la ae; tto all parte of the State and Union, or delivered in the city, at live dnllara per annum, payable in advance. Advertisement* ate inverted in both pa_erfl at IS eenta per aquare, of 14 l nea, for be fin- Insertion, and 37} for every succeeding pub. ifC*tion. ., Commnnieatinna by Mali, mull be Pall-paid Salea •iflamWand nbgrnca oy Wviinaira. ton, Rzecutora or guardians, are icquired, bvliw, to be held on the lira Tuesday in the month between the hour* often in ho fore noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court Hmiae otthe county in .which the property 1a lituate.— Notice of ih-seanlea must he given in a public gsaslte «'*<» days previous to tin ^Noiice'ofthe aale of personal property must be give in hke manner, tftj daya previous o the ilay af aale. Notice to thr debtora and creditors of an eatale mitat be publiahod lor Fir It) days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, must be pubiiahed Mne Month!. Notice. N INE months after date application will be made to llie Honorable the Jus- tires of the In&rior Court ot Chatham County, for leave to sell a tract ot land, known as number eight, itth District, I ike (formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of the estate ol of N. S. Bayard. N. J. BAYARD. Administrator estate N. S. Bava™ - . Jail'S ' Hi hi Mi & mmt 9 Ur.rfcB.FOR BiUfc, art IKtGSHEADS prime anil eecond 9w quality St. Croix Sugar. 50 barrel* do do do sugar 70 bags prime green coffee 30 crates blue and green edget^plates 10 tons iron, assorted 5 pipes cognac brandy 5 do Holland gin 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum half pipes, quarter clinks, and half quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 coils halo rope 200 grindstones '2000 bushels Maryland corn ’ arid' do Long Island white, oqual to Georgia flint corn nov 23 Fresh garden seed i, AND feulbous YloWfcT Hoot 8' J UST reee ved by the rubicriber, and wa". ranted of the Iasi season's growth, 3' boxes Garden Seedput up by A. M’Mshon k I'.o. Philadelphia, expressly for thix market and containing the fuilo'ving aa.ortm, nt», via. NOifCfi. —' T UB subscribers being about to decline bn sines* in this place, request per i ws ha iug demands sg dnst them, to present then, for payment oct 5 A. B.-FANNIN k CO. *<■+. N otice. VflNE BOOTHS ufttr/late of Hus notice, J3i application wilt be m'- At to the Honoris ble'lie Court of Ordinary <;f rhatfiam Coun ty. for permiMon to soil si; tlic real tntate <•! Jotn Wakerlv, dec. for the benefit of the heirs aud Creditors f qaid d^ce?g'’d* ROBERT HOY, Executor. 94 67 Administrator’s N otice. N N* ISO <TH8 from this date, v'C shall ap ply to the Honorable tho Inferior Court Chatham county, when aiding fur ordinary purposes, to sell the rtui estate of Wihism Hay hew. C. If. HAYDEN, I*. MAYHEW, Administrator’s. autniU 19 45 Cognac i randy. PIPES “ Soignette's Brand," just re J ceivcd per Louisa Matilda, liir-sule by J. B. HERBERT &. CO. IN STORE, 50 Tierces new llice 10 Pipes Holland Gin 10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum SO Barrels Flour 30 Barrels HauiB 75 Barrels Gin B0 Crates Crockery 20 Kegs Butter SO Barrels Mackarcl, No. 3 20 Cases Port Wine to Casks Oil Jan 12 t. Drumhead Cabbage 2. Long Red Beet 3 Long Orange Carrot 4. H iriley 5 Leek 5. Onion 7. Salmon Ttadiah 8. Early Purple do. 9. Round leaved '0. Early Turuipt It. t.ate do 12 Salsafv 13' At.ia'-agus 14. Earl) curled Let' ttice I t Royal Cabbage do >6. atm meg Melon 17, Spinach 18. Summer Savoy (9. Sweet Basil •10 fsgq 21. Ns'durtium 22. Celery 23 Early Pcaa 24. Late do 2t Early bonifl) bean 26 Red French do ALSO, 90 Packages containing the following Bui 'O'lS Elower Hoots, via. 1. Ifoiib'e Hyacinths F ne Tulip* 3 Narcissus For sale by F-h 9 I 4.Mi'xieinligerfl.iwer 5 D uble Tuberose 6 Slur of Bethlehem P. M’DBRMOTT. SB By the Preeidenl uf the United Stidee. ( V pursuance of law, I, James Movies, P er. uient of the t'niied States, do hereby de clsre and make known, that a public aale wi! be held at the I.nn 1 Office at Tallahasse, I Florida, on the third Monday of May next, f" the di-nnP 'l of th» fo'biwing lands, vlx •— Township 1, south of Range 1, west ofthe Meridian ligc. I and 2 north of Range 1, do do Fractional 3 do do do do Township I, south 1, 2, 3, 4, & 11, cast* I &2,nnrtli 1,2, 3, 4, & 5- Fractional township 3 1,2,3, 4, &. 5. t he aale will commence with the lowe number of section, township, and range, an. I.roceed in regular numerical order. TV. hndB reserved by law for the use ofschanis ir other purposes, will be excluded from th' ale Given under my hand, at the City of Wash* ington, this 26lti dnv of .l,nuarv, 1895. JAMES MONUOB. Bv the President. GFiO GRAHAM, Commissioner ofthe General Land-Offis" (CP Primers of llie Laws of tiie Uni'e. Slates, in the Territory of Florida, nod in th Staten of 1 lab-ma, Louisiana, Teness' C, Mi*'- <issipp : , Georgia, and Ronth-Carolios, are an thoriz d to pub'ish the firegoing Prociarai- ion once a week nniil the day of sale P"h 7 6 t Damascus Steal Razors, J UST received, a supply ofthe above ar ticle, which will be warranted good.— For sale by N. B. WEED. nov 24 NEW LARD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. nv.crivKn per nmo oconor Washington. ■4 gWVKEGS New Leaf Lard A VvJ'lOO Hums 3 Barrels Castor Oil 5 Pipes II. Gilt, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Mess Pork For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jan 14 T IIE sut^criber intending to close his business in this city, offers his stock at reduced priccB, for CASH, consisting of Sidobnards of various patterns, Secretary and Book Casog, Wardrobes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables, Ten Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen's Writing Ta bles and Book Cases, Incloscil Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stamls.WorkStnmls, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do, Maple Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs, &c. at tlio Ware-House, corner uf Whitta- kcr-Streht ami Bay Lane. J. II. O. also requests that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with-, out dolay, and those having any domnnds, present their accounts for settlement. J. H. OLDER8IIAW. Jan 25 51|| BOT'DDIL Opposite the Academy MTlfe. THEU, R ESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public, that her school is now ei'KN, opposite the Chatham Academy, for the heckptiox OK popu.s. Assisted by her daughter Miss E. A. Harrison, she offers her services in teaching the following useful and ornamental branches of educa tion. Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi the patronage hitherto extended, she hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and her increased exertions to further the pro gross of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur thcr extension of public fnvor. The course of tuition, and the teuns on which scholars are received, are— 1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and Marking, per quarter, : «4 00 2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar, Geography and Arithme- tic, 8 00 The French or Spanish Languages, including elegant embroidery, on laeo or muslin, to any pattern, per quarter, 10 00 Painting on velvet, per quarter, i : 8 00 ID" The most careful attention will be paid by Mrs. Kf.r, to the deportment and morals of those entrusted to her charge, nov 2 B5 Consumptions, Coughs, ijc. BUTLER’S Goshen BuUer, Lard $c. rUST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and I other late arrivals 12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality 2r> kegs leaf Lard 8 bills Butter Crackers 20 half and quarter bbls Buck .Wheat and Rye Flour 10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family use Fur sale by A. BASSETT No. I. Mongin’s New Buildings fell 12 0 67 Share Moulds, P .rk, Gin, tyc C C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, lan- • ding from ship Corsair 4 tuns Share Moulds In Store, 56 barrels Northern Gin , 16 . do Mess Pork, New-York city inspection 1 ton Steel 100 kegs White Lead 22 kegs Black Paint 8 do Verdigris 5 do Spanish Brown 10 barrels Whiting fib 12 07 Beers’ Axes. A SUPPLY of the shove Axes, received *k and for sale by . X. B. WEED. octTt “tirade’s Company’ Hoes. CASKS Bradc’s Patent Hoes, for LMi/ sale by N. B. WEED, dee, 18 Georgia—Camden County. O N the first Tecidsy in March next, 1 will sell at Jefferson, in oaiil county, a negro awn, named Daniel, the property of the ea- tate of Micsjah Crews, deceased, purauant tu leave granted by the Court of Ordinary. MARY CREWS, Executrix- J.n 14 41 ivdimnistrator’s Notice. N ine MONTHS after date, I shall apply to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Cnatham county, (when aitting for ordinary purpmes) for leave to aell the real estate ot Isaac H. Bobins, to utiafy the heira and cred. itora, C- H HAYDEN^ Administrator auguit 12 45 Bunch Muscatel Raisins. J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di rect from Gibraltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN t WOOD, Fi b 7 Aneiaux’u Wharf. fresh feus, Hams, flour, tc. f)A CHESTS Hyson Teas £l\J 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco I Illid Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per Bhip Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv ed per Laura Jane, for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Feb 5 F OB the cure of (Jut la, Coughs, Comump (ions, Spitting of Blood, Aatbmaa,and (isnssea ofthe-bi easi and lungs. There is perhaps no medical observation batter estab.iihed, none more generally con firmed by the experience of the best pbysir.i- ins of all apes and coitntrifi, and nnne ol ’■ore importance to the liumtn family, than lie fuel that many of the most difficult and in- uirnble coninmptioi a originate in neglect'ip; colds.. In a climate ao variable aa ours, where •he chsngci of the weaiher are frequently sudden and unexpected, it require* more c* 1 e and at'emionto guavd against this dangerou- enimy of life, than most people imagine or are able and willing to bes’ow. The bills o* mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that the proportion of desihs by this disease may bt considered as about five to one. Inasmuch then as this fatal disease frequently bid* defi ance to the skill of the most learned physici ms, it is a gratification to the proprietor that ie la enabled to offer to those afibeted with it, a goodly prospect of relief, in ihat highly vnluaole remedy, th? Vegetable Indian Speci fic. The Indians aie happy in their know, lodge of m ulical plants 1 governed wholly by xperience, they are certain at totneir cff.-ct, and it is said by an author of great character, (hat a true consumption is a disease never known among them, 7 his Specific is obtained by extraction from herbs, roots, flowers, plant-, (sc. when in per fection, In consequence of a happy combina. ion of the moat valuable berht, Ac- it becomes 1 balsam of a auperior value. It heals the in jured parts, opens the pores, and composes the dial orbed nerves, after the manner of an anodyneconsequently the obstruction of the cheai and the lungs which constitute this disease, particularly need it* use. It promotes expectoration, which is constantly called for, and whilst it cleanses and heals, it alio gives nrength to the lender lungs In this manner it removes the heetie fever, improves diges tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the ippetite and. improves the spirits. This apeci Ac msv always be given in safety it is mild, -Jessant to the taste, and may asfely be given o infanta, for which it ia of inestimable value, ft affords relief in bowel complaints, teething, vh toping coughs, Uc. and is found particu- ! rly useful in hypochondriacal, nervoua and lyatcricnl diseases. Each bill ot direction ontains a detailed account of this diaesse in ■II its different stages, and will bs iccomp* ird with the signature of the proprietor in Red Ink. It is offered for aale by GEO. HT- BKbO otily (my ante agent) Diuggiit,.oor ter Bay and Whillaker-streeta, Savannah, aj one dollar per bottle. WM. BUILEf. dee 30 30 I , JUST liECEftrftB, : By the brig Pkeamnt, from Philadelphia, IJOt HHDS. and 100 Mil- Philadelphia Rye W' iakey \ 150 Duteh Demijohns 10 kegs Saltpetre I 50 whole and 100 half hhts. fresh Flour ALSO, IN STORE, bushels Liverpool ground Salt 5 hhbi, Cc 20 bbls, prime 81, Croix Sugar 3 pipes and 25 demijohns best Holland 1 Gin S pipes end 30 demijohns best Cognac I Brandy D bhds. and 75 bbls. superior Northern 1 Rum K bbls Northern Gin . So baxlO'e-n Gi ffee 5 casks superior iJAl.ix’-nia Wine 2» bbls Lump si.rl 72 bbls, I .oat Sugar 5 boxes white and 7 do brown Havana Sugar 25 bags black Pepper 5 pipes Imitation Gin 2 bales Baggi ng Twine 25 qr boxes Hyson Tea 50 reams Wrapping Paper 15 bnx. s Pipes 5 casts Wool Hats 10 bains best Ox mbtirgt 5 bales nnb!*.us!ied Homespun 4 liases colored ditto 50 keg< Dupont’s G in Powder 1000 bushels Table Salt 95 Irega manufactured Tobacco 25 tons asjorted (Carnm) Castings 5 large Smith Bellows 5b kegs assorted Cut Nails 100 bigs assorted Shot—alia in Assortment ef Cedar Ware, Market and Clothes Baskets. All of which irll be sold low for cash, or good town acceptances, P. M’DERMOTT. msreh 14 97. Cider, Porter, Wine, &lc. S\ K BOXES first quality Cider. All 5 Casks do do London Porter 30 Boxes Claret Wine 10 do Madeira do 120 Boxes Bunch Ramins 10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds For sale wholesale and retail by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, Anciaux’s Wharf, Feb 18 Castings. jntJTi TONS carron castings, just rcceiv- 55© ed from Greenock, via. Charleston, consisting of the following assortment, viz 1 2000 pots from I to 30 gallons 200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches s0 set fl^tmplftlwqigjlts.jraHI UW- to 120 London skillets, from 1 to 6 quarts 1300 camp ovens, from 9 to 18 inches .130 untinned tea kettleB, from one to 5 quarts For sale by I>. M’DERMOTT. Jan 8 Ini’otmaUon W anted \ I F GKOttGE MILLER, otherwise DAN IEL OI.AND MILLER, who in the year (815, arrived in Savannah, in the Aberdeen transport, belonging to Messrs. D'-waun k 3oni, of London, is living, and will apply to bis Mends in England, he will hear ol sumetb'ng much to bis advantage, He left the Aberdeen w hile she lay at Savannah, and baa n«t been heard nf by hia f lends line, that period. He had been many years a sai lor, and while on board the above vessel, was employed as a carpenter. If be left Sa vannah at that time, it is probable that he •ntered some veaael going to the Brazil Is lands, ks in his itst letter, he staled that it was his intention to do so. Should he hsre died it any place where a register or certifi cate of hia burial can be obtained, it would be thankfully received and all expen te»attending it, paid by ISAAC W. MORRELL, Savannah, or W.W kT.L. CHESTER, New-York •not a V7 \5. fttfetts Bank F or sale at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 2R Notice. N INE MONTHS after date 4 application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court if Chatham county, for leave to aell the real and personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit ol the iota ,nd creditonuf laid estate, WORTHING TON GALE, Exe-iutari March 10 894* Administrator’s Sale. O N the fi it Saturday aPer the fist Tuea day in May neat, between the hours of ten and Tour o’clock, will be sold at the mar ket-liouse in the town of St. Marys, pursuant to an order of the Honorable the Court of Or dinary for the county of Camden, a negro wo man named Jenny, belonging to the eilate of Dav d G. Jones, deceas a, for the benefit of the creditors of said estate. JOHN HABDEE. Adm’r. March 90 95 Notice. A LL persons having demands against the iv estate of the late John Wakerly, (plant er) dec. are reques ed to render them, prop erly attested, immediately 1 and all persona indebted, to make immediate paymrnt to ROBERT ROY, Executor, Feb 24 77 NO HUE. VpNB MONTHS after the date hereof, ip- IN plication will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting lor ordinary purpoaes, for leave to aell 1 lot, with the improvements, aituaje in thr city of Sivinnah, in the atid county,and known in the plan of laid city by the No. 53, Brown Ward, lor the benefit of the heirs and legatees of the estate ol the late Hugh M’CsIl, de- CCAScde THOMA8 M’CALL, PHILIP BRASCH, Executor*. net 14 79 NOTICE. N ine month! after date., application will br made to the Inferior Court of Chatham County, aitting for ordinary pmpniei for an order, atiiolule, to sell lota Noa- four ane five, (4 and’5) in Carpenter’a Row, and lot No. one, (1) Green Ward, in thi city of Savannah, being the real eatete of Francis Jalineau, dec for tne benefit of the heirs and creditora of uideatate WILLIAM GASTON, Qualified Executor. Y 87a Rui xstu be onaxnviD bv MotueM aku Nurses.—Some people in dressing an in fant, seem in such haste is to toss him in way nit at may that must fatigue and harass him. The most tender deliberation should be obaervod. Every one knows that a kid, a latnb, a calf, at even a puppy or kitten, caunot thrive if squeezed or tumbled about. An infant is certainly more easily hurt.— But in addition to this horrid dressing, iiis clothes are often so light, that he frets slid roars, though lie cannot give words to his complainlB. Pins should never he esed in an infant’s clothe*; sud. every thing should he so loosely tied, tlipj one might get two fingers between it and the part where it is fixed. Bandages round the head should be strictly forbidden. Many instances of idio- tism, fits and deformity, are owing to tight bandages. In laying a child to sleep, he should be laid upon the right side oftener than on the left; but twice, in the four and twenty hours, at. least he should be changed to the left Bide. Laying him on his back when he ia awake, ia enough of that pos ture, in which lie can alone move his legs and arms with freedom. Infante are some times very rcstlees at night; and it is gen erally owing oither to cramming them with fieavv supper,tight night clothes, or being tar heated by too many blankets. It may Iso proceed from putting them to sleep too early. He should bo kept awake until the family ire going to rest, and the house free from noise. Undressing and bathing him will wetty and dispose them to Bleep, and universal stillness will promote it. Never let any thing but the prescription of a phy sician in sickness, tempt you to give him wine, spirits, or any drug to make him sleep. Milk and water, whey or thin gruel, is the only fit liquor for little ones, even when they can run about. The more sim ple and light their diet, the more they will thrive. Such food will keep their body re gular, and they cannot be long well if you neglect that essential point. When open ing medicine must be given to supply the defect of nature, a little manua or magnesia is safest. A careful and diligent mother will attend to the particulars, keeping all her children under her own eye, aud giving them lessons of more value than gold or jewels, in the time that lazy and gadding {Ossips are looking at their fingers, orgiv- ng and hearing news. Extract of 1 letter from England.—“ I have been one of a deputation from Briotol,' Liverpool and Chester ; we were joined by ttf* mR-Ml«all,MM/v)m t ahllM, ...S mm* n a body to the Chancellor of the Exche quer, by whom we were most courteously slid attentively received; and after a long stay, and the most laborious research, I am confident we left him under a strong convic tion of the policy and immediate propriety of taking off half the duty on Tobacco, and thereby reducing it to two shillings per lb. This will suppress smuggling, and vastly in crease the consumption ofthe article.” New Bhitish Mixister The New- York Albion mentions the appointment of Mr. Chari.ks Robert Vaughan, as En voy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten tiary to this country. It wits lately mention ed in the Paris papers that Mr. Vaughan had passed tiirough that city 011 his return to England from Switzerland, where he has been for the last two or three years in the capacity of Minister. He is a young man under forty years of age, of distinguished talents, a fine scholar, and of great moral worth. He went to Spain in 1809, and soon after published a very interesting account of the siege of Saragossa. When Sir Hen ry Wellesley was appointed Ambassador to the Constitutional Government of'Spain al Seville, Mr. Vaughan was appointed his Secretary, and he remained in that station until 1818, when Sir Henry went for six or eight mouths to England, during which time Mr. Vaughan acted in the capacity of Min ister. He was afterwards, in 1828, appoin ted Secretary to the Embassy in France, and in 1822 or 1823, Minister to Switzer land.—Bolton D. Adv. Matrimonial Statistics—The follow ing is a fair statement of matrimony in some ofthe principal tuwuuof England in 1816 Wives eloped, Husbands runaway. Legally divorced, Husbands and wives that exhibit to the world the most perfect Par- adiiitalbhta in public calling each other “ my beloved Sophia, my kind Charles, my charming Edi ths,” Sic. but who pinch and scratch each other all night, Living in open hostility, Secretly discontented, Mutually indifferent, Passing for happy, Hardly happy, Truly happy, Total. 100,000 It is said of Mr.Belzoni.the celebrated tra veller, that he supported on his colossal frame twenty two persons ; they were strap ped round Ilia hips, shoulders, neck, etc.— With this enormous pressure he moved a- cross a stage on which he exhibited thia feat, with as muchstoadinesaandstatelinesa as the elephant does when hisAowdaA ia full oflndian warriors. Mr, B. was six feel eight inches in height. Joy to our brother! The following edi torial notice is from theStClairaville (Ohio) Gazette of the 23d ult. whose editor, like an honest fellow, desires all his numerous and respectable readers to rejoice in his hap piness. We hope he may never have occa sion to invite their sympathy in distress ; “ ‘ ft ia not good that man should bs alone.' The Editor has the pleasure of informing his numerous and respectable readers* that J he has taken a Partner, net for one two, or any term of year*, but ‘ a. long a. w . both shall live—net for the purpose of assisting in the labors ofthe printing-office, but to participate with him in ‘life? joy. and view- He should have given bis readers the. name ofthe lady, which would have swell- ed the tide ef congratulation, nnd perhaps of busimwe, by adding her ftiehds to his.— This mode <ff announcing marriage* is new, probably, to most of our reader*,' but it ie the established custom in some countries of Europe.Germs ny for example, for the parting to announce their own marriages, connect- tng with it an advertisement of their busi- ues*. &c—Xut. Int MBTBOROLOaiUAX, Day of the Month. * Rrmarki. April28. 8 73 south Cloudy, with vz 3 77 7p light showers. 6 78 M. 8 72 SOUTH. Rain,Ui. & light. 12 72 8. ff. Light clouds. 3 77 Clear,light breez 6 74 WIST. Cloudy. 30. 8 63 NORTH Clear^ight breez 12 68 N.W. 3 72 8.9. E. 6 69 SOUTH. May 1. 8 .66 NORTH Clear,light breez 12 7! n. \r. 3 70 8. w. 6 61 ’OUTH. 2. 8 63 N. E. Clear,light breez 12 71 EAST. 3 70 i. by 8. " fl 68 8. E. 3. 8 67 SOUTH. Clear and calm. 12 173 s.byw. do. do. 3 76 VOUTB. do. light breez. 8 74 4. 8 70 ». 9. W.) Clear and calm. 12 76 SOUTH. do. breeze. 3 78 I do. do. 6 74 1 do. do. H. W. WEST. *. W. Rain,th. A light east. •s E* Clear, light breef Light clouds. Thun.& ligbtng. Cloudy. T2 78 Z8 Wi? south. Damp, ight el’da. de, light breez Clear and calm., SOUTH. EAST. S. E. Clear and callffii do light breez 1132 2348 4176 5934 17845 13279 55240 27 15 5 16. t. If. E. Cloudy .stilFbrcz * ' Clear,light breed EAST, e. by s. E. Z. E. s; e. Clear,light brace light breez light clnuda 11. 12. SOUTH. Clear and calm. Cloudy. Clear. Light clouds. It. E. EAST. Light clouds. do. do. Cloudy. Bills on New-York, F or sale by Feb 24 C. C. GRISWOLD. Whiskey, F or sale by Feb 23 T. 8. LUTHER. Bacon ami Lard. 4f\ BOXES BACON 4vP 50 firkins Lard—Landing from schr. Barracoa, from Baltimore. For sale by HALL Si HOYT. March 8 87 Gin and Butter. Received per ship Corsair, I^A BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas • w Hall, 34 Rees Butter For sale by J. 13. HERBERT & CO. March 26 Butter and Hams, R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkitti first quality Goshen Butter 5 Barrels Burlington Hams jot sale by ^ ^ A. BASSETT. Door Mats. J UST received by the William Wallace three dozen beBt quality India Door Mata, for sale by- I. W. MORRELL. March IS 93 Double Distilled Rose Water. A fresh supply of best London Rose Water, received per brig Pan* thee, and for sale br LAY* Hendrickson, Chrmists and Druggistcr Shad’s Buildings* May 10 > -' ; ' Wanted, E mpty wine bottles. Apply tp May II GEO. RYERSON. Varnish & Turpentine. B RIGHT and Black Varnish and Spirit* of T.urpentioe, on consignment, fey