Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 16, 1825, Image 3
50,000 DOLLARS pr\V Ticket* ini Shares in the Phil- \ Creel Lollsry, which drew on Cri,RBRAfEI) PANACEA- FjpHE subscribers liavo jriBt received per unply 4 K, nr end have 1P41CD]EUBV0 dtt& $$Hj> ¥OR. AAVfcli. i„.t ivoro received last uigltt. P«- tin* 1 dmil end take up tlioir above VAI.UARLE MEWCIN... - . *r‘. r udrawin^vlllbu received on merle surli nrriinguments with tint inventor, 1 LINK OP PACKETS hae boon csta. ' .^..nnine—Ticket*<11,.Halvea ps Mr. Win. Svvnlm, ns will enable them to 1 i\ bliNliedbot fti'W ,, <jr t , •; nll'cr to till' publln a pure and unadulterated j^qeam - noBBRTBON, article. Druggists and others who purcliaae to evil again, can liavo it at thn original price eataklielied Iry the proprietor* LAVA HENDRICKSON, Shad's Buildings. - -fW* Savannah and Augusta Mail tOACH. May is f WM. ROBERTSON, Georgian Oilico. blislicd botwunn New-York and Havre, offer to the publln a pun: and unadulterated \ to leave both porta regularly, on the First oi'li’e/e. llriiianidlii nml nttiapo mhn nilPiiliiaA nnrl ..F I. ,^ cS'sOnieo Superior Couvt, "JtaStTftlS JfOWE. T O Suitor*. Jurors mil W itnae«e«--Tlio Honorable the Superior Court for Chatham County May Term, will eonr- im'iire ite sittings on the Twnitv-Th rl Intrant, of which ill concerned will take due notice. May 18 A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. 45 and FJhenlh days nf each month during Ike year. The ships composing the line, are fast sailors, well found and commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom modations fur passengers, comprise all that 's Panacea, with can be required, for comfort and ebltvetil cases illustrating its success, will ho loaned e nco. Passengers in the cabin will he ta- to those interested, by applying as above. 1 kenfi>r#140oach,fnrwliichthoy nrefurnish- May '10 I ed with beds, boddiling, wines and aiiqilo " stores of every description. niviilt'iirl \f <» | _l ! Goods intended for shipment hy them, ™ 1 , may be sent to the agents, who will attend BANK, 81A1E Ok GEORGIA, ) to their reception und forwarding, without Snnmah, ‘lid April, 1825. j charge for storage or commissions. The T HE Board ol Directors having tins day ■ expenses which mav. in such eases he actu- ddclared a dividend oil the crapital^. n ]]y incurred, will when requested, be col- _i> stock oft his Bank,for the last six mom lis. of ; i ec ' tn ,| with tho f ro ip|,t at Havre. #3 ner share, or bix nor cent nor annum.! a i.o. .. * .i,.. v Sot ice to (Tee Pet sans Ol p per share. <nr Bixporccnt per annum,| a letter Bug is at the New-York Post Color. T HE Free Persons of Color residing ill Chatham Country, are hereby notifi- finl to appearand register their names in the Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said C’linly, ngroeahle to luw, on or before the tat Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 18 45 the same will be paid to the respective | office, for alfletters that may he sent by Stockholders thereof, or to tlioir order, oil ina j|. iBisaiyyAik, James Anderson W Co. r.WE removed to the middle tenement' and after Monday next By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. IT The editors of thn Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News. Southern Re corder nnd Georgia Journal, Milledgeville, will ptduse to publish the above three tiinos, and charge t lie expenso to this Bank. , April *.’3 28 Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must lie addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS&BOVD. Agents, New York. ort 14 72 Union Society. pROPOSAI.y in writing, will he re ceived until the 25tli of the present month, for hoarding und clothing the boy: U Young’s Buildings, where they offer • supported by thn Tjtiion Society, for one lor sale a large and general assortment of jyenr from the first day of June next; or FANCY ANt) STAPLE DRY G001)3, received by the latest arrivals from Liver- pool and New-York. Anril 25 proposals may be made tor tlioir hoard, in cluding washing, mending, &e. only 27 tU.aSVOV.AL. ipHE subscribers have removed to John May 4 L. MASON, Secretary Union Society. 35 sum’s Square, next door west of, Notice. V'YVVt\Mu\ No. "I DIVIDEND of six dollars' per share vul|rH onmie „ ww „ w .. has this day been declared on the pro- n;-*rrr U*w" &’ do."whero they are fits f lh,! Stenm-Boat Company, fur the jponing a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, addition to tlioir former stock. W. & II. ROSE. April 5 W XT The Darien Gnzotto, and Recorder, Milledgeville, will give the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this office. last four months, payable on the first Moil day in June next, to the Stockholders or their authorized agents, at. the steam-boat, office, Savannah. WM. P. HUNTER, Treasurer Steam-Boat Company. May 3 34rrj ftl’lU.N'li anA »\j.\UYtA\* tiOOWA. B Y the ships Georgia and Harp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have received their usual supply of SE.iSO.YABL E Notice T? HERBERT, is dissolved by miitun 1 | consent. Porsous who are indebted to said firm, are requested to make pavinont to JOHN B. GAUDILY, lie being fully au thorised to settle the affairs nf said concern. J. B. GAUDRY, M. HERBERT. April 28 28 THK MJU8l.iH.iBKR, NFORMS the friends of the former firm and the public in general, that, he will continue the GROCERY BUSINESS, at M U . 1 ...;»u _. e( > „ Pn the same stand, and solicits their patronage •’« persons imh-bled to the firm oi mmz qkdoiMc r lions to the advunco in England, they te afforded and will be sold at low prices, and uu a long credit, for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. Fell 28 110 GAUDRY &. HERBERT, are requested to make as spoody payment as possible. JOHN B. GAUDRY. April 28 28op jo w. \.w.N*ti, OFFERS FOR SAT.E, PIPES COGNAC BRANDY LVJ 111 do Holland Gin 401) Piece? Cotton Bagging 5U Bags Prime Havana Green Coffee 20 Boxes Candles ton Kegs White Lead of sup. quality Mnv 14 d-lii S :gar, C'lffee, Figs, b e. a BARRELShCGAR Lr ;!.! Bags Prime Green Coffee 50 Drums Figs 4 Half Burmin Shad 100 Casks Nails 10’K.ngs Currniit Winn Just received und for sale low, l.v ORRAY TAFT. Mnv 12 42u Ihjer’s Currant tVinr, cc (iUAItTER C ASKS Currant Wine > Bugs (’offer) 110 Barrels Sugar For sale low by OURAY TAFT. Mwv 14 Holland Gin. lf> 1 Blip Emperor, for sale by FRANCIS SORREL, Andurson's Wharf. Mnv 12 ’ d.’p Inspector of Dry Culture. A N inspector is wanted for the inspection of the lands under contract for Dry Culture. Applications will be rcco’ved un til the 20th inst. when a choice will be made by the Committee, according to the terms aiid qualifications of the applicants. WM. R. WARING, Chairman Committee Dry Culture. Mav r, 36 District Court.—.Yotice. I N consequence of his Honor Judge Cur r.K.n. being detained at. .Milledgeville. ill attendance upon the Circuit Court, the Ses- sion of the District Court in this city, is postponed to MONDAY, 30th inst. of which all concerned, will take duo notice. JOHN H. MOREL, M. D. G. May 12 42 Notice. O N the 20th April, there was shipped on board sloop Brothers for Dari en, five pieces Oznaburgs and four bundles of thread ; finding no owner for them in the above port, they were brought back, and the shipper in Savannah, can receive them ._ . , bv applying to BRADLEY, CLAGHORK PIPES Real VVepsp, Swan Brand,, ^ wool), at whose store they are left, of the best quality, landing irom |4 For Liverpool, The fast, ship T A M E It L A N E, Cnpl. Johnston. Will liavo immediate despatch, having the greater part of her cargo in read iness to go on board. For freight of 401) bales cotton, apply to JOHNSTON, HILLS & CO. May 7 38l For Liverpool, The first-rate coppered ship CHARIOT, P. Pratt, Tetter, Will commence loading this day and he promptly despatched. For freight of cotton or passage, having handsome ac commodations, apply to the master on board, or to S. B. PARKMAN. May 13 431. For Netv-York, Thn packet ship CORSAIR. O. L. Porter. Jltnster, Will moot with despatch. For freight or passage, having superior nccom- modations, apply on hoard, at Taylor’s Wharf, or to C. C. May 10 GRISWOLD & CO. For New-York, ESTABLISHED LIJYE, The regular packet ship EMFEROR, H. Binmlt, Master, Will meet with immediate de spatch. For freight or passage, having so porior accommodations, apply to Captain Bennett, on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to HALL & HOYT. Mnv 13 JYor Arrangement—.—Georgia Side. T HE subscriber rospoctftilly informs tho Ipnblic that lie has removed the Line of Siagoa on tho Georgia side, and will hcrinftcr, leave Savannah every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A.M. lodge at Fierce’s, and arrive in Augusta at 5 o’clock next day. For Beats, apply at the Georgui-Holcl. IOSEPH I. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Savannih, March 20, 1825. N. B. Horses, Carriages, and Gigs, to Lot.—HotseB kept by the day, month or year, and expresses sont at tho shortest notice. I Mnrch;24 100 mm sms. SUGARS. BY CALF1JY BAKER, THIS DAY, 18th inst. At XII o’clock, will he sold on Smith’s Wharf, landing from brig Pheasant—48 IllidH. and 63 Bids. PRUVtE SUGARS— Terms Cash. Mnv in 11^ All .N*mU£. T HE subtriber gives notice that all tick ets ordired by him in the following highly approted little Lottery, which shall remain in hisliauds on TUESDAY NIGHT NEXT, willlositively be returned to the Managers byltlie moil of the next morning. As an opportunity of realizing g10.000 for $3 50, may pot again offer, it is hoped this hint will out he neglected. I TO SUIT THE TIMES. ■■ "■ 9 ALL DRAWN IN FIVE MINUTES. By authority of the State of Rhode Island. Under the superintcndance of JMan agers appointed hy Law. IMP STATE LOTTERY, FIHST CLASS—NEW SERIES. 9 positively be drawn in Providence ▼ ▼ jn the 3d next month.—Fifty Number Comb.nation—6 ballots to be drawn. S. JW. Allen 4* Co. Agents for the Managers. Highest Prize# For Providence, The packet ship RISING STATES, Pearce, Master. -«■ Will sail on Thursday, 10th*, iu»V. For freight nr pawmge. having hand some accommodations, apply to the master on board, or to OUR A Y TAFT. Mnv 14 44 S C H K M ' Prize of #10.000 is 1 do. • 6,000 is 5 do. 1,000 is 1 do. 5 KI is 4 do. 500 is ft do. loo is 4-1 do. 50 is 88 do. 25 is 5211 do. 8 is 5676 da. 3 is 6350 Prizes ' 19.600 t 13211 Blanks j Tickets. , For New-York, The fast sailing schooner OCEAN, Hnot.U, Master, tFor freight, or passage, apply to JOHN CANDLER. Jones’ Buildings. Who has for sale, Imperial and Ttnhea Tea Philadelphia Family Flour. Cheese Wine in Boxes and American Segars May 13 43 Cotton Bagging. A FEW pioces best Baltic Ilomp Bagging ilu do do Flaxen do V’..r sale hy JOHN II. REID. April 29 31 Loaf Sugar. ©A BARRELS LOAF AND LUMP 0\J SUGAR, for sale by April 14 p. M’DERMOTT. CoiVee. A FEW Dags Prime Havana Green Cof fee, for sale by T. S. LUTHER. May 13 Darien Money. B ILLS of the Bank of Darien, will be received for Dry Goods, by C. W. ROCKWELL & CO. April 14 .10 W anted, B ankable money.—Apply at MTTHBR’S exchanye office. March 11 Coffee. R t BAGS Prime Green Coffee, lauding l from brig Panthoa, which will he fold low if taken from the whnrf. bv BRADLEY, C LAGIIORN & WOOP, “! a J H Anciaux’n Wharf, j Notice. T HE undersigned will receive proposals for the erection of an Engine-House, in Liberty-Square, of the following mate-* rials und dimensions, viz.—14 feet wide, 2U feet long, 0 feet in the clear, a door at each end 1 Gleet wide—'thematerials brick, the roof slated, and to extend 2$ feet from the eaves, with ironR from which to suspend lud- dors—the. floor to be of brick laid edgeways, 2$ inches above the surface of the earth— and nil the necessary locks, hinges, &c. &e. Also, for a similar building, materials wood, With the exception of the floor, which must be the same as above spei ified. GEO. MILLEN, I. MINIS, J. MORRISON. April 25 27 Wj & Uen&vickson, H AVE received at their Drug nnd Cho- niichl Ware-House,corner of Uungross ami Whittaker-Strects,, Shad’s Buildings, Savannah, by recent arrivals, carefully se lected by one of the partners, now in New- York, a general assortment of mediciaes om unions, the- STUFFS, APOTHF.VARIF.Y GLASS, PERFUMERY. SFICF.S TEAS, He comprising the best assortment they over offered, which will be warranted of the first quality, and sold at wholesale or retoil, for cash or good paper. Merchants, Physi- ciane nnd Planters, are invited to examine for themselves. N. B —Orders will he executed with de spatch, and forwarded without delay. April 2* Providence, The packet schooner RAMBLER, P. Sheldon, Master,' ill soil on Tuesday next, 17th inst. For passage only, apply to tho mus ter on hoard, or to PARIS IJILL, Who has for sale, landing from, said vessel, 10 Bags Havana Green Coffee 10 Barrels New-Orlcans Sugar 20 Barrels Gin 5 Hogsheads New Rum 1 Pipe Holland Gin 100 Barrels Pilot und Navy Brood Mav 12 42i, 5,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 540 Dollar*}. 2,000 Dollnrs. 000 Dollurs. 2.200 Dollars. 2.200 Dollurs. 4.224 D. liars. 3 is 17,028 Dollars. For Baltimore, The fast sailing, coppered and cop per fastened schooner RISING SUN, ^ Captain Fairbank, Burthen one hundred and thirty-six tons, intended as a regular packet, will meet with despatch. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, at Hall & Hoyt’s Wharf, or to J. B. HERBERT «k CO. Mav 11 49,000 Dollars. In this scheme, witii six drawn ballots, there will be 20 prizes with three numbers on them, 660 prizes with two numbers on thorn, and 5676 prizes with one number on them. 'Those tickets having none of the »'rawu ballots on them being blanks. To determine the fate of 19.600 tickets, the 50 numbers will severally be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and six of them will be drawnyand that ticket having on it us a combination the 1st, 2d and 6th ballots drawn from the wheel, will be entitled to j 10,000 ; that hnving on it the 3d, 4th and 5th, 5,000 dollurs; those having on them 1st,3d and 6th—2d, 4th und 5th—1st, 2d and 3d—4th, 5th and 6th—2d, 3d and 5th each 1,000 dollars; that having On it the 1st, 4th and 6th, 548 dollars; those bavin# on them the 1st, 2d and 4th—3d, 5th and 6th—1st, 4th and 5th—2d, 3d and Gth.each 500 dollars. All others, being 0 tickets having on them three of the drawn ballots, . will be entitled to 100 dollars each. Those . having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those the 3d and 4th, will be entitled to 50 dollars each. And those having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those the 1st and 2d, or 5th and 6th, will be enti tled to 25 dollars euch. All others, (being 520 tekets) hiving on them any two of the drawn ballots, will be entitled to 0 dollars each; and all those having onk of the drawn hallos on them, will be entitled to 3 dollars ‘each * N« ticket which shall have drawn a prize of apuporior denomination, can be entitled to nn inferior prizo. Prizes payable forty days'after the drawing, and subject as usu al to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in i?irrels of 17 tickets, embracing • all the combination numbers from 1 to 50, i nnd which must of course draw at least 13 t dollars, le* the deduction of 1£ per cent, with so nuny chances for the capital prizes. mm BY J. B. HERBERT It CO. THIS DAY, 16th instant. Will be sold on Hunter’s Wharf, at XI o’elk. l»r account of all concerned, 26 Eighth Uasks Tuiieriffc Wine, picked up at sea by the niiot-boats'Richard Nelson and Eclipse, on their passage from Nsw-Urleans to this port.—Terms cash. Mav W . . MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY STOCK. RY CALVIN BAKER, THIS DAY, 16th inst. At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of his Auction Mtore, 250 Shares Marine and Fire Insurance Company Stuck.—Terms cash. May II ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, ON THURSDAY, 19th May next, AT EI.KVKN O'CLOCK. Will be sold iii front ofliis Auction Store, nil tho personal property belonging to the estate of Col. John I. Roberts, deceased, consisting of a dwelling House in Greene ward, on lot No.20, An excellent Horse, Gig and Harness, one Gold Wutch, two pair Pistols, Sword, Snsli, Epaulets, &e. toge ther with a quantity nf Household and Kitchen FURNITURE. Also, a valuable collection of BOOKS. Sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary,—by order the Administratix. April 8 113 AUMLN1&TRA i UR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT Sr CO. On TUESDAY, 24th inst. Will be sold at the residence of the late James Wallace, Esq. deceased, his. person- ' property, consisting of FURNITURE, _c. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the administrator Terms cash. May 4 For St. Johns. E Florida, The fast sailing schooner E.ME LINE, Hatfield, Master, iWill sail for the above port, on Sun day next. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to HALL & HOYT. May 13 PRICE OF TICKETS,: : p 50. Packafes of 17 Tickets, which are war ranted t* drjwn 18 dollars less the usual deducti.n, with 17 chances for the highest prizes £59, and shares in proportion. IT Orders received ns usual, ' BY WM. ROBERTSON, GEORGIAN OFFICE. Mnv 1 . 44p A FRESH SUPPLY or the above VAL UABLE MEDICINE, just received per brig Frances, anil for sale bv GEO. RYERS'ON, May 11 Sole Agent. : Heir ver t ax Keturns Oflice. ffqllE subscriber is now ready to receive tlie Returns of Taxable Property, for 'liis county. His office is ill James Morri- mn, Esq’s. Building, adjoining John C. Yicoll, Esq. ADAM COPE, R. T. R. C. C. Feb II «6|l 1 Fish Hooks and Fi h Lines .NE hundred M. Fish Hooks, nssorted o 50 Groce Fish Lines, assorted Received per the Augusta, and tor sale by Feb 20 N. B. WEED. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front nf the Court-House in this city, a TRACT OF LAND in Tattnall County, containing 575 acres, situated near Canoochee River, be longing to the estate of Samuel Hnughton, doc. and sold by permission of tlie Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, by order of the administrator. May 10 JuSKPH KLPiVlAN X LU I ' H AyE received by the William Wal lace, a further supply uf UriUsVv, VtchLU & Canton GooAs,\ix*. { and J Cambric Prints Ginghams, Dimities White and Printed Marseills Vesting Plain nnd figured Jaconet and Book Muslin Plain and Figured Swiss Muslin Swiss Muslin Bobes and Aprons Do do Hhdkfs and Points Silk Stripe Drilling Denmark Sattins, Corduroys Cotton Hose, assorted Madruos Handkerchiefs Super Blue Cloths nnd Cassimores Black and Colored Canton Crapes Black Nankeens do Colored do Robes Sinchews and Levantines Levantine Rat tin Black Figured Silks Brown do • do Bareges Scarfs, Shawls and Dresses Seersuckers Blue nnd Yellow Nankeens Bundana and Flag Handkerchiefs Black BnrceloDa Silk Stockings and Half Hose Buckskin Gloves Umbrellas, Parasols and Fans 4 Crises i Linens, assorted 2 do and Diapers 20 Bales Domestic Pluids, Snipes and Shirtings. &c. 11 do Oznahurgs together with a variety of other articles, worthy the attention of Planter? and Coun try Merchants. . April 16 20 IN THE PRESS 1 AND WILL BF. PUBLISHED IN JUNK, BY S. C. and J.‘SCHENK, Price in Boards 75 Cents, TRIUMPH OF RELIGION. BV A YOUNG LADY OF GEORGIA. To contain about 150 pages duodecimo. T HE following compliment to tlie merits of this little hook, is contained in a letter from a respectable Clergyman in this state :— “One great beamy of the work is, that it rises in language, and thought, and inter ost, from its commencement to its end.— There is a constantly increasing elevation until it closes with our feelings excited to the highest pitch, and we leave it ardently de8itpus to “ die the death of the righteous.” Several gentlemen of education having read the M. S- are very much pleased with the style, and highly approve the senti ment advanced in tlie work. Subscriptions received at the Book-Store of Messrs. S. C. & J. SCHENK. May 13 43 The Subscriber, B EGS leave to inform the inhabitants of Savannah, that he intends opening an Academy in Urn City, about the 20th of October, for tho instruc tion of young gentlemen ill the English, Latin and Greek Languages, and the Math ematics. Having been educated at one of the first Universities in Europe, he humbly hopes to moet with encouragement from those who wish to give their sons a liberal education. Having taught in the Chatham Academy, for the Hast six mouths, lie has pleasure in referring to the trustees for in formation respecting him sh a teaehcr. HENRY HOOD. May 12 42 p* Com, Pa f, on is Mess Pork. 0QQQRU8HELS Maryland White 25 Barrels Mess Pork 81)90 Pounds Prime Middlings 23 Kegs Butter Landing from schooner Rising Sun, for sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. May U , U G. SALT. BY J.B. HERllERTSr CO. THIS DAY, I mil lost. Will be sidd on board the sloop Falcon at Messrs Hall & Hoyt’s Wharf, at 10 o’ clock without reserve—2lloo Bushels L. G. SALT.—-Also, 6U Dugs Prime Green COF FEE—Terms at sule. Mav 16 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ■ BY J. B. HERBERT Sr CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will be sold before the Court-Hoi so in this city, between the usual hours, TWO NEGROES, Peter and James, belonging to the estate of tho late James Wallace, Esq. deceased. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the administrator, ’■'inns cash. May 5 YV. T. Williams, AS just received the NORTH AMER ICAN REVIEW, No. 47, .or April 1625. Subscriptions received at £5 per an. CONTENTS OF NO. XI. VH. Page. ; 245 272 NEW BERK S, NO. XXII, Art. I. Redwoond, : : : : : Redwood, a Tale. II. ButUir’s Reminiscences. Reminiscences of Charles Butler, Esq. of Lincoln’s Inn; wish a Letter to a Lady on Ancient and Modern Music. ., III. Insurrection of Tupac Amaru, : 283 Eusayo de la Historia Civil del Paraguay, Buenos Ayres y Tueu- niun. Por el Doctor D. Gregario Funes. IV. Modern Astronomy, ; : : : 30§ 1. Fundamenta Astronomic pro Anno mdcclv, deducts ex Observu- tionibus Veri iucoinparabilis James Bradley. 2. Tables Astronomiquos publiees par le Bureau des Longitudes de Fin nee. 3. Tables. By B. de Lindeneau. 4. Meinoirn sm la Figure de ia Torre. Par M. de Laplace. V. Letters on the Gospels, : : r 366 Letters on the Gospels. By Miss Hannah Adams. VI. Count Pulaski, : : : : : : 375 Pulaski Vindicated from an Un supported Charge, inconsiderately introduced in Judge Johnson^ sketch es of the Life and Corsrespoudenco of General Greene. VII. Code Napoleon, : : : : : 363 1. Code Civil, suivi de 1’Expose des Motifs sur Cheque Loi presente par Lea Or&tcurs du Gouvcrnement, &c. 2. Conference du Code Civil avec In Discussion particuliere du Conseil d’Etat el du Tribunut, &e. 3. Code do Procedure Civile. 4. Code Penal, suivi des Motifr presentee par lee Oratcurs du Gouv- ercement, &c. 5. Code destruction Criminelle, suivi des Motifs, &c. 6. Code de Commerce. 7. Les Cinq Codes avec Notes et Traitns pour servir a uu Cours cotrr- plet de Droit Francais; a l’Usage des Etndians en Dr it, et de touted les Classes de Citoyens cqltives.— Par J. B- Sirey. VIII. Professor Everett’s Orations, : 417 1. An Oration pronounced atCuin- bridge, before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, August 27, 1824. By Ed ward Everett. 2. An Oration delivered at Ply mouth, December 22,1824. By Ed ward Everett. IX. Ciritical Notices, : : : : : 1. Hall’s Colombia, : : : 2. Garnett’s Lecture on Fe male Education, : : 3. Outline of tire U. States, 4. New llainpsbircHistorical Society, : : : : : 5. Cubi’s Spanish Grammar, 6. Mr. Wheaton’s Address at the opening of the Athe- nmtim in New-York, : 7. Dr. Ware’s Address before the Peace Society, 8. Metcalf’s Digest. : Qjartorly List of New Publications, 465 Index, 479 May 14 44 411 ib. 444 447 448 450 453 455 458 Notice. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Francis Courvoiso.luto of Clmthsm county, will present them duly attested, and those indebted will make pay ment to R. HABERSHAM, ) n ..„ , _ and \ Qual'Hed Ex- s J. HABERSHAM, S ors ' march 18 46 Notice. A REGULAR MEETING of the Com missioners of Public Roads of Chat ham County, will take place at the Court- House in Savannah, on MONDAY, the thirtieth day of May, instant.. By order of Thomas Young. Chairman, BOND, Secretary. May 10 4Ura