Newspaper Page Text
i>Aii.r paver, : :
country paper,
policy. Tlie tnlk was immediately broken
up. anil anoilmr liolil, I'roni which all whites
wore excluded, anil those iiidinns known to
be friendly to llio treaty. At lilts tnlk. it b
supposed that tlie death ot M’lntosh, LitlU
Prtnco, till! Agent, anil Binno otliere wan
decreed. Tim chiefit supposed by Binno to
be the most forward in causing tin) murder*,
arc Ho-ith-li-wa-li, a young chief of con
siderable talent and iniineiite, and tlie a-
bovn mentioned mill of the Big Warrior.
We extract the following particulars from
tlie name paper:—
Many nnii contradictory reports nave
been in circulation here since tlie murder of
Gen. M’lntouh, relative to tlio hostility of
the Creek Indiana It was at lirst stated
that two thousand Indians were lying in
wait to kill Col. Crowell, the Agent. We
believe, however, from later information,
to tiif. foitors or tiik oronaiAn.-
I Having of late perused some remarks of
eviewpis, I am led to forward you this Ed
‘.‘of vacillalion, and no mean art, or limit*
“ ed knowledge cull cateh with faithful re-
“semblance the lilernturo of the times."
Above til. a periodical critic should diveat
himself of factinn, for literary investigation
i iiejTovnrnnii III nrmin sinr. igiiaia, ,of mere literature, are not ve
and a gnu boat, succeeded n captun.m,, ■ , jn the lem of | luman , ife .
Spanish government armed felucca »r.|n , lbj „ ct8 . .Hove innocent
Cub,., which had died tin. Castle a d mnra „ r> , v , 1 | ellt . 1
ILT The Citiaena of Chatham County are
requested to convene at the Council Chain
ber in the Exchange, THIS DAY, al
TWELVE OICLOCK. to receive the re
port ofthe Sub-Committee appointed to
draft “ an addreas to the Citixene of Gcur
gin, calling upon them to convene in their
reapcctivo Counties, and express their opin
on a upon the proper mode of disposing of
the roceutly acquired Territory."
By order of tin) Chairman. f
A. PORTER, Scc’ry.
In consequence of the prevalence of small
pox in Charleston, an ordinance of tlie Ci
ty Council of Augusta,directs all boats from
that City, to anchor in the centre of the ri
ver, until visited by the health officer.
The Checks.—It appears by the Macon
Messenger, that Mr. IIk.nbv Chowei.l.
brother of the Creek Agent, and who re
sides among them, haa declared since the
murder of M’Iktosh, “ that he believes the
Indians had been imposed upon and cheat
ed out of theit land, and that he would leave
bis wife and children andjiuad them to get
revenge for it," die. We have conversed
with a gentleman who camo through the
Creek Notion about ten days ago, and
who was with Mr. Crowell on Sunday C an take no cognizance,
week by whom this statement of tlie rev There is. however, one view nf the sub-
, i « jeet, that we cannot think of without avion-
marks of Mr. C. i» in some degree confirm- |{, h(nenti nnr , pp|ll; ol - but jn „. rm8 ol - tbe
t}d. His observations to our informant were! strongest disapprobation. 'Titus imbrma-
to the'etfoct, that if Governor Troup were| l ‘«n waa derived from a gentleman who
. , , I.,. „ stopped here on Monday, on Ins wav rrum
to march an army to chastise the Indiana, A l.bama to Augusta. He states that Mr.
he (Crowell) would head the latter in resist-1 Henry Crowell told him, hs he came along,
iog them. From the same source we loom ; th “‘ ‘‘ w« believed that his brother, tl.o 80 , pre8 , uri , on almost all clos'
that the hostile Indians had diapemed, de- j w ? lnloshi , nd that ^ W4|1 „„ doubt ot j seB ol clll7,,n8 ' m rftlutl0 J n , l " "“"N
claring themselves satisfied with the ven-' the fact. That lie (Mr.H. Crowell) believ-; f cr ""; a ',"' n “'’ Xl ” , . rln '‘ 0,1 h, ' r " [[“ n "P !j"
geance they had taken ; that it never was edthot the indianv had been imposed upon. I be " aU dhutod."''it" is not' ""our
their intention to interfere with the whites : ’*„.i . “on..*. i! „.i power to say. The banks, we believe, with
Ameuiiaji Naxhukts.—J. B. Noxzs, of
Philadelphia, haa obtained a patent for s
receipt to make buff or nankeen colours
which are indelible. Domea'ic Nankeens wm ......... - -
liavo never hitherto been found to retain ty—and in it endeavor to delineate llio j* neither allied to polities nor religion ; it
thoir rotor If this ohicct ia obtained llie Imracler of Reviews and Roviowora,which t» a aciencc consecrated to the few, absttac-
’ !rhai« may not bo iinintcrostiiig. In all ^ rnm factions, independent of pupu-
discovery is invaluable. reliability, a work mny be presented to lar discontents or popular delusions. P.
- , (tern and the public in a short time. In the saaaaaaaaos^^H
Gem Cumpaxv A company is forming pages that may bo arrayed in that work. I:
• r j .1,1. . m.lliAn liave gathered materials from iny own ehaer- :
in London, with a capital ot one nnttm cmbe | |il(ho() from t J work> of
sterling, for tho purpoBo of procuring torn others. To adorn criticism with imagery,
tho Brazils, snd the various provisos of •"<»" establish observation by anecdote,
South America, “ precious stones" of ivory Jj".'l^once.' wliichVuch TXk merit?; for j UOMBSTIC ART CLE8 ;
description, for tho supply, not oijy cannot bo said, that we have many books | 7o ,W H(f §,r
j England, but ofthe whole continent.' | of this'ace. Some jm^'Jencous wnters i ' -- - * *
SAVANHAR MAT 17, 1895.
I addreas their mode nf writing to the imngi-
,nutiun, and not much to literary curiosity.
Z3 a 4.
Ftuur—Philsneip' is, Baltimore. Richmond,
_ , . ... - , slid Alex mlria, supeifine, U to 54
Attack on Cuba.—A letter front Alva- A manner ol composition, however, which 1 f., rn _5> a 54 ceutI pj, b. ts r.cA.
rado ofthe 2»th of March, saya :— 'regulates the passion* of tho heart, ia more ! o«u-28 do do
1 L , vnluablo than Hint which fnrirhea the, jo
Wo have been all bustle here I late, j ( j e|g 0 f ,| )u | lcuI j ; f or virtue is permanent, 1 H y - »*• 11 1,1st q'tality.
making at, efibrt to wage war wilf Luba,, but 0Di „ inn UIIHtable . W rilinm which III Lk t y- 9 cent, per gil
that thure is no certainty of the existence
of any such party. The belief of it, among
the Indians friendly lo the Agent, occasion
ed them, to the number of four or five hun
dred, to flock to him at the Chattahoochy,
where they remain aud guard him every
night.*—We understand no does not think J by sending
himself in any danger, nor do we bulmve t report says uur looouuuu unjcwimnirn-.
there is any danger in travelling thro’ thejing to invade the Island ofCuba. byivny »f ; c „ 1 ,^ 1| P ( , lruct U J jaitgmeut bv trulh9 . f or it Tobacin
Nation at this time. There are three par-1 checkmating the famous Castle ofS. Juan ||tve bo ,! C n obijirved, that mere arc
ties reported, vtz. M'ln esh’s friend., the; do Ulloa i Urn men. well eq'"PP‘.»">> ! wcaril . ( | by id | unes s, than disturbed h, ig.m-
Agent’s friends, and the host ile party. Hut out ot this port tins in six in\rr|i«nt 1 3 J “
the utmost confusion, without any he.ul or „i, ; the others wore English. Frencla.nd £ cl c P prcHHioll ol - hia fo.iLm'ptiuns , and
uncut this cm,ntry, under couvny nt Bra rti|| ^ th( . p rl ,j„a ic os and inability
“ ,s ', 1 fos gave « iient iy‘| ol ' critiLH . of literary opinions. I shall
them extravagantly well, and has bet«T; bo unrwwonBbly len / cio K ua . f„r what-
cr,dtt fnr li.ieraluy ban any other. ' evcr8 „ llle 8llltl ors may imagine, tlie eon-
1 hejrnvnrnnii'iil armed sihr.Ieuala, cerll8 n f m( . ro literature, aroiiot very n,a-
a. They
innocent to dis-
. • . . . ,.t cuss, than topics more prevalent. Tho op-
was returning. A report is ln cnculatiln ; t ' Q op|nin i8 „f p , !r i...licul critics, afford
here to-day. that Bnlivar w,I join h A,- * V ent.nd snnieinstruction, aud
nn with troops, and with such iorces tor tin
invunion as to render success certain • the
soldiers enlisted from this country are well
organization to any party. It iu sad, and is
probably true, that tho intention of the
murderersof M’Intosh was, and probably is
yet, to assassinate ull who signed the trea
ty ; thinking thereby to render it void.—
They are likewise said to declare, that they
will never leave thnir land. On the thai
nows of tlie disturbance considerable appre
hension was excited lor the safety of the
Agent, and as to what course of conduct
would be pursued by the Indians; nnJ to
guard ugumstany surprise, the Divisions of
Maj. Generals Wimberly uud Shorter were
ordered to hold themselves in readiness to
act as circumstances might require. At
present wn believe there is no probability
that uny troops will be called out. The
Indians, if they have the disposition, are
too well aware of their weakness, to at
tempt any other hostilities than the killing
of some of their Chiefs, of which the 6tate
sometimes indignation. If we abound with
periodical critics, wo must necessarily a-
bound with erroneous criticisms ; for some
ad„,Kc.l for such .n enterprise. I ‘'»<;l“‘C ! bsve ' 1 |, eir 0 | ( | prejudices, some their n
you the proclamation nt bt. Anna, which ( .„ llin , „ n J D ,i, Bir illcurnb | t . i m ! l(1 cili
may be worth publishing.”
A letter from CnmpcaHiy ofthe llth
March, puhli>hed some time ag \ slated that
in consequence ofthe arrival of troops from
old Spain, at Havnnn, this expedition had
been abandoned—-but it was not at that time
considered of the consequeuce here repre
The Monet Market.—Tlie Boston pa
pers are com plaining ofthe scarcity of mo
ney and ulso ofthe conduct of the Banks iu
that city towards tlie Country Banks. On
this subject, the editor of the Courier re
marks, *• Wo have not known for m-my
and that what they had done, was in satis- j (hein to get revenge lor it. Such an uuqua-
out exception, refused all accommodations
faction, according to their usuages. for the , litied expression and so
—»*“«— --—
1 “■"EES 1 £ nrss »* * p~s~ -
out consulting them.
to the ^ le wa y °* lle ' v discounta ; and iJHICtO,
doubt probably to the amount ofthe cupitula of
ti i one or two of them.has bpcu travelling from
buloni to Boston, thi nce to Hartford, buck
n . laud, &<:. Ill this aatc of things, it iva:- per-
B"> on® i. : u.i. .l. t
which could induce the belief that any re- Imps impoeeible for the banks to discount
thing ,s certain-,f he uses such hingnage ^ |t wng prftUy evid „ nt , hlt thl . ir
instead of being in their vaults, was
travelling about the country ;
eistnn^e would be made to the surrender of among is calculated . °. r 1
the I. Jid, at the time provided by the treaty. »n their present agitated state, to excite
.. u e « ir , , them on to the commission of further bus- , * , .7 , , .
Y tilirtee. Ilia reported, but wc cannot vouch »nd,t perchance, ,, h.ppcned to get into
* for the correctness of it, that, the Agent, in «">‘o street, it could hardly bo taken fro,.,
. sddresk ,o ,ho Indians, said that he had V W"‘. b, ' ,,,,e a llra 'V l 1 lr ™ 6un "'
The Macon Messenger of Wodnesday
last, contains several articles upon the sub.
£SScsJ5aa.ttfssSf£j --»«*—•
«.« ... ».n
of tuking hills of tho country hanks at par,
and demanding specie of those hanks in ex
change for thoir biils. Whether this belief
is well foundedyor not. is not for ns to deter
mine. Tho lad that, it exists, and that it
has excited a general indignation against
those hunks, is not to bo denied nor conceal
ed. [i is incumbent on those who under
stand the operation of tho system and np-
think as is of interest. The editors give a any thing more for then. . . -v. * ru . ...
statement ofthe transactions, derived from J^e J? av ® fobroughUipou us by tblTaysteui lato'ly /-
travellers who were witnesses of the mur- br Stl,er. Capt.' Ilenry Growill, natod tilh d VI* l V H h, ' rn „ ai “"F lttlB ' 1 bank
der. which they think may be depended on. Hay. 18W,
The account of the at.ack upon tlie house, "Sir—Since the intelligence of llio death
. of M intosh. the wholo nation is in ronfu-
agr. es >11 most particulars with that we sil . n _ his porty haa t hroato, M .a tl>o Heutli of
huv** already published. Some white men, the Little Prince and mvsHf. So soon us
travellers, who lodged in the house at the tin; news got out, the warriors poured in,
... . in great numbers to protei t us, and soemed
tune, were assured by awhile man, that no lnt £ nl t0 pu|BllB lhcm H „d p,„ them to dear h
barm was intended them. After the de- —but I have restrained them. Tin v v. ill. . - .. , .•
aim. linn „f the house the traveller, were however, guard my house every night. I ^ '.’ '. u co, ' ,e ,, ’ r ' va, ;. ,l al " 1 •Plf “""‘he
atr,let,on of the house, the travellers were ^ J ascertain whether there is any P>> b he leeliug by a sa isluctory explanation.
permitted to depart with tlie loss ot some d . n _ ( . r UT Ml)t> JOHN CROWELL." ' I " 0 "now it w said, Unit they are not bound
nrticles of plunder. It ia said that upward. We have seen a letter from a person who bl> an "' vcr 8v ® r >’ hlln n/uib published in tlie
of a thousand Indians wero in the vicinity, was jit tin, Agency on the 7;h inst. ''hi® 1 *. ^*^5 0 ”’ r ,*y ed ' b J U *hi s ’'pnlicy^^f*aiid wo
who wore aiding in the murder. The val- wa8 inf()rmed t h-,t the Indiana show I aJn lj t tba ‘ “ r ® n ®‘- ' hr P f ™““‘
ue nf the plunder of the General, was near more Ilian ordinary courtesy to travellers exoi eiileii is nn confine na ew money
forlv lliousand dollars—unwards of twenty this timo^nd say that thoy will have it ■ hrokers., perv.doa every class and prnlee-
forty lliousa ,d dollars upwards of twenty Mji , |)ed j ^ o / 7it , tl08i pur8nn , lra . «««.! “»< w® ®o»t®"‘l that on whom
thousand ot winch was in specie. Tne Jelling through the Nation, shalil not „„|y|tli® imputatim, ol producing the difficulty
Chief who escaped with young M’Intosh, be protected but politely and civilly treated I J.' 1 arc , ". un '. in ll .^ , ( ! ,n PJ 1 u * on '*
? TI.Lt the killing of M'lntiuh and the Cow-1 Prum cn . n8ld « ra,m ? R "®" r ® ,1 P®. l ' t ' *? cnln "
is nam ;d Kennard. The wife of General
«... , . ... . - . eta Chief, (midsince that, the two Haw-, , . , ... - .
M’Intosh, (a Chrokeo,) afterwards went to k i„,v) was not an act of hostility towards! du P letla 1 c »tn be justified stud it not to
film la~a.SU In.liana elnim I. * . U in — ^ , L . I 0 C k 110 Wltdfft* t h Cl r PFrOf a 11(1 rOUOUHCe, tt t
forwurd and justify tho system they have a-
tlie hostile Indians to cluiin her property, the whites, but only in execution of their j
but recovered only a negro Wuiuan and her [ aW8, That M’Intosh at the treaty ol Br. -
.... , n , ... . _ ,, . , ken Arrow, got up iu the enuure and pro-
child. I he Indians informed her that they claimed, that any Indian signing a treaty,
had acted under the authority of Little
Prince, the Chiefs of tlie Okfuskee and
or cession of their land, should be put to
death. This was a pretext for then) to kill
once, the short sighted policy.”
The Celtic Society held their annual
dinner at Edinburgh, on Friduy, the ‘25th
ult. Sir Walter Scott, Bart, presided. Af-
Muckfaw towns, and said that these Chiefs
received directions from Col. Crowell, to
murder d’liitosh. Respecting the part
Li tile Prince took in theaflsir,the accouuts
arc contrauiclory.
The informant of the Messenger, goes
on to state, that at the suinc time a parly ;
war sent to murder Col. Samuel llawkius,'
u chief, whom tiiey found about twenty-five
miles fr. in lien. M’Intosh. lie was taken
nnd earned to the Muckfsw town and shot.
It is reported that his brother, Benjamin
Hawkins, has also been killed.
The family of Gen. M’Intosh, nnd wife of
Col. Hawkins, assisted by Mr. Bootwright
uud a .Mr. Flournoy, have come over the
Indian boundary, and are now at the place
of Gun. Ware, iu Fayette County. Near-
. ly three hundred other Indians have also
come in for protection, and arc at the same
pluce. About fifty Indians, and two hun
dred whites headed by Gen* Ware, have
gone out to bring iu their cattle aud other
Ofthe leading cause of tho murder of
Gen. M Intosli there can be no doubt; a
circumstance probably hastened it, which
we give as it lias been related to iim. A
talk was held in presence ofthe Agent, just
before thn murder, at which he informed
4he Indians of the ratification of the Treaty
dy the President of the U.« States, which
they had not before believed. This pro
duced considerable excitement, and Mr.
Crowell was severely blamed by them for
signing the Treaty, at a wilneu. A son
of the Big Warrior proceeding to some
ox'revkganficsf in his/'/Mr. was checked by
him. They report that he acted cmvard'y I , CT ',| le U8Un] toa8 , 8 bad bei ,„ eiviMI ttith
at the time lie was killed, and never spoke, lh( , ir nccUKtlllnw j hollers, and several gen-
—that the murderers hud u lung address loj t , H|I|0ll , lQ(1 Messed thn meeting, Mr Leo-
deliver jinn proh pudor. just as thoy were 1|nr( j Horner proposed tho health ofthe Au-
going to assassinate Info. That he shot at thor ol - „-, Jwr / y .i> sir Walter Scott t|„.„
them twice when he came out. The Indi-, rog# , and said—** I cannot say that I am par-
, au wiio gave him tho first stub was in his - ticu)»rly acquainted with the gentleman ;
| employ, and some two years post lie nnd j | mt j 10 j 8 v< , rv gtronglv rucommended to us,
^ J” 1 ” 8 *' Wll *‘ embezzling' ani j jf y OU please, I shall give the time to
JOOO dollars, for which he was whipped, • -
and had his cars cut off—They say there
are three or four more whom they intend to
[To correct a misunderstanding that ma
ny people have with regard to the locution
of the Indian Agency, it mny be proper to
state, that it has been removed from the
Flint. River; and that t he residence of the
Agent is now on thu Chattahoochy.]
Caution to Bank Clerk*.—A Clerk of
the Bank of Virginia, has been mulcted in
damages to the amount of'jGOOO fur permit
ting a customer .ofthe Bank to overdraw his
A person in Liverpool advertised to ex
hibit a principle in mechanics, which will
move against wind and tide, with any ve
locity required, a vessel on the watl?V with
out steam, sails, oars, levers, paddles, or
machinery, whatever. The expense to
complete the largest hull in Liverpool, will
not exceed £500. Tho discovery of the
perpetual motion and the philosopher’s
fie Agent in « manner m »ro severe than "’one, we presume may be oxpectod to
cuuld be warranted at that time, by good ^follow.*
his honours.” Right loudly were the hon
ours rung ; and thus Kir Walter Scott tnay
be said to have conferred his public honours
on the author.of Waoerly—Edinburgh Ob
To ttiePurlic.—«» Neither do men light
a candle and put it under a but-nel bit upon
a candlestick, that it may give light to all
that are in the house.” Jllath. T. 15.
A certain number of Protestunts hoving
manifested a great desire nf becoming mem
bers ofthe Roman Catholic Church, l here
by acquaint the said Protestants old the
public in general, that I have appointed the
second Sunday after Easter (17/A April) for
admitting them into the Church according
for making tho present publication.
Cambria, Penn. Qasette.
follies, and some their incurable imbecility ;
for impotence is radical. Rarely we find u
critic whose extensive piwers are familiar
witli what has been done, and what is doing:
whose sagacity not only discovers the real
abilities of uu author, but, with a prescient
discernment, can judge to what his future
powers may be competent; and by his vig
our ot conception, and delicacy of taste,
exhibit beauties kindred to the fine origin
al he reviews.
Literary journals conducted by an intel
ligent editor, abound with the pleasures
and the utilities of letters; but certainly
with such an editor every Review is not
provided. The personal irritation of men
of genius has depreciated those records of
literature; and such errors have been
strangely propagated, with the additional
<»xtrnvugniicioH of persons not conversant
with literary aflitirs. Borne believe a Re
view to be composed by a junto, who. in
black coats, and with grave faces, assemble
round a hoard of g reen cloth. The interior
of a Review has nothing of its apparent
complexity, the entire machine is revolved
by a solitary hand, sometimes with experi
enced dexterity, nnd sometimes with casual
It is certain that the pleasure of running
over fifty books in an hour, is a voluptu
ous indulgence for every literary idler;
and authors feci a groat curiosity in taking
in at a glance, what is performing by their
contemporaries. To students remote I’roni
cities, it is only by the intermediate aid of
these periodical pages, that they can form
m ncquainlunce wuh the public taste. A
Review is n literary arena, where young
writers, learn to wrestle with their rivals.—
When such is the interest and the sagacity
of a conductor, that some of the literary
characters of this country are invited to
take a share in these works, they receive
an additional imports lice, and form a valu-. ,
able accession to the treasuries of literature. To
Two interests stimulate the writers of Re
views ; the pleasure of examining new pub
lications ; or tlie petty stipend ofliterary pay
too often necessary lor some men of genius
Kentucky* Onigia, kc,
n ',u'f«c ured <lo 8 s 14.
7«/’ow>—10 ectus
Poik - Mess, a 16 i Brime, 12.
Muckjrel—No- 1, , No. 2, 5| / No. 3,
Bacon— i • £*, plenty.
hard - 1 • *o 1
Hu:ter—JO u 4 dull t Northern, inf. 8 a 12.
Che se -5 s 7 cents
Soop Ye low, 4a9ccnts.
Candles Northern mould fcllow, 1?* ; Gcor-
giu, 16; Sperm, 3 1 s 40
D mfStict.— I’ltida, 17 li 20; St ipcs, 17 lu
iy : i herks. 16 to 18 ; 4 4 Wo. 20 io tit
B < Hiking, JO (<• 35/ | Siiutiqgj 12 lu 14
dr. 7-8, >9 to 15/ 3h<.U ng, 4 4,16 lo 8
Ble cn.*d good- * to 2 ce>*ta per y*td, or.
tlie above prices
Bathing—1).smite slid Inverness 42 inch,
\6- ,7.
Oxnabirghs—It a 13.
Cognac JJranuy— l.’i • 140 cts. per gal. ac
co d .*r to . *tit *
l/ol’and G.n—9 a 05, do. do.
/ion—3 cJ<rr 105 a 1 10 per ton • English do
t05all0do ; American do; 100*105; hhcei
p *r cwt. to a 12.
•Voft—L ir«.rpooV coaur, in bulk, 60
Sugar—'Havana wlut«. $1'2 t 13 ; Brnwn,9*,
iiune in nrurke / Muse>V»W*», ’0 7 8 si *,
do t Bt,Cr■»»!, prime,1*' a 12*, do; N..w-0;-
lent, B**, ct.i $ H« Hied l-..> 18 21, (lu.
offee—flMvmm grcfli, 22; St D nuirgi ,
I'o.n . ood to k rue , 17 a 8
/ly.on Tea - lOt u U0ce? : 'g ;.cr lb.
Him t.t:nu‘< a 90 k 100 cea f, dull; West 1
H - 65, i O'liin W.
Molasses—^ i *t India 34n 31*, none in mar-
i* / *; wO.-V n, 8 ,< ^u.
U nth b- y Goods.—30 a 6u per cent advauct
Crockery. - o . 30 per cent. do
London Porter— $3 (O « 3 50, per dozen.
United States H nk —S. -Si-**.
Batik of the .\,ate •>/ Georgia- 87 *• 90 for 100
d n.
Pla*>tns Hank—75 for 80 paid in.
/Jarie>i Jt .nk • n sales
> earn fi at • o»ip ny —No sales.
Mu'ine and fi v Insu w ee Company—20,
N H i .ie B ,k . payable in, Pisnttrs* Bank, ar t Bink ot Au
^ »% notes,received al U S. Bank in depcs
ite and in payment f »r oonds
On F.ntrland—5 6 '*C'‘ ceo*. prem nominal*
F once—5 15 a 5 *0 nominal.
Hon on —60 d;»ys / 1 a 1 ; sight. 1 prem*
jV. 1 o k, 6*; d ys i disci.; Mg t, * preni.
Philadelphia, do. do.
Baitimoie, do. do.
1)h ien l.< ,nk No'ei I a 6 d a.
Char:est*’i s>. :*t, * u 1 vr* m,
A Cur'dina S H ulk Aoies, da^ldls.
Cape four an ! J\ < ur>e n mo 5. dto*
d » 1 l b J*
/’ nee, om • a*—no vessels in port.
M w Fork- i .; .
COTTON.—Thu Cotton market, up to
I am of opinion, tout this obscurity is favor-. Friday last, was dull, and few transactions
ible to their pMweis To what ever is known took place. Considerable sales however,
norc by its effects, than by its cause, the wero made on Friday, suy about 17 to HUM)
iinugiuuiion is friendly. If great names bales. On Saturday ufiuruooit, an express
ippi'tired to the articles of a Review, the arrived with intelligence of tho evening of
public and the author would abrogate their the 1st of April, from Livey»ool—Cut tun
decisions: we should soinetiun s protect the liijd—and sales, us well as we eau learn,
meanest that wc might have the pleasure of were effected of about 1500 hales, at vaii-
hu mining the greuiest. ’ ous prices I rein 23 lo 21*, which were tukeii
The delects of periodical criticisms urn 'principally on account of merchants
more numerous, than can be he reasonably Charleston, where the intelligence was re
allowed, to men of h arning and candour ; coivod. Yesterday morning, however, it is
it is evident, indeed, that critics have some- said another express arrived from Charles-
times neither lea ruing nor candour. A ton, from which it appeared that the ac
friend, an adversary, or the author himself, counts were not of so favorable a nature as
ure all bad critics. It is u cruel process of 'reported on Saturday, in cousequeiino ol
critical alchemy when a Reviewer plays his which prices receded a shade, and sales
game on the principles ot what is techically were made of Cottons (one of I50u hales)
termed ut woist, a see-saw. Two suits at. 26 cents, which had the intelligence
are made to answer each other; and pruise of Saturday proved correct, would have
and censure are so skilfully contrasted. t.*«at been worth consiuerubiy more. The total
one would defeat the other, did not the cen- sales ot the week were about 5U00 l»ule: ; .—
sure ot an author ever cause a stronger' The stock unhand is variously estimat'd
sensation tliun ail his praise. Then to scut- at from 15 to 20.000 bulcf. We quote Up-
ter eiilogisuis. is like the ancicut priest, lands at 23 to 27 ceuls, at which we believe
who wreathed with fiowers, and gilded the some is held,
horns of the victim, he conducted to bleed Sea-Islands continue in demand at 70 to
uu the altrr. Sometimes we are informed 80—some tine marks are held for higher
that an author is lively and ingenious, but prices,
not profound and learned. Such insidious i RICE—Is dull at 3 to £ l.
detractions are certain of injuring his life-1 CORN—62 a 54. The arrivals within
rary character. It is necessary to tell the' the past week have been heavy; tho de
public what an author io; endless wero it maud has also been considerable—cargo
to enumerate what lie is not; it. is describing sales have been made at 51 u 54.
a nnn-entity. Such literary contrasts aro GROCERIES.—There lias not been so
unjust i because they imply deficiencies, much done jn Groceries the present week,
wh, eh are not deficiencies; hey aro aro on- M , br HOlnc tiole previous ; and generally
y qualities incompatible with the dispost- they have decline! in price. Fifty Bam. o{
tions of the author. Sometimes a Review- Cofteo sold last week at auction, brought
or, perceiving his inability to decide upon a from 18 t0 20 emits,
work, forms an article the manner ol an SALT ._ Wc quote Sa)t „ l|g W(>rk , t
enigma, with a dark and intricate tngonui-! A WM p( , r chun ud on Saturday at adl
ty 5 he decides upon nothing, but appears cen t 8 6 months. ’
decisive ; noris that criticism more useful. W ,MESTIG GOODS.-The quantity in
wind, presents to a reader an idea ot » market is limited, and holders g,morally ask
work, in tlio express torins employed by an »• _ . * aun
for it is well known.
author in his preface ; tor it is well Known, fivirt a r a i..» a.' t* : is
that an author ever indulges his passion to DUt lm n J . _. ,* 0 ?! ,, S
an excess, in I, . explanation of his work. 1,f ft®2 ! , hl,d8 - k,,0ck .': ,l
to the Rites and Ceremonies prescribed by jEvory thing there ia perfect in theory, and drawn , ' ‘ L ie bulam-e was witli-
the Roman Ritual. j the critic who will accept the professions of panriiTe „ .
DEMETRIUS A. OALLITZIN. « »UI find enumerable perfect works.' iAvor.ioo, It M aL , '? h '*
Th.Bbnv.Ju.l .)•_!_ ..p,«in .he moti.M |i‘ 8 7Blap|rkSlng l iiiiBg.n,tion''«nd , v,fi‘!'ieB
(lf diction aro not adapted to evory taste. !
7o form a Review into an instrument of
torture, sportingly to lacerate thn sensibili-
Molnle. Mny 3—Cotton—A few sales ties of moil of genius, is a violation of the
were made the Utter part of tho week past norality of criiieiain, and extinguishes the
nt 84 to 27) rents; but since the receipt, jenins of the mildest student. A Review
yesterday morning, of the last account of tondiicted wilhskill.ahould present the liter-
the Liverpool market, there lias not been a 8rv physiognomy ofthe century. As I have
sain ofthe article, consequently it ia inipos- iidbefore in one of my Essays, “ In an ago .
siblt to quota it. , * of refinement, the public tutu is in , stale!'
A MASONIC APRON, with the own-
er s nn me written under the flap. The
person having it in possession, will confer a
favor on tho proprietor by leaving it ut the
ueorguin Ofiice.
May 17
Schr. Despatch, Guthrie, 4 days from
Newborn, (N. C.) with Corn, lo R. HaboH
Steam Boat Maid of Orleans, Smith 1
days from Hamburg, with a full cargo f„ r
Charleston. The passengers ofilm steam
boat Hamburg, returned in the Maid of Of.
leans, in consequence of her having nnt
with an arcidedt on the river.
Steam Bout Pendleton, Charleston s
days, with merchandise for Augusta ami
Hamburg. Ptuunger,, Mr. Hardin and
lady, Messrs. Hainson, Vamiees, Vnung (•
Brown, Hollis, and eight for Augusta.
Steam Boat Edgefield, (reported yester
day) Sassard, Augusta, 2 days, wiili r.T5
bales Cotton, and 0 puseugers. for Charles,
ton. The E. will bo detained hern until
some time to-day, in consequence of some
small derangement in her machinery,
Ship Savannah, Beebe, New.York.
Brig Frances, Croft. Philadelphia,
ftehr. Emeline, Hatfield, St. Johns, (E. F.)
Shr. Eliza Ann, Whipple, Charleston.
Sloop Ann, Hcdley, do.
Sloop Delight, Cooper, do.
Pilot Boat El lipse, Wood, New Vnrlt,
Pilot Poat Richard Nelson, Delano, Naur.
York.—4 passengers,
Passengers in the ship Savannah, for N.
York—Mrs. Holies, Mrs. Ilovt, child and
servuuts. Mrs. Montgomery. Mrs. Hazard,
Mrs. Bowman and child. Mrs. ilradle',• and
child, Mrs. Hnxlnn. Miss Crocker." Miss
Powers. 2 Misses Wilkins, 2Missor Bmli r,
Mr. J. Ponfield and ladv. Col. Stewart. R- .
Mr. Low, Dr. M. D. Gallagher, Dr. \\ i,.'
kins, Dr C> M. Hill, Messrs, Bureaux,
Hood, llarlord. Magee ami snrianl, Butler,
Monroe, Blount, Foote, il. Brmvn. A
Morse. Wheeler, and Willing. [The Sa-'
vnnniili. was taken down the River by a
steam hunt, and went tu sea yesterday,
ali'A 1 11 o’clock.)
Passengers ill the hrig Frances, for Phi-
adelpliia—Mrs. Col. Dennis, 2 children and
servant. Miss Dennis. .Mrs. Harair. Rev,
Mr. Matthews. Mr. B. Tliumpsun. and e>
veral others who arrived here on Sunday
night from Augusta, aud loin thcrtHerage,
[The Frnnves. went toseaycsti rdey.about
II o’clock.)
Passengers in the pilot bunt Eclipse, for
Now-York—Messrs. Perry.Wayimnn,'Ter
ry. Swift, Cnlliur, and three others.
Tlie steam boat Pendleton. Bracken,
started for Angustn yesterdayforoniuni.
For Philadelphia,
““ Tho prhooner
P L A N T K R,
Stephen Soule, Muter,
Jt Will sail on Wednesday* noxt.—
For freight or pnssngre, apply to the mauler
on board, at Watt & Smett’s Wharf, or to
V'ty 17 •'%
Mr. Mhvmanski,
D E N T I S T,
O FFERS his professional services until
Saturday next. Application to le
madn nt the City-Hotel.
May 17 44r
O A BAGS Prime Green Coffee, will I*
Cy oJ laiidod this day from brijr Pliiinhnni,
and fur sulo low from the wharf.
Mnv 17 -Wp
Loaf Sugar and Coffee,
J BA HU ELS first quality Laf
70 Bogs Coffee
For sole by B. W. DEI.AMATER.
Mnv 17 4«l
Sugar, Tf-bucco, fcc.
50 Kegs Tobacco
iO.floo Pounds Bamn
5000 do Bale Rope
25 Barrels New-Enghml Rura
10 Buies Domestics
A handsome assort merit nf
For sale vorv low. bv
May 17
Capital a |50,000, 20,000
10,000, &e. Hie.
Philadelphia Union Canal Loti*‘ r J;
were received on Sunday night. ForwW
arc requested to call uml toke uptheiO*
dors, ns the drawing will be received »
Friday evening.
Tickets : .* : ; .* .* '
Halves i : 3 ' **
Quarters : : ; : ; : : !
(D* Prizes in other Lotteries are , * kL ’°
payment. W. ROBERTSON,
May 17 Georgian Oort*
A certain East India Cure for the Rh 11 '
malum, Ifing's Evil, <$’(’•
Druggist, where certificates of t®*
ficney ofthe above medicine may be se ’
May 17 . ^
Lo s t.
A HOGSHEAD of Whiting marH*
diamond G. No. 2, intended to
been shipped on bourd ship “**’ . J
while at New-York, was by e®'' ^
drayman carried to some otberfl L t >
Should it have couie to this port, »") w
mat ion respecting it will, h^a l
ceived by GLO.
May 11