Newspaper Page Text
mm i
O/i Iht Jttl I’utility in June next,
rry'LL be >»1<1 it the CourMlou.c in tbr
town or Jefferwn, between the hour,
often o’clock in lit: morning, >nd four o'clk
in the itWnoon, ore undivided moiety, of
the following property, vie i
A tract of land situate on the inuth tide of
Bitille River, containing five hundred icrea,
m ire or leaa. two hundred and fifty acrea of
which ia under cultivation, and bounded eaat
by landaof Mra F M. Oaborne, anuth by land)
of - alum, weal by landa of John-
■Ion, northwardly by Satilia River, together
with all the building! and plantation toola
thereto belonging.
Alio, fifty or anty head of cattle, thirty
cheep, two fl.ta, one b .at. end the following
n :g o aUvca, to wit, George, Lucy, Alaliba,
March, Charlo te, Georgette, Peggy, Caaaiui,
Elleck, Pendtudy, Floret, Harriet, Sam, Hen,
ry, Friday, Simon. Bilbeaey, Louiaa, Snaan,
Urueeita, Htlly, Patey, Nancy, Marcua, My
ra, Jamct. Toney, Helen, Homuluii lanette
Seen ly, Abbev, Beir, P. evidence, Monaou,
I) die. Cyrua, Big Jack, Amelia, Juliet, Pale-
mur, rliiiip, Lucinda, Altamont, Laura, Long
Jim, Hoao, Little Jim, Little Jack, Smart.
Thebe, Billy, Nat, Uumor, Driver Jim, Maria.
Levinia, Clfopat.ia, Ganadi, Dorcal, Tenah
Luke, Sally, Paulina, Caiiata, Hoiana, Scipio"
Ca n, Nancy Cane, Frcde- ick, Job, Bora, Pin’
aah, Deck, Pompey, Patty, D.ana, Columbu
Bob, Lina, Andrew, Nanny, Matthew, Londun
Little Pendah, Prince, Le.aar, Ph.ll.a, Little
J.ick,Fanny,Daniel,Oaator, Ned, Little George,
Solomon, Cambay, Kate, Pricilla, Adam, and
Mary, being one hundred in number, lei ied
on and tv be auld to aatiafy an execulioi.
against J 'll. and Weavale Jonca, in fa
vor of Jac.-b It. Volk*
Alio, on< home and lot, aiiuate, lying and
being, in the town of St. Marys, being part ol
lot number one, containing me hundred feet
in front, and four hundred and thirty aix feet
deep, levied on and to be aold aa the propertv
of John B. Christopher, to aetisfy tn caecu
tion on foreclosure of mortgage, in favor or
William Berrie. under the rule aheolutc.
II. U. HEU1UUD, 8. S. C
April 23,1, 18. J.
Aptil 28 3®
Sheriff’s Sale,
On the first Tuesday in June next,
rpOll.L be sold in i’foni ut the Court*
House, in ibe city of Stvnnn^h, between
the usual hours of ten and four o'clock.
Lot ami buildings No ‘ 5, Brown ward, le*
▼ied on under t*vo executions agams* C H Huy
dan. in favor of Frederics \V. Heinemanii,
•i d i.i favor "f K & J Habersham*
two L '»• of .und, situate from the corner
cf East Brodd-i', on the Thunderbolt It«d
on the adj ining ciyner, levied on as the pro
perty of \i H Hayden, to satisfy an execution
issuing from n Justices Court in favor of A De
Laroeh, returned to me by a constable.
A negro man named Doctor, levied on
the properly o’MosiahiJ Tippin, tosatlify two
executions in favor ot George W Coe, and one
in favor of J B Wick.
Three negrota, Titus, Betsey, and Chance,
levied on us the property of Thos N Morel, to
•ati»f> in execution in favor of die Bank of the
State of Georgia.
A woman named Phillia and her child Ste-
J b.;n,levied on aa the property -f he eat. of A.
ackson, un^er an execution from Richmond
Superior Court, in tavor of Jonathan Sawyer.
May 9 .19
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in June next.
7iLl,i)-a'> the court-House in the
City of Savannah, between the hours
of .eo and four o'clock* the following 16 ne
grorfe, via .—
Sippio, ff »ger, Abner, Snip, March, Jerry,
Bdly, Bui 'te, Parris, Bram, Dinah, Little Bram,
Prin:e, Ben and Meriam, with the increai<
jf the fa iihes, levied on und r a foreclosure
of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William
Waih-ngtnn for use.
T*j negroes, vt*: Ned and Glasgow, levi
ed on a foreclosure of a mortgage from Chas.
Dimer to Joseph K jpman.
April 4 09
Sheriff's Sales.
O N the fir-»t Sjt'fday, after the first Tuea-
day in June next, will b : sold at the
Market* Hotifl 1 •• m the town nf St Marys, two
negroes, viz. B >b and Rose, levied on as the
property ot Joseph Rain, to satisfy an execu
tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
of Sa nuel Clarke, andGeorge S. Brown.
April 3 l'MJ M.H HBBB.VttD.5 C C.
A !• 1 13
Sheriff's Sales,
On he first Tuesdiy in June next,
F Vti i‘u > ired anresufLaud lying in the
County of Effingham, bounded north b}
Michael U.<les,esst by v hristian
all other sides vacant at the time of the origin*
a! survey. Also 150 «cr*s, half of a tract of
503 acrea originally granted to Christian Ro-
ben hurst A iso VO acres bounded north by
finds of Daniel Steiner,' east Jno Snyder and
n*hers, at he time of original aurvey. Also,
15 ) Hc-esrouthwH-dly by landaof Robenhurst,
ei-t.1 ho n d George Snyder, and north
It ifenhurst, m h; time of the original aurvey.
The ahov; nmda levied on aa the property of
Ct»~ri»-« riot, to satisfy executions in favor of
floury H’Vpinaud David Gugle.
\* y 6 27
-ilieritf’s Sale.
On tht fi st Tuesday in June next.
be aoid at the Court- House in the
Vr.f town of Jefferson, Camden County, be-
twee he usual hour* of sale, a negro man
rum d ''anitl, levi.d on (by a constable) as
the property of Wius|ih Crews, deceased, to
istrfy sundry executions in favor of Joseph
Th ia< G W. THOMAS, D.S C. C.
Jeffers jn, April 30, 1825.
M iy 5 36
City Sheriff's Sales,
On the ftrtl Tttcjay in June next,
“ILL be l id at tbe Gouri Home ill the
Administrator’s Sale.
On the fi' st Tuosilay in Ju-.y next,
R &PWKKbT the us ml hours, will be fold
at the Court-House in Bryun County,
th * fallowing described propeity, being part
of h*. estate of Matthe v Carter, dec..and
sal 1 for the benefit of the heirs and creditors,
l td by au order of tbe Court of Ordinary of
fjid c unty, viz:
2*0 acres of lard in Gwinnett County,
known as Lot No 361, in the 7th Dstrict.
2JO teres in R«rly County, known as Lot
No. i74, in tin 2dth District
2v0 acres Pme Land, in Effingham County.
Also, two slaves
Conditions f sale m d; known on tbe day.
April 28 30fa*
City of Savannah between the hours
of ten and four o'clock,
One negro woman named Sander, levied on
aa the property of John and V deria D-ivis, to
satisfy an execution flrom the Court of Com
mon Pleas and Oyer and Te/mine* **»r the ci-*
ty of Savannah, Wm Bowers, vs ,'ohn V G Da
vis guardian of John ami Valeria Davis.
Also One negro woman named Louiaa, le*
vied on aa the property of John I. Bulloch, to
satisfy sundry executions from the Court of
Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the
city of Savannah, Wm C Barton and
John I Bulloch.
Also all .he buildings on Lot No forty (40)
Warren wa d bounded north by a hn* soutu
by Broughton street, east by Lot No thirty
nine (39) and weft by Lincoln street, levied
on aa the property of Chaa H Ha< d:n, to antis-
fv art execution for ground rent in favor of (lie
German Lutheran Church, vs* ha« H Hayden
A. I, D’LYON, C S.
may 9 "9
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in July next,
W II L be sold a< the Court Horne in the
City of Savannah, between the hours
often and four o'clock,
All the buildings and improvements on Lot
No 40, Warren ward, w th the uoexpired least
of said Lotof Lan 1, lev ; ed on aa the property
of ChaleK II Hayden, under a fin. fa on fore
closure in favor of Frederick W Heinemnnn.
A. D’LYON, D. S, C. C
May 9 39
R espectfully informs his friends
and the public, that he has purchased
the establishment in the above business, be
longing to Dr. A. Delaroclio, opposite the
Exchange, where he offers for sale at low
prices, a large assortment of
Yres\\ Drags, Medicines,
and Chemicals,, _
Aqua Portis, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, Jo
Peru, do Fola
Camphor, Cantharidcs, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperos
Colombo, Finery, Gum AsBat'a-ti/la
Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Pnarlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar
Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Snlts
Tartar Emetic, SpiritB of Turpentine
Paints Dcj and in Oil.
White, Red and Black Lead
Prussion Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Sinalts
Japan and Copal Varnish.
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Best English Shaving Snap
Kau de Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med
icincs of every kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jan 20 <17
Piano Foites, Curled Hair Ma
trasses, Feather Beds,
T HE subscriber offers for sale the follow
ing articles, warranted to be of the
best quality *
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables
Single do do Solus, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses *
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrasscs
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrasses to fit.
Also, n large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match
The above articles can be examined at
the store in Whittaker-Strcet, opposite Col.
Shcllmnn. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 93
Administrator’s Notice.
A LT, persons indebted to tho estate of
Randolph M’Gilljs, late of Camden
County, deceased, aro requested to make
payment, and those having demands against
said estate, will present them to the under
St. Marys, April 10th, 1825.
April *27. 29fr.
E mpty porter bottles.—a p
ply to GEO it YERSON.
March 4
Treasury Deyattiuent,)
March, 14, 1825. y
W HEREAS on the 3d of March, 18:5, t
law waa panted by the Congreia of the
United State*, of which the 3d, 4th, and 5th
tectiont are In the word* following, via :
•» See. 3. Jml be it further enacted, Tl>*4 a
•ubicription to the aoiuunt of twelve nillonf
of dollar*, of the six pr*r cent, atock cf the
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, bi, and
the lame ia hereby proposed i for which pur
pose hooka ahall be opened at the Treasury of
the United States, and at the several loan <>m
cea, on the first day of April next, to qantinut
open until the first day of October thfreafter.
for such parta of the above menti<j>'*d de
scription of stock aa ahall, on the day of sub
scription, stand on the books of the Treasury,
and on those nf the several loan < n?e*, re
•pectively ; which subscription liiailoe effect
cd by a transfer to the United Slut*, in the
mnnner provided by Lw for such tf n.-fers, of
the credit or end ta standing of the ssid
books, and by a surrender of the Certificates
nf the stock so subscribed : Frojded, That
all subscription by such transfer ofhtock shall
he c*>nsidei cd as part of the said ivelve mil
lions of dollara authorised to be borrowed by
the first sccti< n r.f his net.
t% Sec. 4. And be ft further enactj/j Th:
the whole or any part of any sum yhich shall
be thus subscribed, credits shall buentercd to
the respective subscribers, uh » shs|l be enti
tied to a certificate or certificates |urporlmy
that the United States owe to the Idler or
holders (hereof, Ins. her ; or their tetigns, a
sum to be expressed th rein, equal to the
amount of the principal stock thus subscribed,
nearing %n interest n<.t exceeding foit at
one half per centum p r annum, ptwablc
quarterly, from the thirty-frit day of Decem
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five / transferable in the same manner as i«
provided by law for the transfer of the stock
tfubacribed, and Riihject to redemption at tbe
pleasure of the United States, aa follows : one
haT at any timeafer the thirty-first day of
December, one thousand eight hundred, ana
twenty-eight: and tho remainder at any time
ifter the day of December, one
housmd eight hundred and twenty-mne:
Provided, Tost no reimbursement ahall be
made except for the whole amount yf such
uew certificate; nor until after at least six
months public notice of auch intended reim
buriemcnt And it shall be the duty of the
Secretary of the Treasury to cause to he trans
ferred to the respective subscribers the saver
al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
of the ccrtifhate* of four and one half pei
cent, stock issued to them respectively.
“ Sec, 5, And be it further enacted, That
he same funds which have heretofore been,
and now are pledged by law for the payment
of the interest, and for the redemption ami
reimburaement of the stock which may be re
deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shsll remain pledged in lik«*
manner for the payment of the interest accru
ing on the stock created by reason of such
'ukscrip'ion, and f >r the redemption or re«m
hursement of the pnncip lof the fame. At d
it ahall be the duty of the commissioners of the
sinking fund to cause to be applied and paid
out of the said fun ’, yearly and e-e^y year,
such sum and sums as may be annually requir
ed to discharge the inte est accruing on the
Htock which may be created by virtue of this
act The laid commissioners are, also, here
by authorised to apply, from time to tint*,
such sum and sums out of the said fund, as
they may think proper, toward* redeeming
by purchase, or by reimburiemeut, in con
formity with the provision! of this act, th*
P r incip.d of the mid stock : and auch part of
the annual sum often millions of dollars, vest
ed by law in the said commissioners, as tda)
be necessary and required for the above par-
posei,sh.:ll be and continue appropriated to
the payment of interest and redemption ol
the public debt, until the whole of ti;e stock
w hich may be created under the provisions ot
this act, ahall have been redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that
b -oka will be opened at the Treaaury of the
United Stntes, ar.d it the several loan offices,
on the firat day of Ar>ril next, and continue
open until the first d i of October, thereaf
ter, for receiving *ub'cri*>t1ons in conformity
with he prov gicns of the laid law.
The subscriptions mav be made by the pro
prietors i f the stock, eiiher in person or by
ibeir attorneys duly author'zed to aubscrib>
and transfer it to the United States.
Sli >uld tubscriptioni of said stock he made
to an amount exceeding twelve mdliont ol
dollars, u distribution of he said sum oftwelvc
millions of dollars will be made among <be
subscribers, in pi uportioo to the sums subscri
bed by them respectively.
A- ting Secretary of tbe rr- ssun *
March 96 10
Georgia— Camden County.
Superior Court, October Term, 11124.
Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Seine tier
Bryant. " ■
O N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating
that in consideration of certain prom
issory noteSj made to the said Timothy, by
them, one payable with interest, from first
of January, 1821, on the firgt of January. 1822:
a second payable as aforesai *, on the first of
January, 1823; and a third payable as afore
said, on the first of January, 1824. exeetted a
mortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, hiw heirs
and assigns, on all those four tracts of t l( ,d,
iitusted in the county aforesaid, conveyed by
l he said Timothy, to tbe said I-angley stid
"elvester, and lying on the south sile of
Great Satdla River, one tract containing sev-
enty-sevenjacres, more or less; two tracts
containing fifty acres, more or less, and one
•titer tract, containing one hundred and eigh-
i.v-eight acres, more or less, conditioned for
he payment of tbe three said several notes,
on the days above mentioned, aid that aaid
several notes remain unpaid—ot motion of
Archibald Clark, attorney for pliintif, it it>
ordered, that the said Langley ant Sclvester,
their heirs or assigns, pay into Chur,, within
twelve months from this date, ii«t sums due
on said notes, and the interca anl cos's, oth
erwise that the equity of redemption be for.
ever foreclosed, and that surh oiler proceed-
mgs take place, as are pursuant tolaw.
True extract from the minutes, 27th Octo
ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk.
nov 4 87*re
l^INE month, after date, application v li hr
X1 made lo tbe Hnn. the Judge, ulthe Court
jf Ordinary of Chatham county, fm leave ,o
sell all the real ratate of the late Williur. Craig,
decent (1, for the benefit of the hem and cred
itor, of raid date.
JOHN M'NISH, Exefutor.
oet 12 f 71
A LL perann, h«vin|j demand, ifpinit the
- e,t«te of Con,tint Freemin, Em |,te of
the city of W„liin|jton, deceased, are re
quired to hand them in, legally ttteeted,
within the time prescribed by law : , H i thoae
indebted to aaid eat.te, are required o make
immediate paymt nt, to
Jan 14 « p ^
Vegetable Catholicon.
rpHE -ubscribtT respectfully solicits the at
45 tention of every friend of suffering hit
manity, to to the above new and invaluabh.
remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating
from the system the very aecda of disease,
and in rebt.;rmg the deranged and morbid
condition ol the organa of life to t free amt
healthy exercise of thAr functions, jus exci
ted the mishmen', and completely ailtn
ceil the ohjectiona of the moat men dulous —
Facts are the best arguments. In order lo pm
the virtues of the Gaiholicon to as severe a
scrutiny as poasible, it waa offered by advei-
tisement together wifi the attendance of a
physician, gratuitously to any pers ut who
would apply for it, and whose cause might
seem t come within the range of its healing
power—number* of severe cssm «f long sta <1.
ing, at d some of them seemiMy de .pr r 'e
ones, pre ented themselves, ml of which have
been cured, or So much relieved on to warrant
(he assertion that a little perseverance will do
so In fact, such is the confidence of the physi
cian under whose ra t these patients were
placed, in this remedy, a confide >ce rnu t
ing from the irresistible conviction that bus
been forced upon his mind by ocu'ar demon
stration, and a personal trial nf it on himsell
that he permits me to declare it as his deci
ded opinion, that the Catholicon is not only s
perfectly safe and innocent, but a most pow
erful and invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases and states of the S) stem, such as the fol
owin g •—
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation! Oi l ami invete* , at Ulcers. Paina
in the bon< s attended with awellmgs <*f the
join**; Indigestion, Blotches oti the face,
pimple", Bee. s Al! complain’® of the Liver;
Tetter; Yhwh ; Syphilis.* Cutaneous diseases
gi*neral’y ; Mercurial'and scrofulous com
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges h s word conaiats exclusively
of vegetable matter) with the ex> eptioii of a
slight di-ternii iction to the bowels., which it
preserves in a soluble state, a< ts insensibly, is
pleasant to the taste, and requires :>articu
’ar regimen, tabs' induce from spinuous li
quor9 always excepted.) or confinement. ,A*‘
agrntle, safe and agreeable cathari'c m d
cine, improving the appetite and restoring the
general tone of the ays'ein, it is confidently
recommended to iadics in a delicate niiua-
t.on, w W. PO n Ett,
66 CheH.iul-sueet.
Philadelphia, May 31,1824.
At the request of Mr. W. W Potter, I h ive
lately exhib.led, in several in r tmices, a rt'odi
catel sirup, called Po*ter’s Vegetable Cstlio
licoo, with the most deeded advantage. I
hss, as iet, never failed effecting a cure in
eiery case in which I have thought proper tu
employ it. H. M’MUU HIE, M \).
rhi'nde.phia, July 28th, 18.’4.
Mr, IV- W. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that I
would gives concise st dement of my
ings, from * the hopeless commencement, i<
tbe present propitious stage of my disease.'
About five yeurs ago, on my passage from
Bordet ux, during the mouth of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I was seized
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendants on board, I was compered to bear
it, as I nvght for two wcck9, when on my ar
rival at Charleston, 9. C. it whs treated as
Typhus. The sk’tl of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Phanix-like, the termination
of this gave rise to a disease equally distress
ing, and which, til) now, I had th. wjght incur
able* Various abscesses made their unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swelled to an enormous size.—
These gradually subsided into hprd tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision was now made and s larjre
evacuation of ous, mixed with pieces of hone
took place. In addition to this, 1 suffered the
most excruciating pains in my j finis that man
ever experienced. Every tiling that was
administered either gave me no relief *r ser
ved to agg ovate the discsm, the a;venty cf
wliirh increased with eve”y succeeding year
Such was mv painful si uu'ion that I tie. puire •
of ever being restored to my heal h ; Iliad
not o ily tried the regular mean* of i .-lief,
hi*t used, though in vain, every popular rcm»
edy I could hear of- It waa in this fill and
despond-ng condition,that I was persuule 1 to
commence a course of your Vegetable r ‘ >h I
icon, and the happy result is, •*/ am the me
of the hvo bolt! s my whole system huo under
gone a complete revo ution, my paint have fo sa
keme,-'* die discharge from m, xnet- ut-goo
•o diminish, and sr.ou ceased altogether, die
ulce. from - lienee it proceeded being com
plelely healed. The tumors, for the n u. »val
uf which I have Hed In vain more remedies
than 1 can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, which was gone, hss returned—I ant
in fact, near y well, and feel confident that a
few bottles m<-re of your, (fo me) invaluable
mediciue, will make me per'ectly so.
Your obligtd friend,
Philadelphia, July p 6, 18?4.
My confidence in the veget *ble catholicon
i undimiiiishod, and as fresh in Unices of its
Philadelphia, May 28,13 4
Sin—In consequence of imprudent expoa-
lire four t ears ago. I had the misfortune 'o be
come J'ffl cted with a disease, the painful re
sul's of which induced me to apply in sue*
cegs'on to several respectable physicians of
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
hs the former. My whole system became a 4 -
fected, 1 could get no rest at night on ac
count of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body ,• the weaknesa and emacia
tion of which was surh that 1 could scarcely
walk. In this state I fortunately heard nf
your vegetable catholicon- four bottles ot
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain; my appetite is good; and m>
strength restored With many thanks for
the relief your medicine has given me, I am
your obliged friend, &c.
Sworn and subserbed to b< lore me, May 28,
1824 JOHN B1NNS, Alderm.n,
Phi aMphia, May 28,1824.
Sir—I Itn now, thunk, to your medicine, •
hearty min. F t nearly aix year, I hire been
t mirtyr to a disease, whose ravages threat*
ened. if not toon .topped, to pin . period to
my existence. Hiring hid no regiiltr medi-
ral ndvice From the commencement, mv got to , uc h , height thit I
could not awtllow without gre,t n,i n and
difficulty. Tumor, formed in different p,rt.
of my body, ,nd I beg.n to think my .itu.Uon
.lmo.1: desperate. The five bottle, ufthe
Ctiholrcon which I hive uken hire com
pletely cured me, tndl am now n weU u I
’.ouldwiih tube. With my ibankt, am your
bilged humble servant, U<s.
City of Phi-title'phia, ss
Geurge Km-., uf tfie District uf Sou'h.
vark, penunaily appealed, and, being d'il.
<worn, duth declare and say tint the abnv
statement iiin all respects correct and tru**
and that the signature to it ia in the hand
writing of tbis deponent
J HI nivNS. Alderman*
Philadelphia, May 23j 18.14-
The Vegetable Oatholicon is peculiarly
adapted to those diseases wlvch are prevalent
among the coloured po,)ulat"in cf the south
In that disease which is called ya*vi. it is a
sure remedy ; a single trial of it, will convince
planters of its superior t ffic <cy tn any reme
dy of a similar nature in Me United States*
NO riOM.
The advantage* of this medicine* are, not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him troin Ins business.—
With one suliNi v etccini.o'i liar of sniri’u*
ou* liquors, it does not lay any restrictions upon
his appetite Ii mao gentle n Us opera* o»
Dial the p (tient finds himself yetting well h?
cannot tell how. As it i* not the wish of the
proprietor to tglcc any thing tor which he
cannot give a const deration equal in value,
persons at a distance who may wish to try
bis medicine, but who arc n*»t certain if it
be applicoble to their conrmlaint, are request
ed to describe 'heir case and sympio us in
a letter, post-paid, and directed to him—th■»
letter will be immediately placed in hinds
fully competent to decid! the question.—
Should he remedy not seem 10 suit the dis
ease, they will be frankly told i ).
To prevent disappointment it is well to
itnte that it takes in ordinary caqes from 3 ti'
5 bottles to effect a cure so that pe<8»MS who
ure labouring under any ser ous infirmity,
n»u*t make up their mind to persevere to that
extent at least—if hey do not, they might as
well save themseives the trouble ur.d expense
f usingssrmtller qn-niit?.
All orders post-paid and enclosing the money,
immediately attended t. ( , and be medicine
paoreland delivered with directions for use,
1 1 any place in the city, and forwarded as di<
N II* To prevent the possibility of :.ll im
p sition, it v.i-1 b» s d *. in the city ofFhiladei*
rihin. at the oftic? in Filth near Racc-'fifcei,
•>r at the dwelling of the uropri tor, N •. 66
Ohe-niul a-reet, only,f.n ! abr■>&.! by Ins au
thorixedagents W w,
66 C’lesnut St-cet, Philade'ipfiia'
I have appointed Gr^RGE RYE {SON,
Druggi.-t, of Savannah, tn - soie agent. Uiug
gists war.ting t.‘»e above vahvble medicine,
witt be supplied by him for cwh, at the aairu
rate, as If ordered direct fr"m me—v.z.
per d. z 2ii, or three dollars a a ngle bouie.
w. VV. DOT! Ett, Philadelphia.
Any pcson osi applicHtinn to thesuhscih* r
will be furnished uitli certificates of '.lie < fii*
cacv ot the ?.b»>* e medicine, su9ir.ient to roi»*
Vince the mind of the most sceptical, ultbougi
fun numerous mid hng’hy f*T n A, vspuperin
sertion. GE^ UYEKSON, Drugg ht,
Cn-oerof Day and Whittaker Streets,
dec 13
sri.u*OTTFK Burrioa.
Between IV. Davies. Adm-nistrator, Complain
ant. and John amochun Administrator, d-
bonis no with the will annexed of Geor re
Richardson and others, Defendants In
equity Chatham Superior Court— Chancery,
20th A'gust, 1824.
I T appearing (hat John Murray Carnochar,
or.e of the defendants in the said biff of
complaint nhmed, resides without the state of
Geoigis, in that port of the United Kingdom!;
o! Great Britain ami Ireland, called Scotland :
It is rdered that the aaid John Murray Car-
noclixn, do appear and answer to the com
plainant's s:fid bill, within nine months from
the dite of ibis order, otherwise that the.
said bill; as t»» him, be takes pro coifiesso .*
and it is further orderly that a copy of thi*
order be publish'd once a week, in one of
•be public G .zc-tes of this f?tR‘o, until ih«i »*x-
piration of the time within which the Bifid de
fendant is required to appear and answer ys
■frue cony from the Mirutes, thii 21st day
Align*!, 1824. A. U.F4NNIN, Cle-k.
*i»igifh‘ ‘.‘‘4 5fff
Georgia— Camden County.
W HEREAS Sarah Browr., Junior, widow,
applies toih^Court of Ordinary of ‘aid
Uounty, for Letters of Administration on the
estate of John Brown, late of sa’d county, de-
ccssed, rr next of kin: These are, therefore,
:« c'te and ai monLh, all and singular, the
kindred *nd creditors of s*»id flecefacd, to file
their wl j ‘ctions, if any they have, in mv of
lice, on or before the first Mord y in June
next, therwise Letters will be granted the ap
Witnr*'. the Honorable Britian R. Bunk-
ley, one of (he Justices of said Court,
this sixteen"* (Dy of April, eighteen
hundred r d twenty .five.
(L S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C. C.
April 21 24
Georgia —Camden County.
W HEREAS 'ohn Chev.ih •»*, Ins applied
to said Court, f r f.ecc j bi*mi»»<r
in the estates of Samuel fh z *n» and Evan fi.
Muck, deceased, 'these t'e. therefore, to
cite and admonish, ail and sing i'* r, the kin
dred and creditors nt the sa>. d ceased per,,
sops, to file their obj ctions, if any thos h.»v:,
in my office, on or before the first Monday in
January next, or Letters will be granted the
Witness the Honorable J ;mes Scot!, one
of the justices « f‘Jaid-Cmr:, this s.x Ivy nf April, t ghteen huudr.d
(L. S ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C C
4tPI 94
Gco'gia—Camden County.
’HP,REAS Lewis R.chlotl, .pplir, to thr-
-- Court of Ordinary of sS'd Countyi for
Letter, Dismiasory on the of*.
Rnaolnpet Them ire, there fore, to cite end
.Imonlah, ell erd sirtjjirlar, the kindred end
creditor, of said deceased, to file Iheir objee-
tiona, if any they have, in my office, nn or be
fore the fi at Monday in January next, other-
»ne Le.tera Diimmory will be gran’ej the
Witneaa the Honorable Samuel Clarke,
one of the Jneticea uf aaid Court, thia
•ixteemhday nf April, eighteen hun
dred and twenty-five.
[L. S } JOHN BAILF.Y, C. C. 0 C C
April 21 V),
p o ff o a a \i a
Ily SAllUKt. T. f« MfiTfl'KYa v, m
rvti'ir tint 1«*op? 4
1 /' l i iE ‘ containing alt he
ginal References, to ho onh hed in
viilu in i. torai. or Jivo ' I
bah,licit with a UkfnM.,fihe .iul'm- ^
| T nha’I he well nrinted, on gnnd p , pc ,
l he* d in ux bandao-ne v I,,
W’ll emdaiti th-* Scripture, of rj , '']
JY. W Testament,, the Inlrcducto-y
Explanatory Acte,, an i l‘ ruc tic l ot,
.1 / all rue copiom Mar mu lltfelnc, '
m^* printed word lor won f. ,m *l le I !'„?•’
Sterentypn K-lition, publialicd nine! th. ';' lri
ihor’e dec<*««e Tbe price will hi im .
hoard. , p.ln aheep , «30, i„ r.LirbindV
rhe,wln,e ready fordeiiver^
Ex'ract, of Lent, ml,I-c,ec,lto the P„h'i,, n
I i.pteem Dr 8s*j.t>. Fun n Bihi.
calculated ro pram u,*. t , e M „v* of r uil.t 'i
piety. It seen, scarcely p , J56 ; Uc fcr
reHd daily th> Noteaaml Ohs.-. v- ;,.,re •
Family Bible without hccS?, L , ‘2! ""
letter man. Eft .VAltn 0 UPlFPIM J
1 have aeon no **.•,.mn ntary . i , •,
Seriptureawhich I think ai, w ||
general use andedihchn,,.
vhicli ever, family oti^hr lo po.,.„.
I. ia a work diatingnUheil fiAhedm,
*«<l cui.wiiente ol it, arNneement n .
clrcrneas an I fi lelrly nf it, e»(T»,i *
. eatnea. an.t ty „f ,r,,q| ft , h ;
•lenience wJcaed.ur of it, s ,„ ri . „ J-
■•"rr** ' nd pertinwrey of , p „ lir> , "
.*n., l rr It, on form tendency l0 pru t„le.
geucal truth *.d piety. k0
„ , * BIF.f, U0LUK1
Of Or. qrv.t g F.-n-ly | f e -i | r .'
sa>. ill .t in myeaiimation it deservedly, ii.
. I'lintT our allies! .ndheai Cooivr ni»u,.,
_ „ . , „ . TUOMVS BALDffik
U*. -'iitt 3 F..*:,..v i! s'e int-injcii m , irt
peetal vtort'e us: •*) >:hoM,.» •annl*, h,
work high y evartgen. .-,j, eater tnvely
live, and dct ply i .'cr *«*•• ip
DaNIJU. 3 »N.*|:r*^
The character of Or. >e..v.i\ CL it,,!,
on till* Bdrli*. IS SO geireridh k wn
highlv approved amrnqst tii-. m.«n ..niriu,..,
nnd rmuJ Clinhans throughnut o-tr- court,,
■I'' h«a pawed ra| idly«tl.ruugl.aii m»n !
ditiona, t' ut 1 deuu further rec. m.n,,. ,*.;
♦ ions needless*
I am acn'i unird n-ith nn Cfin'nei.iv.iv nn
•h b'icred Tc iptures, whi<h I wouU insttt
cordially rcconummci tor general use. i; ;e
plan of the woik is pood
Perhaps in no way, ran mmisli re, i« •;
! *f yomh, and private Gh istinns, do gre-t r
s’crvxe to societ;, t?ian bf everting th ir.
iftlves to diss .mi i te this trulv invulutble
I know of no Uummcnta y which i* brt 4 er
calculated lor difl'ismg correct views ofihj
g*cpt truths cf Cl ristianity, »«>d leuvit,gs»!o-
t'^ry imponions on th* mind when riling
from the petuval of it, than the one you ire
<*b^ut to pubfiih.
No writer scemg loss disposed to contend
for barren specula'i ns None more uniform,
ly or more powerfully inculca'esthe grea! eu
.entialsof religion* The spirit which jvr*
cades the work is excel bn’ ( n ia the meek,
a ff he! ionare, healing, yet faithful spirit of ike
From particula , ‘ ex^minati *n, and concur,
ring testimony, there is no doubt on m\ mir.d
t!»at Scott's Family Bible ia superior to til
You wffl plcasi to se d me six copies cf
Scott’s Bible l refer to your lately p-op d
edition. Perhapa 1 Khali induce live m* re to
take the srime number. H k
Ii ia extreme plensitre I perce'e
vox me about to publish a new e li'ion nf
Scott's Bible. Having been in pooflessio'i i#
t more than 20 y. ars, I trua» I kn .w ri.*
thing of its value, and am dele* mined t« pra
mote i s c rcnlaiion amonj; my friends !>i
will ( pleaac forward si* ropics as soon *jp*iy
•shfl. i;. u.
I have obtainod four subicribcrs frr the
excillenl work you are publishing- fl. S.
I propose to take seven sets of Scott's 8t
ble, and will be accountub.e Ibr the imuic
J C.
1 hare obtained st ibiei ibers for nil*-* enpiet
of Scott's Finnlv Bible. J. C.
1 sl’.all probably need cifjhtcrtens-.u- f
Scott'.-r Family Bible. J. I’
Rev. S. S. of P. has o' tained ten subset
hers. K. It.
I liave observed that you are shout puj*
Ibliing another edition of Siott’s Bble
hope you may succeed as you hwcdoncio
former editions. I have been endeavuiing ff
procure subscriber? amoi g oor pcopie,
.en or more subscribers wul be obui.itJ*
o. S. if.
I will t»ke ten sets (of Scoff's MJ
bound *"d lettered. J ^
I have obtained ten subscribers fjr ^ I
edition of the Family Bibit—and L"I
d- ubt but ihere might be siunethii gi RI^ I
copies > o!d in this place if you had »» W 1 I
here—11bought t'*© work ought to 5? «:• I
ct.'ti nged und f ir hat rewson touk l I
ii*>n paper. I* is work that every I
ahuuid have that is able to putcliase. |
J. E. «'C I
I am glad, 'hat y-u propose to prim T- I
^cott’s excellent Family Commenti'yiI
should be very glad if it were in mv i»v9t j* I
; ve a more, liberal patronage to the wj I
than, as circumstances are, 1 can. !$“" I
however, be ible to do something; eight it I
fen se.s | s!c«l| certainly take; and it may k I
double that number. A. N* I
l liave procured fifteen 8ub*c io«-r* I
dentt'a B.ble, J.A.U. I
I hink I ahall dispose of 20 sets or dik* I
lie Family Bible, L & I
1 have circulated proposals for S o(tA I
B.ble ,* how many have been engaged in a*|l I
eiunotyll ,* but between 20 mid JO I
li s vicir ily, J- ?• I
I have concluded to become rei?0'*> :!< I
to you for thirty sets of Scott’s Comment'!' I
C. I
I have procured 106 subscribers t« , e I
Bible; 6 acts to be hound in calf / 3 j I
be done in boards the other 97 se's, hc0 '® I
und lettered as described in (hs prutp^ 1 I
1 presume I could procure 500 iub^ I
hers for your edition of Scott's Bible 1 . I
demand is increasing for them. Th^
finally supersede every other large u H
O'.LU v.,... —f ankaiit iliaPa lira Villi
finally supersede every otner isrge u
Bible. Kitty ol my aubacriberi lire
circle of 8 milea! 1
50 L U „ N H LE « 1,IllME »AV. landing
LFVr From Lrig l’heanont, for salo by
April 19 C. C. GRISWOLD,
0*1 f in van i "'”••*• »• *—
mry be had of the publisher in Ho,ion i
9. C. & J- SCHE-NCK, A’svouikiA.
Ja* 11
Marking ilrnskes, |
O F a superior quality, just recji*
for solo by GEO. RYERS^*'.
nov 20