Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 20, 1825, Image 3
JOSEPH KOPMAN $ CO. H ave received by the William Wal lace), a Author supply of Bcit\s\\y Vtfcfttk & Cttttloft Qoo&s^'viz* f and } Cambric Prints Ginghams, Dimities . Wliitonnd Printed Marseille VcBttng Plain and figured Jneonct and Bouk Muslin , „ , „ Plain and Figured Swiss Muslin Swiss Muslin Keboo and Apron* Do do Ulidkfa and Points Silk Stripe Drilling Denmark Sattins, Corduroys Cotton Hose, assorted Madrtiss Handkorchiefis Super Blue Cloths and Ussimcros Black and Colored Canton Crapes lilack Nankeens Colored do Robes Sinchews and Levantines • Lovamjiie Sattin Blsck Figured Silks Brown do do Bareges Scarfs, Shawls and Drcsaes Sncrsuckers Blue and Yellow Nankeens Bandana and Flag Handkerchiefs Black Barcelona Silk Stockings and Half IIoso Buckskin Gloves Umbrellas, Parasols and Fans 4 Cases f Linens, assorted 2 do }. f, and 1 ¥, Diapers , 20 Bales Domestic Plaids, Stripes and Shirtings, he. 11 do Oznnburgs together with a variety of other articles, worthy tho attention of Pluntcrs and Coun try Merchants. April 18 20 awAiM’i cr.i.EBnvfKD Panacea. T HE subscribers Imve just received per ship Emperor, a fresh supply of tho nbovo VALUABLE MEDICINE, and have made shell nrrangeuiunts with the invontor, Mr. Wm. Sivalid, as will enable them to offer to tho puhlio s pure and unadulterated to l euV e bath ports regularly, on the First article. Drdggistsandothorswhopurchasc and fifteenth day of each month during the to sell again, cun have it at tho original yen r. The ships composing tho line, are price established by the pr<>nriotor fust Ba ji ors . wu n found and commanded, cop- LAY* HENDRICKSON, pored and copper fludened. Their aucom- Chcmists and Druggists, Slmil’s Buildings, modations for passengers, comprise all tlmt A Treatise on Swaim s Panacea, with can bo required, for comfort and conveni- caauB iiluatralmfr vis hucc^bb. will be loaned ~ IP F reiglil for Align sta. FOB. AAWVfc. A LINE OF PACKETS has been osta- blishod-botweun New-York and Havre, to those interested, by applying ns above. May 2Q Dividend, No. 14. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, ) 825. ( enoc. Passengers in the cabin will be tu- kon for jj 140 each,for which they arofurnish- ed witli beds, beddding, wines and ample j stores of every description. ! Goods intended for shipment by them, l may bo sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception anu forwarding, without ■’ •' • • • is. The he ac.tu- Samnnah, Tld April. 1825., . , „ T HE Board of Directors having this day I chlr F e for storage or commissions. dectnr- d a dividend on the eamtil : «*!*““• which way, in such case* 1* stock ofthis Bank,for tho last six months, of i , al, V incurred will When requested, be col $3 per share, or six per cent per annum, 1 “ c J c j’ with the freight at Havre, the sumo will bo paid to the respective feller Bag is at the New-York Post Stockholders thurcof, or to their order, on 0ffi .? c ’ wralllottew that may be sent by and after Monday next. By drder of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. O' Tlie editors of the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Southern Re corder nnd Georgia Journal, Millcdgeville, wilt please to publish the above three timea, and charge the expense to this Bank. April i'3 98 BIOS PLATED WARE. C CONSISTING of Rich Cut Centre Dishes Fruit aud Prosorve Dishes Sugars and Creams Rutter Coolers aud Salt Stands Pitchers end Decanters Tumblers, Wines, Cordials, Clarets Chumpatgns, Ale Glasses, Jellies, (Jnstarda. Lemonades, &c. the same of Plain Flint, Cut Bottoms PI.ATED WARE. Rich Cordial and Castor Stands Candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays . Bottle and Salt Stands Together with a variety of Fancy Articles, Lumps, Lamp Glass 's, fVuks 15 Oil, which will he gold on accommodating terms by T. G. C1IAM11ERLIN, No. 5, Gibbons’ Buildings. May 18 47r.i| Lost. A HOGSHEAD of Whiting marked R diamond G. No. 2, intended to have been shipped on board ship Savannah, while at New-York, was by mistake of drayman carried to some other vessel.— Should it have come to this port, any infor mation respecting it will be thankfully re ceived by GEO. RYERSON. May 17 Union Society. P ROPOSALS in writing, will be re ceived until the 25th of the present month, for boarding and clothing the boys supported by tho Union Society, for one year from the first day of June next; or proposals may be rnadn tor their board, in cluding washing, mending, Ac. only. L. MASON, Secretary Union Society. May 4 35 SAVING and »Y.M.U¥AV, UQtliVA. B “ received their usual supply ot .7 EASONA Bi.E JXotke. T HE co-pnrtnorship of GAUDRY h HERBERT, is dissolved by mutual consent. Persons who are indebted to said firm, are requested to muko payment to JOHN 11. GAUDRY, he being fully au thorised to settle the nfliiirsof said concern. J. B. GAUDRY, M. HERBERT. Anri! 98 28 THE EU 480HIRER I NFORMS the friends of the former firm mid the public in general, thnt he will „ ^ „ . , continue the GROCERY BUSINESS, at Y the nhtps Georgia and Harp, arrived , j le Bame stand, and solicits their patronage, from Liverpool, the subscribers have an(] nl! „ crf , on8 inrif-htort to'the firm of GAUDRY & HERBERT, are requested to make as speedy payment ns possible. JOHN B. GAUDRY. April "8 28,.s Having been purchased with cash, pre vious to the advance in Enn .nd, they can j bu afforded and will be sold at low prices, del on a lung credit, for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. Fell 90 . : 0 mail. Letters respecting cither freight sago, must kenddressed, post paid, t net, 14 or pas- , to CRASSOUS & BOYD. Agents, .Yeu> York. 72 FITlil!, subscriber boing consignee of the * Steam-Boats HENRY SHULTZ, i : Capt. Lubbock. AUGUSTA, ,tiii Capt. Grkkn, RENDLETOft, : : Cnpt. Bfuckkn, EDGEFIELD, i i : Cnpt. Barnard, running constantly from Augusta toCharlos- ton, will engage freight for Charleston or Augusta, to he shipped by them, end re ceive it free of stornge, in the absence of the Sttam-Boats. For terms or for pas- enge, imply to G. B. LAMAR, ARil 7 mt ISII SUPPLY of the nhove VAI*. UAllLE MEDICINE, just received per brigFrnnces. and for sale by GEO. RYERSON, May II Sole Agent. For Liverpool, Tho first-rate coppered Bhip CHARIOT, P. Pratt, Matter. , , Will commence loading this day 1 will be attended toby JOSEPH CUM- and be promptly despatched. For freight MING, who will continue the same busi- THE f’OPAUTNKftSHIP O F CUMMING and GWATHMEY, is this day dissolved by mutual assent, i The settlement ofthe affairs of the concern, of cotton or passage, having handsome ac commodations, apply to the master on bonrd. or to S. B. PARKMAN. May 13 43r. For New-York, The packet ship CORSAIR, T). 1.. Porter, Muter, Will meet with despatch- For freight or.passage, having superior accom modations, apply on hoard, at Taylor’s Wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD h CO. Mav 10 ness on his own account. JOS. CUMMING, H. B. GWATHMEY. Savannah, May 18, 1825. 47n h or Providence, The packet ship RISING STATES, Pearce, Matter, Will sail on Thursday, 1 Oth inst. For freight or passage, having hand some accommodations, apply to the master on hoard, or to ORRAY TAFT. Mnv M 44 Passage for England. Three or four passengers can be HORNE'S I traduction to the BiHc, T O be published in 4 vols. nctnvo, with numerous maps and fee similes of Bib- ical Manuscripts. “It is unquestionably the best single book in our language, for communicating : a knowledge of the subjects of which it treats." ASHBEL GREEN, D D. "I heartily concur in the above recom mendation." G. T. BEDELL. Subscriptions received for this valuable work—present price $12, atier publication §10. Subscriptions will also be received tor Imlh the quarto and octavo edirinns of Scott’s Bible. S. C. & J. SCHENK. Who have? just received Conversations on the subject of Confirmation, by Mrs. Sherwood—2 vols. The Traveller, by the author of Red wood. .. ■ . , Shuckford’s Sacred and Profnne Hi.tory comfortably a^nioilaledI in i th0» o f tho World Connected.-* vols. 8vo. *7. ftnenow brig NEW HAMPSHIRE,; New-York Medical and Physical Jour- nal, edited by Dr. Beck. Letter and Foolscap Paper, and School Bonks. May 18 47p iCnpt. Snow, to sail for Liverpool nu or before the 27th inst. For terms ap ply to the master on hourd, or to ANDREW LOW h CO. May 19 Uip .11». hspcctorpjf Dry Culture. A N inspector ia wanted lor the inspection ofthe lands under contract tor Dry Culture. Applications will he received un til the 20th inst. when a choice will be made by the Committee*, according to the terms and qualifications of tho applicants. WM. It. WARING, Chairman Committee Dry Culture. Mav 5 36 T HE subscribers have removed to John ston's Square, next door west of , Messrs. A. Lmv & Co. where rtliey are lij.f.E.f ( ' n ,, r f jYntirP opening a handsome assortment of j U-1 ^ uui %/ v um e a Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their former stork. W. & II. ROSE. April 5 10 IT/'The Darmn Gazette, nnd Recorder, Milledgevillo, will give the above four in-! frtions, and forward their accounts to this | oilier. * I I N consequence of his Honor Judge Cuv leu, being detained at. MiHedgevdle. in attendance upon the Circuit Court, the Ses sum of the District Court in this city, is postponed to MONDAY, 30th inst. of which all concerned, will take due notice. JOHN H. MOREL. M. D. Q. Mnv 12 4* ^ Notice. James Anderson 8C Co JJAVE removed to the middle tenement & W001), at whose store they are loft. fonng’s Buildings, where they offer : ,r sale a largo and general assortment of ■ANCYAN!) STAPLE DRY GOODS, ipcrivod by the latest arrivals from Liver- l^l and New-York. April 25 27 liSiliU-WiAlL- O N the 20th April, there was sliipped on hoard sloop Three Brothers tor Dari en, live pieces Oznaburgs and four bundles oft bread ; finding no owuer for them in the above port, they were brought back, and the shipper in Havatmah, can receive then ' by applying to BRADLEY, CLAGHORN May 14 asa nn Jane GTftig, R espectfully informs tho imiios and gentlemen ot Savannah, that she will liirniph ICE CREAM every day, Sun days excepted, from four to ten, P. M« May 18 47c Sugar, Tobacco, &c. A AHdGSHEADSSUGAR M: IF 50 Kegs Tobacco 20,00(1 Pounils Bacon 5000 do Bain Rnpo 2.5 Barrels Now-Englnnd Rum 10 Bales Domestics ALSO, bun., ^ handsome assortment of "JPERFINK BROAD CLOTHS, CASl- MERES & FANCY GOODS, tor sale very low, by EBENEZER jenckes, Market-Square. May 17 40n Notice. T HE undersigned will receive proposals for the erection of an Englne-llouse. in Liberty-Square, of the following mate rials and dimensions, viv..—14 feet wide, 28 feet Jong, 9 feet in the clear, a door at each end 10 toot wide—the materials brick, the roof slated, and to extend 24 feet from the eaves, with irons from which to suspend lull dors—the floor to be of brick laid edgeways, 24 inches nbovo the surface of the earth— and all the uecessnrv locks, hinges, he. he. Also, for a similar building, materials wood, with the exception of the floor, which must be :he same as above specified. GEO. MILLEN, I. MINIS, April 25 J. MORRISON. Notice. A REGULAR MEETING of tho Com- f* Ju'("oners of Public Roads of Chat- County, will take place nt the Court- House in Savannah, on MONDAY, the thirtieth day of May, instant. order of Thorna* Young, Chairman, *. • BOND, Secretary. % 1" 40rn Las & Hendrickson, H AVE received at their Drug and Che mical VV a re-1louse, corner ofCongress and Whittakcr-Strecls, Shad’s Buildings, Savannah, by recent arrivals, carefully se lected by one ofthe partners, now in New- York, a general assortment of memci yeS arc noons, me- STUFFS, APOTilF.CJUtlKS’ GLASS. FEItFUMKHY. STICKS TEAS, lie comprising the best assortment they ever offered, which will be warranted of the first quniity, and sold at wholesale or retail, for cash or good paper. Merchants, Physi cians and Planters, are invited to examine for themselves. N. B.—Orders will be executed with de spatch, and forwarded without delay. Anril “9 ' . 'J For New-York, The fast sailing schooner OCEAN, Iteieett, Muster, LFor freight, or passage, apply to JOHN CANDLER. Jones' Buildings. if'ho has for sale, Imperial and Bohea Tea Philadelphia Family Flour. Cheysc Wine in Boxes nnd American Sugars May 13 43 Sotiee. TivuVttd Xo. T. A DIVIDEND of six dollars per share has this day been doclarnd on tho pro- ‘ lits of ijie Stea ui-Boat Com pan Vrt for the last four months, payable on the first Mon day in June next; to the Stockholders or their authorized agents, at the stenm-hoat office, Savannah. WM. P HUNTER, Treasurer Steam-Boat Company. May 3 34rr| APPLY IN TIME! C»pUa\8 $50,000, 20,000 10.000, &c. &c. For isew Y Tk r vi ience or NiiW-Be f id. The Schooner N A N C Y, Dickersun, !taster, Will make despatch for either of! the above places. For freight or patsugo i FEW TICKETS and SHARES in the enquire ofthe master or lA Philadelphia Union Canal Lottery, THOMPSON h BONNY. I were received on Sunday night. Persons May 16 7 Rre requested to coll and take up their or- ... Hrtlfim...... ders. as the drawing will bo received on i <>1 liiutimoi e, .Friday evening. The fast Fnilinp. coppered and cop per fastened schooner RISING SUN. Captain Fairbanlc, Burthen one hundred and thirty-six tons, intended as a n gular packet, will meet with despatch- For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, at Hall*. Iloyt’s Wharf, or to J. B. HERBERT & CO. Mnv It Tickets i ; i i s i . : • dll Halves : i : : : : : : 5 50 Quarters : I f : i : ! : ; 2 75 Ej' Prides in other Lotteries are taken in payment. 'W. ROBERTSON, May 17 Georgian Office. For St. John, E Morida, The fast, sailing schooner EMELINE, Hatfield, ' Ulster. Will sail for tile above port on Sun-1 day next. For freight or passnge, Rpply i to the Captain on board, at Jones’Upper | Wharf, or to HALL h It’ >YT. I M i3 GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, NO. IV. T HOSE who have given orders for tick ets In tile above Littery, are request- ed to call and receive them. The drawing tales place in Baltimore this day, and will ■ he received here on 27th inst. CAPITALS, -.avaiumli and .t guslu LOACH. Mull New Arrangement Georgia Side. FIT HE subscriber respectfully informs the -L public that lie has removed the Line of Stages on the Georgia Bide, and will hereafter, leave Savannah every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, at4 o’clock, A.M. lodge at Pierce’s, and arrive in Augusta at 5 o’clock next day. For seats, apply at the Georgia-IIotel. JOSEPH I. TII05IPS0N, Proprietor. Savannah, March 20, 1825. , N. B. Horses, Carriages, and Gigs, to Let—Horses kept by the day. month or year, and expresses sent at tne shortest notice, March 24. 100 1 1 j 5 4 20 &c. Apply at LUTHEB’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. May 10 -20,000 -10,000 —5,000 —1.000 500 100 raw umu ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALF INBA/lEB, On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front ofthe Court-House in this city, a TRACT OF LAND in Tattnall County, containing 675 acres, situated near Canoochee River, be longing to the eBtatc nf Samuel Ilaughtnn, dec. nnd sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, by order of tiie administrator. May to STATE LOTTERY, rmsT ci,ass—nkw scrims. «■— W ILL positively be drawn in Providence on the 3d next month.—Fifty Number Combination—6 ballots to be drawn. S.Sf M. Allen 6f Co. Agmte for the Managers, Highest Prize. . SCHEME. I Prize of 410,000 is 10,000 Dollars , A . v e H_.1I 5,000 is 1,000 is 648 is 500 is 100 is 50 is 25 is 8 is 5,000 Dollars. 5,000 Dollars. 648 Dollars. 2,000 Dollars. 800 Dollars. 2,200 Dollars. 2,200 Dollars. 4,224 Dollars. 3 is 17,028 Dollars. Bianlts | Tickebs. ^ Dollars. Loaf Migar. Q/T BARRELS LOAF AND LUMP Ox.® SUGAR, for snl« by Ar.-il M n V’TiFi? VPTT. The Library I S open for the delivery of Books, on Mon day, BMnesday and Friday; from three, JRorfr, P. M. until/ae May 12 , .. ? 42 To tlie Fubue T HOSE who are under the impression that Mr. S, H. Fiakn and myself are connected in business, arc informed that it is not the cnee. T. 6. UUTHER. j. May 19 Tickets Received. rjpHOSHJ who have ordered Tickets Union Canal Lottery, Sixteenth Class, are inferred they are ready for delivery, and nre rjquosted to call for them previous to the I8li inst. The d,’awing of the above Lottery took place in Philadelphia on the 11th inst. when the following prizes were distributed: 1 Piize of - - - 850,000 1 20,000 1 10,000 2 - 5,000 1 4,720 20 ----- - 1,000 &c. &c. &c. Apply immediately at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. May 1#' 6358 Prizes J 19.60(1 13244 In this scheme, with six drawn ballots, there will be 20 prizes with three numbers an them, 660 prizes with two numbers on them, and 5676 prizes with one number on them. Those tickets having none of the >'rawn ballots on them being blanks. To determine the fate of 19,600 tickets, the 50 numbers will severally be pluced in a wheel nn tlie day of drawing, and six nf them will be drawn—nnd that ticket having on it as a combination the 1st, 2d and Oth ballots drawn from the wheel, will be entitled to Jj10,000 i that having ou it the 3d, 4th and 5th, 5,000 dnllnrs ; those having on them 1st, 3d and 6th—2d, 4th and—1st, 2d nnd 3d—4th. 5th and 6th—2d, 3d and 6th. each 1,000 dollars; that having on it the 1st, 4th and, 548 dollars; those having on them the 1st, 2d and 4th—3d, 5th and 6th—1st, 4th and 5th—2d, 3d and 6th.each 500 dollars. All others, being 8 tickets having on them three of the drawn ballots, will be entitled to 100 dollars each. Those having on them two of the drawn ballots, uml those the 3d and 4th, will be entitled to 50 dollars each. And t hose having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those the 1st and 2d, or 5th and 6th, will be enti tled to 25 dollars each. All others, (being 528 tickets) having on them any two of the drawn bnllots, will be entitled to 8 dollars each; and ait those having onf. ofthe drawn ballots on them, will be entitled to 3 dollars each. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of n superior denouiina ion. can be entitled to nn inferior prize. Prizes payable forty (lavs after the drawing, and subject as usu al to a deduction, of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put op in parcels of 17 tickets, embracing all tlm combination numbers from 1 to 50, nnd which must of course draw at least t8 dollars, less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the capital prizes. PRICE OF TICKETS, p 60. Packages of 17 Tickets, which nre war ranted to drawn 18 dollars less the usual deduction, with 17 chances for the highest prizes p9, and shares in proportion. ID" Orders received sb usual, BY WIW. BOJBEHTSON, GEORGIAN OFFICE. May 19 48p THE LVQXnSiTLO.V. T [ HE subscriber has in his hands r man uscript which he proposes to publish by subscription, under the title nf“THE INQUISITION EXAMINED, by an IM PARTIAL REVIEWER." The subject is sufficiently important to excite curiosity and’interest. It is time that a correct and unprejudiced view of it, and of the motives of those with whom it originated, should be laid before the public. Such is the proposed publication, The work will be put to press on the 1€tii of A1 ay next, and the edition limited to the number of copies then subscribed for. The delny of publication is for tho purpose of giving to the public an opportunity of en gaging copies of it. It will consist of six numbers nf 24 pages 12mo. each, at 124 cents each number; and will be forwarded by mail, on receipt of orders accompanied by the cash- Persons who may interest themselves in its circula tion, will receive a free copy, on their ma king payment for five, and in that propor tion for any greater number of copies. Or ders free of postage, will be received bv T. O’CONNER, New-York. May 19 48 N otice.. T HE subscriber intends closing his busi ness in Savannah immediately. He requests those who are indebted to him, by note or account, to call and settle the same by the first of June. All demands that re main unpaid that day, will indiscriminately be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. JAMES H. M’KENZIE, Mnv ’8 47e SB BYJ. B. HERBERT * CO. THIS DAY, 20th Instant. At XI o’clock, will be sold bolbrc our Store, 36 Bags COFFEE.—Terms at Rale. Also, 50t 0 lbs BACON, 20 Kegs BUT TER.—Terms Cali. May 20 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. On the FIRST TUESDAV in JULY, Will be sold before the Coiirt-Huuse in tills city, between the usual hours, TWO NEGROES, Peter and James, butnnging to the estate of tiie late James Wallace, Esq. deceasotl. Sold bv permission of the Honorable the Interior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the administrator. Terms cash. May 5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE.* BY J. B. HERBERT * CO. Oo TUESDAY, 24th inst. Will be sold at the residence of the late James Wallace, Esq. deceased, his person al property, consisting of Tables, Chairs, Solus, Bedding, Kilchen Furniture, Ac. Ac. Sold by permission of the Hnnnrnldn the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and. by order ofthe administrator Terms cash. Also, two half pipes Superior Madeira Wine, and ten dozen of Wine of various descriptions. May 18 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT A CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will be sold before the Court-House' in this City, bqtwecn the ububI hours, TWO N EGRO SL YVES named Nelly and Dido, the property of the estate of Owen Jnnea, deceased. Sold by permission of the Hon orable tlie Inferior Court of Chatham Coun ty, and by order of the Administrator.——. Terms cosh . May 18 TTeasurj ! e\7artineui Apr l 29, 1825 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T HAT, on the first-day'of October nex the principal of the six per cent, sroc ofthe United States, created under the nt. t hnrity of an Act of CnnsresB. entitled -l A Act authorising n loan for a sum not exceet iug eleven millions of dollars,d approved o the fourteenth day of March, one thousan eight hundred and twelve, together Wit the interest then due thereon, will be pni to the proprietors of said stack, or to thei attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasur of the United States, in Washington, an at the several Loan Offices, on the bonks < which any portion of said stock may stanc A surrender of the Certificates of sal Stock, will he required at the time of pay nient, and the interest on said Stock wii ceape, from and after the thirtieth day c September next. SAM’L. L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary ofthe Treasury. May 12 ** 42(bf-' Notice. T HE subscriber in a great measure hat ing recovered his health and the ua of his hands, offers his sorvices to his frienc and the public generally, in the Clock and WotcVv Ytapaic it g Business, and solicits a share oftbeir patronage. II work will be faithfully executed—his chirp moderate—and he will expect prompt pai incnt. He will nt present be found at hi residence in Bryan-Stroet, three doors hi of Mr. White's Boarding-House, Banl Square. CHRISTIAN D. LEBEY. April 20 231,. pen sirs, $1,800 1,400 1,400 400 900 200 N otice. A N Election will be held at the Steam Boat Office, Savannah, on SATUR DAY NEXT, 21st inst. for the following officers, to serve tor one year from the 25th iiiBt. viz : Agent at Savannah, With a sal ary of .’ Secretary and Treasurer,at Sa vannah, with a salary of One Counting House Clerk, to provide iiis own assistant, Receiving Clerk, Shipping Clerk, Physician, Two Watchmen, pb each per month One Stevidore. pb per month. Tiie duties of each officer can he nscer- tai ed on Enquiry nt the Steam Boat Of fice, where candidates are requested to lenvo their applientions, previous to Friday next, 20th ins . Securities to be named by those applying for the offires-of Treasurer and Counting House Clerk.—The amount of security required can be ascertained by enquiring at the offico. It will bo understood thnt the Bonrd re tains the right of removing at any time, any officer, even though tlie year may not have expired. WM. P. HUNTER, Sec’ry andTreas. Steam Boat Co. * May 16 p-niwf45 A LL persons having demands against the estate of Francis Conrvoise.lnte of Chatham county, will present them duly attested, and those indebted will make pay ment to R. HABERSHAM, 1 Q ua]lfied Ex . I HABERSHAM,) ucu ‘ 0r6 - < march 18 D6 Clerk’s Offie.e Superior Court, NOTICE. T O Suitors, Jarnrsnnd Witnesses—The Honorable the Simerior Court fox Chatham County May Term, will com mence its sittings on the Twenty-Third Instant, of which all concerned will take due notice. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 16 45 Notice to Free Pei sons of Color. T IIE Free Persons of Color residing 'in Chatham Country, are hereby notid- fied to appear and register t heir nameB in tha Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of sei'a Couqty, agreeable tu law, on or before tit* first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 16 4*