Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 21, 1825, Image 2

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■usM.iisnt or tii*' law# or thk union.
A boat raco waa to takq pises on ttie
?0th instant at Now-York, for 2000 dollar*,
daily rAr*R, i :! i :
At an electiou yesterday, by the Direc
tor. oft be Bank of the State of Georgia, of
Director* for the different Blanche, of the
Bank for twelve inontha from the I3tb inat.
the following gentlemen wore duly elected,
to wit i—
Samuel Hale,
L. C. Oantelou,
Hays Bowdrie.
A. Waterman,
R. H. Hnsgrove,
A. Slaughter,
TJ»o. K7 Clay ton, L,_. t*. ij.t,ninar,
Zach. Lamar,
Seaton Grantland,,
Wo, Santord,
B. H. Warren,
Fielding Bradford,
William Micon,
W.W. Montgomery,
•Wm. Smith, Jr.
‘Franklin C. Heard,
11. W. Malone,
*Jno. T. Rowland,
Gen. Heard,
G. W. Dillard,
*W. C. Dawson.
C. A. Reed,
Nich. Lewis,
Y. P. King,
Jno. Bethune,
W. O. Gilbert,
Alex. Pope,
D. G. Campbell,
A. G. Semmes,
Tho*. Hoxey,
Jno. C. Mason,
Jeby Hudson,
W. Abercrombie,
Oibnrn Stone,
Mark A. Lane,
Wm. Dearing.
H. Branham,
W. Wilkins,
Wm. Flournoy.
<1—Tho Chqsapoi ke and Del
aware Canal i. a .cone of great activity
, _ ,, ,, ... A" 11 diligence. It Is excavated by sections
between the Staten Island boatmen and the #n private contracts with the general over-
IFhilthaltere, who have hitherto provetl I eeer—a job comprehending usually a quar
ter ofa mile in length, and twelve foot dce|
pool has been given for rouod bales ofCot-
Exchan/fb—Bill, oa London, SO days, 6};
On France, b 30.
as the. best safe-guard of tho liberty, of tlm
people, and tho surest means ot preserving
vigilance and fidelity in th* administration
of any government. V
gomnry'fAlabaina) RspubHflsn! which^'ap-j New Orleans ps^T.»f the 29th ultimo, t^bmh^^rs^'jlepth th£.ToK *1 Al.".™.,
pnars to be the official account of the late quote Louisiana Cotton at 3fi cents. Mo- i. to b 0 seventy feet, and tho width on tho
murder ofM’lNTo«H. Tho murder it sp-’ bile 30. This rise took place inconaequene surface about two hundred foot—the regular
pears by this, w.s committed by about 100 of Liverpool date, of the 14tb March, hav- flick, a bridgetato beTrected' o^twmti*
Oskfo.keo warriors, under Menawav.— i ing been recoived via Now-York. feet abutments rising from the banks, the
IFhilehallere, wno nave mineral proven i J™ coinprenenmng usually a quar- Mtmr. Thompson, Mailt,
themselves fiwt inlho race of abquatic fame, ‘er "fa mile in length, aniTtwelvo feet deep Neu>Prlcatu, April 23.—Cotton.—Arri- Will sail for the above
__ —Near tlio Buck tavern is the deep ml, vod from Friday morning 15tb, to Friday Tuesday next, aud can liandsomelv
-- _ . __ . til mil (Pn thn nnnt nf tho hill uiliinl. : iMJ randatn thrna A. 3
- The substantial! f« .Hili nglchf .
T. Thompson, Master
Will sail for the above
• W«s Directort,
A meeting of the citizens of M’Intosh
County, was held on the 9th inst. to express
their opinions in regard to a Land Lottery,
T'homai Spalding, Chairman, at which it
was resolved, that having confidence in
their members and in the Legislature, they
believed ». jr interposition on their part im
proper. ’
The deed wts perpetrated ns before related,
the women being ordered from tho house.
The same day with the murder of M’Intosh,
they hung SaIu Hawkins, a half breed, in
the Hubkhovelliga Square. On the suc
ceeding Monday, a party fired upon and
wounded Ben Hawkins, badly. The Chiefs,
it is added, wish it to be understood
that no danger whatever is to bo apprehen
ded by persons traveling through the na
tion ; that they am friends to the whites,
and wish them not to be alarmed by this
execution, which is only a compliance with
the laws that the great chiefs of the nation
made at Pole-Cat Spring.
Trade with Mexico.—Tim trade wUh
the interior of Mexico, is increasing. It
offers to the inhabitants of the West, a field
for enterprise which they appear disposed
to cultivate. Numerous caravai s have
long since performed the journey to Sants
Fee, from Missouri, and tlioy have been
generally successful—and there is no doubt
that it will be of imiuenso benefit to tlie
An expedition to the interior provinces
ofMnxivo, is about fitting out from Hunts
ville, Alabama. We are told that the com
pany is to be composed of 70 or 80 young
and middle aged men, and tlmt noarly that
number is already raispd, most of whom,
from habits of experience, are well fitted
to endure the fatigues and hardships inci
dent to such a journey. About 80,000 dol
lars the already invested in dry goods, which
nre to be transported to Santa Fe their
place of destination, and there exchanged
for specie.
The Editor of the Post Folio thus claims
an article which appeared originally in hie
Journal, but required a voyage across the
Atlantic to rendur it popular in this country.
Tliissuliservency to foreign opinion, exists
to too great an extent nmang us :—
“ A Memoir of Mr. Pinkney, wrilten by
Previous to t |,j 8 '^"Editor of this Journal, and published in
it, some month ago, was transplanted into
Phillips’ Monthly Magazine, whore it ap-
ber of Congress from Ch I
botween six and seven h ndred.
drew on the 1 Ith instant
Louisiana aud Mississippi,
Across the Lake,
, modito three or four passengers! 'i?! 1 '
to 'he master on board, at BuJton’s <■'... /
May 21
In all, bales 4451
Cleared ih tho same time—
For Liverpool,
New York,
Together, bales 7855
/ centre of the arcli boing seventy feet from
The msjnrity of Col. Drayton, as mem- the bank and ninety from the water; it ia
rlestnn District, is bo 1 ilt th h . i « h l ,ermlt ‘ho passage of ves
sels under it without the inconvenience of
t drawbridge. At this place the dclvers
are ongaged in digging a small canal thro'
The high prise of 50,d)0 dollars, in the the middle of tho excavation, to introduce
. ... n.. >1 r sufficient water from St. George’s creek to
onnB y r sdmit boats to convey sway the dirt to fill j Difference in favor of export, 3404 bales
was sold in New- up the marshes, Ac- The dirt is now lump- i Owing to favorable weather since the
,od on the bank at a sufficient distance from date of our last, and the- fair demand for
j the water bed, to leave room for a wide tow j this article, there have been considerable
! path. The work proceeds regularly and 1 sales made through the present week, some
It would appear by thi following that the constantly. Empty teems continually take of which at an advance ou our last quota-
Prince Royal who has beffi “ playing -ch ' “° ted ' ^
tricks” 1. the Sandwich t 0 each drive
For Boston,
Tho Schooner
wm k Dkk ; r,an ’
Will be ready to sail for n
May, 24th insl. For sonic
strange fantastic
i driver as lie takes away a load, the
Islands, was “nof” cducatel by a Mission-i precise number is ascertained by tho over-
ary Society m Connecticut, but by some! wor|t hy a be|| which must be puuclllal | y
other society, whose name we know not, obeyed or a forfeiture is incurred. Tho
nor do we care to know, but whoje objects workmen live in companies of fifteen and
. . * , :twenty in Shantee*—frame buildings along
appear tube quite similar, and:we dare ; the canal, provided with a cook, or board in
say, whose members are quite a philan-; more private Iiousoh erected fur the purpose
—It is difficult to understand the magnitude
of the undertaking, without personal in*
spection. The huge chasm at the Buck
astonishes the spectator, although not one-
For Ft Simons if Turtle liner
The packet floor, 1
Courier, Miuttr,
i —,i«i—"**’' on WednesiiajiK,.
I telligcnce from Liverpool, up to the 23d For freight or passage, apply t« tl,e ciwni
[February, and rumors of dates to tho 4th on^bnard. or to ElIlAS FOllT, 1 *
tiiropic. The importance of the distinction
we cannot exactly discover.
to the editors of the geor.ian.
Freshet.—Much injury is anticipated to
the low ground plantations in the neighbor
hood of Augusta, in consequence of the
height of the Savannah. The waters of
this stream have not for years past been so
uniformly high as during the present sea
son. The river has again commenced ris
ing, near this city,
fresh, the water had begun to subside,
and preparations were making for planting
the riee grounds above the city; but the « an original article. Or.^ai.ig tho
water has again riaen so high is to prevent A,lant,c a s " cond time ’ il Cttme out in our
it for the time. The rice crop must there
fore be late in coming to market, if it be
not in s great degree lost, or much injured-
At Augusta the river was so high as to ex
clude tny intercourse with the steam-boat
office, without the lid of water conveyance.
Museum ae extracted from the London
Journal. In this form it travelled to Wasb-
ngton, whore it was again published, with
suitable commendations on the liberality of
Phillips, and the discernment of the Editor
oftlie Museum. Tnis a brief history of an
article i and it is not a little remarkable
The extinction of party, as it is called, is ' that such mistakes should occur respecting
no doubt very boautiful in theory ; but we the original source of the only biographical
doubt much, whether it ever can be effected, sketch of one of the most distinguished men
under any other than a perfect despotism, our country has produced ”
We much fear that the perfectability of the
human mind, which a total oblivion of par- Tl,e Frfincl ' Arm - V Peaco Establishment
ty feud, would argue, had not yet arrived. 13 fi-d, by a Royal Ordinance, for the year
Itia amusing to beheld the efforts made 1825, at three hundred thousand
to put down parly—they are very much ,min ' What a peace establishment! such
like the caucuses to put down a caucus—a ' B tbc consoqueseo ot an ill-digested system,
party organized to put dawn party. The . * n which the people bear no part,
doctrine ofam.lgamation is net the doctrine | A „ M| WM pa8Se ^T the hte session of
pf freemen-it pre-.npposes a surrender of , h# L(Jgislature of Main6) providing fnr the
aomo portion of our judgment to the judg-, djstributjon of C0|)ip9 ofthe Canstituti „ n of
ment of others. When we are prepared to
surrender our opinions, we are prepared to i e(| j() con)(J)on s( , b
offer our neck to the yoke, because it might.
betray party spirit to resist—it would de
stroy the doctrine of amalgamation to fol
low the dictates of our independent judg
ment, and oppose the powers that be, in
acts of tyranny. Can we make man differ
ent from what lie has been in all ages t—
Can we free him from the government of
passion and prejudice nr rid him of tbe in
firmities of human nature t Can we render
all men fuithful, and honest, and discreet
—or destroy ambition and the dictates of
self-interest by a dash of the pen ? Could
we do these, there need be no more party.
Why is it that tlie mind of every individual
is as different from that of his fellow as tho
features of bis face? Can the physiogno
my of one man be given to another l How
then can they expect to reconcile minds
which are infinitely more various ? In gov
ernments where the king is tlie cardinal
point, to which, the duty of every subject is
directed—opposition to bad ministers, is
termed party, and all good subjects are
called upon by venal hirelings,to protect the
dignity of the crown. The exercise ofthe
tight of opinion is termed faction; and these
who are willing to throw up thpir greasy
caps and cry, “ huzza for the admiiiistra*
tion, right or wrong,” are right loyal aub
jects; while party is a dangerous here
sy, to be exterminated for tbe benefit of
their country, i. e. the administration,
When the millonium arrives ws shall ex-
pectihe total extinction of party—till which
period we shall doubt the doctrine of smsl-
.gamalien. Till-then wo shall view par
ty as many wise and good men hatCe viewed
it, aa tlia ttie purifier of freqjustitdjions—
that Slate and the United States, to be us
ds. It makes provision
for printing and distributing 10,000 copies
of these Constitutions, bound in thn spel
ling-book form, und requires “that the Se
lectmen of towns, and assessors of planta
tions, receiving such bonks, shall entrust
them to tbe instructors of schools in tlie Se
vern! districts, in proportion to tlie number
of scholars;” and makes it the duty of
these instructors to cause them to be reud
in their schools, and, when practicable, to
be committed to memory.
Our word for it, there will bo no use for
an army of threo hundred thousand men,
with a people whose infant minds are for
med upon this basis.
Count Charles Julius tie Menou, late
Charge d’Affaires from Franco ntmr the
Governmentofthn United States, left Wash
ington on the Itth instant, for New-York
where lie intended embarking, on the 15th
instant in the Cadmus, for Havre. During
Ills residence here, (says Die Intelligencer,)
his gentlemanly, amiable, and charitable
deportment secured the warm friendship of
many, and his departure will be sincerely
regretted by oil who knew him.
Profitable investment The Ameri
can Insurance Company of New-York on
the 11th instant, declared a Dividend of 8
per cent, for tho last 8 months. This com
pany have been in business but 10 years,
and they have divided one hundred andeigh
Ip seven per cent.
The Anniversary ofthe Sunday School
Union, waa celebrated at New-York on the
11 th instant. The number of Scholars pre-
aent, was between four and five thousand.
Prince George Tamoree, was rot educa
ted by a Missionary Society in Connecti
cut, as stated in your paper of yestorday,
but was for a few years member of the
school in that state, the object of which
is the education in our own country, of
youths of any of the unchristian nations,
in such manner, as with subsequent pro
fits ional instruction, will qualify them to
become useful divines, physicians, or teach
ers, die. and to communicate to those na
tions such knowledge in agriculture and
the arts, as may prove the means of pro
moting Christianity and civilization. Many
worthy men have been educated at this
schuol, the good influence of whose coun
sels. have been extensively felt, both on
other continents and among the Indians on
our own froutier. Every member of that
school has not proved equallv worthy
nor could lie be expected, any more than
that every student from our own colleges
should prove a worthy citizen. Philan
threpista hailed with pleasure the Chris
tian education of a youth, who, aa Prince
of Royal Blood, should have an extended
influence in civilization among the Sand
wich Islanders. But the sou of king Tam
oree, wae an unpromising member of the
school, and his character was then viewed
with much regret. During the years since
his return to his native country, the mis
sionaries and his father have been frequently
perplexed with his profligacy, and he does
not appear to have gained powerful friends,
or to have seriously injured the cause of
true religion ; which it is well known has
been permanently established ou the ruins
of paganism. The same ambitious views
und love of power which operate in every
country, must bo expected in these Island
ers, whatever be their education, unless
they be regulated by Christian principles.
third of tlie Intended depth, lias been dug.
Marine sabs'ances have been thrown up
from the depth of twenty and thirty feet,
and lately a common key was found imhed-
hod at that distance. It may bn well to
forewarn visiters, that the accommodations
at the Buck are ofthe most wretched and
filthv kind.—Freeman^ Jovr.
March, has had its effects yesterday in
raising the expectation of holders.
Arrived since 1st Oct. last, 157,205
Arrived in eamo time last saannn, 113.151
Arrived same time season before, 118,796
Exported since 1st Oct. last, 123,954
Exported in same lime l&at season, 84,818
Exported in same time seas, before, 98,36V
Stock on hand to-day. including all
on shipboard not cleared, 34,752
Stock ou hand same time last sea. 31,203
Stock on hand same time aeauoii be
fore. 32,378
Bagging—Owing to heavy speculations
in this article ou Saturday and Monday last
(whicli has left but little in first hands,) hol
ders now generally ask 28 cents for good
Scotch hemp, and other kinds in-proportion
—we have understood some ask more.
Freighti—for cotton to England, contin
ue very dull at our present quolaliuua; we
have beard of considerable taken as {d stg.
and sonic as high as }d. Toe vurious cir
cumstances, which vessels this year are un
der contrul, and the many conflicting inter
ests. renders it very difficult to give thi
per quututiona.
May 21
he pro-
The following is an extract of a letter by
the Wm Thompson, at New-York :
"Liverpool, 31st March—Nettling— A
bout 3 o’clock, the inquiry increased, ami
more business wav done. Prices have fully
recovered the depression, below aro rates-
Boweds, 12} a 17d ; Orleans, 13} a lOd ; S.
Islands, 2 9d a 3s 3d.
Extract of a letter received in Charleston,
dated, New-York, May It) •• BytbeWm
Thompson,just arrived from Liverpool, we
have dates to the 1st of April, from which
we learn that the sales of Cotton the live
pro- ed nr days niuo n ed to 4:, 1 10 hags, ut
un ttu wince on the did ot Murcii of Ijd.—
the currency for American was 12Jd a I7jd.
The imports of the article were totally sus
pended in consequence of a prevalence of
easterly winds. On a change of which, thn
imports might be heavy aud for a moment
influence the market, but no material al
teration wae anticipated in the end.
The Block on 31st Dec. was 120,000
hales, and on the 1st of April 70 000, |dsof
which was in the hands of speculators.—
Ttm estimated consumption weekly is 13,000
bales. Supplies from tlie Brazils will not
he equal to the last year, but from Egypt
expected to be from 100,000 to 150,000 The total value of domestic exports waa, g’ight'hundved anti twentviive.
bales nf200 lbs. each. Other article, of pro- $50,619,500, of which 1,149,641 went to * THOMAS LEI HER,
luce rather dull.' Rir.e 21s 6d a22s. sales ;
Meeting of Indians.—The meeting at
Wapughkonetta, of which we have spoken
heretofore, may, by this time, have been
held. Our readers will recollect its object
was presented to tlie Government by a de
putation of Indians from Arkanwis, who, af
ter having exchanged Wampum, and by
that mode which'is peculiar to them, carried
on their correspondence with their friends
ou tins side the Mississippi, and ascertained
it to bo their wisii, very generally, to go
west and join them,* procured tho meeting
at Wapughkonetta, to carry the object into
effect. We have no information of the
result. It is almost as likely, however, not
to succeed, as otherwise. For Indians are
cautions—they do nothing in haste. And
uhhougli their correspnndeneejiistified their
western friends in coining over to make the
final arrangements, still it is uasier to excite
mstrusl. and change the disposition to re
move. This may have beenofficted.'
It may be an answer to the few whahavc
taken exception to the policy of the Govern
ment, in regard to the proposed removal of
our Indians, and their permanent location,
as illustrated in President Monroe’s Report,
to slate, that it is not in the plan to use
forceufniiy description in its accomplish
ment. If they go, it will be by their own
voluntary consent. There is so much kind
ness in tlie design.and soinuny inducements
for the Indians to acquiesce in it, as to leave
very little doubt but they will see in it
enough to justify them ill acceding to it,
freely. Should any occurrence, therefore,
have arisen to change the fcclinga of these
Indians, who have by this time met at
Wapaghknnrtla. so as to disaffert them to
a union with theirfriendain Arkansas, they
will not be the less prepared to receive
full exposition of the plan, which, we doubt
not, tlie Cougresa at its next session, will
*This hieroglyphic correspondence was
submitted by the Deputation to Gen. Clark,
at St. Louis, and waa explained by interpre'
ters. It remains there—Mat. Jour.
Coffee 75s to 77s—Is. advance.”
The total value of imports into the Uni
ted States, during the year ending the 3(>lli
September. 1824,was $10,543,007 ; of these
2.209.663 was from Russia ; 2,110,666 from
Danish West. Indies ; 1.210,267 from Hol
land ; 26,6i7 l .fl2> from England Man and
Berwick-; 1,008,520 from Scotland ; 431,875
from iieluml ; 2,758,067 from British West
Indies ; 705,931 from British American co
lonies ; 2,527.830 from tlie Hause towns
and ports of Germany; 7,191,567 from
French European ports, Atlantic and Medi
terranean ; 884.084 French West Indies
and American colonies ; 2,247.235 from
Hayti; 568,217 from Spanish European
porta; 7,899,326 from Cuba; 856,696 other
Spanish West Indies; 6.786,796 Spunisb
South America and Mexico; 2,074,119 Bra
zil and other Portuguese American cold
For Sale,
and CARRIAGE, of Cainfield’s he-t
finish. Also a CHARIOTEE sod a
SADDLE HORSE. Appl, t„ * N
May 21 Ml
Muscovado Sugars.
-g C HOGSHEADS Prime Muscov,*,
A. eJ Sugars, just received and ft,r sstehr
May 2i Calvin Baker
ar in i
A SITUATION as Bar-Keeper, n
Grocery Store, in town or country, bv
a young man whoso terms will Re moderate.
Apply at this office.
May 21 5)
T HE subscribers, commissioner, apj«r«.
ed by the Governor of the Cotun,•»
wealth of Pennsylvania, to enpcrintoiu.lh
drawing of the Union Canal Lottery, lisi
Class, New Series, do hereby certify tlui
the following were tile numbers ««t
this day drawn, viz :
46, 23, 10, 22, 40, 16, ?4, «,
and that the said numbers were dr«m ii I
tbe order in which they stand above, thil
is to say, No. 46 was the first that in
drawn : No. 23 waa tlie second ; No. It )
was the third; No. 22 was tbe fourth; '
, r. 1 - i w . ... ...140 was the fifth; No. 16 was tlie sixth; I
mes ; 1,029,439 Italy and Malta; 5.618 502 No- 84 w „ t(ie ^ ventb . Mlld No . 4 „ wu
China. W« have omitted those countries, , hn pj btb al)(J '
with a few exceptions, from which less tiian wi f negs our hRnds , t the cjt
amllwn was imported. 1 d 1, hin, this eleventh day of .Mat, one I
Tho total value ot domestic exports was, . • • »- • *
Danish West Indies; 1,597,614 to Holland ;
18,2Id,841 to England ; 934,402 to Gibral
tar s 1,750,703 to British West Indies;
1,773,107 British American Colonies ; 857,-
383 lianse Towns, &c.; 7,851,620 French
Europeun ports; 770,515 French West
Indies, &c. ; 1,901,926 Hayti; 3,611,693
Cuba ; 306,896 other Spanish W. Indies;
London Market*, « arch 29.—Colton.—
A renewed demand for Cotton sprung up
towards the doseof’last week, wlucli clear
ed off a good deal of cotton which the hol
ders were wuifing to sell, and established .
the prices fully |<! on Surats, and id ou Bon- \ 2.827,521 Spanish South America and Mex-
gal« below the highest rates at the begin- j ico ; 1,699.754 Brazil* &c ; 330,466 China,
ning of the month. TIip sales of the week ! The total value of foreign exports was
consist of 800 Pernoms !5}tl a 17d fair to $25,337,157.
good, 4000 Surats Rid very ordinary, to 10$ . Total domestic and foreign exports $75,
very good ; 2000 Ben gals 7$*1 to 8$d, all in | 986,657.
bond, and duty paid 1700 Egyptian, old, 14$ Total American tonnage, engaged in the
to 14fd, new 15*d. Commerce of the United States for the same
The specula!ion in cotton has been re-1 time—entered. 850.033tons; departed 919,*
newed with tho greatest vigor. Yesterday , 278. Foreign tonnage, entered, 102,367 ;
Attest—John Roberts, Sut’ry.
The holders of 10, 14, 22, a prize of$IC0,
and ofthe tickets having |
and 40, and 22 and 24, prizes of jj5o, ire i
requested to call and receive tlie rnsh.
May 21 Georgian Office.
the teviving cotton market here received
great impulse from the statement that 10,-
000 hags were sold at Liverpool on Satur
day last ; there was immediately llie great
est briskness in the demand, and during the
day above 9000 bags changed hands, at the
following advance on tho prices of Saturday:
Bongals |d,Egyptian id, and Pernams Id
to l£d peril). This forenoon the request
renmins undiminished, and we have no
doubt there will be extensive sales effected
before the close of thn day.
New-Vork, May 11.—Coffee—Continues
extremely dull—no transaction* worth na
ming have occurred since our last. A car
go of Java, recently arrived, is held at 16
cents, short price. The stock is accumula
Cotton—Advices from Liverpool to 1st
April, recoived per thn Win. Thompson,
though ofa vory favorable chnructcr, do
not appear to have had much influence on
the market.. The sales, since her arrival, do j
not exceed 800 hales, and at prices within '
the range of our quotations, which we do
not alter. The total sales, since our last
publication, may be set down at 1500 to
280ft bales. The Import has been,
From Florida, 70bales ; Alabama, 2293 ;
Sonth-Carolina, 72; North-Carolina, 643;
Virginia, 498 ; Porto Rico, 14. Total,
3590 hales.
Total Import, since 1st inst. 4690 bales.
Export, from 1st to 4th inst. 880 bales.
New-Orleans, 27 a 30; Upland, 23 a 27;
Alabama, 23 a 26 ; Tennessee, 24 a 25.
departed, 102,552.
Cotton.—Shipped from Petersburg, Vir-
On hand
Still to be received.
16 Class—New Series.
46, 23, 10, 22, 40, 16, 24. 4#.
T HE above were the nuialiers t«loo I
from the wheel. Tiiose interesteo
will call and examine the drawing. »t f
The scheme ofthe 17th Clas B isrmird
—it is in every respect like the precede.^- |
capitals, 1
Prize of - - ■
At Darien on Tuesday evening last, by
the reverend Mr. M’VVIiir, John G. Bei.L
Esq. to Miss Eugenia Bn iilsforii, ymm-
S eat da lighter of the late W m- Bi ailsford,
mh of that city.
. 20,000
. 5,000 j
. 4,720
. 1,000
To be drawn an the 8th of July nert
Tickets $9. Orders received w m" 11,
Mnv -1
Sloop Rising Sun, Chase, Darien,
At Darien, aluup William, Luce; Good
Intent, Alien.
Cleared at Darien, sloop Eleauoa, Dean,
, Charleston, May 19.—Arrived. Br. brig
Volatiei—There has been a very good [ Old Maid, Tully, Maranliam, 46 duys. On
demand sin-a our last notice, bo'll from the the 10th inst. off Havana, apoke Br. ship
trade and for distilling. Salos of New-Or- j Ulverston. Corner, from New-Orleans for
leans have been made at 32} and 33 cents. | Liverpool—parted co. on the Idtli.
Sclir. Dauntless, Barker, Key West, 6
A lot of ROhlids. handsome Antigua a: 31}
—100 hhds. good Havana at 29 cents—ana
82hhds. inferior Matenzas by auction, yes
terday, at 24} a 24J cla.
Rice—The demand is very limited. We
have not heard of any sale since our last.—
The Import has been, from Charleston 351
tcs. 20 half tea; Georgetown, 8. C. It tcs.
Total, since 1st instant. 472 tcs. 20 half tea.
Rice, 3} a 4.
Sugars—80 hhds. very inferior New-Or-
A good EXAMPi.t—One of our dandies leans was sold, by auction, on Saturday, at
has been fined fourdollara by the Mayor, for 6 to 7} centa per 1b—50 hhds. handsome
refusing to obey the orders of a Fire War- Cuba Muscovado were sold, hy private con-
den during an alarm of fire on Friday laat. tract, yesterday, at 9}, and about 30 hhds
Let every one who in his own opinion is too at 9 cents. A lot of about 50 boxes Brown
good to do his duly like a man, keep out of Havana brought 10} eta. Bales of St Croix
the way in time of fire i at those who neg- are made, for retailing, at to to 12 oenta.
lect to obey the Wardens will certainly bo Freights—Vessels continue in pond de
fined on being reported to th« Mayor.*— mend for Europe, and our quotations fully
Cincinalt Rep, maintained, } oi a penny sterling to Liver-
days, aind 62 hours from Cape Florida,
Sloop John Chevalier, Chevalier, St. Ma
ry’s 2 days.
Steam boat Maid of Orleans, Smith, Au
gusta, 4 days, and I from Savannah.
Cleared, ship Newburyport, Goodrich,
Liverpool; ship Agricola, Wyer, N. York ;
ship Langdon Clicves, Baker, Philadelphia;
brig Grampus, Gray, Bremen ; sloop Helen,
Rose, Baltimore ; steam boat Commerce,
Harvey, Augusta and Hamburg.
Darien, May 17.—We are informed by
one of tii Pilots of Doboy Bar, that tlie ou
ter Rttoy for the channel Iiub disappeared.
Notice to .s ’ariners.—Superintendents of
fice District of Brunswick. Geo Port of
Durien. Uth May. 1825.—The Beacon on
Vvolflsland is again lit up.
i JOHN M. M’INTOSH, Sup't,
Lamp Oil.
1 nnn gallons sperm j
li/DD warranted ofthe ft;'J...'
for sale by HAZARD & DENSIfi;
Whiltaker-Street, 2d door from l “ f ' |
May I9
Spermaceti Candles uni 01
adelphiu Rye H'liiskoj'
F° R 8 * !e william cbotiiW
May 9
lluider's BeiW
To the Public.
T HOSE who are under the ira P r ?^ I
that Mr. S. II. Fisko and mjj» '
connected in business, are informed' ■ |
is not the case. T. S. LUTHM 1
May 19
Coffee. Pork. Beef, Flour, ^
C. C. Griswold & Co.
eA BAGS Prime Green COFr^,
DU 25 bbls Mess Pork. City |
20 do Prime Buof, do
20 Half Barrels Canal Floor
100 Keg. White Lead
22 do Black Paint
5 do Spanish Brown
10 Barrels Whiting „
May 20 '