Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 21, 1825, Image 3
t ON FRIDAY WEEK!! m&xw STATE LOTTERY, SHUT CLASS—NSW SIBIII. • W ILL positively be drawn in Providence on Hie 3d next mbnth.-Fifty Number Combination—8 ballots to be drawn. S. 4- M. Allen St Co. Agcnitfor UittMonageri. ftWJYWft RPLEBR Vfr.D PANACEA. T UG aubsqribers have just received per ship Emperor, a fresh supply of tliu bhove VALUABLE MEDICINE,and have made such arrangements with the inventor, AJr. Win’, Swnitn, as will enable them to offer to the public a pure and unadulterated article. Druggists and others who purchase to sell again,.can have it at the original price established by the proprietor. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists. Shad’s Buildings. A Treatise on Swaim’s Panacea, with cases illustrating its success, will be loaned to those interested, by applying as above. May 30 Highest Prise. SCHEM 4 Prize of <10,008 la 1 do. 5,000 is i do. 1,000 ia i do. 648 ia 4 do. 500 is B do. 100 ia 44 do. 50 is 88 do. 25 is S2R do. 8 is 5676 do. 3 ia 6356 Prizes 1 j 19.600 \ 33144 Bittnku i | Tickets. | 5. | 6,000 Dollars. 6,000 Dollars. 54H Dollars. 3,000 Dollars. 800 Dollars. 3,300 Dollars. 3,300 Dollars. 4,334 Dollars. 3 is 17,028 Dollars. 49,000 Dollars, In this scheme, with six drawn ballots, there will be 30 prizes with three numbers on them, 6>10 prizes with two numbers on them, and 5670 prizes with one number on them. Those tickets having none of the drawn ballots an them being blanks. To determine the fate of 19,600 tickets, the 50 numbers will severally be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and six of them will be drawn—and that ticket having on it as a combination tile 1st, 3d and Gth ballots drawn from the wheel, will be entitled to «10,0001 that having on it the 3d, 4th and 6th, 5,000 dollars; those having on thorn 1st, 3d and 6th—3d, 4th and 5th—1st, 3d and 3d—4th, 5th and 6th—3d, 3d and 5th, each 1,000 dollars r that having on it the 1st, 4th and 6th, 548 dollars i those havinfl on them the 1st, 3d and-4th—3d, 5th and 6th—1st, 4th and 5th—3d, 3d and 6th,each 51)0 dollars. All others, being 8 tickets having on them three of the drawn ballots, will be entitled to 100 dollars each. Those having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those the 3d and 4th, will be entitled to 50 dollars each. And those having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those tiio 1st and 3d, or 5th and 6th, will be enti tled to 35 dollars each. All others, (being 638 tickets) hiving oji them any two of the drawn ballots, will be entitled to 8 dollars each; and all those having one of the drawn ballots on them, will be entitled to 3 dollars each. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize pf a superior denomination, can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, and subject as usu al to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of tills Lottery is put up in parcels of 17 tickets, embracing all the combination numhers from 1 to 50, and which must of course draw at least 18 dollars, less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many chances for the capital prizes. Dividend. No. 14. BANK, STATE OP GEORGIA, Savannah, 33d April, 1835 T HE Board of Directors having this day declared a dividend on the capital stock of this Bank,for the last six months, of " per share, or six per cent per annum, The same will be paid to the respective Stockholders thereof, or to their order, on and after Monday next. By 0 rderofthe Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. ID* Tho editors of the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Southern Re corder and Georgia Journal, Milledgeville, Will please to publish the above three times, and charge the expense to this Bnnlt. Anri! 33 "fi iPAOBlXlRfra Md&dUdtkM SUB. il.IV*,, A lins os packets biished between New-York and Havre, to leave both porta regularly, on the Pint and ffleenth days of etuih month during the year. The ships composing the line, are fast sailers, well found and commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise nil that can be required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers in the cnbin will be ta ken for g 140 each, for which they are furnish ed with bods, beddding, wines and ample stores of every description. Goods intcuded for shipment by them, maybe sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception and forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. Tho expenses which me j, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. A letter Bag is at the New-York PoBt Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, muBt be addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS & BOYD. Agents, Nete York. oct 14 73 the SARATOGA SPJlIN PRICE OF TICKETS, i P 50. Packages of 17 Tickets, which are war ranted to drawn 111 dollars less the usual deduction, with 17 chances for the highest prizes J.,9, and shares in proportion. 83“ Prize Tickets in other Lotteries ta ken in payment. IP' Orders received as iisiibI, BV WOT. ROBERTSON, GEORGIAN OFFICE. Mav 19 48p wm ©dimaisL 3 ant I'ralg, R espectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, that she will furnish ICE CREAM every day. Sun days excepted, from four to ten, P. M. May 1U 47c IDOT TO(DSD©o A new stock of dry goods is of- fered nr. Cost, at the stand formerly occupied by F. G*i.lkt & Co. JAMES PARRAMON Mnv 20 4flt*< Lo f Sugar and Coffee, 100 ® ist <i ua,il y ^oaf 70 Bugs Coffee For sale by B. VV. DELAMATER. Mnv. 17 4flf. B Darien Money . ILLS of the Bank of Darien, will be received for Dry Goods, bv C. W. ROCK WELL & CO. April 14 18 Prime Rice, A PEW whole and half Tierces very Prime RICE, suitable for retailers. J. P. HENRY. May 30 49p Durien Bark Bills. B ILLS of the Darien Bank will life re caved at par for DRY GOODS, by ANDREW LO W St CO. May 19 48 Lost. A HOGSHEAD of Whiting marked R diamond O. No. 3, intended to hnve been shipped on bohrd ship Savannah, while at New-York, was by mistake of drayman carried to some other vessel.— Should it have come to this port, any infor mation respecting it will be thankfully re ceived by GEO. RYERSON. May 17 Union Society. P ROPOSALS in writing, will be re ceived until the 35th of the present month, for hoarding and clothing the boys supported by the Union Society, for one year from the first day of June next; or proposals may be made lor their hoard, in cluding washing, mending, Sic. only. L. MASON, Secretary Union Society. May 4 v o f ilE »»< Alii N UStiil J F CUMMING and GWATHMEY. is this day dissolved Ivy mutual assent. Tile settlement of the affairs of the concern, will be attended to by JOSEPH CLAI MING, who will continue the same busi ness on his own account. JOS. CUMMING, H. B. GWATHMEY. Savannah. Mav 18. 1836. 47n utice. T HE co-partnership of GAUDRY & HERBERT, is dissolved by mutual consent. Persons who are indebted to said firm, are requested to make payment to JOHN B. GAlftJRY, he being mlly au thorised to settle the affairs of said concern. J. B. GAUDRY, M. HERBERT. April 38 38 THE hUBSuKlBEll I NFORMS the friends of the former firm and the public in general, that lie will continue the GROCERY BUSINESS, at the same stand, and solicits their patronage, and nil persons indebted to the firm of GAUDRY Si HERBERT, ore requested to make as speedy payment as possible. ' JOHN B. GAUDRY. Anrit?6 38ee District Court.—Notice. I N consequence of his Honor Judge Cuv- LEli, being detained at MilledgJnlle, in attendance upon 1 lie Circuit Court, the Ses sion (if the District Court in this city, is postponed to MONDAY, 30lh inst. of which all concerned, will take due notice. JOHN H. MOREL. M. D. O. Mav 12 42 Nolice. O N the 20th April, thne was shipped on board sloop Three Brothers for Dari en, five pieces Oznnburgs and four bn miles of thread ; finding; no owner for them in the above port, they were brought back, and the shipper in Savannah, can receive them by applying to BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD, at whose store they are left. May \4 N otice. T HE nndorsignnd will receive proposals for tho erection of an Engine-House in Liberty;Square. of the following mate rials and dimensions, viz.—14 feet wide, 21 feet long, 9 feet in the clear, a door at each end It) feet wide—the materials brick, the roof slated, and to extend 3} foot from the eavee, with irons from which to suspend lad ders— the iloor to be of brick laid edgeways. 34 inches above the surface of the earth— and all the necessary locks, hinges, Sic. Sic. Also, for a similar building, materials wood, with the exception of the floor, which must he the same as above specified. GEO. MILLEN, I. MINIS. Ajtril25 J. MORRISON. Fresh Medicines. A SMALL QUANTITY of very stipe rior Casinr Oil in bottles, Magnesia of excellent quality, Arrow Root. Soda and Bcidletz Powders, with a number of other Modicines.may be bad at prices much bulow lbs usual rate, if applied for to Mra. S. Howard. May 16 45 Notice. A REGULAR MEETING of the Com- missioned of Public Ruuds of hatn County, will take place at tho Court- House in Savannah, on MOM)AY, tho thirtieth day of May, mutant. By ordur of Thomas Young, Chairman, , ► s BOND, Secretary. Miy 10 40ra Las & Hendrickson, H AVE received at their Drug and Che mical Ware-IIouse,cornerofCongross and Whittaker-Streeta, Shad’s Buildings, Savannah, by recent arrivals, carefuUy se lected by one of the partners, now itWew- York, a general assortment of .*'EJiin\ES dye wnons, niF.- S-JUt'ts. AfOrUEPAUJKS’ G/ASS, PERFUMERY. -iPir.KS TEA\tfe comprising the best assortment they ever ofl'ered, which will be warranted of the first quality, and sold at wholesale or retail, for csbIi or good paper. Merchants, Physi cians and Planters, are invited to examine fur themselves- N. B-—Orders will be executed with <fc- spatdi, and forwarded without delay. A aril 9 The Library ESTA B LISHED The reg For New-York, LINE, cgular packet ship EMPEROR. J. II. Bennett, .Waster, Will sail on Wednesday next, 25th inst. For passage only, having ele gant accommodations, apply to Captain Bennett, on board, or tq HALL St HOYT. May 20 For New-York, The pneket ship CORSAIR, D. L. Porter, Muter, Will meet with despatch. For freight or passage, having superior accom modations, apply on board, at Taylor's Wharf, or to C. C. GRISWOLD & CO. Mav 10 For Providence, TJifl packet ship RISING STATES, Pearce, Master, Will sail on Thursday, 19th inst. For freight or passage, having hand some accommodations, apply to the master on board, or to ORRAY TAFT. Mnv 14 44 Passage for New-York Six more nassengera can be hand somely accommodated on board the packet brig PANTHEA—Apply to Captain Bradley, on board at Bol ton’s Wharf, or to COHEN & MILLER. M*7V ‘On iHfcb This spacious and beautiful es tablishment, has recently under gone thorough repairs, and has been superbly ftirnished and fit- let up lor the iccummodation of visitants at the Springs the ensuing season. It will bfikept by its former occupant, and neith er pnins nor expense will be wanting to rdtider the stay of visitors agreeable. It will he opened for company on the 10th of May, instant. May 4. D*Tho publishers of the New-York Eve ning Post,Daily Advertiser, and American; the National Gazette, Philadelphia; Patri ot, Baltimoi-o i National Journal, and In telligencer, Washington i Richmond En quirer j Coikier, Charleston; and the Geor gian, Savatnah. are each requested to pub lish the alijve advertisement, every other day for onJ month, and send their bills, with a paper caitaining the advertisement, to the Pcvilii|u for payment- May 14/ 44rp|| pi JROCKEllY China, and Glass Ware. T. O. C'lmnbfiYlin, NO. 5, GIBBONS’ BUILDINGS, HAS Just received by the late arrivals from Liverpool, New- York and Boston, a large assort ment of Crockery. China and Glass Wwte, which will be sold low for CaBh, or approved paper. ID'The Constitutionalist, Augusta, is re quested to insert the sbovn six times, and forward bill to Georgian Office. May 12 41 Hr. I o Kent, The adjoining TENEMENT, of the house occupied by Mrs. Brasch, in Broughtnn-street— immediate poesessiun given. Ap ply to J. P. HENRY. May 30 49re GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, KO. IV. T HOSE who have given orders for tick ets in the above Lottery, are request- ed to call and receive them. The drawing takes place in Baltimore this day, and will be received here on 27th inst. CAPITALS, 20,000 Passage for England Three or four passengers ran be comfortably accommodated in the . fine now brig NEW HAMPSHIRE, • Capt. Snow, to sail for Liverpool NotlCC 10 on or before tho 27th inst. For terms ap (ily to the muster on board, or to ANDREW LOW & CO. May 19 4tip 1 1 1 5 4 20 &c. Apply at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. May 18 -10,000 —5,000 —1 000 500 100 i ree Feis ns of (or. T HE Free Persons of Color residing in Chutham Country, are hereby uotifi- 1 find to appear and register t heir names in the FOP Haiti niOie i Clerk’s Office of the Interior Court of said ' „ ... * , I Count v. agreeable to law, on or before the The fast sailing, coppered and cop- lirst Monday in July next. per fastened schooner RISING SUN, Captain Fairbank, Burthen one hundred and thirty-six tons, intended as a regular packet, will meet with despatch- For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, at Hall & Hoyt’s Wharf, or to J. B. HERBERT*. CO. Mnv 1’ Mnv 18 A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. 45 For St- Johns E Florida, The fast, sailing schooner E ME LINE, Hatfield, Matter, Will sail for the above port on Sun day next. For freight or passage, apply to the Captain on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to HALL & HOYT. Mav Ru e ver l ax Returns Oflice. T HE subscriber is now ready to receive the Returns of Taxable Property, for this county. His office is in James Morri son, Esq’s. Building, adjoining John C. Nicoll, Esq. ADAM COPE, R. T. R. C. C. Feb 1 ’ 66|| Remedy for the Riles, T IIE Medicine now offered to the public is one which has been fully subjected to the infallible teBt of experience; and in j every instance where it has been fairly tri- I ed, it has been attended with the most com' plete success. In some of the cases, tho patient* had been labouring under the dis ease for years, and during that period, had received the best medical advice, and had even undergone a painful surgical opera tion, without permanent advantage. It is to HALL & HOT Mav 20 Charleston, The fast soiling sloop F A L C O N. Gihbe, Master . . _. r r ,_. .. Will sail To-Morrow Mudiing. not (like those usually advertised) offered at 9 o’clock For passage only, haviik sn- as a certain cure for a long catalogue of perior accommodations, apply to Cilitain diseases, but those afflicted with this oom- Gibbs, on board at Jones' Upper Whff, or plaint, for which alone it is recommended. . . .. it..3m may rely with confidence upon obtaining relief, even in its worst forms, in a short time; and themselves are the best judges of the importance of such a remedy. Price 1 50 ( nuts per box, with directions signed by the proprietor. Prepared and sold at JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug and Chemical Store, No. 273. North Tliird-St. above Callowhill, Philndel’a. The proprietor has appointed LAY & HENDRICKSON, corner of Congress and i Wliituker-StroetH, Shad’s Buildings, sole 1 agents lor the sale of this medicine, in Sa- varnish Geo. ICrlhe Darien Gazettp, the Washing ton Niws, Georgia Journal, and Macon Mnssciger, will please give the above three inscribe and forward their accounts to Mav 10 L- * H. A fresh supply «i the above v> UABLB MEDICINE, just recoil'd per brig Frances, and for sate by GEO. RYERSON, May 11 Solo Agent Savannah and Av gusta LOACH. Mjii Nets Arrangement -Georgia Side, T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public that lie has removed the Line «f Stages on the Georgia tude, an) will hereafter, leave Savannah every Saiday, Wednesday, and Friday, ut 4 o’elocWA.M. lodge at Pierce’s, and arrive in Augfcta at 5 o'clock next day. For seats, sfply at the Georgia-Hotol. JOSEPH I. THOMPS Prafietar. Savannah, March 30,1835; N. B. Hones, Carriages, and G igs, to Let.—Horses kept by the day./month or -+- Hurse aiul bulkey. F OB SALE, an excellent Gig and Sad dle Horse, together with a light Sulky and Harness, complete—will be sold low for rash. Apply at the office of the Geor gian Mav 5 36 At. Frivate bale, A NEGRO WOMAN, about twenty-two years of age, a good cook, washer and ironer, with her child six years eld. Ap ply to J. B. HERBERT * CO. May' 19 I S open fur the delivery of Books, on Mow . - , , , . day, Wednesday and Friday, from three j year, and expresses sent at tu) shortest until Jive o'clock, JP. M. May U I notice. . Much 34 100 80 April Loaf bugar.’ BARRELS LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR, for sale by aril 14 M’DERMOTT. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of tha Court-House in this city, a TRACT OF LAND in Tattnall County, containing 675 acres, situated near Canoochee River, be longing lo the eatate of Sumuel Haughton, dec. and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, by order of the administrator. May 10 JOSEPH KOPMAN oj CO. H AVE received by the William Wal lace, a further supply of Ytfiflc\k & Canton Goods, viz.; { and 1 Cambric Prints Ginghams, Dimities White and Printed Marseille Vesting Plain and figured Jaconet and Book Muslin Plain and Figured Swire Muslin Swiss Muslin Robes and A|trons Do do Uhdkfh and Points Silk e-tripe Drilling Denmark Sattins, Corduroys Cotton Hose, assorted Mndrass Handkerchiefs Super Blue Cloths and Cassimerea Black and Colored Canton Crapes Black Nankeens do Colored do Rohes Sincliews and Levantines Levantine Sattin Black Figured Silks Brown do do Bareges Scarfs, Shawls and Dresses Seersuckers Blue and Yellow Nankeens Bandana and Flag Handkerchiefs Black Barcelona Silk Stockings and Half Hose Buckskin Gloves Umbrellas. Parasols and Fans 4 Cases } Linens, assorted 3 do f, f, and ’f. Diapers 20 Bales Domestic Plaids, Stripes and Shirtings, &c. 11 do Oznaburge- together with a variety of other articles, worthy the attention of Planters and Coun try Merchants. April 16 20 -•VV* mum a ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. Oo the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will be sold before the Court-Houoo in between the usual hours, TWO NEGROES, Peter and James, belonging to the estate of the late James Wallace, fcsq. deceased. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatlium County, and by order of the administrator. Terms ctsh. May 5 bPKLVtt ttiuVf’V'.M.MxLU GOOOft. B Y the ships Georgia and Harp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have received their usual supply of SEASONABLE mm Having been purchased with cash, pre vious to the advance in England, they can lie afforded and will he sold at low prices, and on a long credit, for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. i?,.q oo "o m&mjWstihz James Anderson Co- H AVE removed to the middle tenement Young’s Buildings, where they offer for sale a large and general assortment of FANCY AN 0 STAPLE DRY GOODS, received by the latest arrivals from Liver pool and New-York. April 25 27 KEMA>VA\i. T HE subscribers have reiqoved to John ston’s Square, next door wnBt of Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are opening a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goodsy in addition to their former stock. W. & H. ROSE. April 5 10 EF The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Milledgeville, will give the above four in sertions. and forward their accounts to this ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. „ f „L° n TUESDAY, 24lh inst. Will be sold at the residence of the late Jamea Wallace, Esq. deceased, his persou- al property, consisting Of Tables. Chairs, Sofas, Bedding, Kitchen Furniture, &c. .T°\ „ . b y permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the administrator.— 1 Terms cssli. Also, two half pipes Superior Madeira Wine, and ten dozen of Wine of various descriptions. May 18 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT St CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will be sold before the Court-House in this City, between the ustaai hours, TWO NEGRO SLAVES named Nelly and Dido, the properly of the estate of Owen Jones, dcceused. Sold by permission of the Hon orable the Inferior Court of Chatham Coun ty, and by order of the Administrator.— Terms cash May 18 HORNE’S In troduction to the BV le, T O be published in 4 vola. octavo, with numerous maps and fac similes of Bib- leal Manuscripts. “It is unquestionably the best single bonk in our language, for communicating a knowledge of the subjects of which it treats.” ASH BEL GREEN, D. D. “I heartily concur in the above recom mendation.” G. T. BEDELL. Subscriptions received for this valuable work—present price $13, alWr publication £l6. Subscriptions will also be received for both the quarto and octavo edit inns of Scott’s Bible. S. C. & J. SCHENK. Who hitye just received Conversations on the subject of Confirmation, by Mrs. Sherwood—2 vuls. The Traveller, by the author of Red wood. Shuekfnrd’s Sacred and Profane Hi .tory of the World Connected.—2 vols. 8vo. p. New-York Medical and Physical Jour nal, edited by Dr. Beck. Letter and Foolscap Paper, and School Books. May 18 47p giOAitD i hi AL1H Savannah, Max, 18, 1825. TO THE INHABITANTS OF THE CITY OF SAVANNAH. Y OU are earnestly requested by the Board of Health, to inform them through the medium of their Chairman, Ward Committees, the City Marshal, or by notice in writing, through the Post-Of fice, of any nuisance which exists, or of any deposits in stores or cellars, that may be considered inj trious to the health of the city. By order of Col. Shellmnn. Chairman, I. K. TEFFTn Secretary. Mav 19 48 N otice. T HE subscriber intends closing his busi ness in Savannah immediately. He requests those who are indebted to him, by note or account, to call and settle the some by the first of June. All demands that re main unpaid that day, will indiscriminately be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. JAMES H. M’KENZIE. l*,v >fl . 17f. o ice. A LL persons having demands Against the estate of Fraucie Courvoisc.latu of Chatham county, will present them duly attested, and those indebted will make pay ment to R - HABERSHAM, 1 Q uaIifled Ex . J. HABERSHAM. S ecut0r8 ' nUTfl’ ,r ^ c offee. M BAGS Prime Green Coffee, landing from brig Panthea, which will be sold low if taken from the wharf, by BRADLEY, CLAGHO/RN & WOOD, May U Anciaux’a Wharf. POL A DELPHI, THE INDIAN EXTRACT. A certain East India Cure for the /2Ait+» matiim, King's Evil, fyc. Extractor a letter from the Rev. James Ergw foil, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F* Bed well. London. Dvax ia : A GltREYULY to y mr request, I have rieb A difH ulty procured and now i"nd you by the snip Jason, Capt K< b naon, a few pounds of the Poild‘Inhis, or what generaliv goes by the name . f I * l»a Extract, a Medici e un iversally esteem- d monj< the people o; India, m a ce-iin curt lor the KhtunuUsm. Was I to inform you of the number of people who are foil)’ relieved and cured by this valu ble 4 d cini, it wou d require more paper than I aiu sVle t'.v purcha-' u d more time thin J Min able to bestow. I deed, the ifi'ect of V it Medicine is imrn'd de, that jn Rheumatism you would suppose u acted as a chant ,n fc tv : ng relief and > moving hit painful di.-ense* II tht King's £t*tl it has be*»n used with great Mjcccss, uud a h:„r> Mercury has been given or used to excess, b . Sltd i’-obaa proved a perfect cure. The greatdtflhulty, however, *«! procuring the Extract, will for mtmy ytara *i> come, previ nt its general circulation, it be* ing obtained from a Shrub growu.g on the mountains wf Thibet, in thr Bi iinaji Empire of Ihdi *, and held so srered by the natives, that to part with it is like parting with their existence.” Le'terfo Dr Bed well, d a ted Jan. 7, 8>3. Deur Ditto— I have been violent y affected with * R tu -lie complain f r many years; even mi fibers were *o coutraOed that ( c-rtt 'd neither dress or undress myveit, or g.v* the least assistance to ifo fa uilv—I have uved only one t oe of the h d ’ Extract, avd 1 am perfectly restored. Your’a truly, R. RALSTON, Philadelphia. Letter from Tobias Jennings, Stewa.4 of St. r,, h«n»a* • Hoaptal London, Feb 1,18:3. Dear Sir I hint it irij dj y t». inform vmi, that after trying every thing that ca<u d be pointed out by the moat respectwb'e puyai* elans and surgeon* for iheu l.ef of my son, without any success, who you know, Ims for many yens been laboring unde severe Kheu- matijm, I Whs induced to try the Pnliu'elpois, with a g.immcru.g hope, Itut it gv© him some relief from the excessive pam he endure i, which rendered hi n x uself sc mem* berof society, and • burthen to hi ns-If. 'To my utter astonishment toe relief was instan. tan» oua, *nd by persevering in the use of the tixt'act, his joints have returned to their pro* per pUres, and he is in per eet health. Up* wards f sixty respectable persons h«ve cal* led to see my sou, as all who knew him thought it iirpi>‘<iblr that he could recover. FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON, ruggwt, where additional certificate* of the efficacy of the above medicine tn\iy be seen. May 20 Clerk’s Offiec Superior Court, NOTICE. T O Suitors, Jurorssml Witnesses—Tho Honorable the Superior Court for Chatham Counly May Term, will com mence its sittings oti the Twenty-Third Distant, of which .11 concerned will take due notice. A. 9. FANNIN, Clerk. JUflt 4$