Newspaper Page Text
A letter from Now Tori
M Hie blacks Rttitud that the crew left her I chandise, to A- Cl. Oemlcr,.H. Tufiper, G.
7'u/. • . prows nn opinion thin the shall bo ablu to Vhnn sbebocamb wat.ei -togged. The As-I Nowhall, and W. U. Mott. Pan tiger*,
tho unprecedented rtomanu wr nousce Rup piy 4na ny nrticlcM t« r th«> Briiisb Colon- tension arrived at Bahia l‘2th Fob. where I Mr. Catlln, lady and 2 childron, Mr. Crane,
on the first of the present montli, that nca^
ly three hundred fuvu'lit* assembled in the
Park, without a place to deposit their fur-
uiture or to abettor themselves—-in the evo-
eight dollars, plug the prison doors were opened to afford
: fi \ e dollars. a temporary shelter. Tho Evening
Poet snys,—“ Wo want carpenters, joiners
A meeting was to bo held at Millcdgeville
on Tugflday last, to make arrangements for
the 'reception of the Hon, William II,
; bricklayers, masons, and all sorts of laboi
ers, whoso occupation it is to build up, or
il's under the liberal regulations proposed by |0 of them, ('i having died) were given into lady, 3 children, and 3 servants, Mr. Cor-
Mr. Iltiikission. “ the. hands of Government. (mick, lady and child, Messrs. H,ooker,Hays,
The new theatre at St. Petorsburgh, | Another account saya—“ Tho wreck was Sims, C. P. Morriman, F. Merrimafl
which was built of wood, had been destroy- fallen in with nhout 500 miles from the coast
oil by fire, bf Brazil. She was on her beam ends, snr-
—— loundod by innumerable sharks: and the
Mory in of Al.b..i., -e fin, (« ^ BifiBB ^ gQ[| hB([ BE ,
nipfl sinco they worn upset. A holo
in the broadbido of the vessel, and
C atak\\\ ountaln
-fit the fine 0 :churd.
pg iisaAi j at. vi.v - - • ■ * i , . . YPTPlI at*
we give below) what i« called the “/w/iVin<2r ' ti
’ ’ ficial account" ofthe murder of M’lntosh and
to‘others, " in compliance (as it is said) tpiw n lnn J, n1
n n. eu/rl f'/iiiil
T HE subscriber (late of Bykes* v...
York Coffee House,) being ecs« m j
drews. P. Phelps, O. Pliolpa. Pralt, Cleve- by the Proprietors of the above ntabluh
land; Day, Leonard, Dunn, Church, Rey- ment, contemplates opening it for the rec.!!
Holds, Brown, Newhsll, Reynolds, M’lton- tion of visitors on the first day of June nest
aid, Huntington, and Wasson—in all 35 Since the last season an additional bujj’
passengers. >ng hns been erected, (connected with >i
~ ‘ former one) 80 feet hv 3a. ni l] r„.......
ers, wnosc occupa, w .u.™ • meampna raw tar. n - a Inm* of dead negroes and palm oil disco-
pull down houses or tenements of every sort, tlie l™’ lh "< the great Llnefi of the Ma n I , h d )() miserable
sai , i5£ijsri£irk“-
The Senator and Roprcsonsentativos of
Chatham County, Messrs. W«. Daviks,
Wm. Law, R. W. Poaiirr. acd'M. Mvkhs,
departed for Millcdgeville on Friday,
Darier Notes The Comptroller ofthe
state of Alabama has addressed a note to
the Tax Collectors throughout tho state, to
the following effect—*' Satisfactory infor
mation having been received that the Bank
or Darien, in the state of Georgia, has re-
fured to pay specie for their notes, I am in
structcd by the Governor to apptizo you of
the fact, and caution you against receiving
tho bilh or notes ofthe said Bank in pay
ment of any monies dee to this State, or
which may become due, uutil you shall be
ptherw»o instructed."
The Millcdgeville papers, received on Sa
turday mention nothing of the fracas in
that city. It appears to be shortly this—
Mr. Bartlett, Editor ofthe Patriot, hav
ing made an abusive attack upon Col. Hex-
re Lamar, aid to the Governor, after his
return from his late mission to the Creek
Nation, Col. Lamar, in company with his
cousin, Mr, L. Q. C. Lamar, attempted to
chastise Mr. B. in a bookstore, with a whip
or cowskin. Whilst doing this, he was
wounded hy the latter, in several places
with n knife, a thrust of which brought him
tothe ground. Mr. L. Q. C. Lamar then
came forward and was wounded in the neck
The affair ended here. Mr. B. surrender
ed to tho civil authority, and was admitted
to hail. Col. Lamar, we understand, is out
of danger. We should not now have men
tioned thia circumstance, had avc not altn-
deded to it in the first instance in such a
manner, aato raise public expectation.
Mail Roboert.—A Clerk in the Post
Office at Montgomery, (Alabama.) has been
detected in robbing tlie mail of a letter from
the Mobile package, containing ten thou
sand dollars. -The thief was afterwards
a"orehended. and all but one hundred dol
lars recovered.
Eoyptian Trade—It appears that the
object of the Egyptian Trading Company,
about to be established in England, with a
capital of 1.000.000 is to open a trade with
the Pacha of Egvpt. and to makethat coue
try available to the interests ofjBritish eaoi-
talists in the purchase of Cotton, Hemp,Silk
and other tropical nmduco, for which the
climate and soil of Egvpt is peculiarly fa
g irahle, ns well as for the export of various
British manufacture'. Recent experience,
it is said, confirmed by the testimony of a
gentleman lung resident io Egypt, and con
fidently engaged by the Pacha, in an impor
tant mercantile mission, wairants the pro.
jectors in going forward in their intended
plan, with the most confident expectations
of success. A Board of Directors was un
der furination, consisting of Gentlemen and
Merchants of the highest respectability,
Whose names, with a Prospectus, were very
shortly to appear, at the date of our last pa
para by the William Thompson.
The Annual Examination ofthe Students
ofthe Military Academy at West Point
takes place early in next month. The Se
cretary of War has invited the following
gentlemen to be present to witness tho ex-
a enatinn, and to report on the state ofthe
institution.—The Hon. M. Dickerson, of N.
J. j Hon. J. F. Parrot, N. II.; Hon. M
Van Buren, N. Y. j Hon. J. Forsyth, Geo.|
The Rev Prof. F.. Everett, Harvard Col
lge. Mass.; Prof. Dewey, Wilmington
College, Mass.; George Bancroft, Esq
Mass. ; the Hon. Nicholas Van Dyke, of
Delaware; John S. Skinner, Esq. of Mary
land ; Hugh Mercer, Esq. of Virginia; Com
Jacob Jones ; the Rev. O, B. Brown, of
Washington, D. C.; Hon. Lewis Williams
of North Carolina, and tho Hon. James
Hamilton, Jr. of South Carolina. A pro
fessor from the University of Virginia is to
be invited ajso to attend the
addition to those gentlemen already nam
On the receipt in April of intelligence of
the rise of cotton in England, an individual
was despatched from Philadelphia to Ala.
baina. The distance is about 1000 miles
ffc arrived there in 12 days, having per-
fnrinedthu whole ofthe journey on horse
b'eli, and reached Huntsville six days in
advance ofthe mail.
TheNcw-York papens state Jhat all the
three capitals of 50,000, 20,000 and 10,000
dollars in the late Philadelphia Lottery,
were gold in that city.
tho production ot l tho former sub-Agcnt,
Captain Walker, ivlio has been figuring' The Court of Inquiry, now sitting at the
lately in the same Montgomery paper in op- Navy Yard, is avc understand steadily pro
position to the Treaty, The identical Chpt. grossing in its business, tlie Faxardo affair
Walker, who, while acting as sub-Afjent, being sti/l under consideration ; Avlien that
wrote himself wlmt lie rails “ the lawsjhat is diapo»d of. it is thought the specie-car
te groat Chiefsoftlie Nation made at (ole- rving r.lmrge will not take up much time.
Cut Springs." to prevent the cession olnny The proceedings and do, uumiits.oerompnny-
purt of tin) Creek lands; and promulgated ing thesnms. we presume, will in due time,
the laws lie had so made in the ncwspnmr be promulgated. Tho people take a live-
that now publishes the official account ntlie ly interest in the investigation, and wail
murders committed hy authority of wise, with anxiety Tor its termination. The re-
/««•». Thia is the Capt. Walker, who, \n-! suit we do not deem doubtful
indoor or outdoor, waiters, rookB, chamber
maids, laundresses or coachmen, are in per
petual demand : and we want every kind of
building materials, from a shingle to a tile,
brieks, toc.; for all which,higher prices and
better wages are given here, at this time,
than in any city nr town ill the United
Stales, or tho civilized world."
The citizens of Mecklenburg, N. C. on
tho 20th ofthe present month, Avcro to cel
ebrate the first Declaration of Independence,
which was made by the citizens of that
plnconn tho 20th of March, 1776, A spe
cial invitation has been given te David
Reese, one ofthe pntriots who signed that
paper, tho only one now living. The corii-
monios would consist ofrellgiousoxercises--
followed by the reading of the ** Mecklen
burg Declaration of Independence," and nil
Oration in honor ofthe early patriotism of
the brave men of Nortli-Carolina. A pub
lic Dinner wiis also to he given.
The venerable John Bradford, who es
tablished tho Kentucky Gazette, at Lex
ington, nearly 40 years ago, has resumed,
at the age of between 80 and 00, tho edito
rial chargo of that paper.
Latest from England.—The packet
ship Acasta, arrived at New-York on the
11 tli instunt from Loudon—London papers
to the evening of the 5th April, are receiv
ed hy this arrival.
The Courier of the 5th says, •* The usu-
al'financial accounts will be made up to-day,
but as the whole of the details cannot be
arranged till a late hour, wo shall not be a
ble to luy them before our readers till to
morrow. In the mean timo it is most satis
factory to know that every branch ofthe
revenue is most flourishing."
We extract the following from the Eve
ning Post a— , _
Among tlie vast number of joint stock nn( j n ft Rr giving, as we suppose, tn the A
companies getting up in London,^ihere avus gentts remonstrances against the treaty all
an association with a capital of £1,000,000, the attention to which they were entitled,
for importing timber from all parts ot tho ntht.ed nod contented to its ratification, anil
world; a VVest-India company with a cap- President Adams, viewing it in the same
ital of two millions, to loan money on inert- jjj rlt jfy j t . Thus it had the appro-
gages of the plantations; find a company Nation ofthe two Presidents and of the Son
with a capital ot £250,000, to*iacihtato the ate of the U. States. Yet, certain persons
supply of poultry for the London market and having declared that no land should be ob-
the shipping. Canada shares were at 3»J taineil from the Indians while Troup was
for 10 paid. A steam-boat colled the Jli- Governor, having done what they could do
der the nose of the Agent, of whom lie .as
the deputy, was active in thwarting he!
Commissioners of the U. States in the ex i
edition of their duties, and in opposing the 1
views of the Government in making the
Treaty, for which misconduct, although no
notice appears to have been taken by the
Agent, the President had Walker displaced,
—We were told a month ago, by an intel
ligent resident in the Nation, that this man
Walker had been engaged, aince the rati
fication of the Treaty. in exciting tomis-
ehjbl'llie Indians bordering on Alabama ;
and report says, with wlmt truth we know
net, that he is the white man who accompa
nied the Indians, under the assumed name
and character of a missionary, when they
murdered M’lntosh. So much for Capt.
Walker and the “ Jiulinn ofjicinl nmmnt."—
Let the reader now take a cent and dispas
sionate view of Walker’s conduct, and of
Col. Crowell’s tacit acquiescence in it ;—
of subsequent transactions in the Nation,
comprising the statements in the 'tacon
.ilcnengrr. which we give in to-day’s paper,
and especially tlie declarations imputed to
Mr.' Henry Crowell, tho Agent’s brother.—
When a calm vieiv lies been taken of these
matters, let the reader pause anil refle t,
and then say, where lies the blame of M'ln-
tusli’s murder! Let the public decide, with
all these facts before them, on the origin of
the opposition to the Treaty,and the source
from w hence all the disturbances in the Na
tion have originated—mid finally, the feo
pi.e will decide on the patriotism of those
who denounce the treaty and approbate the
Agent’s conduct.
JVillcdgeville Recorder.
The Creek Treaty was made by the Com-
. missioners of the United States, appointed
1 by the President;—Mr. Monroe, by trans
mitting it to the Senate, gave it his appro
bation—the Senate, after due deliberation.
Iftiehington City Gazelle.
Steam Boat Commerce, Harvey, 2 days former one) 8U feet by 32, ai d fimrstot.!
from Charleston, with Cotton, and other high, so that tho present buildings i tc | 41J
merchandise, to Mat. Jacobs, and J. Dugu- feet in length, with a wing on the nwl i
nour. Paeecngert, Maj. Jacobs, and Mr. east end of HO feat; a piazza >2 leet in widil
hernia, was to sail in a few days from Fal
mouth. tor Para, Aluranham, Pernambuco,
and Rio Janeiro.
The Edinburgh Slur notices an excite
ment at the theatre in that city, uu its be
ing announced that Mr. Kean wav to per
form tor a few nights. A gentleman in the
to verify their prediction—their efforts were
unavailing, and they now, ns might be ex.
peetpd, condemn the Treaty, which is a good
one for the Indians anil beneficial tn this
stntp. The Indians disposed to romove
were well provided for, and those who pre.
(erred to remain had valuable lands of suf-
I.iverpnnl, April 2.—The demand fur cut-
t4i has continued very miiiuuted during
te whole of the week ; the business dune
iSvery extensive, amounting to 42,700bags,
aid ■ further advance has taken place of
fuly 2d per lb. in Brazil, ljd a Ijd in A-
nprienn, and about Id per lb- in most other
discretions. About 17,000 bugs Ameri-
ejn, 5500 Brazil, 7000 Egyptian, and 2500
Hist-India have have been taken on specu-
litinn. The sales consist of 17,722 Bow
el 12J a I6(d; 2445 Orleans I3jd a I ltd;
2125 Alabama t'JJd a Ifljd ; 15ft Sou-Is-
lijid 23,1 a 29d ; 64 stained do tfiil a 26d ;
t|22 Pernambuco 17da19d; 1675 Murau-
htm 16d a 18Ad ; 1003 Rnliia, 16/ a 19d ;—
2hflMiiia Nova I5d a I7)d; 037 Demerara
I7d a 20d; 115 Barbadocs I3J a 14jj; 50
Cartingoninn !2d; 121 Lagimyra 12 a 13d
—20 Smyrna I3jd; 2277 Sural fl^d a 14A«1
810 Bcngul Hjd a lOd. The arrivals arc
7650 bags.
Coffee.—Thorn wns no public sale of cof
fee brought forward last week, on account
of tin* small quantity held by the import
ers. md also the prevailing opinion that
liiglmr prices ivere obtained by private con
tract than hy public sole : the purchases
Averc, St. Domingo at 77s to 7!fs. Brazil 76s
There were no public sales of -Coffee this
forenoon, and no purchases Avhatever hy
nrivNtocontract are reported i St. Domin
go is nominally 77s to 7Hs : the last price
f good ordinary Jamaica was 68s a 70s ;—
hut-the holders aro uoav asking much high
er prices for every description suitable lor
homo consumption.
Corn.—Our market continues to he very influenced hy an opinion now very
prevalent, that alterations will be made in
ur Horn Laws during the present session
of Piulianient; which with large supplies
of Wheat from the north, and the very fine
weather, occasioned a further depression in
prices of best Wheats of fully 2s per quar
ter, Aihile every other description wns un-
salealle. Barley was also 2s per quarter
chea|er. and a grent deal remains unsold.
Fnm the T.on/lnrt Price Current. April 5.
—Till prompt day for the Colonial prudace
May, and 2 fur Augusta
Brig Panthea, Bradley, New-York.
Brig Traveller, Goldie, Aberdeen.
Brig Pheasant, JIailey. New-York.
Schr. Rising Hun, Fnirbtiiik, Baltimore,
Helir. Rambler. Sheldon. Providence. Plnntnr-, Soule, Philadelphia.
Sclir. Ocean, Hewett. Ner-York.—W pas
Stoop Falcon, Gibbs, Charleston.
Pilot Bunt Cnroline, Charleston.
At New-York, 11th inst. sloop Howard
& James, Luce, It days.
At Providence, 9lli inst. sloop Reaper,
At Charleston on Saturduy,sloop Delight,
At Norfork, l ltli instant, schr. Sparrow,
At New-York, 13th instant, ship William
Wallace, Wood.
At Charleston on Saturday, sloop Three
Brothers, Howland, to sail Sunday.
boxes informed the manager that he would geient extent allowed to them in Alnbama.
not allow his family to attend during Mr, Rut for the exercise of an extraneous infill
K’s engagement, and would persuude others e n C( , B proceeding from the intrigues of white
to follow his example. The manager re- men, the Indians would doubtless have ced-
plied, that the engagement Imd been enter- r( | their lands cheerfully on terms morn ad-
ed into bo/oro the late unnir hail been vantagenot* to the United States than those
brought before the public. Here tl e im.t- contained in the treaty. Ib.
ter ended. — -
Mr. Savery, of Bristol, hod boon arraign- _ _ _ ,
ed on the charge of forgery, and plead guil- The Bank of D.\RiKN.--With respect to
ly. The Court and all present were much * ttt * 8 V* P rwve vn MBy the Bank,
affected, Mr. having been m.c of the. give to our readers a plain sketch,
most respectable merchants in that pluce. . xv , ! C1 wc " rt . VR ,0R ’ 1 to obtain, and
France and Spain.—Accounts had reach- . w ® 0,lr , endeavors, and
ed London from Madrid to the S3d March,, t,,ro ! , R h the facilities afforded us by the
that serious disturbances had broken out in cam *°>* j” , * r08| dont, and the nnsophis-
tbe barracks of the Royal guard, where the J Jinated frankness ot all the officers ofthe
soldier*of the 3d battalion, discontontcd, , l } n . , .P ro ® l ? r .’ which, injustice to
because the term of their service had been . ^ s injured institution, we now publish.
extended, uttered cries in favor of the Con- • Amount of reserved discounts,
stitutional system. Mr. Urgate, the Span- 1 Amount of dead interest on
ish Secretary of State, had been dismissed
from office, through the influence of the
French Ambassador. It was reported that
Mr. Secretary Zea, was also to be superse
ded. Franco is represented as extremely
anxious about, the debt due from Spain,
which is said to exceed 160,000,000 of francs
•xclusivo of the repairs of the fortrete* of
Barcelona, Cadiz. &r.
The French Corvette La Ooquillc, Capt.
Duperry, arrived at Marseilles March 24,
from a voyage round the globe ; sho was
absent about 34 mouths without losing a
man, or even having one sick on board.
Portugal.—'The Knglisli were collecting
large magazines of provisions at Lisbon,
said to be for their fleet in tlie Tagus, but
which appeared better fitted for troops of
the line.
Prussia.—A great change is said to have
taken place in tfio Prussian ministry, and
that Von Humboldt, and other statesmen
who distinguished themselves in 1014, were
to be called into office.
The Greeks.—The Turkish squadron em
ployed in blockading Patras, had been cap
tured by the Greek Admiral Miaulis. Co-
locotrona is said to have made diqplosurcs,
by which the names of all the traitors who
conspired against the liberties of their coun
try had been ascertained. Accounts from
Constantinople of the 25th Feb. says that
four Ortas who had orders to march against
the Greeks, had refused to go—“ We will
not march, say the Januaries, till the
heads of three of the Sultan’s ministers are
delivered to us.” Some more chiefs have
been arrested and executed, without, how
ever, allaying the fermentation among tho
Janisaries, or rendering the capital more
tranquil. The Turkish aud Egyptian fleets
destined to convey troops to tne Morea,
were to rendezvous at Rhodes. The plague
had subsided at Smyrna.
American Stocks at London, April 5.—•
Bank Shares £24, 15 ; Sixes, of 1014, 9(1$;
New-York, Fives, 101*; Do Threfis, 81,
Paris, April 2.—On change yesterday
ihere wa» a decline from I02f. 30c. to 101
nkf, and in a few minutes after it rose to
judgments and mortgages
substant’y good, taken from
notes under protest and now
in suit,
Amount of Dividends accu
mulated on stock owned by
the Bank,
Tlie possible loss in Da
rien and the interior
originating in Dari
en ; but which is re
presented by a large
rent estate taken at
low valuation, 100,000
The possible loss in Sa
vannah, but repre
sented by valuable
property there, 30,000
The possible loss at
Millcdgeville, 30,000
The certain loss at Ma
rion, 30,000
Passengers in the brig Panthea, Bradley,
for New-York :—Mrs. Cassidy, Mrs. Land,
Miss Hathaway. Messrs. N. Thomas, G.
Thomas, O. Johnson, II. B. Gwutlimey
Chandler, Wnrltind, llildrit h, Wet more.
Brown, Leonard, Cleland, P. Phelps, O.
Phelps, T. Reynolds, W. Reynolds, Jno
Bentley, E. Winan, W. Gray, mid Cant.
Passengers in the schr. Rambler, Sheldon,
for Providence:—Mrs. Phillips, daughter
and 2 children, Mrs. Barnard, Mrs. Sea-
bury, Miss Newcomb, Mr. Newman and
child, Messrs. Hamilton, Brown, and Cald-
List of vessels in tho port of Savnntiuli,
23d May, 1625—7 ships, 4 brigs, 7 schoo
ners*, and 0 sloops. Total 26.
The ship Augusta, White, for this port,
soiled from New-York on the Uth instant.
The ship Messenger, Buffington, sailed
from Antwerp 24th .March, for N. Orleans.
Charleston, May 20.— Arrived, schr. Me
rino, Burr, Key West, 6 days. Left, ship
Balloon, Smith, (of Baltimore,) for Liver
pool. 22d inst. having on board the cargo
of the ship Henry, of New-York, wrecked
on Tortugas on the J8th ult. On the 12th
inst. off Key West, was boarded hy ihc
Colombian armed schr. Polly Hampton,
Capt. Plus, and treated politely.
Steam boat Edgefield, S&ssard, Augusta
& Hamburg, 4days.
Cleared, brig Charles. Coffin. Mntanzas ;
Span. schr. Lonpardo, Pola, Nctivitas.
and 140 fret iu length, in front of the build
ings. and tiunh with the necond story.
The above house is situated nbimt jooi,
feet above tlie level of the Hudson river
and commands a view unsurpassed in thi, 0 i
any other county. The air is pure, t|„.
scenery interesting, and the subscriber ,-
determined that the accommodations, , t .
tendance and fare, shall be such as,
by years of experience on hits part, shall ret.
der the establishment in every respect ver
tin' ofthe most liberal patronage.
The *'Cautnrs-kill Fulls" are ubout 2 «iil c .
from the Pine Orchard. Upon actual n ea .
sureinent. their height is ascertained to hi"
rising 275 feet. By means of a dam
bove the falls, thp water is presorted, and
when visitors request it, isiei out and patscs
over the falls, and adds much to the inter;
esting scenery around them.
Tlie “ Pine Orchard" is.situated in Greene
County. New-York, 120 miles North, a lit-
t'e West from the city of New-York : ,|j
miles Smith West, from Albany; 17 mil,s
South West from the city of llmUon; |V
miles west from the flourisliii g village of
Cnttskill, on the Hudson river, (whore con.
veyances can bn procured at any hour) he.
ing cosy of access by steam-boats and car
riages front either of those placeB, or lit'i,
any ofthe towns on the banks ofthe lied-
The House will he fitted lip in the mist
superior stylo, combining elegance with
comfort, and a liberal regard for iliers ,
pleasure nml convenience of the guests a l
govern tho operations of the niunificeiii
proprietors, nnd will rognlnte the deport-
merit of the subscriber anil those he may en
lie indulges a confident hope, that if ev
ery advantage which a pluce of fashionable
resort can boast in henuty of situation, in
terior comfort and prompt attention tend lo
receive a sham of public patronage, those
advantages shall be found, and tliui patron
age liberally bestowed at the “Pine Or
Caitskill, May II, 11)25.
m- Tho Editors of the Natienul Gasnttr.
Philadelphia; Federal Gazette, llaltinvm-;
National Intilligenccr. Washington; Kira-
mend Enquirer, Charleston Courier, end
Georgian, Savannah, aro requested to in
sert the above in their respective pnpere,
once a week, for three weeks, and send
their bills to the Mountain House.
Alav 11 51
For St. Catharines and Darien,
The Schooner
W A T E R B () R O,
A'yc. .Fatter,
Will sail on Wednesday. For
bouglt at the late highest mnrket prices, i t® H'® Captain on board at
s ~ ■ - ■ Tclluir’s Wlmrf.
May 21
London B. B. Porter,
Mnv 23
Hunter's Buildings.
was on Saturday, and notwithstanding the
immense amount the settlement wont over
without any failuros; it was anticipated
that nanv parcels of goods bought on spec
ulation would have linen forced on tho mar
ket fir money, particularly Toffee and Spi- •
ces ; lhe reverse was however, tlie case 3
no (foods were offered at. any reduction. |
The sales of Cotton last week were ex
tensive, about 31,000 bales chnnffed hands ;
nf which 500 Boweds nt 134 to I6$d ; 12,-
OOftSnrats 8$ to 11 id : 6000 Egyptian, 15d
to 16d for old, and 16$d for new. The de
mand continues animated un to this time.
Sugar.—The Sugar market was exceed-'
ing heavy last week, but no reduotinn in
prices could be stated on account of tho few
sales. Brown Jam. 66s.
Coffee.—St Domingo is now 77 to 70s.
The last prices of good ordinary Jumaica
wns 68 to 70s—but the holders are now
asking higher prices f'r every description
for home consumption.
Ashes—Are dull and lower.
Oit—The Oil market continues in a state ,, .
of great, depression, and the purchases are . JllSpCCtOr OI UPV V/llltUrC*
confined to parcels for*imniediate use. j _ . ^ . .
Tobacco—There are no snlcs lately re-' O AMUEL M. BOND, Esq. has been ap-
ported. The latest accounts from Holland h? P°‘ntcd I nspector of Dry Culture, and
state o groat deficiency in the stock com- ■ ,s . ^requested that he may be respected as
pared with the previous year. In 1824. jt ‘ suc/n by all tlioso concerned in cultivati; g
CASKS CLARET, very superior
I0U Boxos do
15 Baskets Sweet Oil
15 Boxes preserved Fruit
It) do Capers
5 do Cordials assorted
17 Coils Bale Rope
A quantity of Empty Baskets
Alay 23 52i.
NO. tV.
E17 HOSE who have given orders for tick-
M. ets in the above Lnftcry. are Tetpii'14-’
ed to call and receive them prniim to
Wednesday. The drawing took place in
Baltimore on the 18th inst. and will be re
ceived here on 27th inst.
1 20 000
1 ——10,000
1 5,000
5 1000
4 500
20 100
&c. Apply at
May 23
was 20,775 lihds.—in 1825, 8,828. Deft
dency, 11.947.
Corn.—Our market continues to be very
much influenced by an opinion now. very
prevalent, that some alteration will be
made in the Corn laws this session of par
liament—this eireum tnnee, tho largo sup
plies. and the tine weather, have caused a
further reduction of2s per nr.
the ground under contract-
C/l. Com. Dry Culture.
May 23
Balance in favor of the Bank,
On its operations to the present time,
after refunding to it. stockholders their
stock at par; and judging from their uni
form profits declared at their semi-annual
settlements, to this sum will be added, (as
wo are informed the Board of Directors
have determined to stop their dividends for
the present,) an increased amount of their
discount accounts in June, of at least 30,-
000. and the same sum in December next;’
making in the aggregate $67,000, which is
On Thursday evening last, 19th instant,
by the Rev. Air. Carter, Wm. Neff, Esq.
ofCincinnati, Ohio, to Aliss Eliza Clif
ford Wavne, of this city.
wLmm xwmM*
Ship Louisa, Hopkins, Liverpool,
II. Lord & co.
Ship Rising States, Pearce, Providence,
O. Taft.
Schr. Rambler, Sheldon, Providence.
Sclir. Ocean, Hewett, New-York,
John Candler,
Schr. Pacific, Disbrow, Charleston, 1
dty. with a full cargo, to Cohen & Miller,
more than ten per cent, upon the capital in- j B . Herbert & co. 1 passenger,
vested. With these statements we close, Sloop William, Luce, 2 days from Dari-
without further cominent.-Oanen Oaz. \ w ju, a7B bales Cutton, to Hall & Hoyt,
i I and T. Butler & co. Left, sloop Good In-
The Ascension, ar. iu England, from Rio tent. Allen, to sail for this port next day,
Janeiro, on, tbo 30th of Doc. iat 20, long with about 300 bales cotton.
30. fell in with a brig, with her masts in the Schr. Thomas Jefferson, Paris, (of Now
water, and abandoned by the crow, but a York.) St. Johns, 24 hours, to the master,
number of blacks were holding by the star- Charleston pilot boat Friends, 1 day from
board fore-chains and cat-head. She took Charleston. 1 passenger.
31 offthe wreck, and 10 from Ihe inside of Steam Boat Alatamalia, Harford, 27 run-
the vessel. Tho brig was about 200 tons, ning hours from Augusta, with boats Nos.
and appealed to be leaded with palm oil; 16 and —, in tow, cottdo and other mer-
Clerk’s Ollice Superior Court,
T O Suitors, Jurorsntul Witnesses—The
Honorable the Superior Court foj
Chatham County Mny Term, will com
mence its sittings THIS DAY,23d instant,
of which all concerned will take due notice.
A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.
May 23 45
T HE subscribers, commissioners appoint
ed by the Governor of the Coiiiii or*
wealth of Pennsylvania, to superintend'lc
drawing ot the Union Canal Lottery, toll
Class, New Series, do hereby certify tint
the following were the numbers which were
this day druwn, viz :
46, 23, 10, 22, 40, 16, 24, 4P,
and that the said numbers were draw; i»
the order in which they stand above* th*
is to say. No. 46 was the first that
lrawn : No. 23 was the set owl; N”.
was the third ; No. 22 was tho fourth; ' l '
10 was the fifth; No. 16 was tlie sixth;
No. 24 was tbo seventh ; and No. 4u
the eighth and last.
Witness our hands at ihe city of Pluto*
_ lphin, this eleventh diiv of Muy,
thousand eight hundred and twenty-nvu*
Attest—John Roberts, See’ry.
Tim holders of 10, 14,22,* prize
and of tho tickets having on them ^t>s- —
and 40, mid 22 nnd 24, prizes of $a0. » re
reqnested to call nnd receive the cash.
May 21 Georgian Oliicf-
Sheriff's sales—Continued
On thefirst Tuesday in June next,
11S71I.I. he to!d before the Court House in
m the City 'of Savannah, between the n
IU.I hour, of ..le.
All that tract ot parcel of land, containing
S67 acres more nr leu, with 100 acrea ot
Marsh I-and, called Okeland, situate, lying
and being in T.ittle Ogechre 1) atrict, in th”
Co'irty of Chatham, bounded nonh by lands
of Fleming Akin, on the esc bv lands of D>
Parker, on the south by lands of the late F.
Walburger, and on the writ by a nonhess'
branch of little Ogerbee River, together with
all and lingular, the edifice., imorovemenia
and appurtenances, levied on under a fi fa or.
foreclosure rs the property ef George L
Cope, in tmvor of John M'Nith, Peter Mitch,
ell, sod Robert Mitchell.
Half Lot and Building, No. 4, Ewiniburg,
Oglethorpe Ward, in the city of Savannah,
the uneapired lease of said half Lot for three
years from January tut, levied on as the pro
perty of Robert Lewis, to ratify an execi-
tjon from a Justices Court in furor of J k I
Prendergasi, return.d to me by a c. ratable
Sold at the risk of the former purchaser.
May 23 si
Coffee, l'o.k, Beef, Flour, ^
C. C. Gtisviolii & Co-
OU 25 bids Mess Pork, City Inspect 10 -
20 do Prime Buef, do »o
20 Half Barrels Canal Flour
100 Kegs White Lead
22 do Black Paint
5 do Spanish Brown
10 Barrels Whiting
May 20
K % BAGS Prime Green Coffee, lan«
OJL from brig Panthea, which «■
sold low if taken from the
May ll Anciaux’s Whsr^
Muscovado Sugars.
May ti 611 "’ jB,t rCALVIN BAKEB