Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 24, 1825, Image 2
mm aaoato&dMiti Anti non aoaikit Potsotli—A correa- pendent of Uio London Literary Gazctto, alluding to the uumcrous eases of death from accidental poisonings, and particular' ■Ya.fcW.ttOBBBTSOlf, •oaMSHcns or Tiir. laws or Tur. union. |y to,the melancholy fate of the late royal ' *' **, " 1 ■ • ■" —' Academician, Mr. Owen, adds:—“I m - — sight j vonluro t0 affirm, there isacarce even a cot- leresting for a considerable number of' as high as 40 cents: We hope another week will determine this matter. Arrived since our last, ftturi Tenessne and Alabama, 3f!09 balrB; Louisiana and Mississippi 1070, Mobilo 670, across the Lake ‘276 •, in all £918 bales. Cleared in the eume time, for Liv 4 For New-York, DAILY PAPER, : COUNTRY PAPER, : : riVE 1)01.1. ARSt sliouMTOftti it necessary to enquito of my CoMm.nU Itsroar.—-A Coroner’s In- character you can do so of I)r. Win. Ter- quest was held inthiscity on Saturday last, rell, Jolin Lucas, Edward B. Brooking,, on the body of Win. Donai.d, a seaman be- John Abercrombie, or MM. Joel Crawford, longing to the Hr.brig Traveller, found dead WM. GREEN MACON, in the river—verdit of the jury, accidental asms dimming- __ ^ ^ The London Morning Chroiiiolo has the An Inquest was, also, hold on Sunday, erpool 4665 bales, Havre 676, N. York 563, freight or passage, apply 'to^hrm 1 '’ ^ lna y following editorial paragraph, which is ini On the bndv of n colored woman belonging Boston 63; together 5326 ; iucrcase in stock board, at Williamson’s Wharf an cr 1 ... *— e— —1.1.. ..•‘per- to Low, Wallace Sc Co. found dead—ver- this week 59'2 bales. COHEN , „ 1 a:-. „l-,l.„ : a a > .1- . i i I him,,.:.. i» The brig S A R A II, Will meet with despatch^ • 1.... i- >i,i.« n >,i,irii whleh ,lons not con'ain an soiiB in this country:— . ' diet of the jury—Me came to her (hath by the Arrived since I at Oct. last, 103,323 bales a tage in this country which does not con am an .. Wo ca „ 8latc } hat , ll0 difficulties Ih the visitation of GW. WM. GILBERT, Arrived in same time last sea May 64 invaluable, certain, and immediate remedy wa y 0 p an arrangement of tbe Catholic for auch events, which is nothing more than Question sre now nearly surmounted, .and TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 24, leva. » dcaert spoonful of made mustard, mixed ‘^^ent!tinfactor"y*tq 1 "*I?'p in a tumbler glass of warm water, and drank w hole amount of the allowance to thp Cotli- Tho Deaths in Augusta ih the month of immediately i it acta as an instantaneous olic Clergy is not to exceod £230,0^0. Tho April, were 3 white females, one of is and one of 36 years of sge—and 3 blacks, one of which was still born. Alabama Crum.—Tho Alabama and Tmnbcckbee rivora are very high. Tho atter has overdowed its banks, snd many plantations of cotton areunder water. Tho Mobile Register states that in the upper part of the state, the early plantings of cot ton have' been very seriously injured by cold weather, and in the middle countiea they have suffered considerable injury. A second planting has very generally been found necessary, and it is fcafed there will be a deficiency of seed, which has risen in many sections of the state to ono and two dollars s bushel. The prospect of the crops are at present very unpromising. We published the anecdote to which the following good natured article alludes, some time since. The poor man was considered to refer to the constitutional charter of our Liberties. But this must be an error— Jack, if ever he imagined any thing in Sa vannah, must have referred by the Consti tution to *• Old Iron Sides,” who never yet failed to express her meaning on all pro per occasions, and who though suffering considerably from attacks more violent than those on the Constitution here referred to, generally managed to hold tier own, and re turn tbe compliment with interest The London Literary Gazette contains an account of a sailor in Savannah, who ima- g im’d.himself to bo the Constitution of the nitml State*. Tho poor man’s fancy had ceyminly placed him in rather an unplea sant predicament. How much bodily suf fering bo must have undergone since he wont into operation in IOTA, by the various amendments which* have been applied to him. and by construction whore he could not fully explain his owrt meaning,none but himself could describe.—Rockingham Gas. Mom Last Words.—Another friend of Lord Byron, Capt. Parry, proposes to pub lish a work, the title of which will be “ The laet days of Lord Byron.”. If Capt. Parry is really a friend of the deceased poet, we hope he will prove it by a publication differ ent from those of the other friends of Lord B. Dallas and Modwin 1 Such friends are infinitely more injurious than enemies; there is but ono satisfaction to be derived by the Coroner, Chatham County, i son urns scMrar. Arrived in same time Beason before. Exported since 1st October •— .*• -r* .SSStJSff, tH£rsSS&£: with safety in any case where one is rcquir this arrangement it is undentood the - lqst ed. arrangement .. By a mistake, where a gentleman took Catholic Clergy will be satisfied. It is not a full ounce of poison instead of salts, the intended to interfere in tbe slidtest dc- . . . , , , grec with the independence of thf Callio- casterawere fortunately at hand, and no f 10 Churc | li „ no interference [whatever doubt an invaluable life was preserved to j with I he nominations is contcmptitcd, tho his family by giving tho mustard directly.— ,oll 'y stipulation being that they ie dumes- from their flecks shall no longerle under stood as obligatory on the part of [he latter. It appears, from the evidence (efore the By making this simple antidote known, you may bo the meanB of saving many a fellow creature from an untimely end.” Tho select men of Charlostown have of fered a reward of one hundred dollars to any person who will make known to them the person who has broken and destroyed the monument erected by the King William Lodge, on the heights of Bunker Hill, to the memory of the Revolutionary General Warren. A young lady by the name of Preble, at Woolwich, Me. in full health, fell dead at the foot of her brothel's bed, while he, then in.his last moments, was addressing her.— They were both buried iivthe same grave. The British Cutter Nimble, from Lon don, with the second instalment of the Greek loan, has arrived at Napoli di Ronm- ni. . The money contributed in this coun try for the Greeks,was forwarded from Lon don by this vessel, and has safely reached its destination. Advertisement Extraordinary.—The following singular advertisement appears in a Ncw-Orleans paper. In Paris it is usual to employ the handsomest females as Bar-Kt epers:— “ Wanted—Two handsome Ladies, to assist in two Bar-Rooms, and to whom libe ral wages will be given. Beauties from New-York, Charleston, or Savannah would be preferred. Due attention will be paid to applicants a No. 61, Camp-street.” April 30. Sparta, 12th Mav 1895.—Governor Troup.—Sir—Perhaps it would be better for me to hold my peace on the subject, that 1 aril about to address, you-ua, but whon I see an innocent man as 1 take you to be, as sailed as you have been in the last Georgia Patriot, 1 thing it criininul to bold my peace any longer; and although I shall nut ac cuse any person, yet I wdl relate a conver sation that took place between tbe Indian Agent, Col Crowell and myself, and let the people of Georgia judge which has departed real friends of the deceased, that the works j from their duty you or him. You sir will recollect the difficulty that happened be of his commentators will be forgotten, when his own will live in the freshness of their fame f IONA:. Flags for Pilots.—The Con sul i,literal from Austria has communicat ed to the Department of State, that a flag: made, and on the day that the Litllo Prince with three stripes, red, white and red, sur-, “"j 1 two other chiefs met at Thomas Crow- , . . . 1 ell’s to consult, as I understood, on the cir- rounded by a yclkiw border; arms in roe cum8tance of Geu. M’lntosh’s refusing to centre ; crown on the upper red stripe ; to' deliver Stinson to a guard that had beon be displayed on the foremast, will be used I ordered out by tbe Agent, and bad that day ’ . returned to Fort Mitchell without hun, at- tween Col. Crowell, Chilly M’lntosh and Stinson in July, August and September, 1823, concerning sumu goods of the two latter that was seized by the Agent, and carried to Thos. Crowell’s, at Fort Mitch ell. on the ChuUaliuochie. \ wus at T. Crowell’s a few days after'the seizure was Select Committee, on Irish disturbances that in several parts of the country, the ex action of fees by the Catholic Clergy lias led to deeds of violence.” Boston, May 7.—Bunker Hill Monu ment.—Since (lie death of his Excellency Gov. Bruoks. who was President ol Ihe Bun ker Hill Monument Association, the lien. Daniel Webster, has beon elected as Ms successor. No plan bus yet bceD de termined upon as to the form of tile Monu ment ; the committee on that subject are divided in opinion. Of the numerous plans sent to the association by different artists, there are about 16 elevations f columns, an obelisk but no pyramids. The objection to a column with a figure upon it, it, i that at the elevation of 220 feet, the design of the artist cannot be ascertained, siuce nei ther tho feature nor the form of a statue at that height can be distinguished. Be sides a column standing by itself ou the ground is opposed to tile architecture and supposition tholslructuers arc intended to support weight. They are to bo viewed as forming part of a building, nnd not as sepa rate and distinct objects. Those who main tain these opinions, prefora simple gemfle- tricnl form like an obelisk or a pyramid. On theelevatinn of columns tve haveseen i hat which has the most simpio grandeur, is a fluted doric column without a base, ri sing from the ground and surmounted by a common capital. Trajan’s column, also possesses great beauty of proportion. Toe question will be determined in tile Bourse u! a few dnys. Tlie Corner Stone oftlio Monument will he laid on tho I7tli of June, the 50th Anni versary oftlio Battle, by the President of lie Association assisted by Gen. Lafav- ttf. and the M. W. Grand Master of the Freemasons. An oration by Mr Webster will he delivered on theoccusion. after which here will be a dinner upon the ground, cal culated for several thousand persons. Extract of a letter dated Liverpool, 3tst March, 1825. received per packet ship Wm. Thompson.—“ Since last I addressed you, the workmen throughout the Potteries have struck for higher wages, and also a regula tion in the sizes. The large siz- s, which have of late been made, have been ruinous to both master and tpe workmen who insist on the sizes being reduced to the exact standard they were formerly, and to which every manufacturer will bo compelled to adhere. Tho present size of London cups is quite as large as Irish cups were former ly, and will ho hereafter reduced to tho for mer standard. Six chambers at present are as large as four will be, and every other article in like proportion* Tho regulation takes effect ill a week, and a very great de duction in ihe discounts, owing to the great advance of materials and wages.” by Austrian vessels as a signal for pilots. Tbe minister from Denmark, also, has informed the Department, that a red flag, quartered on a white field, will be display ed on either mast, where it may be best seen, of Danish ships, as a signal for pilots. Barbarism.—The Bellows Falls (Vt.) Intelligencer, says that a number of indivi duals in New-IIampsliire, have associated themselves for the purpose of plundering float limber from t he Connecticut river, and have agreed to defend each other in the possession of their plunder under the Club Law. Mexico—In a report ofthe Mexican Se cretary of Slate, on the Foreign Relations of that uuntry, it is stated that the Mexi- cniWMiiWter to England was authorised to institute negotiations with all the European powers, not excepting Spain : and although tlie questions agitated have not been defi nitively settled, they are in favorable pro gress. A play in five acts, called the American Hussar, lias been written by a citizen of Providence. Tlie sceno lies in Rhode Is land. It is to bo offered for performance at the Providence Theatre. 1 —— A gentleman of Boston, has presented to the University at Cambridge, a most valua ble collection of 4U0 models of olirystsis, made in Pans for that distinguished miner alogist Count Bournon. ter tlie consultation over, and they gene, Bradford Crmvell told me that ho had heard it reported that Gen. M’lntosh, hud ordered Chiliy M’lntosh to collect a force, and rescue the goods out of the possession of the Agent, I had a lame horse and had been detained there Hourly two days; but as soon as my horse was a- ble to travel! at all, and long before lie was able to carry me wel, I left tiiere and when I arrived at the Agency,I stopped from early in one day uutil alter breakfast the next.— And while I related iny disagreeable situa tion at his brothers in consequence of the apparent difficulty between him, the agent, and M’lntosh about tho seizure of the goods the agent frequently expressed himself in the harshest terms against Gen. M’lntosh. and swore with bil tor oaths that lie was a scoundrel, that lie ought to be put to death, and that his cup was nearly full, and d—u him whun it got full he would have revengo on him, that lie really wished lie might at tempt to rescue the goods or commit any violence whatever, tiiat it would be a good opportunity for him and that lie would then stop him, and Bhew him his measure was full; that M’lntosh wsb urged on by D, H Mitchell, end if an opportunity offered lie would put it out of his power tu have such instruments to influence him. This was a part of a conversation that lasted tlie grea ter part ofthe time I staid, and such expres sions as I have related were often mode use ofby the agent, and many of the same kind by the assistant agent H. Crowell, one of which I will relate While talking on the subject of Stinsons establishing a store at Fort Mitchell ho observed that the people must be d—n fools to think that they, the Crowells, caino there for any thing else than to make money, money was’their object and their would have it—that Col. Hawkins bad the greatest opportunity in the world to get rich ; but he treated the Indiana like children. Whenever a itipend was sent tu the Indians, Hawkins always paid them in money; they did not do so for their greatest want waj homespuns, and that Tho Cincinnati Emporium states, that at lbc y »lwaya paid them in hnmcBpuns, the woolen manufactory in that city, there ani , P ut ‘. be niono y in their pockets. In , , . , . •• „ s re making tins communication I have no ends is a model of a machine for excavating the to answer but justice, for ’I am personally earth for the formation of canals, t(ie inven- frlen( % ' vi ‘ b L’ol. Crowell and hia brother, tion of Mr. French, practical engineer. It muMcXT^^tfl-^r^S^reM excavate*, elevates and places the earth on you may think proper, the aide ofthe canal, in any given distance * am » ,:r yourodedient servant, from Ita margin. i T S As I ain'lfn • 6 I r. a. As I am an entire etrangor :o you last, Exported in samo time season. Exported in same time season before, SAVAim-jg, MAY Ri, 1888. DOMESTIC ARTICLES. CoiUm-V- Led. plain 57 * 8; fair to good, Stock on hand to-day, indu- :3 a -6 ;'8e» Island, 60 » 80 J I ding all on shipboard not Rice - g3 a 4. ( cleared, M'mr-PlilWpl k Baltimore, Richmond, : Stopk on | lsnd 8ame timn | aat aud Al;s*ndrla, lupeiflne, £J to JJ BPneon> Co re—J4 cents pi b-ialiel Oats—28 do do Peat—JO do do Huy -Prone Northern, 90 to gt, 1st quality. 117,083 124,319 129,280 90,812 104,325 35.344 season, 29,140 Stock on hand same time sea son before. 31,944 Cotton Bagging.—With other specula' For New-York, The fast sailing packet PACIFIC, ^ s - DMrow, Matter, . _ Will meet with despatch n freight or passage, having good ac „ m ‘ C| datum,, apply to Capt. D. 0 „ CTu Jones’ Wharf, or to % COHEN ii MILLED S2p M Mav 24 H'Zitktr-Penns-. Ivinis, Wa' Vcenti per gal tinna - has >*> generally held Artt.fngfontl Hum—40 do do |nt our rates, and by some a shade over. AorM in Gin—34 a 36 do do | Exchange—On London, 7J a 7J per cent. Tobacco K ntiicky, Georgia, Sic. Si a 6 ' prom, steady ; on Frauce, Sf. 17Jc. many uTmc ured do 8 • 14. Ta/.'ow—10 ecus Pork— A!es*, £16 ; Prime, 12. yWwcA’.jrc/—No’ 1, , No. 54 / No. 3, 4.74 . Bacon n 84, plenty. t. inl -Yi to 1.7 hutter—JO a ?4 dull; Northern, inf. 8 • 12. Cheese—5 :i 7 cent*. Sonp—-Yellow, 4 a 9 cents Candles- N irthern, moul I ttllow, 124: Geor g , 16; Snernrtf 3d a 40 U.nestles. — PlAf-lu, 17 to . 0\ St*ipe«, 17 tr 19: 4 hecks, 16 to 18; 4-4 do. 20 10 22.* B 0 icking, 30 tr 35; | Shirting, 12 to 14 <K 7*8, 9 to 15; '‘hutting, 4 4,16 to\8 . Bleached good 14 to 2 cents per yard, on the above nricr3 FOREIGN PRODUCTIONS. Bagging—Dundee snd Inverness 42 inch 8 u .9 ^ Oznabnrghs—\t • a3. Cognac Brandy—VS a 140 ct9 per gal. ac- d •»!? t • nn is. Holland Gtii—9* a 95, do. do. /ren—Swedes. 105 a 10 per ton • English do 105 ullu do ; American do; 100hT05 ; Sh et pa. CW1. 10 A 12. Salt ~LWrpool, cnarsr, in bulk. 60 Sugar—Havana white. $i ( 2 u 13; H;own,94 none in marke'; Ruse »v.*.d«, 10 7 8 a li 4 do ; 9t,CroiSt ptiuie.l 1 a 124, J New-Or* lea it. 104, d< ; It fined I.-.ui^ 18 21, did! gr e», 2.; St. D mingo, tun good tu gree 17 a ' 8 Bt/ion Tea—IQ* n 110cents per lb. ?ium—Jamaica. 90a 100ccn s, dull; West In* ••in, 65, nothin d. Molasses— West India 34.314. none in mar- k ‘ ; Nf«wOrlr*pns, ..8 >1 40 /J ishTfry Goods.—tio h 60 per cent adv»u?e. O rchery. U * 30 per 1 erh. do Lnidon Border—£3 00' 3 50, per dozen. STO KH. United States B nk —S lies. takers. Freights—dull.—To Liverpool, for Cot ton per lb. in Am. vos. 2 a jd stf?. s do in British do § n j|d; France, do IJ cents. Northern ports in tho U. 8. for Cotton per lb. J a 14 cent. Mobile, May 10.—Cotton.—The market slill continues very inactive.—A few par cels were sold last week, at 23 and 24 cents. There is so little doing however that any quotations are but. nominal. Purchasers are backward in coming into mnrket, unless at a considerable reduction from the late high prices, which seem to be considered higher than foreign markets will justify. Stiles ctinnef be effected within nboutilcenta of the prices ten or twelve days ago. FORT OF SAVANNAH. ARRIVED, Siiip Augusts. Whits, New York, 10 days, to Hall & Hoyt, owners, and others. Sloop Good Intent, Allen, 3 days from Darien, with 277 bales cotton, to T. Butler & co. E. Bliss, B. VV. Delamatcr, G..B. La mar. Cuimniug Si Gwathmc-y, and Hull Si Hoyt, and Rice, to P. Hill. -Sloop Rosetta, Vernard, from Clifton Mill, with Rice, to Jno. P. Williamson, R. Habersham, and Bulloch & Dunwoody. Steam Boat Eouth-Carolina, Augusta, 4 dnys. with 500 bales Cotton for Charleston Tlie S. C. was detained 30 hours for wood, the freshet having carried it away from ma r.y parts of the river. SAILED, Ship Louisa, Hopkins, Liverpool. > Ship Rising States, Pearce, Providence. From IIalif.ix—Papers from Halifax to the 4th inst. says, that when tho intelligence was received there from England, oftlio in tention of the British Government to mo ilify ihe restrictions on the colonial trade. .. the Providence Building and Exchange Cof- °t these Lhiets was |- ee House were brilliantly illuminated, in testimony of the satisfaction of tlie inliabi- habitants. Specie to tho amount of 4209.- 000, for British Gnvorninent hills, lnto|y sold in New-York, hud arrived, nt Halifax. A prospectus is published in the Halifax papers, ofa Quebec and Halifax Steam Navigation Company, formed in London, the affairs of which are to bo conducted by agents resi ding in Quebec and Halifax. A company has also been formod in London, to buy np ail the Crown Lands in Nova Scotia, and promote tho settlement of them. It was in tended to revive the whale fishery fromHal ifajt. That plnce had formerly 22 vessels engaged in this fishery. Fish were Intely so .arre at St. Johns, N. F. that some Bri l isli vessels, tiiat went there for cargoes, could not obtain them. [.V. V. Bv. Post, 12tA instant. SELECTED. THE CHAMBER OF PSYCHE. Tread tmftly through the amorous rooms! For every bough is hung with life, And kisses in harmonious strife Unloose their; 1mrp and wing’d perfumes. From Afric ami the Persian looms The carpet’s silken leaves have sprung, And Heaven ill its blue bounty flung Tlieso starry flowers and azure bloomB! Tread softly!—By a creature fair The Deity of love reposes : His red lips open, like the roses Which round his byacintliine hair Hang Ml crimson coronals ; And passion fills tho arched halls, And Beauty floats-upon tbe air! Tread softly, softly,—like the foot Of Winter, shod with fleecy snow, Who cometh white, and cold, and mute, Lest lie should wake tlie Spring below. Oh! look ! for here lie Love and Youth, Fair spirits of the heart and mind; Alas! that one should stray from truth, And one be ever, ever blind! Here lie they, like lost pleasures flung From Eden’s rich and grassy bowers, Nourish’d bnth by breath of flowers Once, and still divine and ynung : Sure somewhere a green home must be, Though paradise and faith have flown. Where these two yet may slumber ou, Sweet friends, into eternHy I Hank of ihe hate of Ce.rgia—67 t 90 for 100 „,’' d ?„ , ,, r ■, • Passengers in the ship Rising States, f p ,n - Pearce, ff,r Providence :-Mrs. losworth, ream ha, omp ,,y-137} ■ 140 Mrs.Tefft and 2 children, Miss Bosworth, Marine end bur lntu Cimpuny-t* a 30. 't™ Misses Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, N H Ui k • G j t .. payaole j„: Messrs., Andrews, Church, Dunn, •avHiinab, Planters'Aa it. am'* Bank ot* <u Deane, Branch, and others. ! The brig Panthen, got to sea yesterday morning. The ships Rising States, and Lmiisn, remained at anchor below last evening. A ship was reported below last night. O N Fire Buckets. Saturday, the 2Rth inst. a person will attend at the house in Oglethorpe Square, from ten, A. M. until one, P. M. for the purpose of delivering the buckets of individuals in possession ofthe Fire-Engine Company, to their owners. Id* A list of these is put up in the Ex change for public information. May 24 62 stsJ, notes, received at U S Batkin depos- te and in payme t for bo : s EXCHANGE. On England—5 s 6 cent prem nominal* F ance—S 15*5 '0--nominal. Bos on— (tOchys, | * 1 ; sight, 1 p-em* ./V lo'k, 60 days l disci.; f ig t, 4 prem. Ph lntlelphia, do. do. Baltimore, do- do. Da-.en Bank Notes I a 6 'I s. Char'esto ,8iglit 4 a 1 , r nt, A. Carolina S Bunk Aoteo Ir "4 ds. Cape Fear and J\ exo e n io 5 dr FREIGHTS. To England Id a 1 1 8d* F tiwe, •lomhiA!—*un vessels in port. ./Vcw York*~$ ol. REMARKS. COTTON.—We have little to remark relative to our great staple, dm in;;- the last j week. The transactions in Uplands have 4 „ . , been very moderate. A disposition has ex- rplIL Proprietors of hese Sprmm have isted to purchase at lower rates than those , A ll,e plL“ s " re tu ‘ n . ,orm P ubhc - tl,at at which the article is I,eld; but holders ,m ‘ dL ' » c f ral improvements since have been firm and have shown little dis- J . * a6t 8eason » they are enubled to enter- position to come down. The tow Iran- t«m »s many pereous as any establishment suctions which have taken plurc, have 111 t lL States. Columbia Hall is been at. from 24 to 27 cents. From 24 to fined up with new furniture, in a style e 28 cents, we are informed, may be consid- J ua . to ’J 1 , 0 » c eommodat|pns ot at y ether ered a fair quotation, which we have adop-1 lashionable retreat m the country^ trd. The stock nn hand is estimated ati New Lebanon Springs have been long from 15 to 20 000 baleB. | celebrated tor their medical virtues, and Sea-Islnnds bavo not materially varied;' 1 ' 11 ™ a fashionable resort for many —thoy are sold at from GO to 80; and we! y ,ara - Tlie building, are hut.dsomely sit- underslnnd some is held as high as 115. , “ ale ‘|- tlle roo "' s large and airy, commuud- FLOUR—Little bus been done in this:"’!? finfi v«w 8 « beautiful country of article. Some sales wore made yesterdav Giouutain and vuiley, celebrated tor punty at si. We quote it dull at <«5} a 5j. A ol atmosphere, lor rich surrounding cenery lot was offered yesterday at on time, j am] affording the purest waters lor bathing, but refuged. COLUMBIA HALL, F r fcVj-laetoanon Seringa. Also, aevc^a^other'"co'nven!en^fiw , ' , ' Stores in said Buildincs fi "' proo! JhA .. Al ™‘ ‘wo Dive!- Lj IISIIB. “o?“oaseson Stale tfflZ JUahk fhr;^e 0<rl ° JSIb EL.chim 0 Stred. USe Applj a tf L “' on J “-1 May 94 8 '^RKMAN. For Sale, 500 w™S Pll "' Aa, " , « 100 Barrels Prime Pork, New-Yirf City Inspection ■ 100 Barrels lfultimnrn SuperfineHn, nrd'Streol Flour 20 Barrels J.insced Oil 70 Bags Prim.: Green Havana C#r* 290 Quarter Boxes Scgar, 6 Boxes No. 10. Cotton Cards Bv S. B. PAKKMAS, „ Hunter’s Wlmtf. May 24 Sugar and Molasses. XA HOGSHEADS, 10 Tierces sin} 07 ! •Jvf Barrels Molasses 37 Barrels Sugur, just m^ved and fot ' sale by J. B. II fclRBRUT A CO. May 24 Lost, O N Saturday, between the Planter's Bonk and Ryerson’s. Drug Store, i POCKET BOOK, containing jjB2, consist ing of three 10*8 North Carolina, one of which had a corner torn off, and the bil* ance in 2(P«, 10*8, and o's, State and Elite ter 1 Bank Notes. The finder will ie re warded by leaving it at this office. May 24 52u CANAL LOTTERY 17th Class—New Series. * W ILL be drawn ' on the 6th of Julf next, and finished in a few minutes. Sixty Numbers—Eight Ballots to be Drawn. Scknw. I Prize of 50,000 DulLniijt*lfl» IWA. 10006* 10.1)00 47.0. 10,000. is.wo, i.'OO, 24*3 106,180 1 20 000 1 to t oo 2' 5,00 1 4720 20 1,01.0 30 500 52 100 156 SO 1248 20 10,608 10 12.120 Prizes, J , , C 27.160 Blanks, J H220 Tickets. J 8 773.760 34.2 ;o Tickets at £8, S527..,7ff A now and convenient Bath-House has been built during tlie past year, containing twenty rooms for warm and cold bathing, and having a covered way to the Hall for the benefit of persons in delicate health. Tlie proprietors assure those who may nmrpo-mc menu . . : visit New-Lebanon for health or pleasure, DOMESTIC GOODS—-There has been . t | |at no p a j na 5 | la || p e spared to afford them no alteration in Domestics since our last,the thc bc6t accn mmodations. Tl;e Ballston prices and demand remaining about tho | an j g ara t 0 ga Waters will be kept constant ly for the use of Boarders, RICE—Continues very dull. We con tinue it the same ns last week. The quo tation may he considered nominal. CORN.—Is selling readily at 54 afloat, in store it is held for more. In this Scheme with eight dr.wo bills, I there will be 55 prises with three, mindw.ia j them, 1445 with two numten on iliem ui I 10,608. with one number on them T'.i: I t-ckets having none of tbe dravn buikioi them being liisoks J o determ he tbe fate of .11 tiir tidchil thc above lottery 60 numheis, fiom mru sixty inclusive, will sevei all;, be jilsced i« I wheel ou thc uay of drawing, and eight i then) will be drawn, and that ticket litvnjioi I ,t aa a combination, tlie 1st,2d ami third US’ I aera drawn, will bf entitled l” Y5d.0U0 I That having on it the 6th, 7lh a,id &I be entitled to g 0,000. That hating nr, il theilh, 5th Si d6't,*1 I be entitl«lt > glO uOO Thus-.havisg on iliem the 3d, 4-hand >0 an l 3d, 7th and 8tli, gj (wo That having no it tlie 2d, 3d arid 4th i» be entitled lo 4,770. ( Those 20 having on them the 2d ( 5th snd 81 It 2 1,6th and fth , ’d. 6 h ami 8*li 2d. 7th and Bil 3d 4<b anil 6tf 3d, 4th and 7li, 3d, 4th and 8.1: same. BAGGING.—We have heard of noi | The Springs are situated oh the Boston transactions in this srticlo, and it remains j Road, twenty-five miles from Albany, and dull. It is held from 28 to 32 cents, but a twenty-eight from the city of Hudson.— sale, probably, could not be effected over 27 Tlie roads in every direction are in exccl- cts. About 1000 pioces have been shipped for New-Orleans. COFFEE.—25 bags cf prime Green Cof fee was sold last week at Auction,at 21 c. at four months. OOXOUXBROIAL. New-Orleans, April 30 —Cotton—With the exception of a few thousand. bales changing owners on this day week, at near uur quotations, which were taken up by the knowing ones, there have been but few ■ales ol any importance, until Thursday, wM D J® 00 balei of Tencssee and Alabama were disposed pf at from 24, 26, 28, to 30 Cents per lb.; since which wa have heard of but little doing.. We have thought it prudent to omit giving quotations in figures for that of Louisiana, Mississippi and Mo bile, ih consequence of holders refusing to sell, and understand they are waiting for further accounts from Liverpool; when they expect to hear of apother advance in this article. fb a ere are but few now who do not expect to obtain at' least 35 cents for choicG Loujsiaua and Missutfppi, and some lent order, and pass through a beautiful country. ANTHONY KERR, HENRY HULL. IE? The National Gazette, Philadelphia; the Courier, Charleston; the Georgian, Savannah; and the Patriot, Boston, will please to publish the above daily for one month, and Bend their bills to tho office of the New-York American. Mav 24 52rr. London B. S. Poi ter, F OR Sale by WM. CROTHER8, Hunter's Buildings. Mny 23 6 ’p Notice. A REGULAR MEETING of tho Com- tnuwioners of Public Roads of Chat ham County, will take piano at the Court- House in Savannah, on MONDAY, tbe thirtieth day of May, instant. By order of Thomas Young, Chairman, „ BOND, Secretary 10 40ra 3d, 5th am! 6-h kill,6thlid76 “ ' ‘ " - ‘ dtlifthwilM ib,7*l, «Jf{ th.6thand 7 b 5th.6tb audfi’jl 5ib,7tb »«>«' D each j&'W. three 3d, 5th and 7th 3d, 5>h and 8 h 3d. 6th and 7th 3d.6'h tnc 8ll: 4.U.5 hand 7‘h 4th,5th and 8th All ethos, (being 30 tickets) of the drawn numbers on them will t 10 * 1 * entitled to 0500. . I The 52 tickets having on th RitwoofU drawn numbers and those two, the 3d»w 4tii, will«*eb he entitled to gldO. . The 156 tickets having on ihe m "[7® and 5th or 4lb snd 6t >, or 4ib *>id 7th * numbers only, will each be entitled ts All others (being 1248 tickets) bavtng of ’he drawn numbers on them, will ciUl entitled to g20. , And those tiaving on them any sni JJ d awn numbers, (bt : ng 10,608 tickets,or for each drawn number,) will each tied to glO. •„ No ticket which shsll have drawn • P of a superior denomination can be an inferior prirs. Piiaes payable thirty after the drawing, and subject, M urt deduction ol 15 per cent* . ut A considerable portion cf this lottwry »r up in parcels of 20 tickets, embracing^ combination numbers, from °je 1 j- which parcel, are warranted to ditw « ^ g90, less the deduction off J per croti ■o many cliances for ’he capital prize*. J, B. YATES, J jfjnggetz- A.M’INTYr.E,n“ H Philadelphia, May II, 1825- TICKETS AT PRESENT : » ! P Orders received and forwarded aUb* LUTliEKS exchange office. I May *4