Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 27, 1825, Image 4
V TO W VMMi- sheriff’s Sales. On Ihe fit* Tuetday in June next, nr*» LLbe sold at the Court-Home in thi \}J town of Jefferson, between the hour; of ten o'clock In the morning, end four o’clk. in tv afternoon, one undivided moiety, of the following property, vie « A tract of land eituate on the aouth aide of Setille River, containing five hundred acre!, more or leas, two hundred end fifty acres of which ia under cultivation, end bounded east by lands of Mrs F M. Ojborne. aouth by lands of ~ Habersham, west by lands of John. Mon, northwardly by SaUlla River, together with all the buildings and plantation tools thereto belonging. Also, fiflv ot silty head of cattle, thirty sheep, two flits, one boat, end the following negro slaves, to wit, George, Lucy, Alaiiba, March, Charlotte, Georgette-, Peggy, Cassius, Blleck, Pendsndy, Floret, Harriet, Sam, Hen ry, Friday, Simon Bilhesty, Louisa, Susan, Drueetta, Helly, Pattey, Nancy, Marcus, My ra, James, Toney, Helen, Romulus) lanette. Seemly, Abbev, Ben, P ovideneo, Monsntt, D -lia, Cyrus, Rig Jack, Amelia, Juliet, Pale- mar, Philip, Luoinda, Altamont, Lau-a, Long Jim, Rose, Little Jim, Little Jack, Smart, Phebe, Billy, Nat, Damor, Driver Jim, Maria. Lavinia, Cleopat.ia, Canadi, Dorcas, Tcnah Luke, Sally, Paulina, Calista, Roxana, Scipto. Cain, NaneV Cane, Frederick, Job, Bora, Pin aab, Deck, Pompey, Patty, Diana, Columbu Bob, Liaaa,Andrew, Nanny, Matthew, London, Little Pendah, Prince, Ceatar, Phillis, Little Jack,Fanny, Daniel,Caster, Ned, Little George, Solomon, Gambay, Kate, Pricilla, Adam, and Mary, being one hundred in number, levied on and to be told to latiafy an execution against John King and Weavale Jones, in fa vor of Jacb R. Volk- Abo, one house and lot, aituate, lying and being, in the town of St. Marys, being part ol lot number one, containing one hundred feet In front and four hundred and thirty!!! feet deep, levied on and to be sold aa the property of John B, Christopher, to satisfy an execu tion on foreclosure of mortgage, in favor of William Bertie, under the rule absolute. M. H. HEBBAUD, S. S. C April 23d. 18.5. Anvil 28 3*1 TOW SAM* Sheriff’s Sales. On the firtt Tuesday in July next, W II I, On .old a' th-i Court House in the City of S.tvannah, betweeu the hours often and four o'elnck, All the buildings and improvement! on Lot No 40, Warred ward, with the umpired least of said Lot of Land, levied on aa the properly ofChalesH IHyden, under alia.fa on fore closure in favor of Frederick W Heinemann. A. D'LVON, D. S, C. C. Sheriff’s Sale. On the fir it Tuesday in June next, tyUii.L be aoid in front of ibe Court- f House, in the city of Savannah, between the usual iioura of ten and fnur o’clock, Lot and buildings No "5, Brown ward, le vied on under two executions against C H Hay den, in favor of Frederick W. Heinemann, and in favor i f R Ik J Habersham- Two Lota of land, situate from the corner of East Broad-at. on the Thunderbolt Buad. on the adj dning corner, levied on as the pro perty of C H Hayden, to satisfy an execution issuing from a Justices Court in favor of A De Laroch, returned to me by a constable. A negro man named Doctor, levied on aa the property of JoaiabJ Tippin, to satisfy two executions in favor of George W Coe, and one in favor of J B Wick. Three negroes, Titus, Betsey, and Chance, levied on aa the property of Thoa N Morel, to satisfy an execution in fxvor of the Bank of the State of Georgia. A woman named Phillia and het child Ste ? hen,levied on as the property of the eat. of A. ackaon, under an execution from Richmond Superior Court, in favor of Jonathan Sawyer, A. D’LYON. It. S. C. C May 9 <9 W-. J Sheriff’s Sales. On the firtt Tuesday in June next. aa MILL be s aid at the Court-House in the VWr City of Stvsnosh, between the hours of ten cud four o'clock, the following 16 lie groes,vix .— Sippio, Hager, Abner, Snap, March, Jerry, B.lly, Burke, Parris, Brsm, Dinah, Little Brant, Prince, Ben and Meriam, with the increas, jf the families, levied on under a foreclosure of a mortgage from Peter Timothy to William Washington for use. Two negroes, vix: Ned xnd Glasgow. Icvi- ted on a foreclosure of a mortgage from Chas. Ulmer to Joseph K roman. ISAAC D’LYON, S. C, C. »p-il 4 09 Sheriff’s Sales. O N the first Ssturdty, after the first Toes- day in June next, will ba sold at the Msrket-Houao in the town of St. Marys, two negroes, viz. Bob and Rose, levied on as the property of Joseph Rain, to satisfy an execu tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of Samuel Clarke, andGeorge S. Brown. April 8 1BJ5 M.H HEBBARD.A'.C.C. ' Anril 1 13 Sheriff’s Sales, On the first Tuesday in June next, F \& Hundred seres of Land lying io the County of Effi ighum, bounded north by Mi.’hael Hydes, east by Christian Robenhu st all other sides vacant at the time of the origin al survey. Also 150 acr^s, half of a tract ol 300 acres originally granted to Christian Ro- benhurat. Also 4 .0 seres bounded north i»v lands of Daniel Steiner, east Jno Snyder and others, at the time of original survey. Alsu, 150 act es southwardly by lands of Robenhurst, east John ar.d George Snyder, and north Bobenhutst, at the time of the orginal survey. The above lands levied on as the property ot Chr-les Tiot, to satisfy executions in favor ol Henry M’Alpin and David Gugle. THOS. ELKINS, S. E C. Mt*y 6 27 May 9 39 City Sheriff^ Sales, On the first Tuesday in June next, \TDIoLbe a Id at the Court House in the City of Savannah between the hours of ten and four o’elnck. One negro woman named Sander, levied on as the property nf John and Valeria Davis, to satisfy an exeeution from the Court of Com, mon Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the ci ty of S,varnish, Wm Bowers, vt John F G Da via guardian of Juhn and Valeria Davis, Also One negro woman named Louisa, le vied on as the property of John I Bulloch, to untisfy sundry executi ns romthe Court of Common Pleat and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Stvantiah, Wm C Bartoo and others,vs Inhnl Bulloch. Also all the buiWmgs on Lot No forty (40) Warren wa d bounded north by a Ian. tout' by Broughton street, east by Lot No thirty nine (39) and west by Lincoln street, levied nn aa the property of Olisa H Hayden, to satis fv an execution lor ground rent in favor of thi German Lutheran Church, va Chas. H. Hay den. A. I D’LYON, C S. may 9 79 Sheriff's »ales—Continued. On the first Tuesday in June next, HIT ILL be sold before the Court Home in f? the City of Savannah, between the u- 4U*I hours of s&le, All that tract or parcel of land, containing 567 acres mire or lew, with 100 acrea o r Marsh Land, called Okeland, situate, lying and b-ing in Little Ogechee District, in the County of Chatham, bounded north by land* of Fleming Akin, on the east by lauds of Di barker, on the south by land) of the late B. Walburper, and on the west by a northeast bi anch of little Ogechee River, tigether with all and singular, the edifices, improvements and appurtenances, levieu on under a fi fa on foreebsure at the property cf Gjo ge L. Cope, in favor of J din II‘Nish, Peter Mitch« e.U, and Robert Mitchell. Half Lot and Building, No. 4, Ewinsburg, Ogleth jrpe Ward, in the city of Savannah, the unexpired lease of said half Lot for three years from January last, levied on as the pro perty of Rohe, t Lewis, to satisfy an execu tion from a Jus 1 ices Court in favor of J & M Prendergast,returned to me by a c> tillable. Sold at the risk of r he former purchaser. ISAAC D’LYON, Si. C. C. May 23 52 Geoi'gia—Chatham County, In ihe Couit of Ordinary, Mav Term, 18Ji O N the petition of Henry Champion, admin istrator of John Street, deceased, praying an order Jfisi in be made absolute on his com plying witn the law, tor <he sale of a Lot of Ground, number four, [4] second Tything Reynolds Ward—Also, p.rtof a Lot, number six, Tower Tything, Decker Ward being the real estate of the snid dec, (or the benefit of the heirs and creditors s—It is ordered, that u notice be published nine months, in one of < he Public Gasetts of the City of Savannah, requiring ail persons interested, to show came if any they have, why the prayer of the peti doner should not be granted. S M. BOND, c r. o. t»sv 14 A : Administrator’s Sale. On Ihe first Tuesday in July next, B ETWEEN the usual hours, will be sold at the Court-House in Bryan County, the following described property, being pait of lbs estate of Matthew Carter, dee. and aold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, sod by an order of the Court ol Ordinary of Mid county, vix: 950 acrea of land in Gvinnelt County, known as Lot No 363, in the 7iti District. 250 acrea in Early County, known ai Lot No 174, in the 20th lliitrict 200 sure* Land, in Effingham County, Alio, two ilavea. Conditauna of isle m -d i known on the day. ELIZABETH CARTER, Adm’rx. An-v 2-' OOfr,* Administrators notice. A LL persons having demands against John Street, late of Chatham County, ' dhceased, are requested to hand them in, within the time prescribed by law, duly at tested, and those indebted are requested to make immediate payment to HENRY CHAMPION, Qualified Executor. May £ 36ef J. StHlNN’ti fANAUiA T HE subscriber having discovered the com. position of SWAIM'S CELEBRATED PANACEA, h»s now s supply o'* hnd fot sale; he has reduced thtprice from $3 50, to $2 50, or by the dozen All charitable institutions in the U. States and the poor will bo supplied gratis. If the citizens of the principal cities and towns, will appoint an agent to order am distribute this medicine to the poor, it will be supplied. This medicine Is celebrated for the cure ol the following diseases:—“scrofula or king’s evil, ulcerated or putt'd sore throat, long standing rheumatic affections, cutaneous dis eases, white swelling ind disease of the bones, and all cases generally of the ulcerous charac ter, and chronic diseases, generally arising in debilitated constitutions, but more especial!) from syphilis or affections arising therefrom ; ulcers in the larynx, nodes, &c. and that dreadful disease occasiored by a long and excessive use of mercury, &c* It is also use ful in the disease of the liver*” Certificates. I have within the last two years had an op portunity of seeing several esses of very mve terate ulcers, which having previously resial ed the regular modes of treatment, wer, healed by the uie of Mr. Swpim’i Panacea ■nd I do believe, from what I hove «een, 'hot it will prove an important remedy in aero luloua, venereal and mercurial disease!. N. CHAPMAN, M. D. Profeaaor of the Inatitutes and practic, of Physic, in the University of Pern sylvan* I have employed the Panacea of Mr, Swaim o numeroua instances, within the last thre ears, and have always found it extreme!' fficacious, eapeeialiy in aec-ondary nyphili- old mercurial diaeaiea. I have no hesitatio in pronouncing it a medicine of ineatimabl value. W. GIBSON, M D. Professor of Surgery in the Uni’ty ol Penr Philadelphia, February 17,1823. JOHN SHINN, Chemist. Philadelphia. JYav 17 18'3. Treasury Department,) March, 14, 1825. 5 W HEREAS an the 3d of March, lRi-5, a law waa passed by the Congress of the United States, of which the 3d. 4th, and ilh lections are in the lords Pillowing, viz i •• Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That s subscription 10 the amount of twelve millons oPdollara, of the |iz p r cent, stock of the yesv eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, lnd the nine ia hereby proposed i for which pur pose hooka shall be opened at the Treasury of the United States, and at tb> several loan t ffi ces, on the first day of April next, to continue open until the first day of October thereafter, for such parts of the above mentioned de scription of atock as shall, on the day of sub scription, stand on the books of the Treasury, tnd on those of the several loan offirea, re speelively; which aubacription shall be effect ed by a trausf.-r to the United Stttcs, in the manner provided by law Tor such transfers, of the credit or credit, standing on the said hooka and by a aurrender of the certificate!, of the Hock so subscribed i Provided, Thai all subscription by such transfer of stock shtli be cmsideiedcx paitof the said twelve mil lion! of dolla-a aut'ioriaed to be borrewed by the first accti' n f his act. »• Sec. 4, Jlnd be i further enacted. That for the whole or any part of any sum wlich shall be thus subscribed, credos shall he entered to the respective subscribers, u ho shall be enti tled to a certificate or certificates purporting that the United Stales owe to the hol ler or holders thereof, his, her, or their assigns, a sum to be expressed therein, equal to thr amount of the principal stock thus subscribed, bearing an interest not exceeding four and one half per centum per annum, payable quarterly, from the -at day of Decem ber,one thousand eight hundred and twenty five,- transferable in the same uanner asi- provided by law for the transfer of the stock subscribed, and subject to redemption at the pleasure of the United States, as follows: one ia f at any time sf-er the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time after the thirty-fi st day uf December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine: Provided, That no reimbursement shall be made except for the whole amount of auch new certificate ; nor until after at leaat six months public notice of such intended reim bursement. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be trans ferred to the respective subscribers the sever al sums by them subscribed beyond the amount of the cert iff rates of four and one half per cent, atock issued to them respectively. "Sec. 5. Jlnd be it further enacted, That he same finds which have heretofore been, and now are pledged by law for the payment of the interest, and for the redemption and reimbursement of the stock which may be re deemed or reimburied by virtue of the pro visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like manner for the pavment of the interest accru ing on the stuck rreated by reason of sm h subscrip'ion, and for the redemption or reim bursement of the principal of the same. And it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the sinking fund to cause to be applied and paid out of the said fund, yearly and e-e-y year, such sum and sums aa may be annually requir ed to discharge the intei est accruing on the stock w hich may be created by virtue of this act The laid commissioners are, alio, here by authorized to apply, from time to tim-, auch sum tnd luma out of the said fund, as they may think proper, towards redeeming by purchase, or by reimbursement, in con formity with the provisions of this set, the principal of the said atock : and such part ol the annual aum often millions of dollars, vest ed by law in the said commissioners, as tmy be necessary and required for the above pur pose,, shall be and continue appropriated to the payment of interest and redemption of the public debt, until the whole of the stock which msy be created under the provisions of this act, shall have been redeemed or reim bursed.” Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that books will be opened at the Treasury nf the United States, and at the aeveral loan offices, on the first day of April next, and continue open until the firat dt-'of October, thereaf- er. for receiving subsciiotiona in conformity with .he prov s ens if the said law: The subscriptions may be made by the pro prietors of the stock, either in person or by their attorneys duly authorized to lubscnb and transfer it to the Uaited States. Should subscriptions of said stock be made to an amount exceeding twelve mdlions of dollars, a distribution of t he said aum of twelve millions of dollars will be msde among die subscribers, in proportion to the sums subscri bed by them respectively. SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the I'r-asurv* Mareh'96 lO-ll'O * VALUABLE MEDICINE. Sivaitn’s Panacea. 4 FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated Medicine, just received per ship Globe, and for Hale by GEO. RYERSON, dec 4 Georgia—Camden County. Superior Court, October Term, 11124. Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvcster Bryant. O N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating that in consideration of certain prom issory notes, made to the said Timothy, by them, one payable with interest, from' first of January, 1821, on the first or January, 1822: a second payable as aforesai», on the firat of January, 1823; and a third payable as af: re said, on the first of January, 1824. executed a mortgage to said Timothy Hopkins, his heir* and assigns, on all those four trac's of Uud, situated in the county aforesaid, conveyed by the said Timothy, to the said Langley and Selvester, and lying on the south side of Great Satilia River, one tract containing sev- enty-seven|acres, more nr lets; two tracts containing filly seres, more or less, and one *ther tract, containing one hundred and eigh- ry^eight acres, more or less, conditioned for he payment of the three said several notes, m the days above mentioned, and that said icveral notes remain unpaid—on motion of 'Archibald Clark, attorney for plaintiff, it i* ordered, that th« said Langley and Selvester, their heirs or assigns, pay into Cour., within twelve rtionths from this date, i'.se sums due on said notes, and the interes and coats, oth erwise that the equity of redemption be for ever foreclosed, and that such other proceed ings take place, as are pursuant to law. True extract from the minutes, 27th Octo ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. nov 4 87 hre Prussic Acid & Sulph.Quinine, J UST received by ship Savannah, and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 3 Shad's Biiildinj-s. Prime Pork Sperm Oil. Just received per ship William Wallace, QA BARRELS Prime Pork OU 20 Barrels first quality Sperm Oil 40 Barrels Prime and Mesa Beef For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN A WOOD, April 15 Anciaux’a Wharf. NOTICE. N INE months after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Judges of the Court of Ordinary if Chatham county, fur leave to sell all the real estate of the late William Craig, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred- JOHN M'NISH, Executor itura of said estate. nrt 1? otxce. 4 LL persona having demand, against the estate of Constant Freeman. Esq late af the city of Washington, deceased, are re qoired to hand them in, legally attested, within the time prescribed by law i and thoie indebted to aaid eatate, are required to make immediate payment, to JAMES HUNTER, Adm'r. Jan 14 42p, YOTTERift Vegetable Cat ho/icon. ^ HE subscribe r reiicetfully solicits the tt tention of every friend of suffering hu inanity, to to the shore new tnd invaluable remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating from the system the very seeds of disease, andin restoring the deranged tnd morbid eonditi m of the organa of life to a free and healthy exerciae of their functions, has exci ted the aat-inithment, tnd completely silen Old the obj ections of the most inert diilous — Facte are the hell arguments. In ordar to put the virtues of tne Caiholioon to at severe a icretlny aa possible, it was offered by adver- tisement. together with the attendance of a physician, gratuitously to any per, in who would apply for it, and whose cause might seem t - come within the rangeuf its healing power—numbers of severe cases of long six fl ing, and some of them seemingly de.o-nle ones, pro ented themselves, all ef which have been cured, or so modi relieved as to warrant the assertion that a little perseverance will do an In fact, such lathe confidence of the physi cian under whose care these patients were placed, in this remedy, a confide ce result ing from the irresistible conviction that has been forred upon hi, mind by ocular demon stration, and a personal trial of it on honseli that he permit, me to declare it is his deci ded opinion, that the Cstholicon ia not only a perfectly >afc and innocent, but a most pow erful and invaluable remedy in certain dis cases and state, of the a) stem, auch aa the fol owing!— Pe iility resulting from intemperance and dissipation i Old and inveterat- Ulcers. Pains in the bon a stt-nded with swellings id' the joints; Indigestion, Blotches on the face, pimple-, tic. i All complaints of the Liver; Tetter.- Yaws; Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases generally i Mercurial and acrofuloua com plaints The Catholicnn (which the proprieter sol emnly pledges h-s word cnnilata exclusive!} 'if vegetable mallei) with Ibe exception of a slight determi istion to the bowels, which it preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, is pleasant to the taste, and requires n i partial >ar regimen, (abstinence trum spirtuoua li quors always excepted,) or confinement. As s gentle, safe and agreeable cathartic mtd. cine, improving the appetite and restoring the general tone of the ays'ein, it is confidently recommended to iadiea in a delicate situa tion. W W. PO TTER. 66 Cheanut-aireet. Philadelphia, May 31,1824. At the request of Mr. W. W. Potter, I luve lately exhibited, in several instance-, a medi cated simp, called Potter's Vegetibie Catho licon, with the most decided advantage. I hat, at iet, never failed effecting a cure in every case in which I have thought proper to employ it. H. M’MUKTRIE, H D. Plaadeibhin, July 28th, 1824. Mr. W- W. Potter, Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that I would give a conciae statement of my s"ff :r- ings, from ' the hopeless commencement, to the present propitious stage of my disease ' About five years ago, on my passage from Bordeaux, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, 1 waa seized with a violent fever. Having no medical at tendants on board, I was compelled to bear it, as I might for two weeka, when nn my ar thral at Charleiton, S. C. it was treated as Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdued the fever, but Phcenix-like, the termination of this gave rise to a disease equally distress ing, and which, till now, I had thought incur able, Various abscesses made their unwel come appearance, particularly on the j lints, which were swelled to an enormous size.— These grzduzliy subsided into hard tumors, one of which on my left knee affected the bone—an incision was now made and a large evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of bone took place. In addition to this, I suffered the most eacruciating pains in my jointi that man ever experienced. Every thing that was administered either gave me no relief or ser ved to aggravate the disease, the Severity of which incroated with every succeeding year. Such was my painful ai-uation tiiat I despaired of ever being restored to my heal h ; I had not only tried the regular means of relief, hut used, though in vain, every popular rem* edy 1 could hear oh It was in thii awful and dcsptind'ng condition,'hat I was persuaded to commence a courae of your Vegetable Cull 1 icon, ami the happy result is, cm the use of the two bottl e, my whole system has under' yonea complete, revo'ution, my paint h.iVC fo ti ke , me i" the discharge from my Xnee begvn to dimmish, and scon ceased altogether, thi. ulcer from whence it proceeded being com pletely healed. The tunnrs, for the removal of which 1 have tried in vain more remedies than I can name, are rapidly decreasing i my appetite, which was gone, has rettirmul— I an in fact, nearly well, tnd feel confident that a few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable medicine, will make me perfectly so. Your obliged friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. Philadelphia, July r 6, 1874. My confidence in the vegetable eatholieon is undiminishnd, and ai fresh in-.tanees of its powers arc daily occurring, in my own prac tice. I have no hesitation in recommending it, in the peculiar diseases to which it is applies- ble, aa superior to any remedy I am acquaint ed with. M. M’MURTRIE, M. D. Philadelphia, May 28,18 4 Sir—In consequence of imprudent expos ure four "ears ago, I had the misfortune 'o be come afflicted with a disease, the painful re sul's of which induced me to apply in suc cession to several respectable physician! of this city, from whom, however, I received either no relief, or from whose remedies I re ceived another complaint quite aa distressing »s the former. My whole lyitcn became a-- fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac count of the violent pain that I felt in every part of my body.- the weakness and e-naeia tion of which was such that I could scarcely walk. In this state 1 fortunately heard of your vegetable eatholieon—four bottles of which, hai completely reatored me, I have now no pain i my appetite ia good i and my strength restored With many thank, for the relief your medicine haa given me, I am your obliged friend, tee. WILLIAM WILSON. Sworn and subscribed to before me, May 28, 1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman. Phi'adelphia, May 28,18"4. Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a nearty mat. For nearly aix years I have been a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat ened, if not soon stopped, to put a period to my existence. Having had no regular medi cal advice from the commencement, my comnlaintst last got to such a height that I could not awallow without great pain and difficulty. Tumora formed in different part, of my body, and I began to think my rituation almost desperate. The five bottle, af the Catbolicon which I have taken have com pletely cured me, and 1 am now xa well aa I ootild wish to be. With my thanks, am your ,bilged humble lervant, Va GEORGE KANE. City of Philadelphia, st. George Kme, of the District of South wark, personally appeared, and, being del • iworn, doth declare and say that the above itatement is in all respects correct and true, and that the signature to it ia in the hand writing of this deponent. JTHw BIVNS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28,1824. TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Catbolicon is peculiarly adanted to those diseases which are prevalent among the coloured population of the aouth In that disease which is called, it ia a aure remedy i a single tiial of it, will convince S lantera of its superior rfficaoy to any reme y of a similar nature in the United States- NOTICE. The advantages of this medicine are, not confining Hie patient unneceaaarily to tile house, or keeping him from his business.— With one solitai y exception, 'hat of aniriiu- otla liquors, it does not lay any restrictions upon Ids appetite It isso gentle in Ha operation that Uie p itient finds himself getting well he cannot tell how. Aa it is not the wiah ofthe proprietor to take any thing ior which he cannot give a consideration equal in value, persona at a distance who may wiah to try uis medicine, but who are not certain if it he applicable to their complaint, are requeat ed to describe their case and aympiotna in a letter, poat-paid, and directed to him—this letter will be immediately placed in hands futly competent to decide the queatiun.— Should the remedy not seem to suit the dis ease, they will be frankly told a >. CAUTION- To prevent it is well to date it tsaes in ordinary cases from 3 to 5 bottles to effect a cure id that persons who are labouring under any serous infirmity, must make up their mind to persevere to that extent at least—if they do not, they might as well save themselves the trouble and expense f using a smaller quantity. did omlers post-paid and enclosing the money, immediately attend ;d to, and ihe medicine packed and delivered with directions for use, io any place in the city, and forwarded as dr rerted N. B. To prevent the possibility of all im position, it will be sold in the city of Philadel phia, at the office in Filth near Race-Sirtet, orat tlie dwelling of the propri-tor, No. 66 Chesnut street, only, an t abroad by his au thorized agent#. w W POTTER, 66 Chesnut Street, Philadelpfiia- I have appointed GEORGE ltYE .SON, Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. Drug gists wanting the above valuable medicine, will be supplied by him for eish, at the same rate, as if ordered direct from me—vix, j530 per dozen, or three dollar, a a ngle bottle. W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia. Any pe'son on application to the subscriber will be furnished with certificates of the effi cacy of the above medicine, sufficient to rorv voice the mind of the must acepti'-al, although too numerous and lengthy for newspaper n- sertion. GEO. KYERf-ON, Druggist, Corner oi Day and Whittaker Streets, dee 13 SCOTT’S BIBLE •TKnKATYPK ELI no*. ^ By SAMUEL T. dll HSTHO.Yr, y m rTMurVin, p" FAMILY UJ/IIjE conttunmt* all fa ir 9 gmiil Heferencrs :o be comprised VOLUMES. HtlYAl. OCTAVO Z K bvUbthed -with a likeness ofthe Authsm * *** IN EQUITY. Between IF, Davies, Administrator, Complain ant, and John Camoeban, Administratov 3 d» bonis no , with the will annexed of Geortje Richardson and others, Defendants——In equity, Chatham Superior Courts Chancery, 2U/A August, 1824. I T uppe&i’ing that John Murray Garnochan, one of the defendants in the said bill of complaint named, resides without the state of Georgia, in that part ofthe United Kingdoms of Great Britain ami Ireland, called Scotland : It is ordered that the aaid John Murray Car< nochan, do appear and answer to the com* plainant’s said bill, within nine months from the date of this order, otherwise that the said billj as to him, be taken pro confesso .* and it ia further ordered, that a copy of thit order be t ublislud once a week, in one of the public GiZeiteB of this state, until the ex* piration of the time within which the said de* lendant is required to appear and answer as aforesaid. True copy from the Minutes, this 21st day August, 1824. A. B,FANNIN, Clerk, august 24 50f Georgia Camden County. TO ALL TO WHOM I!' MAY CONCERN W HEUBAS Sarah Brown, Junior, widow, applies to -he Court of Ordinary of < aid bounty, for Letters of Administration on tht estate of John Brown, late of said county, de ceased, ar next r.f kin: These are, therefore, u> cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, io file their objections, if any they have, in im of fice, on or before the first Uoi d .y in June next,otherwise Letters will be granted the ap plicant. Witness the Honorable Britian R Bunk ley, one of the Justices of said Court, thi« sixteenth day of April, eighteen hundred ai d twenty .fire. [L S. JOHN BAILEY, C. C 0 C. C. April 21 24 Geoi'gia—Carnlen County. BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR 3RD COUNtY. W HEREAS tohn Chevalier, has applied to said Court, f »r Letters Dismisaur* on the estates of Samuel Cozens and Evan E. Muck, deceased. Ihese are, therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and singular, the kin dred and creditors ot the said deceased per* sons, to file their objections, if any the/ have, in my office, on or before the first Monday in January next, or Letters will be granted the applicant. Witness the Honorable J *mes Scott, one of the Justices of naid Court, this six teenth day of April, e ghteen hundred and twenty-five. [L. S.J JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. 6. C Apr.l ?! 24 Georgia—Camden County. BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR SAID BOUNTY. \4 WHEREAS Lewis Bachlott, applies to the 'JJ Court of Ordinary uf aaid County: for Letter, Dismiasory oo the estate of Princes Ruaolupe: Theae ire, therefore, to cite and idmoniah, all and singular, the kindred and creditor, of aaid deceased, to file their objec tion!, if any thpy have, in my office, on or be fore the fi at Monday in January next, other- Wi«e Letter! Dismiasory will be prattled the applicant- Witness the Honorahle Samuel Clarke, one of the Jtutieea of said Court, this sixteenth day of April, eighteen 'hun dred and twenty-five. [L. 8.) JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C. C April 21 54 TERMS. t shall be well primed, on good rum,... be comprised in six handsome v,.|i f ’ "* will contain the Scripturea „f t h P n ?’ A)ui Testaments, t ie Introducer, (tL „ Explanatory A otes, and Piacnc d OburJ.1“' and all the copious Mavrina: Hefeisum ing printed vnird tor wore from the I ? c ' Stereotype Edition, published since thiTi' 1 ' 1 i hor’s decease The price will be oukrds; g24, in sheep ( 830, in calf kf i'“ The whole work wdl be ready foS^ Exracts of Lette-s addressed to the Puhli,h„ I esteem Dr. Scott’. Family Bibb- calculated to promote the cause of truth .3 (,,C i y d .P-wxible fur onet„ read daily the Notes and Obaervxiiona in .i Family Bible without boemeiig a wii- better man. EOtvAlluD GRIFFIN* I have seen no co nra-ntary af the Scrip-urea which 1 think .n well general use and ed,fiction, p ", which every famaly ought to pu« a .- M . ™ It i. a work di.tingui.hed forVe *,?pfi' ci . ty and coi.vemenee ot it, atr,neum»»t i clearness aii I fi lelity of it, expiffiom lit neatness and perapicudy „f j u , lyl , h ■ '« nevol, nee and candour of di xpiri-, tb e r “? cisenes. and pertinency of it* rm licatirn. and for its uniform tendency to f ro note gelical truth , 'sdpiety. ‘ „ AHIKL H0LI4ES Of Or. Scott s Family llibri, 1 feet f ' say, that tu my estimation it deservedly r,, k< among our ablest and *• n Comm ntaiea 1 ’ M IS BALDWIN Dr- Scotl’a Family B bic intended more «. pec.clly for ri-e use nf Christian imeiliej is, work high y evangelical, extensively iim,™. live, and deeply interesting DaNIWoC. SANDERS. The character of Dr. Scott’! Cunmentir, on the Bible, is io generally i uwrv a nj highly approved amongst the m„:i mi,-, and pious Christiana throughout u-ir oount: y and has passed rapidly through io ti -.-ny la e, editions, that 1 deem futlhet reeuioienda- lious needless* . . . . J mouse. 1 sm acquainted with no Gommeiiuty nn til. Sacred 8c*iptures which 1 would cord:ally reCommenci for generul u/e. 't he plan of the work is fl ood JOSHUA 3. J TFA Perhaps in no wav» ran niiii' uf youth, and privnU Christian*, Ho gresif-r serv'ce to society, than by ezertng tKa, selves to disscini'!:ite this truly inra:,;. Ie work JOSHUA HUNTINGTON. I know of no Commentary which is brUet calculated for diffusing correct views ofihi great truths of Christianity, sod leuy nggnlus fery impressions on the n»ind when rising ‘.rom the perusal of it, than the one you ire •ibout to publish. DVNIFaL SHARPE. No writer seems less disposed tu contend for barren speculations. None more uniform* ly or more powerfully inculcates the great sentials of religion. The spirit which pep vades the work is excellent } it is the metk, affectionare, healing, yet faithful spirit of the Ri»pel« DANIEL DANA. From particular examiftati «n, snd coDcur* ring testimony, there is oo doubt on my mind that Scott’s Family Bible is superior to all others. JOSEPH E HENSON. You will please to send me six copies of Scott’s Bible / I refer to your lately proposed edition. Perhaps I shall induce five more to take the same number. H- L. It is with extreme pleasure I perceive you are about to publish a new edition of Scott’s Bible. Having been in pmiBt?ss'on of it more than 20 years, I inis* I know mme* thing of its value, and am detei mine! to mo* raote its circulation among tny friends You will please forward sis copies as soon »s > hshed. v. M I have obtained four snbxcribera for the excellent work you are publishing H. S. I propose to take seven seis of Scot'. V ii> ble, and will be accountable for the zsnw J C. have obtained subscriber. 1 % \\xu:cpitf «*f Scott’s Family B.ble. J. C. I shall probubly need eight or ten %«« 1 Scott’s Family Bible. J. Y- ( Rev. S. S. of P. has o' tained ten subfcii* hers. E. R. I have observed that you are shout pub* lisbing another edition of Scott’s Ihble hope you may succeed as you h ve donein ♦uvmer edition*;. 1 have been endeavoring '.9 oi ocure aubscriberr amo» g our peojile, lnd enor more subscribers will be obtained. O.'i.H, I will take ten sets (of Scott’s B.ble) bound xnd lettered. J. F- I have obtained ten subscribers for )’ rnf edition of the Family Bible—and have r*« cl'ubt but there might be something like 100 copies’old in this place if you had an agent here—I thought tie work ought to be cn* enuraged and for hat reason took a subsenb* tioo paper. It is • work that every fenaily should have that is able to put chase. J. B-fi’C* I am glad, that y^u propose to print IP- Scott’s excellent Family Commenuiy* ,n ® should be very glad if it were in my power to give a more liberal patronage to the work, than, ms circumstances are, I can. I however, be able to do something; eight ot ten sets 1 shall certainly take; ana it miy double that number. A. B« i have procured fifteen subscriber* to Scott’s Bible. J. A. 0. I think I shx!l dispose of 20 sets or mote of the Family Bible. E. If I have circulated proposals for SrolUi Bible ; how many have beenengsged m •*, cannot tell; but between 20 and JO wt* ,n h’svicir.ily. 1 have concluded to become response* to you for thirty sets of Scott’s Comment- ry« C. B* I have procured 106 subscribers fo thi Bible t 6 sets to be bound in cslf; 3 sets be done in boards the other 97 sets* bou'- and Uttered as described in the prospect^ I presume I could procure J00 ben lot your edition of Scott’! Bible ‘ demand ia increasing for them. Tncy finally supenede every other large or ‘J. J Bible. Fifty oi my subscriber! live »” n ' n circle of 8 mild! _ Just publiihed an edition of the !»** *. j completed in six volume,, reference!; price in board! 818 i >" “ JJ 221, in calf 827. Either of then e*T} may be had of the publisher in Boston i or S. C- & J. SCHENCK, Savannah. ,, J*' tl ‘ J HAY. K/k BUNDLES PRIME HAY,landin B «JvF from Brig Pheasant, for sale by April 19 C. C. GRISWOLD: Movlrins UrnahESa