Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, May 28, 1825, Image 1

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Jk —V ol. V LL
i« ni
By G. $ W. Robertson,
(3 ouhhahed to meet the arraagement of
the nail, throe times a week, (Tuesday,
Thursday «»d Saturday) at the Office of the
Da v «enr h ’.ao,»nd contains ail the imelli.
«nce. Commercial, Political and Misbellan.
iona, including advertisement*. pub ished in
the Daily Vapor- . . „ . „
The Country Paper ia sect to all part* of
the State and Union, or delivered in the city,
at five, dollars per annum, payable in advanct.
Advertisements are inserted m bothpi-nrs
st 7S cents per square, of U lines, for ie lira'.
Insertion, and 37* for every succeeding pub-
'* Cnmmuhieations by Mail, mult be Poll-paid
Salsa of land and negroes by Ad-ninulra.
tors, P.ieoutors or guardians, sre recnnred
by law, to he held on the firs 1 uesd.v in the
mouth, between the hours often in he fore
noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court
Hense of the county in which the property
situate.—Notice of lh.-se sale, must be given
in s puhiie gazette silly days previous to the
^Notice ofthe s*!e of peesnnsl property mus;
be R«ve in like nwnne*. Forty days previou
o the day »f nte.
Notice to the debtors and creditors of ar.
estate must be published tor Forty days.
Note® th*it appbev tion will be m«ae to tht
C jurt «.f Oidiuarv f'<r lenveto sell land, mus
be published Nine Months.
INE mouths after dnte application will
_ . be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of laud,
known as number eight, flth District, rike
ifiirmerly Munroc) County, for the benefit
ofthe li.-irs and creditors of the estate °‘
of N. 8. Bayaru.
Administrator estate N. 8. Baya™-
Jan 5
T if B suHw.ribers Being about to decline bu
smebsin this place, request persons Hr
ing demands hg.mst lb*;,n, to present tlv. ;
lor payment.
N lNFs MONTHS after .lute of this notice
application will be m*de to the Honor*.
b»**‘he Court of Ordinary • ,f Chatham Conn
ly, lor perm sainn to sell hJ: thr; real mutate e
Join Wakerlv, dec. for th>» benefit of tht
heirs a .d creditors >f said drcr.flsed-
HOB?.HT HOY, Executor.
F*h 94 <r
Administrator’s Notice.
N N^IfiO sl HSfrom this date, weshull ap
ply lo the Honorable the Inferior Hour
(;h itham county, when sitting for ordinary
nurpQBes, to sell the rcai estate of Wibiam
aotrn«t 19 45
Cognac Brandy.
G PIPES “Sci^nettb’s Brand,” just re
ceived per Louisa Matildn, fprsale by
50 Tierces now Rice
10 Pipes Holland Gin
10 Hogsheads ‘Jamaica Rum
50 Barrels Flour
SO Barrels Hams
75 Barrels Gin
50 Crates Croekcry
20 Kegs Butter
50 Barrels Mnckand, No. 3
20 Cases Port Wine
10 Casks Oil
Jnn 12
Goshen Butter, Lard k,c.
J UST RECEIVED by ship Corsair, and
other late arrivals
12 firkins Goshen Butter, 1st quality
25 kegs leaf Lard
B bhln Uuttcr Crackers
20 half and quarter bbisBuck Wheat
and Rye Flour
10 bbls Pilot Bread, for family use
For sale by
fcl 12 1' Mongin’s Now Buildings
Share Moulds, P <rk, Gin, i*c
C C. GRISWOLD offers for sale, ian-
• ding from ship CorBair
4 tons Share Ajoulds
In Store,
*6 barrels Northern Gin
18 do Mess Pork, Ncw-York
city inspection
1 ton Steel
100 kegs White Lead
22 kegs Black Paint
8 do Verdigris
5 do Spanish Brown
HOGSHEADS prime and second
quality St. Croix Sugar.
SO barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
5 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
S hogsheads Jamaica rum
halfpipes, quarter ensks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30coils halo ropo
200 grind stones
2000 bushels Maryland corn
800 do Long (.-land white, equal to
Georgia Hint corn
nov 23
fresh garden seed s
BuVLowb YluwftT Hoots 1
J U3T rece ved by the rnbsr.riber, and wa ••
ranted of the lust season** growth, 2
notes Garden Seed i, put up hv K. MMIahon ft
So. Philadelphia, expressly for this market,
and containing the following a*«ortnv nts, viz.
1. Drumhead Gabbsg.
Long Bed Beet
Long Orange Carrot
Salmon Radish
Early Purple do.
-. Round Icuved
10. Early Turnips
‘1. Late do
2. Samafy
3- Asparagus
*4. Rarl> curled Let
15. Itoyal Cabbage do
15. Nutmeg Melon
17. Spinach
18. Summer Savoy
’9. Sweet Bugil
10 Sage
’1. Nadurtium
22. Celery
'7 Early Peas
4. Late do
'2f Earlv hunch bean
26 Bed French do
90 Packages containing the following Bui
ons Blower Hoots, viz.
t. Double Hyacinths I 4.M*»iic*ntigerfbwei
F oe Tulips I 5. D uble Tuberose
Narcissus | 6 Scar of Bethlehem
For sale by P. M'DKRMOTT.
Feb 2
By Ike President of the United States.
I N pursuance of law, 1,Jamzs Mohr ok, Free.
ident of the United States, do hereby dt
•iare and mak(. known, that a public sale wi
m held at the Lnn 1 Office at fallahasse, »■■
Florida, on the third Monday of May next, fo
(he dh‘iv«*d ol the fi Mowing land**, vi* :—
Township 1. south of Range 1, west ofthe
Meridian Hue.
1 and 2 north of Range 1, do do
Fractional 3 do do do do
Township 1, south 1, 2, 3, 4, dt 5, east
t & 2,north 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5*
Fractional township 3 1,2, 3, 4, dt 5.
I'll:.* sale will commence with the l we
lumber of section, township, and range, ar
iroceud in regular numerical order. T?
•iinds reserved by law for the use of schools
*r other purposes, will be excluded from tl.-
Given under mv band, at the City of Wnsh
iugton, this .;6tii d»v of Imuarv, 18 5.
By the Piesident.
Commiisioner (*f the Genersl Land Offic
(Tj* Printer* of ihe Law* of the Uui'e
aJfi, in ll»»* Terr»t. ry r/ Flori ia, und in 'h.
States of, Louisinna, Tcneasie, Mi--
• : ssirp», Georgia, nnd South-Cavolii.a, an* su
hoiiz d to publish the foingoing Proclami-
.»on once a week limit the day of sole
*eK f fif
Damascus Steel Razors,
1UST received, a sujiply ofthe above ar
il tide, which will be warranted good.—
For sale by
nov 24
\ i‘WkjJCEv^S New Leaf Lard
150 Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
5 Pipes U. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
T HE subscriber intending to close hia
business in this city, offers his stock
at. reduced prices, for CASH, consistiig of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Ward^pbes, French Prtss-
es, Bureaus, Ladies* Dressing Tables,Cum-
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tabus,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tabhs,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen's Writing Tk-
h)os and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stamp,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands,Work Stamfc,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high
post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cotta, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs,
&c. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta-
ker-Street and Bay Lane.
J. H. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, amVihose having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
Jin 25 si||
O^ositftthe Academy
ams. KEU,
R ESPECTFULLY informs her friend-
and the public, that her school is now
O'-EN, opposite the Chatham Academy, for
the reception OE pupils. Assisted by
her daughter Miss E. A. Harrison, she
offers her services in teaching the following
useful and ornamental branches of educal
tion. _ Whilst she returns sincere thanks foi
the patronage hitherto extended, she
hopes, from the reduced rates of tuition and
her increased exertions to further the pro
gress of her Pupils, to deserve a still fur
ther extension of public fnvor. The course
of tuition, and the terms on which scholars
are received, are—
1st Class—Spelling, Reading, Sewing and
Marking, per quarter, : jtl 00
2d. Class—With Writing, Grammar,
Geography and Arithme-
tic, ::::::: 8 00
The French or Spanish Languages,
including elegant embroidery, on
lace or muslin, to any pattern,
per quarter, : : : : : : 10 00
Painting on velvet, per quarter,: s 8 00
ID" The most careful attention will be
said by Mrs. Kkr, to the deportment and
morals of those entrusted to her charge,
nov 2 ns
Consumptions, l oughs,
Grade’s company’ Hoes.
^4®^® Brade's Patent Hoes, for
sale by
dec 18
Georgia—Camden County.
O n the first Tuesday in March next, I *iii
sell at Jefferson, in said county, a negr<>
r nun, named Daniel, the property of the cs
ute of MiC tjah Crews, de cased, pursuant t >
ieave granted by the Court of Ordinary.
MATY CREWS, Executrix*
.1 " 14 41
Administrator’s Notice.
N ine MONTHS after date, I shall apply
lo the Honorable the Inferior Court ol
oaiham county, (when sitting for ordinary
iurposc8) for leave to sell the real estate ot
Issue H. Hobina, to satisfy the heirs snd cred.
1 tors. C. H HAYDEN,
sugnst 12 45
(kb 12° barrtl “ Whitin g
A 8 . 1 ^ “ ,0 above Axes, receivod
*■ and fw 81,9 by jy. 9, WEED.
OCt 27
Bunch Muscatel Raisins,
J UST received por ship Wm. Ponn, di
rect from Gibraltar,
1-10 lloxcs Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For solo by
Fdi 3 Anriajx’w Wharf.
Fresh Teas, Hams, Flour, es c.
QA CHESTS Hyson Teas
flU 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Hhu Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Fob 5
V3. states tiauk Xoies,
F OR SALE at "
, Jan 20
f OR the cure < f.1 .*, Coughs, Consump
tions, Spitting of B'oodj Asthmas, and
useuses ofthe breast wnd lung9.
There ispeilmps no medical observatio
better tstab.-ishvd, none more generally ccn
irmed bv the experience of the best physi-v*
tosuf all ttes and countries, and none o;
r ore importance to the human family, than
lie fact that many of the most difficult and in
curable consumptions originate in neglect <•
colds.. In acliirate vo vuriableasours, where
>he changes of die wea her are frequently
sudden and unexpected, it req-iirearaure care
?tnd at entionto guard against this dangerou
enemy, of life, than moat people imagine or
are able and willing to bcs'ow. The bills o-
mortality exh bit the meli icholy fact that th'
proportion of deaths by this disease may bi
considered as about five to one. Inasmuch
then as this fatal disease f.cquently bi;s defi-
ince to the skill ofthe most learned physici
ins, it is a'grutificMt oo to the proprietor that
be is enunledto ofterto those affltc»ed with
it, a gotdiy prospect of relief, in that i-ighly
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. The Indians are happy in their know-
•dge of medical plants; goveroed wholly Sy
. xperiencp, they are certain us totiieir e ffect,
and it is said by an author of great character,
that a true consumption is a disease never
known among them.
This Specific is obtdned by extrfction from
herbs, roots, flowers, plmt^ &c. when in per
fection. In consequence f a happy combina-
‘ion of the most valuable herbs, kc. it becomes
; balsam of a superior value. It heals then.
ju ed parts, opens'he pores, and comjioses
tu« disturbed nerves, after the manner of ai
modyne/ consequently the obstruction ot
‘he ches' and the iungs which constitute th.t
disease, particularly need its use. It promotes
expectoration, which is constantly called for.
and whilst it cleanses ard heals, it also give*.
T.rtngth to the tender lungs. In this mannei
it removes the hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs die
’'PpcTite and improves the spirits. This speci
lio mav always be given in safety it is mild-
pleasant to the taste, and may safely be given
o infants, for which it is of inestimable value.
It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething,
whooping coughs, Ur. and is found particu
larly useful in hypochondriacal, nervous ano
by storied diseases. Each bill at direction
contains a detailed account of this disease in
all its different stages, and will bj accompa
lied with the signature of the proprietor in
Bed Ink. It is offered for ^ale by GEO. RY
KU. O , only (my sole xgent) Druggist, cor
lerIJay and Whit >akei-streets, Savannah, at
one dollar per bottle.
dec 30 so
By the brig Pheamnl, from Philadelphia,
fiSSisVev 100 bbl ‘: PhiUdelph, ‘
140 Dutch Demi)uhns
10 kegs Saltnetre
50 whole and 100 half bh»s. fresh Flour
6000 bushels Liverpool urou' il Suit
4 hht.s. St °0 bbls. prime St. Croix Sussr
3 pipes snd 25 demijohns beat Ho/I.’nd
G a
5 pipes and 30 demijohns best Cognac
10 hbds. and ?5 bbls. superior Northern
75 bl)1f Northern Gilt
50 bag* G een fffe »
, vi casks superior <>!d Lis 1 on Wine
25 hblw Lump ai.d 73 '»bl*. t.oaf Sugar
3 b>xes white and 7 do bruwn iiavana
25 b«gs black Pepper
5 pipes Imitation Gin
2 baler Bagging Twine
25 qr boxes Hyson Tea
50 reams Wrapping Paper
1*5 box* s Pipes
5 caBPi Wool Hats
10 halos b* st Ox'iahurgs
5 biles unbleached Homespun
4 cases colored ditto
50 keg; Dupont’s G in Powder
1000 bushels Table Sait
°5 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tmssssort' d (Barren) Castings
5 Lrge Smith Bellows
5 f < kegs *8*orted Cut Nailo
100 bags assort fd Shot—also an
Assortment of Cedar Ware, Market and
Clothes Baskets.
All of which w ; ll be sold low for cash, or
;ood town acceptances.
ma-ch 14 9"?
Cider, Porter, Wine, t2c,
BOXES fir.-t quality Cider
^9i^f>CaHks do do London Porter
30 Boxes Claret Wine
10 do Madeira do
120 Boxes Bunch Ruiain9
10 Barrels Soft Shell Almonds
For sale wholesale and retail hy
Aneiaux’8 Wharf.
Feb 18
TONS carron castings, just receiv-
- r ed from Greenock, via. Charleston,
con isting cf the following assortment, viz :
2600 pots from i to 30 gallons
200 American spiders, from 9 to 13 inches
50 set flat metal weights, from 1 oz. to
t 4 lbs.
120 London skillets, from I to 0 quarts
13UI) camp ovens, from 9 to 18 inches
130 untinned tea kettles, from one to 5
For sole by P. M’DERMOTT.
.Ton II
r NFORMS his friends and the public gen-1
erally, that he has received by recent
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ot
Groceries, Hardware and Dry
which will be disposed of wholesale and re
tail, on the most reasonable terms. Tht
following articles comprise a part of hie
present stock, viz.—.
10 Huffslie.-Ie prime St.Croix °uesr
10 Boxes White and ) .
'0 Boxes Brown $ tt * v,nl d:1
60 Barrels Lost end T.ump da
40 Begs Hivni Grt en Coffee
6 Pipes su|>erinr 4th nrool Brandy
r Pipes do Holland Gin
5 Pipes Imitation Bundy. 4th proof
5 Do do Gio
2 Pipes -dry »uperior o'd Peach Brindi
2 Puncheons do da 1 ifth Whixke-
50 Hogxh. kds and 7 Philfdclphii Byt
100 Barrels J W hiikey
100 Barrels Northern Gin
2 Pines superi >r old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do
10 Quarter Caaks Teneriffe do
' ery euperior old Madeira Wioe am
Cognac Brandy in detnij hns
150 Wh jle and 7 Barrels frosl
100 Half J pi ur
100 Parrels No- 3, New Mackerel
50 Barrels No. 2, do do
lfiOO Baskets Table Salt
20 Cask. Goshen Cheese
20 Rarrcls Copperas
200 Beams Wrspoing Papev
50 Bugs Black Pepper
10 B raes Chocolate
20' Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Han els Glue
10J Kegs HE .ind HF Dupont's Gunpowde
So Pound Ouniste-s of superior do
1O0 Pieces 4.1 inch Cotton Bagging
i! Hales Bagging Twine
Whole and 7 Boxes S. Whiitimore’
S genuine Cards
10 Huxes Wool Hat*
5 Holes Straw Bonnets
10 Coils Bale [tope
5- Dozen Bed Curds
SO Do Plough Lines
100 Pounds Pash Cordi
6 Bales Point, London Duffle
10 Cases colored and bleached and un-
bieschej Homespuns
"0 Gross It on Tabic Spoons
15 Do do Ten do
'0 Do Teutania Table do
Plated Table and Tea do
Copper.Ca ,t. Wrought and Compos
tion Pea Keltlea of all sizes
Varnish Sr. Turpentine.
R RIGHT and Black Varnish and Spirit*
, , 1 urpentme, on consignment, (or-
sale by
Aiarch 11
Door Mats.
TUST received by the William Wnllnce
e d ? Ze L n belit l ualit ? Indi» »oor
Mats J°* ? ale by X- W. MORRELL. ‘
Mafch 15 fljj
Double Distilled Rose Water.
A r! ES w scpply of best
ttr., nn 8 d 8 J‘de r b r y iCe,VCd brlg P ‘ U **
rh .™i. L ^X & Hendrickson,
iufw Drl 'gg | «is. Shad’s Buildings,
P'LlDEI.PHi^ ’
THE INDIAN E Xl* R A (j *j» #
A certain East India Curefor the Ehet> /
matism, King's Evil, Sfc.
Rev * R
London** 1 ** Wen E*4 Dr. ¥• Dtdwe
Dfae c m :
< diffi''ihv , J ,n y, ’ u , r r, 'T>est 1 I have with
? * ultv Procured and uow send ytu by
the ship Jason Cap. R.bitmon, . few pou. dl
,i( the Pu.tdelnh ^ or w h«t genersliv goes
by the name cf India Extract, a Mediu e un!
'verstBy.esteem.dtmong (hepenpleodediao
»s a r.ertsm curc tor the Hheuniutism. Was
I to inform you of the number ol people , “
are de.lyreheved and cured by tl“s raj„bU»
4 d cine- it wou d requ re more paper than
l«m vi le to purchase ».d tb *x
•an ab le to bestow. Indeed, the Oft ct of tl-if
idedicnie is so imm.d de, Hist in Bhtumatim
v<,u would suppose i, „cled r,s a charn- in g^I
-ng relict undr.muvmg .faa p , inHl , di ^ ae<
II the King i fjtil it has been used with great
succeaa.aud tthe.e 3/ertwy hat hi en given
or used to excess, Jt„ Mcrh -ine has prov. d a
perfeet cure. The great d fficulty, however*
ol procuring the E,j..ct, wdl tiir ma. y yeara
to ®ome. prov- i t its general circulation, it be.
>ng obtained from a Sin ub growing on the
roouwama of Thibet, in the -Berman Empire
of India, and held so snered by Ibe naiivcs.
existence'■* W ' tb '* 111 ll * tB P* l ,il 'g wi li ibeig
lit£ovn\aU.m VVanted \
F UtiOUGK MILLER, otherwise DAN
1EL OLAND MILLER, who in Hie year
UU5, srr-ved in Savann..h, in the Aberdeen
transport, belonging to Messrs. Di wson &
Sous, uf London is living, and will apply to
is friends in F.nglano, he wd| hear ol
meti -ng- much tu his advantage, He left
lie Aberdeen while she lay at SavaiMth, a.
has not been he.rd uf by his f iends sine-
Hist period. He had been uiany years a *;a.-
! or, and while on board Ihe above vuss
wus employed as a csrpenter. If he left S i-
var.nsh at that time, it is probable that In
•r.tered some vessel going to the Brazd It
“ ds. as tn his last letter, he sta-ed thst ii
, - his intention to do so. Should he hav-
died »t soy place where a register or ce-tifi
cate of his burial can be obtained, it would be
thankfully received and all expen :e j attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
.r»nt 0
Administrator’s .Saie.
O T the fi st Ssturtiay sf er the Tues
dty in Mhv next, between the hours of
ten and four o’clock, will be sold at the mar*
aet-h. use in the town of St. Marys, pursuant
t o an order of the Honorable the Court of Or
dinary for the cour.ty of Camden, a negro wo
man named Jenny, b'.ilonpf'n^ to the estate *»f
Dav d G. Jones, decerns d, for the benefit of
.he creditors nfs.ud *“»'ate.
'fsrrh 9*) 95
N INE MONTHS after date, application will
be made to the Honorable Inferior Court
,t Uhalham county, for leave to toll the real
snd personal eatate ofthe late Mra. Ann Ham
ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
snd creditors of ■• esistc,
Hatch TO; 89(s
. LL persons having demands against the
■ estate tif the h te John Wakcrly, (plant.
- r) dec. are requt 8 cd to render them, prop-
. tlj attested, immediately t and all persons
i-.debted, to make immediate paviwijt to
ROBERT HOY, Executor.
Ff 1 ’ 24 77
N INE MONCHS after the date hereof, ap.
plication will be made to the Honorable
'he Inferior Court of Chatham county, when
sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
a lot, with the improvements, situate in the
city of Savannah, in the said county,sml known
in Ihe plan of said city by the No. 53, Brown
Ward, lor tile benefit of the heirs and legatees
of the estate ol the late Hugh M’Call, de
net ’4 j>
5ft uf , n- K l? 1r m,tin s preserves
20 Sets of Drib Covers
5'0 Tonsbhear Moulds
I Dj Snd Irens
I Do Rsr Lesd
1 D ; Sluiat lun
10U C <sks assorted Cut Nails
Mill, Cross Cut siul Whip Saw, mad*
expressly for this murket
20 D -zen Handsaw^, Woodsiiwj and Ten
•»nnt .Saws
Hlkoksmitb Sledges -ind Handhsmmers
Aiivilt;, from 1 to 200lbs. real mouse
RLcksmith’s Bellows,from 24 to 36
Single and D uble Screw (Mates
Com Mills^Vom No» I *o 5
2 Tons Hooks and Hinges
Brass Andirons, from $2 50 to 5^3
Blass arid Wire Tenders, with shovel*
and Mintjs to match
5 ^asks gra d’s Patent Hoes
100 D zan Padlocks
Mceiya ds to weigh from 200 to 50011
2 'Tonsof Steel,con3 3ting of SheM^Eng
lisb, Hl ste ed and Cast
Stoves with Pip s
1C00 Poundt Waggon Delis, assorted
F*ncy Curtain pins
5 Hag« Trace Chains
2 Dozen Currying Knives
20f> Dx'Z .n Curry Combs
6 Sets White handle Knives and Forks.
consisting of 50 p ecea each
10 Sets Britannia Teapots.
Sugar and Cream do
6 D-izen Patent Shot Belts
? D«z. i! G ime Bags
2 D /Z.'n Powder Horns and P'arks
1 C. se double and single barrel Guns
10 Dozen Wire and 20 doz. Hair Sifters
2 Dlz*?n Fancy Hall Mats and 50 sets
Table Ma<«
A genera! assortmei t of Carnenter’s Plane?,
Urufhet, and Fancy Bellows, with many other
articles iu the above line,too tedious to eno
20 Tens of Carron Castings, which will b»
sold low from the wharf.
*ifi» 1 r
Bills on New-York,
F or sale by
Feb 24 C. C. GRISWOLD.
W liiskey,
F OR 8ALE by
Feb 23 - T. 8. LUTHER.
Bacon and Lard.
■W w-F 50 firkins Lard—Landing from
schr. Barracoa, from Baltimore. For sale
b y HALL & HOYT.
March 8 87
N INF, months after d*te, application will be
made to the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, sitting for. otdinary purposes for an
order, absolute, to sell lots Nos t-uiram five,
(4 and 5) in Carpenter’s Bow, and lot No.
one, (l) Green Ward, in city of Savannah,
being the real estate of Francis Jaliftcsu, dec
tor the benefit of th»* heirs and creditms of
«aidestate WILLIAM GASTON.
Qualified Executor,
7 97a
Gin and Butter.
Received per ship Corsair,
BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas
• vr Hall, 34 Kegs Butter
For sale by J. B. HERBERT .& CO.
March 26
Butter and Hams,
R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkins
first quality Goshen Butter
5 Barrels Burlington Hams
jor sale by A. BASSETT.
March 31
May It
Apply to
Letter to Dr. Bedwell, dated Jsn. T, 823.
JJrai Doct.r—i hsv,, beer, v olet tiy affected
with a R-' U.nslic compisim fur many vis.s /
even uiy fi.igers were so contract!d that I
cou d nciilic dress or urdriis rr.yseli, or
the least assistance to nv t's i.ily —1 have used
only one hex ei ttielidiu Extract, ar d I am
perfectly restored. Youi'a truly,
Letter from Tobias Jennings, Stewaid^J*St,
I homa Hi apttl, Lundon, Ftb L 18' 3
Bear Sir 1 think it nij duty te infemi'yuu.
inai alter trying every thing that cuu d be
pu nted cut by the m. st respectah.-e phisi-
cums and stliireons foi v.e relief of mi sun.
without any mccess, -.v;.o you know, t ss lot
'tuny years keen laboring un.le- severe Rheu*
oixtuin, I was inUilced to try the ftuls.telphis,
with s g iminerir.g hope, that it might g;ve
"fj • on ? e '»!'*/ from the excessive 'paii? he
endure 1, which rendered hi n x useless mem.
>er of society,snd a burthen tu himself, 'to
my utter astonishment the relief was ii-sisu.
' 4 ’, ou *' , n<l . h > persevering in the me of tlte
Extract, his Joints have returned to their pro*
per tux- es, and he is iir per ect h. Mth. Up-
-v.rd. i f siity respectable nersons have cal-
ed to «se my son, as ail who knew him thought
t impnssible. that he conl-t recover.
Druggist, w hore additional certificates oT
the etficacy ot the above medicine may be
seen. *
May 20
Administrator’s Notice.
LL persons indebted to tho estate of
. Randolph M’Gillis, late of Cum.len
Luunty, deceased, nre requested to mak*
payment, and those having demands airninet
eind estate, will present them to the undep.
St. Marys, April 10th, 1825.
April 27
INE MONTHS after the date of thia
U notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Iuber-
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
■e real eatate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of aaid
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
. „ Administrator,
dec I!) gj
At Private hale.
1WO PRIME NEGROES, one a first
11 j l ? ,c anc l the other a prime field
| hand, for sale by
April 23 J. B. HERBERT & CO.
ROW ROOT. Apply to
rpifE members of “ The Female Mission-
A ary Society of Christ Church." are
requested to pay their subscription for 1325
l °iu at, S il. WALL, Secretary.
May 22
Brandy, Gin, Hum, esce.
3 do Holland Gin
5 Hogsheads Jnmnica Rum
150 Barrels Rye Whiskey
which will bo sold low to close salo-s.
April 9 HALL &. HOYT.
Fisli Hooks und Full Lines,
O NE hundred M. Fish Hooks, assorted
50 Groce Fish Lines, assorted
Received per the Augusta, and for sale by
Feb s« n. B. WEED.