Newspaper Page Text
runtikiiKKa <>»' tub laws of thf. union
daily fapkr, : i
country paver, :
Two days later.—Tho packet ship Ro
bert Fulton, has arrived at New-York, with
letters and papers from Glasgow to the 30th
of April. The London dales by this arri-
val ure of the 16th, and Liverpool of the
]8th. Cotton has again advanced, as will be
perceived by the following
“ Olasgo 10, 20th April,
"Yesterday an express was. received by
Rome houso here from Liverpool, advising
the transactions there in cotton, and one of
the brokers made considerable purchases at
former rates, on which 14 could be readily
obtained. We annex tho transactions at
Liverpool on tho tuth."
“Liverpool, \6th April, 11125.
“ On the 16th, 15 to 20,000 bales of cot
ton were sold, chiefly to speculators, at an
advance of Id on Brazil and Egyptian, and
4d on all other kinds. This day we esti
mate 20,000 bales have changed hands at a
further advance of Id on Brazil and Egyp
tian, and Jd on all American descriptions ;
Remains 22d. Egyptian 20j, Orleans 13 to
20, Boweds 15d to lBd."
During the week ending the 15th April
3760 bags of Cotton were sold in the Lon
don market, at a rise of from Id to 1 jd per
lb- On the 16th, there was a stagnation in
the money market, occasioned it would ap.
pear by rumors of an unfavorable nature
respecting the designs of the Holy Alliance.
Consols were 9fi{J.
It will have boon soon that tho attempts • ada during, the lost Amerieaii war, proceed-
1 , „ ,, , r ml on Thursday, bv invitation to tint Royal
to colonize Hayti, by the free blacks from ; . nI)|| W( , y o introduced tu his Majesty
tho United States, has totally failed, and 0I1 t ^ r , | uwtl , Immediately n» sooing the
all the labors of "Citizen Granville." who King they fell on their knew. Hen iho too-
"" , . , . .. j e.,i, ,i„ dallion of tho late king. with, which tlmy
was so industriously trumpotted forth dti- |m(| bfi(>n jl|Vr , 8tnd by g ir I 8UI1C Brock, ai
ring his mission to this country, have onil-1 tract0 ,l his Majesty’s attention, who, ob-
e( l"hi smoke. Tho principal part of tho [serving to them that as they had th* pnr-
1 • • I J, u-L.„. ; trait of his late father, perhaps the,'would
class ot tho population intended to bo bene-1 ^ ||n ob j c(!t j on t0 wearing his, imiuedi-
fitted, is precisely that which is least fitted | at0 | y | um g a handsome gold medolion round
Great ntimburs of tlm people one meets
in the street nro blind ; this is owing to
their eating of bo much rice s the ricu is ve
ry apt to have this effect, if eaten fresh
received by tho Trident and John Wells on
Monday, gave activity to our market, and
5000 bales were disposed of at about j a ceut
advance till previous rates. Yesterday morn-
in'', after tint arrival of the Florida with
to become usoful citizens in any communi
ty—and we feel porlbctly convinced, that all
the attempts to dispose oftliem in tliis mode
are futile in tho extreme. The better part
ofthem may bo induced sometimes (though
they will hardljl discover a reason) to mi
grate, and may bocoino useful settlors; but
that part, of which we are most anxious to
rid ourselves, is that which are least desir
ous of leaving a community in which they
may obtain an easy subsistence, or support
themselves in vice and immorality, by
ministering to the evil propensities ofothers.
We should suppose that the plan of coloni
zation lmd been sufficiently tried to prove its
fallacy. Tho African colonization Rociety
has now been in operation for several years
and wlmt lius been affected by tho colony
established by it at Liberia ? Why, truly,
several detachments of colonists have been
sent out, who, by the way, appear always
to arrive at an improper season ; but disease
and death, the idleness of the Settlers
and the “ insolence of tho natives,” which
once, if wo remember aright, broke out into
actual war, and yet requires a constant
attitude of defence, have so constantly pre
vented its growth, that it remains after all
the efforts made, in a situation little better
than when first commenced. The Society
still exists, and still exerts itself for tliB ful
filment of the objects for which it was esta
blished—but we believe from tho reasons
which we have here stated as applicable
to Hayti, the success of the undertak
ing will be much tho same- The Colony of
Sierra Leone established hy the British go
vernment fur the same purpose haB com
Shipwreck—Wo ore sorry to learn that
the British brig Diana, Captain M’Lean, I pIetc|y failod . j t is maintained at an ex-
which sailed from this port for Liverpool on ; pen8e of about six|y thousan(1 pom) ,| 8 Bter .
the 6th of March, with a full cargo of Cot-, ling # ycar . it haB alrea(ly cn8t £,540,000,
ton, was abandoned at Sea, on the 23d of aceori | ing t0 a London print now before us,
the same month, full of water. The Cap-, and ha8 bpen tbe grave of Europonn livcs
tain and crew were taken of the wreck by Rnd pr „ pol ty . Have the Colonization
the ship Indian Chief,from Baltimore,which
arrived at Waterford on the 11th of April.
Provisions are very plentiful andchcttpi LiverpoolduteB ofthe 16th April,about 1500
For Liverpool.
s_ Tito no.., ..L.7
their nocks, which they kissed with tho ut
most fervour.
The Grand Chiof then addressed hisMa<
josty (in French) in tlic following works
“ I was instructed not to speak in tho
royal presence unless in answer to your Ma
jesty’s questions ; but my feelings overpow
er mo ; my heart is full; I am amassed at
such unexpected grace and condescension,
and cannot doubt that I shall be pardoned
for expressing our gratitude. The sun is
shedding its genial rays upon our bends. It
reminds me of the great creator of tho uni
verse—of him who can make alive and who
caii kill* Oh ! may that gracious and ben
eficent Being, who promises to answer tho
fervent prayers of his people, bless abun
dantly your Majesty ! may he grant you
much bodily health ; and, for the sake of
your happy subjects, may ho prolong your
valuable life. It is not alone the four indi
viduals who now stand before your Majes
ty? who will rotnin to tho nnd of their lives
a sense of this kind nnd touching reception
--the whole of the nation, whose represent
atives we are, will ever love and bo devo
ted to you—their good and great father.
His Majesty’s answer to their address
was most gracious. It was in French also,
and in substance as follows:
He observed I lint he had listened with
great delight to their affecting and loyal
addroc-s; that he had always respected the
excellent people who formed the various
tribes in his North American possessions,
and that he would avail himself of every
opportunity to promote their welfare, se
cure their happiness, and prove himself to
be indeed their father.
His Mujesty then conversed with them
in the same language, in the most affable
manner, for ahove a quarter of ail hour.
After seeing the interior of the Royal
Lodge, the stables, the animois, and the
birds. Sir A. Barnard conducted them to
Cumberland Lodge, where a table., provi
d'd with refreshments, was prepnred for
them. On Thursday evening they left
Windsor for London expressing their grat
itude at having seen “ their great father.
King George,” and the manner in which
they had been received. Besides the me
dallions hung round their necks, his Majes
ty presented each of them with a print
from his full length portrait, by Sir T. Law
, JCi>- „ , . ,T l,e ncw “•‘ip*
jfcgfiL OLIVE BRanc,
It. Hording, MasUr 1
„ . mSmBMC* la now loading. For fr«* i
beef is only a penny tho pound ; poultry is bales were sold at similar rates lor ordinary cotton, apply to S. B. PARKMa v ^
in proportion ; ducks 12} cents per pair; to fair ; and for the finer qualite* ot'Upland May 28
turkies 25 cents the pair. The finest, firm- *nd Alabama an advance of a cent wnaob- ---- - “P
eat and best flavoured butter in the world is tained, a small parcel of the former having
made here—the best comes from Goshen' reached 27 cents. In tho afternoon advi-
wltieli is a few miles up the river, nnd sells vices were brought by the Robert Fulton,
at 6} cents a pound—largo quantities of it from Greenock, that 20.000 bales were sold
are exported to the northern states. ; in Liverpool, on the 18th ult. at an advance
The Governor ofthe state was in theci-; of jd on the prices ofthe 16th, which gave
ty Inst week. He is a man of good portly 1 a fresh iinpulso t > the market, and a
appearance, splendidly uniformed, and is animated demand continued until a late
nint h admired by the people. He is chosen hour. Severul thousand bales were dispa-
evtry seven years ; he hus a very handsome, sed of ut an advance on the prices of the
eqaipage. rides in a stato coach and Bix ; j morning. Tito total sales, siuco our last I
no other man in this country is allowed to! publication, aro estimated at about 10,060
diive mote than two horses in his carriage, bales. Import, since our lust, from
There arc very few carriages, however,
For New-York,
The brig
A L M I R A,
S. Harding, jii,„
W freight or passage,!,,
very accommodations, apply on beard, nr to *
May 2fl
»• « HARKMAN-.
ciety estimated the expense ofthe establish
ment at Liberia ; or the probable extent
of their funds. We wish well to the Socie
ty, but we doubt the practicability uf their
Tnx Creeks —The recent transactions
Colombia.—The editor of the National
Gazette has received a file of Bogota pa-
pars to the 7th of April inclusive. The Qa-
xeta de Colombia announces “ with plea-
anre." the arrival in Bogota on tho 1st of in the Creek Na’ion. have not generally
April, of Colonel. Campbell, the British <> licit<!<1 rEm ’ rI ‘' Tho m “" or buon loft
Commissioner! and adds, - We have with propriety to the care of the govern-
doubted authority for stating that Colonel me,,t ’ and tho88 immediately interested—
Campbell and Col. Hamilton are invested In onn or '' vo instancc8 ' howev, ' r
With full powers bv the government of His P erco,ved attcm P ,s made to P a,,iatl
Britannic Majesty to adopt and conclude in deeds of b,ood wllicl ‘ liavo 8laincd tho soil
this city a treaty of commerce and naviga- of Ge0, e ia - and t0 ^present the fate of
tinnwith the government of Colombia.”- M Intoah as a deserved punishment for his
The same paper contains a proclamation of c0,,,luct to>vards 1,18 ™“»'rymen.
General Sucre, dated Head Quarters in !t ls nut 8,lr l>ri«i»g tllat »'"“<» in whose
Cusco, the 29th December, 182-1, in which «y™ an act of bloodshed and robbery is an
he congatulates the inhabitants of Cusco on » cb «>f justic®, should think lightly ofthe
we have
the liberation of Peru, and aska their friend
ship and alliance as the only return desired
for the success of the Liberating army
There is also a proclamation of Bolivar, da-
character and services of bne who has ever
been a " friend to the whites,” and whose
greatest crime among his countrymen, was
Ins attachment to tile U. States; nor that
ted Lima, 21st December, wherein he con- lllH9e who CommiUe d tb « deed,should meet
Yokes the Sovereign Constituent Congress a P tdo g' 9ts when their acts tended to lessen
of Peru, fur the I0lh February.
the probability of an early acquisition hy
the state of Georgia, of a body of valuuble
We learn from the Intelligencer of the . * alld3.
Both instant, that the Court of Inquiry, sit- Tllero arc fac,s yet to como t0 H S ht
ting at the Navy Yard in that city, to iu .: which will perhaps exhibit the affairs that
quire into the conduct of Commodore Pon-
havc occurred among the Creeks, in a
TER, 111 regard to tho aflair at Faxardo, and lj « ht tl,at wil1 c,la "S e tlle opinions of tho
also in regard to the anti-piratical service most prejudiced ; ond candor might induce
generally, has closed the examination 0 f l,ho8ewll ° ’>"’ uld be totally unintoreated,
witnesses, and is said to be engaged in.ak- remain silent until a perfect and impar
iltg up an opinion.
tial exposition of the whole affair is made.
General Gaines arrived in Darien from
this city, on the evening ofthe 18lli instant,
The whole amount of specie imported into
the United States during the year ending II and ^ oeeeiei for St . Augustine next
Sept. 30th, 1824, was jjll,047,598. Export
ed, in the same period $7,014,552. Leav
ing a balance in the country of specie im
ported, of $ 1,033,046.
The ship Majestic, cleared at Charleston
fur Liverpool, has a cargo of750 bales Up
land, and 424 do. Sea-Island Cuttuii—valu
ed at $147,192 35.
A house in Price’s Alley, Charleston.was
struck by lightning on Wednesday, which
destroyed several articles of furniture, and
sot it on fire. The fire, however, was ex
tinguished in about ten minutes.
Pennsylvania Tobacco.—Segars made
of tobacco raised in Lancaster County,
have been exhibited, and are said to be
equal in flavor and taste, to the best Havana
Segars. Many are turning their attention
to the culture of this plant in Pennsylvania
BaniIs in Rhode Island—From the un
gual returns presented to he General As
sembly, on the 6th inst. it appears there are
now forty-three Banks in operstiou in that
State. Several petitions for new Banks are
sow pending before the General Assembly
• The number of towns in the state is only
Bunker Hill Monument—The sub
scription towards the Bunker Hill Mon
ument in Boston and the neighboring
towns, amounts already, to $43,806. To
this may be added, the grunt of $10,000
by the Legislature of Massachusetts, at
their late session.
Is there less public spirit in the people
and the Legislature of Georgia, than in
those of Massachusetts' They are both
appealed to for an object which should be
equally dear to them—their assistance in
erecting monuments which shall be as well
a memorial of their patriotism, gratitude
and liberality, as of the deserts of those to
whom they are erected. We cannot dcubt
that the appeal will be favorably met,
Mount. Editors—Have the citizens of
Savannah forgotten the Anniversary of our
Independence, or will they suffer it to pass
unnoticed f ■
Your's '76.
From London Papers received at this Jive,
Windsor, April 9—7A- King and the
Canadi/m Chiefs—The int resting Canadi
an Chiefs, accompanied by dir John Chap
man Rnd Mr. Irving Brock, brother of the
late gallant Sir}. Brock, who fell in Can-
elch has to pay a tux of one hundred dol-
Itrs a year.
There are vast quantities of mosquitoes
lere, and at night it ib necessary to
vear masks to prevent them devouring one’s
lose off, In Augusta, they are so uhiiod-
an: and hang over the place in such im
mense clouds and masses, as to fairly ob
scure the sky, so thnt the moon is rarely ev
er seen, and never but when a very high
wind clears away these insects in some de
gree. The negroes protect their bodies
i ron, the bite by first covering their skins
with tallow and then sticking tho grease
full of dost and sand, which gritty substance
is found to destroy the mosquito’s teeth the
moment it comes in contact. These mos
quitoes are caught in large nets ; then put
in large boilers and their lat tried out—this
is the Sperm Oil. By a very simple but in
genious cnutrivanco, the Light House on
Tyben, is kept burning the whole Bummer
bv these insects—the plan is this; in the
story immediately under tho lanthorn, are
several small openings, to draw in the mos
quitoes, which ire attracted by an infant
negro, placed there on purpose ; as soon as
the room is filled, which it g»ncrully is in
uu hour after dark, a machine descends
which compresses the whole mass of mos
quitoes and negro into the bargain, into
oil, which runs through holes into the floor
to the apartment below, to which the wicks
descend from the lanthorn above; it is hard
ly ever required of the keeper to go up to
light it, this is mostly done far him by tho
lightning, which strikes it almost every
night. This is one of the few things in
which these Americans excel us free Bri
tons, the furnishing light houses at so
cheap a rate, and the good quality of their
thunder and lightning. The inhabitants of
tile Island of Nantucket, which lies just st
j the south of this, nnd which was given lip
I a few years ago to the Americans by the
We understand the business which bro’t Spaniards, get their subsistence wholly by
them to this country, was to recover pos-' compressing oil from mosquitoes,
session of sonic lands tlmt had been taken; It happens in this country as in all others,
from them during the Ametican war; and that the inhabitants do get sick, and do
that a promise hud been given them that j die soul tones. As soon as the busi-
in case the same lands cannot be restored to' ness season is over, the sickly season be-
them, they are to have a grant of another 1 gins, and tile traders withdraw to give
tract of land. room for the doctors to begins their prac
Died at Blackball, on the 12th ult. Wil-; lice. The disease most prevalent is the
liam Abernethy, aged 78, better known by yellow fever, and what is called the black
the name of “ Boatic.” He wis the of- > vomit. The former takes off about a hun-
dest rod fisher upon tho Dee, and for up- dred a-day, who leave their estutes to tho
wards of fitly years had constantly passed Doctors—tlion the bluck vomit sets in.
his time in salmon fishing. lie was so well There are all sorts of vermin here—a
known upon the river, that no person con-i- man must look well about him as he goes
tiered himself a perfect fisherman, or in- along the streets to see that, he does not
structed in thn art, without beingucquaint- get a bi e from a Rattlesnake. I was
cd with “ Btmtie ;” and to the last he was wakened the other night by a lizard who
so devoted to his profe-sion, that the day was at work scratching the wax out of my
before he died lie directed himself to be car-1 ear. That same night I heard much groun
ded lo see the river, that lie might nscer- 1 ing in the next room to mine, and not long
tain whether it was in good order for fish after I heard another and a greater noise,
ing, expecting to he again enabled to kill a as if it were men digging—my curiosity ur-
salmon, which lie had only a very few days ged me to get up and ascertain the cause of
previously accomplished.—Chelmsford Chro- all this—the door was open, and I found that
aide. the groaning was in consequence ofthe ve-
Joint Stock Burial Company —A gen ry heavy weight of bed bogs that was upon
erol ccmeinry bus been constructed in Li- tile lotlgor, and what appearod like digging
verpnol at the expense of nearly £1000 was only two negroes, with a hoc and
supplied hy shares, tho design of which is to shovel raking ’them off of the poor fellow,
•* alter the custom that lias hitherto pre- This is a very common circumstance—it
vailed of filtering the dead amidst a dense has given nte pain more than onctv Snr-
population ; and also ut the same time of vants at the principal hotels m~t no other
giving that decency and retirement to tho compensation, than iho hugs mtfy collect—
ceremony, nnd security against depredu-: these they sell to the eating houses, where
tinn, that is so peculiarly gratifying to stir- it. forms one of the principal ingredients ill
vivingfriends.” The cemetry contains a- terrapin soup. These terrapins hear great
bout 24.000 superficial square yards. The resetnblenco to one of our English foxes,
tbrm of the enclosure is an oldoiig square, One thing that, lias astonished me very
secured hy a thick wall 18 foot high. A much, is the sopremeigttorunceofthnsepeo
border of ten feet wide, immediately ad- pie about old England, and ofthe manners
joining the interior side ofthe wall.and stir- and custom.-, &t. of Englishmen. They
rounding tho .. hole ground, is sot apart for will liartlly believe that an intelligent man
an arcade or colonnade, which will be roof- like your linmblo servant, could have been
ed with slate, and railed ill hy ornamental horn and brought up there. They have
ironwork, set upon a stone plvnth; this heard of London, and of Liverpool, and of
border will bn used for tombs ; and any mo- George IV. nnd John Bull, nnd that is all
numnntal inscription, tablet, or work of they know about us. I am leased todenth
sculpture, that may he erected, will be pine- by questions about John Bull—they want
ed against the wall at the head of the re- 1 to know who he is, and wlmt is his proles
spective tombs. The centre of the ground 1 sion.
is appropriated to vaults and graves, luiil out M
in regular order, nnd numbered. Each
corpse interred will he regularly registered I
in the books of the Institution. A O 'intuit-1 z
ten will at all times have a superintending
control, and will take care that nothing ot-
fensive, ludicrous, or in evident bad tas'v very few arrivals, ami from the intervening
shall appear among the raonumontiil in-' holy-days, the market Ims been generally
” without much animation since our lust.
New-Orlrans 724 bales; Alabama 483;
Georgia 79 ; North Carolina 59 j Total—
13-15 hales. ' ^
Total Import, since 1st inst. 6222bales.
freight or
For Host in,
1 he fast sailing nehognei
Putterton. Matter
Will meet with'despS. *
“I-P-L???®!.! 1 *!'"? S°°d accent
Antwerp, April 8—In consequence of
the continued Eustqrly winds, wc have had
scriptinns, or in any other way,—Dublin
Morning Register.
Savannah—Letter from a young English
man in Savannah to his friend in London.
From the Loudon Courier of September,
1, 1825.—Concluded.
Canals are absolutely necessary here, aa
the country, particularly that part nearest
the sou-coast, is very mountainous, and the
hills so steep as that they can only be trav
elled on horseback, nod cotton is now bro’t
in on the backs of mules.
The country people are not well ncqnain
-1 am told tliut a man hero made a for
tune by Belling them gimblet handles for
nutmegs. The country people have now in
turn cheated the traders, by putting
stones in their pucks of cotton—a bale of
cotton was opened last week, ond in the
centre wus a ruck weighing near half a
There isono remarkable thing I have no
ticed here, which is that many of the men
and women have but one eye. This comes
of an inclination to fight and wrestle,which
generally prevails, and whenever a quarrel
at fisticuffs lakes place, the mob around
never suffer the parties to separate, till one
of them has gouged out the other’s eye.—
Boys are encouruged in this practice by the
schoolmasters, and the loss of an eye by
gouging is considered a mark of nerve and
courage, and is an indispnnsablo qualifies,
tion before a boy can get an apprentice-
| ship.
Co((on—Tito briskness in Cotton was
considerably increased by the account front
London of the 29tli ult. in consequence of
which the request beenme on Saturday ex
ceedingly animated, and sales were effected
at an advance of fully one groat per lb. on
previous rates 250 bags Boweds realized
28 to 29 gt. (12 7-16 to 12 7-8 not;) 100 bugs
Sp. Domingo 25 gt. (11 }d ;) 100 bags Ben
gal 17J, ISA, (74,8d) and 50 Surat 21 gt.
j9d.) Since then prices have continued to
improve, and our qutntions are in ennse-
Keio-Orleans, Jllaij 2.—Cotton Westa
ted in our last report that from the last in
telligence from New-York, it was probable
tlmt the sales of the week which has just
ended, would ho made at prices still higher
than these which we then published ; and
so it was, the transactions of Monday and
Tuesday fully justified our opinion. A lot
of 50 bales of choice old 33 cents, which is
the highest price paid during the whole sea
son. Rome other small quantities changed
hands at 32 cents. A large parcel of 1000
bales of North Alabama and Tennessee
was disposed of at sundry prices, giving an
average price of 27 J cools. But if on those
two d.iVB our market was brisk and anima
ted, it was rather dull towards the close of
the week, and purchasers exhibited very lit
tle disposition to continue their transactions
at tbe present rates, which we consider as
merely nominal. We shall therefore mako
no change in our last quotations.
Sold in l ho course of the week, from 3 to
4000 bales—imported in the
bout 9000 bales.
same time a-
Mississippi, choice,
27 to 30
“ prime,
“ 2d quality.
25 to 26
22 to 24
“ 3d do.
19 to 21
Louisiana, choice,
26 to 28
“ prime,
23 to 25
" 2d quality,
20 to 22
“ 3d do.
18 to 19
N. Alb. & Ten. choice.
29 to 24
“ “ 2d-qm»lity,
20 to 22
“ “ common,
17 to 19
jwr. . Jones’ Buildings,
JVho has for tale,
70 Barrels Superfine Flour and
A few barrels No. 3, Mackarel
May 28 6 ,
Export, from 1st to 11th inst. 3236balcs. Nations, apply to tlm muster on hoard or
Newaprlonns, 26 a 30; Upland, 23 a 27 j truix, „.- -
Alubarna, 93 a 97 ; Tennessee, 24 a 25. .
Molasses.—The demand is still very fair
at our rates. Since our last about 150)ihda.
good Havana have been sold at 29, a small
cargo of l)f nierara at 31, and about 60
lihrls. Guadalnupe,on Fiijay,at 30 cents.
W c continue the same quotations.
Kick.—150 tierces have been sold, since
our last, at 4 cents per lb. part ensh and
part on time, for prime quality. Import,
from Charleston 202 tierces. Total, siuce
1st instant. 674 tierces, 20 half tierces.
SunAiis.—A parcel of 80 hhds. fair quali
ty Now-Orlcans lias been sold, since our
last, at. 8j cents per lb.—30 hhds. fair Cu-
’ a Muscovado at for home use, and 50
boxes Brown Havana at 10{ cents for ex
portation. Havana Sugars are very scarce
as are also all other descriptions suitable
for exportation. The principal stock at
market is New-Orleans.
Freights.—Vessels continue in good de
mand both for England and the Continent,
and an advance on Freights to the latter ob
tained, 2 cents per Ib. tor Cotton in ronnd,
and 1J cents in square bales has been given
for a full cargo to Havre.
Exchange —-Bits ou London, 60 days,
6£ a 6i premium ; on France, 6 25 do-
Fur Providence,
The sloop
To nail on Tuesday next. F 0 i
freight or passage, having good arvoaano.
nations, apply on board, at Rive’s Wharf
or *° 8. C. GREENE,
May 38 j"'
To Rent.
A Briek Tenement DWEl,.
LING-HOUSE, on tbe north
side Market-Square, ut | iresc „,
occupied by Mr. li. I). Greene,
Possession esn be had uu the first day i
Nov-ntber next.
Aleo, the STORE fonaedv
occupied by Mr. John «. Widi,
as a shoe store. Possession riv
en immediately. Apply to °
May 29 56
November \
Sugar, Coffee vii Hugging
KD HOGSHEADS) Muscovado 8»-
I/O 63 Barrels ( gars.
90 Bags Prime Green Coffee
300 Pieces Cotton Bugging
For sale by GEO. GORDON.
May 28 Mp
Superior Fresh T-mmnk
P UT up in small jars front three totwelv,
pounds, just received nnd for sale by
Corn and Peas.
’/UUU 100 do Cow Pess
The cargo of the schooner Carpenter’s Son,
at Hunter’s Wharf, for kh le hv
May 28 . V6p
On Thursday evening Inst, by M. J. Ksp
pel esq. J. P. Mr.Frederick Boaohon of
S. C. to Miss Mary Clark, of this city.
Official List
O F the drawing of the Maryland State.
Lottery, No. 4 -.
No. 14,788, $20,000; 1721, $16,000;
7037.45000; 148, 1401, 5243.16,925,19,-
232, $1000; 4734, 12,063, 14,617, 111,518,
$500, &c. Sic.. Holders of prizes will rail
and receive their cash, or invest the amnunl
in other Lotteries, at
May 26
icm WML
Brig Commerce, Turner, Charleston, 1
day, to Geo. Gordon.
Schr. Carpenters’ Son, Hackett. Ply
mouth, N. C. with Coro, to Geo. Gordon.
Scltf. Sparrow, Badershall, Norfolk, 9
days, with Corn, to John Candler, und Hall
Si Hoyt.
Sloop Falcon, Gibbs, 1 day from Charles
Steam boat Edgefild, Sassard, 27 hours
from Charleston, with Cotton and merchan
dise, to A. & E. Wood, and others. Pas
sengers, Mrs. Le Count, Alcssrs. R. King.
J. Rose und others.
AnmvEu from rms PORT,
At Charleston on Wednesday, schr. Dis
patch. Guthrio.
At New-York, 13th instant, 6loop Eliza
Nicoll. Blankenship, 10 days-
At Philadelphia, 19th instant, ship Hal
cyon, Woostor.
At Baltimore, 19th inst. schr. Martha,
The ship Emperor, for New-York ; brig
Sarah, for do.; and brig Brutus, for Liver
pool, are at anchor wind bound, otTLong Is
The ship Henry Tuke, Candler, arrived
Georgia—Chatham Co'inhj.
li the Court of ^rdi^sry—».M».v Te*m
O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Fa* «
of John Wadrerl .^ de<. pr®vi» g pna «iel
Am ti be made absolute, on his compto ~
wiiff the law, to null Two Tract* of LnJ
tautens Counts, being the real mtneofihs
aid deceased for ihe t of the fi.' r s
creditors: ll is ori.end, that s no' 11 - !
ublished nine month?, in one '>f the f*
si'ttes of the city of Savannah, »eqtrrirjf #1
persona interested, to sno # if
can, why the prayer of tin- p»t * ; wr '*
not be granted S M BOH\c M
M>» ‘.’6 r
sheriff’s Sale, Caii inueA
On the first Tuesday in June nid,
TnflLL be ao d .t the Court ho*w" i" 1 ]]
jJr city of Savannah be'ween C! **
hours of ten a’d Urea o’clork,
All ihe buildon Lot Nn. WW*
Warden Ward, bounued esst by Lot > • j»
tlii ty-one, west by Lot *Jo. (2 ) l * er, '’V
,'orrh by Congreis at- and south by * , * llV |J
vied on a* the property of Ano B t
s-uiafy an execution for ground rant m
the Trustee* of the Chatham Academy-
One negro woman r a ied Both, * ll ‘
aa the property ofBei/jtmin SUrfml.' 0 ' '
f v on execution from me Court o* ^ »
Pleas ai d Oyer and Terminer for the '. m
Javannat-, John I Dew*, vt. B-nj- » '
and Hord *cai Sheftall, property P oin ‘ e
bv the defendant*. f
Mav 28
moved to State-Street, h*-' 18 ’” n ^
nard and Jefferson Streets, ond °Pr j
the residence of A- Telfair,
remain open during the summer se« »•
the following branches ofeducattee
- - Granm»6 *>‘1
quence H to2 gt. per Ib. higher than last
ted with things in general, and are in' cou- Friday’s ■ but owing to the great scarcity | at B^nTinihcieth tart.lwTuwr|wi
sequence otten imposed upon by the traders in the market and the high precisions °l i Sailed 16th April
' * ft-Wors, tlio-demand cn oniybepartly sa- Tho e h ip8 Ju n0 '. Lady Gallatin; Mount viz L »'
petce. y Cr8 8U ‘“ VCTnon « a " d Eliza, all from this port via N. "'oL whiS 1""
Rice,—The total soles of Carolina dur
ing tint pust month worn 2400 bbls ; the
Vernon ; and Eliza, all from this port via N
York, nrrived at Liverpool previous to the
17th ult.
Tho British barque Crown, from rhm
left us^but a*shor't sum>1 v^n ■£' ?«A? aa “P^n
left us but a short supply on band; good now
Carolina is particularly wanted, and for
which our highest quotations are readily
obtained ; of East India descriptions we are
nearly bare- Caroliua, 18s. 7d. to 22s. Id.
m tt.
New- York,May 18.—Coffee.—The mar
ket continues very inactivo, and we have
not heard of any sales since our last. Tho
quantity on hand has beon increased by fur
ther arrivals.
Cotton Badoino—There is very littlo
inquiry, and it would be difficult to obtain!
our quotations, which we do not alter. i
| Cotton.—.The accounts irom England,!
13th ult. lat. 50, 20, long. 17, 50.
raphv, ..
Marking. Terms of tuitioo, -j
been reduced, may be known on spP 1 f
to Mrs. L. who pledges herselt tk i
ertion shall bo spared to merit
ante of public patronage. jSi
Mny 18 ——■
Lamp Oil.
1000 GAIX0NS sperm
warranted ofthe first quality,
for sale by HAZARD &■ DENSLOW,
VVhittaker-Slreet, fid door from the Bay. For sale
May 19 48 ||
A FEW Bags Prime Havana Green Cof
fee, for sale by ?. S. LUTHER.
May U
Just Received bn slop -% ,,s
■i s\ DOZEN Seidlitz Powders .
J. bd Sulph. Quinine, English Ms
April 14
ship ASJ
Goshen Butter
F IFTEEN firkins received per
AprU*6*j! lb-HERBERT fc c< t: