Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 01, 1825, Image 3
I •4 gfe LI8T Of LETTER9 RffWinm; in the Post-OJfice, Savannah lit ^ .fans, 1825. visiting letters fVom this list, wiifpleaso tall for Advertised Letters. r A. {Thoa Y OHN ADAMS. 2 j William H Leary, > —— Liittlo J Miss Justine Lay bait j James Love Mtgel Luzero Arisne Grandmont i Msdsttls Clsndin* Madame Chadorae { Guerault Mona le Colonel { Moris P Sollet JOHN SCUDDER, P. M. June I 59 J jas. Alexander Pr John R Allen Hirtly Averell Jlrs Eliza Akins Ricli’d J Arnold . B. Timothv Barnard MraSMAS Bland Miss Claridu A Bland Amos Baker David Brandon John Bradly July (a blackmail) Mrs Mary Baker Wiu Black .— Uarnsly J \V B ichelder Cspt Barby Miss Nancy Bradly Mrs Mary Baiiely William lilake Mrs — Barton Bards Jolm Banking John Bartlii'linosa | Peter Blankenship ' Suin’! Beckwiths Mrs Nancy Beal Uriah H Berios William Byrd Abraham Blitch Uriah Borins, 2 Job T Belles James C Biount. /eiias L Boggs Peter Brnugnion Mrs Catharine Bow man Miss Lnuisia Broad Lucy Brown Louisa Brongtnn CnptJuremiuliBnweu Miss Mary Boutell Mrs El za Barton G R Burroughs M. Jacob Mars MrsB. N. Mohow Master A J Maxwell Mrs — Mackiclircie Capt Benjamin Ma thews D Mare Rev Mr Merideth Mrs Mary Merrit * Mrs Mary Melrose Ephraim Meigs Mr Myars John Myrick BenjaniinW Milby Tims'N Morel Mrs Jane Mnlryne Edward Munroo Daniel W. Morgin Mrs Harriet Monroe N. Tlios Nelson Mm Mary Noris Airs Surah Nolo ' 0. Chas O’.Mally Peter C Ontos George Oliver Samuel Oiver P. Capt Robt S Psttnn.3 Alexander hi ' ratt Nathaniel F rat Ann Pain Rich O Parhar John CPsrkir Maria C Pierce Sarah Pettiboue Bocroft Penny Eliza E Pettigrew ; William S Phillips Gustavus J Borrough John Pignel C. George L Phillips Tliomas Callan Robert Casy Ini Crap William Chrk Miss Joann Caswell Elizabeth Cline James Anderson <££Co. ¥OUL QAYR.E. A LINE OF PACKETS has bcon esta blished between New-York and Havre, to leave both ports regularly, ou the Pint and Fftecnth any of each month during the H ycur. Trie ships composing tlte line, are AVE romovod to the middle tenement fart sailers, well found and commanded,cop- Young’s Buildings, whore they offer P«red and copper fastened. Their accom- for sale a large and general assortment of modations for passengers, comprise all Unit »*rr\ otaui U i\iivi canbe required, for comfort and conveni- FANCY AN I) “ I ArLIi HU I jence. Passangers in the cabin will be ta- GOODS I kenfor$140each,tor which they arefurnish- . .. ed with beds, beddding, wines and ample reoeivod by the latest arrivals from Liver-, B t ores of every description, pool and New-York. \ G„ odg intended for shipment by them, AP r " ■‘ 7 i may be sent to the agents, who will attend r,-n„<un . utTziviiin t0 tbe ‘ r reception and forwarding, without ana 0\J«U.rixlK.n>: charge for storage or commissions. The LAFAYETTE; CO¥¥¥E ttOYJSE. GOOttd. B Y the ehips Georgia and Harp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have recoived their usual supply of SEASONABLE IDIRT ig vious to the advance in England, they can be afforded and will bo sold at low prices, and on a long credit, for undoubted paper. ANDREW LOW Si CO. Feb 28 HO Mrs Mary J Porclier Abin E Powers Capt John Porteas Alplmnzo Poyat William Pope Alien Potter, 2 JOSEPH KOPMAN GO, H AVE received by the William Wal lace, from New-York, an additional supply of Staple and Fan cy Articles, among which ark: Barregc Shawls and Handkerchiefs Belt and Gauze Ribbons Steel Buckles and clasps Black do Plain Linen Drillings Fancy Prints Straw Bolivars, die. die. May 30 57t, expenses which may, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, bo col lected with the freight at Havre, A letter Bag is at the New-York Post Office, for alllcttcrs that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must be addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS Si BOYD. Agents, New York, oct 14 22 Claudia Coacbiuun i William Puytliresa William H Coe < Q- Hoary Cook 5 Moses B Quinly Alia Adaline Con S R. Mrs Mary Adaline j James Right Coe ! Joseph Rivers Miss Margt J Coe, 21 William Richardson Jas Cunningham. 2 . Capt Edmund Rich- Mrs Anno Cunning- j ardson ham, 2 t Janies Riarsnn D. j Mrs Diuna Richard- Miss Jane F C Davis i son Charles Devant J Mias Eleanor -Rynn Alias Mary E De- j Mrs Eliza S Roberts mere sCapt Ricli’d Rowell Mis Caroline E Dick i John W Roberts Francis Dickison For New-York, [ESTABLISHED LINE,) Thu regular packet ship AUGUSTA, George White, Master, _ Will sail on Thursday next, 2d June. For freight or pasBuge, anply to the master on board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to HALL & HOYT. May 26 R.EM.OVA\i. John Diver Capt —— Do-ivjlle Jonathan Dow Francis Doyle. 2 Cuot —- Dubois Francis Dupont Paul Dupon E. Mrs Jane England M Kigle Willis It Franklin Samuel H Fray, 3 l John A Rowell \ Margaret Roby $ Robert E Robbins < James T Ross \ Jonathan Robinson Blake B U-ullaud, 2 T HE subscribers have removed to John ston^ Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are opening a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their farmer stock. W. Si H. ROSE. April 5 10 IT The Darien Gazette, and Recorder, Milledgeville, will give the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this office THE COPARTNERSHIP o F CUMMING and GWATIIMEY, is The settlement oftlie affairs of the concern, will lie attonded to by JOSEPH CUM- MING, who will continue the same busi- i s, S James J Stark 1 Stephen Soule , on his own account. H.B. GWATIIMEY. Savannah, Mav 18, 1825. 47n y John B {Shutter 5 Charles H Starr \ Miss June Starr ' d IO*- iV I c Capt S StatTord ' Alex J C Shaw Mrs William Frasier > Capt Ed Swarbreck Miss Sally Farrolly Mrs Rachael Sweet Mirza Fisher, 2 5 Miss Mary Street Rob't Flournoy, sen. \ Mrs Bethia Seobury Oreasmus Fateh s Mathew VV Stowurt G. 5 John Senbrook Thomas Garnett j Wm H Smith Dr Win Garbit, 2 ? Capt Joseph Simon Capt Worthington \ Benjamin G Sims Gale | James W Sims Henry Gardner J Mrs Sarah Sims Mrs Elizabeth Green , William F Simpson William Green < Dominick Should* Martin Glorson j JG Smith Charles Gildon, 2 > Capt James Smith ” George Stow j James Scoles 3 ! Inspector of Dry tiuliure. S AMUEL M. BOND, Esq. has been ap pointed Inspector of Dry Culture, and it is requested that he limy he respected as such by nil those concerned in cultivati g the ground under contract. WM. R. WARING, CIl. Com, Dry Culture, May 23 Gor- Miss Elizabeth don John Goodwin i David Squires Sam’l Goldsmith J T. Sam’l II Goldsmith jr \ F E Tebeau Jacob F Gold $ Jos C Trontl p n II. Robert Ilnrby Richard Hard J Hall Nathl Hammond Charles Harper Samuel Hale, ‘i Henry Hannahan J. H. Harding , Mi‘-s Ann Harmon, Ilnyrl James S. Ilurris Surah Harrison MissE. M. ilamilton Josiali Iluteher Miclil Headen Mircam Hylton D -ct. Cli M Hill Francis F. Ilodgins Capt. C llnpnnr John [lower. 2 Stephen C Hooker Calvin Howell N a' haniel Hughes A. R smphtey John liunter J. t Lewis Jackson Chas Jenkins, Turner Jenkins William H Jones Edw Jones Jos Mayhank Jones Joseph J Johnston Feter Lewis Jore James R Johnston Seth G Threadcraft fK Tufrnon 5 Charles Tiott J Mrs Hetty Tippet } Miss Clarissa Troth ___ J DtdiHisses Thompson I" ' Muj Lham Thomp-1 } son ^ Lewis Thrner l William Turner * CliuH W Turner, 2 Notice. YvYvu\c.nA Wo. "1. A DIVIDE.ND of six dollars per shore has this day been declared on the pro fits of the Btenm-Boat Company, for t he last four months, payable on the first Mon day in Juue next, to the Stockholders or t.lioir authorized agents, at the steam boat office, Savannah. WM. P. HUNTER, Treasurer Steam-Boat Company, May 3 34rri Geo A Turk nett i Rebecca Tumberlin f Susan C Tufis 5 V * • J B Vnllee IMrsNancv Verdell j VV. f Wm Waters Wm Wnde 5 i James M Wallace ) John Wutcrs j Fred Womack i Theodore W rirland | James Wasliington J Sain’l B Wehl), 2 \ Stephen W West * Mrs M E Willis * Mrs Martha Wylly.3 | Annette Williamson 5 Richard H Wilde J Mi*s PermelJtt Win- > got : Tims A Williams ? Prince Works \ SSB Williams N otici;. HE subscriber finding an advertise- mont in the Georgian, under the sig nature of Christopher Snell, cautioning persons against trading for a certain note, given by suid Snell, to the aubscribrir and Robert Boville for Three Hundred and Fif ty Dollars, I do certify that I have never received such a note from Mr. Snell, though I have received a note signed by Mr. Snell, i. e. by nitakinghis mark, given to me alone, for Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars, due January next. The date the note was given, I do not recollect, as the note is not in my possession at this time — Mr. Snell further stntes that he has reason to believe, thnt I had no just right or title to the property I sold him, for said note. I appeal to the records of Scriven County, to prove the falaciousness of Mr. Snell’s rea sons for ftuch belief. ROBERT LUNDAY. May 16 45fu For Liverpool^ The new shin OLIVE BRANCH, 11. Harding, Master, Is now loading. For freight of cotton', apply to S. B. PARKMAN. May 28 56p For New-York, The brig A L M l It A, S. Harding, Master, ,For freight or passage, having good accommodations, apply on board, or to S. B. PARKMAN. May 28 56r. Sks For Boston, The fast sailing schooner SPARROW, Patterson, Master, Will meet with despatch. freight or passage, having good accommo dations, apply to the master on board, or to JOHN CANDI.ER, Jones’ Buildings, Who has for sate, 70 Barrels Superfine Fluur am! A few barrels No. 3, Mackerel May 28 66 T HE subscriber very respectfully in forms his friends and the public in general, that his MINERAL APPARA TUS is in good order, and he will connantly during;'the season, have £oAa-W«.ter, &e and in addition rnur ijuamtv SV’RUPS. aoiB(Sim&m every day, May 25 3 until 12 o’clock, P. M. PETER LAURENS. 63«.« BATHING-HOUSE. File gentlemen of Savannah I its ticinity. are informed that BAH The and its ticinity. i the BATHING HOUSE on the north side of the Court-House Square, next door to the residence of P. P. Thom tsson, Esq has been opened and will continue open for this Beosun, under an ar rangement much superior to that which has heretofore existed. The utmost attention will always be paid to cleanliness and to the comfort and con venience of visiters. Cold and warm baths at any hours of the day, and . until nine o’clock in the evening. The torms will bo 56 cents for each bath, or throe tickets for one dollar, which will entitle the holder to three baths. May 27 53} THE IWYY1AO.X, SARATOGA SPRINGS. This spacious and beautiful es tablishment. has recently under gone thorough repnirs, and has been superbly furnished and fit ted up for the accommodation of visitants at the Springs the ensuing season. It will he kept by its former occupant, and neith er pains nor expense will be wanting to render the stay of visitors agreeable. It will be opened for company on the lflth of Mny, instant. Silny 4. ID” The publishers of the New-York Eve ning Post, Daily Advertiser, and American; the National Gazette, Philadelphia j Patri ot, Baltimore; National Journal, and In telligencer, Washington; Richmond En quirer; Courier, Charleston; and the Geor gian, Savannah, are each requested to pub lish the above advertisement, every other p or ' day for one month, and send their bills, with a paper containing the advertisement, to the Pavilion for payment. May 14 44rp|| For Sale, The pilot-boat built schooner G A L L A N T, burthen eighty tons, coppered and S copper fastened, has a uew suit of canvass, s remarkable fast sailer, and is in complete order fur a voyuge. For termB apply to Capt. Reynolds on board or to J.'B. HERBERT & CO. For sale on hoard suid schooner, 2000 Bushels iWoryluud White Corn 100 Barrels Whiskey Apply to J. B. HERBERT &. CO. May 30 57 To Rent, ply to Mav 20 The adjoining TENEMENT, oftlie house occupied by Mrs. Brasch, in Broughton-street— immediate possession given. Ap- J. P. HENRY. 49 re COLUMBIA HALL, XfcW-Y.t\janon Springs. T HE Proprietors of these Springs have the pleasure to inform the public, that having made several improvements since the last season, they are enabled to enter tain »s many persons as any establishment in the United States. Columbia Hall is ‘ fitted up with new furniture, in a Btyle e- qua! to thn accommodations of ai y other F<»1* NpVV.Ynpk fashionable retreat ill the country. * | New Lebanon Springs have been long The fust sailing packet sloop celebrated for their medical virtues, and FALCON, | iave been a fashionable resort for many Robert Gibbs, Master, I ycara . The buildings are handsomely sit Will sail on Sunday next, 5th ua ted, the rooms large and airy, command, tor freight or passage, having su- ing fi„ e views of a beautiful country of mountain and valley, celebrated for purity of atmosphere, for rich surrounding cenery Muv 31 June, (n rior accommodations, ami can handsome ly accommodate ten or twelve passengers, apply to the master on board, at Aticiaux’s a u<i affording the purest waters for bathing. „ j A new and convenient Bath-House haB BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & \V OOD. been built during the past year, containing twenty rooms tor warm and cold bathing, and having a covered way to the Hall fur To Rent. | the benefit of persons in delicate health. 4 * The proprietors assure those who may ? ivJvIlt\iTa£ enient ,*' visit New-Lebunon for health or pleasure, • i 0,1 * 16 nort * 1 that no pains shall be spared to atford them side Market-Square, nt present the best accommodations. The Ballston occupied by Mr. H. D. Greene, mid Saratoga Waters will be keptconstant Dissension can be had on the first day of, ly for the ,, 6e onfcardura . November “ext. | The Springs are situated on the Boston Also, the STORE formerly j{ oa j i twenty-five miles from Albany, and occupied by Mr. John B. W tek, tu-enty-fiight from the citv of Hudson— as a shoe store. Possession giv- j The rnn(i[ , in ,. very dirMl ion are j„ eX( . n l- on immediately.^_AppljMo_ j on ^ or( j cr> an( j p astj through a beautiful i JiiiilLc Possession c November n liiiifc: Mny 28 CHARLES llOE. 58 Savannah and Au gusta COACH. Mail country ANTHONY KERR, HENRY HULL. ItT The National Gazette. Philadelphia; the Courier, Charleston; the Georgian, Eavaunah; and the Patriot, Boston, will please to publish the above daily for one month, and send their bills to the office of the New-York American. May 24 52ri. Tu¥ INQUISITION. William T Johnston I Wm O Williams Georgo Johnston K ' Mias Isabella Kain Mrs. H. Kent Mrs Robccca MKeet- Edward Wily ■ Susannah Wilson S Miss Susan Wright J Serjt Dan Wilson ■ i John Womack, 2 * MissCathalenaWood j Y. 5 Michel Young | Me. c Mrs 8usan A G M’- : Intnsh 5 Mrs M C McQueen f George M’Farlnnd © llama M’Callach ¥tenc\\ ML Latnuche Command D’AU- v S Herviant • Dumel Kean Miss F Kendrick John Keen Solomon Knceland Mrs Ann M Keen Mrs Sarah R King , L. Mrs H Lacy Treasury V eyaTtment. } April 29, 1825 3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T HAT, on the first day of October next, the principal of tile six per cent, stock of tile United States, created under the au thority of an Act Of Congress, entitled “An Act authorising a loan for a sum not exceed ing eleven millions of dollars,” approved on the fourteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, together with the interest then duo thereon, will be paid to the proprietors of said stock, or to their attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasury; of the United States, in Washington, and; at the several Luan Offices, on the books of which any portion of said stock may stand.' A surrender of the Certificates of said Stock, will be required at the time of pay- ment, and the interest on snid Stock will cease, from and after the thirtieth day of September next.^ ^ 8()UTHARDi New Arrangement——Georgia Side. T HE subscriber respectfully informs the public tlmt lie has removed tlio Line of Stages on the Georgia side, and will j hereafter, leave Savannah every Sunday, r¥7HF, subscriber has in his hands a man Wednesday, and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A.M., A uscript which he nronoses to uublist lodge at Pierco’s. and arrive in Augusta at by subscription, under t] 5 o’clock next dny. For scats, apply at' the Georgia-Hotel. JOSEPH I. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Savannah, March 20,1825. N. B. Horses, Carriages, and Gigs, to litlo of “THE INQUISITION EXAMINED, by an IM PARTIAL REVIEWER.’’ The subject is sufficiently important to nxcito curiosity and interest. It is time thot a correct end unprejudiced view of it, and of the motives of those with whom it notice. March 24 100 **®*!B01klCO**■ Let—Horses kept by the day. month or originated, should be Jaid tiul'ore the public, year, and expresses sent at tue shortest, Such is the proposed publication. The work will be put to press on the 16th of May next, and the edition limited to the number of copies then subscribed fur. The delay of publication is for tlio purpose of giving to the public an opportunity of en gaging copies of it. ft will consist of six numbers of 24 pages 12mn. each, at 12} cents each number ; and will he forwarded by mail, on receipt of orders accompanied by the cash. Persons who may interest themselves in its circula tion. will receive a free copy, ou their ma- A FRESH SUPPLY of the above VAL- king payment for five, and in that propor- UABLE MEDICINE, jirnt recoived tion for any greater number of copies. Or- May Acting Secretary of the Treawrg. just por brig Frances, and for sale hy GEO. RYERSON, I I r May U Sole Agent. tion for any greater number of copies, dere free of postage, will be recoived by T. O’CONNER; New-York. May 19 *8 BY CALVIN BAKER, On MONDAY NEXT, 6th Juno, At XI o’clock, will be sold at the stere of Mr. Wilson Fuller, in Market-Square, all his remaining stock of DRY GOODS, con sisting of a great variety of choice and sea sonable articles.—Terms time of sale. May 3| ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY CALVIN BAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of the Court-House in this city, a TRACT OF LAND in Tattnall County, containing 575 acres, situated near Canonchee River, be longing to the estate of Samuel Haughton, dec. and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, by order of the administrator. May 10 PRIZES!! T HE following Schemes are offered to adventurers NEW-YORK LITERATURE LOTTE RY, will draw in Now-York in July—60 numbers combination—nine number to be drawn. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 30,600 Dollars. 1 15,000 do 1 10,000 do 1 5,737 do 20 1,000 do 30 600 do 30 200 do 51 100 do 51 60 do 1734 • 22 do 11475 11 do 13395 Prizes. 20625 Blanks, being only one and a half blanks to a prize, and the lowest prize $1 1 . There being nine numbers drawn in this Lottery, the chance of a prize is greatly in creased. Tickets $!0, Halves 5, Qrs 2 50. UNION CANAL LOTTERY, Seventeenth Class—Sixty Numbers Com bination—Eight Numbers to be drawn, draws in Philadelphia on the 6ih of July. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 50,000 Dollars. 1 20,000 do 1 10,000 do 2 5,000 do 1 4,720 do 20 1,000 do 30 500 do 52 100 do 158 so do 1248 20 do 10608 ID do 12120 Prizes. 22100 Blanks. TiokesB jj9, Halves 4 50, Quarters 2 25 Orders for tickets in cither of the above Splendid Lotteries, received hy W. ROBERTSON, Georgian Office. ItT Cash paid for Prizes as soon as drawn. Prizes in oilier Lotteries received as cash. * t * Orders from a distance (poBt paid) attended to the same as on personal appli cation. I May 31 Notice. T HE subscriber being about closing his accounts, requests all persons who have any demands against him, to present them immediately tor payment; and all those who arc indebted to him by book ac count, note, duebill, or ntherways, are re- quested to settle the some, on or before the 15th June, otherwise the whole, without any exception, will be placed in the hands of an attornev for collection. GEORGE S. HAZELTON. May 31 68p BY J. B. HERBERT Is CO. THIS DAY, June 1st. At XI o’clock, in front of our Auction Store, a general assortment of GROCER IES. Also, without reserve, an Invoice of Crockery and Glaas Ware—Terms cash. June 1 EXECUTOR’S BALE. BYJ. B. HERBERT It CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in HJLY, Will be sold before the Cutilt-House in this city, between the usual lioure, Lot No. 1(>, EweiiBburgh and Oglethorpe Ward, with the improvements thereon. Also, two Negroes, named Polydore and Ben,- be longing to the estate of Josiah Fox, dec.— Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the executors—Terms cash. May 24 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT Sf CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY. Will be sold before the Court-House in this city, between the usunl hours of sale, TWO COWS & C ALVES. Il ^the Household ft S*Kitchcn Furni I ture of the late John Street deceased, order of the administrator.—Terms cash. May 24 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT Sc CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, WiU be sold before the Court-House in this city, between the usual hours, TWO NEGROES, Peter and James, belonging to the estate of the late James Wallace, Esq. deceased. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the administrator- Terms cash. May 5 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT It CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will be sold before the Court-House in this City, between the usual hours, TWO NEGRO SL AVES named Nelly and Dido, the property of the estate of Owen Jnnee a deceased. Sold by permission of the Hon. orable the Inferior Court of Chatham Coun- ty, and by order of the Administrator.—. Terms caBh May 18 FIRST LOTTERY TO BE DRAWN! ssbSm) ; STATE LOTTERY, FlllST CLASS—NEW SERIES. ft — ■^MTlLL positively be drawn in Providence vT on FRIDAY NEXT.—Fifty Namber Combination—6 ballots to be druwn. S. 4r Jtf. Allen if Co. Annuls fur the Manager $w ’9 9 Highest Prize. SCHEME. 1 Prize of $10,000 is 10,000 Dollars. Dividend, No. 14. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, Savannah, 22d April, 1825. T HE Board of Directors having this day declared a dividend on the capital stock oftliis Bank,for the last six months, of $3 per share, or six per cent per annum, i he Baine will be paid to the respective Stockholders thereof, or to their order, on and after Monday next. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. CT The editors of the Augusta Constitu tionalist, Washington News, Southern Re corder and Georgia Journal, Millcdgrville, will please to publish the above throe times, and charge the expense to this Bank. April 23 26 1 do. 6,000 is 5,000 Dollars. 5 do. 1,000 is 5,000 Dollars. 1 do. 548 is 548 Dollars. 4 do. 500 is 2,000 Dollars. « do. 100 is 8u0 Dollars. 44 do. 50 is 2,200. Dollars. 88 do. 25 is 2,200 Dollars. 628 do. 8 is 4,224 Dollars. 5676 do. 3 is 17,028 Dollars. 6356 Prizes ( 19,600 ) 13-244 Blanks 1 Tickets. | 49,000 Dollars. OR HOE HARROW." I CERTIFY, that at the exhibition ofthe Pennsylvania Agrtcultural Society, held at the Paoli, Wm. M’Conaughoy, produced a “ CULTIVATOR or IIOE HARROW," for which the premium for the best harrow was awarded. The practical farmers who inspected this implement, spoke very favor- uldy of its merits, as being well adapted to the cultivation of Indian Corn, and as uni ting to evident utility great simplicity and cheapness. [Signed] JOHN P. MILNOR, Assistant Recording Secretary. Pennsylva nia Agricultural Society. May 22, 1824. ID” The above described “CULTIVA TOR or HOE HARROW," for sale by S. B. PARKMAN. May 25 53i. Official Iiist O F the drawing of the Maryland State Lottery, No. 4 : No. 14,788, $20,000; 1721, $10,000; 7037, $5000; 148, 1401, 5243,18,825, 19,- 232, $1000 ; 4734.12.063, 14,647, 16,518, $500, Sic. Sic. Holders of prizes will call and receive their cash, or invest the amount in other Lotteries, nt LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. May 26 To the Public. T HOSE who are under the impression that Mr. S. H. Fiske and myself are connected iu business, are informed that it is not the case. T. S. LUTHER. May 19 In this scheme, with six drawn ballots, there will be 20 prizes witii three numbers on them, 660 prizes with two numbers on them, and 5676 prizes with one number on them. Those tickets having none of the drawn ballotB on them being blanks. To determine the late of 19,600 tickets, the 50 numbers will severally be placed in a wheel on the day of drawing, and six of them will be drawn—and that ticket having on it as a combination the 1st, 2d and 6th ballots drawn frum the wheel, will be entitled to $10,000 ; that having on it the 3d, 4th and 5th, 5,000 dollars; those having on them 1st, 3d and 6th— 2d, 4th and 5th—1st, 2d and 3d—4th, 5lh and 6th—2d, 3d and 5th, each 1,000 dollars; that having on it the 1st, 4th and 6th, 548 dollars; those havinR on them the 1st, 2d and 4th—3d, 5th and 6th—1st, 4th and 5lh—2d, 3d and 6th,each 500 dollars. All others, being 8 tickets having oil them three of the drawn ballots, will be entitled to 100 dollars each. Those having on them two of the drawn ballots, and those the 3d and 4th, will be entitled to 50 dollars each. And those having on them two of the drawu ballots, and those the 1st and 2d, or 5th and 6th. will be enti tled to 25 dollars each. All others, (being 528 tickets) having on them any two ofthe drawn ballots, will be entitled to 8 dollars each; and all those having onk ofthe drawn ballots on them, will be entitled to 3 dollars each. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denominat ion, can be entitled to an inferior prize. Prizes payable forty days after the drawing, and subject as Usu al to a deduction of 15 per cent. A considerable portion of this Lottery is put up in parcels of 17 tickets, embracing all the combination numbers from I to fid, and which must of course draw at least 18 dollars, less the deduction of 15 per cent, with so many cbanccs for the capital prizes, PRICE OF TICKETS, - : : ; $3 50. Packages ofl 7 Tickets, which are war- ranted to drawn 18 dollars less the usual deduction, with 17 chances for the highest prizes $59, and shares in proportion. C" Prize Tickets in other Lotteries la. ken in payment. ID' Orders received as usual, BY WM. BOBBBT801V, GEORGIAN OFFICE. May 28