Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 03, 1825, Image 1

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m tbi '
By G. fij W. Robertson,
— I> I-
@8* %tmUk
fob the country,
,s published to meet the arrangement ot
-n,. mail, til tee times * week, ^Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday) »t the Office of 'll.
Daily Georgian, end contains al' the in elli-
»enoe. Commercial, Political and Misecllan-
eous, including ad/ertitementa. pub.ishcd in
the Daily Paper. ^ ^ .
The Country.PapW « sertto all parts of
the State and Union, or delivered m the city,
at Sve dollars per annum, payable in idvancc.
Advertisements are inserted in both pa era
at 75 cents per square, of U lines, for he firs,
insertion, snd 37* for erery succeeding pub-
llC Commiinic»tionc by M dl, must be Poet-paid
8.1m if land snd negroes, oy Admimstrs.
to'S, FiX-eutors or guardians, arc required
by law, to bs held on the fi.'S Tuesday in the
month, between the hours often in 'he fore
noon and three in the afternoon, at the Couri
H .use of the county in which the property is
aH-ute —No'ice of ttn-sc spies must be given
in a public gazette sixty days previous to the
dsy uf sale. ,
Notice ofthe sale of personal properly mus.
be ffiye in like manner. Forty days previous
o the day rf sale-
Notice to the debtors and creditors of an
esi.iic must be published lor Forty days.
Nitt-ce thit application will be made to tli-*
Court of O'dinary for 'e^ve to sell land, mus
be published JVSne Month*.
N INE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract ot lajpl,
known as number eight, 8th District, Pike
(formerly Monroe) County, for the benefit
of thtT heirs and creditors of the estate ot
of N. S. Bayara.
Administrator estate N. S. Baya*d*
.lan 5
T HE subscriber* being Rfimlf to decline bu
si ness in this place, request persona ha
ing demands ag unit them, to present them
for payment
or.> *
IS otice.
XTlNFi MONTHS after date of this notice,
i 1 application will be made to the Honors*
Mu the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty. for perm sh'om to sell all the real estate of
John Wakerlv, dec. for the benefit of llu
heirs and creditors of said de.coaed*
ROBBUT HOY, Eiecutor.
Feb 94
Administrator’s Notice.
N ; N r '.MONTHS from this date, we shall up
ply to the H'*novable the Inferior Cour.
Chatham county, when aitting fir ordinal)
S upposes, to sell the real estate of William
lay hew.
•n«o«t 12 4.1
administrator's notice.
N ine MONTHS After date, I ahull applv
to the Honorable the Inferior Court of
Chatham county, (when aitting for ordinary
purpases) for leave to .ell the real tame of
Imc II. Colons, to attiify the heirs and cred
itors. C. H HAYDEN,
* n 45
N INE MONTHS after tia'e, application will
be made to the Honorable Inf.-rior Couri
ol county, for leave to Bell the real
and personal estate of the late Mrs A nn Ham
llion, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
andcred'totanf add estate,
V»F«' 1 o CQ* .
A I L persons having demands against the
estate of .tie late John Wakcrly, (plant
er) dec are reques ed to render them, prop
erly attested, immediately j and all persons
indebted, to make immediate pavment to
ROBERT HOY, Executor,
Y'.b "4 77
NO j left.
^JlNE MON i lls after the date hereof, ap*
AY plication will be made to the Honorable
the Inferior Court of Chatham county, whei
lilting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
* M, with the improvementa, situate intl.r
f"7 or , lnnR h, in the said county,and known
Wlbe plan of said city by the No. 53, B ow.
Ward, for tne benefit of the heirs and legatee'
estate oi the late Hugh M’Call, de
.., Executora.
oct 1, 72
Vine months after dite, application will br
P msde to the Inferior Court of Chatham
“nty, sitting f„ r ordinarv purpnaea for ar
rder, absolute, to sell lots Nna- f ur an. five
I!-"?. . S ). in c ”l'enter’a How, and lot N
' hi'* .) Grte . n Ward, in the city ofSavannal
. ,e, J of Prancia Jalineau, dee
the benefit bf the heirs and creditors of
•std estate WILLIAM GASTON.
_ Qualified Executor.
7 97.
OB&BaOb & mmi 9
HOGSHEADS prime and second
_ quality St. Croix Sugar.
SO barrels do do do sugar
70 bags prime green coffee
30 crates blue and green edged plates
10 tons iron, assorted
6 pipes cognac brandy
5 do Holland gin
6 hogsheads Jamaica rum
half pipes, quarter casks, and half
quarter casks wine
30 barrels loaf sugar
30 coils bale rope
300 grind stones
3000 bushels Maryland corn
BOO do Long Island white, equal
Georgia flint corn
, nov 23
fresh garden seeds,
TWVbous Ytowwr Boots-
J U3T received by the rubseriber, and wa-.
ranted of tiie last season’s growth, 2'
hoses Garden Seedi, put ud by A. M’Mshon fc
to. Philadelphia, expressly for this market.
And containing the following assortments, via.
1, Drumhead Cabbage
2. Long Red Baet
3 Long Orange Carrot
4 Parsley
6. Onion
7. Salmon Radish
8. Early Purple do.
U. Round leaved
10. Early Turnips
11. Late du
2 Saisafy
13- Asparagus
14. Earl) curled Let
tuce '
15. Royal Cabbage d<
Hi. Nutmeg Melon
17. Spinach
18. Summer Savoy
19. Sweet Basil
20. Sage
21. Na.lurtium
32. Celery
33 Early Peas
24. Late do
25 Earlv bunch bean
26 Red French do
TO Packages containing the following Bu'
ous Blower Root*, viz.
I. Double Hyacinths I 4.Meiicintigerfl ,wr
•>. F ne Tulips 5 D >uble Tuberose
3. Narcissus I 6 Star of Bethleheir,
Pur sale by P. M’DKRMO TT”
Feb 2 58
Patent FamWj Medicines
Anderson's do do
Coit's do do
Anderson's Cough
American do
Church's do
Essenfce MwJCard
Worm Lozenges
Black Drop
Henry’s True Cal
cined Magnesia
Amller’dAsiutic Len
Roger's Pulmonic
Turlington's Bulsam
of Life
Opial for the cleans
ing of the teeth &■
do Do Botanical Drops
do Ansi en's Remedy for
the Piloa
Hinckley's do do
Thompson's celebra
ted Eye Water
Thompson’s Teeth
Squire's Grand Elix
Jesuits Drops
Tooth Ache do. &c.
Dalby's Carminative
A constant supply of the above useful
Patent Family Medicines, together with a
general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals,
Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs,
Cut Glass Lninps, Lamp Glasses. Lamp
Oil, &c. &c. con be obtained at the store
May 26 Druggists, Shad's Buildings.
N tice to f ree Pei sans o
T HE Free Persons of Color residing in
Chatham Country, are hereby notifi-
fied to appearand register their names in the
Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said
County, agreeable to law, on or before the
first Monday in July next.
A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.
Mov 16 46
T IIE subscribers have just received per
ship Emperor, a fresh supply of the
above VALUABLE MEDICINE, and have
made such arrangements with the inventor,
Mr. Win. Swaim, as will enable them to
ofTer to the public a pure and unadulterated
article. Druggists and otiiers who purchase
to sell again, cun have it at the original
price established by the proprietor.
Chemists and Druggists, Shad's Buildings.
A Treatise on Swaini’s Panacea, with
cases illustrating its success, will be loaned
to those interested, by applying as above,
Mnv 20
Damascus Steel Razors,
J UST received, a supply of the above ar
ticle, which will bo warranted pond
For sale by N. B. WEED,
nov 24
■f 1‘MVKEGS New Leaf Lard
X I/O 150 Hams
3 Barrels Castor Oil
5 Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brand
30 Barrels Mess Pork
For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO.
Jan 14
‘ tirade's Company’' Foes,
CASKS Grade's Patent Hoes, for
sale by N. B. WEED,
dec 18
Fresh Teas, Hams, Flour, tsc.
Ofk CHESTS Hyson Teas
aU 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco
1 Hhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware
Received per ship Savannah.
20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv
ed per Laura Jane, for sale by
Feb 5
T HE subscriber intending to close his
business in this city, offers his stock
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardspbes, French Press,
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands,
Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high
f ost Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
'icld do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs,
etc. at tiie Ware-Hmiso, corner of Whitta-
ker-Strnct and Bay Lane.
J. H. O. also requests that those who are
indebted, will please to make pay ment with
out delay, and those having any demands,
present their accounts for settlement.
Jan 25 6111
| By the brig Pheasant, from Philadelphia,
HHD9. and 100 bbll- Philadelphia
Rye W1 iskey
150 Dutch Detnij'ihnt
10 keg. Saltpetre
50 whole end 100 half bbla. fresh Flour
Consumptions, Coughs, 2$c.
F OR the cure of CuKs, Coughs, Consump
tions, Spitting of Blood, Atfikm*s,and
iseases of the breast and lungs. ,
There is perhaps no medical observation
setter established, none more generally cun
rmed by the experience of the best physici
ans of all ages and countries, and none of
- ore importance to the human family, than
-? fact that many of the most difficult snd in-
'?able consumptions originate in neglected
. ids.. Tn s climate so variable as ours, where
tic changes of the weather are frequently
iden and unexpected, it requires more care
'id aUenuonto gua d against this dangerous
temy of life, than moat people imagine or
. s able and willing to bestow. The bids o
mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that, tbu
roportion of deaihs by this disease may b<
msidered as about five to one. Inasmuch
. en as (his fataldixense frequently bi !s defi
rce to the skill of the most learned pb/tici
os, it ia a gratification to the proprietor that
e is enabled to those Afflicted with
^ a gocdiy prospect of refief, in that highly
■ dusble remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sptci»
He. The Indians sre happy in their know,
•dgeof m;dical plants; governed wholly S;
xperience, they are certain hb to their tffl-ci,
>d it is said bv an author of great character,
•at a true consumption ia a disease never
mown among them.
This Specific is ubt>ined by extraction from
erbs, root*, flowers, plant*, &c when in per-
action. In consequence f a happy combine,
ion of the most valuable herbs, &c. it becomes
» balsam of a superior value. It heals the in
jured parts, opens the pores, and composes
the disturbed nerves, after the manner of an
inodyne/ consequently the obstruction ot
•he chesi and the iun"s which constitute this
disease, particularly need its use. It promotes
'ixpectoration, which is eonstanth called for,
and whilst it cleans?* ard heals, it also give*
;■ rsngth to the tender lungs In this mannei
t remove* the hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the
jppttte and improves the spirits. This speci
fie mav always be given in safety it is mild,
pleasant to the taste, and may safely be given
o infants, for which it is of inestimable value.
It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething,
whooping coughs, &c. and is found particu
l»riy usefiil in hypochondriacal, nervous un
hysterical diseases. Each bill ot direction
contains a detailed account of this disease in
ail its different stages, end will bj accom)«e
dod with the signature of the proprietor in
Red. Ink. It is offered for vale by GEO. KY
6US0 V> , only (my tnle agent) Druggist, cor
oerHav and Wh;t aker-streets, Savannah, a»
one dollar per bottle.
dec 30 30
Livlov uukiion W anted \
I F GKOKGK Ml LI.Ml, otherwise DAN-
1GL OLAND UlLLKR, who in the yen
1815, arrivei 1 in Savannah, in the Abenit-nn
transport, belonging tn Mnssrs. Dowacm &
Sons, of London ia living, and will apply tt
his friends in England, he will hear o,
something much to his advantage, He lef
the Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, and
lias not been heard of by his f iends sine
that period. He had been many yean a ia-
tor, and while on board the above vest- 1
was employed aa a carpenter. If he left Sa
vannah at that time, it ia probable that he
entered eome veasel going to the Brazil Is
landa, as in his last letter, he ata’ed that it
was hm intention to do an. Should he have
lied at any place where a register or eertifi
cate of hia burial can be obtained, it would b>-
thankfully received and all expence i attending
it, paid by
Savannah, or
sept 9 57
Bunch Muscatel Raisins.
J UST received per ship Win. Penu, di
rect from Gibraltar,
140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins
For sale by
Feb 3 . Anciaux’s Wharf.
3ust UfcctVvfeA yiftt sVuy
Williani Wallace.
a HIIDS. Superior Jamaica Rum
® 3 Pipes Cognac Brandy
3 do Holland Gin
7 Bags Prime Green Coffee
For sale by
May 30
6000 bushels Liverpool ground Salt
5 hhr.a. St 70 bbla. prime St. Croix Sugar
3 pipes and 25 demijohns beat Holland
5 pipes and 30 demijohns beat Cognac
10 hhds. and 25 bbla. superior Northern
75 bbla Northern Gin
50 bail Green Coflee
5 casks superior old Lisbon Wine
35 bbls Lump and 72 bbla. t-oaf Sugar
5 boaea white ami 7 do brown Havana
„ Sugar
25 bags black Pepper
5 pipes Imitation Gin
2 bale. Baggi ng T wine
25 qr boxes Hyson Tea
50 .earns Wrapping Paper
15 holes Pipe,
5 rants Wool Hits
10 bales beat Oz.iahurga
5 bales unbleached Homespun
4 oases colored ditto
50 keg. Dupont’s Gun Powder
1000 bushels Table Salt
9 5 kegs manufactured Tobacco
25 tons assorted (Barren) Callings
5 large Smith Bellowa
50 kegs assorted Cut Nails
100 bags assort'd Shot—also an
Assortment ef Cedar Ware, Market and
Clothea Basketi.
All of which w’ll be sold low for cash, or
good town acceptances.
march 14 9’’
R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
and the public, that he has purchased
the establishment ill the above business, be
longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the
Exchange, where he oilers for sale at low
prices, a large assortment of
Frfc&\\ Drugs, Medicines,
and CiwaAcala,
Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do
Peru, do Fola
Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Cupperas
Columbo, Finery, Gum Assalietida '
Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil
Peariash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar
Glauber, Epsom and Rocholle Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine
Paints Dl-j and in Oil.
White, Red and Black Lead
Prussian Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow
Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan and Copal Varnish.
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oi)
Best English Shaving Soap
Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Mod
icines of every kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jan 20 47
Piano P o- tes, t urled Hair Ma
trasses, eather Beds,
T HE subscriber oilers for sale the follow
ing articles, warranted to be of the
best quality :—
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables
Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tables
Do. with Glasses, Card Tables
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Bureaus
Double and single Work Stands
Ward Robes, Piano Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hall Lamps. Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrassea
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows 1
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrasses to fit.
Also, a large assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match
Tiie above articles can be examined at
the store in Whittaker-Street, opposite Col.
Shellman. I. W. MOKRfjLL.
March 15 93
\I. - tales RankNole*,
F or sale at
Jan 20
P. M’DERAiorf, \ y aini’h ^y/i'iirmntine
[ NFORMS his friends and the public gen- T,ftIGHT md Black v„ i . „ . ."
erally, that ho has received by recent B of Turoentini
arrivals, a large and extensive assortment oi go jo by ^
Groceries, Hardware and Dry I March 11
which will bo disposed of wholesale and re
2nA3 , J h ! FT* rcason . abIe termR - Tli- TUST received by the William Wallace
following articles comprise a part of hie O three dozen boBt oualitv Indi. Don.
present stock, viz,—
10 Hogs! e ul. prime St. Croix Sugar
10 Boaee White snd ) .
’0 Boxes Brown J Havana d, »
60 Barrel. Loaf snd Lump do
50 Bags Havana Coffee
6 Pipe* superior 4th nroot Brandy
-* Pipes do Holland G ; n
5 Pipes Imitation Brandy, 4th proof
5 D-j do Gin
2 Pipes very .uperior old "each Brand)
2 Puncheons do do Jiiah Whiskey
50 Mbgth-ads and J Phii -d -lphit Rye
100 Barrels ) W hiskey
100 Bands Northern Gin
2 Pipe* super! ir old Madeira Wine
5 Half Pipna auperior old Lisbon do
XU Quarter Calks Teneriffe do
Very auperior old Madeira Wine and
Cognae Brandy ia rlemij-ihin
150 Whole and } Barrels superfine frea'
100 Half J Flour
100 Harrell No- 3, New Mackarcl
50 Barrels No- fi, do do
1600 Baaketa Table Salt
20 Casks Goshen Cheeie
20 Barrels Copperas
200 Reams Wrapping Pape*
50 Bags Black Pepper
10 Boxes Chocolate
20 Five Gallon Demijohns
5 Barrels Glue
100 Kegs HE and HF Dupont’s Gunpowder
50 Pound Canister a of auperior do-
100 Pieces 43 inch Cotton Bagging
2 Bales Bagging Twine
10 Whole and J Boxes S. Whittimore’i
6 Half J genuine Cards
10 Boxes Wool Hats
5 Boxes Straw Bonnets
10 Coils Bale Rape
5 ■ Dozen Bed Cords
50 Do Plough Linea
10O Pounds Sash Cords
6 Bales Point, Loudon Duffle
10 Cases colored and bleached and un*
blevned Homespuns
70 Gross Iron Table Spoons
15 Do do Tea do
10 Do Teutania Table do
Fisted Table and Tea do
Copper,Cast, Wrought and Compel
tion Tea Kettle, of all sizca
Brass Kettles for making preserves
20 Seta of DL-h Covers
20 Tons Shear Moulds
1 Du Sad Irona
X Do Bar Lead
1 D-> Sheet Iron
100 Caak's aborted Cut Naila
Mill, Gross Cut and W hip 8aw, madt
expressly for this market
20 D.iaen Handsaw,, Woodssws and Ten
nsnt Saws
Blacksmith Sledges and Handbsmmers
Anvils, from 1 to 2001ba. real mouae
Blacksmith's Bellows,from 24 to 36
Single and Double Screw Plates
Corn Mills, from No-1 to 5
2 runs Hooks and Hinges
Bi ass Andirons, flom gi 50 to $3
Bism and Wire Fenders, with abovels
and tungs to match
5 Casks Braid’s Patent Hoes
lOODrzcn Padlocks
Steetya- da to weigh from 200 to 5001b.
3 Tons of Steel, consisting of Shear,Eng
liah, Blistered and Cost
Stoves with Fip *
1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted
Fancy Curtain Pina
5 Rage Trace Chains
2 Dozen Currying Knives
200 Dozen Currv Combi
6 Seta White handle Knives and Forks.
consisting of 50 pieces each
10 Seta Britannia Teapots.
Sugar and Cream do
6 Duxen Patent Shot Belts
7 Dozen Game Bags
2 Dozen Powder Horna and F'aski
1 'ae double and single barrel Guns
10 Dnien Wire and 20 Soz Hair Sifters
2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mata and 50 lets
Table Mata
A general assortment of Carnenter’s Planes,
Brui-hea, and Fancy Bellows, with many other
articles in the above line,too tedious to enu
20 Tons of Carron Caatinga, which will b.
sold low from the wharf.
now t*
Hills on New-York,
F or sale by
Feb 24
F or sale by
Feb 23
Bacon and Lard.
‘tU 60 firkins Lard—Landing from
achr. Barracoa, from Baltimore. For pale
March 8 87
Gin and Butter.
Received per ship Cortair,
WA BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas
• IX Hall, 34 Kegs Butter
For sale by J. B. HER BERT St CO.
March 26
Butter and Hams,
R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkins
first quality Goshen Butter
6 Barrels Burlington Hams
jor salo by A. BASSETT.
March 31
E mpty wine bottles. Apply to
Door Mads
-dozen host quality India Door
Mats, for sale by I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 93
Double Distilled Rose Water.
A FRESH SUPPLY of best London
Hoso W Hter, received per briff Txn-
thea, and for sale by
May ,, f0*" d DrU8giSta ’ SlladHi Budding**
A certain Cast India CoreJhr the R I. cu,
mutism, King's Evil, Ore.
Extract of a letier from the Rev. James E
li.b, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- Uedwe
Out fix :
A fil'F-GABI Y tn yaur request, I have with
dim ultv procured snd u'.w send you by
the Sl ip JaS'-n mpt R, binson, a lew pounds
of the Poltd- lnhm, O- what general), go c(
by the name of India Extract, « Med due un.
versally esteem- d among the people ol Ii drso
•a a certain cure for the Rheumatism. y M
l to inform you of the number of people »b
are daily relieved and cured by this' valuable
^-d cine, it wuu'd require more paper than,
1 am able to purchase si d more lime that j
am able to be tow. I -deed, the 1 ff-ct of ti ia'
Medicine is si iwm' d ,te, that in Rhcumuli,m
vou woo Id suppose it acted aa a char nrmgiv
ng relief and r moving lh-.t painful d rea-e.-
In the King’s Kill it ha- been used with great
.success, and when JUercury has been give n
•r used tu extras, h e Medicine has proved X
perfect cure. The great difficult,, however,
•I procuring the Extract, will for many year*
:e come, pi tvrirt its general circulation, it be
ing obtained from a Shrub growing on thS
mountains of Thibet, in the B.-rman Empire
of Indi-., anti hi id «o sacred by the native*
that to part with it is like partirg wi'h their
Letter to Dr. Bedwell, dated Jam 7, '.833.
Bear Doctor—1 have been violent') affected
with a R -uorutic complain' f.-r many ytara ,
even m> fingers were so contracted that I
cod'd neither dress or urd ess myseJr, orgtr*
the least assistance to nr fa nil) —I have u.ed
only one hox uf the I, d a Extract, and I aa
perfectly restored. Yout’s truly,
r Ralston,
Letter from Tohina JenningX, Stewat d ot 8t,
Thomat.* 11 espial lztndon, Feb 1,18.3.
Bear Sir- I think it my doty to inform you,
(hot alter trying every tiling- that cuu-d be
pointed nut by the moat respectable physi
cians at d surgeons for the relief of my eon,
without any success, who you know, has for
many years been laboring under severe Rheu
matism, I was induced to try the Poladelphi*
with a gimmerihg hope, that it might give
him some relief from the excessive pain he
endure J, which rendered him a useless mem-
her of society, and a burthen to himself. To
my utter astonishment the relief was instan
taneous, .nd by persevering in the u°e of ilie
Extract, his joints have returned to their pro
per places, and he is in perrect tn alth. Up.
wards, f sixty respectable nersona have cal-
led to see my son, as all who knew him thought
it impossible that he could recover.
Druggist, whore additional certificates of
the efficacy of the above medicine may be
May 20
Administrator’s Notice.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of
Randolph M’Gillis, late of Camden
County, deceased, are requested to make
payment, and those having demands against
said estate, will present them to the undeo-
St. Marys, April 10th, 1825.
April 27 ?nfr.
N otice.
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to self a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for.
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec. 18 at
At Private, Sale.
rate cook, and the other a ,
hand, for sale by
April 28 J. B. HERBERT & CO.
one 0 first
prime field
F irst quality Georgia ar
rowroot. Apply to
T IIE memhera of“ The Female Mission
ary Society of Christ Church,” are
requested to pay their subscription for 1825,
to S H. WALL, Secretary.
May 22 41
Brandy, Gin, Hum, &c.
3 do Holland Gin
5 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum
150 Barrels Rye Whiskey
which will be sold low to close sale*
April 8 HALL & HOYT.
Ffeli Hooks and Fnh Lines.
O NE hundred M. Fish Hooks, assorted
50 Groce Fish Lines, assarted
Received per the'Augusts, and for sale hy
Feb 26 N. B. WEED.