Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 04, 1825, Image 1
j'ftw dfctVtft—y o\- m THE 18 EDITED AND PUBLISHED m mi CITY or SAVAITWAH, Bv G. $ w. Robertson, At HOHT DOLLARS »B» AHHUM, rAVAILS IV AUVAKCX. for the country, IS oubliahed to meet the arrangement ot tho Smili three timei a week, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of >hi n.ilv Georgian, end cstataina *11 the intelli- srenceJComniercUl, Politic*! »nd Miacellan- eoui, including advertiaements. pubnhcd in tlieD»UyP»per. ^ , . The Country P*per ia Mi tto *11 parts oi the State and Union, or delivered in the city, at five dollar* per »nnum, payable in <d«nct. Advertiaement* are inserted in both pa era 7i aentaper aquare, of 14 lutes, lor ie hrt, insertion, and 37* for every succeeding pub- ^Communications by Hall, i«n«< 4c Pteypaid Sale* of land and negroes. by Admimatni. tors, Executors or (fnardi.ns, are required, by law, to be held on the fir.' Tuesday in the month, between the hour* often in 'he fore noon and three in the afternoon, at the Couri H.uue of the erninty in which t ie property is situate. —Notice of thf ac salea must be given In a public gazette sixty days previous to the ^*iolioe*ofthe sale nf personal property mils' be give in like manner. Far if days previous o the day sfaois. Notice In ihc dchlnra and creditors or an estate must be published for Forty days, Notice that application will be made to the Court of Oidinary for lejveto tell land, mus be published /fine Mcnths. Notice. N INE months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell a tract ot lu)d, known as number eight, 8th District, riki' (formerly Mtinroe) County, for the benefit oftlie heirs and creditors of the e st ute ot of N. 8. Bayard. N. J. BAYARD. Administrator estate N. S. Baya r “- .lan 4 „ NOlIOR. T ?f E subscribers being about to decline bo llnesa hi tills place, request person! ha* Ing demands ag-iost them, to present titer for payment A. B. FANNIN fc'CO. nr.? 5 fifl+r- y Notice. N INE MONTHS .'ifter date of tbi* notice, application will bo made to the Honors hit the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun tv for permission to sell all the real estate of Ji>h i Wakerlv, dec. for ihn benefit of th bene and creditors «»f said deceased* ROBERT HOY, Executor. FeS ?4 67 Administrator’s Notice, N lN'.U«J.<YHSfrom this date, we shall ap .ply tu the Honorable the Inferior Court Chatham county, when silting fur ordinary pm poses, to sell the real estate of William lfayhew. C. H. HAYDEN, P. MAYHF.W, Administrator’s, annual 1? , 45 dininistrator’s notice. N ine MONTHS after date, I ahull apply to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinary purposes) for leave to sell the real estate of fuse if. Robins, to satisfy the heirs and cred. itors. C- H. HAYDEN, Administrator 19 45 Notice. N INE MONTHS after dale* nptdication wilt oe made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Ohulliam county-, for leave to sell the real snd personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Ham* ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors;>f a -id estate, WORTHINGro.N GALE, Eiecutor Mo**' f<9*a Notice. A LL persons having demands against the estate of B e late John Wtkerly, (plant er) d“c. are requrs ed to render them, prop erly attested, invnedis ely \ and all persons indebted, to make immediate pavmrnt to ROBERT HOY, Executor, Feb f /4 7 7 NOtlca N INE MONTHS after the date hereof,ap. Plication will be made to the Honorable the^Inferior Court of Cliatliain county, when lilting for ordinary purpose!, for leave to aid ( lot, with the improvement!, aituate in the city uf Savannah, in the uid county,and known in Ihe plfn of nid city by the No. S3, Biow, Ward, lur the benefit of the heir* and legatee. Of the estate ol the late Hugh U’Call, d. ccued. THOMAS M’CAI.L, PHILIP BKASCH, Eiecutor*, net 14 ’ 77 NOTICE. AJlNE month* after date, application will b. A” made to the Inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purposes for *,. •™ e, > ahaolute, to lelllots No* four am- five (4 and 5) in Carpenter's Sow, and lot No. one, (i) Green Ward, in tbt city of Savannah, being the real estate of Franeia Jalineau, dec «°r the oeaefit of the heira and creditor* oi Wd estate WILLIAM QASTON, Qualified Executor. 97* IF PER FOR SALE, HOGSHEADS primo and second quality St. Croix Sugar. » SO barrels do do do sugar 10 bags prime green coffee 30 cratea blue and green edged plate. 10 tons iron, assorted S pipes cognac brandy 5 do Holland gin 8 hogsheads Jamaica runt half pipes, quarter casks, and hall quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 coils bale rope 200 grind stoncB 2000 bushels Maryland corn 800 do Long Island white, equal to Georgia flint corn nov 23 t’RESH GaKDEN SEEDS, AND Bulbous Tlovfet Tlobts* J UST renewed by the subscriber, and wa ranted of the list acaaon’a growth, 3 boxea Garden Seeds, put up by A. M’Mahon Jo. Philadelphia, expressly for thi* market and containing the following aaaurtm> nta, vi* I, Drumhead Cabbage 14. Early curled L, i 2. Long Red Beet tuce 3 Long Orange Carrot f J. Royal Cabhage d- 4. Parsley ,15. Nutmeg Melon S. Leek 17. Spier ch 6. Onion 18. Summer Savoy Salmon Radiah 19. Sweet Basil 8. Early Purple do. 20 Sage 9, Round leaved 21. Navlurtium 10. Early Turnipa 22. Celery II. Late do 23 Early Peaa 2 Salaafy 34. late do .3' Asparagus 25. Earlv bunch bean 26. Red Fiench do ALSO, 20 Packages containing the fallowing Bui -.oil* Elnwer Roots, via. I. D -iib c Hyacinth! I 4.Meiie'intigerfl')we- F ne 'Tulips 5 D -uhle Tuheroae 3 I 6 Star of Bethlehem For sale by P.M’UBUMOTT Feb 2 '-8 APPROVED latent family .Medicines. L EE’S BILIOUS Turlington’s Balsam PILLS of Life Anderson’s do do Opial lor the cleans- Coil’s do do ing of the teeth & Anderson’s Cough gum. Drops Relf’sAsthmaticPilk American do do Do Botanical Drops Church’s do do Austen’s Remedy for Essence Mustard the Piles Worm Lozenges Hinckley’s do di Black Drop Thompson’s celobra Henry’s True Cal- ted Eye Water cined Magnesia Thompson’s Teeth Aiidler’sAsiaticLen- Paste itive Squire’s Grand Elix Roger’s Pulmonic ir Detergent Jesuits Drops Dulby’s Carminative Tooth Ache do. Sic. A constant supply of the above useful Patont Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals. Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Sniffs, Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses. Lamp Oil, &c. Sic. run be obtained at the store of LAY St HENDRICKSON, May 2C Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. N t;ce to free i’cisons o Color. T HE Free Persons of Color residing in Chatham Gauntry, are hereby notifi- (icd to nppearand register their names in the Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said County, agreeable to law, on or before the lirsl Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 16 45 awAiNi’a CELEBRATED PANACEA. TITHE subscribers have just received per A ship Emperor, a fresh supply of the nbovo VALUABLE MEDICINE, and have made such urriingcmcnts with tho inventor, Mr. Win. Swaim, as will enable them to offer to the public a pure and unadulterated article. Druggists and others who purchase to sell again, can have it at the original price established by the proprietor. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and DruggistB, Shad’s BuildingB. A Treatise on Swaim’s Panacea, with cases illustrating its success, will be loaned to those interested, by applying as above. Mnv 20 Damascus Steel Razors, J UST received, a supply of the above ar ticle, which will be warranted good For sale by N. B. WEED. nov 24 NEW LARD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. IlICEIVED PER BRIO OKOROF. WASHINGTON. I I'kfk KEGS New Leaf Lard i”vv 150 Hams 3 Barrels Castor Oil 6 Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Mess Pork For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jan 14 ‘‘urade’s Company’’ Hots. ft/Tv CASKS Brade’e Patent Hoes, for Uni/ sale by N. B. WEED, dee IR Fresh Teas. Hums, Flour, c c rtra CHESTS Hyson Teas &\j 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco - 1 Idlid Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv ed per Lain. Jane, fo»^ wAco Feb !> T HE subscriber intending tp close his business in this city, offers his stock at roduccd prices, for CASH, consisting of Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, WardRibcs, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Corn- modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta les and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands. Work Stands, Mahogany Criblis, CradleB, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple ao. Maple Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy Si Windsor Chairs, Ac. at the Waro-IIouse, corner of Whitta- ker-Stroet and Bay Lane. J. II. O. also requests that those who are ndebted, will please to mako payment with- mt delay, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement, J- H. OLDERSHAW. ■Tan 25 % M|| Consumptions, Coughs, §c. SUTLER’S F OR the cure »f OdIub* Coughs, Gnnsump- lions, Spitting of Blood, Asiluiuis, and iseaiea oftlie brenat and lung*. There is perhaps no medical obaervatio. Hotter established, none more generally con •rmed by the experience of the best physi^' !jaof ell ages and count its, and none o ore importance to the human family, tha- >p fact that many of the most difficult and in .irable coniumptiona originate in neglect < Hilda.. In a climate to variable as ours, when he changes of the wea her are frequently uddenani unexpected, it requires more care nd atleniionto guatd against this Uaogerou c uemy of life, than moat people imagine or e able and willing lo bestow. The bills o i-orttality exhibit the melancholy fact that th 'oportion of dea'hs by this disease may b . onsidered as about five to one. Inaamaci icn as this fatal disease frequently bids ■ce to the skill of the moat learned ph>eici .s, it ia a gratification to ihe provirielor thi.*- owenah’' Ifo offer lo thoge »ffl cted wit 1 , ago d y prospect of relief, in that hlghl* iuable remedy, th r ) Vegetable Indian Speci fic. The Indiana a;e happy in their km*.-, dge of medical plants; goveroed wholly w tperience, tncy are certain as , i it is said by annuthor of great character, •at a true consumption is a disease nevt; <r.own among them. t his Specific is oht lined by extrsettan front erbs, ^JotH,fii;w.’’rs, phut', &c when in per- •ction. Inconsequence f a happy combine ion of the most valuable herha, &c. it become* i balsam of • superior value. It heals the ir. jn-ed parts, opens'hw* pores, and composes ne disturbed nerves, after the manner of ar nodyne/ conseqnentiy the obstruction o' lie ches and the lungs which constitute tho liaease, particularly need its use. It promote* xpectoration, which isnonaUntty called for. .nd whilst it cleana^s a' d heals, it also give:, vrtngth to the tender lungs. Inthia manner it removes the hectic fcve», improves dig^« or, gives strength to the ne'ves, repairs da ppi tite and improVes the t| irits. This speci lie mu v always be giv' n in safety it is m Id, deasant to the tas'.e, and may safety be given o infants, for which it is nf inestimable vsluf It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething whooping coughs, &c. mid is found partiru I?»r1y useful in hypoehondrf cal, nervous ar. hvstericBl diseases. Each bill of directioi cont/iin* a dctaHed account of this disease ii *11 ivs different stages, and will b£ accomp* tied with the signature of the propt ietor » Red Ink. It is off red for i-ale by GEO. KY EU'.:O , only (my sole agent) Dmgght, cor nerlUy and Whit taker-streets, Savannah, s« one dollar per bottle. WM BUTLER. dec 30 30 lnfoYAYvatum W auttotl \ I F UiSORGF. MILLER, utherwise DAN 1EL OLAND MIL!,Kit, who in the year 1815, .rrivet 1 in Savannah, in the Aberdeen transport, belonging to Miasrs. D wa.m k Son*, of l.umlou, is living, and will apply to Ilia frienda in England, he will bear ol unmell'-ng mud. to his advantage. He left the Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, an-I naa nut been heard of by hia f iends line- -hat period, lie had been many year, a san ‘or, and while on board the above veawl was employed ai a carpenter. If he left Sa vannah at that time, it ii probable that h-. entered aoine veaael going to the Brazil I*. andi, *i in his Ust letter, he ita'ed that it vai hia intention to do ao. Should he have lied at any place where a regiater nr certifi cate of hia burial can he obtained, it would bo thankfully received and all expen-et attending it, paid by ISAAC W. MORRELL, Savannah, or W.W.&T.L. CHESTER, New-York iept 9 57 Bunch Muscatel Itaisins. J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di. rect from Gibraltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisin. For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGMRN & WOOD, Feb 3 Anciaux’s Wharf. Just WfeceAveil pet alu\> William Wallace. ft HIIDS. Superior Jamaica Rum 3 Pipes Cognac Brandy 3 do Holland Gin 7 Bags Prime Green Coffee For sale by 1. B. HERBERT A CO. May 3.0 JUST RECEIVED, | By Ike brig Pheaeant, from Philadelphia, i]jl HilDS. and 100 bill.- Philadelphia S3® RyeWl iikcy 150 Dutch Dcmifiihn. 10 kega Saltpetre 50 whole and 100 half bbla. freab Flour ALSO, IN 8T0RB, 6000 buaheli L'rerpool ground 3alt 5 '• ina. A 20 bbla. prime St. Gruix Sugar 3 pipes and 25 demijohna beat Holland Ciii 5 pipe* and 30 demijohna best Cognac Brandy 10 bhda, and 75 bbla. auperior Northern Rum 75 bbla Northern Gin S3 b na Green Coffee J cask* superior old Lia^on Wine 25 bbla Lump and 72 bbla. Loaf Sugar 5 buaea white and 7 do brown Havana Sugar 95 bagt black Pepper 5 pipes Imitation Gin 2 balei Bagging Twine 55 qr boxes HyaonTea SO t eams Wrapping Paper 15 boxes Pipes 9 casea Wool Hat* 10 bales beat Oa'iaburgs 5 bales unbleached Homespun 4 easel colored ditto 50 kegi Dupont’s G in Powder 1000 bushels Table 8ait 55 kega manufactured Tobacco 25 t ins salaried (Carrcn) Casting* 5 large Smith Bellows 5l‘ - -gi snorted Cut Nails 100 bags snorted Shot—ala-, an Assortment of Cedar Ware, Market and Clothes Baaketa. All of which w’ll be mid low for ca.h, or .;ood town acceptance!. P M’DERMOTT. march 14 9’ OlVUU bluA MV.ULtlVXK, P E. BltXsSlNNE, R espectfully informs hiB friends and the public, that lie has purchased the establishment in the above business, be- longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the Exchange, where he offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of Fresli Drvigd, .Medicines, and ‘- tvev icala, AMONG WHICH AR£ THE roLLOWlSO J— Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony . Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Peru, do Fola Camphor, Cantliaridcs, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oi) .Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Finery, Gum AasuteUila Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacu.n, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Murom,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pcarlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalnp Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Taints Drj and in Oil. White, Red and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, anil Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. Twcfxunety. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan SO 41 MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano foi tea, l urled Hair Ma trasses, eather Beds, BOLSTERS & PILLOWS, CHAIRS, Sic. T IIE subscriber offers for sale the follow ing articles, warranted to be of the best quality i— Sideboards, Sets ofDining Tables Single dodo Sofas, Tea Tobies Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedstead* Do do Curled Muplu do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Cribs, Cradles, Ensy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps, Brass Fender;, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattresses Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows Children's Chairs of all kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match The above articles can be examined at the store in Whittaker-Street, opposite Col. Shellinan. I. W. MORRELL. March 15 93 \I. tales TankXotesy F or sale at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 20 Pi M’DERMOTT, I NFORMS his friends and the public gen- erally, that he has received by recent arrivals, a large and extensive assortment of Groceries, Hardware and Dry Goods, which will be disposed of wholesale and re tail, on the most reasonable terms. -TIjS following articles comprise a part of hi* present stock, viz.— 19 Hugibs.uU prime St. Croix c ugar 10 Boxes White and > j ' ’0 Bold Brown $ d< * 60 Barrels Lost and Lump do SO Buga Havana Green Coffee 6 Pipes superior 4th nmol' Brandy f Pipes do Holland G o 5 Pipes Imitation Brandy. 4lh proof 5 Do do Gin 2 Pipe! very superior old ’’each Brand) 2 Puncheons do do Irish Whiskey 50 -lagah’-ada and) Phili.dt Iphia Rye 100 Uurrels J Whiskey 100 Barrels Northern Gin 2 Pipes superl ir old Madeira Wine 5 HalfPipea auperior old Lisbon do 10 Quarter Casks Teneriffe do Very auperior old Madeira Wine and Cogutc Brandy in demijohns 150 Whole and} Barrels superfine fresh 100 Half 5 Flour 100 Barrels No’ 3, New Macksrel 50 Barrels No. 2. do do - 1600 Baskets Table Salt 20 Caiks Goshen Cheese 20 Barrels Copperas 200 Reams Wrapping Pape* 50 Bags Black Pepper 10 Boxes Clioc-iate 20' Five Gallon Demijohna 5 Barrels Glue 100 Kegs HE and HF Dupunt’a Gunpowdei 5b Pound Cunisteta of superior do 200 Pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging 2 Bales Bagging Twine 10 Wbule and i Boxes S. Whittimcre’’ 4 U.lf > a«Miut. Owd. 10 Roxes Wool Hats 5 Buies Straw Bonnets 10 Cnila Bale Rupe 5' Dozen Bed Cords 50 Do Plough Lines 100 Pounds Sash Cords 6 Bales Point, London Duffle Blankets 10 Cases culored and bleached and urn bleached Homespuns 70 Gross Iron Tablespoon. 15 Do do Tel do 10 Do Teutania Table do Plated Table and Tea do Copper.CaA, Wrought and Compoa tion Tea Kettles of all sixes t|lrst-' Kettles for making preserves 20 Set* of Ui.h Coven 20 Tons bhear Mould* 1 Di Sadlrous . 1 Du Bar Lead 1 D. Sheet Iron 100 Casks assorted Cut Nails Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, mad' expretily rur ims nmrao 20 D.izcn Handsaw,, Woodauwa and Ten , nant Saws Blacksmith Sledges and Handliammers Anvils, from 1 to 2001b*. real moust hole Blacksmith’s Bellows,from 24 to 3f Single and Double Screw Plate* Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5 2 Tons Hooka and Hinges Brass Andirons, from ft! 50 to ft3 B-ata and Wive Fender*, with shovels and tongs to match 5 Casks Braid’s Patent Hues 100 D-zen Padlocks steelyards to weigh from 2C0 to 5001b' 2 Tonaof Steel,consisting of Shear,Eng lish, Blistered and Cast Stoves with Pip’-a 1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted Fancy Curtain Pins 5 Hag* Trace Chains 2 Dozen Currying Knivet 209 Dozen Currv Combs 6 Sets White handle Kntvts and Forks. enniisting ol 50 p eces each 10 Setz Britannia Teapots, Sngar and Cream do 6 Dozen Patent Shot Belts v Dnacn Game Bags 2 Dozen Powder Horn* tnd Flasks 1 (Me double and aingle barrel Gnna 10 Diizrn Wire and 20 doa Hair Siftera 2 Dozen Fancy Hall mats and 50 seta Table kins ALSO, A general aasortmrntuf Carpenter's Planea,, and Fancy Bellows, with msny othei articles in the above line,too tedious to enu merate EXPECTED DAILY, 20 Tons of Carron Castings, which will b, sold low from the wharf. Rnw U Vaj ni h & Turpentine. B RIGHT and Black Varnish and-fipiritn of Turpentine, on consignment, for « le T. S. LUTHER. Mi [arch 11 Bills on New-York, JjlOR SALE by Feb 24 O. C. GRISWOLD. F VI hiskey, OR SALE by Feb 23 T. S. LUTHER. Double Distilled liose Water. A FRESH SUPPLY of best London am. Rose Water, received per brig- Tun- thea, and for sale by . LAY & HENDRICKSON, ^ M y St ”o* n<i DrugB ' 8,s ’ Buildings. Bacon and Lard. • A /~k BOXES BACON 50 firkina Lard—Landing from sclir. Barracoa, from Baltimore. For sale by HALL & HOYT. March 8 87 Gin and Butter. Received per ehip Coreair, WA BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas # U Hall, 34 Kegs Butter For sale by J- B, HERBERT &. March 26 i CO. Butter and Hams, R ECEIVED by ehip Emperor, 10 firkins first quality Goshen Butter 5 Barrels Burlington Hams jor eaio by A, BASSETT, March 31 I Wanted, E MPTY WINE BOTTLES. Apply May U GEO. RYERSON. Door Mats. J UST received by the William Wallace three dozen best quality India Door Mats, for sale by I. W. hlORRELL. March 15 93 PoUDfclPHIfe, HE INDIAN EXTHACT, R certain F.aet India Cure for the Rkcto mutism, King's Evil, $c. Extract of* le ter from ihe Rrv. James B lish, doted at Bengal, to Dr. F Bedwe London. Dur Pin : A G ft? EAUI ' Y to yrur request, I have wilh flL difficultV procured and a w lend yi u by the ship Jason, Capt H, bin,op, s few pounds of the Puladrlphia, or what generally goes by the name cf India Extract, u Uedlr ir.e un. iversully esteem, <1 among ihe people ul Indian u a certain cure for the Rheumatism. Wu I to inform you of the number of people wh are daily relieved and cured by this valuable Medicine, it wou d require more paper Ilian I am able to purchase ai d more time thar I am able to bestow. I, deed, the i fleet of this Medicine is so imm. diate, that In ttheumatim you would aimnuse ii acted in cha. rr. main- mg relief and removing tint painM d-esse. Lithe King’s Evil. ,t 1ms been ust d Willi great ticccsv, and whe-e Mercury has been given or used to excess, 'his Medicine has proved ■ peifeet cure. The great difficulty, however, I procuring the. Extract, will for many years '• come, prevmt iu general circulation, tt bet ng obtained from a Shiub growing on that mountains uf Thibet, in the B rmr.n Empire of India, and held so sacred by (he nstives, * that to part with it ia like partirg wi.h ti.eif existence.” Letter to Dr. Bed well, dated Jsn. 7, 8:3. Dear Doctoral have hecn rojci.t'.j sflected with a R ru.iiatic complaint for many years , even my fingers were to contracted that t. r.uuid neitbei dress or undrew myselt, or g.v« the least to mv fu nily—I tiave m-cd only one box uf theli d>a Errant, a-d I am perfectly restored, Ynur’s truly, H, RALS ON, Philadelphia. Letter from Tobias Jenninga, Steward ol Si, Thomar’ Hosptal Iaindon, Feb I, 1823. hai after trying every - thug”^that e>,uid bi, pointed out by the moat respectable physi cians and surgeons for the relief of my sen, without any success, who you know, lias for uany years been laboring under aevere Rheu matism, I was induced to try the Polsi'elphi% with a g immerirg hope, that it might him some relief from the ezeessive pain be endure 1, which rendered bi n a useless mem ber of society, and a burthen to himself. To ,ny utter astonishment the relief w«s Iniisn- rancoui, -nd by persevering in the me of ihe Extra, t, his joints have returned to their pro per places, and he ia in per.eet health. Up- varcU f silty respectable person* have cak ed to see my son, as all who knew him thought t impossible that he could recover. FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON, Druggist, where additional certificates of the efficacy of the above tuetliciue may bp seen. May 20 Administratoi’s Notice. A LL persons indohted to the estate of Randolph' M’Gillie, late of Camdep County, deceased, are requested to make payment, and those having demand* against said estate, will present them to the under signed. HANNAH M’GH.LIS, Administratrix, G. M’DONALD. St. Marys, April lutlt, 1826. April 27 29ft Notice. N INE MONTHS after the date of thlr notice, application will be made to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber ty County, for permission to sell a part of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said, deccaecd. JOHN VV. STACY, Administrator. dec 1R 21 T At Private Sale, WO PRIME NEGROES, one a first rate cook, and the other a prime field *■" ’ ’»y J. B. HERBERT & CO. hand, for salej) April 28 J1IRST QUALITY GEORGIA AH* ROW ROOT. Apply April 12 GEO 1 to RYERSON. N otice, T HE members of “ The Female Mission ary Society of Christ Church.’’ are requested to pay their subwriptian fur 1826, to S. H. WALL, Secretary. May 22 41 Brandy, Gin, Rum, See. 5 PIPES COGNAC BRANDY 3 do Holland Gin 5 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum 150 Barrels Rye Whiskey which will be sold low to close sale*. April 9 HALL Si HOYlfc Fish Hooks rnd FLh Lines. O NE hundred M. Fish Hooks, assorted 50 Groce Fish Linen, assorted Received per the Augusta, and lor kale by Feb** 8jf. B. WESPv *