Newspaper Page Text
* t
ns, than urn paid by their own
vessels. By one provision, the subjects of
Groat Britain nre allowed the full enj*»y
daily paper, :
Leslie A. Thompson, Esq. was yesterday
admitted to plead and practice law in the
several Courts of Law and Equity in this
state, by the Superior Court of this District
, commenced thuir mi
__ ... b ally thought tlint the fate of tliut
itnportant island will be soon decided.
•• Coloentreui has boon lately removed to
the convent of St Elias, on one of the stee
pest rocks of Hydra. The proceedings 0(110 por f U rtn divine worship either in their
own house, or in theirown private churches
BY a. ft vr. ROBERTSON, op the laws op tub union., ttri ,V 0 " r y to his'trial, and that of the B-
ther rebels, arc continued.'-
On account of the unfavorable state ot
the exchanges, a largo amount in Prussian,
Austrian and Russian bends, has recently
been remitted to the Continent. ’Phis
seems to have chocked in stone degree the
exportation of gold ; but that nuiBl soon be
resorted to again, should the exchanges ceu-
tinue against this country.
We guvo yesterday, extracts of bitters
from Napoli di Romania, /.ante and Ceph-
alouia, upon the authenticity of which we
have every reason to rely, representing tho
successes of the Greeks sgainst'the Turks,
We have this morning received sever.
nient of liberty of conscience, “being allow- 1
One Dav Later.—The New-York pa
pers received by yesterday’s mail, contain
extracts from London papers of the 22d of
April, received by the Louisa Matilda, one
day later than our previous accounts
A letter from Liverpool of the evening of
the 23d April, says
“There was only a moderate demand
for Cotton to-day. The sales are estimated
at 4000 bags of all sorts at about yestcr
day’s prices. The market displays a very
firm appearance.”
A letter of the 23d, P. M. says, the Corn
market is brisk, and prices looking up ; no
alteraion of consequence is expected to be
made in the Cam Laws this year.
The Catholic Emancipation Bill had pass
ed to a third reading in the House of Com
mons, by a majority of 27, out of 509 mem
bers present. The report of the debate on
Sir Francis Burdett’s motion for a second
reading, which cuutinued till 3 o’clock in
the morning, occupies nearly ten columns
of the London Courier of the 22d April, and
the editor of that paper remarks as to the
course which tho bill had taken, that it “ is
decisive of its success, as tails future sta
ges in tile House of Commons.” The
Morning Ghronicle *• congratulates the
Country on tiliu-luoioivo vitturjr, gained Oy
good sense over a policy which is u disgrace
to the age we live in.” During the debate
Mr. Canning had a renewed attack of tho
gout, which obliged him to leave the house
before the division took place. He was con
fined to his room on the evening of the 22d
April. The following were the majorities
by which a Bill similar in its general ob
jects,.was carried at two former periods
though ultimately lust. In 11113, Mr. Grat
tan’s Bill was read a second time by a ma
jority of 41, in a House consisting of 448
members j and in 1821 Mr. Plunkett’s Bill
was read a second time by a majority of 11
in a house consisting of 497 members. For
the third reading, this bill had a majority of
19. ill iliouseaf411 nuunliara. It **.<,“ *>»
sequently thrown out in the Lords, by
mujority of39, out of479 votes.
Petitions fur and against further conces-
■ions to the Catholics, continued to be pre
•anted to both Houses of Parliament.
On the 23d of April, leave -was granted
by the House of Commons, on motion of
Mr. Littleton, to bring in a Mil to regulate
the elective franchise in Ireland, so far as
relates to 40h. electors.
Accounts from Greece are contradictory
A story is told that 15,000 troops (Turkish
ivc suppose) have landed at Coron and Mo
don, and advanced into tho country, burn
ing many villages. It is even said that
Ulysses and Trelawney, have joined the
Turks, who have taken Corinth
Patras lias not been taken by the Greeks,
but on .the contrary, has lately purchased a
large amount of provisions, having received
money, as is supposed from a French fri
Nipety ships, including a large reinforce
ment of Algerines, are preparing for the
c .paign against the Greeks ; but little
a ueiision is felt by their friends.
Pn part tions were making at Milan for
lie reception of the Ambassadors from the
dilfcrent European Courts. It is said that
fie coming of the British Ambassador will
depend on negotiations now going on be
tween Prince Esteriiazy and Mr. Canning.
Tim jireparations show that sevoral fur. igu
sovereigns may soon be expected.
Voluminous document, on the prices of
corn at different ports, have been laid be
fore the House of Commons, from which it
appears tliut Odessa is the port where sup
plies might he obtained by Englund, at the
cheapest rates. In Jan’y last, while wheat
was 57s. and 4d. per quarter in Loudon, it
was only 18s. there.
Letters from .'ante state, that “ Ibrahim
Pacini, sailing at the end of Feb. with his
whole ,fleet., lor Csndia, was overtaken by a
tempest, which dispersed his vessels, so that
only 20 ruaclij.l Alexandria ; the majority
was driven on the coasts of Asia suit Afri
ca arid 30 curried by the winds towards the
Morea, latidod 3000 Egyptians op the coast
of Modon and Coron •, but a corps of I’el-
oppunnpssisli troops, chiefly Arcadians, ut-
tuekcij[ them before they had tinio tu form i
all perished in this action, Tha Turkish
gurrison at Coron and Modon, refused to
udotit tiie fugitives into the fortresa, for
fear of adding to the distress which begins
to he fell there for want of provisions. On
and chapels, which they shall be permit-
tad tn build and maintain, in conventions
upprnvtd ofby the government of tho said
provinces I and by another stipulation, the
government of the United Provinces obliges
itself to co-operate with the British govern
ment in abolishing the Sluve trade.
Lieut. Carter, of Marines, who was
suspended from the service tor six months,
by the Navsl Court Martial hold on hoard
Such lmwovor astho law now Is, undigoa- head of hair, only in part grnyfTan see
ted, Hiaotic, and marvellously uncertain, ao “ — ’•
great rovorence is claimed for it, aud ao
lofty are its pretensions, that it is ulmost
‘ a sscrilego to propose any in-
however obviously Improve
ments, upon Ihu venerable fabric. Yet a ......
few hardy spirits linvo been found who lie lias had sevoral wives, and his youngest
L _ . . —. ■•■h.I I .I.(i,l,t /. I* I I , i, A Vli,ni nlf. rt fiil -L ,1 .1 mhIii 1,90 nl .1 9 - H ■. l—i n -- L 1 .* I 11 T
have ventured to doubt oftliu axiom placed child is only 28 years old ! muking him IU5j
at the head of this article ; and are even so when lie was burn,
far gone in error as to persuade themselves
that a revision by honest, industrious, and
capable men. of the statutes, decisions, cus
toms, and precedents, wlii*h now make up ]j, orbr y circlosTn England, to Lady Bvkon ;
the uncertain and undefined body ol our J . . ,
laws, and a reduction of the-same into a they urn to her chtld-and we are informed
cleur.precise, and as far as human languagu have never before appeared in print. They
can elfect it, certain written code, would ar( , Jotc j lut |, D , )0 . | (1 | q .
al extracts of letters from /unto and' |bo pjortli Carolina 74, in February last,
Smyrna, relating to tha same events, but
possibly a nearer approach to “tho
perfection of human reason" than any thing
now extant.
The grout antagonists, however, of these
sceptics are, the old and hnckuiod (wo do not
ouiymu, reiuNiiiu ™ ...» ~ ;, been 0| .,| uro j 0 n duty by the President
giving all the advantages to the lurks j" . J
VVe lay them before our readers, merely! of the United States, ^
A shawl, once the property of the cele
brated Tippoo Saib, has been purchased in
London, for throe hundred guineas, by a
distinguished foreigner, to present to the
Duchess d’Angoulotno, ut tho approaching
coronation of the King nf France.
remarking, that the chamiul through which
they have reached us, is most respectable.
Where the truth actually lies, we must wait
for further information before wo cun deter
mine —Courier.
Tiie "John flu/1” of Mr. Paulding, is
well spoken ufin the London Journals. Thu
Literary Gazette says—“ This is a genuine
and very clover jeu it'esprit, uml we have
been exceedingly entertained with it.”
The news of Literature and Fashion re
marks, “a very agreeable extr.ivagunce,
und written, notwithstanding its stupendous
excesses ill the way of story-tolling, with
innro delicacy of Immor than wo are usual
ly furtunato enough to recognize ill our
ransatlantic brothren.”
Paris, April 20.—Primte Correspondence.
—The folioiving is a detail of the effect pro
duced on the King by his promenade of the
2th, (the anniversary of his entry into
France.) He returned to tho palace about
six o’clock, in a frightfully hud humor, trea
ting with imkinduess all the persons in at
tendance, to whom lie wishes always to ap
pear amiable, About eight o’clock lie went
to his private apartment, aecoinpanicd by
his son the Dauphin, who had great diffi
culty in persuading him to repair to a soiree
given by the dauphiuess' There ho show-
Thc mail stage from Baltimore, whb over
turned in Washington, on the 20th ult, by
which several of the passengers, (six ill
number) were severely hurt, and tlm driver
bail one of his nrms broken and oue of his
thighs fra tured.
A young man about eighteen years of
ngc, recently swam across the Hudson Riv
er, from Powles Hook to Castle Garden, u
distance of about two miles. He achieved
the task apparently with little fatigue.
It is stated in the New York Gazette,
that such was tlm fever of speculation in
Charleston, on the arrival of thCGeneral
ed a desire to appear as gay as usual, but: Blown, that orders were sent to the forme
the gluom thrown over his mind could not
be couccaled. He played at ccnrto, and
twice or thrice lost his temper, and abused
his adversary. A courtier thought it his
duiy '.u compliment nun on his rule in tiie
city to purchase cotton at 26 cents.
A Bahia article of tlm 28th Mareh, gives
an account of the arrival there of a Span
His Majesty, being no longer j 9 |, brig of war from Africa, having some
able to contain himself, replied by saying .,
1 can hear tlm truth only from my son” on hoard ' 81,0 tot tlie
The Dauphin broke off the conversation hv
saying," We were certainly coldly receiv
ed every whore hut at tlm gate nf St. Den
is.” “ According to all appearances," said
tlm King, “the reduction of the rentes cau
90s this coldness, blit in a mouth tho law
will pass, and all will be forgotten.”
At 11 o’clock he retired to his apartment. 111 company.
M. de Villule accompanied him. “Sire,"
said the Minister, “your Majesty knows as
Coust of Peru in such haste that Bhe was
unable to procure water, and the crew were
on allowence of one bottle per day the whole
passage. She reports that General Val
dez embarked un board the 74 which sailed
Several lots of ground, situated below the
The Albany Daily Advertiser relates a
angular ruse of hard dih-j as it. regaretho
account nf John Gates, oi that city, 1
paymaster in the service of tlm
The facts are stated to be these: In 1818
’19, John Gates Jr. lute a paymaster in the
jrood rp- ,, , .. ., , „ . ... army of the tJ. States, was declared a de-
turns of deputies in this capital, fvaulm ^'Pany’e Upper Canal, near Pottsv.l le, >f er t „ lll0 .. uin „f 4.10,000, „ r therea-
the coronation,and your Majesty will sec the (Pennsylvania) were recently sold tor the , bouts ; was summoned to Washington to
true spirit of France, in the provinces thro’ sum of 800 dollars each. Some years ago ■'“ J ‘
such lots might probably have been purchas
ed for as many cents.
well as I how bail tlm population of Parjs outlet locks of the Schuylkill Navigation
is. No ministry could ever gain ^[ood re- Company’s Upper Canal, near Pottsville,
and liuur pretty well, kud is us little child
isli as most men are at 80, lie lias quite s
military nppeuranee, and is proud of his
temperate mode of living, having always
abstained from tlm fell destroyer, ardent
spirits. What is most remarkable of all,, A ship from Savannah for Livi-rmni I
spoke in lat. 44, 11, long, 34, '* 11
Colombian schr. Reprasalie, is t t
onr Tybo.e.
Tho sloop Herald, Heath, from p. ,
liencu, arrived ut Charleston on \v e j 011 '
day. with merchandise to sundry mcrcl,!! 1 } I
in &avnnnnh.
Tlm following lines are attributed in the
There is the smile and there the bloom,
Where hope might fancy ripen'd charms,
use the term in a disrespectful sunse) pruc- But mine is dy’d in memory’s gluom,
titinners, who have gone on so long in er
ror, as to be persuaded it is truth. When,
therefore, it Is found that onu of these, and
not among tholeust eminent, opens his eyes
even partially, to the light, it naturally af
fords grant satisfaction to tiie unbelievers.—
It is with these views wu publish the annex
ed observations of Lord Chancellor Eldon,
in u late discussion in ’lm House of Peers,
respecting the legality of setting spring
guns for tlm preservation of gaum. Tile
caso nf the pear on the tree, and the pour
of tile tree, cited by bis lordship, is one a-
mong a thousand nquutly wise and Just dis
tinctions in the law us it is—JY. P. Am
“Tim Lord Chnnoollnr acknowledged the
inconsistency and imcerjpinty of the law
with respect to spring-guns. On every oc
casion, on which any question on this sub
jeer had come before tlm courts, the judges
lie believed, had been aboqj equally tlivi-
vod. To those who considered the 6tnte
d the law on this mid some other subjects,
that maxim which declared it to be the per
fection of human reason appeared absurd.
It certainly w«b not the perfection of hu
man reason which made it only trespass to
take from a tree a pear, and which made the
taking l lie same pear, when separated from
rite tree, felony. It was his wish that
proporty should be protected, but he should
be sorry to have it thought that ho was tlm
advocate for spring-guns. Now that so
manv^rluntutinns bail been made, and so
well stocked with pheasants, bow could
their Lordships expect that people who had
a tasta for gnme—nnd lm never knew an
Englishman who hail not—would not go
and look for it where it was to be found ?—
Poaching was the consequence of game
being preserved noil protected. II.-, for
one, never could defend the practice of set
ting engines to endanger the life of n fel
low-creature for tlm sake of a partridge or
Tliou art not in a falhor’s arms!
And there I could hnve lov’d thee most,
And there have own’u thou wert so dear
That tho’ my worldly nil were lost,
I still had felt my life was here.
What art tlrnu now ?—a monumen^,
Which rose to weep o’er hurled love :
A fond and filial mourner, sent
To dream of bliss, restor’d above!
Thou dove! who mnyst not find a rest,
tjnve in this frail anil shuttered bark,
A lonely mother's offor’d breast—
May heav’u provide a surer ark j
To bear thee over sorrow’s waves,
Which deluge still the world below,
Till tliou, through him alone that saves,
A holier Arrarut shalt know.
Nor think me frozen, if for thee,
No earthly wish now claims a part s
Too dcur such wish, too vain for nre.
Thou art not iu a father’s heart.
A. J. B.
The ship Lydia, Joy, arrived it v.
Bedford, spoke on the 24th ult. in L, <,,,*) I
N. long. On, 30, brig Holcynn, Kellv rlr I
Beaten,) from Rio Janiern lorSn, luJ ^ <
Charlretim, Jvne 2.—Arritei Vino i •
Lafayette, Fanning. New-York,'idivs
Bark Columbus, Robinson, Portlsiol,
5 days from Hampton Roads. ' >n °
French brig Deux Edwurds, Pascal r-„
peachy, 43 days. ’ “ n ' Four Staters, Woudburv '
14 days. ’
Sclir. Gleaner,Miller, New-York. 4 dJ
Schr. Little John, Perkins, Oericock '
days. A lurpe ship loaded with (W
and Pork, supposed to be bound to N.Y or k
wciii aalioro on Beaufort, N. C. Bur
the 30th ult.—most nf the cargo will
bnbly be saved—vessel lost. Tins ,|L
ship is suppused to be the same reported to
have been ashore on Cape Lookout Sliod,
on the 26th ult. with the loss of lore at (
mainmast—when site went ashore oil Hn„.
furt Bar, several vessels were near her et .
desvoriug to save the cargo. |
Steam boat Commerce, Harvey, Augusta
and, Hamburg 4J days.
Cteuretl, Br. ship Commerce, Ritcki*
Liverpool and Greenock; brig Cntharw
Avcillie. Burdcux; steam boat AugusiL
Green, Hamburg and Augusta.
which you will pass.”
Corbiors, the Minister of the Interior,
asked the Prefect of Police whv, having 5
or 6,000 spies at command, he did not em-
piuy n uetaenment ofthoin to express the
enthusiasm of the city, and tu raise tho
shouts of Vive lo Roi, in tho name of the
inhabitants, “Because," answered Dola-
van, “ I was not required tu do so on t.lte
29th of September, (the day of the King’s
entry into Paris.) and yet it was done with
out ine ; but I promise your Excellency
noiso enough for the coronation.”
render un account of his conduct; and was
there incarcerated in a loathsome gaol one
year, ns a peculator. His brother Gerrit
'Gates, nnd his father, John Gates, a rovo
lutinn.ry patriot, who was olio of the party
I hat travelled through the wilderness im-
' in the ranks with
Charles the Fifth, in Ilia retirement at St.
Juste, amused himself in making collections' (j® r Arnold, who fought
° Ifiinlrrumnru ntlfl WflK t
of clocks and watches, and in observing
their different motions; and used to ob-
he fell under the walls at Quebec, and wko
was ulsn at the glorious battle at Saratoga
serve with a sigh, how ill lie had spent his Those two persons were iris bail in the sum
” of 17,(WO. The bail were sued by the Lo
From the JV. Y. Shipping ami Cummcrcuil
List. Mil/ 25.—Cotton /logging.—Onr quo
tations could net a: present be obtained, but
the absence ofsules.we do not alter them.
Hcnrp, (yd.) .10: Flax 23.
Cotton The prices at which speculutois
enmo into the market oil the receipt of the
advices by tho Amethyst, havejnot been sus
tained by subsequent transactions. The
U market on Friday und Saturday was Very
U. Bates, j nact i vc, und some of the purchasers mani
fested a strong disposition to retire from
their contrscis by submitting to some loss.
Late i n Monday there was a revival of de
mand, mid a prime lat of ubnut 90 bales of
Ncw-OrleaiiB was sold at 31) cents as cash ;
and a purcel at 28 cents. On Tuesday fur
ther sules were made of Georgia and Al
abama at 234, 24 and25, North-Caroliilu at
28. and seine Buporior Pctersborgh at 274
cents. The total salessitice onr last report,
amount to about 20U0 bales. We return to
nearly our former quotations. The import
lias been, from New-Orlorus, 941 bales;
Alabama, 415; Nurtli-Carolina, 346; Vir
ginia, 186. Tot.ll, 1889 bales. Total im
port since 1st inst. 12,352 baler. Export
time in endeavouring to make men think' vcrn mon t> and the cause came on at tlio
alike on religious matters*, when he had nev- • lute term of the District Court at Albany
er been able to make two watches go per- i before Judge Skinner, and occupied a part
° [of three clays ; but belore the clelemluntH
, fectly together. | | lJ1( j ^. onR through their defence, it appear
! This is a lesson quite applicable at the ed conclusively, that, the wholealledg« d de
present day, to those politicians who are en-. f»lc»tiow of the paymaster was unfounded,
v ; r • and v>rigmuted in gross and palpable errors,
gaged in the sysipkean task ol reducing all emitted by the clerks in the Auditor’s
pari ies to one. • j office, und that the paymaster was iu fact a
— j creditor instead of a debtor of tiie U. S.—
Pouto Caqklt.o.—Extract of a letter The result was. that the District Attorney
from Porto Cubello, dated April 20, UI25 : : («• Beardsley, Esq.) submitted to a nonsuit.
. “ This place will ultimately become one without waiting to hear the whole ot
also existed in the United State. Bolivar | q}* consequence.. It has a very Hue harbor ' defendant s’ evidence. Abraham Van
intended to proceed to Upper Peru, prnba*, and an extensive back country , the produce | cheten, Esq. was counsel for the defenduutSi
bly for the purpose of ^tacking Olaneta.— wl,ich Cftn bc , rru,1K P orte, i t0 ^‘with great- ~
• i in t . , . . crease than elsewhere. It is at present,
Eight hundred Royalists proceeding to join j however, m ruiift; the Patriots having cap-
Olaneta, were defeated by Gen. Sanchez—j tured it about eighteen months ago, after a
a column of troops who come out of the oloso ami protracted svigo, during which
i more thau three quarters ot the buildings
j were razed to the ground ; but they were
I composed of such materials that they can
i be easily run up again, and they are i! uly
rebuilding. Every thing here is military,
Latkst fhom Lima.—By Guayaquil pa
pers, received at New-York, of ns late a
date as the 19th March, and Lima Govern
ment Gazettes to the 10th, it appears that
the Royal General Olaneta. still held out
in Upper Peru, although a report was cur
rent in Lima for a long time, that he had i
agreed to the capitulation. This report,
Castle of Callao, were routed and two hun
dred killed. «
The Peruvian Congress opened their sesv
From the Richmond (Vir.) Whig.—The
North-Curolina 74, which sailed for tho
Mediterranean a short time since, has
34 long 42 pounders on her lower gun deck
34 do 32 do upper
24 carronadc 32 pounders ^
2 long 32 do
spar deck
siou the 10th of 1- ebruary, and decreed that anl ] martial law is in force; the government
Bolivar should continue to hold tho power' is poor, and absorbed ill providing ways and 1
94 mounted.
8 portu in her gangways for 8 421b. car’s,
and title of Dictator, until the next session
of Congress, which is fixed by the Consti
tution, in the year 1826.
The Congress voted a gift of a
dollars to Bolivar, which he “ twice refus
ed.” The Congress then requested him to
take it under his charge, and appropriate it
to objects of beneficence. From a letter
addressed by him to Congress, on the 12th
of February, in which he accepts of the dic
tatorship again, he says that the interests
of the states will call him to Upper Peru,
and therefore he shall delegate a part of
the supreme power to a council of govern:
ment, under Lamar as President.
means fur defence and paying the army
The power is in the hands nf many persons 102
who are inadequate to the task of wielding If our information be correct, the above
it; and the people are Spaniards, in all ship will throw a much heavier broadside
million nf their feeling and prejudices, devoting & large tliun most of the British three-deckers, ami
' portion of their time to celebrating their yet she is called a two decker and a seven-
Sahit’s days. &c. ty-four.
“ This is tbo Naval Depot. There are It might gratify the curiosity of many,
here at present two sloops of war, whose of- some one possessiug the information, would
ficers are principally Americans and En- furnish a correct statement ot the exact
ltahmen, most.of whom did not rank very - number nnd size ot the guns curried by
iiighathome. It is a very unpleasant place some of tiie British line ot battle ships,
at present, there being no society cm shore, from a 74 to a 1201 also, the rule for rating
except at the billiard-room, or on Sundays,, ships,
at the cock pits, and being extremely warm, 1
the Thermomotor ranging from 8> tu 90.
Treaty between Great Britain and
the United Provinces or Rio de la Pla
ta—The last accounts from Buenos Ayres,
furnish tire treaty concluded by the British
government with that republic. The Na
tional Advocate contains a summary of its
provisions. It provides that there shall be
a reciprocal freedom ofcominerco between
the territories of Great Britain and thoso
United Provinces—that they ahull enjoy as
great privileges, by trado and navigation,
in the British dominions out of Eurnpn, as
any other nation—that no new or greater
the other hand, 40 Greek vessels arrived iu j autiBS8ha i, b o imposed on tho importation
time lo cut off tho Egyptian diviHion from, r . ...
t : i»! son,, nnd to block it up in a buy between °* B |0 articles of their production—that no
Modon and Neocastron. Conduriotti, the. greater duties or charges shall be laid by
President, commands in person the troops | eilh t in tbe form of t cb
besieffinp Piitrus; they are estimated at! , , r B
|0 or 12,000 nion. ' tonage duty .salvage, pilotage,&c, on vessels
“A corps of Peloppoonossians, destined ^ belonging to the other of a burthen more
t or t harlesion,
Tiie schooner
Copt, /{eynolds,
Will sail on Sunday next, Fcr
freight or passage, npply to Cant. Reynold*
on board, at Bolton's Central Wlinrf, or tt
June 4 J B. HERBERT 4,Cl).
QAOA BUSHELS Prime Maryland
OUUU \Vbite Corn, afloat, on bmnl
schooner Trial, at Jonoi’ Upper Wi.arf, ad
lor sale by HALL & 1IUYT.
Juno 4
Hi itish Cousulute bji e
fJlIIE subscriber intending to leave the
X city for a few months, the duties »f
the office will be performed by Mr. Rublut
Mcott. JAMES 0. M0U1JY.
June 4 t>2p
Horse and Sulkey.
F OR SALE, an excellent Gig nnd Sadr
die Horse, together with a light bully
nod Harness, complete—will bc sold k-»
fir cash. Apply at the office of tlm Gun-
Mnv 5
3000 1
* orn, I'acoii * Mess ; ork.
BUSHELS Maryland White
25 Darrels Mess Pork
8008 Pounds Prime Middlings
23 Kegs Butter
Landing from schooner Rising Sue, fur silo
Mnv 11
from the 1st to tlm 18th inst. 6,:)'.’4 boles.— I lace, and tin- sale by
Anchor Gin.
BARRELS Cunningham's Anclut
Gin, lauding from ship Wm. Wul-
Upland 23 j u 274. N. Orleans 27 a 30 : Al
abama 2.1.) a 27; Tennesson 25.
Mol,uses.—The cargo of Gimdaloupe,.
mentioned in our lust, has been disposed ot
principally at 2! cts.—and a cargo of Ar.ti-
;ua at 31 nnd 32 cents. There is not much
sliding, and the holders demand higher
rates. Martinique and Guadeloupe, gnl.
30 a 32 : English Island. 31 a 3! ; Havana
and Matnnzns 25 a 30 ; New-Orlqnns 32 a
33 ; Sugar House 40 a 42 ; Demur urn 30 a
I cents.
Rice.—The only sales of which we have
heard, since our last, have been a lot of 40
tierces at 4, unit one of 30 tierces at 4J per
lb. both prime quality. Tiie import has
been, from. Charleston 5-1 tos. 9 halt tea.—
Total, since first inst. 1061 tierces und 30
holfrlo. Rice, lb. 34 a 4j.
Sugars.—A sale was made by Ruction
yesterday of 75 lrhds N. Orleans at 6g to 7(
per lb. quality inferior. At private sale we
have hoard of no trrnsactious of much a-
muunt; for n lot of between 2 and 300 boxes
of brown Havana, 10 cents per lb. was re
fused yesterday. A cargo of 1700 boxes
from Trinidad. Cuba, is now landing, and a
cargo of Manilla lms just arrived, part of
which was disposed of some lime since.—■
British Island,lb. 9 a 11 j; St- Croix, 9 a'"
N. Orleans, 7 a 94 : Havana, white,
12 ; brown, 94 u 104 1 Muscovado, 9
Porto Rico, 9 a 10^ ; Brazil, white, 10 a
iOJ : bro-vn, 9 a 10 ; Manilla, brown, 10 ;
Lump, 18 a 16 ; Loaf, 17 a 18.
Muy 31
Stone Ware
L ANDING from ship Suvannah,
250 One Gallon Jugs
150 Half Gallon do
50 Two do do
50 .Tars
30 Pitchers from half a gallon to tw
gallons, suitable for store use
which will bc sold low, if taken from the
wharf, by A. BASSfcllT.
May 2
Itece.ver Tax. Itcturns office.
mi IE subscriber is now ready to rra-iv!
JL the Returns of Taxable Property, fct
this county. His office is in James More-
sun, Esq’s. Building, adjoining Julia L
» Nicoll, Esq. _ „ _
Feb 11 W
su iL'&'im wms&Akiu
T HE subscriber, has opened an "ffirff-'l
the sole of Negroes, Luts, Lands,
10 a ' Stock &.e. and solicits the patronage o!l"»
10 ; 1 public. Advances will be mode on P r0 F c *
ty confided to him for sale if desired.
Wonted to purchase Planters’and Unifc«
States Bank Stock.
June 2 S***
A Cumous Fact. -In the “Vnvnge
The town is situated on d level point, pro- j 1’Isle do France 11 i’lsle de Bourbon, ot an
jecting about three quartors of a mile "nm Cape de Bonne F-perance, par M. de St.
high mountains, and this gives an opportuni- j Pierre, on 1768, 1760.” is the following pas
ty fur the sea air to sweep it, which prevents sage;—“ Je vis coupor avoc des eiseaux du
it from being nnlieulthy. A vessel has just verre dans I’eau Rvec une grande facilite,
arrived from Europe, with miners and tools, effet donl j’iguore la cause.” This is all
and materials for working the extensive
copper mines of Arracn, about 60 miles S.
W. of this place, which have been rented
that is there said about it. 1 have never met
with any mention of it in any other book,
but I have tried the experiment, and found
of the government by Mr. Lowry, Amen-' it to succeed. The process is simple—Take
can Consul at Lnguayra, and Mr. Cochran, (a common I bin wine glass, or a paue of
the celebrated pedestrian, who oversees glass, and hold it under water (in a pail)
the work . His wife is from K&mptskatka with one hand, and plunge the other hand
—The stock of this mine has risen in Lon-. likewise in the pail witli a pair nf scissars,
don to £38 per share. The transportation when you may easily cut tire glass in almust
of the materials required in the mines, will! nuy manner; batk the glass and scissars
cost ten times as much from this place as
from Europe hither.”
must be entirely immersed. I knew this
I long before I saw the book above quoted,
and I can in nowise account for it; but &■
1 it is possible some of your readers may, I have
troubled you with tliesa few lines.
Lonoevitv—There now lives near Lake
Champlain, a man at tbe age of 133. He
Law, the Ptuvr.cTioN or human reason
—This is one of the lofty pretensions of a
science, which, founded in the nsiural wants
and wickedness of man, has undergone va
rious mutations, with tho changes in condi
tion of thoso whom it is to affect, and. has
gone on. accumulating volume upon volume,
without method, order, or preconceived de-11702, nnd was then 18 years old.
sign, until the ordinary terms of life is in-1 mained a soldier until the close
sufficient to wade through and understandFrench war, and was then in this country
tha cumbrous moss. " ' “
moved lo State-Street, between ȣ
Steam-Boat Georgia, Bowman, 34 hours j nard and Jefferson-Streets, and oPP jj
from Augusta, with Boat, Nos. 2 and 6, ill! the residence of A- Telfair, Lsq- ,
tow—Cotton and other merchandise, to J. 1 remain open during tho summer seas >
■ ‘ of education tint™
Cotton for Charleston. Passengers, Col. | been reduced, may be known on Slfilfli.
White and lady, J. Dreghorn and lady,' to Mrs. L. who pledges hcrselt tn
Mrs. Wilcox, Mrs. G. Hall and Son, J. El- ertinn shall bo spared to merit a
lis, J- F. Schmidt, D. Beers, Col. Jenkius,
and Mr. Flin.
At New-Bodford, 13th ult. sloop Two
Sis'era, Wing.
AtDarien, sloop Three Brothers,Howland,
At Boston, 22d ult. schr. Polly, Easton,
The wind has been blowing a gale from
the North and North East, since 2 o’clock
mice of public patronage.
May 18
Board °f Hkalth
Savannah, May, 18,
OU are earnestly;
h East, since 2 o’clock JI Board of Health, ,:T'cj,«irnn»i
yesterday morning, and ta very heavy at through the medium Marshall 0 /
Tybee. The pilot boat G.-orgia-Ann, ta Ward Committees, the y . p^t-Of
1 uo. iie ashore on Potato Point, near Cocksnur,but by notice in wnttng.t g of»nf
is a Germon by birth, was one of the life : will probably got off with a change of wind, fice, ot any nuisance ■ ^ ma y be
guard when Queen Anne was crowned in Tho ship Chariot, was at anchor yesterday deposits in stores . , ’ i, 0 f theciti>
— ,u - ,J Here- off Long Island, with every think snug— considered injArioust.ithel.ealiii^^^
of tho Tho sloop St. Mary’s, for Provulonce ; 1 By order of Co . g ecr etif)’‘
- — 7 ountry- sloops Regular; and Good Intent, for Char-«
|He i* perfectly suit, walks spry, has a full lestuu, are at anchor at Venus PoiiR. Tha May 1>