Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 07, 1825, Image 1
V f utonnni BBSS'.. ftetVei—'VoV VII. THE ts EDITED AND PUBLISHED w ths CITY OF SAVANNAH, By G. 1* W. Robertson, AV FIOHt notLASS PS* awmjm, tAlABtt IV ADVANCE. — I^E ■-■ SSwitfft FOR THE COUNTRY, IS oabliBhed to meet the arrangement ol the mail, three timet » week, (I'ueaday, Timndav and Saturday) at the Office of the Saily*Oeor<i.n, and comain. all the in;elli. Bence, Commercial, Political and Mitcellan. Sous, including advertisements. pubuhed in * h The CdunUY P»P« >• “ Uo ,'" P* rt, , of the State and Union, or delivered in the city, at five dnllara per annum, payable in idrancc. * Advertisements atemtertedto both pa or. at 7* centa per square, of 14 lnet, for oe firs, insertion, and 37* for every aucceeding pub- K Com n m»nie.tioo. by Mail, mu., fc by law, to be held r-n the fir. Tueaday m the •In,,in between the hnura of ten in he fore noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House of the county m which the property is "tui e.-Noticeof thrae..lea must ta given in a public gnaette sixty daya previoua io On d *Nnhcc < ofthe aale of personal property mus' be give in like manner. Forty daya previous 0 the day *7 side, .... r . N'ltice to the debtora and creditora of an eatate must be published lor Forty day*. Notice that application will be made to th. finuft 'fOidinarv for leave to acll land, must be published Aitir Months. 8AVANNAH, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 7, 1825. Wo. 164. SMB Notice. N INE months after date application will be mnde to the Honorable the Jus- ices of the Inferior Court of Chatham bounty, for leavo to sell a tract, ot laud, mown as number eight, 8th District, rise formerly Munroo) County, for the benefit if the heirs and creditors of tho estate ot if N. S. Bayard. N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Baya r “- Jan 5 - SO 1 ICE- T UB subscriber, being about tn decline hu tineas in this place, request persons ha ing demand, ag'iusi them, to present then for payment. A. B. FANNIN & fto. or, 5 fi°+T. Notice. ■VTla^R MONTHS alt.Pilate of thi* notice, i3l application wil» be made to the Honor*, bh* ihe Cf-urt of Ordinary of Chatham Coun ty. for penniRjuon to sell nil the real estate ol John Wakerlv, dec. for the benefit of Iht beii J a.-d crtd.tor* ' f said dc.cesfted* KOBBrtT HOY, Bxceiit ip. F»b <>A 67 Administrator's N ot ice. N ’NE MONTHS from this date, we shall «p ply to the Honorahlft the Inferior Cour* Chdham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, to sell the real estate of William May hew. C. H. HAYDF.N, Y. UAYHEW, Administrator^. aiirfiiKt 12 45 Administrator's Notice. N 'NB MONTHS after date. I shall apply to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, (when sitting for ordinary purposes) for leave to sell the real es'ate ol fryic H. iiobins, to satisfy the heirs and cred itors. C- H HAYDEH, Administrator* HUg* i0 i-% Notice. N INE MONTHS after date, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Chat ham county for leave to sell the real and personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Ham- ilt on, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs •nd cred tm§ .f g'nd esinie, WORTHING I ON GALE, Executor. Up—' rn p.QS* Notice. its having demands against the the hte John V/xkerly. (plant- eqtw 8 ed to render them, prop in med arelv ; and all person!, noki? immediate payment to HOtiEilT HOY, Executor. 7 7 JNOI lUfci. N INE MON IIS after the date hereof, ap* plication will he made to the Honnrahl. Iho Inferior Court of Chatham county, when anting for ordim.y purposes, for leave to ael t lot, with tho improvements, situate in the City of Savannah, in the said county,and known in the plan of aaid city by the No. S3, Brow Ward, tor toe benefit of the heirs and legatee: of the eatate ot the late Hugh M’Call, dc- eeiicd. THOMAS M’CALL, HUMP BBASCH, .., Executors. oet’A 72 JNOTlCfc. AJINE months after date, application will be r ? . ! 0 ' ,he Inferior Court of Chatham Uounty, sitting for ordinary purpnjea for an order ah,nlute.lo aell lots N. a four am five 2*7,“) ,n c *rpenter’. It„w, and lot No. hIfni!k Grt ^ n W * r,1 , in tht city of Savannah. rn *' r, tat*: of Francis Jalineau, dee laid . e , b . eI ’ C ® 1 heir* on-' creditora ol •aid eatate WILLIAM GASTON. Qualified Executor. 97a I£!£Mi <& OFFER FOR BALE, Efrjrv HOGSHEADS prime and second ©t*/ quality St. Croix Sugar. SO barrels do do do sugar TO bags prime green coffee 3o crates blue and green edged plates 10 tons iron, sssorted 5 pipes cognac brandy 5 do Holland gin 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum half pipea, quarter casks, and half quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 coils bale rope 200 grind atones 2000 bushels Maryland corn 800 do Long Island white, equal to Georgia Hint corn nov 23 FRESH GaHDEN SEEDi, AND Bulbous AYtrwp/t YaooU* J UST received hy the rnbscribfr, and war ranted of the I st season** growth, 2 •jozo* Garden Seed :, put up bv A. ITMahon * do, Philadelphia, cxnre*§!y for thi* roatfcet. conti'ninj? the foliowinif fiaaortm' nta, viz. t. Drumhead Cahhag'* (4. Early curled Lct- 2. Long Red Beet tuce 3 Long Orange Carrot 15. Royal Cabbage do Parsley 16. Nutmeg Meloa 5. Leek 17, Spinach 6. Onion 18. Summer Savoy 7. Salmon Radlab ’9 Sw*et B^ail 8. Enrly Purple do. -0 Suge 9. Hound leaved H. Na w, urtlutn *0. Early Turnip* <?2. Celery 1 1. f.ftte do ’3 E-xrly Pe«i 2 Saisafy -’4. Late do -.3* Aaptragufl 25 Earlv bunch bean" • 6 Red French do ALSO. 20 Packages containing the following Bui nous Rlower Roots, viz. I, Doub'e Hyacinth* I 4.Mexie!xn1igerflowe; 9. F ne Tulipi I 5 D iub1e Tuberose 3 Narciaaua I 6 Star of Bethlehem For aale by P. M’DEilMOTT. Feb 2 58 APPROVED Patent Eamity Medicines. L EE’S BILIOUS Turlington’s'Balsam PILLS of Life Anderson's do do Opinl for tho elenns Ooit’s do do ing of the teeth & Anderson's Cough gums Drops RelfsAsthmaticPillf. American do do Do Botanical Drops Church's do du Anston'o Remedy ftti 1 Essence Mustard the Piles Worm Lozenges Hinckley’s do do Black Drop Thompson’s celohra- Hunry’s True Cal- ted Eve Water cined Magnesia Thompson’s Teeth Andlor’s Asiatic Lon- Paste itive Squire’s Grand Elix Roger’s Pulmonic ir Detergent Jesuits Drops Dalhy’s Carminative Tooih Ache do. &c. A constant supply of the above useful Patent Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, Cut Gloss Lamps, Lump Glosses, Lamp Oil, dec. &e. can be obtained ut the store of LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 26 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. N tice to tree Feisuns o Co'i.r. T HE Froe Persons of Color residing in Chatham Country> are hereby uotifi- fied to appearand register their names in the Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said County, agreeable to law, on or before the first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May Ifi 45 SWAIM’A CELEBRATED PANACEA. milFi subscribers have just received per X ship Emperor, a fresh supply of the above VALUABLE MEDICINE, and have made such arriingemeiitB with the inventor, Mr. Win. Swaim, as will enable them to otter to the public a pure and unadulterated article. Druggists and others who purchase to sell again, can have it at the original price established by the proprietor. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings, A Treatise on Swaim’s Panacea, with eases illustrating its success, will be loaned to those interested, by applying as above, Mav 20 Damascus Steel Razors, J UST received, a supply of the above ar ticle, which will be warranted good.— For sale by N. B. WEED, nnv 24 NEW LARD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. RECEIVED PER BRIO GF.OROF. WASHINGTON. I IlfVKEGS Now Leaf Lard lUlT 150 Hams 3 Barrels Castor Oil b Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Mess Pork For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. J ii n 14 hrade’s Company’ Hoes, jj0 CASKS Brade’s Patent Hoes, for sale hy dec III N. B. WEED. Fresh Teas, Hams, Flour, tfc. QA CHESTS Hyson Teas aU 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco 1 Ilhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv ed per Laura Jane, for sale by J. B. HERBERT ti CO. Fob S JUST RECEIVED, j By Be brig Pheatant, from Philadelphia, T HE subscriber intending to close HHDS. .nd 100 bbls- Philadelphia business in this city, offers his stock i «3'aJ Rye Wl iskejr at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of, IJJJ Dutch Demijohna I Sideboards of Various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, Wimbibes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen's Writing Ta bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maplo Field do. Wire Safes, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy &Wimlser Chairs, Sic. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta kur-Street and Bay Lane. J. II. O. also requests that those who are indebted, will please to make puyinent with out delay, and thoBC having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. H. OLDERSHAW. Jan 25 5t|| Consumptions, Cooghs, $ c. BUTLER’S F OR the cure of Gold*, Coughs, Consump tions Spitting of Biood^ Asthmas,and iisenfes of the breast and lungs. There is perhaps no medical observation better rstabiiahed, non®, mure generally con Srmcd by the experience of the beat phyaici mi of fdj ages and countries, and none o ore importance to the human family, that he fact that many of the most difficult arid in 'iirable consumption! originate in neglectful colds.. In a climate so variable as ours, where he changes of the weaiher are frequently widen and unexpected, it requires more car* nd attention to guard against this dangerou nemy of life, than moat people imagine or re able and willing to bestow. The bills o nortahty eah bit the melancholy fact thatth wiportiovi of deaths by this disease may b outsidered as about five to one. Ii’asomrf «en as this fatal disease frequently bids defi .ice to the skill of the moat learned ptyau:« ns, it is a gratification to the proprietor tL.< , n . is enabled to offer to those afflicted will • go: d y prospect of relief, iu that ! ighl doable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Sped !ic. The Indians are h»pp> In Uuur Eaov- uJge of m dical plants; governed whollv h) xperience, they are certain as to their effijei, . id it is siid by an nuth*ir of great character, hat a true consumption is a disease neve:* inown among them. I las Specit.c is obtained by extraction from Serbs, roolf, fl w. ra, pLnt , &c. when in per- ection. In consequence >f a happy combina- ioii of the rnont vuluabie iierhs, &c. it becomeN balsam of a superior value. It neals the. in. jn ed parts, opens >he n 're9, und composer. <e disturbed nerves, after the manner of si' inodyne/ consequently the obstruction ol he ches and ttie lungs which constitute th t * disease, particularly need its use. It promotes 'xpectoration, which isconHtantlj called for, :nd whilst it cleans ;s a-d heals, it alio givei 4 rangth to the tender lungs In this mannei t removes the hectic fever, improve* digi s- ♦*on, gives strength to the nerves, repairs tin 'pp> t te and improves the spirits. This ipeci lie mav always be giv» n in safety it is mild. jle«sant to the taste, and may saftly be giver o nfants, for which it is of ines'imabie value It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething whooping coughs, Wc. and is found particu Lriy useful in hypochondriacal, nervous an hjsterictd diseases. Each bill oi directio. uontains a detailed account of this disease in nil its different stages, and will be xccomp* Yifd with the signature of the proprietor in Red Ink.' It is offered for sole by GEO. RY EH'-.O only (my 8*»le agent) D.uggist, cor oerBav and Whittaker-atrteta, Savannah, a one dollar per bottle. WU BUTLER. dec no :o lui'urnittU-,n Wauled'. [ F GSORGB MILLER, olherwiat- DAN IF/L OLAND MILLER, who in the vei.t 1815, arrived in Savannah, in .he Aberdftn transport, belonging to Messrs. D- w§ >» gc Sons, of London i« living, and will apply to uis friends in England, he will hear oi imetfing much to his advantage, He lef. 'he Aberdeen while she lay at Savaniuh, and oas not been heard of by his f tends sine that period. He had bpen many years a sa. ’or, and while on board the above vcks I was employed us a carpenter. If he left Sa vannah at that time, it it probable that h ntered some vessel going to the Brazil If -nds. as in his last letter, he staled that it a* his intention to do so. Should he havi liv'd at anyplace where a legister orcertifi cate of his burial can be obtained, it would be thanfcfuBy received and all expence * attending it, paid by ISAAC W. MORRELL, Savannah, or W.W.&T.L. CHESTER. New-York sept 9 57 Hunch Muscatel Raisins. J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di rect from Gibraltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Mdscatel Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD, Feb 3 AnciuuxV Wharf. Just \L«ee\ireil \»et ship William Wallace. & IIIIDS. Superior Jamaica Rum 3 Pipes Cognac Brandy 3 do Holland Gin 7 Bags Prime Green Coffee For Bale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. •May 30 10,kegs Saltnetre SO whole .nd 100 half bhlt. freih Flour ALSO, IN STORE, 6000 bushels Liverpool ground Salt S hhua. k 20 bhl« prime St. Criix Suga, 3 bipea and 24 demijohna beat Hoil.nd Gin J pipes and 30 demijohn, belt Cognac Brandy 10 abd., and ?S bbls. .uperior Northern Ruin TS bbl. Northein Gin 40 bug! Gt'c n C.i ffee 4 ea-ka superior old I.ia’-on Wine 31 bbla Lump and 72 bbl«. Loaf Sugar 1 buaeg wbite and 7 do brown Havana Sugar 24 bags black Pepper 4 pipes Imitation Gin 2hales Ragging Twine 24 qr box-. Hyaon Tea 6b i earns Wrapping Paper 14 hn..,« pipes 6 cast! Wool Hata 10 bain beat Otna'iurga 4 bales unbleached Homespun 4 naans colored ditio 40 kogi Dupont’s Gun Powder 1000 buihels Table Salt 24 kepe manufactured Tobacco 24 tool aasorted (Carrnn) Casting! 4 large Smith Bellows I 1 ' kegs assorted Cut Nails 100 bar-a sisortrd Shot—also an assortment of Cedar Ware, Market and Ciothes Baskets. All of which w'll be sold low for cash, or good towo acceptances. P. M’DERMOTT. m.rch t4 9> UVIVjU and MEDICL.VE P. E. BRASSINNE, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased the establishment in the above business, bo- longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the Exchange, where he offers for sale at low pricos, a large assortment of ¥y«.»E Drags, AUdiciura, and Chen icaig, AMONO WHICH ARE THE FOI.I.OWINO I— Aqua Fortia, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergumot Brimstone, Barley, Balaam Capivi, do Peru, do Fola Camphor, Cantharidee, Cinnamon Amcrioun best and coimnon Cantor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperaa Colombo, Fmery, Gum Aseafetida Alocu, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna.Oliamomilc Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Clover I)o Ginnnmon. Sweet Oil Pearlaeh, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Stilts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Valuta D.-j aud \u Di\. White. Rod and Black Lead Pruseion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Rod, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. Vevfuuxevy. Pomntum. Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau dc Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano t-oi tes, i urled Hair Ma trasses, • eather Beds, BOLSTERS & PILLOWS, CHAIRS, Sic. T HE subscriber oilers for sale the follow ing articles, warranted to be of the best quality Sideboards, Sots of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables BrcukfaBt do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Curd Tobies Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rnievvood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads I)o do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Cutled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Cribs. Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hull Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrassea Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows Children’s Chairs of all kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match Tku above articles can be examined at the .tore in Whittaker-Street, opposite Col. Shellman. I. W. MORRELL, Mnrch 15 83 \I. S Yotea llauE. N otea, F or sale at LUTHER'S -EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 20 P. M’DERMOTT, NFORMS his friends and the public gen erally, that he haa received by recent arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ot Groceries, Hardware and Dry Goods, which will be disposed of wholesale and re tail, on the most reasonable terms. Ti.v following articles comprise a part of his present stock, viz.— 10 Hngiboida prime St. Croix 7ugar 10 Boxes Wbite and? Varnish & Turpentine. B RIGHT and Black Varnish and Spiritf of Turpcntilio, on congiirnment, for salt* b” *" ~ bfarch 11 T. S. LUTHER. f 0 Boxes Brown > Havana do CO Barrels Loaf and Lump do 50 Bags Havana Green Coffee 6 Piuea superior 4th nrool Brandy f Pipe* do Holland G’.n 5 Pipes Imitation Brandy, 4th proof 5 Do do Gin 2 Pipe* very aupeiior old Peach Brandy 2 Puncheons do do IiisU Wbi»k«> 50 Hoftiah fcds and ? PhlLdHuhia Ityi- 100 Barrels J Whiskey 100 Barrels Northern Gin 2 Pipes superi *r cld UxdeWa Wine 5 Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do 10 Quarter Caaku Teneriffe do Very superior oid Madeira Wine ami Cognac Brandy in rieinij >hna 150 Whole and > Barrels *u pet fine fresh 100 Half 5 Fl U r 100 Barrels No* 3, New Mackarel 50 Barrels No. 2, do do 1600 Baskets Table Salt 20 Casks Goshen Cheese 20 Barrels Copperas 200 Beams Wrapping Paper 50 B»£8 Black Pepper 10 Boxes Chocolate 20 ‘ Five Gallon Demijohns 5 Barrel* Glue 10C' Kegs HE and IIP Dupunt** Gunpowdei 5 > Pound Cuni&te** of superior do 100 Piece* 42 inch Cotton Bagging 2 Bale* Bagging Twine 10 Whole and > Boxes S. Wbittimore'i 6 Half J genuine Cards 10 Boxes Wool Hats 5 Boxes Straw Boanetf 10 Coils Rale Rope 5 Dozen Bed Cords 50 Do Plough Line* 100 Pounds Sash Cords 6 Bales Point, London Duffle Blankets 10 Cases colored and bleached and un* bleacued Homespuns 70 Grots Iron Table Spoon* 15 Do do Tea do 1 0 Uo Teutani* Table do Plated fable and Tea do Copper,Cant, Wrought and Compos tion Tea Kettles of all sixes Brasi Kettles for making preserves 29 Set* of Di .h Covert 20 Tons Shear Moulds 1 D) Sad Irons 1 Do Bar Lead 1 D 4 Sheet Iron 100 Cask* aborted Cut Nails Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, mid expressly for this market 20 D;xen Handsaw*, Woodaawsacd Ten nant Sawa Blacksmith Sledges and Handhammer* Anvils, from 1 to 200lbs. real mouse hole Blacksmith's Bellows,from 24 to 31 Single and Double Screw IMatca Corn Mills, from No. 1 to 5 2 Ton* Hooks und Hinges Brass Andirons, from $2 50 to 23 B>a*f and Wire Penders, with shovel* and tongs to match 5 Casks Braid's Patent Hoes 100 D Z'm Padlocks Meeiytidsto weigh from 200 to 5001b' 2 Tons of St eel,consisting of Shear,Eng fish, Blistered and Cast Stoves with Pip s 1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted Fancy Curtain Pina 5 Rag* Trace Chain! 2 Dozen Currying Knives 200 Dozen Curry Combs 6 Sets White handle Knives and Fork* consisting of 50 p eces each 10 Sets Britannia Teapots. Sugar and Cream do 6 Dozen Patent Shot Belts 4> Dozen Game Bsgs 2 D .Zen Powder Horns and Flaska 1 O ae double and single barrel Guns 10 D >zen Wire and 2h doz Hair Sifters 2 Dozen Fancy HmII Mata and 50 seta Table Man ALSO, A general assortment of Carnenter's Planes, Brushes, and Fancy Bellows, with many othei articles in the above line,too tedious to enu merate EXPECTED DAILY, 20 Tons of Carron Castings, which will b* ■old low from the wharf. r>r»v 11 F Bills on New-York, OR SALE by Feb 24 C. C. GRISWOLD. F \\ hiskey, OR SALE by Feb 23 T. S. LUTHER. Bacon and Lard. A BOXES BACON tU 50 firkins Lard—Landing from schr. Barracon, from Baltimore. For sale by HALL it HOYT. March 8 (17 Gin and Butter. Received per ship Coreair, f]C\ BARRELS GIN, and by Thomas IU Hall ■’ ~ sale by March 2d Hall, 34 Kegs Butter Foreale by J. B. HERBERT it CO. Butter and Hams, R ECEIVED by ship F.mporor, 10 firkins (irel quality Goshen Butter 5 Barrels Burlington Hama jor aale by A. BASSETT. March 31 E 1 Wanted, MPTY WINE BOTTLES. Apply to May 11 GEO. RYERSQN. Door Mats J UST received by tho William Wallaco throe dozen best quality India Dooi Mats, for sale by I. W. MORRELL. March (5 pa Double Distilled hose Water. A FRESH SUPPLY of b06t London Rose Water, received per brier Pan- thea, and for aale bv . LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists,-Shad’s Buildings. May 10 POL A IlKl PJliS, THE INDIAN EXTRACT. A certain Bast India Cure for the Rhcu- matim, King's Evil, Sfc. Extract of t let'er from the Hev. James B liah, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- Bedwe London. Dna «ia : A G iHS R, > BI ‘ T tn f ur "quart. I have with rimieultv p r , cure.t an.I now send yi u b J the altip Jason. R. binson. a few pom ds of the Pob d Iphis, or wh.t general!, goes by the name i f India Extract, • liediii e on. 1 ver««lly nteenic d among the people of Indian a . certain cure (or the Rheumatism. Wu -1» inform you nf the number of people wh are (Lily relieved and cured by thi. v«iuable dicine, it wou d require more paper than am side to purcbme m d more lime that 1 am »h e to bestow. Indeed, the .fleet ol tl i. Medicine is «,»immidi-.te, that in K/ieumatiim vou would suppose it acted » a cham, .n giv- oig relief and r moving th it painful disease. In the King's Evil it h«s been used wuli great aucor-Ss, Mud - here Mercury has been given or used to excess, h-s vleiio ine has proved a perfect cure. The great difficulty, however, 4 procuring the Extract, u II for many years ’■ come, prev. nt mgeoernl circulation, it be. ing obtained from a Shrub growing on th* mountains of Thibet, ip the R.-rmi n Empire of India, and held so sacred by the natives, that lo part with it is like parting wi ll their eiistevice.” Letter to Dc. Bedwell, dated Jan. 7, 831 Lear Doctor—l have been v ulei.-tly affected *ith v R eu.natic complain f.r mar.y yeata / even my fingers were so contracU-d that I cou.d neiibe' dress or nndt eat myself, ur g.v* the least assistance to m- fa oily—I have used only one Cox of the I; dm Ex'net, a<d I an perfectly restored. Your’, truly, R. R v 1.8" ON, Phiiadr., hia [.eiier from Tobies Jennings, Stewa>« of St. Thomat'Hospt.l London, Feb 1, 18i3. Letir Sir- I think it my duty to inform you, hsi alter trying every thing that could be pointed out by the most re.pecl.ble physi* eisns mi d surgeons for the relief of my son, without soy success, who you know, hat for many years been laboring under .cvere Rheu matism, I wo. induced to try the Poladeiphis, with, g immeringhope, that it ntiyht gve hint aotne rehef from the excessive pain he endure.I, whnh rendered hi n a useless mem* ’er of so-iety, and a burthen to hi rise If. To my litter astonishment the relief was iostan. un oils, - nd by perseverit g in the me of .he Bitrm t, hi. joint, have returned to their pro- per pin. es, .nd he i. in per.ect h. alth. Up. -v.rd- ■ f siity respect.Me nervous luve cal- ed to lee my son, .sal' who knew him ibcught it impossible that he cunifi recover. FOR SALE hy GEORGE RYERSON, Druggist, where additional certificate, of the t-Oicacy of the above aaedicine may be seen. May 20 Administrator's Notice. A LL persons indebted to tho estate of Randolph M’Gillis, late of Camden County, deceased, are requested to mak* payment, and those having demands ngninqt said estate, will present them to the nnik-t* signed. HANNAH M’GiLLIS, Administratrix. G. M’DONALD. St. Marys. April 10th, 1825. April 27 2<tf t Notice. N INE MONTHS after the date of tl notice, application will be made to t Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Libi tv County, tor permission to bcII a part the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, tile benefit of the heirs and creditors of si deceased. JOHN W. KTACY, Administrator. rlnr 18 o| At Private Sale, T WO PRIME NEGROES, one a S rate cook, and the other a prime fii hand, for aale by April 28 J. B. HERBERT &. CO. F irst quality Georgia a ROW ROOT. Applv to April 12 GEO'RVERSON Notice, T HE members of” The Female Missir ary Society of Christ Church." f requested to pay their subscription for IH! to S H. WALL, Secretary. May 22 41 Brandy, Gin, Hum, 6cc 5 PIPES COGNAC BRANDY 3 do Holland Gin 5 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum ISO Barrels Rye Whiskey which will be sold low to close salra. April 9 HALL &'HOVl Fish Honks and Fi h Lines. O NE hundred M. Fish Hooks, assorted 50 Groce Fish Lines, assorted Received per the Augusta, a’nd for sale by Feb Ut N. B. WEED.