Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 13, 1825, Image 1

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ssrv a Km ov. vu. 8WANNAH, MONDVlt MORNING, JUNE 13,1825. >'o 169. THE) 19 EDITED AND PUBLISHED iff ruff city op savawnah, By G. hi VV. Robertson, AT S19HT BOIUH M» AHUV** VAVABtt 19 AUVAKCl. ®«wato* for the country, 13 oublilhcd to meet the arrangement ot the mail, three time* a week, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of the Daily Georgian, and contains el' the in'elli. genet, Commercial, Political and Miscellan eous, including edterliaementa. pub'ished in ' h The l Count > ry r Paper ia amtto all parte of the State ami Union, or delivered in the city, at five dollars per annum, payable in advance. Advertisements are inserted in both pa _ers at 75 cents per square, of 14 I nes, forme firs insertion, and 379 to every succeeding pub- ''Communications by M ill, mini he Postpaid gab's if land and n-groet by Admit,islra. tors, PAt-cutors or guardians, are required, bylaw, to be held on the firs Tuesday an the mouth, between the hours of ten in he fore^ noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court House Of the county in which the property is dtuate.—Notice of these sales must be give# in a public graette sixty days previous to Ah. ^Notice of the sale nf personal property min' >e give in I ke manner. Forty days prcvioua a the day af sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of ar. »»tRte mart be published for Forty W*. Notice thnt application will be made to the Court «.*f Oidintrv for leave to «ell lend, mua*. je publish"-i Nine Jlfontht K Notice. J INK months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Jus- (Sees of the Inferior Court of Chatham -County, for leave to sell a tract of land, known as number eight, 8th District, 1 ike .formerly Munroe) County, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the estate ol Of N. 8, Bayard. N. J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N. S. Baya™' Jan 5 NO i JOB. f| VIK subscribers being .bout to decline bu JL sintssin this place, request persona ha ing demands ag dim them, to present theu for payment. A B. FANNIN h e n oe. 5 fie*. Notice, TLTWTi MONTHS MVir dute of* tbit notice, ii application will be made to the Honors bl- he Orurt of Ordinary of Chatham CJoun ty or .eiinwion to sell allthe re*l estate ol J-h i Wukerlv, d«c. for the benefit of ilr- beir* ar.d creditors *f paid do<v»wsod* ROB BBT HOY, Executor. FeS H . *7 HliiMj & CQOTtl’a OFFER FOR BALE, uvv HOGSHEADS prime and second W quality St. Croix Sugar. SO barrels do do do sugar TO bags prime green coffee Socrates blue and groen edged plates 10 tons iron, assorted 5 pipes cognac brandy 5 do Holland gin 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum half pipes, quarter casks, and half quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 ooks bale rope 900 grind stones 9000 bushels Maryland corn 800 do Long Island white, equal to Georgia flint corn nov 23 fresh garden seeds AND TtaYbous YVmwe Roots* J UST receded by the rubscriber, snd wa-- ranted of the lust acason’a growth, 2' boxes Garden Seedn put up by A. M’Mahnn h Co. Philadelphia, expressly for this market, and containing the following assortments, viz. 1. Drumhead Cabbage 14. Early curled Let- 9. Long Ked Beet tuce 3 Long Orange Carrot IS, Ilnya! Cabbage do 4 Pariley 18. Nutmeg Melon S. Leek 17. Spinach 5. Onion 18. Summer Savoy f. Salmon Radish >9. Sweet Basil S. Early Purple do. "0 Sage 9.Tl mnd leaved 11. Na.lurtium 10. Early Turnips 22. Ct:lary 11. Late do 33 Early Peal 3 Saiaafy ’4. Late do i3- Asparagui 25 Earlv bunch bean- "26 Red French do ALSO, 90 Packages containing the following Bu! ■uua Elower Roots, vix. 1. D iuble Hyacinths I 4,Mexievi»iger flower F ue Tulipe I 5 Double Tuberose 3 Narcissus 16 Slav of Bethlehem Porsaieby F.M’DEilMOTT Feb 2 58 APPROVED Patent Family Medicines L EE’S BILIOUS PILLS Aclministi’dtor’s Notice. XT NT.MO .THSfrom this dale, wesball ip JL v ply to the Honorable the Inferior Cotiri Chuths-n county, when sitting for ordinal) pu-poses, to sell the real estate of William Mayhew. C. H. HAYDEN, P. MAYHEW, Administrator’s, aiiirn.t 19 45 Anderson's do do Coit’s do do Anderson’s Cough Drops American do do Church’s do do Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal cined Magnesia Auiller’sAsiatic Len itive Roger’s Pulmonic Detergent Dalby’s Carminative A constant supply of the above useful Patent Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, Cut. Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, die. &c. can bo obtained at the store of LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 20 Druggists, Shad's Buildings. Turlington’s Balsam of Life Opial for the cleans ing of the teeth & gums RelPsAsthmaticPillf Do Botanical Drop! Austen’s Remedy foi the Piles Hinckley's do do Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’s Teeth Paste Squire's Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. die. Administrators Notice. N ine MONTHS after date, I shall apply to the Honorable the Inferior Court ol Chatham county, (when fitting for ordinary purposes) for leave to sell the real estate of Isitt.c if, Robins, to satiufy the heirs and crech itori. C. H HAYDEN, Administrator q» 1° A% Notice. N INE MONTHS after dale, sprlieation wfl he made to the Honorable Inferior Court «l Chatham county, for leave to sell the real in i personal estate of the late Mrs. Ann Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit ol the heirr tndcreditorsof said esiate, WORTHINGTON G ALE, Executor V-i-' in oos. Notice. A LL penoni hiiving demands against the estate of the late John Wakcrly. (plant er) dec. are requt a ed to i ender them, prop attested, iitinit d'ately i anil all peraort tndtbted, to make immediate pavment to RDUEI1T HOY, Executor. »*94 77 JV 1 NO. loti We MONTHS after the date hereof, ap. pheation will be made to the Honorable “aInferior Court of Chatham county, whet ’"‘"I (nr ordinary f imposes, for leave to sell * »t, with the improvements, situate intl.i ? J' Savannah, in tlic said county,and known ™ nr plan of said city by .the No. 53, Browr ml, lor tne benefit of the heirs and legatee, ”}]!« *»l*teof the late Hugh M’Call, de- oet 14 THOMAS M’CALL. PHILIP BUASCH, Executors, 72 ' *N0T10K. sJINE months after date, application will be Cn,,..™'”? !° the Inferior Court of Chatham «nt.. e }** for 0, din»ry purposes for «n (4J *2J°' ute > m sell lota Nor four ami five L7,*) Carpenter's Row, and lot No. kJ Gr «n Ward, in the city of Savannah, for SI i* re, i' ,t , a,e »f Francis Jalineau, dec wj. ^ c nofttof the heirs Lind creditors o, *4estate WILLIAM GASTON. '(tttalified Executor. 9fk N tice to Irec i’cisuns o Coin*. TIN IIE Free Persons of Color residing in JL Chatham Country, arc hereby notifi- fiod toappournnd regis'er their names in the Clerk’s Office of tho Inferior Court of said County, agreeable to law, on or before the first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 18 45 feWAIM’a CELEBRATED PANACEA T HE subscribers have just received per ship Emperor, a fresh supply of the above VALUABLE MEDICINE, and have made such arrangements with the inventor, Mr. Wm. Swnim, ns will enable them to oiler to the public a pure and unadulleraUd article. Druggists and others who purchase to sell again, can have it at the original price established by the proprietor. LAY & IIENORIC.KSON, Chemists and DruggistR, Shad’s Buildings, A Treatise on'Swuim’s Pnnacea, with cases illustrating its success, will he loaned to those interested, by applying as above. Mav 20 J Damascus Steel Razors, U8T received, n supply of the above ar ticle, which will be warranted good.— For sale by nov 24 N. B. WEED. NEW LARD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. RECEIVED PER BRIO GKORRE WASHINGTON. KEGS New J.eaf Lard 150 IIain3 3 Barrels Castor Oil 5 Pipes II. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Mess Pork For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jan 14 100 jMssssaamiB* T HE subscriber intending to close his business in this city, offers his stock at roduced prices, for CASH, consisting of Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, Wnrdipbes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta bles and Book Cues, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands. Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple ■Field do. Wire Safes, CiRts, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy diWindsor Chairs, &c. at the Ware-House, corner of VVhitta- kor-Street and Bay Lane. J. II. O. alsorequests that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. II. OLDERSIIAW. Jan 25 SIR Consumptions, Coughs, ijc. BUTLER’S tirade's Company’ Hoes. CASKS Brade’s Patent Hoes, for sale by N. B. WEED, dee 18 Fresh leas, Itums, Flour, c c QA CHESTS Hyson Teas £d\J 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco 1 Hha Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hams, receiv- ed per Laura Jane, fo^ RT&co Feb 6 F OR the cure of Colds, Coughs, Consump tions, Spitting of Blood, Aalbmaa, and iseisea of the breast and lungs. There ia perhaps no medical observation better established, none more generally con irmed by the experience of the beat phyaici- iaof all ages and eountrita. and none of tore importance to the human family, than ue fact that many of the most difficult and in- ursble consumptions originate in neglected colds.. In a climate ao variable as ours, where he changes of the weather are frequently addon and unexpected, it require! more care nil attention to guatd against this dangerou nemy of file, than moat people imagine or re able and willing to beatow. The bills o' inrtality exhibit the melancholy fact that the roportion of deathi by this diaeaae may be oaaidered as about five to one. Inasmuch <n as this fatal diaeaae frequently bi is defi- <ce to the skill of the most learned physici is, it ia a gratification to the proorietor that ..•is enabled to otter to those afflicted with , a good>y prospect of relief, in that highly luable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci fic. The Indians are happy in their know- dge of m' dical pianist governed wholly by jXpei ience, they ascertain as to their effi-ct, id it ia arid by an author of great character, list r.true consumption ia a disease never 'mown among them. 1’his Specihc is obt»ined by extraction from erba, roots flowers, plant, Sac when in per- iction. In consequence f a happy combine, ion uf the most valuable herbs, Sic. it becomes balsam of a superior value It hcalb-the in. ju-ed parts, opens '.he pores, and composes oe disturbed nerves, after tbe manner of an moilyne / consequently the obstruction ol the cheat and tbe lungs which constitute tins disease, particularly need its use. It promotes xpectoratinn, which iaeonstsntly colled for, and whilst it cleanses and heals, it also gives i rsngtli to the tender lungs. In this manner it removes the hectic fever, improves diges tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the •ppetite and improves the spirits. This sped fic may always be given in safety it ia mild, pleasant to the taste, and may safely be given o infants, for which itis of inesiimablevalue. It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething, whooping coughs, (Je. and is found particu larly useful in hypochondriacs I, nervous ami. hvstericsl diseases, Each bill ot direction contains a detailed account of this disease in ail its different stages, and will ba accomps ■ ied with the signature of the proprietor in Hed Ink. It is offered for isle by GEO. HY Rlti.O l, only (my aole agent) Druggist, cor oer Ray and Whitlaker-atreets, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. WM BUTLER. dee 30 30 HHDR and 100 bbla- Philadelphia Rye Whiskey 150 Dutch Demi|ohns 10 kegs Ssltsetre 50 whole md 100 half bbla. ftesh Flour ALSO, IN STORE, 6000 hushek Liverpool ground Salt 5 hbr.s.fa 90 bbla. prime St. Croix Sugar 3 pipes and 25 demijohns best Holland G.n 5 pipe* and 30 demijohns best Cognac Br'anly 10 hbda and 95 bbla. superior Northern Riml 75 hbl> Northern Gin 50 bars Green Cnffes 5 caaks superior old Lisbon Wine 25 l,bls Lump and 72 >>bls. I.oaf Sugar 5 boxes white and 7 do brown Havana Sugar 25 bsga black Pepper 5 pipes Imitation Gin 2 bales Bagging Twine 25 qr boxes Hyson Tee 50 reams Wrapping Paper IS boxes Pipes 5 cases Wool Hats 10 hales beat Oz-iatrurga 5 bales unbleached Homespun 4 nssea colored ditto 50 kegs Dupont’s G in Powder 1000 bushels Table Salt *5 kegs msnnfxctured Tobacco 25 tons assorted (Carrcn) Coatings 5 large Smith Bellows 50 kega assorted Cut Nails 100 bags assort! d Shot—also an Asaortment of Cedar Ware, Market end Clothes Baskets. All of which w : ll be sold low for cash, or good town acceptance!. P. M’DERMOTT. march 14 92 JUST RECEIVED, ; LBl'O LETl KRg 'By the brig PhttuaM, from Philadelphia, Remaining in the Poit-OJ/lte, Savannah lit June, 1825. ID* Persons wishing letters from this list, will please ask for Advertised Letters. A. f Thos V Lee J OHN ADAMS,2 \ William II Leary, Jas. Alexander i— Little Dr John R Allen J Miss Justine Laybart Jfartly Averell | James Love 'Mrs Eliza Akins < Migel Lazera Rich'd J Arnold j M. B. | Jacob Mars Timothv Barnard j Mrs B. N. Mohew Mrs S M A S Bland 1 Master A J Maxwell Miss Clarida A Bland } Mrs — Mackichrcio im\3G and .WfclUUL.VE P. E. BRAS8INNE, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased the establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposite the Exchange, where he offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of Fveata Uruga, Medicine a, and L\\enaca\a, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING I— Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Peru, do Fola Camphor, Cantharides. Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Finery, Gum Assafmtida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Taints Bt-j and in Oil. White, Red and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Ycliow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. Terfmnwy. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 LnioTmaUun Wanted'. I F GEORGE MILLER, otherwise DAN IEL OLAND MILLER, who in the year '815, arrived in Savannah, in the Aberdeen transport, belonging to Messrs. Dawson 8e Sons, of London ia living, and will apply tn his friends in England, he will hear of something much to his advantage, He left the Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, sod baa not been heard of by his ft iends ainee 'hat period. He had been many years a sai lor, and while on board the above vessel, was employed aa a carpenter. If he left 8a> vannah at that time, it ia probable that he entered some vessel going to the Brazil Is- ands, aa in his last letter, he sta'ed that it 'van liia intention to do so. Should be have died at any place where a register or certifi cate of his burial can be obtained, it would be thankfully received and all expenses attending it, paid by ISAAC W. MORRELL, Savannah, or W.W.fcT.L. CHESTER. New-York aept9 57 Bunch Muscatel Raisins. J UST received per ship Wm. Penn, di- roct from Gibraltar, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale by BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, Fob 3 Anciaux'a Wharf. lust UeceiveA jfftt ahi\i William Wallace. HIIDS. Superior Jamaica Rum D 3 Pipes Cognac Brkndy 3 do Holland Gin 7 Bags Prime Groen Coffee For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. May 30 ,*** MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano Koites, (juried Hair Ma trasses, leather Beds, BOLSTERS &. PILLOWS, CHAIRS,die. T HE subscriber otfors for sale the follow ing articles, warranted to be of the best quality;— Sideboards, SetB of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps. Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Shovels Dressing Glasses of evory description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrasscs Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters sad Pillows Children's Chairs of all kinda Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a largo assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match The above articles can be examined at tho store in Whittakcr-Street, opposite Col. Shcllman. I. VV. MORRELL. March 15 93 U. states Bank .Voles, F or sale at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 20 I . K. Miss Isabella Kain Mrs. H. Kent Mrs Rebecca MKeet- ing Daniel Kean Miss F Kendrick John Keen Solomon Kneelaud Mrs Ann M Keen MrsSarflli R King Mrs II Lacy Yvenck Amos Baker David Brandon John Bradly July (a blackman) Mrs Mary Baker Wm Black Barnsly J W Bacholdor Copt Hnrby Mias Nancy Bradly Mrs Mary Banely William Blake Mrs — Barton Barde John Banking John Barthelmess 11 j Capt Benjamin Ma { thews j D Mare j Rov Mr Morideth f Mrs Mary Merrit ) Mrs Mary Melrose { Ephruim Meigs S Mr Mra'ra John Myrick BenjaminW Milby I Thos N Morel J Mrs Jane Mulryne J Edward Munroo J Daniel W. Margin ; Mrs Harriet Munroe 5 N. Peter Blankenship j Thos Nelson Sam’) Beckwiths 5 Mrs Mary Nnris \ Mrs Sn rii h TVJnlo Mrs Sarah Note S O. Chas O’Mally | Peter C Oates | George Oliver i Samuel Oiver P. Capt RobtS Patton, 3 Alexander S Pratt Nathaniel F Pratt Ann Pnin Mrs Nancy Beal Uriah Ii Berius William Byrd Abraham Blitch Uriah Berins, 2 Job T Bolles James C Blount Zenas L Boggs Peter Broughton Mrs Catharine Bow man Miss Louisia Broad | Rich O Parlow Lucy Brown | John C Parker Louisa Brougton ( Maria C Pierce Capt JeiemiahBnwen | Sarah Pettibone Miss Mary Boutell I Becroft Penny Mrs Eliza Barton } Eliza E Pettigrew G R Burroughs < William 3 Phillips Gustavus JBunough {John Pignel C. > George L Phillips Thomas Callau ( Mrs Mary J Porcher Robert Cosy { Abm E Powers Ira Crap < Capt John Porteas William Clark ; Alphnnzo Poyat Miss Jounn Caswell 5 William Pope Elizabeth Cline } Allen Potter, 2 Claudia Coachman i William Poythress William U Coe | Q. Henry Cook > Moses B Quinly Mrs Adeline Coe { R. Mrs Mary Adaline j James Right Coe I Joseph Rivers Miss Margt J Coe, 2'William Richardson Jas Cunningham, 2 } Capt Edmond Rich- Mrs Anne Cunning-S ardson ham, 2 j James Riarson D. J Mrs Diana Richard- Miss Jane F C Davis I son Charles Dcvant J Miss Eleanor Ryan Miss Alary E De- j Mrs Eliza S Roberts | Capt Rich’d Rowell mero Mra Caroline E Dick Francis Dickison John Diver Capt Douvillc Jonathan Dow Francis Doyle, 2 Capt ■ — Dubois Francis Dupont Paul Dupon E. Mrs Jane England M Eigle Willis R Franklin Samuel 11 Fray, 3 . ( John W Roberts 5 John A Rowell S Margaret Roby i Robert E Robbins j James T Ross ? Jonathan Robinson j Blake B Rutland, 2 S S. J James J Stark | Capt Stephen Soule 5 John B Shader | Charles II Starr ( Alisa Jane Starr ' Capt S Stafford 5 Alex J C Shaw Mrs William Frasier ; Capt Ed Swarbreck Alisa Sally Farrully ! Airs Rachael Sweet Alirza Fisher, 2 j Aliss Alary Street Rob’t Flournoy, sea. | Mrs Bothia Seabury Oreaatjus Fateh j Mathew W Stewart G. I John Sea brook Thomas Garnett ; Wm H Smith Dr Win Garbit, 2 j Capt Joseph Si- on Cupt Worthington 5 Benjamin G Sims Gale i James VV Sitns Henry Gardner ? Alra Surah Sima Airs Elizabeth Green i William F Simpson William Green ' Dominick Sheelds Martin Glcrson 5 J G Smith Charles Gildon, 2 f Capt James Smith Miss Elizabeth Gor-; George Stow don \ James Scoles 3 John Goodwin : David Squires Sam’i Goldsmith \ T. Sam’lH Goldsmith jr j F BTebcau Jacob F Gold < Jos C Trentlen H. \ Seth G Thre&dcraft 5 K Tugnoe | Charles Tintt i Airs Hetty Tippet j Alias Clarissa Troth | Debrasscs Thompson l Alaj Isliam Tliomp- J son < Lnwis.Tumor ! William Turner 4 Chas W Turner, 2 \ Geo A Turknelt s Rebecca Tumberlin s Susan C Tufts I V ’ ? J B Vallee j Mrs Nanci^ Verdell \ Wm Waters 5 Win Wade { James AI VVallacs S John Waters | Fred Womack ' Theodore Warland { James Washington j Sam’i B Webli, 2 j Stephen W West \ Mrs M E Willis j Airs Martha Wylly,3 Annette Williamson 1 Richard H Wilde Miss Permella Win- got j Thos A Williams Robert Hurby Richard Hard J Hall Nathl Hammond Charles Harper Samuel Hale, 2 Henry Hann&han J. 11. Harding Miss Ann Harmon, - Hayrl James S. Harris Sarah Harrison AlUsE. A). Hamilton Josiah Hutcher Alich) Headen Mircam Hylton Doct. Ch Al Hill Francis F. Ilodgins Capt. C Hopner John Hewer. 2 Stephen C Hooker Calvin Howell Nathaniel Hughes A. Humphrey John Hunter J. Lewis Jackson Chas Jenkins, Turner Jenkins William H Jones Edw Jones Jos Maybank Jones Joseph J Johnston Peter Lewi9 Jore ( Prince Weeks James R Johnston < S S B Williams William T 1 Johnston' Wm O Williams >rgp Johnston | Edward Wily Susannah Wilson s Aliss Susan Weigh ' Scrjt Dan Wilson ! John Woniat k, 2 j MissCathaleuaWoo Y. < Michel Young ] ' Me. J Mrs Susan A G AP- | Intnsh j Airs Al C AIcQueeft ' George M’Farland S Barna Al’Callach IivUvrs. M © Command D’AD- ClandinO L Latouche P S Herviant ! V ray, 2 Ariane Grandmont J Aladume Afadame Chaderac ’ Guernult Mons le Colonel! Muns P Soilet JOHN 8CUDDER, P M. June 1 69 P. M’DERMO'IT, I NFORMS his friends and the public gen- ■ en.Jly, that he has received by recent arrivals, a large and extensive assortment ot Grate ties, Hardware and f)ry Goods, which will be disposed of wholesale and re tad, on the moBt reasonable terms. TLs following articles comprise a part of ids present stock, viz.— 10 Hogs, e da prime 8t. Croix n ugar 10 Boxes White and J * ’0 Boxes Brown J “ ,v,n * do 60 Barrels Loaf and Lump do 50 Bags Havana Green Coffee 6 Pipes superior 4th nroof Brandy * Pi PM do Holland Gin 5 Pipes Imitation Brandy, 4th proof 5 Do do Gin 2 Pipes very superior old Pi ach Brandy SFUnohcom do do Irish Whiskey Hogah-ad* and > Philadelphia Ky« 100 Barrels J Whiakey 100 Barrels Northern Gin 2 Pipes aupeti ir old Madeira Wine 5 Half Pipes superior old Lisbon do 10 Qui rter Casks Teneriffe do Very tuperior old Madeira Wine and , Cognac Brandy in nemijohna iJSS » Barrel! superfine &eah IPO Half 5 Fleur *22 No- 3 < New Mackarel 50 Banela No. 2, do do 1800 Baskets Table Salt 20 Casks Goshen Cheese 20 Barrels Copperas 200 Reams Wrapping Paper fOBagaBlacVtipfe, P 10 Boxes ChocnhRe 20 1 Five Gallon Demijohns 5 Barrels Glue - • 100 Kega HE and HP Dupunt'a Gunpowfttt Pound Cuniste, ■ of auperiur do 100 Pieces 42 inch Cotton Bagging ue!. e, i B ‘flk'iufr Twiae 10 Whole and > Boxes 3. WhittimortV ,n n ?. 8">uin« Cards 10 Boxea Wool Hats 5 Boxes Straw Bonnetx 10 Coils Bale Rope 51 Dozen Red CnriJx 50 Do Plough Line* 100 Pounds Ssih Cords 6 Bales Point, London Duffle Blankets 10 Caaes colored and bleached and tip bleached Hoinespuos 70 Gross Iron Table Spoona IS Du do Tea do *0 Du Teutania Table do Plated Table and Tea do Cnpper,Cast, Wrought and Comply tiun Tea Kettles of all aizea Bras Kettles for making preserve! 20 3, t a „f Dish Covers i0 T , v Shear Mould! 1 D, Sad Irons 1 Du Bar Lead 1 Do Sheet Iron 100 Casks assorted Cut Nailt Mill, Cross Cut and Whip Saw, made expressly for this market 20 Dozen Handsaws, Woodasws and TeiV nant Saw s Blacksmith Sledgcaand Handhammert Anvils, from 1 to 2001bs. real mouse hole Blacksmith’s Bellows,from 94 to 36 Single and Dnuhle Screw Plates Corn Mills, from No. 1 to S 2 Tons Hooka and Hinges Brass Andirons, from g2 50 to 23 Brass and Wire Fenrieia, with shovels and tonga to match 5 Casks Braid’s Patent Hces 100 Dozen Padlocks Steelya. da to weigh from 200 in 5001b» 2 Tons of Steel, consisting of Shear,Eng liah, Blistered and Cast * Stoves with Pip-a 1000 Pounds Waggon Bells, assorted Fancy Curtain Pins 5 Rage Trace Chains 2 Dozen Currying Knive* 200 Dozen Curry Combs 6 Seta White handle Knives and Forkfe consisting of 50 p eces each 10 Seta Britannia Teapots, Sugar and Cream do 6 Dozen Patent Shot Belta 9 Dnxen Game Bays 2 Dozen Powder Horns and F’askx 1 Case double and single barrel Gun, 10 Dosen Wire and 20 dux. Hair Siftea 2 Dozen Fancy Hall Mats and 50 sets Table Mata ALSO, A general asaortment of Carnenter’s Plane* Brushes, and Fancy Be'lowa, with many other articles in Ibe above line,too tedious to enu merate / v EXPECTED DAILY, 20 Tons of Carron Casting!, which will ha sold low from the whaif. «inv 1* Castor oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent colfl pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale by P. E.BRASSINNE, March 29 Opposite the Exchange. Butter and Hams, R ECEIVED by ship Emperor, 10 firkiqk first quality Goshen Butter 5 Barrels Burlington Haras jor sale by A, BASSETT. ‘ March 31