Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 13, 1825, Image 3

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0 1* t- Id h Id a- Df P" ie sl ut ir th >d ill Cfl lid (la da to at ill n- sit ud or >y re* rt, in rd so* :e9 «i* on the fle as; Vf‘9 iily rts, mis bey tor- mid ;»io Big eart snd- in to Ihlcf boa 1 far* i erv lilts' >ted nest ' the ' the it "f ntef tales cou- natural—fur although a treaty of pence fur „ivcfl what had passed, the parties to it can not forget, and the people of tho United Slates (but more particularly the people ot Georgia,1 cannot forget the distinction they were obliged to make when in the lato war thev found M’lntosh and his frionds fighting on theit side, and the hostilcs fighting on tho side of llioir enemies, dte. 4,o. Etorno Tustuonuggee, at tho close, bog- ,ted lenvo to hand the Governor a paper which ho said liu wished him to keep—lor that he had been deceived by white men, and was opposed at first to a ealo ot the lands, but since then his eyes had boon o- ponod, and ho had listened to the voice ot liis great father, and tlmt now ho approved in all things of the Talk which had been just delivered, die. Executive Department, ) .i.ittedgevilte, Feb. 28, 1825. ( In consequence of tho apprehensions ex pressed in a talk delivered by the friendly Chiefs to the Creek Nation, on the 19th inst the written communication delivered at the same time, and another on the 21st by Etomo Tostunmigge, of tho liostilo inten tions of the unfriendly party iu said Nation towards M’lntosh and his friends, in conse quence of the late treaty i and in compli ance with the promises given them, that every aid should be afforded them within the power of this Government, it is thought proper to send a friendly talk to the Chiefs of Took-ou-batchee and Kussetau, at the same time forwaming them of the danger to which they will expose themselves by anv outrage committed on M’lntosh, or any of the friendly Indians in consequence of said Treaty. Accordingly Col. Henry G Lamar is dispatched with a Talk to said hostile Chiefs in following words, to wit: To the Chiefs and Hi nd Men of Tookaubdtchee an l Kusselau I hear bad things of yon—You threaten Me In-osh and his people, because they listened to their father the President, and ceded the lands to the Georgians -They acted like good and dutiful children You opposed yourselves to the wist) el of your gresi fit her, who w <1 doing the best for the interest of his red peu- pie, and would not sign the trratv But til's you d rl under the infl mnee of bad men, who pretended to be von: friends, but who cared nothing abme y m- N. w I tell you take ca-e and straight. McI„to9h and hia peu'le are under m pr.rrntioo, as wed as undpr th S retention of the Unit d States- I-' any harm iMnrv’ by vdii or any of your people to Ifcln tnjbnrh'ft people* I will treat you in the tame w*v a* if you wore to cooie Into our whi'£ aeUlemsnt* and do the like • I will pursue vou until I hive full satisfaction D . n i let bad men persuade you th-t because you live in and near to AhHam* vou will be i,if:* If* yon ervum.t one act ■( hostility on this side hel'nc I will follow and punish you. But I hope there will be no occasion for thin, and that vou will take counsel of vise and good men, and so conduct you'solves for the fir ure at to receive die apprabnlion a d pro tection of your father, the Pvi whnt, a d Uist 1 hI«o m.y look upon you as friends, >n 1 treat you accordingly. This message? will be de iivered to you hv mv Aid-de-Camp, (Jolonei Lamar. [Sig^d] Q- it. TROU°* Governor of Georgia* FsTscptivk Depahtmeht, 1 Milledgeville, ‘^6 Feb 1825 J Sin-Tonkau bate bee and Kussetan town* adverse from th * late measure of trea ty concluded at the Indian Springs, having menaced ihe friendly Indians who signed that Treaty with insult and injury, in conneq icnce of their '>'i1lingn<389 to make cession of the lands to the Georgians »t is resolved to dis* patch you with a message to thoae towns, to repress** the danger ’••♦'ich will ens'.r* if they attempt to carry into lT:rt thsir hos'ite de sign. rhev are the weaker part'/, and no at- temnts of tills character are to be dreaded, hut su'h h§ are made c< . rtlj and in secrecy B it whether of the one or other character, the; are fore warned they will be punched witl the utmost severity. From the moment of the ratification, th» Territory will be considered as belonging to Georgia in all respects excepting, merely the te npociry occupancy of the Indians, and any tc* of d*solder or violence commit*ed there. will be treated as committed within the actual jurisdiction of the state, and of course the In d ans committing it pursued and punished wheresoever they may go. Vou will m-et the n wilh friendly disposi tion*—Say to them in accordance wi*h the Spirit of the message which you caary, that it is the settled opinion of all the wise and good men of the United Stiites, that the Indiana lo-king to nothing but their own interrat, present and future, ougli' to remove without delay beyond the Misiissippi. They already know thia to be the advice of their great f- ther. They will soon know : t to be the ad vice of Ills great council the Congress Vone W htid men. hostile to their true interests will ever advise them to the contrary You will take with you the published due* urn mts, shewing the views of the President in relation to the conduct of both the Agent inrl Cherokecs at Broken Arrow —The indigua- tii>n with which he viewed ther conduct, and of court®, tho indignation with wh ch he will r gard tbe conduct of the Indians hoi-tile to the treaty, if iliey do not in future deport t emse!y?s men destt v-ing his love and friendship-—and another paper less authentic, but not altogether unofficial, taken from the National Journal, in which they will see that Hie Indians West of the Mississippi, without ro.cknuwleJge of the views or plans of* tho President have adopted the same views, and »re concerting the same measure* for bring- 'J 1 ' u * the Indians together on the West of •n V^i’^Ppi—and that soon, very soon.they *« go—so that a Red man wiil not be •cen, hetween tbs Mississippi and the Lakes. Having delivered the message, together •itj the Ta'ks as direct d to the|two Towns n receiving their answer eilhir verbally or Bwriting Y uwillre'nrn snd make report ° me with as little delay as p. ssibJe. “*»P«otfu|iy, (btgned) G M. TItOUP. Col IIisrt G,T*W4n, Ait de-Camp MBS, On tho 7th inat. Francis M’Leod, young est son of Win Law, Esq. iiftliis city. fort of savannah. cleared, Schr. Sparrow, Badershall. Boston, John Candler. ARRIVED, . Ship Jane, Tnckor, Liverpool, 62 days, with Halt, Crates, &c. to Wm. Gaston, C. W. Rockwell & co. and R. Campbell. Sclir. Flora, Tommereon, from Ricoboro’. Sloop Delight, Cooper, Charleston, 1 , day, with a full cargo, to P. M’Dermott.— : PoMm"ers, P. M’Dnrniott, Capt. Norton, ‘ and Mr. Egan. Loll, sloop Good Intent, to sail on Saturday. ARRIVED FROM Tills PORT, At Now-York, 3tst tilt, ship Corsair.Por- tor, 6 days ; 30th, brig Pantiles, Bradley, 8 days! sclir. Ocean, Hewitt, 9 days. At Philadelphia, SIstult, sloop Algerine, Crowell, 7 dajb i 1st instant, Bchr. Planter, 10 days. At Charleston, 10th instant, schr. Gal lant, Reynolds, I day. CI.EAREO FOR THIS PORT, At N. York,1st inst. ship Savannah,Bebeo. UP FOR THIS PORT, At New-York, 2d inst. ship Louisa Ma tilda, Wood i brig Pliousunt, Bailey, to sail 5th instant. List of Vrewh in the Port of Savannah, June 13(A, ltt.’o 2 Bilips, 1 barque, 1 brig, 7 schooners. 6 sloops, and 1 ship at Five Fathom. Total IH. Thosloon Spartan, Gihbs, from this port for Notv-York, paused Charleston Bar on Wednesday night last. The ship Delaware, Hamilton, from this port for Liverpool, was spoken the 24th of April, 20 milosS. \V. nfDungarvon. Passengers in tho Don Quixotte, sailed from New-York for Havre, 1st instant, ,1. J. Bnorn-nox. and A. Bnorganx. of Savannah. p&g&uuro 4Sh *fE rtifr ¥0& UlAVVU’j. A LINE OF PACKETS has been esta blished between Now-York and Havre, to leave both ports regularly, on the First amt FJlemth days of each munth during the year. The ships composing the line, are fust sailers, well found and commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise all that can be required, for comfort and conveni ence. Passengers in the cabin will be ta. ken for Jt40 each, for which they arefurnish- ed with beds, beddding, wines and ample stores of every description- Goods intended for shipment by them may be sent to the agents, who will attend to their reception and forwarding, without charge tor storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such eases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. A letter Bag is at tile New-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or paB- saoe, must be addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS & BOYD. A gents, New York, net 14 72 CITY SHERIFF’S OFFICE, > June 12, 1825. j T HE Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer, for the city of Savan nah, will be odjourned until the 11th July next, being tho term in course, of which Jurors. Suitors and Witnesses, and all con cerned, will take due notice. A. I. D’LYON. June 13 SeeriffC. C. P. St O. St T. T'vcke A \vp :> tYrii’t A SIX OARED BOAT, gunnel and in- Bide painted red. The owner is re quested to prove property, pay charges and 'ie it away, June 12 M. WOODWORTH. 69+ THE YaWYLHY.V, SARATOGA SPRINGS. This spacious and beautiful es tablishment. lias recently under gone thorough repairs, and has been superbly furnished and tit le! up mr tho accommodation of visitants at the Springs the ensuing season. It will be kept by its former occupant, and neith er pains nor expense will be wanting to render the stay of visitors agreeable. It will lie opened for company on the 10th of May,, instant. May 4. It/ - The puhlshers of tho New-York Eve ning Post. Daily Advertiser, and American s the National Gazette, Philadelphia; Patri ot. Baltimore y National Journal, and tn- tclligenrer, Washington; Richmond En quirer ; Courisr, Charleston; and the Geor gian, Savanmh, are each requested to pub lish the abovt advertisement, every other day for one nnnth, and send their bills, with a paper containing the advertisement, to the Pavilion;for payment. May 14 4-lrpfl mu® sidm BY CALVIN BAKER, THIS DAY, 13th instunt, At XI o'clock, in front of his Auction Store, a general assortment of Groceries. June 9 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY CALVIN RAKER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, At XI o’clock, will be sold in front of the Court-House in this city, a TRACT OF LAND in Tattnall County, containing 575 acres, situated near Canoochee River, be longing to the estate of Samuel Haughton, dec. and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, by order of the ndmioistrator. Msy 10 EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY$. B. HERBERTS! CO. On th4 FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will lie sold before the Court-House in this city, between the usual hours, Lot No 10, Ewensburgh and Oglethorpe Ward, with the improvements thereon. Also, tws Negroes, named Pulydore and Ben, bo<- longing to the estate of Jnsiah Fox, dec.— Sold by permission of the Honorable the. Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the executors,—Terms cash. May 24 New-York, The ship ELIZA ANN, Ca/it. Irittberger, Will sail on Wednesday next, 15th inst. For freight of ono hundred bugs cotton or equal bulk, or passage, having liandsomc accommodations, apply to Capt. W. on board, or to June 10 HALL & HOYT. For New-York, The new ami fust sailing schooner STAR, C. Cole, Muster, Will sail on Saturday next.. For freight or passage, having handsome ac- rnmmadutiniis apply to Capt. C. on board, at Jones’Upper Wharf, or to June 8 HALL & HOYT. The gentlemen of Savannah and its vicinity, are informed that ihe BATHING HOUSE on thn mirth side of the Court-House Square, next door to the residence of P. P. Tikjmasson, Esq has boon opened and will continue open for this season, under an ar rangement much superior to that which has heretofore existed. The utmost attention will always bo paid to cleanliness and to the comfort and con venience of visiters. Cold and warm baths at any hours of the day, and until nine o’clock in the evening The terms will be 5” cents for each bath, ur three tickets for one dollar, which will entitle the holder to three baths. May 27 55j r oi iiwst n. Tile fast sailing schooner SPARROW, F. Badershatl, Master, Will positively sail on Sunday.— For u tew small packages or pussage, ap ply to the muster on board, at Jones, Low er Wharf, or to JOHN CANDLER, Jones’ Buildings, IFho has for sale, CO Barrels Superfine Flour. June 8 65 10,000 DOLLS. TicRfets HeeevveA. P ERSONS who have ordered tickets in the GRAND STATE LOTTERY of RHODE ISLAND, which drew on Friday week can obtain them if immediate applicn tion is made, as tile drawing of the whole Lottery will be received TO-MORROW EVENING. Price of Tickets FOUR DOLLARS. WM. ROBERTSON, Tune 13 Georgian Office. NEW-YORK LITERATURE, AM) Philadelphia Canal Lottery TICKETS RECEIVED. T HE tickets ordered by the Subscriber ill these Lotteries, are ready for deli very to adventurers. - NEW-YORK LITERATURE LOTTE RY. will draw in New-York in July—80 numbers combination—nine number to be drawn. SCHEME. For Baltimore, The fast sailing schooner TRIAL, , Master, __ Will have immediate despatch, For freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at Jones’ Upnnr Wharf, or to HALL & HOYT. June 9 For < hurleston, The fast sailing sclir. f MARY and G. WASHINGTON, L. Smith, Master, Will sail on Tuesday, the 14th inst. For passage only, having good nc commodatious, apply to the muster on boi rd at the Exchange W hurf. or to COHEN & MILLER. Juno 11 H8p 1 Prize of 30,000 Dollars. l 15,000 do 1 10,000 do 1 5,737 do 20 1,000 do 30 500 do 30 200 do 51 100 do 51 50 do 1734 22 do 11475 11 do 13305 Prizes. 20825 Blanks, being only one and a half blanks to a prize, und the lowest prize $11. There being nine numbers drawn in ibis Lottery, the chance of a prize is greatly in- crcased.' Tickets $10, Halves 5, (J,rs 2 50 UNION CANAL LOTTERY, Seventeenth Class—Sixty Numbers Com bination—Eight Numbers to bo drawn, draws in Pliiladclnliiii on the Oth of July. SCHEME. 1 Prize of 50,000 Dollars. 1 20,000 do 1 10,000 do 2 5,000 do 1 4,720 do 20' 1,000 do 30 500 do 52 100 do 156 50 do 1248 20 do lOtiOti 10 do error V«i- dssC' rente rienO' at I® lidant if the as (se ed the , s tioB- II dis- ih 668 tot \ e 3 sel f finer decide hi‘ ^ 1 otb<« a peer is OOHUWB ROXAXi. or June x C Shi PF»gk Commercial List, j wcrh.ndT^i.V' 16 offro,n 4 r 001 SatiirHni- no ()r,e ‘ns were made on for casl/wh’ 3 ? ' CUt . s ’ with some allowance thy of notice that ha onl > ,,ran3 , action W01 " last 1 mi " w occurred since our dm 1,11 „ aTtic ' e *”r the last two . been almost without inquiry. LWmT l8t t0 3lst May 18,490 bales. 1st to “-?r e is n ports ’ fr ° m st to 25th May 15,299 bales. I Aa 22™ 28* 5 t 3 ° * Up ' 1 " <183 a 27! Al ’ l »“ «a 26 ; Tennessee 24 a 25. L*lil»7 A “ ole °f200 tierces of middling Ittma'no n mil( !e, since our lost at 3J ltav ipo! • ota *» from 1st to 31 f»t I J. HOT tierces, 51 halftcs. Rico lb. 31 12120 Prizes. 22100 Blanks. Tickess $9, Halves 4 50, Quarters 2 25. Immediate application should be mnde us the price will advance this week to ^10. Orders for tickets in cither of the above Splendid Lotteries, received hv W.ROBERTSON, Georgian Office. tf Cash paid for Prizes us soon as drawn. Prizes in other Lotleri"s received as cash. *** Orders from a distance (post paid) attended to the same as on personnl appli cation. June 13 For St. Marys and St Johns River, The fast sailing pilot boat schr. ANNA MARIA, N. B. Sisson, Muster, . Will suit for the above places on Sunday next. For passage or light freight, apply to the master on boUrd, at the Ex change Wharf. June 11 68 BATIIING-HOUSE. To Rent. A Brick Tenement DWEL LING-HOUSE, on the north side Market-Square, at present occupied by Mr. II. D. Greene, Possession can be had on the first day of November next. Also, the STORE formerly occupied by Mr. John B. Wick, as a shoe store. Possession giv en immediately. Apply to CHARLES ROE. May 28 56 lit’ Possession c Novemborn fill: To Rent, The corner store in Gibbons’ Brick Buildings, recently occupi ed hy W. and H. Rose. Posses- ision given first of November. Also, several other convenient fire-proof Stores in said Buildines, Also, two Dwel- niM ling Houses on State Street, near Ogle thorpe-Square. Also, a House and large Lot on Jo- .achim-Strcct. A pply to S. B. PARKMAN. May 24 52c{ A J KOPMAN &CO. H AVE received by the schooner Star, a fresh supply of Fancy and Staple Articles, AMONO WHICH A HR, Barege Shawls and Handkerchiefs Green Gauze Veils Fashionable Ribbons Muslin Robes, Swiss Muslin do. Black Mode Black Levantines Blue and Yellow Nankeens Plaid and Figured Bonk Muslins Cassiuctts for Gentlemen's summer wear White Linen Drill Colored do do Silk Stockings and Gloves Feather Fans Parasols, Umbrellas, &c. &c. June 6 63n ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT S, CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will be sold before the Court-House in this city, between tho usual hours of sale, TWO COWS &• Y CALVES, & all* the Household &. Kitchen FurniC lure of the late John Street deceased. By order of the administrator.—Terms cash, Mav 24 aamw&ik. James Anderson Go H AVE removed to the middle tenement Young’B Buildings, where they offe for sale a large and general assortment of FANCY ANFl STAPLE DRY GOODS, received by the latest arrivals from Liver pool and New-York. April 25 27 T HE subscribers offer the following de scription of LUMBER low, for cast or approved paper : Pipe and Hogshead Staves, Inch and a quarter, wide and narrow Boards, Inch and three quarter inch, wide and narrow do. Scantling assorted Shingles of the best quality WYLLY & BROWN. June 11 68e TO PLANTERS. THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVING made a considerable purchase of last season’s imported PLAINS, which they offer for sale at the last year's prices, for cash or drafts on their factors, payable any time before the 1st of April next; which must be, at least, 20 to 25 per cent, less then the ensuing Fall Importation can bp sold at. W. & H. ROSE. Savannah, 7th Juno, 1825. The Darien Gazette will insert the above until the first of October, aud send the bill to this office. June 7 63 For New York and New-Bed- ford, The sloop LEOPARD, Sturlevunt, _ Will sail on Wednesday, 15th inst. For freight or pnssage, enquire nfthe master, or THOMPSON &. BONNY, Who have in store a small assortment of CHOICE SPIRITS & CLOTHING, ikr sal i at cost uutil 12th of Juno. Jut.i. 8 fir, For New-York & N. Bedford. The fast flailing sloop FLORA, Pavl Briggs, Master. ,Will bail on Sunday next, and can accommodate five or six passengers.— Apply to the master on board, or to BRADLEY, CLAGHORN &. WOOD, Anciaux’s Wharf. June R For the North. The subscribers will engage to furnish a coach and four horses, I to start by the 15th inst. and go through the different states as fur as New-Jersev. Enquire of P. C. STRYKER, Georgia Hotel, Savannah, JOS. I. THOMPSON, Augusts. June 6 83 Notice. T HE subscriber will dispose of hia Mills in Montgomery County, having a grist and four suws running, which last are calculated to turn out from 4 to 6000 feet of lumber per day, which can be rafted im mediately into the Ocmnlgee River, with 600 acres of the heat timbered pine land iu that section of tho stute. As to terms of sale, they will bn made easy. Tho above property whs formerly that of E. W. Bar- ker. My residence is near Millodgeville. JAMES BOYKIN. June 12 69fre jSS&EsSESSSSnlit A fresh suffly of the above val uable MEDICINE, just received per brig Frances, and for sale by „ geo. ryerson, ^ nv Soli* Agent.. Dividend, No, 14. BANK, STATE OF GEORGIA, J Savannah, 22d April, 1825. \ T HE Board of Directors having tins day declared a dividend on the capital stock oft his Bank,for the last six months, of $3 per share, or six per cent per annum, the same will be paid to the respective Stockholders thereof, or to their order, on and after Monday lie vt. By order of the Board, A. PORTER, Cashier. ID" Thn editors of the Augusta Cunstitu tinnalist, Washington News, Southern Re corder and Georgia Journal, Milledgeville. wiil please to publish the above threo times, and charge the expense to this Bank. April 23 26 Wanted, A NUMBER of first-rato SEAMSTRES- SES, to whom good encouragement will be given. Apply at tho Clothing Store on the Buy,four doors oust of tho City-Hotel. June 0 fifii. Notice. M R. GEORGE D. SWEET, has been appointed our Attorney, during the ensuiug summer season. S. & M. ALLEN &. CO. June to 67n The Library, W ILL hereafter be opened for the de livery of Books from four until six o’ci.ock. P.'M. oa Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. L. MASON, Librarian. Mny 30 57 Sugar and Molasses. K/Y HOGSHEADS, 10 Tiercel and 76 OU Barrels Molasses 37 Burrcls Sugar, just received and for sale by J. B. HERBERT Si CO. Mav 24 \t Private Sale, A NEGRO WOMAN, about twenty-twn years of age, a good cook, washer and ironer, with her child six years old. Ap- ly to J- B- HERBERT Si CO. ‘ May 19 Darien Bank Bills. B ILLS of the Darien Bank will he re ceived at pnr for DRY GOODS, hy ANDREW LOW & CO. May 19 48 Just Published, B Y s. C. & J. SCIIENCK, price 75 cts TRIUMPH OF RELIGION; by a | Young Lady. I June 11 63p. SPRING amV SPAUIER GOODS. B Y the ships Georgia and Harp, arrived from Liverpool, the subscribers have received their iibual supply of SEASONABLE Having been purchased with cssff, pro vious to the advance in England, they can be afforded und will be sold at low prices, and on a long credit, for undoubted paper, ANDREW LOW & CO. Feb 28 80 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT Se CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will be sold before the Court-House in this City, between the usual houre, TWO NEGRO SLAVES named Nelly and Dido, tile properly of the estate of Owen Jones, deceased. Sold by permission of the Hon orable the Inferior Court of Chntham Coun ty, and by order of the Administrator.—— Terms cash May 18 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT Sc CO. On the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, Will be sold before the Court-House in this city, between the usual hours, TWO NEGROES, Peter and James, belonging to the estate of tho late James Wallace, Esq. deceased. Sold by permission of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, and by order of the administrator. Terms cash. May 5 ®sia©si CANAL LOTTERY 17tii Class—New Series. cash T^ILL be drawn on the 6th of July * ▼ next, and finished in a few minutes. Sixty Numbers—Eight Ballots to be Drawn. Scheme 1 Prize of t 50,000 Dollars is £50.000 20,000 10 000 5.C00 4,7120 1.000 500 100 50 20 Ho 20.000. 10 000.. 10.000 4 720. 20,000. 15,U0O 1*10, •,800. 24 969 106,080 12,120 Prizes, J „, . t 0:73 76 q 22,100 Blanks,! • i4 >- Z0T,ck *“-J 34,220 Tickets at £8, RE.M'WeUi. T HE subscribers have removed to John- Bton’a Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low & Co. where they are opening a handsome assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their former stock. W. Si II. ROSE. April 5 10 D* The Dartcjt Gazette, and Recorder, Milledgeville, will give the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this office. Fifty Dollars Reward, W ILL be given for the apprehension and confinement of the following ne groes, so I can get them, who left my plan tation in Greene County, on the 10th ulL DICK, a large black fellow, ho is upwards of six feet and very stout, he Inis a piece cut off one of his cars—I should suppose him to be about twenty five years old.— ISAAC, a mulatto fellow, about twenty, has a scar on liis under lip, about five feet, eight inches high; and STEPHEN, an African fellow, about 30 years old, and ubnut thn sizoofthe above boy Isaac. Any person who will apprehend and con fine the above mentioned negroes in any Jail, shall be paid the above reward, or in proportion for any one of them. I calcu late they are about Augusta or (Savannah or they may be in Hancock, as Djck has a a brother at Mr. Hugh Taylor’s. WILLIAM G. GRIMES. Augusta, June 3, 1825. D' The Savannah Georgian, is requested to insert the above four times, and forward the account to this office, June II 88u Prime Pork, Beef, &c. Just receive4 and in store, O A BARRELS PRIME PORK 0x7 20 do do Beef 30 do Pilot and Navy Bread 2 Casks Sperm Oil 1 do Train do 10 Boxes Sperm Candles 3 Firkins Goshen Butter 5 Boxes Starch 3000 Pounds Cordage different sizes Together with a general assortment of Groceries and Provisions, which will be sold low to close business for tho season,by June 1 A- BASSETT. £273,760 In this Scheme with eight drawn billoti, there will be 56 prizes with three numbetson them, 1456 with two numbers on them ai-tl 10,608, with one number on them Those t’ckeis hating none of the drawn ballot* ou them being blanka. To de.etm-nc. the fate of all the tickets in the above lottery 60 numheis, from one ta sixty inclusive, will seversIL' be placed in n wheel on the day of drawing, and eigt.t of them will hr drawn, and that t.oj:.-!» haring on -t as a combination, the 1st, 2,1 and third num bers druwn, will be entitled to £50.000 That having on it the 6th, 7th a id 8th, will be entitled to £ 0,000. That hating on it the4lh 5th ai.d 6th, will be entitled t> £10.000. Ttios-having n tln m the 3d, 4;haml 5*1 and 3d, 7tli snd 8th, ea< h £5,000 That h iving on it the 2d, 3d .nd 4tt wia be enticed to 4,730. Those 20 having on them ific 2d ( 5th and 8th "d,6>.h and 7th 23 6th and 8th 2d, 7lh and 80 3-1,4 1 !) and 6<h 3d, 4th an- 7c 3d, 4th an-t 8th 3:1, 5th an 6>.|‘ h Oth »r.d 7 4W. 6.!. ami 5c.- 41b,7.h at d tub itb,6tb and 7 ; r, 5th,hill and 8 h 5th,7th ate’ 8 h each £iu00. 3d, 50, and 7t 3d, 5’.t- and 8. 3 I Sth and 7tii I. 1 ,6th ant'' Htl 4'(• 5:hand 7th I 4ci,5tn and 8th All Others, (being 30 tickets) having hree of the drawn numbers on them will each be entitled to £500. The 52 tick, t! having un them two of the drawn numbers and those two, (be 3d and 4th, witl each be entitled to giOO. The 155 tickets having on them the 4th and 5th or 4th and 6c 1, or 4th and 7th draws numbers only, will each be entitled to £50.' All others (being 1248 tickets) having two of the drawn numbers on them, will etch be entitled to £ ’0. And those listing on them any one of the d awn numbers, (be'ng 16.608 to -..cts, or 13 6 fur esch drawn number,} will each be entl. tied to £10. No ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination can he entitled to an inferior prize, Prize* payable thirty days after the drawing, and subjeot, as usual, to deduction oi 15 per cent- A considerable portion t-f this lottery is put up in parcels of 20 tickets, embracing all the combination numbers, from one to sixty, which parcels ire warranted to draw at least £80, less the deductipu..of 1.5 per cent, witl* . so many chance* foe the cvpitsl prizes, J. B. YATES, ) „ A. M’lNTYRE, \ Mana B ers - Philadclpitii, Slay 11, ;825 TICKETS AT PRESENT : : : $9. Orders received and fonvnrded at Ijtc above * price * t LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. •May 24 Corn. QAAA BUSHELS Prime Maryland uUUU White Corn, afloat, on board schooner Trial, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, and for sale by HALL & IiOYT- Juno 4