Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 13, 1825, Image 4

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V Id SAW s Sales. O N the ftnt S«turd»y, after the first Tu« d«y in June ne*t, will be told »t Ih Hirhet-Houi ■ in the town nf St. Marys, t negroes, vis. Bob end Rose, levied on ss t property ot Joseph Rain, to satisfy sn execu- tion on the foreclosure ofs mortgage, in favor of Samuel Clarke,xndGeorge S. Brown. April 8,1325- M.H. HEBBAUD.S.C.C. April 1 13 Sheriff’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in July next, tvees i—..i.i m the Court House in thv' \lttvc JftiftHr asses. J UST received by tliu William Wnllace, nn ailtlilionnl supply of DOUBLE mnl SINGLE HAIIl MATTRASSE8, which will he warranted of the beet quality. I. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 Stimiin's Panacea. FRESH SUPPLY of this celcbratod Medicine, just received per ship Globo, for sale by GEO. RYERSON. Treasury UevaTimenl, > March, 14, 1825. $ W HEREAS on the 3d uf March, IP'J, law waa pissed by the Congress of the Un ted States, of which the 3d 4ilt» and 5»- section* are in the wonla f »Uowi 'g» v z : •* Sec. 3, And be it further enacted, That * subscriptio n «o the amount of twelve tnillon of dollars, of the six p r cent, stock of the A and for dec 4 W IL L be suld a. City of Savannah, between the hours | often and four o'clock, A'l the buildings and improvements on Lot Do 40, Warren ward, w th the unexpired lean ofaaid Lot of Land, levied on aa the properly of ChaleaH Hayden, under a fia. fa on fore- closure in favor of Frederick W Heinemann A. D’LYON, D. S. C. C. Msy 9 39 Slid iff’s Sale, On the fi’tt Tuesday in July next, TCO „L, be sold at ihc Uou t Huuse be \Jjy iweeu the usual hours of ten and fou o'clock, All the northern half of Lot and improve tneuta No. twelve (12) Columbu Ward, o .he city of Savannah, levied on os the proper y of Wm, under an execution from a Justice! Court in favor of Wmi Robinson, snd turned over by a Constable. Three B'ick tenement* on the Steam-Bos Comptny’t Wharf, levied on at the proper!, of John Dtvidson, Agent of the 8team B>* Company of Georgia, in favor of Barney M’Cal. hn turned over to me by x Constable- A negro woman named Diana, levied nn M the property of John M' Stab, to aatisfy an execution in favor of Z-oba-iah M. Winkler, iaaucd from the Hon- tue Inferior Court of Chatham county. All that lot of land and the improvement* thereon, aituate, lying and being in the city , f Savannah, and known and d ttinguiihed in I plan ofaaid city by the deocriplion of Lot No. one, (',) Wilmington Tything. Darby Ward, containing 60 feet in front on Bay at and 9J feet on Bull it. and bounded on the south by B»y line, levied on as the property of James Morrison, to sat ify an execution in favor of Jxmea Dickson V co. ISAAC D’LYON S. C. C. June 6 ® 3 h'ussic Acid 7s Sitiph. Quinine, J UST rocoivod by ship Savunnah, and lor «alo by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Mny 3 Shad’s Buildups. Goshen Blitter. F IFTEEN firkins received per ship Au. ciistn, for snle by April 8 J. B. HERBERT &. CO. VALUABLE MEDICINE. yottWa Vegetable Catholicon. <~niIE suhsrrib.r reavctfully solicits the at 11 tention of every friend of suffering hu inanity, to lo the shove new and invaluable remedy, whose unequal powera in eliminating could wish tube. With my thank,, am your .bliged humble servant, »« porgekanb year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and from the System the very aecda of disease thewame is hereby proposed ; for which pur • ami in restoring the deranged and morbid pose books ahull be opened at the Treasury nl condition of the organs of life to a free and the United Slates, and at the several loan offl healthy exerc'ie of Ibeir functions, has exci- ces, on the first dsv of April neat, to continut ■Jpen until the first dty of Oelobnr thereafter, for such parts of the above mentioned de scription of stock a* ahail, nt the day ot sub scription, stand on the bucks of the Treasury, and on those of the seven, losn offices, re apeclively/ winch subscription shall be effect ed by a transfer to the Unittd States, in the ted the avt- nishmont, and completely ailtn cedtiie objections of the moat incredulous — Facts nre the licit arguments. In order to pul the virtuoso! tue Catholicon to aa severe a scr-diny aa possible, it was offered by advet- t'sement together with the attendance of* physician, gratuitously to any -r»>n who would apply for it, and whose cause migh manner provided by law for such transfers, ol | seem t come within 'he range of its healing the cred.t or ered'ts standing on the said power—number* of severe cates of long stx d. books, and by a surrender ol the eertificstesl mg, and tome ol them seemingly de.-pcpHe . S ,L. ..>L _...L.rta.ItA J . Ui.1 a/I Tliul I nnex r,Vr> Anlwrl ihAIBflftlvffl. /ill fit /lfillt) AdmiDi9trator’3 Sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, ETWEEN the usual hours, will be sold at the Court-House in Bryan County, Remedy for the Piles, T HE Medicine now ottered to tlio public is one which lias been fully subjected to the infallible test of experience ; and in every instance where it lias been fairly tri ed, it lias been attended with the most com plete success. In some of the cases, the patients hail been labouring under the dis ease for years, and during that period, had received the best medical advice, ami had even undergone a painful surgical opera tion, without permanent advantage. It is not (like those usually advertised) offered as a certain cure for a long catalogue of diseases, but those atHicted with this com plaint, for Which alone it is recommended, may roly with confidence upon obtaining relief, even in its worst forms, in a short time; and themselves are the best judges of the importance of such a remedy. Price SO cents per box, with directions signed by the proprietor. Prepared and sold at JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug anti Chemical Store, No. 273. North Third-St. above Callowhill, Philndol’n. The proprietor has appointed LAY & HENDRICKSON, corner of Congress and Whittaker-Streets, Shad's Buildings, sole agents for the sale of this medicine, in Sa vannah, Geo. ID* The Darien Gazette, the Washing ton News, Georgia Journal, and Macon Messenger, will please give the above three insertion and forward their, accounts to May 10 L. & H. POL \l)KLPIUb, of the stock sit subscribed ■. Provided, That all subscription by such transfer of stock shall be e nsidet id as part of the and twelve mil lions of dollars aut'loriied to it borrowed by the first secti m f his ad. r* Sec. 4. And be i' further emcledj That for the whole or any part of any stm which shall be thus subscribed, ct edits shall he entered to the respective subsc-ibers, wh > lhall be enti tled to a certificate or certificates purporting that the Untied Stales owe to the lid’er ot tjuldeis thereof, Ins her, or their assigns, a Stim to be expressed th rein, equal to th. .mount of the principal stock tint, subscriber 1 , earing .n interest n t exceeding four sod tine half per centum p -r annum, payable quarterly, from the thirty-first da) of Uecem- ber, one thuuaund eight hundred and twenty ones, ore ented themselves, all of which have been cured, or so much relieved aa to warrant the asset tlon that a little perseverance will do an In fact, such is the confidence of the pliysi ciau under whose care these patients were placed, in this remedy, a confide ce resu t- ing from the irresistible conviction that baa )een forced upon his mind by ocular demon stration, soda personal trial of it on himsell that lie pr-mits me to declare it as hia deci ded opinion, that the Catholicon is not only a perfectly safe and innocent, but a most pow erful and invaluable remedy in certain dis eases and states of the t, stem, such as the ful owing:— Debility resulting from intemperance and dissipation i Old and invcteral Uicera. Pains in the bun s attended with swellings nf the five transferable in tliL same n anuer as ivl juin's( Indigestion, Blotihes on the face, provided by law for the transfer of the stock | pimple., Ike., All complaints of the Liver, City ef Phl’adclphio. . „ George Kane, of the District of South- vsrk, p'eraonsliy appeared, and, being dul. sworn, doth declare and say that the abov, statement is in all reaped* correct and true and that the lignsture to it ia in the band writing of this deponent jt)H V RUINS, Alderman. Philadelphia, May 28,1824- TO SOUTHERN PLANTERS. The Vegetable Catholicon is peculiarly adapted to thnie incases which are prevalent among the coloured population of the south In that disease which is called yaws, il ia* sure remedy , a aingle trial of it, will convince S ’inters of its superior efficacy to any reme yof a similar nature in the United States- NOTICE. The advantages of this medicine ate, not confining the patient unnecessarily to the house, or keeping him from hia business.— With one s-ilita y exception, that of smritu« nit" liquors, it does not lay any restrictions upon his appetite It is sn gentle m its opera, -on 'list tue p tient finds himself getting well he cannot tell how. As it is not the wish ofthe proprietor to take any thing for which he cannot give a consideration equal in value, persons at a distance who may wish to try uis medicine, but who are certain if it he applicoble to their complaint, are request ed lo describe their case and symptoms in a letter, post-paid, and directed to him—this letter wiil be immcsdiately placed in hands fully competent to decide the question.— .should the remedy not seem to suit the dil esse, they will be frankly told an. CAUTI IN TO prevent d 9appointm-nt it is well to itate that it tasea in ordinary cases from 3 to 5 bottles to effect a cure so that persons who SCOTT’S BIBLR STsaxoTtrs ibitiox. 7 p RsoToTalu fly SAMUEL T. iH U.STflOJVC v« ffl (JornhW, H'lton for publishinr Snnrmu FA MIIY 111BLE contai'unt ult £ final References <o he comb VOLUMES UOYAL OCTAVO \ 11 belhshed with a likeness ef the Auihn. M . TERMS. I T lhall be wet! printed, on good Plp „ , be comprised m six handsome v I,,., ' .7 subscribed, and subject to n dcmption at the Tetter.- Yaws, Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases I lre labouring under any sermus infirmity, pleasure ofthe United States, aa follows: one | generally i Mercurial wud scrofulous com- 1 ■- * - ■ 1 a’f at any time af'er the thirty-first day of plaints. December, one thousand eight hundred snd The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol ' wenty-eight: and the remainder at any time I emniy pledges h s word cunsts's exclusively fter the thirty-first dsy f December, one uf vegetable matte*) with the ex: eplion of a hnussnd eight iiundred and twrr.t -nine : I si ght d t-rmi istion to the bowels, which it Provided, That no reimbursement shall be preserves in a soluble stste, acts insensibly, is made except for the whole amount of such j pleasant to the taste, and requires n- ptwticu- tew certificate / nor until after at least six months public notice of such intended reim-. n .._ , . mriement. And it shall be the duty nf the a gentle, sale sndagieeib'e cathartic mtu .ecretary nf the Treasury to cause to be trans- | cine, improving the appetite and restoring the A certain East India Cure fnr the Rheu matism, King's Ecil, SfC. Extrsetof a letter from the Rev. James E fish, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- Bedwe London. Dawn fix > A GRF.EABLY to your request, I htve with difficult* procured snd now send you by the ship Jas in, Capt Robinson, a few pound of the Pol- delnlns, or what generally goe by the name - f India Extract, a Medicine un. veraally esteemed among the people of Indiat a certain cure tor the Rheumatiim. Wat jy the following described property, being patt |tHE INDIAN EXTRACT ef the estate of Matthew Carter, dec. and •old for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, •od by an order of the Court of Ordinary of •aid county, viz t 2i0 seres of land in Gwinnett County, known as Lot No 363, in the Pth District. 250 acrea ip Early County, kuown as Lot Do 174, in the 20th District 200 acres Pine Land, in Effingham County. Alio, two slaves. Conditsima nf sale m de known on the day. ELIZABETH CARTER, Atlm’rx. A-t i:2« • ,, 't * . administrators a mice. A LL persons having demands against I John Street, late of Chatham County, deceased, are requested to hand thorn in, within the time prescribed by law, duly at tested, and those indebted are requested to Blake immediate payment to HENRY CHAMPION, Qualified Executor. May 5 36i.f * - 1 ■ ■ "■ Sheriff’s sale. O N the first Saturdsy after the fi -t Tues day in August next, wiil be soid at the Market-House in the town cf St. Marys, be tween the hours of ten and four o'clock of that day, a negro man named John Smith, levied on as the property of James William- S-.n, to aati. fy an execution on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in fivor of Edward F. Tattnall, adminlit-atur of John Hamilton, deceased. M. H IIK.HBARD, S. C-C- St. Marys, 6:h May, 1825. fu..e 2 39 I'erred to the respective Hiibscrihera the sever* ii sums by them subscribed beyond the amount if the cer»ifici»tes of four and one haif per ent. stock issued to them respectively Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That he same find* winch liuve hercuilote been, nd now are pledged by law for the payment if 'he interest, and for the redemption and cimburaement of the stock which may be re* teemed of reimbursed by virtue of the pro- inions of this act, ahull remain pledged in like nanner fur 'he pay ment of the interest acciu* g on the nock created by reason of 8U< h ubscrip'ion. and f »r the redemption or reim* •uraement of th«* princin dot the sime. Ai d it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the nking fund to cause to be applied and paid. >ut of tlie said fun ', yearly and e v e-y year, •luch 9ura and sums ai may be annually requir ed to discharge the inte eat accruing on the stock which nay be created by virtue of thin «ct The said comnuasioncrs are, also, here* nysuthorixed to appiy, fiom tone to tun , imoh sum and sums out of the said fund, as they may think proper, toward* redeeming by purchase, or by reimbursement, in con' fortuity with the provisions of this act, th* principal ofthe s«id stock : and such part ot the annual sum of ten millions of dollars, vest' ed by law in the said commisiioners, aa m«v be necetiaary snd required for th* above pur- of the public debt, until the whole of t e slock which may be created under the provisions of this act, shall have been redeemed or reim* buried. n Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that hooka will be opened at the Treasury of the United States, and ■ t the several loan offiovs, on the firat day of Anril n^rtt, and continue open until the firat d» of October, thereaf* er, “ with O Georgia—Chatham County, In the Court of Ordinary, May Term. 18J5 ,N the petition of Henry Champion, admin- istrator of John Street, deceased, praying Sn order JYisi o be made absolute on hia com plying witn he law,(or 'he of a Lot ol Ground, number four, [1] second Tything. Reynolds Ward— Also, p.rlof a Lot, number sis. Tower Tylhing, Dotker Wa'd being the Beal estate of the said dec. for the benefit of the heira and creditors s—It is ordered, that s r notice be published nine months, in one of | endured, which rendered hi si a useless men the Public Gssetts of the City of Savannah, I ber of society, and s burthen to himself. 'I requiring all petsona interested, to show cause. I my utter astonishment the relief was insts if any they htve, why the prayer of the peti-1 taneous, and by persevering in the use of tl I to inform you of the number of people wli ^ tre daily relieved and cured by this valuabh I poses, shall be snd continue appiopriated t Ai dicine, it wou d requ re more paper tlis I the payment of interest and redemption - I am Ihle to purchase and more time that 1 am able to bestow. Indeed, the effect of tl is Medicine is to immcd.ute, that in Rheumatism vuu would suppose it acted as t cha m m giv ing relief and removing th-t painful disease. II the King’s Evil it has b»en used with gres success-end a he-e Mercury has been giver or used to exet as, ih s Merti.-ine hat proved a perfect cure. The great difficulty, however, ol procuring the Extract, will for many yeat to cume, prevent its geneisl circulation, it be ng obtained from a Shrub growing on th mouniains of Thibet, in the ii. rman Einpir- f India, snd held so sacred by the natives that to part with it is like parting with tbeit existence.” Letter to Dr. BedtveD, dated Jon. 7, :823. Dear Doctor—1 have been volert.y affectt *ith a Rheumatic complaint hr many yeais < even my fingers were so contracted that I could neitlie- dresi or ur.d-.csi myself, or givi the least assistance to mv fa nily—I have ttsei: only one box of thelud a Evract, *”d I air perfectly restored. Yotit’s trtilv R. RALSTON, Vhiladel|iliia Letter from Tobias Jennings, Stcwa d of St Thomas’ Hosptal I-ondon, Feb 1, 1823 Dear Sir—I think it my duty to inform you that after trying every thing that cuutd ! pointed out by the must respectable phy s cians snd surgeons for the relief of my son without any success, who you know, lias lo many years been laboring under severe Rheu matism, I was induced tu try the Poladciphi with a glimmering hope, that it might g- him some relief from the escessive pain 1 general tone of the sys’em, it is confidently recommended to iadics in a delicate situa tion. W W. I’O I TER, 66 Chesnut-slreet. Philadelphia, May 31, 1824- At tberequest of Mr. W. W Polt.-r, Iliave lele'y exhibited, in several in, tauces.g medi cate-1 sirup, catted Potter's Vegetable Gstlio. .icon, with the most decided advantage. It lias, as t et, never failed effecting a cure in every case in which I have thought proper te employ it. H. M'MURTRIE, M- D. Fhuaileiphia, Julj 28/A, 1824. Mr. }V >Y. Poller, Dei- Sir—You expressed a wish that would give a concise statement of my suffer ings. from • the Hopeless commencement, tt the present propitious stage of my disease ' About five years ago, on my passage from Bordeaux, during the month of January, from imprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seized with a violent fever. Having no medical at- lendantson board, I was compelled to best it, as I might for two weeks, when on my ar lint St Charleston, 8. C. it was treated as Typhus. The skill of my Physician anbdtitd tlie fever, but Pl.t* iix-!ike, the termination of this gave ris*- to a disease < ing, and which, till now, I had able. Various ahsreises made their unwel come appearance, particularly on the joints, which were swelled to sn enormous size.— must make up their mind to persevere to that extent at least—if they do not, they might as well atve themselves the trouble snd expense f usings rnniler quantity. All orders Lid and enclosing the money, immediately attended to, aud be medicine tracked and delivered with directions for use, , .many place in the city, and forwarded as di ar regimen, ^abstinence from spirttmus h'I rented quota alwaya excepted ) nr confinement^ As | jj y q- n prevent the possibility of all im * “ p sition, it will be sol-'in the city of Philadel phia, at the office in Fifth near Ract-Street, or at the dwelling of the propri-tor, No. 66 Uhesnnt street, only, snd abroad by his au- ihorizedagents W W POTTER, 66 Chcsnut Street, Philadcp/Ua 1 I have appointed GEORGE HYB ISON, I)ruggi- t of Savannah, m-. sole agent. Di ug gists wanting tlie above valuable medicine, will be supplied by Mm for cash, at the same rate, as if ordered direct from me—viz. jJoO per d. zsn, or three dollars a single bottle. \V, W. POTTER, Philadelphia. Any person on application to the subscriber will be furnished with certificates of the effi cacy of the shove medicine, sufficient to con vince the mind of the must sceptical, although too numerous and lengthy fur newspupenn- sertioo. GEO. BYERhON, Druggist, Corner of Bay snd Whittaker Streets, dec 13 IN EQUITY. Between W. Davies, Administrator, Complain and John C'arnochan Administrator, de ant bonis no with the will annexed of Gear re Richardson and others, Drjendants In equity ( Chatham Superior Court- Chancery, . 20th August, 1824 le termination -■ T that John Murray Camochan, qually distress. |_ olle r of Ule ,ietv. n dantB in the atid bill of thought incur- I coxn pl a int nuuitd, resides without the state of Georgia, in that part ot’ the United Kingdoms o( Grebt Britain am Ireland, called Scotland : - - , tt is ordered that the said John Murray Car These gradually subsided into bard tumors, tlochjlftf do appear and answer to the com- •me of which on my left knee affected the pj a i llHnl » t is fd bill, within nine months from bone—!*n incision was now made and a large | t j |e d^te of this order, otherwise that tht: evacuation of t»ui, mixed with pieces of bone sg|d aS to him> be taken pro confesan .• took place. In addition to this, l at.flered the I an( ] i» ig further ordered, that a copy of this moat excruciating pains in iny joints that man | on ] er be publistud once a week, in one of . XX..X.. w..w ..... v. Mwtvww, ever experienced. Every thing that was I p U bl, c Guzctea of this state, until the ex- for receiving aubscri»ktion8 in conformity administered either gave me no relief r ser- p„ Rt ion ofthe time within which the said de- i he provisiona ufthe aiid law* ved to aggravate the disease, the seventy ot fendant ia required to appear aud anewer us The subscriptions mav be made by tlie pro. j whiuh incritased with every succeeding year. I jf 0 j t | a i(j, iiihoi in person or by Such was ray painful aruation that I deapaire^ I frue copy from the Minute*, thii 2lit day prietoM of the stock, eithm in pe iheir attorneys duly authorize! to aubscrib ■ and iranifer it to the United States. Sh .uld subscriptions of said stock be made to an amount exceeding twelve millions o> ■hdlara, a diatnbuti'*n of ihe said sum of twelvu millions of dollars will be nnde among iho subscribers, hi proportion to the sums subscri bed by them resper.tively, SAMUEL L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury" March 26 10 |tO " Georg ui— Uumdm County. Superior Court, October Term, 1844. . Timothy Hopkins, vs. Langley and Selvester appetite, which was gone, has returned—I an ^ — - I- /' • — I- ... n l anil 2*.i—I iht < lilif tl ever bting restorcJ lo my heal h i 1 had ] not only tried the re.'ii’ar mean* of relief, but used, though in vrm, every popular rem. edy I could hear of- It was in this an fill sne despondmg condition,that I was persuaded to onimence * course ufyour VegetsSie ri ,l li I I,-.on, and t’-e hanpv remit is, «■/ om Ihe use of the two bottles my whole system has under gone a complet revo lution, my paint have fo sa ke I methe discharge from my knee uegnn | lort.minish, and suon ceased altogether, ths ulcer from whence it proceeded being com pletel* healed. The tumors, for the removal of which I have tried in vain more remedie-. ttian 1 can name, are rapidlyalecreasing i my August, 1824. aligns' "4 A. B.FANNIN, Cleric. sot tinner should not be granted. S. M. BOND, c e. o. May 14 > 44 5 ! Georgia—Chatham County. In the Court of Ordinary—May Term, 1825. O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Executor of John Wackerly, dec. praying an order Aiii to be made absolute, on his complying with the law, to tell Two Trseta of Land in Laurens County, being the real estste of the said deceased for the benefit of tbe heira and creditors i It is ordered, that a notice be published, nine months in one of tbe G • grttet of the city of Savannah, requiring persona interested, to show etuse, if any they can, wby the prayer of the petitioner should not be granti d S M. BOND. e. e. o. May 26 57 Kxtractj hit joints have returned to their pr. per places, and he is in perlect li -allh. U wards uf sixty respectable persons have cal .ed to ace my ion, aa all who knew him thougl it imposiible that he cnuM recover. FOR SALE by GEORGE RYERSON Druggist, where additional certificates ol the efficacy of the above medicine may In seen. May 20 Administrator’s Notice. A LL persons indebted to tho estate of Randolph M’Gillis, late of Camden County, deceased, are requested to make payment, and those having demands against said estate, will present them to the under- signod. HANNAH M’GILLIS, Administratrix. G. M’DONALD. St. Marys, April 10th, 1826, April 27 29tr. in fact, nearly weli, snd feel cunfid mt that a few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable medicine, will make me periectly so. Your oblig'd friend, THOMAS BROWN, JR. Philadelphia, July 1 6, 18 '4 My confidence in the vegetable catholicon is undiminish-siUand as fresh in-tances of its powera are daily occurring, in ray own prac tice. I have no hesitation in recommending it the said Ti nothy, to the said Ixngley and I in the peculiar diseases to which it is applies- vlvester, and lying on the south side of I ble, as superior to any I am acquaint- Great Satilla River, one tract containing sev- | ed with. M. M’MUIM RtE, M. D. uty-aevenlteres, more or less/ two tracts Bryant. j |N petition of Timothy Hopkins, stating x " that in consideration of certain prom- asnry notes, made to the said Timothy, by ‘.Item, one payable with inte eat, from first if January, 1821, nn the first of January, 1822: a second payable as sfnressi', on the fist of January, 1823/ and a third payable aa store- aid, on the first uf January, 1814 executed a -oortgage to laid Timothy Hopkins, hit hein- -nd assigns, on all those four trac's of l-..,d, mated in the county aforesaid, convey .d by Georgia Camden County. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN kJKTHERRAS Sarah Brown, Junior, widow ( TT applies to he Court of Ordinary of said bounty, for Letters of Administration on the •state of John Brown, late of said county, dc- ceafied, ar next nf k-n: These are, therefore, ,.) cite and ritnoniuh, all and singular, the Kindred and creditors of said deceased, ’ofile their objections, if any they lnve, in tm of fice f on or before the first Mo.rchy in June next, 'therwiae Letters will be granted tht ap plicant. Witness the Honorable Britian R Bunk ley, one of the Justices of said Court, th»c 8isteenM d«y of April, eighteen hundretl a'd twenty -five. [L s. john bailey, c. c. o c. c. Anril 21 24 Notice. ontaining fifty acres, more or less, and one :her tract, containing one hnndred and eigh- \y-eight acres, more or leas, conditioned for he payment of the three said aeveral notes, n the days above mentioned, and that aaid cveral notes remain unpaid—on motion ol Archibald Clark, attorney for plainti |Y , it is irdered, that the aaid Laoglef and Selvester, iheir heira or assigns* pay into Conr., within welve months from this date, tue sums due on said notes, and the interea and coats, oth erwise that the equity of redemption be for. -.•ver foreclosed, and that such other proceed* ngt take place, as are pursuant to law. True extract from the minutes, 27th Octo ber, 1824. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. nov 4 87 r 4re notice. - N INE montha after date, application will be made to the Hon. tbe Judges ofthe Court of Ordinary -if Chatham county, for leave to nell all the real estate uf the lete William Craig, Notice. T HREE MONTHS from this date I shall make application to the Bauk of the State Gmrgia, for pavment in full for the half of a ton dollar bill «f Mid Bsnk. Letter D. N, V 2 /^| VTINE MONTHS after the date of this I «»«•>« «» ««»“ ofthe late William Craig, Signed A. Porter, Cash,er, tbe left h.nd half noti a ppn cation wi n be made to the ‘ h f benefi ‘ of ‘ he hei™»>>dcred- bemg .n my po.seMio.-ftiej.ght h.nd h.lf Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber-1 ,tor * of “ ,d e,ute ' i,gnedbyWm.B .Bulloch, Preaulent.bemg | unty, for permission to self apart of the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOHN W. STACY, Administrator. dec 18 21 Philadelphia, May 28,18 4 Sin—In consequence of imprudent expos ure four t ears ago. I had the misfortune to be come t fflicted with a disease, the painful re nulls of which induced me to apply in suc cession to several respectable phykicians ot this city, from whom, however, I received either no relief, or from whose remedies I re. ceived another complaint quite as diBtt easing as the former. My whole syste n became a 1 fected. I could get no rest at night on ac count nf the violent pain that I felt in every part of my body / the wesknesa and exiacia tion of which was such that I could scarcely walk. In this state I fortunately heard of your vegetable catholicon—four bottles of which, has completely restored me, I have now no pain i my appetite ia good i and m) strength restored With many thanks for the relief your medicine has given me, I am your obliged friend, Ac. WILLIAM WILSON. Sworn and subscribed to before me, May 28, 1824 JOHN DINNS, Alderman. Georgia —Camden County. IY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR SUD COUNTY. W HEREAS lohn Chevalier, hat applied to said Critrt, fir Lettere Dismisaor* in the estates uf Samuel Cozens and Evan E. Stuck, deceased. These "tre, therefore, to ite and admonish, all and singular, the kin dred anti creditors ol the said d ceased per. .ops, to fi'e their objections, if any they hav. in my ufficc, on or before the first Monday in January next, or Letters will be granted tin. applicant. Witness the Honorable James Scott, one of tbe Justices of said Couri, this six day of April, e'ghtecn hundred and twenty-five. V [L.8 ] JOHN BAILEY. C. C. O. C. C Acrl’l ?4 j being I the half lost. AU persona interested will I therefore take due notice.of this intention, I end file their objection* at aaid Bank, within the time mentioned JAMES F.SCBEVEN- June 2 S2tP$ JOHN M'NISH, Executor. 71 Wanted, MPTY PORTER BOTTLES—Ap GEO A YERSON. fl’q ply to March 4 |rp\ At Private Sale, Philadelphia, May 28, 1874, Sir—l tm now, thanks to your medicine, a hearty mat. For nearly six yean I have been a martyr to a disease, whose ravtgee threat ened, if not toon stopped, to put a period to A LL peraoni having demands against tbe I my existence. Having had no regular medi- A. cstateof Constant Freeman, Esq. late of' ■*- - I tbe city of Washington, deceased, are re .Notice. cal advice from the commencement, my . . „ ... ... complaint at last got to euch a height thatl quired to hand them in, legally attested, | could not swallow without great pain and iwn PRTMR nfgrofs ... n ,1 within the time prescribed by law t and those I difficulty. Tumors formed in diffierent parti JWO PRIME NEGROES, one a first in aebtcd to »id estate, are required to make of my body, and I began to think my,“tuition IV a ’r tC Tt’ ttna the 0ther 1 prlnl0 field immediate payment, to 4 almost desperate. The five bottle. rfthS | hand, for sale by | JAMES HUNTER, Adm’r. I Catholicon which I have taken have com- 42pi I pletoly cured met and I am now u well u I Geo'gia—Camden County. BY THE COURT OF ORDINARY FOR SAID "OUNTY. TWHEREAS Lewis Bschlott, applies to the WNr Court of Ordinary of said County) for Letters Dismissory on the estate of Fr.nccs Uosotupe : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and lingular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objee tioni, if any they have, in my office, on or be fore the fii at Monday in January next, other- vriae Lettera Diimtasory will be granted the applicant' Witneia the Honorehle Samuel Clarke, one of the Juitices of aaid Court, this sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun dred and twenty-five. TL. 8 ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0 C. C April 21 . 34 i hancliome vili, J, will contain the Scripture- of th e q,j ' JYew Testaments, 118 Introductory Obi, n . a .. . Explanatory .tales, an ; Practical 04,rr w ,Z’ and all the copious Marsin u Uefertnus ' ing printed word lor word f. cm the Imul, Stereotype Edition, published sinse the h„ thorie decease The price will be *21 - board, , *24, in sheep , »30, in calf binding Ms* *1825* "° rk W1 ' b * re ' dj,fordt: ‘«iyb) Extracts of Letie-s addressed to the PvblUkn. lesteem Dr Scott’s Family Bible, emi n .„„, calculated to promote the cause of truth piety It seems scarcely possible for one read daily the Notes and Obiervaiioni in t. Family Bible without becomi-ig* belter man. EDWARD D GRIFFIN I have seen no oommeatsry of the Ssr,.i Scripture, whit* I think .0 well sdspte general use and edification. It i. , r.r e a, m , which ever; fxinaly ought to possess. , . A. EATON, It is a work distinguished for the simpM. ty and convenience of its arrangement, the clearneai anJ fidelity of its exposition,, the neatness and perspicuity of its style, the ae. nevolcnce and Candour of its spirit, tbe cniv cistnesi and pertinency of its appUcatiLUt, and for its uniform tendency to pro note eisa- gelical truth 'nd piety, ARIEL HOLMKS. Of Dr. Scott’s Family Bible, Ife l ( cee to lay, that in my estimation it deservedly ia 0 k| anong our ablest and best Comm, nttiics THOM AS BALDWIN. Dr. Scott’s Family B.ble intended moreet. pecially for t’ e use of Christian amities, U, work highly evsngeftcal, extensively instruc tive, and deeply interesting. Daniel c. sanders. The character of Dr. Scott’s Commennr, on the Bible, is ao generally known, snd 13 highly approved amongst the most intelliger.t snd pious Christians throughout our county, sn J nas passed rapidly through sn many lr;j editions, that 1 deem further recommenia lions needless. J. MOUSE. I am acquainted with no Commentary- ca th Sacred Scripttirea, which I would more cordially recommend for general use. Th, plan of the work ii good JOSHUA BATES. Perhaps in no way, can ministers, instiuctnrs nf youth, and private Christians, do greater service to society, than by exerting thtm- •elves to disseminate this truly inva.MIe woik JOSHUA HUNTINGTON. I know of np Commentary which is b. tier calculated for diftuaing correct views of thi great truths of Christianity, and leaving salu tary impressions on th> mind when riling trem the perusal of it, than the one you sre about to publish. DANIEL SHARPE, No writer it ems leas diapuaed to contend for barren speculations. None more uniform, ly or murejpowcrfully inculcates the great en sentikls of religion. The spirit which per vades tbe work ii excellent 1 it ii the me- k, allectionare, healing, yet faithful spirit of the gospel. DANIEL DANA. From particular examinati -o, and concur ring testimony, there is no doubt on my mind that Scott’s Family Bible is superior to all others. JOSEPH EMERSON. You will please tu ie d me six copies ot Scott’s Bible / 1 refer to your lately proposed edition. Perhaps I shall induce five mnre lo take the oume number. II-L. It is with extreme pleasure I perceive vox are about to publish, new edidun if Scull’s Bible. Having been in pownsion of it mure titan 20 years, 1 trim*- I know r mic thing of its value, aud am determined to pro mote its c rculalion among my friends Vos will please forward sis copies ss soon is pub lished. F.M 1 have nblainud four stibicribers fnr the excellent work you are publishing H. S. I propose to take seven sets of Scott’s Si' ble, and will be accountable for the Mint. J C- I have obtained subscribers for nine copies of Scott’s Famiiy'Btble. J.C. I shall probably need eight or ten sets of Scott’s Family Bible. J. 7' . Rev. S. S. of P. has o' twined ten t'ltsem bers. R- H. L have observed that you sre about pub# fishing another edition nf Scon's Bble hope you may succeed aa yon lv *e dune 11 former editions. I have been endeivoriu g <0 orocure subscriber# amor g our people, «»o enor more subscriber* wiil be obtained 0. S. H, I will take ten xet* (of Scull’s Bible) bound and lettered. ‘ 2-1' have obtained ten subscribe:* f» your edition of the Family Bib!;—and hive “ doubt but there might be something like copieB 1 old in this place if you III- 1 an ’gettt here—I thought the work ought to bt en couraged sno for hat reason took • aubseno- tion paper. It is a work that every to' 1 ) should have that is able to purchtse^ ^ I am glad, 'hat you propose to print u ', Scott's excellent Family Commentary. *’ should be very glad if it were in my power j* give a more liberal patronage to the than, i9 circumstances are, I can. H* however, be able to do something i eight « ten sets I shall certainly take 1 and it m*y * double that number. 1 have procured fifteen subscriocrs “ Scott’s Bible, J- A- ' ■ I think I shall dispose of 20 sets ormat** 1 Ihe Family Bible. " I have circulated proposals for Seen• Bible / how many htve been engsgeu cannot tell / but between 20 snd 30 tlus vicinily. *Jia I have concluded to become re, P™ to you for thirty eels of Scott’a ComroenUT I have procured 106 subscribers lo 19 Bible 1 6 seta to be bound in calf/3 oeo be done in boards the other 97 sell, "" and lettered ss described in the pf° , P' c, “ 1 presume I could procure JOO Mll fj bers for your edition of Scott’s Btbje^ ^ April 23 B. HERBERT & CO. HAY. KA BUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing ll” Horn Brig Pheasant, for sale April 18 C. C. GRISWOLD, demand io increasing for them. Thty ’ finally auperaedeevery other iargeorn 1 Bible. Fifty ol my aubscribers live ^ circle of 8 miles! ,. .w Just published an edition of the »»** . J completed in six volumes, without references/price in boards gl8i 221 / in calf 827. EiUier of theK may be had of the publisher in Boston / S. C. A J. SCHENCK, Savannah. y Ja-- 11 '—- Masking Bruskes, i4 0 F «,*“K" 'W mS& for sale by nov 20