Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 17, 1825, Image 4

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    imm sixes*
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the first Saturday, after the first Tuea-
day in June neit, will ha iold at th*
Market-Hous- in the town of St. Marys, tw-
negroes, via Bub and Roae, levied on ai tin
property ol Joseph Rain, to wtiify an elocu
tion on the foreclosure "fa mortgage, in favor
of Samuel Clarke, audGeorge 8. Brown.
April 8, IRU- M. H HBBBARU, S C.C.
Amsll , »
Sheriff’s Sales,
On the Jirit Tuesday in July next,
W II I, be void at the Court tluuae in the
City of Savannah, between the hnO'i
often and four o'clock, _ , I ,m able to Derrow. inueea, rnerm-oi oi no.
All tlie building, and * °" , - ot Medicine i. a a immrdiate, that in Rheumatim
No 40, Warren ward, w th the unexpirei U mi M wou |j , u pp 01e it acted aa a eha m in giv*
A certain Eatl India Cure, far the Itheu-
matinn, King', Eeit, Sfc.
Extract of a letter from the ller, Jamea E
>iih, dated at Bengal, to Or. F* Bedwe
Datx 8>a :
A GREEABLY to jrnur request, I have with
difficulty procured and now a -nd you by
the chip Jaa n, Capt. Robinson, a few pound,
of the Polrd-lnhia, or what generally goe>
by the name of lull* Extract, a Medicine un,
iveraally esteemed among the people of Indian
aa a certain cure lor the Rheumatism. Waa
I to inform you of the number of people wli
are d.iily relieved and cured by thia valuable
tied cine, it wou d require more paper than
t am aide to purchase end more time than 1
am able to bestow. Indeed, the t fleet of this
Tvfcnsurj }
March, 14, 1825. $
W HEREAS on the 3d of March, 1»?S. a
law waa pa«aed by the Congreia of the
tin ted Stitea, of which the 3d. 4th, and 5th
auction, are in the word, f dlowing, »n i
» Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That a
.iibaeription nr the amount of twelve millon.
Vegetable Catholicon.
rnilR aubacribir rctiretfully solicits the at
UL tention of every friend of suffering hu
manity, to to the above new and invaluable
of .aid Lot of Land, lev-ed on aa the prnperiy
of Chiles H Hayden, under a fu. fa on fore-
eloaure in favor of Frederick W Heincmann.
A. D’LYON, D. S, C C.
M.v 9 39
She liTs Sale,
On the fit Tut,day in July next,
WILL be sold at the Court Houae b
MW iween the usual hour* of loo and fuui
All the northern half of Lot and improve
mentaNo. twelve (18) Culurabii Ward,
vou would auppose i
ing relief and rtm .ving thit painful disease-
l-t the King’, Evil it hs. been used with great
success, slid whe-" Mercury has been given
or used to excess, th ; a Medicine has proved a
perfect cure. The great difficulty, however,
ol procuring the Extract, will for many years
to come, prevent ita general circulation, it be.
,ng obtained from a Shrub growing on the
mountains of Thibet, in the B rm.n Empire
,f Indie, and held in sacred by the natives,
that 10 part with it ia like parting with their
Letter to Dr- Bcdwell, dated J in. 7, 8!3.
Dear Doctor—l have l 'een v-nleiit y affected
LLm o*min aaj
Justices _
turned over by a Conatable.
Three Brick tenements on the Steam Host
Company’! Wharf, levied on as tlie propert-
of John Davidson, Agent of the Steam Dual
Company of Georgia, in favor of Barney M’Caf
bn turned over to me by a Constable-
A negro woman named Diana, levied on
*1 the property of Joh i M Nish, to satisfy an
execution in favor of JSrcha-inb H. Winkler,
isitu d from th* Hun- tue Inferior Court of
Chatham cuuuty.
All that lot of land and the improvements
eouul neither dress or uud'rai myself, or
the least assistance to mv fa oily—l have used
inly one box of the led a Exiract, a n d 1 am
perfectly restored. Your’, truly,
Letter from Tobies Jennings, Slews d of Si
Thomas’ Hosptal lain,Ion, F.-b 1, 18,3.
Dear Sir-1 think it my d uy to inform you,
hat after trying every thing that could be
pointed nut by the mint reapectahie physi
cians and surgeons for the relief of my .on,
of dollars, of the six p -r cent, .took of the I remedy, whose unequal powers in eliminating
thereon,situate, lying enduing in theeity of
<iutoy year* been laboring under* severe Uheu
natUm, I whs induced to try the Polndelphis,
with a g immerirg hope, that it mipht g*Ve
him *1)016 relief from the excessive pain he
endure>1. which rendered hin a useless mem
ber of society, and a Durtnen to m nsuir. t®
my utter aRtonisliment the relief was indtan-
tancous, -nd hy persevering in the ure of ‘he
Extract, his joints have returned to their pro-
oer nlaces, ami heis in pei ect health. Up
ward' • f silty respectable persons have cal
ted to see my sun, as all who knew him though 1
it imno p sihl". that b*» C'miM ••eenver.
Druggist, where additional certificates of
the efficacy of the above medicine may bo
May 20
Remedy for the Riles,
T HE Medicine now nffe.ed to the public
is one which has been fully subjected
to the infallible test of experience; and in
Savannah, and known and d stinguished in a
plan of said city by the deacriptim of Lot No
one, (l,) Wilmington Tythmg, Darby Ward
containing 63 feel in iront nn Bay at and 9d
flei on tiuiist. mm Dutuids i umtic wu-fc w y
Bay lane, levied on aa the property of lame.
Morrison, to satisfy an execution in favor of
Jamea Dickson U co.
June 6 6J
sa» —
Administrator’s Hale.
On the fret Tuetday in July next,
B ETWEEN the usual hours, will be sold
at the Court-House in Bryan County,
the fallowing described property, being part
of the estate of Matthew Carter, dec. and
sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors,
and by an order of the Court of Ordinary of
■aid county, via:
310 acres of la-d in Gvinnett County,
known aa Lot No 36.1, in the 7th District,
3J0 acres in Esrly Countv, known as Lot I every instance wliero it has been fairly tri-
No 174, in the 20th District I c j t it has been attended with the most com-
200 teres Pme Lind, in Effingham County. I pj et0 8UcceS8 , In some of the cases, the
Atsb, two staves. I patients had been labouring under the dis-
Conditannanf salem ff!known on t eday. Hasefof B a nd during that period, lind
EL17,ABEra LARI EH, Adm r*. recpive( j th „ hest rn „ l f, c „l advicB , and | md
” T,r,! « ' 1 even undergone a painfol surgical opera
tion, without permanent advantage. It, is
not (like thoBe usually advertised) offered
as a certain cure for a long catalogue of
dsvin August neit, will be Kid at the I ethane wi,1 ‘ ‘ hi3 “ m ;
Market-House in ihu town of 8t Marys, be- pl«*nt, for which nlone it is recommended
tween the hour* of ten and four o’clock of may rely with confidence upon obi anting
that day, a negro man n«m -d John Smith, relief, even Hi its worst forms, in a short
levied un aa the property of James William- time; and themselves are the best judges
»rn, to sati .fy an execution on the foreclosure 1 of the importance of such a remedy. I’rice
of a mortgage,in f.vor of Edward F. Tattnall. 1 50 cents per box, with directions signed by
administ. ator of John Hamilton, deceased. [ t| ie proprietor- Prepared and Bold at
St. Marys, Sits May, 18-»5. I Drug and Chemical Store, No-473. North
tune 4 59 | Third-St. above Cailowliiil, Philmlel’a.
... The proprietor has appointed LAY &
City Sheriff’s Sale, Continued. HENDRICKSON, corner of Congress ami
On the lint Tuesday in July next, Whittaker-Strents. Shad’s Building*, sole
7lLL be so 4 at Htc Court house in the agents for the sale of tills medicine, in Sa
1 vannah, Gpo.
ID* The Dnrion Gazette, the Washing
ton News, Georgia Journal, and Mncon
Messenger, will please give (he above three
insertion and forward their accounts to
Mnv 10 L- & H.
Sheriff’s Sale.
QN the first Ssturday after the fi -t Tuea-
city of Savannah between the usual
hours nf ten ai d three o’clock,
All'he buildings on Lot No. (30.) thirty,
Warden Ward, bounded east by Let No. (31,)
thirty-one, west by Lot-Jo. (29) tweiitv-ni: e,
north by Cnngreis st and soutn t>y a lane, le»
vied on as the property of Ann B Punier, to
latiaiy an execution for ground rent in favor of
the fruited of the Chatham Academy.
A-1. D’LYON, C- .S
June 11 6 s
Sheriff’s .Miles—Continued.
On the fret Tuetday in July next,
A A WILL be (old in front of the Court-
\hf House, in the city of Savannah, between
the usual hours of ten and four o’clock,
Five negroes, Titus, Betsey, Prime, Rachel,
and Pnillis, levied on aa the ptoperty of Thns.
N. Morel, to satisfy an execution in favor of the
Bank of the State of Genrvia.
A. D’LYON, D. S. C C.
June 9 65
Georgia—Chatham Couoty,
In th? Court of Ordinary, May Term. 1825
O S the pe : ition of Henry Champion, admin
istrator of J.,hn Street •! cessed, praying
an order JV/« 'o be mad*.* absolute on his com
plying witn the law, for he stile of a Lot of
Ground, number four, [4] •’econd Tythinrr
Reyrolds Wnrd— Also, p rt f a Lot, number
six. Tower Tything, Decker Wa d being th**
real estate of the s id dec. for the benefit of
the heirs and creditorsIt is ordered, that k
notice be pubi s. v ie(l nine months, in one o<
the Public Gaaetts of the City of Savannah,
requiring a'l pctsotii interested, to show cause
if any they have, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted.
S M. BOND, c c. o,
Vnv 14
yes* eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
the same is hereby proposed j for jfbich pur
pose book); shall be opened at the Treasury of
the United States, and at th< several loan offi
ocs, on the first day of April neat' to continue
open until the first day of Ootobfr thereafter,
for such parts of the above mentioned de
scription of stock as shall, nn tin day of sub
scription, stand on the books of lie Treasury,
and on thuac of the several \om iffi:es, re
speclively / which subscription f »all be effect
ed by »transfer to the United Itatcs, in thr
manner provided bylaw for sues trail; fers, of
the credit or crrd'ts standing on the said
books, and by a surrender of the certificates
of the stock so subscribed : Provided, That
si) subscription by such transfer iff stock shall
be C‘>ns dei ed as part of the said twelve mil
lions of dollars authorized to be borrowed by
the first secti n ff <hi« act.
n Sec. 4. And be iI further enacted. That for
the whole or any psrt of any sum which shall
be thus anhscribed, credits shall he entered to
the respective subscribers, who shall be tiiv
tied to a certificate or certificates purporting
that the United States owe to the bwl ler or
holders thereof, his, her, or their assigns,»
sum to be expressed therein, equal to the
.nnount of the principal stock thus subscribed
bearing an interest n >t exceeding four ant
one half per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-first day of Decem
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five ; transferable in the same u anner aa i'
provided by law for the transfer of the stock
subscribed, and subject to n d-mplion at the
pleasure of the United States, as follows: one
lia’f at any time af er the thirty-first day of
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
after the day of December, one
thousand eight nundred and twent;’*nine :
Provided, That no reimbursement shall be
mfide except for the whole amount of such
new certificate / nor until after at lesat six
months public notice of such intended reim
bursement. And it shall he the duty of the
Secretary of the Treasury t » cause to be trans
ferred to the respective hubscriberi the sever*
at 9'ims l»y thr m auUso-ibcd b«yond the amount
of the certificates of four and one h»lf per
cent, atock issu *d to th=?m respectively
“Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That
the same finds winch have heretofore beer.,
and now are pledged by law for the pay men
of the interest, and lor the redemption am'
reimbursement of the stock which may be re
deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like
manner for i.hepatment of tbe interest accru
ing on the stock eroded by reason of su'd
Uibscrip’ion, and f>rthe redemption orreim
bursement of the priticip dof the lame. Am
it tiia'I he the duty of the con mhsionera of ihe
sinking fund to cause to be applied and paid
out of the said fun t, yearly and e- e*y year,
such sum and t:umi as may be aniiuidly requir
ed to discharge the intcest accruing on the
stock which may he created by virtue of thia
act The.said commilaioneis are, also, litre
by authorized to apply, from time to tim<
such turn and sums out of the said fund, i
they may think proper, tows*di redeeming
by purchase, or by reimbursement, in con'
formity with the provisions of this *Ct* the
principal of the arid stock : and such part ol
the annual sum of ten millions of dollars, veal*
ed by law in the arid commissioners, as m<y
be necessary and required for thr above pur
poses, shall be and continue appropriated to
the payment of interest and redemption ol
the public debt, until the whule of the stock
which may he ct cated under the provisions of
th.s act, shad have been redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that
books w ill be opened at the Treasury of the
United States, and ?t the several loan offices,
on the first day of Aoril next, and continue
open until the firs' dr of October, thereaf
er, for receiving suhsnrintions in conformity
with he prov sums uf the said law.
The subscriptions mav be made by the pro
prietors of the stock, ei‘h*r in person or by
their attorneys duly authors xl to aubscrib’
and transfer t to the United States.
Mi ’iild subscriptions of said stock brmiide
to an am?>un*« exceeding twelve n-.Uions o*
h liars, u dist'ibini"n of the said aum <*f twelve
millions of doilaia will be made among ‘he
subscribers, la proportion to the sums subacri
bed by them respectively.
Arting Secretary of the rreastirv*
March 6 10 J»D
from the system the very seeds of disease,
tndin reat ring the deranged and morbid
conditin of the organs oflife to a free and
healthy exercise of their functions, has exci
ted the ant irishmens and completely silen
ced the objections of the most incredulous —
Facte are the beet arguments. In order to put
the virtues of the Uatholieon to as severe a
scrutiny as possible, it was offered by adver
tisement, together with the attendance of a
physician, gratuitously to any newm who
would apply for it, and whose cause might
seem t<; come within the range of ita healing
sower—numbers of severe cases of long h»t d.
ng, and acme of them seemingly depurate
ones, pre ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or so much relieved as to warrant
the assertion that a little perseverance will do
so In fact, such is the confidence of the physi
cisn under whose ewe these patients were
>laced, in this remedy, a confide ice resu t
ng from the irresistible conviction that baa
been forced upon his mind by ocular demon
stration, and a personal trial of it on h'mselt
that he permits me to declare it as his d mi
di d opinion, that be Catholicon is not only u
perfectly safe sod innocent, but a most pow
erful sod invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases and atatei of the ivsiem, such as the fo)
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation t Oi l and invclerat- Uicers. Pains
in the bom s attended with swellings of the
join'si Indigestion, Blotches on the face,
pimple-, &c. i All complaints of the Liver j
Tetter.- Yaws; Syphilis t Cutaneous diseases
generally i Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges h s word consists exclusively
of vegetable mailer) with the exception of a
slight dt termi mtion to the bowels, which it
preserves in i soluble state, seta insensibly, is
pleasant to the taste, and requires m particu
tar regimen, (abstinence from spirtoous li
quors always excepted,) or confinement. An
a gentle, sa'e and agreeable cathartic med>
cine, improving the appetite and restoring the
general tone of the system, it is confidently
recommended to iadiea in a delicate situs'
liou. W W. PO O Eft,
66 Chesuut-ai'.eet,
could wish to be. With my thanks, sm your
obliged humble tervant, &c
City nf Philadelphia, ss
George K«ne, of the D'strict of South
wark, personally appealed, and, being duly
iworn, doth declare and sey that the above
statement is in all respect* correct and true,
*nd that the signature to it is in the hand
writing of this deponent.
J**H M BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28., 1834-
The Vegetable Catholicon is peculiarly
adapted to those diseases wh‘ch are
among the coloured population of the south
In that disease which i* called yaws, it is a
sure remedy t a single trial of it, will convince
S 'inters of its superior efficacy to any rente
y of a similar nalu e in the United States*
Philadelphia, May 31,1834
At the request of Mr. W. W. Potter, lhm
lately exhibited, in several in?taiice«, a medi
cated sirup, called Potter's Vegetable Oatho
licon, with the most dee ded advantage. 1
has, as yet, never failed effecting a cure in
e .ery case in which 1 have thought proper to
employ it. U. M’MURTKlti, M D
Ph' 'ade:phia y July 28th, 18 34.
Mr, fV W. Potter,
Georgia—Chatham County
(In he Court of Ordinary—Ma" Term, 1835.
O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Executor
of John Wackerlv, dec. prayi' g an order
County, deceaaed, are requested to make IA’ti to be made ahvnlute, on his complying
payment, and those having demands against I wdn the law, to sell Two Tracts of Land in
eaid estate, will present them to the tinder-1 Laurens County, being the real estate of th*
Administrator’s Notice.
A LL persons indebted to tho estate of |
Randolph M’Gillis, late of Camden
St. Marys, April 10th, 1825.
April 27 29fr.
Administrators Notice.
A LL persons having demands against.
John Street, late of Chatham County,
deceased, are requested to hand them in,
within the time prescribed by law, duly at
iaid deceased for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors: It is ordered, ihat a notice b
ublisbed, nine month.', in one of the Gu
z"ttes of the city of Savannah, requiring a *
lenons interested, to show cause, if any the
can, why the prayer of the petitioner should
nut be granted S M. BOND, c c. o
Mrv *>6 .5V
T make application to the Bank id tho Slate
tested, and thoBe indebted are requested to I Georgia, for pa' ment in lull for the half uf u
make immediate payment to
Qualified Executor.
May 5 SOi.f
INE MONTHS after tho date of this | ,he llme me ''“ oned '
notice, application will be made to tho
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
doc 18 21
ten dollar hill of said It ink. Letter D, No. 2:7,
(igned A. Porter, Culiier, Ihe left hand half
being in my poaaesaion—the right hand half
signed by W,n. B Bulloch, Preiident, being
the half loit. All persona interested will
therefore take due notice of thi. intention,
and Ale 'heir ..hjeetion, at said Bank, within
.Time 2$0+ii$
E mpty porter bottles—Ap
ply to GEO il YERSON.
March 4
VTINE Month! after date, applic.tion will
l_x be mtde to the Ju.tieex of the Interior
Court of Chatham County, when sitting for
ordinary purpoxea, for leave to , e || that pxrt
or lot No. 5 first Tvthing, Reynold. (Yard, in
tho city of Savannah, which belonn to the m-
tale of De Lambert oi, for the benefit of the
heir, and creditor, or mid estate.
June 10,1825.
N INE MONTHS uf t date, application
vail be made'tu tl«e I iferior Court of
Chatham r o«nty, sitting for ordinary puriio-
•ea,for leave to sell all the re*l estate of the
!a f eThomas Savage, of Biyan County, vix:
Point Pistitation, consisting of two luifidr- d
'»nd eighty acres R.ce Land. «n the O -eech e
U'ver, four miles below ih» F rry, adj oining
ihe plantstioo tf Joseph Habersham a, d Stc
•-’ben Eliott. Also, two hundred at>d fifty
acres, more or less, of Pine Land, appertain
ing thereto. •Aitn a Tract of Lard called
Halina, cniui ing fif y ncrer, on Medway Riv
r, .djjinmg the Ian k of J. J. Maxw. ll,
MARY SAV .GE, Aclm'nr.
June *5 71
Prime Pork, Beef, &c.
Just received and in store,
Qrt BARRELS prime pork
OU 20 do do llcef
30 do Pilot and Nuvy Bread
2 Casks Sperm Oil
I do Train do
10 BoxeB Sperm Candles
3 Firkins Goshen Butter
5 Boxes Starch
3000 Pounds Cordage different sizes
Together with n generul assortment of
Groceries and Provisions, which will be
sold low to close business for the
June 1 A. BASSETT.
N INE monthi after datb, application will be
made to the Hon. the Jodgcx of the Court
uf Ordinary of Chatham county, for leave to
sell all the real extate of the late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of tho hem and cred
itor. of laid eatxte.
JOHN M’NISH, Ex,color,
oet 1? 7)
JS otice.
A LL persons having demands against the
ilu estate of Constant Freeman, Em late of
the city of Washington, deceased, sre rc
quired to hand them in, legally attested,
within the time prescribed by law : and those
indebted to said e»tite, are required to make
immediate payment, to
' ^ JAMES HUNTER, Adm»r,
Jan 14 4?pi
Dear Sir—Yuu expressed a wish (bat 1
would give a concise statement of my softer-
ingj, tYum 'the nopelesx commencement, to
the present propitious stage of my disease.'
About five years ago, on my passage from
HordeMUJ!, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, 1 was seised
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendants on board, I w&s compelled to bear
it, as I might for two weeks, when on my ar
rival at (jrmrleiton, s. C. It was treated as
Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Ph<s jtx-likc, the termination
of this gave rise tot disease equally distress
ing, and which, till now, I had tUnugUl incur
able. Various abscesses made their ui.wel
come appearanee, particularly on the j >ints,
w hich were swelled to au enormous sizo.—
These giadually subsided into ha« d tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision was now made and a large
evacuation ofnus, mixed with pieces of bone
took place. In addition to this, I suffei ed the
most excruoiuting painsin my joints that man
ever experienced. Every thing thst was
administered either gave me no relief < r ser
ved to aggravate the diaea'.e, the severity of
wbi'*h increased with every succeeding year.
Such was my pui.fful si uation that I de .paired
uf ever being restored to my heal h 5 I hud
not o» ly tried the ‘cyular means of relief,
but used, though in voin, every popular rem
edy 1 could hear of- It was in this awful and
despond’ng condition,that I was persuaded to
.ommence a course of your Vegetable Dathal
icon, and the happy result is, "/ om the use
of the two b'titles my whole system has under
gone a complete revolution, my pains have fo' ea*
Are.i mef* the discharge from my knee began
»o dimmish, and soon ceased altogether, the
tilcerfrum whence it proceeded being com
plctely healed. The tumors, for the removal
of which 1 have tried io vain more remedies
than l can name, are rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, which waa gone, has returned—I an
in fact, nearly well, and feci confid.nt that 1
few bottles more of your, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will m ’ke me perfectly 10.
Your obliged friend,
Philadelphia, July ”6, 18?4.
My confidence in the v»-gel *ble catholicon
is undiminishvd, and ns fresh in timers of ita
powers nvc daily occurring, in my own prnc-
lice. 1 have no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to which it is apphex
ble, as superior to any remedy 1 am acquaint
ed with. M. M’UURl R1E, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18 4
Sin—In consequence of imprudent expos
ure four vears ago I had the misfortune to be-
cdVne fffl'cted with a disease, the nainful re
sults of which induced me to apply in suc
cession to several respectable physicians of
this city, from whom, .however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
;*s the former. My whole system became a -
fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac<
count of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body; the weakness and emacia
tion of which Was auch that I could scarcely
walk. In this state J fortunately heard of
your vegetable catholicon-fjur bottle* of
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain; my appetite is good * and my
strength restored With many thanks for
the relief your medicine has given me, I am
your obliged friend, he.
Sworn and subscribed to b* fore me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, Aidermsn.
Phi'adelphia, May 28,18?4,
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine,
hearty mao. For nearly six years I have been
• martyr to a disease, whose ravage* threat-
ened, if out soon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, my
complaint at last got to such a height that I
, n .°* , ~* llu,, f wi » hou ‘K r «l pain and
difficulty. Tumor, formed in different part,
of my body, and I began to think my aituation
almoat dupe rate. The five bottle* of the
Catholicon which I have taken have <*ur
plctely cured me, and I am now a, well m
The advantages of this medicine are, not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his business.*—
With one solitary exception, that of spiritu
ous liquors, it docs not lay any restrictions upon
hit appetite. It is ho gentle in its operation
(hat mep itienl finds himself getting well he
cannot tell how- A 3 it is not the wish of the
proprietor to take any tiling for which* he
cannot give a co*isi<ler*lion equal in value,
persons at a dhlanee who may wish to try
uis medicine, but who are not curtain if it
He applicable to their comntaint, are request
ed to describe their css** and symptoms in
a letter, post-paid, and directed to nim—th*»
letter will be immediately placed in Innds
fully competent to decide the question.—
Should ihe remedy not seem to suit the dis
ease, they will be frankly told so.
To prevent d aappointm *nt it is well to
itnte that it takes in ordinary cases from 3 to
5 bottles to effect a cure, so that persons who
are labouring under any serous infirmity,
must make up their mind to persevere to that
extern at least—if they do not, they might as
well save them* rives the trouble and expense
ff usings smaller quantity.
All orders post-paid and enclosing the mmey.
immediately attended to, sou die tneiliwtiic
packed and delivered with directions for use,
o any place in the city, and forwarded aa di
N. B. To prevent the possibility of ali im
position, it v, id be sold in the city of Philn del 1
phis, at the office in Fifth near Hace-Sirset,
oral the dwelling of the ptoprh tor, No. 66
Ohesnu's reet, only, and abroad by hia au-
ihorixed agent*. W W POT1 P.R,
66 Chemut Street, Philadelphia'
I have appointed GEORGE RYE ISON
Druggist, of Savannah, my so'e agent. Drug
gists wa iting .the above valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him for cash, at the same
rate, as if ordered direct from me—viz. £30
per d: z m, or three dollar a i ngle bouie.
W. W. POTTER, Philadelphia.
Any pe'gon on application to the aubscrib
will be furnished with certifientes of ih i efti
c:\cy of the above medicine, sufficient in «*on<
vince the nund of the mast sceptical, although
too numerous un i hngthy for n *wspaper n.
aertion. GEO. KYEUrOV, Druggist,
Corner of Bay and Whittaker Streets,
dec 13
Between IV, Davies, Administrator, Complain
ant and John Cavnochan. Administrator t d<
bunts no , with the will annexed of Gear re
Richurdunn and others, Defendants In
equity. Ch uhum Supcior Court— Chancery,
20th August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Carnochan
one of the defendants in the laid bill ol
complaint n.itned, resides without the state ot
Georgia, in that part of (lie United Kingdoms
of Great Britain ana Ireland, called Scotland 1
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car-
iiochan, do appear and answer to the coin-
plainMnt'a suid bill, within nine months from
the date of this order, otherwise that th-
said bill, as to him, be taken pro conlessn
and it ia further ordered, thit a copy of thi 1
<>rder be publiriu d once a week, in one of
he public Gazcles of this s(ate, until the ex
piration of the time within which the said de
fendant is required to appear and answer ss
True copy from the Minutes, th ; s 21st day
August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk,
august 24 50f
Georgia Camden County.
I1TI1EKEAS Sarah Brown, Junior, widow
Tv applies to vhe Court of Ordinary of mid
County, for Letters of Adminibtrriion on tt»r
estate of John Brown, late of sad county, de
ceased, *f next of kin: These arc, therefore,
to cite and admonish, all and singular, the*
kindred s>nd creditors of said deceased, to file
their ofcj *ction«, if any they h tve, in my of
fice, on or before the first Mo:,d y in June
next/'therwise Letters will be granted the ap
Witness the Honorable Bcitian R. Bunk-
Icy, one of the Justices of said Court,
th«» sixteenth day of April, eighteen
hundred a d twenty-five,
April 21 V4
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS lolin Chevalier, ha. applied
to mid Court, f >r Letter. Dis minor-
jn tlie eatates of Samuel Cozens and Evan E.
<ivok, deceased. These are, therefore, to
. ite and admonish, all and aing'ilar, the kin
deed nnd creditors ot the said d ceased per.
sops, to fi e their objections, if »ny they hav..
-n my office, on or before the first Monday in
January next, or Letters will be granted the
Witness the Honorable Junes Scott, one
of the Justices of .aid Court, tins six- day of April, e ghtceti hundred
and re.
[L.8.] JOHN BAILEY, C, C. O. L C
Anri ’I 24
Georgia—Camden County.
\4trHEREAS Lewi. Bachlott, applies to the
Jrl Court of Ordinary of .aid County; for
Letters D.amissory on the estate of Fr.ncea
Rusolupe ; These are, therefore, to cite and
admonia't, all and singular, tlie kindred end
creditors of said deceased, to fi'e their objjc
tioni, if any they have, in my office, on or be
fore the fi st M.initiy in Junuary r.eit, nther*
wise Letters Dismissory will be granted the
Witnes* the Hnnnrahle Samuel Clarke,
one of the-Juitiees of said Court, this
sixteenth day of April, eighteen imp-
dred and twenty dive.
April 31 £4
tty SA HUEO T. A'l ItSTHWO .V, 5ft
CornhUl, tt»s f on fpr p'tbUthintr SGOl’T'A
FAMILY HIBIjE containing all the Marm
ginat References. to be r.o np ited in s/T
belli,bed with a liken,,, of tho eiitihnp.
I t shall he weft printed, on good pap er , lnd
be comprise d in ,is handsome v lu It
Will contain .the Scriptures of the oj
New Testament,, t ie Introductory Ohmxtu on.
Explanatory Ante,, and Praciic l Obtenntitmt
■ml all the uopiou. Marginal Reference,, ot^
ing printed word lor word from the Uumlo#
Stereotype Edition, publiihid aince the Au
thor's decease. The price will be g2|, | n
board, i g24, in sheep, g30, in calf binding,
The whole work will be ready for delivery bv
May, 1825, ‘
tlx racti of Letter, addrettedlo the Puh’Uhcr,,
I esteem Dr. Scott’s Family Bible, emin-nlly
calculated to promote the cause oi truth and
piety. It seem, scarcely possible for one to
read daily the Notes and Observation, iu the
Funnily Bible without becoming a wiv r «nd
better man. EDWARD I) GRIFFIN.
1 have seen no commentary of tlie Sacred
Scripture* which 1 think *o well adapted to
genera] use and edification. It ia a tieasurt
whichever) faintly ought to posses..
A. K * TON.
It it a work distinguished for the .implici-
tv and convenience of iis trmng me'it, tlie
clesrneas au l fi lelity of ita eapo-hinns, the
neatnesa andperapicu-ty of it. style, the oe*
nevolt nee and candour of ita apiri', the con-
ciaenesa and pertinency of u'a applicatinna,
.mlfor its uniform t. ud.ncy to pro note evan
gelical truth 'ed piety.
Of Dr. Scott’s Family Bible, 1 le >1 free to
say, that in my eatiniotinn it deservedly r.nkf
among our ablest and be.' r.oinin iils ’h s.
D-. Scott's Family B hie intended mere r|.
peciully for t' e use of Clh-ralitn nmilie, i. ,
work higlry evrngr licsl, extensively msiruc-
live, and deeply mieresting
D..N1EL C. StNDEtiS.
The charscter of Dr. Scott’s Couimentory
on th-- Bible, is so generally known, end so
highly approved amongBt the m.rsi ir.iellip.:(
nd pious Uiir.stians througiimi! our coor.hv,
an ! lias pnssetl rnpidly thrnugli so mi.ny l, k -
ediiions, tliat I deem further teeommenrls'
lions needless*
I am scqnninted with nn Coin itrtiiry un
th.- Stored Sc ipturcs, which 1 would mure
cordially reemumenu for gem rsl me. il •
plan of the work ia good
Perhaps in no way, can minis! ers, i.-;st- ticl-i r
of youth, and private Christians, do grernr
uerv’ce to society, tlian bj eveitmj; tluifc
selves to diss minute this truly icvuliidde
1 knownf no Comments y wliidi i. hrt'ef
r.slcuhdtd for diffusing correct vie vs uf i ha
great truths of Chrhtianity, s d Irsvirg shin
'ary impressions on the mir.d when r*aVng
-rum the pe-iwal of it, than the one you ire
•bnut to publish.
No writer seems less disposed tn eomenj
for barren speculaii ms. None more unifvrir'
ly or more.pow if,illy inculeatetibe gre.i ct
lentisla ol religion. The ipint which per-
■ ades the work it eacell-n! i il is Ihe me-.i,
iffectionare, healing, yet faithful spirit nf tin
jnspel. DANIEL DANA.
From particular ea.rain»ii.*n, anil concur
ring testimony, the e is no doubt on my mini!
that Scott’s Family Bible is superior to sf
■tilers. JO il'Pii EMERSON.
You will pieita-i In sei d mu six copies o!
.c ut's Bible / 1 refer to your 'slely propose!
edition Perhaps I shall induce five more ti
take, the a:rn. number. H- L,
li is with extreme ple.sure 1 perceive
vor. ate shout to publish a new'ion ol
Scott’s B'iile. Having been in puss' .linn ol
t more than 20 y> srs, 1 trot' I know i :me
itung of its value, snd a ll deteimir.ed to rro.
innie its crculaiion among my friend. Yon
will please forward six copies ss .non s. pub'
tishc-1. C. U
1 have obtained four anb.cribcrs fnr the
excellent work you aiv publishing If. T
I propose to take seven sets ofScotl’i Hi'
hie, and will be accountable for the,
.1 C.
i have obtained s'lbscriiirrsfnrnineci'pict
of Scott’s F.mily B ble. J. t;
I shall probably need eight or ten li t. I
Scott’s Family Bilile. J P*
Rev, S. S. of P. has o' tsined ten s«Wi
hers. E. It. |
1 have observed that yon sre about pub.
fishing another edition of Scon’. 11 ble
hope you may succeed as you h'vc clone it
t'onner editions. 1 have been cmiesvuriig t
procure subscribers amorg cmr people, .lit
enor more subscribers will be ob si ied.
0.5. II
I will tnke ten sets (of Scott’s H'bie
bound and lettered. I V
I have obtained ten subscribers fur yon
edition of the Funily Bibit—and fare r
di ubt but there might he Itko I*
copies sold in this place if you hid »n r,.'"
hare—I thought the work ought to hr ■
ouuraged and for hit rensou toi l s ■' . o )
lion paper. It Is • work thst ever)' 1 nbil]
should have that is able to putclw.
J. E. d'C.
I am glad, that yu propose to print R’
Scott’s eacellent Family Commendy,
should be very glad if it were in my P ower ?
give a more libeial patronage to lhe . w !" j
than, as circumstances are, 1 tin.
however, be able to do something i eight
ten se's I shall certainly takei and it tn*y_ b(
double that number. A. fl.
I have procured fifteen ■ub*e' , '® < ' ^,
Seott’s Bible, J D '
1 ihisit I shall dispose of 20 set. or more
the Family Bible. “
I hsve circulated propolft'.i for Scon
Bible / how many have been ongiged ia 11
cannot tell ,• but between 20 and 30 je 11
his vicinity. '■
I have concluded to become reiptm** 1
to you for thirty Mt of Scott’s CcitnmeW
t*. a
l hive procured 106 subscribers t»
Bible; 6 sets to be bound in calf,* 3
be done in boards the other 97 sett,
and lettered as described in the prep^'j'
n. -■
I presume I could procure 590 suWj
tiers lor your edition of Scon’s Bible ^
demai.d is increasing for them TM7
finally supersede every other Urge or » ■
Bible. Fifty ol my subscribers live »ui>»
circle of 8 miles! J ‘
Just published an edition of the «»* *
completed in aix volume* vithout «*’*'
references; price in bosrds gld.-t" ’
g31; in calf 827. Either of tlirse “'“1
m<y be had ol the publisher in Boiion i«
8. C. A J- SCUENCK, Savannah.
J«'i 1! ' -
.50 HAY, landing
U V Iriim Bng Plieonont, for sale by
April 19 C. C. GRISWOLD,
Marking Bruskea,
O p r.'tSS" H «K«™S t