Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 18, 1825, Image 1
•yv js e,v< —Yo\. V U. SAVANNAH, 8ATt T ItfcfAVmSff/fCSk' 19, *825. Wo. 114. THE tg EDITED AND PUBI.ISHED fit TH« CITY or SAVAW2T AH, Bv G. «5 W. Robertson, AT F.IOI1T O'll.tilt* PKn AP9CM* PAf ABI.K IW Af«VA*fC». fob the COCNTllY, .« jublinhed to meet the arrangement ol thl mi>. three t'ranrj a weak, (Tueiday, Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of he nail, «eor s 'ian,and contauia all the m elli- pence. Commercial, Political and Miscellan- Sons, ncluding adrettiseraenta. published m the Pally Vaper. • „ , The Country Paper H «e’t to all parts of the Slate ami Union, or delivered in the t.ty, •t five dollars per annum, payable in advance. Advertiaements are insetted in both pa cts at 75 cent! per aquate,ofM 1‘iies, for 'Ofira insertion, and 37* for every succeeding pub- Co.nmiinicatious by H dl, mint be Pmiphiil 8.1-s of land and rjwi bv Adniimm™. tors Kx-•colors or guardians, are required, by law, to bo held on the firs Tuesday in the month, between the hours often '^he fore noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court H naa of the coiuuy In which the propei ty is situate —Notice of these acles must be given in a public gazette nxty days previous to th< d *Nolir'o < oftlie sale of personal property mus' be jfivs in like manner, Forty days prevoro o thn my af »■!«• _ P N'it ice to the debtor* and creditor? cf ai estate must be published lor Forty days. Notice that application will be made to tn*. Coua • f O' dinarv tor leave to ad) land, rous Nine Month*- Notice. N INE months nfter date application will be made to the Honorablo the •'«»- tiecs of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell a trnct of land, known ns number eight, nth District, 1 ike formerly Monroe) County, for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of the e state 01 of N. S. Bayard. N.J. BAYARD. Administrator estate N. S. Baya™. Jan S — NOllOM. T IB subscriber* being .bout to decline bu sinesnin this place, requi at persona ha-, ing demands sgonsi them, to present them for payment A. B. FANNIN & CO. e- J ficy, JN otiee. N INK MONTHS after date of this notice, application will Ik* made to the Wormra.. hie ihe Ccurt of Ordinary of Chatham Conn ty, for permission to sell all the real estate of John Wakurl*, dec. for th'i benefit ofthe hen's and err ti'tors i f said deceased' HOB/jUT HOY, Biecutor. Feh 94 * (\7 N Administrator’s Notice. ’"NBMOyTHS from this date, w e shall »p . . ply to the Honorable the Inferior Cour. Chatham count), when silting fin* ordinal-) purposes, to soil the real estate of WiHam May hew. C. H. HAYDEN, P. MAY HEW, Administrator’s, •uriid 19 A r i dmiuistraioi'8 Notice. N INE MONTH l nfier d’lte, f shall apply to the Honorable 0)<* Info.|nr Court ol Chatham county, (when Hitting lor ordinary purples) for leave tn Bell the real ts'ate Is >,c II, Robins, to satisfy the heirs rod crcd. Hors. C H HAYDEN, Administrator r.ntr ‘TO AS Notice. 'VJ'INE MONTHS aivr da»e, -ippliratron w l ! ll be made to the Ho .ornhie Inf nor Court of Chatham county, for leave to sell tlv.* real 8»i l personal ealate of the late Mrs An:.- Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit of tiie heirs •ndcied tots f aiid estate, WORTHING PON G4I.B, EvenPor Mnw*® 1 /• rt’S« Notice. A I.I. persons having demand* against the eiiHteoffhe hteJohn Wakcriy, (plant er) dec are requ-.'fl cd to render thorn, prop erty attested, immed'sieiy; and all persons indebted, to make immediate pavmont to ROBERT HOY, Executor. V-dv °4 *7 No nor.. N INE MON I HS after tbr date hereof, »p. plication will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham county, wher lilting for ordinary f urpoaei, for leave toael 1 tint, with lb-t improvement,, aituale in the city uf S.vnn the said county,and known in the plan of said eilv by the No. 53, Brown Ward, lor t:,e benefit of the heirs and legatee, .of the eitate ol the late Hugh U’Call, de eeaied. THOMAS M'CAT L, PHILIP BltASCd, Executon. oet »4 72 NOTICK. VTINE month* dite, application will be i-N made to the inferior Court of Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purposes for an order, absolute, to tell lota Nr* four am five, (4 and 5) in Carpenter's Row, and lot Vo. one, (l) Green Ward, in the city of Savannah, being the . hI estate of Francis Jaiineau, doc for the benefit of the heir* an'* creditor* ti Mide* titc WILLIAM GASTON, Qualified Executor Wa EOiilblb <& OFFER FOR SlLE, e»KvHOd8HEA0.8 prune and «econd qj<u quality tit. Croix Sugar. 5ft barrel's do do do sugar 70 bags prime green coffee 30 crates blue and groen edged plates 10 tons iron, assorted 5 pipes cognac brandy 5 do Holland gin 8 hogsheads Jamaica rum half pipes, Quarter casks, and half quarter casks wine 30 barrels loaf sugar 30 coils bale rope 200 grind stones 2000 bushels Maryland corn 800 do Long Island white, equal to Goorgia flint corn nov 23 MESH GaHDEN HEED'S, AND RuVbotta Ytowftt Hoots* J (JST received by the rubucribef, and war. rante<l of the l-*st season'* growth, 2’ botes Garden 8eed i. put up by A, M’Mahon A 'o. Philadelphia, ctprewlv for tbi* market an i containing the ff»«l"win^ a«' ortm .nt*. v:*, 1. Drumhead Cabbage ‘ 2. Long Red Beet 3 Long Orange Carrot 4 Parsley 5. Leek 6. Onion T. Salmon Radish S. Etrlv Purple do. Rcmnd leaved 10. Early Turnip* It. Late do 2 Sa'safy Aaparagu* • 4 Earl> curled Let tuce 15. ll.iy D Cabbage do Ifi. Nutmeg Melon 17. Snifl'ich IS. Summer Savoy 19. Sweet Bwsil 90 Sage No Jurtium '21. Celery i’S Early Pea* ’4.1 .ate do 25 Rariv hunch bean. i.6 Red French do ALSO. 90 Package* containing the following Bui m*rs Blower Knots, vi*. !. Double Hyacinth* I 4.Mexicanligerflowe '• F «»e Tulip* I 5 D ubie Tuberose 3. Nurcissui I 6 S«ar of Bethlehem For sale by P. II’DEUKO TT. Fob 2 58 APPROVED Valent EaauVj sMeiVicVnea- Turlington’s Balsam of Life Qpial for the cleans ing ofthe teeth & gums RelPsAsthmuticPille Do Botuniral Drops Austen’s Remedy for the Piles Hinckley’s do dr Thompson’s celebra ted Eye Water Thompson’s Teeth Paste Squire’s Grand Elix ir Jesuits Drops Tooth Ache do. &o. L EE’S BILIOUS PILLS Anderson's do do Coil’s do do Anderson’s Cough Drops American do do Church’s do do Essence Mustard Worm Lozenges Black Drop Henry’s True Cal cined Magnesia Audler’sAsiatic Len itive Roger’s Pulmonic Detergent Dalby’s Carminutive A constant supply of the above useful Patent Family Medicines, togethf'r with a general assortment of Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Sturts, Cut Gluss Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, St.c. &■>:. can be obtained tit the store of LAY &. HENDRICKSON, May 20 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. N t:ce io tree Pci sons o Com t. T HE Free Persons of Color residing in Chatham Country, are hereby notili- lie.d to appearand register their names in the Clerk’s Office ofthe Iulerior Court of said County, agreeable to law, on or before tiie first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. Mav Ifl 15 wmmmm* -!»—* T IIE anbambnr intending to close hii business in this city, offers his stock at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of Sideboards of varimiB patterns, Secretary and Hook Cases, Wardipbes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tabloi| Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta bles anil Book Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands, Mahogany Cribbs, CradlcB, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple Field do. 'Viro Safes, Cotts, Mattresses, Looking- Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs, &c. at the Wnre-llouso, corner of Wliitta- kor-Street nml Bay I.ano, J. H. O. also requests that those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delny, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. II. OLDER SHAW. .Tan 25 5111 Consumptions, Coughs, £jc. BUTLER’S bWAUl’a CELEBRATED PANACEA T IIE subscribers have just received per ship Emperor, a fresh supply of the above VALUABLE MEDICINE, anil have made such arrangements with the inventor, Mr. NVm. Swnim, ns will enable them to offer to the public a pure and unadulterated article. Druggists and others who purchase to sell lignin, can have it at the original price established bv the proprietor. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. A Trantiae on Swamt’s Panacea, with cases illustrating its success, will he loaned to those interested, by applying as above. Mav 90 Damascus Htccl Razors, | UST received, a supply ofthe above ar- *? tide, which will be warranted good— For sale by N. B. WEED, nov 24 NEW LARD, HAMS, AND HOLLAND GIN. RECEIVED PER BRIO OEOROE WASHINGTON. f fh|VKEGS New Leaf Lard AxJv* 150 limns 3 Barrels Castor Oil 5 Pipes H. Gin, Swan Brand 30 Barrels Mess Pork For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. Jntl 14 “ trade’s ompany’ Foes. rtrltk CAtiKS Brade’s Patent Hoes,- for U^!/ sale by N. B. WEED. dec IB frtsh I'eus, Hums, flour, *. c CHESTS Hyson Teas 41U 33 Kegs No. 1, Tobacco 1 Hhd Richmond Cut Glass Ware Received per ship Savannah. 20 Barrels Baltimore Hums, receiv ed per Laura Jane, for sale by * J. B. HERBERT U CO. Feb 5 F OR the cure t f Uol‘ii» Coughs, Consump- lion*, Spilling of liianrl, Asihmits,and ise«»e* of toe hieast and lungs. There i* pr: hap* no medical observation better r.*at*b.iBht*d, none more generally con irmed by the experience of the best physici- a* of all aces and countries, and none of .i ori.imporluiwe to the humfln family, tbai * ' e fact that many ofthe rno3t difficult and in /ruble consumptiQi.i origiuate in neglect', d i.dda,, Tn a climate variuoleasours, where ue changes of llie weather are frtqupotlv udden and unexpected, it require* mure care nd attention to gu* d against tin* dangtrou nemy of life, than most people imagine or re able and willing (o bestow. 'Hie bills o' •ortality exhibit the melancholy f*ot that tin ntportion of deaths by this disease may b« onaidcrerlV* about five to one. I. RSiiV'c’: lion ns \hi* fatal ffhcpse ft* qnen’ly bi is mee to the skill ofthe moat learned phyaici .»*, it is a grinificstion to ihe proprietor that ;e is enabled to ofte; to those afffic'ed with a go d’y prosper* of relief, i • that f ijfhl> niuable remedy, the Vegetable Intlian Sp.ei Se. The Indians at e hsppy in their know- lge of m< dical plants; governed wholly by xperience, they arc certain a* totneir eff ct, tui it is said bv *n author of great character, .-•at a taie conaumplion is s disease never ciiowu among them. this Specific is obtained by extraction from erbs, root!, flowers, pi ,nt, &c when in per- ■dion. In consequence > f a happy corobins* mn of the most v doable herbs, Sic. it becomes balsam of a anperior value. It finsls the in- j't ed paits, opens ihe pores, and coropo-ie* oe dia ui hed nerv'-s, after the manner of an modvue/ const'q<.emIy the obstruction of he ches and the lungs which constitute th»* tiseaae, "iurtimhuly need its use. It promotes ipectoraiion, which is constantly called for, ■md whilst it ch'ftns s ard heals, it also give* rtngth to the tender lungs In this manner t removes the hectic fever, improves jligc** •on, gives strength io the nerves, repairs the •ppt-tite and improves the sj.irita. This gpeci fic mu' always be givtn in safety it ia mild, ole- sant to (he tas.c, and may aufcly be given o ’iifanis, for which it ia of inestimable value. It affords relic?in bowel complaint*, teething, vhoopinR coughs, dc. and is found parties Lr'y useful in hypochondri ical, nervous ano n>stericKl diseases, feueb bill of direction contain* a detailed account of this disease in all it* different stages, and will b ; accompa "ied with die signature of the proprietor in Ned Ink. It <8 otL-red for sale by GEO* RY KM* O .. only (my sole agent) D uggist, cur nerBav and W!iitiaker-»treei*, Savannah, at one dollar per bottle. WM BUtLfiR. dr c 30 30 intovnmUun W auted I F OK OUR *4 MILLER, utherwi«e DAN- IRL Ol.AtsD Mli.tER, who in the yeai •815, arr.vcd in Savannah, in ihe .\beuW- .ransp-n, belongs.g to Mosers. D* wson & Sons, of London is living, and will apply to •is friends in EugUuu, he will hear ol s •meth'ng much to his advantage, He hfl ’he Aberdeen while she lay at Savannah, and tat nof been heard of by his f lends since fiat period. He had been many years a *ai- •r, and while on board the above veaS'l, was employed as a carpenter. If be left Sa vannah st that time, it is probable that he entered some vessel going to the Brazil 1*. •«nds, as in his last letter, he staled that it van his intention to do so. Should he have iied at any place where a iegister orce'ti/i cate of hi* burial cun be obtained, it would b- thankfully received and all expenset attending it, paid by ISAAC W. 1I01MKLL, Suvnonah, or W.W-fcT.L. CHESTER. New-York sept 9 57 Hunch Muscatel Raisins. J UST received per ship Win. I’enn, di rect from Giliraltur, 140 Boxes Bunch Muscatel Raisins For sale By BRADLEY,CLAGHORN & WOOD, Feb 3 Anciaux’s Wlmrf. lust llitcelveA \»tjt slri\» IVillium IViiluce. 3 HlIDti. Superior Jamaica Rum J 3 1'ipen Cognac Brandy 3 do Hollund Gin 7 Ru<rs Prime Green Coffee For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. May 30 JUST RBOKIVEI), B\j the brig Phexurwi, from Philadelphia, Alt HUBS, and 100 bbli* Philadelphia -I# Rvc W‘ hkey 150 Dutch D?mi(iibna 10 keg> Saltpetre 50 wnole and l00 half bhl*. fresh Flour ALSO, IN STORE, 6000 hushe's Liverpool ground ?<alt 5 h'l .s. & ':<) bfils. prime St. Croix Sugar 3 pipes and 25 demijuhna beat Holland G • 5 pipe* and 30 demijnhn* beat Gognac Hrundy 10 hhd*. and 25 bbla. superior Northern R*iin 75 bk?* Northern Gin 50 bigsG-ccn C<<tF«'.: 5 CA'-k* superior »*d Lisbon Wine 25 bbl.' Lump and 72 Mils. Isiwf Sugar 5 boxes white and 7 do brown Havana Sugar 25 bag* Mack Popper S pip i* Imiutiua Gin 2 l>ale» Bagging Twine 25 qr b Xi*h Hyson Tea 50 earn* Wrapping Paper 15 box-* Pipes 5 cub Wool H- ta 19 Halt-* best Ox *4 u^ga 5 bale-i unble-icfied Homespuo 4 Gases colored ditlo 50 keg. Dupont 1 * G in Powder 1000 bushel* Table Salt 'S kegs manufactured Tobacco ^5 ton* assorted (Carr, n) Castings 5 Urge Smith Bellow* 5j keg* LSKi'ted Gut Nails 100 bags assm t» d ^hot—sis * an \ssortment «f Ct.dur Ware, Market and Clothes Baskets Ah of which w : II be sold luw for cash, or s'ood town acceptances. P M'DERMO’T. march ’4 9^ nttuti and .AV.imn.Vfc SITOBIRlBo P B. BH4SSINNE, R espectfully informs his friends und the public, that ho has purchased the establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Dciaroclie, opposite the Exchange, where he offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of Frts\\ Dt.igi, Medicines, ami tie,.- icals, AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING Aqua Fortis, Alum, Auliinuny Arrow Rout, Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, do Bern, do Fola Ciimphur, Cantharides, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Colombo, Finery, Gum Assufmtida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum CopaJ Gmn Gitiacuui, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Prarlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap Rhiibarb^Sultpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Vainls VL-)f end in Oii. White, Red and Bluck Lead Prussian Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Sack, Patent Yellow Venetinn Rod, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Cojml Varnish. Perfumer's Pomntum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best Fiip-fish {Shaving 8ou[j Eau de Oologue, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical InKtruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Piano I’ Ortes. urled Hair Ma trasses, ' eather lu ds, BOLSTERS & PILLOWS, CHAIRS,&c. fplIE subscriber oilers for sale the tbllow- X iug articles, warranted to be of tiie best quality:— Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables Breuklhst do. Dressing Tables Do. witli Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes. Piano Stools Mahogany Clinirs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps. Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs nml Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrasseg Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows Children’s Chairs of ail kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match The above articles can be examined at the store in Whittaker-Strcet, opposite Col, Sholltnan. I. W. MORRELL. March IS 93 F U. ■ tates Rank .Votes, OR SALE at. LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE Jan 20 A. JOHN ADA MS, 2 LHT O,' UETTEKS Remaining in the Pntt-Office, Savannah lit June, 1825. ID* Persons wishing letters from this list, will please ask tbr Advertised Litlert. Thus Y William H Leary, Little Miss Justino Laybart James Love Migel Lnzero M. Jacob Mars Mrs B. N. Mohew Master A J Maxwell Mra — Mac.kicbrcie Capt Benjamin Ma- thows I) Mare Rev Mr Meriileth • Sirs Mary Merrit ’ Mra Mary Melrose I Ephraim Me'ige j Mr Myars j Joint Mvrick ; BonjaminW Milby j Tima N Morel j Mrs Jane Mulryne | Edward Monroe | Daniel VV. Morgin ; Mrs Harriet Munroe i N. j Tlios Nelson ! Mrs Mary Noria S Mrstiarah Note O. J Chas O’Mally | Peter C Oates | George Oliver | tiamuel Oiver \ P. | CnptRohtSPatton,3 J Alexander S Pratt Jaa. Alexander Dr John R Allen Hartly Averell Mrs Eliza Akins Rich’ll J Arnold B. Timothv Barnard Mrs 8 M A S Bland Miss Clarida A Bland Amos Baker David Brandon John Bradly July (a blackman) Mrs Mary Baker Win Black Bnrnsly J W Bachclder Capt Barby Misa Nancy Bradly Mrs Mary Bunely William Blake Mrs— Barton —— Banle John Banking John Barthelmess Peter Blankenship Sntn’l Beckwiths Mrs Nancy Beul Uriah 11 Berins William Byril Abraham filitch Urinh Borins, 2 Job T Bolins James C Blount Zones L Boggs Peter Broughton Mrs Catharine Bow- ? Nathaniel F Pratt man 5 Ann Pain Miss Louisia Broad s Rich O Parlow Lucy Brown | John C Parker Louisa Brougton } Maria C Pierce CnptJeiemialiBowen ' Sarah Pettibone Miss Mnry Boiitell 5 itocrnfl Penny Mrs El za Barton 5 Eliza E Pettigrew G R Burroughs < William S Phillips Gustavus J Burrnugh j John Pignel C. > George L Phillips Thomas Callan } Mrs Mary J Porcher Robert Caay ! Abm E Powera Ira Crap j Capt John Porteas William Clark | Alplwnzo Poyat Missjocnn Caswell 5 William Pope Elizabeth Cline j Allen Potter, 2 Claudia Coachman < William Poythresa William H Coe \ Q. Henry Cook j Moses B Quinly Mrs Adulinc Con { R. Mrs Mnry Adeline ! James Right Coe j Joseph Rivers Miss Margt J Coe, 2 > William Richardson Jas Cunningham. 2 $ Capt Edmond Rich- Mra Anne Cuuiiiiig- S ardson hain, 2 < James Riarson D. Mias Jane F C Davis s Charles Dovant j Miss Eleanor Ryan Miss Mary E De- ! Mrs Eliza ti Roberts mere ] Capt Rich’d Rowell Mrs Caroline E Dick ' John VV Roberts Francis Dickison I John A Rowell John Diver i Margaret Roby Capt Dottvillo ^ Robert E Robbins Jonallian Dow ; James T R.isa ) Jonathan Robinson Mrs Diana Richard son Francis Doyle, 2 Capt Dubois Francis Dupont Paul Dupou E. Mrs Jane England M Eigle Willis R Franklin Samuel It Fray, 3 Mrs William Frasier Miss Sully Farrelly Mirza Fisher, 2 I Blake B Rullaud, 2 , S. ! James J Stark ' Cupt Stephen Soule j John B Shaffer j Charles H Starr Miss June Smrr Capt S Slttftbrd Alex J C Shaw Capt Ed Swarbroe.k Mrs Rachael Sweet _ Miss Mury Street Rob’t. Flournoy, son.; Mrs Bethia Sesbury Oreasiuiis Fateh J Mathew W Stewart G. | John Senbrook Thomas Garnett : Win II Smith Dr Will Garbit, 2 ' Capt Joseph Simon Copt Worihington t Benjamin G Sima Gulo j Janies W Sims Henry Gardner J Mrs Saraii Sims Mrs Elizabeth Green ? William F Simpson William Green < Dominick Slieelds Martin Glerson ! J G Smith Cliarles Gildon, 2 I Capt James Smith Miss Elizabeth Gor- • George Stow James Scoles 3 don # ramco ucuic. . John Goodwin ) David Squires Sam’l Goldsmith | T- Sum’! H Goldsmith jr 5 F F. Tebeau F Gold . Jos C Treutlen ; Seth G Jacob H. Robert Harby Richard Hard J Hull Nathl Hammond Churlcs Harper Samuel Hale, 2 Henry llaiinalian J. II. Harding Mips Ann Harmon, liny rl James ti! Harris Saruli Harrison Miss E. M. Hamilton .losiali Hotelier Michl Hcadcu Mircam Hylton Doct. Cli M Hill Francis F. Hudgins (.'apt. C Hopner John llower, 2 Stephen C Hooker Calvin Ilowotl Nat huniel Hughes A, Hiiiiqihrey John Hunter J. Lewis Jackson Chas Jenkins, Turner Jenkins W illiam II Jones Edw Jones Jos Maybank Jones Joseph J Johnston Peter Lewis Joro James R Johnston William T Jfthnston George Johnpop ( - Threadcraft < K Tugnoe j Charles Tiott ; Mrs Hetty Tippet Miss Clarissa Troth ! Debrasses Thompson { Maj Isham Thonip- | son < Lpwis Turner I William Turner J Cliaa W Turner, 2 j Geo A Turknett S Rebecca Tumberlin * Susan C Tutla V. j J B Vallee j MisNaucjy Vcrdell \ VV m W atera \ VVm Wade } James M VVallacs j.Jobn Waters • Fred Womack 5 Theodore VVurland j Junres Washington J Sam’l B Webb, 2 . Stephen VV’ West } Mrs M E Willis 1 Mrs Martha Wylly.3 i Annette Williamson < Richard H Wilde I Miss Permella Win 5 got { TIiob A Williams j Prince Weeks ' S S B Williams Win O Williams j Edward Wily • , K .j . Susannah Wilson 1 Mias Jsabelta Kain j Alia, Susan Wrist Mrs. H. Kent Herjt Dan Wilson Mrs Rebecca MKeot-1 John Womack,* ^ Mis^CatlialuuaWoo- * Y. J Michol Younir { Me. > Mrs SuHsn A G M.K \ Intush « Mrs M C MrQiieen \ Georirn M’Farland 1 Barns M’CaJJach Mrs Mrs Mrs 1 in|r pnniel Knan F Kendrick - Keen Solomon Kneeland Ann M Keen Saffli R King II Lacy _ Yrer.ct\ I tUtTS. L Latouche © Command SHervmnt r V ray,2 Anano Qrandmont Madame Clandinfc Madame Chaderac } Geers.,It Mona le Colonel ‘ Mona P Sollet JOHN SCUDDER, P. M. 59 M PS D’AIL June 1 l>air Ms tv, sses TUST received by the William Wallace. Jf* "" “''PPlv of DOUBLE an j SINGLE HAIR MATTRAS8ES, which Will be warranted ofthe best quality. J„„2, 1 W. MORRELL. Awaini s Panacea, 4 FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated , Medicine, just received per ship Globe, and for sale by GEO. RYERSON. dec 4 /‘rumc Jlcid . ' iswpft tyuitiine* TUST received by ship Savannah, and tP tor sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, M,, V 3 Shull’s Buildings. ' tiosiien flutter. TjllFTEEN firkins receivdtf per ship At». M. (ruBttt, for sale by April 8 J. B. HERBERT & CO. At Private ftaie. fTIVVO PRIME NEGROES, one a first , , r ® ,e cook, and the other a prime field lmnd, for sole bv April 28 j. B. HERBERT * CO. Baton and Lard. BOXES BACON m: vT 50 firkins Lard—Landing tVom schr. Barracoa, from Baltimore. For sal* by „ , HALL it HOYT. March 8 gy Essentk l Oil of Spruce, TUST received from the Patentee, and. tr neatly put up in phials, and for sale bf .. LAY ti HENDRICKSON; * «».* 25 Shad’s Building*. Wanted, T7IMPTY WINE BOTTLES. Apply to C!d Mnv1) GEO R. v FRSON. iV ust uvado Sugars. "| R HOGSHEADS Prime Muscovado 1 *J Sugars, just received and for sale by M,| y 21 CALVIN BAKER •Sugar. O Q HOGSHEADS i Prime Muscovadd •JO 115 Barrels ( Sugar 15 Hogsheads N. Orlenns'do For sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO: Mav 26 Superior Cologne Water, WARRANTED GENUINE and ino v V ported, just received a ml for sale by LAY &. HENDRICKSON, May U! Sh Rllildinga. Door Mats TUST received by the William VValliie* V three dozen best quality India Door Mats, for sale by I. W. MORRELL. March 15 93 Donb'e Distilled Roar Water.} A FRESH SUPPLY of best Londog XT Rose Water, received per brig Pan- tliea, and for wile bv LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Drqggista, Shad’s Building*; May 10 b Sperm Oil and Candles, Just received by ship Corsair, A CASKS Sperm Oil, first quality “t 20 Boxes Sporm Candles do For Bale by A. BASSETT, Mav 10 Castor t il. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold XT pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale bv P. E. BRASSINNE, March 29 Ooposite the Exchange. flutter and Hams. f>F,CElVEP by ship Emperor, 10 firkin* XX first quality Goshen Butter 5 Barrels Burlington Hams ,jnr sale by A. BASSETT. MArcfi 31 ulass flumps. A NEW anpplv, assorted pattorna, with XT Ginas Stauds. for sale by GEO. RYERSON, Corner Bay and VVliittakcr-Street*. March 4 * 1 V I 4 .. '• Hoes, J^ECEIVED per William VV'aJIacn, arid for sale by Match 7 < N. B. WEED. Me, 8, Gibbon.’ Ratios.