Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 18, 1825, Image 4

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wxm sMm
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the A rat Saturday, after the Brat Tuei-
day iii June next, will be aold at th
Rhrket-Hauer in the town of St. Mary,, tw
llegruea, yia. Bob and Roae, levied on aa th..
property ot duaeph Haiti, to a.t'.aFy an execu
tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
of fomuelOlirke, endGeurge S. Brown.
April 8,tm M. H. HEBHAHD, S. C.C.
April 1
Sheriff’s Sales,
On the Jirri Tuesday in July next,
W II L be aold at the Court Home in the
City of Savannah, between tlie hnura
often and four o’clock,
All the buildlnga and improvement, on Lot
No 40, Warren ward, w tli the unexpire t lean
ofaaid Lot of Land, leved on aa the property
of Chile, H Hayden, umjerafie.fe on fore-
eloaure in favor of Frederick W Heinemann.
A. D’LYON. D. S. C. C.
Mav 9 39
Shct ilTs Sale,
On the fist Tuesday in July next,
rraiLL be aold at 'tv: Uuu t tioute be-
\Jur tween the uaual hpura of ten and foui
All the northern half of Lot and improve-
menu No. twelve (13) Columbii Ward, in
he city of Savannah, levied on aathe proper
ty of Wm Stone, under an execution from a
j u ,tinea Court in favor of Wmi Robinaon, and
turned over by a Conatable.
Three Brick tenement, on the Steam-Boat
Company’s Wharf, levied on aa the property
of John Davidaon, Agon’ of the Steam Boat
Company of fteorgia, in favor of Barney H’Cel-
lan turned over to me by a Constable-
A negro woman named Diana, levied on
aa tbn property of John M' Ni»h, to antiafy an
execution in fhvor of Ztchariah M. Winkler,
iasu-rd from the Hon- tne Inferior Court of
Chatham county.
All that lot of land and the imp-ovementa
thereon, aituate, lying and being in the city of
Savannah, aod known and d atingciahed in s
plan of amid city by the description of l.ot No
one. 0,) Wilmington Tv thing, D.rby Ward,
containing 60 feet in troni on Bay at and 93
feet on Boil at, and bounded on the aou>h by
Bay lane, levied on aa the property of lamea
Morriaon, to aat.iify an execution in fxvor of
Jamei Dickaon tJ co.
June 6 S3
Administrator’s Salts,
On the fi st Tuesday in July next,
B ETWEEN the usual hours, will be sold
at the Court-House in Bryan County,
the following described property, being part
of the estate of Matthew Carter, dec. and
■old for the benefit of the lisira anil creditors,
and by an order of the Court oi Ordinary of
■aid county, via:
‘JSO acres of land in Gwinnett County,
known aa Lot No 363, in the 7th District.
250 acres in Early County, known as Lot
No 174, in the 20th District
200 acres Pine Land, in Effingham County.
Also, two slavea.
Conditions of vale m d : known on the day
Anrl’ 2- iff-*
POLA DEI,p rns,
A certain Etui fmlia Cure for the Rheu
matism, King's Evil, drc.
Extract of a letter from the Rev. James B
iish, dated at Bengal, to Ur. F Bedwe
Datn fix i
A GHRBABI.Y to y..ur reque.t, I have with
difficulty procured and now ieml you by
the ship Jaann, Capt. Hi bineon, a few pound*
of the PolstL-lphi* or what generally goes
by the name of India Extract, a Medicine on-
actually esteemed among the people of Indiao
as a certain oure for the Rheumatism. Was
I to inform you of the number of people wh
are daily relieved and cured by thia valuable
Medicine, it wou d require more paper than
I am able to purchaie and more time than 1
am able to ber-tow. Indeed, the effect of thia
Medicine ia an immediate, that in Rhsumalism
vuu would suppoae it acted as a charm in giv
ing relief and removing that painful disease.
In the King's Evil it haa been used with great
success, and where Mercury haa been given
or used to exc'M, ‘h s Medicine has proved a
perfect cure. The great difficulty, however,
ol procuring the Eatraet, will for many years
lo come, prevent ita general circulation, it be.
,ng obtained from a Shrub growing on the
mountains of Thibet, in the B rm«n Empire
of India, and held so sacred by the niltvee,
that to part with it ia like parting wi ll their
Letter to Dr. Bedwell, dated Jan. 7, 18 ;3.
Dear Doctor—l have been violently affectfi
with a R climatic complaint fir many yeais ;
even myfingcri were so contracted that I
wind neithei dress or undress myself, or
the leant assurance to m family—1 have used
inly one oox nf the Ii.d a Bn ract, and I am
perfectly restored, Your’s truly,
Letter from Tobias Jennings, Slews d of St
Thomas’Hnsptal London, Feb 1,18.3
Dear Sir -1 think it my dily to inform you,
that after try ing every thing that cm il be
pointed out by the mint respectable puysi
ciana and surgeons for the relief of nay son,
without any success, who you know, haa lor
-many year* been laboring under aevere Rheu
matism, 1 wns induced to try the Poladelphis,
with a g immuring hope, that it might g vc
urn tome relief from the excessive pain lie
endure I, which -ender- d hi n a uaeleas mem
ber of society, and a burthen to hi nsclf. To
mv utter astonishment ttie relief was instar-
tam ous, -ml by persevering in the use of the
Batrait, hia joints have returned to their pro
per nlaea, and he is in pet ect h.a'th Up
-'srdi - f sixty respectable persona have cal
ed tn sat my inn, as all who knew him though
it im-O-n-lM' tf-Rl !- a -.-1-’ -Un-lVer
Druggist, where additional certificates of
the eiiicacy of the above medicine may be
May 2(1
bheriff’s nale.
,N the fi ; st Saturday after the fi *t Tup.s*
day in August next, will be so'd at the
Market-Hous^ in the town -T St Marys, be
tween the hours of ten and four o’clock of
that day, a negro man nam. d John Smith,
levied on at the property of James William-
sun, to sati fy an eXecutiou on the forecloiure
of a mortgage, in f ivor of Edward F Tattnall,
administrator of John Hamilton, defeated.
St. Marya, 51i May, 1825.
June 2 59
City Sheriffs Sale, Con’inued.
On Ike first Tuesday in July next,
V4&U.L be a- d it th>. Oourt »o'm in tht
\iJ city ol Savannah between the usud
hours of ten a: d three o'clock,
AH *hr'hui : d>iig) Lot No (30,) thirty.
Warden Ward, bounded eaat by Lot No. (31,)
thi-ty-on , wca. by Lot No. (29) twenty-m e,
north by Ci>ngref>s st and .south by a lane, le
vied on as the property of Ann B Pinder, to
aitlaly an f-x'cution f »r ground rent in favor of
the rruite*--a of the Chatham Academy.
A. 1. D’i YON, C• .S
juifx i' 63
Sheri ) s tiles —\;t. ntinued.
On Ike first Tuesday in July next,
L he sold in fr.dit of «-.e Court-
’'ouie. in the city of, between
th - uaud o r tei» and four o'clock,
Five negroes, Titus, B^taey, Prime, It tchel,
and Phillis, levied on as the p op« r y •«; Tho>
N. «4 >rel. to *»HtisFy *n extent i<.n in favor of the
Bank of the State of Gp"»yia.
Jut e 9 65
Administrator’s Notice.
A LL persona indebted to the estate nf
Randolph M’Uillis, late of Camden
Co-iiny, decent!od, ure requested to make
payment, and those having demands against
said estate, will present them to the under
St. Marys, April 10th, 1825.
April 27 29ft,
Administrator s ' otice.
A LL persons having demands against
John Street, late of Chatham Comity,
(lonr-ssed, are requested to hand them in,
within the time prescribed by law, duly at
tested, and those indebted arc requested to
make immediate payment to
Qttalifiod Executor.
Mm- 5 -tn, t
• ice
N INE MONTHS after the date of thia
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, iur
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
tier t« 21
\Y anted
E mpty porter bottles.-a p
ply to geo X YEHSQN.
March 4
Remedy fur the Riles,
T HE Medicine now offered to the public
is one which has been fully subjected
to the infallible test of experience; and in
every instance wiiere it bus been fairly tri
ed, it haa been attended with the most com
plete success. In some of the cases, the
patients had bocn labouring under the dis
ease for years, and during that period, had
received the best medical advice, and had
even undergone a painful surgical opera
tion, without permanent advantage. It is
not (like those usually advertised) offered
as a certain cure for a long catalogue of
diseases, but those afflicted with this com
plaint, for which alone it is recommended
may rely with confidence upon obtaining
relief, even in its worst forms, in a short
time i and themselves are the best judges
of the importance of such a remedy. Price
50 cents per box, with directions signed by
the proprietor. Prepared and sold at
Drug and Chemical Stern, No. 273. North
Third-St. above Callnwliill, Philadel’a.
The proprietor lias appointed LAY &
HENDRICKSON, corner of Congress nml
Whitiakor-Streets, Shad’s Buildings, sole
agents fur tho sale of this medicine, in Sa
vannah. Geo.
ITT Tlie Darien Gazette, the Washing
ton News, Georgia Journal, and Macon
Messenger, will please give the above three
insertion and forward their accounts to
May 10 L. & IT.
Georgia—^Chatham Gou ty,
l i lie Mwurt of Ordinary, M*u Term, 1825
O N tbepe ition of Henry Oh mpion. admin
istrator of J :hn Street. c used, praying
in order JVisi »> be msd*- absolute on his com
plying witn he law, for he a-.le of a Lot of
Ground, number four. [4] second Tythinr
Reynolds Ward— klao; p rt i f a Lot, number
sic, Tower Tything, Dc* k^r Ward, being th-
real eatate of the s/id u.c (or the hent fil of
the heirs and creditorsIt is ordered, ttat..
ioii *e be publ.s'icd nine m-mths. in one o
the Public Gaxeus of the City of Sivannah,
requiring a I person* interested, to shuw came
T any they hive, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted
S M BON**, c c. o.
Mm* "4 4<f§
Treasury ’Department, 7
March, 14, 1825 5
fjETIIEREAS on the 3d of March, 1*75 a
f* law was passed by the C«»ngrcn of the
Hn'ted States, of which the 3d 4th, and 4'b
sections are in the mkHs fullow >g, via ;
•• Sec. 3. And be it firth** enacted, That a
subscription 1 o the amount of twelve millon#
of dolls 11, of tho s«x p r cent, stock of the
year eighteen hundred and thirteen* be* and
the Mine ia hereby proposed * for which pur
pose book * shall be opened st the T'easury of
tlie United States, and st th. several loan offi
ces, on the first day of April next, to continue
open until the first dty of October theresitcr,
for such parts of the above mentioned d *
scription of stock as shall, on th.' day of sub
scription, stand on the books of the Treasury,
and on those of the several loan effi vta, ft
apectively ; which subscription shall be effect
ed by a to the United States, in the
manner provided bylaw for such tramfers,ot
the credit or ered ts standing on the said
books, and by • surrender of the certificates
of the stock so subscribed : Piovided, That
all subscription by such transfer of .-dock shall
be consider -d as part of the said twelve mil
lions of dollars authorised to be borrowed by
the first secti' n ' f 'hii ac*.
•' Sec. 4. And be» further enactedj That for
the whole or any part of any sum which ahull
be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to
the reipertiv* subscribers, who shall be enti
tied to a certificate or certificates purporting
that the United *itstes owe to the holder or
holders thereof,, his. her, or their assigns, s
sum to be expressed therein, equal to tlh
amount of the principal stock thus subscribed,
bearing nit interest n >t exceeding four and
one half per centum p 'r annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-ft.-st day of Decem
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five ; trunsfc-ahle in the same manner A i c
provided by law for the transfer of the stock
subscribed, and Subject to u demotion at the
pleisure of the United Statics, as follows: one
bK'f at any time *fer the thirty-first day of
December, one thousand tight hundred and
tw^nty-eignt: and the remainder at any time
after the th'r.iy.fiist day <>f December, one
thousand eight hundred and twentv-nlne:
Provided, That no reimbursement shall be
made except for the whole amount of such
new certificate; nor until after at least six
months public notice of such intended reim
bursement And >t shall be the duty nf the
Secretary of the Treasury to cause to be trans*
ferred to the respective nubj»ci ibers the sever
ai sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
of the ceri ifioatiM of four and one half per
cent, stock last! -dio th :m respective**
" Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That
the same Linda inive heretofore bee 1
and now arc pledged by mw for the paymen
of die interest, and for the redemption an>;
cimbursement of the stock which may be re-
«tei m d or reimbur*ed b vinu-- of the pro-
viflums of this act, shall rem-’in pledged in lik<
manner fur the pavmentot the irtereat accru
ing on the slock '.related bv reason of su >
'ubscrip ion, and fn* t ie rtd ' i.tioe or reim
hurser eut of the princip )«• h. s-me. A d
it shall hr* the dut of the c u: nu.-aiuners of
unking fund to cj.use to lie a bed uid paid
out of the said fun ', yearly and e e -.v year
such sum and nums a« may be annually requ
ed to discharge the interest aec.uing on *•».
stock which may be created be virtue of tho
net The said commiSsinrierf are, also, here
by authorized to apply, f*om t>me to tim ,
such sum and sums out of the said fund, ns
they may think proper, t-iwaidi redeeming
by purchase, or by reimbursemcut, in eon
formity with the provisions of this set, the
principal ofthe sod stock : and such part 01
the annual sum often millions of dollars, vest
ed by law in the said commissioners, as m y
be necessary and required for th< above pur
poses, shall be anil continue appropriated t
the payment of interest and redemption oi
the public debt, until the whole i f t:.e stock
which may be created under the provisions ot
this act, shail have been redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that
books w ill he opened at the Treasury »*f the
United States, and ut 'hr several loan clficv s,
on the first day of Anril next, and c.nuinue
open until the first du’of October, thnrc af
er, for receiving MJbHorintions in conformity
with he prov.S'onscf the said law.
The subsetintions mav he made by the pro
prietors *f the stock, either in person or by
their attorneys duly authorise! to subscrib-
and transfer it to the Un:ted htates.
Should subscriptions of said stock be made
t.» an amount exceeding twelve mllio .s n!
d. ll irs, a distnboti m of he said su n ul'twelv
millions of dollars will be made among lie
s ibscribors, in proportion to the sums subusri
tied by them respectively.
Acting Secretr*ry of the »‘r ^surv"
H,rch 6 !0 !!••'
Georgia—Chalk■;in County.
In he Court of Ordimcy— \1uv Term 825.
O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Bxe r u'n-
of John Waekerlv, dec. prsyii g »n order
Am to be made absolute, on his complying
v th the law, to aell I’wo Tracts of !*nd ii
Lnurens County, being the real estde of th
•aid deceased for the benefit of the heirs and
:reditors: It is ordered, hst a notice b
ubUibed, nine month*, in one ofthe G
zettes of the city of Savannah, requiring * 1
•ersons interested, to show cause, ir any the-
can, why the prayer of the petitioner should
not be grant, d S M. BOND, c c o
M*- ’6 5**
T HREE MONTHS from thi, date I shall
■nake appt cation to the Bauk of the State
Georgia, for ment in lull fur th» half of a
ten dollar bill < f said Bank, letter D, No. 2:7,
• gued A. Porter, G.ihier, the left band hall
neing in my possession—the right hand half
signed by W.n. U Bull- ell, Pruaident, being
the half lost. All person, interested will
therefore -ake d ie notice of thia intention,
and file heir "hj -rtinnatt laid Bank, within
the lime mentioned
June 2 S°f
BTINE Month, aft.-r d .to, application will
. ~ be ma le to the Inatiees of th- I-iterior
Court of cnathsm County, when silting fn,
-- dinaiy (oirpoaea, for 'cave to sell thatnarl
of lot No, J first Tvtldng, Reynolds -Vtrd, in
the city of Ssvannsh, whioli belongs t„ th- es
tate of Ue Lambcrtos. for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of mid estate
June 10, 1835, 67jo
N INE months f t da-e, aopl-e-ition
► if btr muue to fie I *foru>r louit of
*.l'. thtra ounty, sitting fur ord -.a y i.urnii-
es,fur leave *o n**ll all the red ta'ate t ihe
a eThomas Savage, of R.yati C titi'y, viz:
Point Fiat tation, coosistiug of- w ■ irolr. d
•nd eighty acres R ce LnnJ. ••• the O uch e
t ver, four miles below tli F rv, d n.orf
be plantation of Joseph (fab. t-sham d Ste
ben El lull Also, two hundred aid Hf':
.icrea, more or Irss, «>f Pme Lan i, apperiMin-
i r g thereto. A'st* t* Tract of La d ca'I* t!
Salina, o ut’i 1 ing fif y »crn', on Medvsy Riv
r, djujiinng (lie Ian 's nf .1 J Maxwril.
MARY SAV'.GE, Adm’rx.
.Tu-e 5 7’
Prime Fork, llcef, cc.
Just received anil in store,
Ovf 20 do do Beef
30 do Pilot and Navy Bread
2 Casks Sperm Oil
I do Train do
10 Boxes Sperm Candles
3 Firkins Goslion Butler
5 Boxes Starcli
3000 Pounds Cordage diferent sizeB
Together with a general assortment of
Groceries and Provisions, which will be
sold low to close business for the
June 1 A. BASSETT.
N ine months afterdate, application will be
made Ui the Hon. the Judges ol the Court
of Ordinary-f Chatham county, for leave to
•el’ all the real estate ofthe late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit ofthe hem and cred
itors of laid eatate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor,
nrt1" rt
A LL persons having demands againit the
uV eatate of Constant Freeman Esq |>te of
the city of Waihingt-o, deceased, tie re
quired to hand them in, legally attested,
within the time prescribed bv law i and those
indebted to laid estate, are requi-ed to mak
imimediate payment, to
Jxn 14 42j, k
Vegetable Catholicon.
^ HFi aubr fiber respect fully solicits the at
tettion of every friend of suffering hu
i.isnity, to lo the above new and invaluable
remedy, whose unequal^ power* in eliminating
from tiie system the very seeds of disease,
and in restoring the deranged and morbui
condition ofthe organa of live to a free and
healthy exeretse of their functions, hus exci-
ted tWe sstmis'iment, and completely silen
ced the objections ofthe most inert dulous —
Facts are the best arguments. In order to put
the virtues of tne catholicon tn as severe a
scrutiny as possible, it wu offered by adve>-
t sement, together witn the attendance of a
physician, gratuitously to any 'frson who
vou'd apply for it, and whose cause might
seem t come within the range of its healing
power—numbers of severe cases of long sti'a.
ing.sndvme of them seemingly demerge
onea, pre ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or %n much relieved aa tu warrant
the assertion that a little perseverance will do
so In fact, such is the confidence of ihe physi
oia:i under whose ca'c these nstients wert
placed, in this remedy, a confide ce resu-t
ing from the irresistible conviction that has
been forced upon his mind by ocuisr demon
stration, and a personal trial nf it on himselt
that he permits me to declare it as hu d voi
ded opinion, that 'he Catholicon is not only-a
perfectly safe and innocent, but a most pow
erlul and invaluable remedy in certs n dis
eases and states of the •) stem, such aa the LI
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation; Oi l and inveteraf * U’Crrs. Pains
in the bon s attended with swellings of th«
joins; Indigestion, Blotches on the face,
pimple*, &c.; Al; complaints of the Liver ;
Vet let; Yaws j Syphtfis ; Cutaneous diseases
generally ; Mercurial and scrofulous coin-
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emniy pledges h s word consists exclusive i
f vegetable maitei) with »he exception of a
si ght dut^rmi mtion to the bowels^ which d
preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, i*
pleasant to the tame, and requires n • particu*
ar regimen, (abstinence from spirtnous ii
q jors nlwaya excepted.) or confinement. A-
u £• ntle sate and agreeihle cathartic mcd>
cu.e. improving the appetite and restoring tin
general tone ofthe system, it is confid<.ntiy
recommended to iadies in a delicate situs-
on. W W. POTTER,
66 Chesnut-slreet.
Philadelphia. May 31, 1824
At the request of t4r. <V. W Potter, I h»vt
•te-y exhibited, in several in»tonce«, a metdi
cat-*! atrup, called i'o ler’s Vegetable Oatho
ico.i, with the ino*t decide J advantage. I
as .is ct, never tailed effecting a cure ir.
.cry case iu which I have thought proper to
mploj it. il. M’MUli. It IE, M O
Phi'ndephia, July 28/A, 1824.
Mr. tV W. Potter,
i»e.r Sir—You expressed a wish tliit I
w'-’Ul i gives concise statement of my a (f r-
inga. from • the oopelees conimeuce'menl, <
ine present propitious stnge of my disease'
About five years ago, on my pms.-ge from
B irdeuux, during Hie month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, l was seized
with u violent fever Having no medical at-
•enJauts on board, I w«* compehed to bear
•t, as I m:ght for two weeks, when on my ar-
ival at Churi°Rton, S. G it whs t ested ms
Typhus. Tberk Jl of my Physician subdu .d
the fever, but PI.a uz-like, tlie termination
of this gave ris toa dtaeasc equally distress
ing, and which, till now. I had in- ught incut-
able. Vinoua abscesses made iliei unwel
come appearance, paracularly on the joints,
which were swelled io an enormous size.—
These g r adiia!iy subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision w»s now made ami a large
evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of hone
took place. In addition to this, I suffered the.
most excruciating pains in my joints that man
ever experienced Every thing that was
iidminHcriA either gave me no relief or ser
ved to aggravate the disease, the seventy of
whrh increased with every succeeding year.
Much was my painful si .nation that 1 lespaire
of ever being restored to my heal h ; 1 had
r o- o dv tried the reoular means of relief,
but used, though in vp n, every popular rcm»
edy I could hear of- It was in this a» fill and
de pond ng condition,that I was persuaded to
•.ommenne a course of your Vegetable n ‘h I
:cou, and the happy result is, l, f um the use
of the two b ttl s, my whole sys'nn has under
qoH- a complet ret s ution my p Uiu U.ive forsa
ke meihedioi harge from mv anee i»eg«n
o diminish, and aoo-t ceased, the
nice' fnun ^lienee it proceeded being com
pietelt hoalcd. The tumors, for the removal
of which I have tried in vain more remedies
tutu 1 can ; aine, ate rapidly decreasing ; my
appetite, which was gene, has returned —I an
in fact, nearly welt, and feel confident that a
few bottles more of y- Ui, (to n.e) invaluable
medicine, will m ie me perfectly so.
Your oblig'd friend,
Philadelphia, July 6, 18^4.
Mv confidence in ti»< v -get ,ble catholicon
is undiminishvd, and us fr tsh instances of itb
powers ar- daily occurri g, in my own prac-
lice I have no hesitation ;n recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to which it is aptihca-
blc, as superior to any I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’vIUKTRlE M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28 18 4
Six—In conaequenc- of imprudent expos
ure four ' ears ago I had th^ misfortune «o be
come rffl cted with a disease, the painful re
suits of which induced me to apply in suc
cess 1 on to several respectable physicians o;
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whoae remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as distt easing
•s the former. My whole syste n became a *
fected, 1 could get no rest at night on ac-
ou it nf the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body / the weakness and e nacia
tion of which was surh that I could scarcely
walk. In this state 1 fortunately heard of
ynur vegetable catholicon—four bottle* of
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain; my appetite is good; and ro>
strength restored- With many thanks for
the relief your medicine haa given me, I am
your obliged friend, 8tc.
Sworn and aubserhed to b* fore me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,1824.
Sir—I am now, thanks to your medicine, a
Hearty ma F.»r nearly six years I have been
a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat
ened, if not toon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, my
comnlaint at last (fut to such a height that I
could not swallow without great pain and
diflit uity. tumors formed in different parts
of my body, and I began to think my situation
almost detperate. The five bottles of the
Catholicon which I have taken have com
pletely cured me* and I am now ai well u 1
sould wlah to he. With my thanks, am your
ibfiged humble tervunt, fjfc.
City of Phi’adetphia, ss
George Ktue, of the District of South,
vark, personally appeared, and, being duly
tworn, drib declare and say that the above
statement is In all respects correct and true,
\ud that the signature to it is iu the hand
writing of this deponent,
J0H* BIVN3, Alderman.
Philadelphia* May 28,1824-
The Vegetable Catholicon is peculiarly
adapted to those diseases which are prevalent
among the coloured population of tne south
In that disease which is culled yaws, it ia a
sure remedy ; a single trial of it, will conviuce
planters, of its superior efficacy tn any reme
dy of a similar nature in the United States*
Tlie advantages of this medicine are* not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
house* or keeping him from his business.—
With one solitat y exception, that of spirifn»
ouh liquors, it does not lay any restrictions upon
his appetite It is so gentle in its operation
that the p.itient finds himself getting well he
cannot tel! how. As it is not tlie wish ofthe
proprietor to take any thing (or which he
cannot give • consideration equal in value,
persons at. a distance wiio may wish to try
nis medicine, but who are not certain if it
be applicoble to their complaint, are request
ed to describe'heir case and symptoms in
a letter, post-paid, and directed to him—this
letter will be immcdottely placed in hands
fully competent to decid-* the nucriion.—
Should ihe remedy not seem to suit the dis
ease, they will be frankly told so.
To prevent d.sappointm^nt it is well to
hate that it tsacslii ordinary cases fio n 3 to
5 bottles to effect a cure so that pe. sms who
are labouring under any ser ous sulrmity,
must make up their mind to peisevere to that
ext* n -. at least—if they do nor, they might as
well save theuwelves the trouble and Expense
f usings smaller qu-mrit/.
All orders post-paid and enclosing the money,
immediately attended t *, and .he rueaicinc
.vjeked and delivered with directions for use,
to any place in the city, and forwarded as di
N. B. To prevent the possibility of all im-
n n»tion, it wrl be soi l in the cry of Philadel
phia, at the office in Fifth near Uace-Sireet,
•»r at the dwelling ofthe propri*tor, No. 66
.beatiut street, only, and abroad by his au
thorized agents W W POTTER,
66 Chesnut Street, Philade'-pfUa•
* I have appointed GEORGE RYE tSON,
Druggist, or Savannah, m sole agent. Drug-
gists wanting the above valuable medicine
will be supplied by him for cash, at the aanit
rate, as if ordered direct from me—viz. £30
per d. *3», or three dollar* a a-ngle bottle.
W. W. PO fT Ell, Philadelphia.
Any person on application lo lliesubacribr-v
will furnished with certificates of tli.: «ffi of the above medicine, sufficient ui con
vince (he mind of the most sce.iti-'-a), although
too numerous und lengthy for newspaper n-
serlion. GEO. UVEUbO*.', Druggist,
Corner of Bay pud Whittaaer Streets,
doc 13
in Equi ty.
Between IV. Davies, Administrator, Complain
unt, and John Camochun. Administrator., dr
bonis no .with the will unnrxed of Georre
Iii chart Ison and others, Dejendants In
equity Chatham Superior Court- Chancery,
20th August, 1824
I T appear..ig (hat John Murray Catnochan,
one of the defendants in the said bill of
complaint n; mod, resides without the state ot
Georgia, in that part ofthe United Kingdoms
o'. Qrc:*t Britain ana Ireland, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car-
nochan, do appear and answer to the com-
plammtt'a said bill, within nine months from
the date of this order, otherwise that the
fluid bill, as to him, be taken pro confess :
and ii is further orde^d, that a copy of this
order be publishi d once a week, iu one of
(he public GuZcites of this state, until the ex
piration of the time within which the said de
fendant is required to appear and answer as
true enny from the Minutes, this 21st day
August, 1824. A. B,FANNIN, Clerk,
august M 4 50f
Georgia Camden County.
t KTUEREAS Sarah Brown, Junior, widow,
▼ ▼ applies to be Court of Ordinary of M»id
• ’ounty, for Letters of Administration on the
»state of John Brown, late ot sa d cuuuly, de
ceased, »f next of kin: These are, therefore,
(o cite an.i admonish, all and singular, the
kindred *ud creditors of said deceased, to fib.
their "tjv tions, if any they hive, in m. of
fine, on or before the first Mond-/ in June
next tberwise Letters will begranied tlu ap-
Witnei:* the Honorable Brhiau R Bunk
lev, one of th Justice* of auid Court,
thiv sixteen’’, day of April, eighteen
hundred a d twer-ty -fiT«».
[L S. JOHN dfriLKV, C. C O C. C.
Anri! 21 . 4
Georgia —Camden County.
stiD coun y
W HEREAS ’ohn Chevalier, has applied
to ms id 1 iourt, f«»r Let 1 era Dismisaorv
ii the eatates of Samu:;l Onzens and Evan E.
Mock, deceased. Th sc are, therefore, to
ite and admonish, ail and aii.gulur, the kin
dred and ceditors d the said d cessed per-.
uo*»s, t' fi e their oljections, if any they hxvi,
n my office, on or before the first Monday in
January next, or Letters wilt be granted the
Witreis the Honorable J .mes Scott, one
ofthe .lustices of said Court, this six day of April, e ghteen hundred
and t went y-fi^*.
(L. P-1 JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. t C
4. rl ’ 24
Georgia—Camden County.
BY THE couitr OF OitOINAUY tO.t
■ 4 tj*UERE.‘iS Le*is Buchlott, ipplie, to the
JWf Court of Ordinary of said County, for
(■•tier. Diamianry on the eatate of Fr.neoa
Roiolupe : Tiles- are, therefore, to cite and
admuniah, all and* lingular, the kindred and
creditors of and deceased, to fi'e their obj‘C
lions, if any they have, in my cffi ie, on or be
fore the fi at Monday in January next, nthev-
»iae Letteri Diamiasory will be granted the
Witneaa the Honorable Samuel Clarke,
one of the Juatieea of said Court, this
sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun-
, dred and twenty-live.
April 21 J*
•Tfai.iTtn ninox. *
¥ ft. U V 1 0 ti A L %
By SA HUF.L V. AttHSTItOHQ v, ,n
Oornlifll. fl'.t.u for p.Mithin* srini'vlt
FA ItU.r mnr.E. aniiUnn/all,Iu m S
gin al Deference, lo be combi,.,/ i.'lZ
VOLUME* uor.11, OCTAVO 1, '*
bolhshcd with a tike ness ofthe Author '
|T shall he well printed, on gnn,l p„ ( .
I be compelled in six handsome v n |i,„, ,,
wdl contain the Scriptures of trie Oil !!
M.w Testaments, the Introductory Ohs,*,,.,,•«
Expiry As„ , P ,, ucl , e «H
and all tne eop'oui Marginal, T'
ini! printed n-ord lor worj from dm ‘i'.'hU
Stereotype Edition, published rinre the
hntadeceirte. The price will b. on, •
hoard., *24, in sheep, *,10, in calf bi,,,|i,?
mIImSm! te re “ <1 J rf ‘>' delivery *,
F,x racle of Lette-e addressed lo Ihe PoVisItn,
1 esteem Dr Scott’a tlibl, ,
calculated lo promote the cause of tiulli and
P'ety. It leenii scarcely possible for ear t.
read daily the Notes ami Observations mt’ia
Family Bible without hecomi ig . w ;.
belter man. EDWAIIO D GdiFinN'
I have seen no commentary of the
Scripture, which I think an well adnmej'n,
general use and edification. It is a treasure
which every famaty ought to,
, . , . A. BATON,
It a work distinguished fur the ilmplici-
ly and convenience of its arrnngoment, tlie
clearness an I fi leiity of its capo-.iiiun. the
neatnees and pertpicudy of ita style, the oe<
nevol. nee and candour of ite spirit, the cun.
tisenesa end pe.tinenoy of its
and tor its uniform tendency tu pro note evan
gelical truth 'nd piety.
Of Dr. Scott’s Family llible. I feel f rce t,
say, thstin my eanmation it deservedly m,.!,
•a nong our ablest and host '.’.omm-ni* ics,
Dr. Scott’. Family l).bl, ; intende.) mure ce-
peciully for t‘-e use ol Cnrislian tamilies i aa
work high y evangelical, extensively instrue-
live, anu deeply inieri-tting.
, Daniel c-SANDFiiis.
The character of Dr. Scull’s Cumincmarv
on the Bible, iu so general!-, known, and s„
highly approved amongst the m-m intetlm. „t
nnd pious Chr.vtiant Ibroughnut our count-y,
‘ n ' has passed rapidly Ihmugn so truny la-a.
editions, tl at 1 deem further recninmcnJr-
lions needless*
_ . J VOR8E.
I am scqiisinted with no Coni*nentu,> v m
tb- Sacreu Sc iptuces, wl.ith I would rnnre
cordially recoinnienu for general u&e. The
plan of the work is good
Perhaps in no way, can ministers,ii st, uctorl
»f youth, and private CbrifUiapn, do gr ei ^
icrv ce to society, than by exerting thun.
selves to diss&miriate this truly invuuible
I know of no nomnienta y which u b< tie?
oatcuiated for diflusing correct views oftlij
great truths of Christianity, *r d leaving nlu-
ury impressions on the mind when rising
trom the pevUKal of it, than the one you tie
*bovU to publiab.
No writer •< ems less disposed to contend
for barren specuWi ns. None moie uniform,
ly or more .powc.: fully inculcates the great es.
sentihls of religion. The spirit which per-
rades (lie work is excel 1 Vn:; it is the meek,
atlectionare, healing, yet faithful apiriiof the
gospel. DANIEL DANA.
From particular eximiiuti' i n, HndcollCU^
ring testimonv, there is no doubt on my mind
that Scott's Family Bible is superior to all
You will plens - to «e d me six copies of
3c.)lt's Bioie ; I refer to your lately piopo»ed
edition. Perhaps I shall induce five more to
t ike the s .me number. 11 I..
It is with extreme pleasure I perceive
rot: are about to publish a new e.lilion nf
Scot's Bible. Having been in possession of
t more than 20 years, 1 tros* I know s«>me*
lung of its value, and urn detei mined to pro*
mote use rculaiton among my (iriends Yju
wili please forward sis copies as anon as ;n.!>
ished. O. M
1 have obtained four spbjcribers f ir the
exci '.lent work you are publishing H, S.
1 propose to take seven aels of Scull's Ui
hie, and will be accountable for the same
J G.
I have obtained subscribers for nine m'jiici
of Scott'*} Family D ,ble. J. G-
1 shall pi»»* jbly need eight or ten bus «f
Scott's Family Bible. J. I 1,
Rev.S. S. ot P. has o- tsiued ten s I’cscti*
bers. E. H
1 have observed that you are about put*
iUhing another edition of Scoit*s ll-blc
hope you may auccee-l aa you Irve done in
former edition?. I have been emkavorii.j; to
iiocure Mibscriherr smo-g our people, acd
enur mote subscribcra will be obmined.
O. S.H,
I will take ten sets (of Scott's Ibbte)
bound t"d lettered. J. F
I have obtained ten subscribers for ywif
edition of toe Family Bible—and have r»
(l.iubt but there mi, nt somcthii g like
copies sold in thi* place if you had an s£- nI
here—I thought the work ought to be rt*
courgged and for hat reaaon to.^k a subset’
tion paper It is a work that every f.-i® If
should have that is able to purchase.
J. Ts M'C.
I am glad, 'hat yu propose to print K*-
Scott's excellent Family Comm* ntmy. » n *
should be very glad if it were in n»y powef 16
give a more liberal patronage to the wori.
than, as circumstances are, I can.
Imw ever, be able to do something; eight <*
ten sets I shall rerlainly take; and it may ^
double that number, A.
I liave p.ocurcd fifteen subscriotri t®
Scott's Bible. J. A, D.
1 think 1 shall dispose of 20 sets or mo**
he Family Bible. E.
I have circulated proposals for ScotfJ
Bible t Low many have been engaged in 1 !‘
cannot ifll / but between 20 and 30 w'® 11
.h a vicinily. J- ?'
1 have concluded to become respond"
to you for thirty sets of Scott'a Comments^'
I have procured 106 subscribers to
Bible t 6 sets to be bound in calf; 3 «st* .
be done in boards the other 97 sets, !> cycfl
and lettered as desoribed iu the prospectu^
1 presume I could procure J50 •ubi'J’
■ier« for your edition of Scott’. Bible
ilemai d i. increuing for them. They *'
finally aupenedc every other large or W* 1
Bible. Filly ol my wbKribera live w 11 ' 1 '”
circle of 8 mile,! J
Just published an edition of the •»** *°."j
completed in six volume!, witAout
reference./ price in boerda glSt in
git / in calf g27. Either of tli.’ie edm»
m.y be had of the publisher in Hu.ion; »>
S. C. U J. SCHENCK, Savannah.
Ta i tt
KA BUNDLES prime HAY,landing
Irutn Brig Pheasant, for sale by
^larking BtusYves,
O p a superior quality, just received *' 1
for sale by 8E0. RYERSON,