Newspaper Page Text
70300 BiUi
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the fir«t Saturday* efter the firtt Tuet-
day in Jane nest* will be (old At the
Market House in the town of St. Mary*, two
negroes* rii Dob ind Dose* foried on ai the
property ol Joseph Rain* to satisfy An eieeu*
!• r .L _ r i .r. in tuisnm
A certain Eiut ftuiia Curcfar the Itheu-
matiem, King't EM, i(C.
Extract of. letter from the Bev. Jamea E
llih, dated at Bengal, to Ur. I' Bedwe
D«a> Km i
Treasury Uepartraant,)
Mahch, 14, 1825.5
W HERE VS on the 3d of March, 1^5, a
law was pasted by the Congress of the
Un'ted States, of which the 3d, 4ib» and 5tt>
sections are in the words f dlowing, trii *
•• Sec. 3. And bn it further enacted, That a
subscription to the amount of twelve mi lions
of dollars, of the six p^f cent, stock of tl»c
Vegetable Cat/iolicon.
ff llB aubicrlbir reipt ctfully solicit, the at
tention of every friend of suffering hu
cisnity, to to the above ntw sod invtluable
remedy, whose unequal powera in eliminating
Sionon the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor a GRBE AllLY to ynur requeat, I have with
of Samuel Chrke, and George S. Brown,
Aprils, mi- M.H HEBBAHD,-S C.C. 1 »
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the firtt Tuesday in July next,
W li t, bo a.dd at the Court House in the
City of S.vanoah, between tha houra
often and four o’clock,
AH the buildinga and improvementa on Lot
No 40, Warren ward, with the uneipireii leaae
ofaaid Lot of Land, levied oo aa the property
of ChtleaH Hayden, under a fia. fa on fore
closure in favor of Frederick W Heincmann.
A. D’LYON, D. S. C. C.
Mav 9 39
She ift’s .Sale,
On thefi tt Tuesday in July next,
^TEFILL be sold at the Cuu*t House be-
\JJr tween the usual hours of ten and four
All the northern half of Lot and improve
menu No. twelve (13) Columbit Ward, in
he city of Savannah, levied on as the proper
•y of Wm Stone, under so execution from a
Justices Court in favor of Wm, Robinson, and
turned over by a Conitablc.
Three Brick tenements on the Steam-Bos!
Company’s Wharf, levied on as "
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and from the a, stem the very seeda of diaenae,
the aame is hereby proposed i for which pur-1 andin restoring the deranged and morbid
could wish to be. With my thanks, am your
obliged humble servant, tfc
City «/ Philadelphia, as-
George Kino, of the District of South.
»*rk, personalty appeared, and, being duly
twurn, d >th declare and say that the above
statement is in all respects correct and true,
and that the signature to it ia in the hand
writing of this deponent
JOH" BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,1824-
A. dlffi.".nlty procured and now send you by I pose books shall be opened at the Treasury of j condition of the organs oflife to a IVee and
the ahip Jason, Cspt. Robinson, a few pounds I the United States, and at th< sversl loan offi I healthy exercise of their functions, has exc.i.
of the Poladelphu, o' what generally goes I cea, on the first day of April neat, to continue I ted the astonishment, and completely ailen
by the name of India Extract, a Medicine tin. | open until the first d»y of October thereafter, I ced the objections of the moat incrrduloua —
iversally esteem, d among the people of Indiao I for auch parts of the above mentioned de-1 Facte are the heel argument). In order to put
as > certain cure for the Rheumatism. Wasl seription of stock ts shill, on the day of tub I the virtues of the Catholicon to ss severe.
I to inform you uf the number uf people wb I seription, stand on the books of the Treasury, I scrutiny u possible, it was offered by adver-
sre daily relieved and cured by this valuable I and on those of the several loan offites, re I tisement, together with the attendance of a
tlrdicine, it wou d require more paper than I speclively; which aubscription shall be effect-1 physician, gratuitously to any notion who
I am able to purchase and more time than lied by a transfer to the United 8tates, in the I would apply for it, and whoie cause might
■m able to bestow. Indeed, the affect of this manner provided bylaw for such transfers, of I seem t<‘ come within the range of its healing
Medicine is so immediate, that in Rbeutialism I the credit or credits standing on the said I power—numberaofsevere eaietoflnngsta d-
vou would suppose it acted as a cha m in giv-1 books, and by a surrender of the certificates I ipg, and some of them seemingly desper tte
ing relief sod removing that painful disease- „f the stock so subscribed : Provided, That I ones, pre-ented themselves, all of -which have
*• ’ ^ subscription by such transfer uf stock shall he,n cured, or so much relieved aa to warrant i , iqllors i( ^ j rettrittient um
be considered a. part of the twelve mil-1 the assertion that a little peraeverance will do hi, appetite It is so gentle <n us operate"
lions of d.llars aut toriied to be borrowed by so. In fact, auch ii the confidence of the physi- , hlt p . ltien , Kndshimaelf Betting well he
the firat section .f this act. cian tinder whose care these patients were ctnnot , el) Wi As it i. not the wish of the
'■Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, Thitfor placed, in this remedy, a confide ice reiu.l-1 protnielor to take any thine for which he
the wliule or any part of any sum which shall ing from the irresiatible conviction that has ctnn , lt „, ve , consideration equal in value
k n ilmu a,il»/<alkoJ o>o,l■ t■ ahall ha anf«P»n 1st I hoia InPAaH linnn htl minrl ku nriilQh HpUInn. I 11 . * . . ’
11 the King’t Evil it has been used with great
sticeesa, and where Mercury has been given
ur used to excess, this Medicine has proved a
perfeet cure. The grest difficulty, however,
ol procuring the Eatract, will for many years
to come, prevt nt its general circulation, it be-
The Vegetable Catholicon ia peculiarly
adapted to thoae disease! which are prevalent
among the coloured population of the south
In that disease which is called yaws, it is a
sure remedy i a single trial of it, will convince
S antera of its superior efficacy to any reme
yof a similar nature in the United States-
The advantages of this medicine are, not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his business;—
With one solitary exception, 'hat of soiritti
ng obtained from a Shrub growing on the
mountains uf Thibet, in the Borman Empire
-f India, and held so sacred by the natives,
that to part with it ia like parting wills their |
Letter to Dr. Bedwell, dated J«n. 7, 1813.
Dear Doctor—I have been violently .fleeter)
with a Rueu-natic complaint f ,r many years
even my fingers were so contracted that 1
could neithe- dress or undress myself, or g,ve
the least assistance to m. fn nily—I have used
be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to |
the reaperc,ve subscribers, who shall be enti
tied to a certificate or certificate! purporting I
that the United Stales owe to the huller or
holdera thereof, hia, her, or their assigns, s
sum to be expressed therein, equal to the
amount of fbe principal stock thus subscribed,
hearing an interest n -t exceeding four and
one half per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-first day of Decern- ]
ber,one thousand eight hundred and twenty
bees, forced upon hia mind by ocular demon
stration, and a personal trial of it on himself
that he permits me to declare it as his deci
ded opinion, that the Cathjlicon ia not only a J
perfectly safe and innocent, but a most pow
erlul and invaluable remedy in certain dis
eases and states of the sy stem, auch as the fol
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation t Old and inveterat- Ulcers. Pains
in the bones attended with swellings of the
the propcri - I only one box of the Ind a Extract, and I am I five ; transferable in the same loatiner as is I joints i Indigestion, Blotches on the face, I ()Hte tba , j (
i steam Boat I perfectly restored. Four’s truly, | provided by law for the transfer of the stock I pimples, !sc. i Alt complaints of the Liver ; I < bottles to
_ _ _ _ 1 U DAT liTAN- I rti.hsOMlLad n„«l a.,h! A a4 Sn aril .ismSiMn eS lUr, I rs all nB . Va ,na . Cimllilin a Pllfanemia rltooaaiia I
of John Davidson, Agon’ of the
Cum.iany of Georgia, in fsvor of Barney M’C.I-
tan turned over to me by a Constable-
A negro woman named Diana, levied on
is the property of Joh - M Fish, to satisfy •
execution In fiivor of Z-cha'iah M. Winkler, , —- — . - . . .- - - ,«
inuid from the Hun- tue Inferior Court of >nat after trying every thing that could be I after the thirty-fir.t day of December, one
I pointed out by the moat respectable physi-1 thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine :
Cnatntm county. . . I J, , ,i. ..ear I „ , Jl,. - .u.ii l..
persons at a distance wliu may wish to tty
iiia medicine, but who are nut certain if it
be applicoble to their complaint, are request
ed to describe their case and •ymptoint ir
a letter, post-paid, and directed to him—this
letter will be immediately placed in hands
fully competent to decide the question.—
Should the remedy not seem to suit the dia-
case, they will bcfrsnklv told lo.
TO prevent d 'appointment it is well to
‘ taxes in ordinary cases from 3 to
| Letter from Tobias Jennings, Steward of St
Thomas’ Itosptal London, Feb. t, 18;3.
Dear dir—l think it my duty to inform you,
subscribed, and subject to redemption at the I Tetter; Yaw.) Syphilis; Cutaneous diseases
pleasure of the United States, as follows: one generally i Mercurial and scrofuloua cum
ha'f at any time after the thirty-first day of I plaints
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
All that lot of land and the improvements
thereon, situate, lying and being in the city of
Savannah, and known and d stinguishcd in a
plan ofaaid city by the description of l.ot No.
one, (Ij) Wilmington Tything, Darby Wsrd,
containing 6D feet in front on Bay at and 90
feet on Bull at, and bounded on the south by
Bay lane, levied on as the property of James
Morrison, to satisfy an execution in favor of
Ja.mei Dickson tt co.
June 6 ®3
at —
Administrator’s Sale.
On the fint Tnetdny in July next,
B ETWEEN the usual hours, will be sold
tt the Court-House in Bryan County,
the tMlowing described property, being part
of the estste of Matthew Carter, dec. and
enld for the benefit of the heirs and creditors,
•nd by tn order uf the Court of Ordinary of
(aid county, vis t
9J0 acres of land in Gwinnett County,
known aa Lot No 36), in theTlh District.
250 acres in Early County, known as Lot
No 174, in the 20th District
200 acres Pine Land, in Effingham County
Also, two alavea.
Conditions nf sale m d: known on the day.
Kl.IZ.iBBirt GARTER, Adm’rx.
April 28 30f *
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledget h-a word eunsisti exclusively
nf vegetable matter) with the exception of u
•light determi tation to the bowels, which it
preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, is
{ deaiant to the tute, and requires n- particu- ^
ar regimen, (abstinence from spirtuous li-1
N. B. To prevent the possibility of si! im-
Provided, That no reimbursement shall be
made except for the whole amount of auch
cians and surgeons fur the relief of my son,
without any soccers, who you know, has for
many years been laboring under severe Rheu
matism, I wss induced to try the Poladelphis, I months public notice of such intended reim-1 quort'slweys excepted.) or confinement. As
with a g immering hope, tbat it might give I burtement. And it shall be the duty of the I a gentle, safe and agreeable cathartic ratdi
Wm some relief from the excessive pain he I Secretary of the Treasury to eause lobe trana-1 cine, improving the appetite and restoring the
endure I, whfeb rendered hi n a useless mem-1 ferred to the respective subscribers the sever-
ber of society, and a burthen to hi nat-lf. To | sums by them aubacribed beyond the amount
of the certificates of four and one half per
cent, stock issued to them respectively.
“ Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, Thet
the same funds which have heretofore been,
and now are pledged by law for the payment
of ihe interest, and for the redemption and
reimbursement of the stock which may be re
deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro-
rfiect a cure to that persona who
are labouring under any serious infirmity,
must muke up their mind to persevere to that
extent at least—if they do not, they might as
well tave themselves the trouble and expense
f usings smaller quantity.
All ortlere poet-paid and enclosing Ihe money,
immediately intended to, and the medicine
peeked and delivered with directions for use,
to any place in the city, and forwarded aa di-
my utter astonishment the relief was instan
tanious, rnd by persevering in the use uf the
Extrait, his joints have returned to their pro
per places, and he is in per,ect health. Up
wardi f sixty respectable persona have cal
led to ace my son, as all who knew him though’
it imnoasihle that he c-'uiH recover.
general tone of the aystem, it is confidently
recommended to iadies in a delicate situa
tion. W. W. TO I TER,
66 Chesuui-alreet.
Philadelphia, May31,1834.
p tsition, it will be lold in the city of Philadel
phia, at the office in Fifth near Race-Street,
or&i the dwelling of the propri-tor, N ;. 66
.,;hesnut street, only, and abroad by hia au,
.horiaed agents. W W POT! Ktt,
66 Chemut Street, Philadelphia’
Druggist, where additional certificates olj visions of this set, shall remain pledged in like
the ctncacy of the above medicine may be manner for thepavmrntof the interest accru-
seen. I ,n f> on the stock created by reason of sucl
jj a y 20 I subscrip'ion, and for the redemption or reim-
1 — hursenient of the princip I of ihe same. Ai d
Rem edu fur the Riles, »£* 11 b , e ,h . e du ‘> of * he c->nimissi 0 ntrsof the
.. y J _ , , I sinking fund to Cftuae to be applied and pxin.
rilHL Medicino now oiTeren to the public J oat of ihe said faud, yearly ind eve^y year.
A is one which has been fully subjected I such ium and sumi an nuty be annually roquir-
to the infallible test of experience ; ami in ed to discharge the inte est accruing on the
every instance where it has been fairly tri-1 stock which may be created by virtue of this
ed, it has been attended with the most com* I act The said commissioners are* also, here-
plete succeHs. In some of the cases, the I by authorised to apply, from time to tim»,
patients had been labouring under the dis-1 8 ^ c b sum *nd sums out of the said fund, as
ease for years, and during that period, had I Ibink proper, towards redeeming I
received the best medical advice, and had purchase, or by reimbursemeut, in con"
tr n „:rma P „en n t fU id S s-:„T^^ P’i-ip.roith^iSrrr’.nd.u'^ “^rt 1 ^
tton, without permanent advantage. It is the , n ” ul| , um often millioits ofd.illars, vesl-
not (like those usually advertised][offered| ed by Uw in the „- ld commissioners, u m.y
I have appointed GEORGE UYE.iSON
At tlie request of Mr. W. W Potter, i have I Druggist, of Savannah, my sole agent. Drug
lately exhibited, in several instances, a medi I gists sra'-tmg the above valuable medicine,
eated sirup, called Potter's Vegetable Gatho. I will be supplied hy him for cash, at the tami
licofl, witit the most decided advantage. It I rate, as if ordered direct from me—viz. 2"0
haa, aa) et, never failed effecting a cure in
every caae in which I have thought proper to
employ it. (I. M’MURTRIE, M D,
Philadelphia, July 28tA, 1824.
Mr. W fV. Poller,
per di.aen, or three dollar, a angle bottle.
W. W. POTTER, Pmladelphia.
Any pe-son on application to the subscribev
Will be furnished with certificates of the iffi
cscy uf the sbove medicine, sufficient in con
vince the mind of the moat aeeptical, althougl
Dear Sir-You expressed a wish that 11 too numerous sml l'J'R'hy f< , t ncw.p.per n-
■ ■ • ' - - - I sertien. GEO. HYEIISON, Dr,i| giat,
Corner of Bay and Whittaker Streeta.
dee 13
would give a concise stutenient of my suffer
ings, from - the Hopeless commencement, to
the present propitious stage of my disease ’
About five years ago, on my passage from
Hnrdeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on deck, I was seized
with a violent fever. Having lto medical at-
lendnntaon board, I wai compelled to beat
it, as I might for two weeks, when on my ar.
aval at Charleston, S. C. it was treated as
Typhus. The skill of my Fbyiician subdued
the fever, but Phanix-like, the termination
itially distress-
Sheriff’s Sale.
O N the fi' it Saturday after the fi-st Tues- ®? 1 certain cure tor a long catalogue of p e necessary and required for thr above pur-1 of this gave rise to. diseaae e,
d.v in kiieust next, will be aoid at the leases, but those afflicted with this com- po se., shall be and continue appropriated to and which, till now, I fad thought incut-
Market-House in the town of St. Marys, be- ploint, for which alone it is recommended, the payment of intereat and redemption ot able. Various abscetses made their unwcl-
tween the houra of ten and four o’clock of may rely with confidence upon obtaining the public debt, until the whole of the slock | come appearanrx, particularly on the joints,
that day, a negro man named John Smith, I relief, even in its worst forms, in a short which may be created under the provisiona of “ “ ' *' “
levied on as the property of James William-1 time -, and themselves are the best judges | thin act, shall have been redeemed or reim-
t> n, to aati fy an ex-tcutiou on the foreclosure
of a mortgage, in favor of Edward F. Tattnall,
administrator of John Hamilton, deceased.
St. Maryi, 5th May, 1825-
Jtt-e 2 *9
City Sheri.Ts Sale, Tontinued,
On the firtt Tuesday in July next,
?1LL be «o d it the Court house in the
_ city of Savannah between the usual
hours of ten and three o’clock,
All the buildinga on Lot No. (30,) thirty,
Warden Ward, bounded eait by Lot No. 131,)
thirty-one, west by Lot No. (29) twenty-nil e,
north by Congress at and south by a lane, le
vied on at the property of Ann B Pintler, to
satisfy an execution for ground rent in favor of
the Trustees of the Chatham Academy.
A-1- D’LYON, C- .S
June 11 68
Sheriff's eales—Continued.
On the firtt Tuttday in July next,
IYD1LL be sold in front of the Court,
sjA House, in thr. eitv of Savannah, between
tbe usual bouri of ten and four o’clock,
Five negroes, Titus, Betsey, Prime, Rachel,
and Phillis, levied on aa the property of Thos.
N. Morel, to .atiify an execution io favor of tbe
Bank of the State of Georgia.
A. D’LYON, D. S. C. C.
June 9 65
of the importance of such n remedy. Price
50 cents per box, with directions signed by
the proprietor. Prepared and aoid at
Drug and Chemical Store, No. 273. North
Tliird-St. above Callowhill, Philtulel’a.
The proprietor Itaa appointed LAY &
HENDRICKSON, corner nf Congress and
Whittalter-Streets, Shad’s Buildings, sole
agents for the sale of this medicine, in Sa
vannah, Gen.
It? The Darien Gazette, the Washing
ton News, Georgia Journal, and Macon
Messenger, will please give the above three
insertion and forward their accounts to
May 10 L. & II.
Georgia— Chatham Com ty,
In the Court of Ordinary, May Term. 1825.
O N the petition of Henry Champion, admin
istrator of John Street, deceased, praying
tn order A't;i 'o be made aitolute on his com
plying witn the law, tor he sale of a Lot of
Ground, number four, [4] second Tything.
Reynolds Ward—Also, part of a Lot, number
six. Tower Tything, Decker Watd being the
real estate of the avid dec. (or the benefit of
the heirs and creditors t—It is ordered, that s
notice be pubLanetl nine months, in one o'
the Public Gasetta of the City of Savannah,
requiring a'1 persons interested, to show cause,
if any they have, why tbe prayer of the peti
tioner aliuuld not be granted.
S M. BOND, e e. o.
May 14 445
Georgia—Chatham County.
[In »he Court of Ordinary—Miv Term, 1825.
O N the petition of Robert Hoy* Executor
ot* John Wackerlv, dec. prayii g an order I
County, deceased, aro requested to make IA in to be made absolute, on his complying
buried. *’
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that
books will be opened at the rresaury of the
United States, ar.d «t the several loan offices,
on the first day of April next, and continue
open until the first div of October, thereaf
ter, for receiving subscriptions in conformity
with 'he provisions of the wid lnw,
The subscriptions may be made by the pro<
prietorsi f the stock, either in person or by
their attorneys duly author’red to subscribe
and transfer it to the United States.
Should subscriptions of said stock be made
to an amount exceeding twelve millions of]
dollars, s distribution of the said sum of twelve
millions of dollars will be made among the
subscribers, in proportion to the sums subset!*
bed by them respectively.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury"
Mnreh ?6 10 ’ItO
Between W, Davies, Administrator, Complain
ant, and John Curnochan» Administrator, de
bonis no with the will annexed of George
Richardson and others, Defendants In
equity Chatham Superior Court— Chancel y,
20(A August, 1624.
I T appe&iiug that John Murray Carnochan
one of the defendants in tbe said bill of
complaint named, resides without the state of
Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdoms
ol Great Britain ami Ireland, called Scotland .
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car
uochan, do appear and answer to the com*
plainant's said bill, within nine months from
the date of this order, otherwise that the
[ said bill, as to him, be taken pro confesso .•
and it is further ordered, that • copy of this
order be publish'd once s week, in one of
which were swelled to an enormous si sc.—
These gradually subsided into hard tumois,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision was now made and a large
evacuation of pus, mixed with pieces of bcue
took place. In addition to this, I suffrt ed the
most excruciating pains in my joints that man
ev-;r experienced. Every tiling that was. , he pub |, c GsR „ e . ot thia atate, until the ex-
administered either gave me no relief or ser- 1I ,]' ion 0 , (tie tjme W|thin wbich tbe „ 1(1 de .
ved to aggravate the disease, the severity ot f epi]ant •„ required w ipp
which increased with every succeeding year. I *j- orela id.
True copy from the Minutes, this Slat dav
August, 1824. A. 13.FANNIN, Clerk,
an gust 24 50f
Administrator’s Notice.
^LL persons indebted to the estate of
payment, and those having demands against
vaid estate, will present them to the under
flt. Marys, April 10th, 1825.
April 27 26jr,
Administrator's Notice.
A LL persons having demands against.
John Street, late of Chatham County,
deceased, are requested to hand them in,
within the time prescribed hy law, duly at
tested, and those indebted are requested to
make immediate payment to
Qualified Exocutor.
Miv 5 Sflr.F
with the law, to sell Two Tracts of Land in
Laurens County, being the real estite of the
said deceased, for the benefit of the beira and
creditors.- It ia ordered, that a notice bi
ubliihed, nine months, in one of the Ga
zettea of the city of Savannah, requiring ad
oeraont interested, to show eause, if any thev
ean, why the prayer of the petitioner ahould
not be granted S M. BOND. e. e. o
Mai ’’6 ST
N INE MONTHS after date, application
will be made to the Inferior Court of
Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purpu-
e», for leave >o sell all the real estate of the
late Thomas Savage, of Bryan County, viz:
Point Plantation, consisting of two hundred
and eighty acrea Rice Land, on the Otreechee
River, four miles below the F Try, adjoining
tlie plantation cf Joseph Habersham and Ste
pben El iott Also, two hundred and fifty
acres, more or less, of Pine Land, appertain
ing thereto. Also, a Tract of Land called
Salim, containing fit y acres, on Medway Riv
r, idjoining tbe Ian is of J J, Maxwell.
June 15 7t
Prime Pork, Beef, &c,
Juet received and in stnre,
01/20 do do Beef
30 do Pilot and Navy Bread
2 Casks Sperm Oil
1 do Train do
10 Boxes Sperm CandlcB
3 Firkins Goshen Butter
5 Boxes Starch
3000 Pounds Cordage different sizes
| Together with a general assortment of
Groceries and Provisions, which will be
Sueh was my painful si uation that I despaired
ol ever being restored to my heal h i I had
not only tried the tegular means of relief,
but used, though in vain, every popular rem
edy 1 could hear of- It was in this aw fill and
despond'ng condition,that I was persuaded to
commence a course of your Vegetable Csthnl
ieon, and the happy result is, ”f om the uee
of the Ivio bottlet, my while tyitem hut under
gone a complete revo ution, my paine huvefinea.
ke i mr the discharge from my knee began
io diminish, and soon ceased altogether, the
ulcer from whence it proceeded being com
pletely healed. The tu mors, for the removal
of which 1 hsve tried in vain more remedies
than 1 can name, are rapidly decreasing j my
appetite, which was gone, has returned—I am
in fact, nearly well, and feel confident that a
few bottles more of your, (to nte) invaluable
medicine, will make me pcricctly so.
Your obliged friend,
Philadelphia, July ''6, 1824.
My confidence in the vegetable catholicon
ia undiminishvd, and as fresh instances of its
powers are daily occurring, in my own prac
tice. I have no hesitation in recommending it,
in the peculiar diseases to which it is applies-
ble, aa superior to any remedy I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’MUR t HIE, U. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18 4
Sim—In consequence of imprudent expos
I ore four veara ago, 1 had the miafortune to be-
I content!) cted with a disease, the painful re
I suits of which induced me to apply in sue-
Georgia Camden County
fVTHEREAS Sarah Brown, Junior, widow
▼ T applies to the Court of Ordinary of »aid
County, for Letters of Administration on t ••
estate of John Brown, late of said county, dt
ceased, ar next of kin: These are, therefore,
to cite and admonish, all aod singular, the
kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file
their objections, if any they have, in m« of
ficc, on or before the first Mondiy in June
next,i'therwite Letters will be granted the sp*
Witness the Honorable BrUian R. Bunk
Icy, one of the Justices of said Court,
this sixteenth day of April, eighteen
hundred ar d twenty five.
April 21 24
either do relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as distt easing
at the former. My whole system became s'*
fected. 1 could get no rest at night on ac
NotiCC I Pounds Cordage different sizes I count of the violent pain that I felt in every
t I Together with a general assortment of I part of my body / the weakness and emaeia
HTIHREE MONTHS from thia date I shall I Groceries and ProviRiona, which will beltionof which was such that I could scarcely
1. make application to the Buukof the State I sold low to close business for the season,by I walk. In thia atate I fortunately heard of
Georgia, tor payment in full for the half uf a I June 1 A. BASSETT. I your vegetable catholicon*-four bottles of
ten dollar bill of said Bank, Letter D. No. 2»7 / 1 — I which, hss completely restored me, I have
a'gned A- Porter, G*shier, the left hsnd halt I Ml X’lMf' V I now no paint my appetite is goodt and my
beingjn my possession—the_right hand haltj JNU 1 | strength restored With many thanks for
Georgia—Camden County.
W HEREAS John Chevalier, has applied
to said Court, for Letters Dismissurv
on the estates of Samuel Cozena and Evan E.
Muck, deceased. These sre, therefore, to
cite and admonish, all and singular, the kin
dred and creditors ot the said d censed per*
sons, t< fi e their objections, if any they have,
in my office, on or before the first Monday in
.■ , ... ••<,. —- . January next, or Letters will he granted the
cession to several respectable physicians of I Applicant ’
this city, from whom, however, I received | vv Witness the Honorable James Scott, onr
of the Justice, of said Court, this aix- day of April, e ghteen hundred
and twenty-five.
Anr I 71 24
* 'W*
J Motiee.
//VflNE MONTHS after the date of this
i-* notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
signed by Win. B Bullnch, President, being I \7INE months after date, application will be I the relief your medicine haa giren me, I am
the half lost. AI1 persona interested will I lx| made to the Hun. the Judges of the Court I your obliged friend, Ac.
therefore take due notice of thia intention, I of Ordinary of Chatham comity, for leave to WILLIAM WILSON,
and file their objection* at laid Bank, within J sell all the real estate of the late William Craig, I Sworn and subscribed to betore me, May 28,1 creditors of said deceased, to file their objee-
the time mentioned I deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and crca l 1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman, tioni, if any th-y hive, in my offi-e, on or be*
1 1 1 foge the A st Monday in January next, ether
Georgia—Camden County.
3TWHEREAS Lewis Bschlott, applies to the
AA Court of Ordinary of laid Countyi for
Letter, Dismissory oo the estate of Frmees
Roaolupe i These are, therefore, to cite and
admonish, all and singular, the kindred and
June 2
tne rest estate o. joint otacy, aeccascd, tor I VTINE Months after d.te, application will
|he benefit ot the^hrurs aiid creditors ot said | [V be made to the Justieea of the Interior
itora of laid estate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor,
oct 19 yi
dec 18
Court of Chatham County, when sitting for
ordinary purposes, for leave to sell thstnart
Philadelphia, May 28,1874.
8ir—I am now, thanks to your mediciae, •
I hearty mat. For nearly aix years I have been
I a martyr to a diseaae, whole ravage, threat-1
I ened, if not aoon stopped, to put a period to
j my existence. Having had no regular medi-'
E mpty porter bottles—a p
ply to GEO X YERSON.
March 4
wise Letters Dismiaaory will be granted tbe
Witness the Honorahle Samuel Clarke,
one of the Justice, of (aid Court, thia
lixteenth day of April, eighteen hun
dred and twenty-live.
(L. S.) JOHN BAILEY, C. C. 0. C C
April 21 94
4 LL peraona having demands against the
estate of Constant Freeman, Esq. late of I cal advice from the commencement, mv
'i'h. 10 e;tv of # V d ' in I the e ‘*7 «f Washington, deceased, are re complaint it last got to auch ■ height thaM
^hl °fc^!s 0 .*r e 7‘ ^*" d the “ ‘Wily atteited, could not swallow without great pain and
netoudVtmid° f the ■ Wl ! h !. n . ‘j f t " ne .P reKnb " 1 b 7 •»* > »nd those difficulty. Tumor, formed iff different part,
test, and creditor, of» I eatate indebted to aa.d estate, ere required to make of my body, and I began to think my aituui.n ,
MARYTOM 1 ’AST ,n " ned “ ,e P*yairn«, to’ slmpst draper.!*. The five bottle, of tbe Rft BUNDLES PRIME HAY, landing
MARY EVEN, Ad-nx- | JAMES HUNTER, Adm’r. Catholicon which I have taken have com- D" " from Brig Pheasant, for salo bv ^
42p» | pletely cured me, and lam now •• well at l| April 18 C. C. GRISWOLD,
Hy SA WEI. T. A’t Msrnovo Vo JO.
Oornhill. H e’en fo- p ihlithing S'tori’s
FAttlLT HIRI.E containing oil the
ginal Heferencee to be comp iced i n it
belluhed with a likrneetof Use Author.
I T ahall be well printed, on good psp e r, ln .
be enmpnai d in aix hamlieme vnln ,<!, ,,
will contain the Scri|>turei of the Ovt , n s
JVrw Testament!, t ic Introductory Olwna■ to*
Explanatory A olee, an 1 Pructic d Ulnmutimu
and at! the copious Margmn Itefe einct J!
ing printed word tor word fnm t|, e
Stereotype Edition, published since the f. u .
thor’s decease The price will he 5(21 *i»
hoard* i *24, in sheep j *30, in e»lf hi,,d,' 1( .
The whole work will be ready for deliver, h-
May, 1835, 1 '
Ex.racti of Letlre addrttted to the
I esteem Dr. Scott’s Fsmdy Bible, en n-ntu
calculated to promote the cause of truth
piety. It leema acarcelv possible for or.e t„
resd daily tbe Notes and Observations srtthe
Family Bible without becoming a wis- rant
letter man. EDWARD D GRIFFIN.
I hare aeen no commentary of. the Saerel
Scriptures which 1 think so well adapted to
general uac and edification. It ia a treasurt
which every family ought to possess.
It ia a work distinguished for the nimplici.
tv and convenience of ila arrangement, the
clearness and fidelity of its expositions, the
neatness and peripicudynf it- style, the Be
nevolence ana candour of ita spirit, the roi»
oneness and peitinency uf in sppli-:»ti..nk
and for it* uniform tendency to pro note evsa-
geliesi truth "nd piety,
Of Dr. Scott’i Family Billie, I fe I f ree to
say. that in my estimation it deservedly r»uki
a mong ournbleat and best Comm ntiriej
Dr. Scott’s Family B ble intended more ci.
pecially for t'-e use of Chriatian i.niiliet, is a
work high.y ev.ngelical, extensively instinc
tive, and deeply interesting.
Daniel c.SANnEns.
The character of Dr. Scott’s Commentary
on the Bible, is so generally known, sml tr
highly approved amongst the must inte!ligrnt
and pious Chretiens throughout our country,
-nd has passed rapidly through so many
■'ditions, that I deem further recunimendt-
ions neediest.
I am acquainted with no Com nentary on
th Sscrea St.iptureB. wl.ich I would noire
cordially recommend for general use. The
plan of the work is good
Perhaps in no way, can mini»tirs, icst urtntl
ff youth, and private Cb iatiana, do gre;.t t e
■ to society, than by exerting them,
solves to distu minate thia truly itiv-mtulc
I know of no Commentary which i, b, tier
calculated for diffusing correct vic« S of tha
greaUruths of Christianity, a „d leaving snlu-
fary impieuiona on th- mind when rising
roni tbe peiuaal of it, than the one yixt are
bout to publish.
No writer n ems less dispuse. to eimirm!
for barren speculpti'ma. None more nni f orm-
ly or mote^iowctfuily incuicateatlie greet es.
.entitle of religion. The tpint which per
vades the work it exeelli ni; it is the mck,
afleclionare, healing, yet faithful spititof the
From particular eximinati m, and concur
ring testimony, there ia no doubt on my mind
that Scott’s Family Bible is superior tn all
You will plcian to ad d me six copies of
Scott’s Bible I refer to your lately proposed
edition Perhaps 1 shall induce live mure to
t,ke the stme number. ILL.
It is with extreme pleasure I perceive
yoe are about tn publish a new edition uf
Scott’s Bible. Having been in posst'Kauin of
it more than 20 yi ara, 1 trus' I know s.une-
thing of its value, and am detei mined to pro.
mote ita eircailrtion amonR my friends Y iu
will please fotward six copies as snon aa pub-
Wished. C. 11
1 have obtainnd four subicrihers fur tha
excellent work you are publishing H. S.
► I propose to take seven seta of Scott’s Bi
ble, and will be accountable for the lame
J C.
I hsve obtained subscribers for nine erpici
of Scott’s Frtniiy B. ble. J-C.
1 ahall probably need eight or ten acts of
Seoty’ii Family Bible. J. P’
Rev. S. S. of P. hat o' liined ten subscri
bers. E. R
l have observed that you are about pub.
lulling another edition of Scott's B ble
mpe you may succeed as you h'-re done in
brmer editions. I have been endeavoring to
procureaubscribcir amorg our people, roil
en or more subscribers will be obtained.
I will take ten acts (of Scott’s Bible)
bound and lettered. J. ft
I have obtained ten subscribers for your
edition of the Family Bible—and have no
Juubt but there might be fumething like HD
copica -old in thia place if you hail an agnit
here—I thought the work ougiit to bt en
couraged and for hat reason took a subacrib-
lion paper. It is a work that every (muty
should have that ia able to purchase.
J. E. H'C.
I am glad, that y<-u propose to print Mr-
Scott’s excellent Family Commentary, t™
should heVery glad ifit were in tny powe' H
give a more liberal patronage to the woik,
than, as circumstances are, I can. I shall,
however, he able to do something i eight <*
ten eeie I shall certainly take t end it may he,
double that Humber. _ A. 8.
1 have procured fifteen aubicribrn te
Scott’a Bible. J. A. D.
I think I shall dispose of 20 lets or mote el
he Family Bible. E. B
I have circulated proposals for Sratra
Bible ; how many have been engaged in nil
cannot tell / but between 20 and 30 Ml)»
hia vicinily. J.
I have concluded to become responnble
to you for thirty tele of Scott’s Commei'Uff'
C* Be
I have procured 106 subscriberi to the
Bible i 6 seta to be bound in calf; 3 lets®
be done in board, the other 97 seta, boum
and lettered aa described in the proip«tui.
1 presume I could procure 500 eubacri-
bera for your edition of Scott’a Bible 1™
demand ia increasing for them. They
finally aiiperaede every other large or FntruiJ
Bible. Filly ol my aubacriberi five within
circle of 8 miles I J *"
Just published an edition of the tana w0 “*j
completed in six volumes, without matgmU
references; price in botrda *181 in <he»F
*21, in calf *27. Either of these edition*
m-y be hail of tlie publisher in Boston; of 01
8. C. A J. SCHENCK, Savannah.
.Ia- II
June 10, 1825.
67 ha
Jan 14
Marking Brusheai
‘ jnst received
for sale by