Newspaper Page Text,
The Legislature of tho Stale of Matt*
chuaetts have, at the present see ion made
several alterations in their rules and orders
ami course of business—Among these tho
maybe required to fun for the purpose
of making the surveys of their respective see
Rons rei’-rvn and ifiatrlcla, immediately upon
veing required so todo by the surveyor genor
al, to came sll such lines t» be nv aaured «ill<
the late land lottery shall be entitled to two
draws as revolutionary soldiers, and those who
drew one trset In the former lottery at rev,;
lutlonary snldiers,one drawi Provided Thst th
citizens of this state who come under this a,
We have received the “ Sketch” from
"J. R. W.” of Washington, and shall pub
lish it the first convenient opportunity.
dcARctTr or vessels.—We hardly re-
eolloct a period when tlie harbor was
more bare of vessels than the present; nor
do we recollect when a greator number
of persons from the interior have visited this
city, for the purpose of taking passage to
the north. Almost every vessel expected
to arrive from Europe has been taken up
for the transportation of Cotton ; and
every birth in the packets which have been
expected from the north has been engaged
by passengers, some of them so long ago
as three weeks.
Cotton Stealing.—A negro fellow,was
yesterday brought before Justice Valleav,
charged with stealing Cotton from a bale
on Taylor’9 wharf, on the morning of the
82d ultimo. It appeared that he had rip
ped open the bale from which he abstracted
the article, and afterwards sewed it up.—
He confessed the fact to the guard who ap
prehended him—and to a gentleman he
stated, in addition to the confession, that he
was employed by a white man, who was to
pay him two dollars. He wss sentenced to
receive twenty-five lashes—his owner to
pay costs. The white man who could em
ploy a negro for this purpose, richly deserves
the severity of the Isw. The crime of pil
fering in this way has become an evil to the
aerrantile community of sufficient magni
tude to be noticed in the presentments of
the Grsnd Jury, at the last session of the
Superior Court, and we hope that proper
vigilance will be used in the detection, not
only of the pilferers, but of the receivers of
the stolen goods.
We published a few days since a rela
tion of a piracy and murder communicated
to the editor of t e Bridgeport Courier, by
a Mr. Daniel G. Wright, of Boston. It
now appears that the bloody story of this
Mr. Daniel G. Wrioht, is all a hoax, for
the purpose of extracting money from the
pockets of the credulous, for the sole use
and benefit of the said Mr. Daniel G.
WaicnT. He is not the first man who has
made a living by hie misfortunes. In Alex
andria, however, where he told a tale of a
similar character, and was snccessful in ex
citing sympathy for his pretended misfor
tunes, which was accompanied with what
Speakoreftho Houso of Representatives m gthirty-three feet, divided inis fifty
has omitted tho titlet of gentlemen, as he links, which »K!I Ira adjusted by the s
, , . , , nr-general, according to thsstandird in his in*
named them from tho chair. The fond- g oe ( take ns accurately ss possible the
ness for official titles in this country has mean! rs of all water courses which shell
been frequently pointedly and successfully STfiftS
ridiculed. The Boston Gnzctto ronisrksrespectively, the name of the torner and ate.
“ This h » bit of e ivin » evcr > civil ‘ nJ mili - hered under h |he direction oMb? ImvcyoT-
tary title to membora wae so inveterate. general i also ill riven, creeks and other wa-
that we feared it would be difficult to do it leroouraea which may be touched upon or
.. , _ . eroiaed in running any of the linea aforesaid,
away entirely. Republican as wo aro, and transcripts of which field beaks after being
ever have been> still there was a vast fond- Compared with the originals by the surveyor*
— fca-sai-a—a-. VI- JSJSjSaffiMa
additionsto names were placod on every re* be deposited in the surveyo, general'! office,
cord, und kept constantly in every mouth • »"d become a record i *• d he district sue-
.. . . , • , , ,. . . .veyors shall make a return >f their surveys
It is recorded in the annals of an old church and works within ninety days from the time
in the county of Essex, a century and a they are notified to enter uptn the discharge
Sl. AI .ft SMlalaiMlAS A MAM /»f sltW.M
all possible exactness, with a half chain contain as above contemplated, and who volunteer!-...
, ,» ....... „ . , ... , or tlidir duties, containing a map of their
half ago, that Ihu day Sergeant Jaqudh hung, diltrit . l( in wh; , h , h , u be ooirectly repreaen-
the bell. In notes of that day, asking the! ted and numbered all Iota Sr,d fractions of
prayers of the congregation for any
ly or joy, the title of the person was given , turn-.tihe same time a dtachel plat of each lot
and friction which aeid district may contain,
—"Corporal Fifietd desires your prayers for
him, bound on a journey to Boston”—being
not quite an hundred miles. And on grave
stones of the earlier daya.the solemn epitaph
of drummer such a one was seen.”
Mr. Banks, a member of the British par
liament has received from Egypt a manu
script copy written on papyrus, of a portion
of II rmer’s Illiad, discovered in the Island
of Elephantine, by a French gentleman
travelling with Mr. Banks in Upper E-
[ By authority of the State of Georgia 1
To dispose of and distribute the lands latelu
acqu re l by -he U died Stales, jo- the us of
Georgia o the re k nation of Indians by
a Treaty made nd conclude-l i. the lndun
Spring on the vt fh day j I'tbtuurtj etgh
teen hundred and twenty jive
B 4 t enacted >, e v nns and Hou-e f
Hep ejenot'Ves of the Slate ut Georgia mGen
era 4s«embly met, and it ia hereby enacted
by ibe authority of 'he same, That the terri
t irv » qui-ed of toe Creek nation of t.dl g
by the United State* for the use of Ge'rgi*
a-ilcc.-ibed in articles of a Treaty enl. e.’
i ,u> and c included between CommMio’ie s
on the part of the United Stater, ai d tut-
Chief-, Head lien and Wvriois >f the Greek
.ration of India-ia, at the 1 d -m Spring, im the
twelfth day ofFebruary, eighteen bundredatid
twenty five, snail form and be divided into
five tecduns, as fnlUwi, .o wit: Ail that
part of laid territory which lica south of a line
commencing on the Font River, opposite
where the one dividing he counties of Hous
ton and Dooly strikes said rive*, asd running
d ie wett| a the Cha- : h ">chie, shall form what
‘'ball be called Section the Firat, and he cri
minal jurisdiction thereof shsl' be attached
to the county of Dooly. All that part of aaiu
territory which iica north f the line afore,
uid and south of the line commencing on
Fl- d river, opposite where t ie original line
d vidine the counties of Uonrue and Houston,
and running due welt to the Cha.ahouchie
river, shall form the Second Section, and the
criminal ju-isdie inn thereof be, and the aame
» hereby .inched to the county of Houston
And all that ps, r of imd territory which lies
north of the line last tfuresa d, and suuto of a
line commencing on the Fimt liver, w. ere
the original Im ■ dividing the counties o
Henry and Monroe itnkea a id river, and run
ning due weal until it tlrikea h Chalaboo..
Chic rive-, shall be, and the same is hereby
called tbe 'I biro S, c ion, and the criminal
certified and signed by auch surveyor, which
plsl shall be 111 id among the records of the sur
veyor general’s office, and from which copies
ahsll be taken to be annexed to grants s and
said surveyors shall conform to auch ina'ruo-
tions as they may receive from time to time,
from the aurvev or general, during their con
tinuance in office : Piovided the same do no'
militate agaiiia' thia act. And the aurveyora
appointed lo lay out section reserve and district
lines, susli make return i f their works to the
surieyorgenersl within sixty (liys from the
time they sh ill be requ : md to enter upon the
duties of their cilice, of all such surveys as
shall have been made on the celt side ol
U'ratlhoochie river,- and as to the remainder
. fthe teriitory within sixty days from -lie
i oi filiation of the running of the iiue between
tins a- ate and A'abama.
Sic 9. AnJ be it further enacted'That the
dis'r et surveyors to be sppoinlud by this set,
inti receive three dollars for every mite that
shall actually be run or surveyed «a a full
compensation for ihe duties riq nnd of
them by this set, out of which they >i)ai : do
fray tine whole of the expenses incident tv
their offices, and (ns excellency the govern*
or is hereby auth .ris d -nd required to issue
biswarran on the treasury in favor ofoaeh
of tiie aforesaid surveyors, upon his being
■'.ailed into Service to the nsoio' of three
hundred du ; Ura,to enable him witn the less
(clay to enter upon his duties, and the ba
lance to which such surveyor m-iy he enti
tied, -hall be paid to him in line m .oner, upon
hia producing a certificate from the surveyor
general setting forth a periormance of the
work, ai d ‘lie amount doe.
Sac. 10. And be it, further enacted, That
the surveyor! who may be appoint' d'j run
lection, reserve and district linea, shall receive
three dollars and fifty cents for each ni-e they
may run and survey, ts a full compensation for
their ae v r.e, out of which all incidental ex
p. nses shall be paid i and the governor Is re*
f /
w«rdi»t he time the piwig* „f tbi« •<*,
»nd entitled to a draw or drawl under tbie
that he luf not dr«wn land in any of the
owner Und lotteries ofthii tt«te in hit nume,
■r as an individual orphan—So help me God ”
Sac li.—Ai d be it further enacted, That
•J »«ke ltfg«lly drafted in the late war againat immediately after Ihe pasaage of this set. hia
G. Britain or the Indiana, and refused to serve a Excellency the Governor shall esuse the aame
. „ , Governor shall cause the aame
be publir hed in auch of tbe public gsatttes 1
of this state as he may think proper, n ft
shall require all persona entitled to draws to
give In their names to the persons authorised
to receive thorn, and laid peraona taking in
said namea shall receive twenty five centa
from each of said applicants for each draw.
8xo.l6 And be it further enacted,That ifany
person entitled by acr, this tea draw nr draws,
should by sbsenue or other unavoidable cause
fail to give in his name within the time here*
iu prescribed, it shall and may be lawful for
inch person to make oath of the draw or
, „ .* ., . . draws to which he may be entitled, before any
fees. Pr VtdodniStt, Nothing herein contain- juatice of the Inferior Court or tbe county in
‘ J k 1 which he may rtaide, and make return there.
tour of duly either in petaon or by substitute,
or whs may have deserted from the service of
thia Sta'e, or of the United States, shall not be
entitled to the provisions of this act as above
contemplated, nor any of those who illegally
avoided a draft, by removal or otherwise, and
that ttn peraon or peraona who have removed
from theorginiiel limits of this state for the
purpose of avoiding the lawa of this state, or
who have tbseonded for debt, shall in no
wise be benefitted by this act, tad who have
not paid all tales required of them. In esse
any Itnd is drawn by minors the gram shad is
sue aecordinylv upon payment of the usual
ed ahall he construed to eaclude such persons
as by the provisions .of tbit act ste allowed a
draw or drawi.
Sac. 13. And be It further enseted, Tbst
any sale or transfer that sny peraon entitled to
s chance or chances in thia land lottery may
make of auch chance or chances, or make of
any lot or lots of land, auch persona may draw
before the grant or grams of the same t*e
taken out ahall be void, and any band or obli
gallon or letter of attorney given by said per
ion to make titl-«, »hal! not be binding on
auch person: Aid further, It shall be illegal
for any magii'i'ateor person authorised to ad
minister in oath, to administer an oath to any
1 person idling hia chance or chances, lot or
i- 1 ut*, contrary to the provisions of this lection
that he will m ke titles to the aame.
Sac 13 And be it further eoactad, That
no'liing herein contained aliall be so construed
•s to allow any convict in tlie Penitentiary, to
g ve in for a draw in ihe present conte npli-
ted lottery : Provided nevertheless, That the
child or children, who have resided in this
state three years, of any of said convicts, shall
be entitled to s d mw or draws, in the same
manner they wouid be entitled if they were
orphan, and may be given in for by their
moti.e: or other person under whose care
they may be, and the gram or grants shall
itvie accordingly to any lands so drawn j—
Pievided, That no auch convict has drawn in
any oi the former land hitter es of this state in
hit own name,
Sso. 14. And be it further enacted, That
lists of persona entitled to draws under tb's
set, shall be made out by the Inferior Court
of eaoh county, or such persons as they msy
appoint, (not exceeding two to eacn battal
ion) within two months from tlie publics
tion of this act, and said Inferior Courts
of the sevr'al Counties of thta anic.or the
peiaona th:y may appoint, shall attend in
each captain's district, at least twice, giv
ing ten days notice of auch attendance, for
the purpo.e of taking the nameaofihe per
s ms entitled to draws , the namea of the per
suns entitled,sh- II be entered by the Receiver!
in a book to be kept for that purpoae, a tran.
script of which book, fairly made out. ahall be
transmitted to the fixeriitive, and the origi
aal depo-ited with the Clerk of the Superior
court of the roper tive counties; and shoo'd
tlie inferior court of any county fail to take
in such names themselves, or to make the pro*
p ;r appointments by the firat day ofSeptember
, next, then the Clerk of tbe Superior court,
quireJ to issue his wxrrant on the treasury in f or W« legal deputy in his abseno ^J in such
favor ol each of Mid surveyors for the sum of c .unti ,may make such appointment,—and said
was of much more importance to Mr. Dan- j, fiction thereof aitaelied to Hr county of
% m a , *i«e. And a libat pm of uaid territory which
ielG. YVrkjht, a supply of cash and ere-1. north tfaaid line and e«*t of Ctwtahoo-
djt,—ho was discovered to be an arrant 1 r ‘ Ver » sba-i fiorm tbe Fourth Section,
a . . a i the criminal jurisdiction thereof shall be
imposter, and accommodated with a j . tachei110 the c J 10ty of Fnyet te. And all
situation in the work house, since which he *hi part of said territory lying west j»f the
was no, heard of until the second edition of ^*‘“thM^nflta?
hie story of Wood and murder appeared in
the Bridgeport paper.
It appears by the latest Madrid dates that
the Spanish Government has summoned all
the Generals who have held posts since
18(0 in the Spanish ultra marine provinces
to form a Junta, for the purpose of enquir
ing into the causes which have led to the
alienation of the public mind from the
mother country. This enquiry conducted
in a proper spirit fifteen years ago might
have been servicable to ihe Royal cause.—
What benefit is now to be derived from it,
it is difficult to perceive. The South Ame
rican provinces are irrecoverably lost to the
mother country—the wilful and perverse
blindnessB of which is justly punished by a
losa even ofthe privileges which might have
been obtained by a limited concession a
few years ago. Since the commencement
ofthe struggle for freedom in tho South, a
new generation has arisen who know not
tho mother country, and their s flections are
tranaferrred to those who have acted to
wards them a more maternal part.
A letter from a professor of the Universi
ty of Virginia states that it is expected that
Chancellor Kent of New York will sup
ply the vacancy in the professorship of that
institution. Mr- Jefferson, its great pa
tron, has been lately very much indisposed,
but is so far improved as lately to visit
the University.
Nimple Life Preserver.—Take 800
new wino bottle corks, which are to be put
on a string, and which, when so done, is to
be sewed up in a strong but light canvass,
(and to be made up in circles round the do-
fly,) and when bo done is to be woll painted,
so as to be water proof. It may have stioul-
fler straps or buckles, or it may be fastened
on a canvass jacket for convenience.
Usury.—A bill is now before the Massa
chusetts House of Representatives, and is
likely to pass, for fixing the legal rate of in-
tyttettateix percent.
bams, sha'.l lot m tbe Fifth Section, and the
criminal jurisdiction thereof ahall be attached
to the i\.unty of Pike
Sic 3, And he it further enacted by the
authority at'oresxid. that each of the arctinna
herein before laid out aud described, shall be
divided into districts of nine miles square as
near as piactic ble—the district lines mnnirg
parallel to the lines dividing sections and
crossed by other lives at) right angles; and
said districts so laid out, Mali be again aubdi
.video by lines to be run in like directions
into sq :a,e tracts, containing each two hun
dred ino and <me haif acres, marked and num
bered acco ding to the plan heretofore pur
sued under the instructions of tbe Surveyor
Sae. 3. And be it further enacted. That the
Fracti jiiiI pa is of surveys which may be ere.
a'.ed by the divisions and subdivisions store-
said, shall be reaerved for public uses, and be
disposed of M a future legislature may di
Sic. 4. And be it further enacted. That one
Hundred district surveyors shall be appointed
uy j. int ballot of Ihe legiilsiure in one general
ticket ; and the person having the highest num
ber of votes ahaft be entitled to the first choice
ofdistricta and in tbe same Older, agreeably to
the number of votes each surveyor may re
ceive i si d in esse of a (ie between any num*
ber of surveyors, then preference in choice
ahatl be decided by lot, in presence of tbe
Surveyor General.
Sic i A: d be it further enicted. That ten
persona shall be appointed by joint ballot of
tlie legislature, neither of whom shall be a dii-
trict surveyor, to run and plainly mark thr
scvenl district, reserve a>d seeiional lines
herein before directed, whose duties shall be
apportioned by the surveyor-general as near
ly equal as practicable—ai d that no ticket
shall be counted unless it contains the names
of ten persons.
Sic. 6. And be it further enseted, That no
ticket mr district surveyors shall be counted
unless it contains one hundr d names. Any
peraon elected a surveyor who shad fail to per
form the duties ol hit office, at required by
the provisions of this act, ahall be considered
ss forfeiting his bond, and him self and hia ie-
cur.ties immediately liable therefor.
Sxc. 7. And be it further enacted, That the
surveyors respectively shall give bond in tbe
sum of ten th usand dollars to Ihe governor
and his succesa 'ts in office, with such securi
ty as he or a majority of the justices of the
inferior court of tbe o- unty in which auch
surveyor may reside ahsll approve, condition
ed for tbe Isitliful performance of tbe duties
required of them by this set, which bond
shall be deposited in the executive office.
S»c. 8. And be it further enacted, That it
three hundred dollars upon their being
cal! <} into servioe, and in like mxnuer to pay
any balance which may be due when the
work is completed, and tbe surveyor general
aliall certify 'he Mme
die. 11, And be it further enacted, That
the territorv acquir d s aforesa d shad be dii
pc ted of and dismbut-. d in the oilowing man
ner, to wit: After tbe surveying ia couple-
ted and returns ma> e thereof, h» excellency
•he governor ahall cauie tickets to be made
out, whereby all the numbers of Ion in tho
d ffereut districts intended to be drawn for
shall be represented which tickets shall be
put into a wheel at d conatitule prizes. The
following shall be tho description aud qualifi
cations of persona entitled to give in their
namea for a draw or draws under this act i
Every male whit? person of eighteen yeirs of
age and upwards, being a cillacn ofthe Uni
ed States and an inhabitant within the organ
ized limits of this state three years inimrd tie*
ly preceding the passage of Ibis act, including
such •. have been absent on lavful business,
shall he entitled to one draw ; evrrt mate per
son of like description having a wife or legiti
mate male child nr children under the age of
eighteen yrsrs, or unmarried female child or
children resident as aforesaid, or who were
born and have ever since resid' d in' h.a state,
shail (have two* draws ; all widows with like
residence shall be entitled to one draw: and
wives and children in this sti le, of perao-s
who have been absent f, om this state three
years ahall be on the same footing as to draws,
•a if the said husband was d ad, and tbe
title to such Iota as raid females or children
may dtaw, be vested permanently in them as
tliuugb they were widows and orphan*; a!!
families or orphans resident as iforeaaid or
who have resided in thia state from their birth
under the age of eigot'co years, except
such as may bp emitlul in their own right
to a draw or draws whose father ia dead,
a all hive one draw: all families cf or
phan* consisting of more than two shall have
two drawi—but if not exceeding two then
auch orphan or orphans shall be entitled to
o e draw, to be giveu in the county and dis
trict where the eldest of said orphans or where
the guardian of the eldest resides: Provided,
That ahould such guardian or such orphan or
orphans, nr the eldest of such orphans reside
within the organised limits of ihis state, then
sucii draw or draws shall be given in the coun
ty in which such guardian rany reside, nr such
orphan or orphans or the eldest of inch or
phans may reside : all wido ws of like resi,
denct , whose husbands were killed or died in
the service of their country, or on their return
march, in the late wars against Great Britain
or the Indians shall be entitieu to a draw
exclusive of that otherwise allowed by this
set to widows: ad orphans whose fathers
were killed or died in the service of the
country, or on their return march in the late
wart againat Great Britain or the Indians, ahall
be entitled to a draw excluiive of that other
wise allowed by this act to orphass: and sll
men who have been wounded or disabled in
the late war with Great Britain or the Indi
ana, so -hat they are not able <o procure a
competency for support in constquence of
their wounds, be allowed one draw in add.,
tion, aud they shall take tbe following oath
in addition i “ ldo solemnly sweir that I was
wouoded in the late war of G eat Britain and
the Indians and am an d ubled by the aame
that it renders me unshle to procure a support
by mjr labor ."Provided, That nothing herein
contained shall be nu conatru. d u tu entitle
any person or persona to a draw or drawi in
tbe present contemplated land lottery who
have been foitunate dra era in any pre
vious land lottery, except auch peraona as
have drawn land as one of a family of or
phan!, and who have arrived at the age of
eighteen, but lucb peraon shall be entitled to
of to the Executive, at any time before the
commencement of the draw ing j and it ahsll
and may be lawful, for any peraon or per
sons, who are entitled to a draw or drawl
in said lottery, who are about leaving the
atate on lawful bmineas, to take the oath
prescribed by this SCI, and deposit the Mme
in the clerk's office of the county where
auch person or persona may reside, and their
namea shall he registered according to the
provia-ons of this act: Provided, Such per.
son sh ill swear that be iniei di to return and
remain a citisen of thia Slate.
Sac. 17. And be it further enacted, That
five persona shall be appointed by joint
ballot of the Legislature, to aui-eriotend tbe
drawing ofthe lottery, to be convened at Mil
ledgeville, by the Goveruor, when necessary,
and that wherever this act imporea duties on
the Governor, Surveyor General, Surveyors,
Receivers of names, or Commissioners., such
duties |i bull be sev-.rally performed with as
little delay ss poMible, consistently with a
due execution of lliii act.
Sec 18 And be it further enacted. That
as soon is Mid lists are msde out and lelumud
hia Excellency the Governor, for the purpose
of carrying the lottery into effect, ahall cans*
the names of persons entitled to draws, toge
ther with other designating remarks of resi
d nee, tec. to be placed on tickets, as nearly
similar aa pouible which shall be depos it'd in
one wheel, and the prizea on tickets of tt.i
like description, shall be deposited in anoikc
wheel, which prixes shall consist of all square
lota in Hid territory, not herein reserved-
And from eacli wheel, a* nearly at the lame
time as may be, a ticket ahsll be drawn and
delivered to the Superintending Man: / ,-s,
and to on until the whole number of dt.ait.
arc drawn out, and said Managers shall make
due aud particular entry uf the natm a an
drawn out, and the prixes corresponding
therewith- slid nine! and prizea being tho
roughly mixed in their respective wheels
And his Excellency the Governor It r quired
to give three weeks notice of the commence
ment of the drawing.
8xo '9. And be it further enacted, Thai
ahould there be more diatr.cta than are con*
templatedb; this act, and Surveyors elected
for- or in ease the appointment of any Survey
or ah'iuld become vacaut, by death,j resigna
tion or otherwise his Excellency the Gover
nor it requested to fill said vacancy- And in
case any Surveyor ahall be found nemopetent,
or fail to execute the duties required of him
by thia act, hia office sh ill be vacant, and hia
vacancy filled in use manner.
Sae 20- And be it further enacted, Thai
theSnrveyois to he appointed in pursuance
of this act, shall, before they enter upon their
sha)' be the duty of tile aurveyora appointed; one draw, and the remainder of auch families
in pursuance uf this act, to make the survey! 1 of r»i phanx shall be entitled to one draw: And
ofthesectinna reserves anddiilrieia to which p ovided, t'hat all widows of revolutionary
they may be appointed, in their own proper soldiers ahall have one draw in addition to
peraon, to mark, or cauie to be marked plainly those already contemplated by thia am, and
1 and ..istineilyimon trees, if practicable, oth I that all revolutionary soldiers who were not
erwixe on poits, all station* sod all linea which j fortunate drawers ss revolutionary soldiers in!
Receivers, before they enter upon their du
•i*i, shall take and subscribe the following
oath :
"I do solemnly iwear for affirmJ . r ...
(hat I will not receive or register, any name,; duties, take and muscribe the following oath .-
except the person g ving in shall first taki- the! “ I do solemnly aweir(ur affi ml that
oath prescribed by thia set—bo help me God "j I am twenty-one years of age, the 1 will well
Which oath anv juatice of the Inferior and faithfully, to the beat of my akiti and abit-
Cour. or any justice of the pesi e v is ; sties, discharge the duties which may be re-
hereby required to administer, ind the! quired oi ine ss Surveyor In the terri'ory
peraon or peraona taking in namea al afore* j lately acquired—So help me God.’’ Which
Mid,'hull administer to all applicants tor draws - outh the .surveyor General is required to ad-
o'her than widows, guardians or next friends j minister. The oxih to be administered to
of orphan, the following oath, to wit: “ I do Chi' omen by their respective Surveyors, »h*!l
solemnly sw- ar (or affirm) that I am a citixen be an follows : •' I do solemnly swea. (or xf
of th -, Uint'd Slates, and have resided in this firm) that, to the best of my akill and judg
state three years immediately preceding the! mei)i, 1 will measure all tines on which 1 may
pmsage oftiiiaact.eicep. absent on lawfulbu- be employed aa cham-currier, as accurately
•iness.and ain an irhtbitantof ihe same t that; and with as little deviation from the couis:-
1 wss eighteen years of age at the time of 'he' pointed out by the Survernr as possible, and
nassing of this act; that 1 have, (at | give a true account of tbe Mme to the Suvey
hu- e not) a wife and child or children j or _So help me Gud." And Similar oaths
that lhave not given in my name for any
draw or it.-aws in the present contempla
ted land loti cry to any other pact of the
state -, that I have not drawn a tract of
land in the former lotteries in my individual
capacity, or as an individual orphan, and that I
did not, directly or indirect y, evade tbe ser
vice of this state or of tue United States, in the
late wars against Great Britain or thelndians.”
Ai:d Ihe widows of Revolutionary soldiers
•liall take die following oath or xffi.mation,
(aa the caae may be), to the best of their
knowledge and belief, viz. "Ido solemnly
awes, or ffirm that I am the widow oi a Hev-
olulinnart soldier to the beat of my knowledge
and bel.ef—So help me God.' The following
oath ahall be administered to all married wo
man entitled to d.iws o> xC'.ouut of three
years absence of their husban Is, a< contem
plated by this act, tojj wit—" 1 du solemnly
swear or affi.-m that my husOand lias been ab
sent from this state three years, that 1 have
resided the last three years in this state) ex
cept absent on lawful business, and am now re
sideut in this district, that I have not put in
my name fur a draw in the approaching land
lottery in any other part of the state, and
that I have not drawn any tract uf land in the
furmer land lotteries, cither in my individual
capacity, or ss an individual orphan, to the
beat of my knowledge and belief—So help me
God.” I'he following oath shall be tdminir*
len d to tbe mother or next friend of any mi
nor or family of minors *hu mxy be entitled
to s draw or draws on account of thi ee yetra
absence uf their father ta contemplated by
this set, to wit—" I do solemnly swear that
tbe minor or family of minora whom I now
return is or aie entitled to a draw or d aws
under this act to tbe beat of my knowledge.
—So help me God.” The following oath shall
be administered to all revolutionary soldiers,
wlm shall apply for draws unde' this act—"j
do solemnly swear or affirm, that I served as a
sildier in the armies of the Uni ed 8tates du
ring tbe revolutionary war, a tour or touraof
duty and am entitled to a draw or draws ac
cording to the proviaioea of thia act—So help
me Gud.”
A nd all guardians or next frier ds of orphans,
or eh Idren ofconvicts in tbe Penitentiary,ihiU
take the following oath :" And thst the or
phan, or family of orphans, nr the child or
children whom l now return, is (or are) enti
tled to a draw or draws und-r thia act, to the
beat of my knowledge—So help me God.”—
The fallowing oath shill be sdminist-"?d to
all widows.-«l do solemnly swear (or affirm )
I am s widow, thst 1 have resided the three
la't years in this state, except lbsent on law.
ful buameas, and am now resident in thia dis
trict i that I hare not put in my name for a
draw in the present lottery ia any other
part ofthe state, and that 1 have nut drawn
land in ti e former lotteries, to the best of my
knowledge and belief—So help me G 4 ”—
That ail diots and lunatics entitled to a draw
or drawa by this act, shall be given in by i heir
respective parents or guardiana,or next friends
who shall take the following oath - "I
do solemnly swear (or affirm) that tbe person
whoae name 1 now give in, n an idiot or lu-
natio i that he is eighteco years of age or up
shall be I'.immilta-rel by the Mid Surveyors
to ail axe men and marker!.
8sc. 31. And be it further enacted, Th*r
the Und to he distributed under the provi
lions of this set, shall be classed under the
following heads, V:x: Firat quality river land,
aecunri quality rive- land, fin quality oali
aud hiencry upland, second quality oak enn
hickoiy upland, firat quality pine Und, and
that it shall be tbe duty oi surveyors char-
ged with the bushiest of dividing the
districts info lota, to nute upon the separ
ate plat of each lot which he is required
to file in the Surveyor General's Offi .u, the
quality of each lot, according to tbe foregoing
claracs, and that all persons who may draw
lands under this act ahatl be entitled to re
ceive grants for the aame conveying fee aim.
pie titles on paying into the treasury of this
•late the sum of eighteen dollars s Mi l any
peraon drawing, and failing to take out hia
S lant w ithin two yens from the date of said
raw, shall forfeit hia or ber right to receive
a grant to the land to drawn, and the asmr
xhull revert to the slate, orphans, lunatics: nd
idiots excepted. And alt pedant whs shr.l 1
draw lands in the lottery authorised by this
act, ahall, whether the same be gisnted or
not, pay taxes thereon, t the same rates as for
other lands of aim.lar qualities, until they
ahall relinquish the Mme to the use of the
state by writing, to be filed in the uffi .e of the
Secretary of State. Thst all returns mad*
contrary to the true intent and meaning of
of ttiia act are declared to be fraudulent t and
all grants issued in consequence of any draw
m Oe in the contemplated lottery on auch
fraudulent returns are hereby declared to be
null and void : and the lands ao granted or
drawn, shall revert and become the property
ofthe atre : and the quiation of the fraud
may be tr:ed upon acire facias to be inueil
fioro under the hands of the clerk of tbe Su
perior courts of the county or counties in
which the land lies, in tbe namt ofthe Gover
nor of said state for the time bring, upon
the appli-ation of any individual againat the
tenant in poiaesaiun of the land alledged to be
fraudulently drawn, or against the drawer
thereof setting forth tbe circumstances of
fraud in said acire facias specialty, and upon
the return of Mid acire faciu with an entry
thereon cf service effected by any aheriff uf
any county o' (hit state, by leaving a copy
thereof with the peraon named aa defendant,
or at hia or her notorious place of abode, or b.
the return of such sheriff that the defeuf .nt
is not to be found- upi n which return tbe euuit
is authorized to have service perfected by an
order for a three months publication in one
or mure of tbe public Gaxettss of this (’.ate i
which rule, when duly published, shall be
considered as sufficient service to authorise
an issue to be made up under the direction
of the court to try the question of fraud—
And in case the fury ahall find the return
fraudulent, th* c T 'urt ahsll by judgment pro
nounce the grant iuued on auch return and
draw to. be void, and order it cancelled ;
which judgment, when trauamittel to the
Surveyor General's Office sod Secretary of
State’s office and entered of file there, ehall
be of luificwat authority to those o$c«n to
cancel tie plats and grants fct ,„, k ,
lentdrasrsfrom their rtirau 1 ^
And the land when ccr.rleomrd, s&jH
site half to the state, and tt, e other i IS
Informer, and subject to be laid Jr* 11,11
the informer anc the i>aie hy »,u 5,"
tion, to be iaaucd under the dirwIL. l i
Superior court of the county Jta
Und lies, and to the
writ of partition on behalf ofthe 01
be the duty of the Sulirit or , i ' h t, ) r ' ' i
circuits to attend. And »he„ lb ,
•re so laid off,ihe informer shall a, I"':., 1 * 1
a plot and grant for ha %
winch the cue is defend ,* 1
for the said orphan or
alsg, Tbe proc-edirps under this k l
SS' hinfourye “ r,fro “ Ihe STVa
Sic. 33. And be it further emeted nJ
no ease after being commenced *a *f„,’3|
by Wire facies, ahall be settled or c'L,™!
ted by the informer or other*™ disSTvl
to the prejudied nfihe Mate, ini in cue'liifl
s»jd lands ahall bn liable to V tetumrt h ,
other mrormer In manner xbi ve ot w ,ij|
and division made thereof accordingly 'I
Sso. 23 And be it further ensetei e l
BO sci'e faetas ahall issue until tbe 4 » M ,li,,,,|
•hall have made and deposited in the tk-vi I
office from which Hie said scire Peine.1
issue, Ihe follon'ing oa'h i " I do
•wear thst in miking this information l bl l
no combination or understanding diretj,|
indirectly with the drawer nr any other »T
a.naithe friend of or oa the parti 1
Sxo '.'4 And be >t further enacted, The 11
quantity of land on the Flint river om«ii,|
to the old agency and equal j n s'x to il. t t,l
serve on the east aid • ofthe sk- e, out nil
squareet Marshall'? ftrrv on the Fimt na|
including the ferry . one mile, quire at rhJ
tosh's on ihe Chatuhnochiein' ludingltiefrml
- and a relie ve of five miles ,-qia.eoo tfcll
Chstahuochie river st the Ci'w.-t»u falh ,1
includihg the lame, the northr. ., b undirt jj
cross the river at s point one mi!e abore Ihel
lower shoal, be, and '.he wni is herebv *1
apart for pubi c purposes
Speaker ofthe House -,f llr"reient*liret|
P *aident oi the SentiiJ
Approved, 9.h June, 1825.
G M. TROUP, G.marine. ,
(iTThe Editors of the aeveral newawtfeniil
rhia State are requested to give the I
act one insertin', end forward their sccouii|
o lit? Executive (iffice for pa' ment
From mtk's *V.G. Price Current of.ftj
28.—On Sunday, Monday ami Tuesday lot,
there was considerable rain, which aunt
much delay in loading and discharging; i
number of vessels nmv engaged tberrai.-
Our streets still continue bad, and price!d
labor and drayag high. As to otirmariK
it remaiusmuch iu the same unsettled r:sm
as noticed in our last, and equally difficult
to describe.
Colton—From the date of our lost up to
Thursday morning, but little over 250 b Im
changed, owners ; wheu, one house took u;
from 4 to 6000 boles, at prices near our lust
qiiotat tins, wh'ch we continue; these sales
so far as we could learn, were not made bj
classification as us ial, but,on the avciugs.
valtie ofthe lot, which renders it difficult to
give correct prices. It is the opinion of
many that, ahould the weather continua
fair, and holeders not ask anadvance, heavy
sales will tak place within a short time—
Arrived this week from Tennessee and
North Alabama 1557 bales: Louisiana and
Mississippi 675; Mobile 600 ; Arkansas85;
across the lake38; inal!2903 bales* Clear
ed iu the same time, for Livernno! 1715
bales ; Glasgow 952; Havre 708 *, New*
York 4494 ;Philadelphia 284; Boston JJ;
together 8254' Difference iu favor of tr-
pnnrts 5324.
Arrived since 1st October last, lB9,1?5balef
Arrived in same time last sea
son, 134,066
Arrived in same time season be
fore, 142,413
Exported since 1st Oct. last, 156,39#
Exported in same time last sea
son, 118,009
Exported same time season be
fore, 124,651
Stock on hand to-ilay, including
all on ship board not clenr’d 34,236
Stock on hand same time lust
season, 18,926
Stockon hand same time season
before, 20.7 U
Colton Bagging—We are now at »«
gr great a loss in giving correct quo:a:inos
as during the last 3 weeks. We find "'
most every holder has a different price, and
are unabled to hear of any sales of impor
Freights still continue dull, nnd aren't
aware of any particular improvement fiw*
our last.
i ■ m - i r 1
Brig Pheasant, Baily, 13 days from 0"*
York, to J. Gumming.L Son, H.Lord 01 »■
Cohen & Miller, J. W. Long, ami C. L
Griswold & co. Passengers, Dr. Hill, **?
Mr. Foly. Spoke, last Friday night, sb'P
Savannah, Bebeo. ,
Steam-Boat Edgefield, Sassard, CharieX-
lon, 1 day, to G. B. Lamar.
The sloop Regulator, for New-York, * l *
at anchor at Tybcc yesterday.
N otice.
R, GEORGE D. SWEET, has !>«»
ippointed our Attorney, during t“ 8
ensuing Bummer season. . .
S. &M. ALLEN & CO.
June 10 61 \
The I library,
W ILL hereafter be opened for the
livery of Books from rotiR until*'
o’clock, P. M. on. Mondays, Wednesday
and Fridays. L- MASON,
fahrana 1 '-
Castor Oil and Sweet Oil
BOTTLES American Castor 08
of superior quality
600 Do do Inferior quality
10 Groce British Ink Powder, suit#
for marking cotton
or sale by LAY di