Newspaper Page Text
lOT'iiitf Biim
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the firat Saturday, aflier the first Tue«.
day in June next, will be suld at thi
Market House in the town of St. Uarya, two
negroes, via. Bub and Rose, levied on as tin.
property oi Joseph Rain, to satisfy an esedi
tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
of Samuel Clarke, andC.corgc 8. Brown.
April 8.183J- U.II HBBBAKU.S. C.C.
April 1
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the first Tuesday in July next,
W II L he sold at the Court House in the
City of Savannah, between the hours
often and four o’clock,
All the building* and improvements on Lot
No 40, Warren ward, w,lh the unexpire:* lease
of said Lut of Land, levied on as the properly
of ClialesH llsyden. under a At. fa. on fore
closure in favor of Frederick W. Heinemann.
A. D’LYON, D. S, C. C,
Mav 9 •‘ !9
Sheriff’s Sale,
On thefi st Tuesday in July next,
rrWtLL be sold ai die Coil l House be
.ween the usual hours of ten and fuui
o’clock, .
All the northern half of Lot and improve,
tnenta No. twelve (13) Coluinbii Ward, in
he city of Savannah, levied on aithe proper
ty of Wm. 9tone, under an execution from n
Justices Court in favor of Wm; Robinson, and
turned ov rbv a Constable.
Thrte Rnck tenement* on the Steam-Boat
Company’* Wharf, levied on as the propen •
of John Davidson, Agent of the Steam Bom
Comuany of Ceorgia, in favor of Barney M’Ca-
lan turned over to me by a Constable-
A negro woman named Diana, levied on
ta the propertv of John M Sish, to sai-afy an
execution in favor of 71 nWiah U. Winkler,
issued from the Huu- toe Inferior Court ul
Chatham cuuuty.
All that lot of land and the imp ovetn .-niH
thereon, situate, lying and being in the city . I
Savannah, and known and d slingiushed in u
plan of said city by the description of I ot No.
one, (lj) W.lmington Tyth-ng, D.rby Ward,
contain n^ 6‘i feel in trout on Bay it an-l 9 *
feet on Bn.1st. sod bom ded on the soii h by
Boy line, Irvxd m ns the property of lames
Morrison, to satisfy an execution in favur of
Junes Dickson U co
lakACD’f YON S C. C.
June 6 !
Administrator’s dale.
On the first Tuesduy in July next,.
B STWKEN toe usual hours, will be aold
at the Court-House in Bryan County,
the following described property, being part
cf (he i state of Matthew Carter, dec. a„d
»old for the benefit of ti.e heirs and creditor",
and by an order of the Court of Ordinary of
laid county, viz:
210 acres of lard in Gwinnett County,
known as Lot No 36J, in the 7th District.
230 acres in Roly County, known as Lol
No. 171 in tli-20th District
2j0 acres P.ue Land, in Effingham County.
Alio, two slaves.
Conditions .f sale m d* known on the day.
An-i' 2»' "I't *
A certain East India Cure for the Rheu
matism, King's Evil, 6fc.
Extract of a let'er from the Rev. James K
liab, dated ut Bengal, to Dr. F* Uedwe
Dtxn Sir : t
k GREF,AM Y to yonr request, ! have with
iV difficulty procured ami now Bund you by
the ship Jason, Capt Robinson* « few poui.d.i
of the Poladelphis, or what generally gnci
by the name of India Extract, a Medicine un*
iverially esteemed among the people of Indiao
it * certain cure lor the Rheumatism. Was
I to inform you of the number of people wh
are daily relieved and cured by this valuable
Medicine* it wou-d require more paper than
I am able to purchase and more time than I
am able to bocitow. Indeed* the effect of this
Medicine •• so immediate* that in Rheumatism
you would suppose it acted aa a cha.m in giv*
ing relief and r moving thd painful disease*
[o the King** Evil it h*s been used with gre*'
success, ami w he r Mercury has been given
or used to excess, this Medicine has proved a
perfect cure. The great difficulty, however,
of procuring the Extract, will for many yeais
to come, prevent its general circulation, it be-
! ng obtained from a Shrub growing on th*:
mountains of Thibet, in the B rmnn Empire
of India, and held so sacred by tb • natives,
that to pint witb it is like parting wi ll their
Letter to Dr* Bedwell, dated Jin. 7, *8.'3
Dear Doctor—I have been volent'y all' et,
ith a R' • u natic complain* f »r many > «'a’s ;
■ven m fi.tgers were so contracted that I
coil .d neither drew or ui'd ess myself, or g ve
the least assistance to m fa nily—I have used
nly one box of thelt-d-i Extract, a*nl 1 am
perfectly restored. Your’* truly,
it. Ralston,
.etter from Tobias Jennings, Stewa d ol St
Tltomaa* Hosptal Loudon, Feb 1,18.3
Dear tiir~l think it my djty to inform you,
i»< after trying every thing 'hat could be
onted'Hit by the mist respectable pliysi*
iuns and snrgeonu fir the relief of my son,
without any «ucct es, who you know, tins ‘oi
many year* been laboring unde** severe Rheu
matism, I w*s induced to try the PolacMphis,
with a g imniermg liope, that it might g vc
him some rehef from the excessive pain he
endure l, which rendered hi.n a useless mem
ber of society, and « burthen to hi nself. fo
tny utter astonishment the relief .v«s install.
iMi'Otts, vnd by oerseverii'g in th - * u*e of <he
Extra’, t, his jointR have retut ned to their pio-
»er nla e«, and he is in per ect h -aitli. Up
-v .id 1 f »ixty resectable nersons have c •!
ed to a my son, as all who knew him though
'l -v-f M- t'.st \>n .• 'cove.*
Druggist, whore additional certificates of
the efficacy of the above medicine maybe
May 20
ie fi
O N the ft 1 st ahtui’day after toe fi t • u
dav in August next, wifi be Buid at the
Market-Housc in the town f St Marvs, be
tween the hours of »en at d »our o’clock of
that d*y, a negro man nam -d J »hn Smith,
levi d on as the property of James William-
i H, to sat i fy an **x *cutiou on the foreclosure
of a tnoi’tgpge, m f >vor of Edward F- Tattnall,
admin si atorofJ hn Nams'ton, debased.
11.11.11ERBARD, H C-C.
St. Marys, 5ih Miy, 1825.
.Mi, " 59
Citv ^heriifs Sale, Continued.
On the first Tuesday in July next,
... 3 s... d ■ i it... Uoiirt nous; in the
VJT c.ty ot Sivannah between the usual
hours often a d bree o’clock,
AH ho build, gs o L it No. (30.) thirty,
Warden Wsrtl, bounded east by Lut No. (31^), weal by Lot hi. (29) liver,tv-ni r
north by (h ni(rc*i at. and south by a lane, Ie-
Vied on as ihe property of Ann B I’tmler, to
ail.fl-'y so execiiiion for (.roun-l rent in favor of
the I'rusterl of the Chatham Academy.
A I D’f.YDN, C- S
June " 03
Sheri,i s ules -C- ntinued.
On the first Tuesday in July next,
\4 tfl aL be sold in front of (be Court-
(louse, in the citv of Savannah, between
the raual Moiirs often an I four • ’etoclr,
Five negroes, Titus, Beti^y, Primp, Rachel,
and Phillis, levied on as the piopcriy of Tho».
N. Morel, to satisfy an execution in tkvor of the
Bank of the State of Georgia.
A. D’LYON, D.S. C C.
June 9 85
[-.“nons indebted to
tho estate of
il»u. .‘olph M’Gillis, late of Camden
Cuuuty, Jjceased, ar«* requested to make
payment and those having demands against
■«id estate, will present them to the under
St. Marvs, April 10th, 1825.
Anri. 29fi.
\(lmini!<trator a oiice.
A LL I* *r^oii9 having demands against
.b’liii Street, late of Chatham County
deceased, aiu requested to hand them in
within th time prescribed by law, duly at
tested, an ! t hose indebted are requested to
make immediate payment to
Qualified Executor.
Mav S finr +
Remedy fur the Riles,
T HE Medicine now offered to the public
is one which has been fully subjected
to the infallible test of experience ; and in
every instance where it lias been fairly tri
ed, it has been attended with the most com
plete success. In some of tho cases, the
patients had been labouring under the dis
ease for years, and during that period, bud
received the best medical advice, and had
even undergone a painful surgical opera
tion, without permanent advantage. It is
not (like those usually advertised) offered
as a certain cure for a long catalogue of
diseases, but those alllicted with this com
plaint, for which alone it is recommended,
may rely with confidence upon obtaining
relief, even in its worst forms, in a short
time; and themselves are the best judges
of the importance of such a remedy. Price
50 cents per box, with directions signed by
the proprietor. Prepared and sold ut
Drug and Chemical Store, No. 273. North
Third-St. above Callowhil). PhiladePn.
The proprietor has nppointed LAV &
HENDRICKSON, corner of Congress and
VY T liittaker-Street9, Shad’s Buildings, pole
agents for the sule of this medicine, in Sa-
vannnh, Goo.
UT The Darien Gazette, the Washing
ton News, Georgia Journal, and Macon
Messenger, will please give the above three
insertion au$ forward their accounts to
Mnv *0 L & H.
Georgia—Chatham County.
f.i the Guurt of Ordinary. M Term, 1825
O N the pe itinn of Henry Cli<mpion, -idmin-
mtrator of J hn Stree 4 1 c -ifed, praying
n order AVs* »o be mad absolute on his com
plying with lie law, lor bi»-tde of » Lot of
Ground, number four [4] ecund TytMim*
Reyrolds Wnro— 4l e v t p -t fa Lot, numb
six. Tower Tything, 1) k-r \V d bring th
real estate of the s/ui Uec tor the benefit
the heirs and creditor.*It is ordered, that
otice be pub 1 sued nine months, in one v<
he Public Gaze'ts of the City of Sivan:ah
requiring u I oteso v inierested, to show cmr’
f any they h.^ve, why the prayer of the pet i-
loner should not h*. gianted
^ M BONn. e c. o.
TvisasuT^ ?
Mahch, 14, 1825. 5
117HKREYS on the 3d of March, Iff 5. -
f Y law whs pans id by the Congress of the
United States,of which the 3d 4th. and Se
lections are in the words f dlowi g, v z •
" Sec. 3, And be it further enacted, That *
subscription to the amount of twelve miilmv-
of dollar*, of the aix P r cent, stock of the.
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
the lame is hereby proposed j for which pur*
pose book* shall be opened at the Tieiauty of
the United 9tatea, and at th *iveral loan ofti
era, on the firat dav of Anrilneit, to contii.u.
open until the first day of Ootober thereafter,
for such part* of the above mentioned d;*
script ion of stock as shall, on the day of sub
scription. stand on the books of the ,f rcaaur>,
and on those of the several loan cfll es, re
apectively / which subscription shall os effect
ed by a transfer to the United States, in the
manner provided bylaw for such trail fen, of
the cred.t or cred t* standing on the said
books, and by a surrender of the certificates
of the stock so subscribed: Provide!, That
a!I subscription by such transfer i f stoxk shall
be cmBideiedas patt of the said twelve mil-
'ions of dollars Hutborized to be borrowed by
the first *ncti n rf his rc»,
r* Sec. 4. And be i further enactedj That for
the whole or uny p«rt of any sum which sbali
be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to
the respective nbicribcrs, who shall be enti
•led to *.crrtsfi;ate or certificstu* purpurung
that the Umtcd States owe to the hul !er or
hold 'r* thereof, Ins he^ o? their issigns, i
s un to be expressed therein, equal to thr
mount of the principal slock thuituT acribtd,
•'caring .«n inte rest n-1 excce 'iog four a d
on© half per centum p. r tmnum p.tyabh’
qmrtcrlv, from the tli r 4 .v-fi st dny of Decem
ber, one thousand eight 1 u id red and twenty
five ,- transferable in ihr: same n aimer kb i*
provid' d by l*w for the trans‘*:r of riie stock
iiibicribed, and subject to redemption at tin
.le isure of the U vted 8tat< e, as follows : one
1 uif it *ny time uf er the thirty-first day of
December, one thousand eighi hundred ana
t wenty-eight: and the remainder at uny turn
nfter the thii day of December, oiu
thousand eight hundred and twfi)tv»mne t
Provided, Tlut no reimhurxement ot ali be
made except for the whole amount of sucl
new certificate ; nor until after at least sirr
ninth* puolic notice of such intended reim
bursement And it shall he the duty of ihi
•Jecretary of the Treasury to cause to be traoa
ferred to the respective subscribers the sever
al sums by them subscr bed beyond the amour,
of the ceruficstes of four wnd one half pe>
cent, slock issu d to tli* m vi spectiveK
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That
lh-3 same fa ida » ai. i have lieretutoie ben.
jnd now are pledged by law lor the pay men
of the interest, sml for the redemption a >A
reimbursement of the stock which may be re
deemed or reimbursed b/ virtue of the pro
visions of th' 4 * act, shall remain pledged in likt
msuner fir hcpavmentof the interest acci i
h.g on the siock created bv reason of so i
ffubacrip ion. and for the redemption or reirn-
jursement of the princip I of *h»* aim's. A. d
it shall be the dut of the conim.‘<sioruf 9 ot ii-e
unking fund to cause to be a,.. iiea and paid
out t>f the said fun ’, yearly and e e^y year
such sum and su ns aa may be anMuallv roqu
ed to Ug h».*gethe interest accruing i*n du
<r.oclt winch may be createdb/ virtue uf tin
u't d'he said commtSaionerx art, also, here
»y authorized '.o apply, f.» m t me to tim
aich sum and nans cu' of the s ad fund, i
vliey mwy thin a prop<r, towndr reieemi-g
oy purchase, or by reimbuiscmeu*, in con
formity with the provisions of this act, 'h
principal of the sud stock : and such purt o'
the annual sum often millions ofd -liars, vest
td by law in the said commissioners, us m
be necessary and required for th above pur
pones, shall be and continue app opriau-d t
’he payment of interest and redemption 01
the public debt, until the whole if t p s'oci'
vvhi uii may be created under the provision?
tins act, sha'.l have been redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, h 1
books will beojien.d it the Treuaury > J ' th
United St-ites, and >’t ’he several loan c.ffi.jr-s,
on the first day of Anr.l n^xt, and c muniir
open until the first tli of October, thereaf
•er. for receiving subffamtions in conformity
with 'lie prov sens of the said law.
The subscriptions mav be made bvthe pre
pm tors of the stock, ei'hnr in person or by
their attorneys duly authorize ! to subsorib
and transfer ,t to the United States.
Sl» uid subKcriptiocs of said stock hematic
to an amount exceeding twelve ni.Uiona o'
’ llnra, a distiibutiun of* he said sum oftwelv
mitliora of doilars will be made among • h-
subscrib'irs, in proportion to ti.e sums subscri
ued by them respectively,
Art:n t » Secreury of the I’ri-asurv"
V* -e’ fi 10 i|to
Georgia—Chulh. in Co nay
j he Lour-of rt v—tl •' -ni 8. 3.
O S the petition of Rob Tt Hoy, Rxe 1 Ui :r
of John Wack^rl y de<* prayi g onofde-
\'si t» be made absolute, on his c mpiyin?
th t ie law, to sell t wo T-acta of Land »v.
. u ens County, bei: g the real estUc: of th
d decease.) for the benefit of the heirs turn
: editors: It is ordertd, that a notice t»
Miblish- d nine month ^ in one of the G*.
z -ltes of the city of Savannah, vequiring u
ergons interested, to show catpe. if any the
can, why the nrayer of thv pi.t'tioner shoul*'
not ie g -anud "A liOMn p ..
Mn r
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to self a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
(lie benefit of tho lu irs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec 18 21
\\ anted
E mpty porter bottles.—a p
ply to GEO it YERSON.
March 4
'n;IUEB MONTHS from Ihisihte I sha'i
L make appl’.C'iti.iil to the Baukof the Slate
GeirRia, for na mrnt in full for th" half uf a
t n hollar hill of Bank, Letter D, N p. 2:7,
signed A. Porter, C -shier, the lefi hand half
being in iny possession—the tight hand half
signc'l by W.n. B Bol|.<cti, Pr-.aident, bei’ig
the half lost. All persona interested wi.l
ilie cfme nke ilue notice of this intentio.,
and file’heir hj ctiona at aaid Bank, within
the time mentioned
Juno 2.V'| t,
N INE MONTHS lifter da*e, applicstioc
•il tic mude to the Inferior Gou-t of
.hithim County, siffiog for ordinsvy rmr
e«, fur Icavt f o sell uM thu real estate f the
a t*Thomas Savage, of B yan County, viz:
Point Plai’tnf-on. cou9iiitingoftwn huudn i
oul eighty acr h II ce Land. • thfc O e»»r.h
liver, four miles below ih F .tv, dj n r-
•»e pla tation. «f Joseph Ui.b rsham d fit.
he i Eliott Also, two hundred j»rd lift)
cres, more or less, «.f Pine l and, snpvtain
i>’g theif*. A so. h Tract of La-d raitx.t
*a ins, o ..ii--. i nng fif y *cre', on Medway Uiv
r, .djo.u'ng the Ian s of J J. Vnawt li.
AfiAllY ?AV GE, Adnt’rx.
hi c 5 7'
Vegetable Catlmlieon.
rpHE dubscribi r respectfully solicits the at
JL teution of every fr ien d of suffering hu
niKiuty, to to the above new and invaluable
femedy, whose unequal powers in climiDBtirg
from the system the very seeds of disease,
and in restoring the deranged and morbid
condition of the organa of life to a free ami
healthy exercise ot their functions, has exci-
ted the astmishmen', and completely silen
red the objections of the most incre dulous —
Ends are the best arguments, In order to put
Ihe virtues of toe Lax'holicon to is severe a
scrutiny as possible, it was offered by adver-
t.sement. together with the attendance of a
physician, gratuitously to any :*r§i,n who
would apply for it, and whose cause might
seem t. come within the range of ita healing
power—numbers of severe cases of long ms d.
ng, and si nus of them seemingly de ;r r*te
ones, pr-* ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or w much relieved as towarrunt
the assertion that t little perseverance will do
so. In fact, such is the confidence of the ph> si
cian under whose cure these patients were
ffaced, in this remedy, a confide ce redo i
ng from the irresistible conviaion that has
been forced upon his mind by ocuiar demon*
«rration, and a personal trial of it on himself
Ik.' he peimits me to declare it as his deci
ded opinion th^t 'lie Catholicc* is not only a
perfectly sale and innocent, bin a most puw-
erlul ai.d invaluable remedy in certain dis
ea*.-a and states of thes>s'em, such as the fwl
owin er t—
Debility resulting from in*emperance and
lisdipation; Ol 1 onrl inveterat- U ccrs. Pains
the b«,n s nttended with swellings of th*.
:n’i j 1^ ii'p’S’.i'in, Blotches on the fi»ce,
ifimp’i-. , p *c j Al complaints of the Liver ;
e'*er.- Y-iws t Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases
general y | Mercurial and scrofulous com
The Catbvli.xnn (which the proprieter s«d
emnly pledges li s word consisit exciusive'y
•f vi g it-ble matter) with the exception of *
I'gui dt.termi latton to the bowels., which it
preHCi vesin a soluble state, art* insensibly, is
pl-usan’ to the taste, and reqniveti n i purlieu
ar regimen, (abarinenco from spirtuous li
quors tlways excepted,) or confinement. A:
a g< ntle, sate and agreeable cathartic nu d
cif.e. improving the appetite and restoring the
general tone of the system, it in coimd r.tly
rt commended to iadics in a delicalt- situs*
lion. \V W. POI h l ER,
C6 Ghesnui-suctt.
Philadelphia. J/oyol, 1824.
At the request of A. *V. W Potter, 1 Ut»v.
ate’iv exhibited, in several instances, t f -c*di
uicd s<riin, called Po.ter's Veget.ble Cat ho
icon, witi; the most decided advantage. I
as, as et, never failed effecting a cure in
• cry case in which I have toougi t proper to
mployit. II. H’MUR TRIE, M D
Phi adephia, July 28th, 1824,
Mr, IV tV. Potter,
Dei At—Y mi expressed a wish that l
vould give a concsc statement of my fluff r
ii js. from ' the.hopeless commencement v
J»e present propitious stage of my disease.'
About live years ago, on my parage from
itordcKui, during 'tic mouth of January, from
•mt rud nt exposure u» 'leek, i was seia d
with h violent fever Having no medical at*
endaV,tHon hoard, I was comuelied to bear
it, ns I i. g .t fur two weeks, when on my ar-
ival at CmH* stun, S. C it was treated as
■» phU3. I he sk l of my Physician subdiu cl
the fever, but P mniv'ike, toe termination
f 'his gave ris to a disease t a tally distress’
trig, » n 1 winch, ml now, I had tli -ught incu^
ble. Var.mis abscesses mude the'r unwei-
om : appearance, particularly on the joints,
which we-e «we ltd to an enormous size.-—
fhese g-adual.y sub-ided into hard tumors,
me of which or. my left knee affected V
bone—an incision was now made and a large
.evacuation ofuus, mixed with pieces of bone
look place. I • additi-.jn to thi*, l suffered the
most excruvhiimg pains in my joints that mi
ever experienred. Every thing that was
ndminniered either gave me no relief- r ser
ed to aggravate the Jisea«e, the Seventy < f
whi h incr-jaaed with every succeeding year,
•uch was mv painful si nation that Lleipairen
ufev^r being restored to my lieahh ; 1 hud
not o dv tried the e ular means of relief,
but used, though in vs«n, every popular rem-
dy 1 could hear o>‘ It was in this av fill and
I'.npond'ng condit o:'.,lhat I was perau.'.de^ tn
.ommance a course of you- Vegetable fudi l
'on, and tt'e happy re«u*t is, "/ om the use
f the two b ttha my whole syt nu has under
gone a complet 0 rcvo.ution. my pains have fa su-
Aren me f* ihe disrhar^t from my zneo n
o dimmish, and si-o . ce«-;e i altogether, >b«
ulrerfrorn ’ hence it proceeded being com
oletelv hrded. The tumors, for the removal
nf which l have tried in vain more remedic
an I can name, are rapidly decreasing } rny
appetite, which was gone, has returned—I an
in fart, hcariy well, and feel confuhmt that
few buttles more of your, (to me) invaluable
medicine, will make me per.ectly uo.
Your oblig* d fnond,
lb ime t’(jrk, ikef,cc.
Just received nncl in store,
Ofi barrels prime pork
OU 20 do do Beef
30 do Pilot and Navy Bread
2 Casks Hpcrm Oil
1 do Train do
10 Boxes Sperm Candles
3 Firkins Goshen Butter
5 Boxes Starch
3000 Pounds Cordage different sizes
Together with a general assortment of
Groceries and Provisions, which will be
sold low to close business lor the sen pun,by
Juno 1 % A. BASSETT,
VTINE Months alt., d..te, app ration will
- — he nixie to the Jualioea ,.f th I inriev
Court of Chatham Cuuuty, when -utinir for
ordinary purposes, for 'rave to sell (h»t -,nrt
of lot No. S first Tytbini;, ReynuhU JExrd n
the city of Savannah, which belong, th
late of De Larnbertns. fob the benefit of the
heita and creditor* of said eitst"
MARY EVilN, Adu,*.
June IQ, 1325, 6 7§„
N INE months after date, application will be
mudo to tin* Hon. the .lunges of the Court
ji Ordinary nf Chatham county, fur leave to
«el» all the real estate of the iate William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of tbe heirs and cred
it-.ra of said estate.
JOHN M'NISH Executor
o-i 1 71
Philadelphia, July '6, 1824.
Mv confidence in thk v^get ude catliolicou
is undiminisb .-l, an'! rs fru^h in-tances of itt*
powers atw daily occurrii g, in rny own prac
ir.e It ave no hesitation in rerommending i
n the pecul’ar diseases to u Licli it is applici
oltr, as superior toauy remedy I am acquaint-
M. M’MUltlKlE, M. D.
ed with.
cuulJ wilh to be. With my thank*, am your
obliged humble servant, Uc.
City of Philadelphia, te-
George lCrnie, of the District of South,
wurk, per.ionatly appeared, and, being dulv
tworn, doth declare and say that the above
statement is in all respects correct and true,
and that the signature to it is in the baud
writing of this deponent.
Philadelphia, May 28,1824-
The Vegetable Cathniicon is peculiarlv
adapted to those diseases which are prevalent
among tbe coloured population of tne south
In that disease which is called ytws ; it is a
Kure remedy \ a single trial of it, will convince
punters of its superior efficacy to toy rome
dy of a similar nature in tbe United States*
• No ric«.
The advantages of this medicine are, not
confining the patient unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his business.-—
•Vithi one solitary exceikion, that of spiri"i»
OIH liquors, it does not lay any restrictions upon
hit appetite It in bo gentle m ita operauon
♦bat tne pi tient finds himself getting well he
cannot tell how. As it is not tbe wish of the
proprietor to take any thing for which he
cannot give a consideration equal in value
persons at n distance who may wish to try
;.is medicine, but wbo are not certain if it
be applicobleto tbeir complaint, are request
cel to describe their case and symptoms in
a letter, post-paid, ar.d directed Co linn—th : »
letter wit! be immediately placed in hanus
hilly competent to decide the question.—
Should die remedy not seem to suit the dis
ease, they will be frankly tend so.
To prevent d sappointm^nt it is well to
it»*te that it takes in oruinary cases from 3 to
5 hotries to effect a cure so that peisuns who
are labouring under any tenons infirmity,
mu. t nuue up their mind to persevere to that
exa.-n! at least—if they do no^, they might as
well gave themselves tho trouble andexpuiae
f using » siviiler quantity.
All ordci s post paid and enclosing the money,
immediately attended to, and ue medicine
eked and delivered with directions for use,
any place in the city, aud furwarded as di
N. B. To prevent the possibility of all im*
'insition, it wi i be sol', in tbe city of Philadel
phia. at the office in Fifth near Race-Street,
or at the dwelling of the ’ ropri tor, No. 66
ffeino’S’reet, only, an l abroad by his au*
tburiz.jd agents . W VV POTTER,
66 Chesnut Street, Philudc pfiia*
I have appointed GEORGE RYE ISON,
Druggfft. of Savannah, inv uole agent. Ding
gists the above* valuable medicine,
will be supplied by him for cash, at the same
r.jtt*, as 11* ordered direct from me—Viz. fc3Q
pci di.zen, or three dollar.-: a s ngle bottle.
W. VV. HOTTER, Philadelphia.
Any person on application to tbe subscribe]
will be furnished with certificat es of tlu* * tli
;hcv of tiie above medicine, sufficient *o con
vince the mind of the must sceptical, ulihouph
loo numerous and lengthy for newspaper c-
aertion* GEO. wVER-ON, Druggibt,
Coi ner of Bay ar.d VVt.iltaker Sireets.
dec 13
Between ff. Davies. Administrator, Complain
ant, and John ■ aniochun Administrator, d,
bonis no with the wi'l annexed of George
Richardson and others, Defendants. In
equity, Chatham Superior Court- Chawe’y,
20th August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Carnochnn,
one of the defendants in the aaid biii of
complaint named, resides without the state of
Geo gin, in that part of the UniL d Kingdoms
of Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the said John Murray Car*
nochan, do appear and answer to the com
plainant's said bill, within nine months from
the date of this order, otherwise that the
said bill, as to him, be taken pro cordV9su .*
and it ih further ordered, that a copy of thin
order be publish'd once a week, in one of
the public G izevtcs of this state, until th;: ex-
pirg.iun of the time within which the saidde-
iei dunt is required to appear and answer as
t rue cmv from the Minutes, thi* 21st day
August, 1824. A. B.FANNIN, Clerk,
iiig'is* .4 50f
Georgia Camden County.
W 'itGUEAS Sarah Brown. Junior, widow,
applies to die Court of Ordinary of • aid
County, for Letters of Administration cu tne
. state of John Brown, lain of said county, de
ceased, tr next of k.u: These are, therefore,
•.« c»te «n 1 a^numLh, aft and singular, the
kindred -lid r.reditora of suid deceased, 'o fi'c
the’r .! j actions, if any they hive, in m of
fice, on ur before the first *io. d\y in June
next,otherwise Letteis will begrurned the ap
Witnisi the Honorable Britmn U Hunk
ley, one of the Justices of auid Court,
ttn> six teen'li day of April, eighteen
hundred a. d twenty .five.
April 21
is otiee.
4 LL person, having floma uli against the
estate of Constant Freeman Esq H( e ol
(he citv of WaihinKtun, deceased, are re
<] o ed lo hand (hem in, legally aitested,
within the time prescribed by lav : and (hose
indebted to said e- t.te, are requi-ed lo roak r
immediate payment, to
J»n 14 42p,
FSiluuUpMa, .May 28.18 4
Sin—In consequence of imprudent expos
•ire fon*' oars aj... I had rile misfortune o be
coo’e'fflcled with a disease, the painful re'
sul s oi which induced me to apply in auc
soon to several respectable physicians o
s city, from whom, however, I received
cither no relief, or from whose rco.ed'Cs I re-
ceived another cumplaint quite aa distieaaing
<1 tile former. My whole syste 1 became a
looted. 1 could get no rest at night on *c
cou rt cf the violent nain that I felt in every
part of my body / Ihe weaknes* and e naci*
tiou of which was such t' at I could scarcely
walk. In this atat: I fortunately heard of
you- vegetable calholicon- four bottle* ol
which, has completely restored me, I have
now no pain | my xppetite is good ; and m>
strength restored With many thanki for
'he relief yonr medicine his given mr, I am
your obliged friend, tie.
Sworn and aubaer hed to before me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNSi A.dcrman,
Phi ailefihia, May 28,18’4.
Sir—I nm now, thanks to your medicine, a
hearty m*. F >r nearly six years I have been
a martvr to a disease, whose ravage! threat,
ened, if not soon atopped, to put x period to
my existence. Having had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, mv
comnlxmt at last got to inch a height that I
could not awallow without great pain and
difficulty- Tumor* formed in different parts
of n y b.-dy, and I began to think my aituation
vlmoit draper si e. I be five bottlea of the
Caihol'Con which I have taken have com
pletely cured me, and I am now a, well aa 1
Georgia—Camden County.
4RTHEHKAS ’oho Chevalier, hes applied
7 v to void Court, for Letters Dismiaar*
n the estates of Samuel Cozens and Evan E.
-nek, deceased. These are, therefore, to
rite a id admonish, ail and (ring tLr, the kin
Orcd and creditors ot the said d ceased pei>
':i*s, t> fiie their objections, if any they h:«v..,
i my ofii-je, on or before the firat Monday in
January next, or Letters will be granted the
Witness the Honorable J .mcs Scott, one
of the juatices r.f said Court, this six- day of April, e ghteen hundred
and twenty-fi,^.
[L. *•: ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. t C
r 1 ’t ”4
Geo gia— Camden County.
rrWIlRREAS Lewis Bachlott, applies to the
Jj Court of Ordinary of aaid County; for
. .ettera Dismissory on the estate of Fr.ucea
R.aolupe: These are, therefore, to cite aud
ulmunish, all nnd singular, the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to fi'e their ohjec
tioni, if any (hey have, in my office, on or be
fore tlie fi at Monday in January next, other-
iiae Le'ters Dismissory will be granted the
Witness the Honorable Samuel Clarke,
one of the Jnsticei of said Court, this
sixteenth day of April, eighteen hun
dred and twenty-five.
[L. 8 ] JOHN BAILRY, C. C. O C C
At-I 2* >4
ITiaeoTtrs mi-ioi, /
r ».onnla
nornhill flv.lon ft, puhlMunx S{]ni$,
PA Hftr BIBLE C 0,u,run/Jl°f*
garni Btfe’ cncr, lo he y/' 1 !;
belli,heel with a lilerriesi of the Au!lu r . '***
I T shall be well printed, on gnna
be comp 'ifed in six handson,
will cutitam the Scriptures of t'ie tyt *
.‘Lw Te,inmeuli,V.vt Inlroductor-i oi,»J ’"■I
Explanatory Aotm. and Pruciic il
and all the copious Margin,,! « e ft,
mg priu'td word tur wor.l from t|, B • ’ ,'
Stereotype Edition, publislicd since ih, 1 ”""
Ihor's dececse Tlie price will |, e a 2l A i“
hoards; *24, in sheep, 830, in calf bilidu,1"
The whole »urk will be ready for deli,.,, f
May, 182$, l,t r) b/
Ex'.ract, uf Letlr, ailtlretiedlo the Pub'i,'
I esteem llr. S;ott\ Fain.iy Bib)., e,
caioulated to promote the cans- of truth B J
piety It seems acuieely poss.ble fc, 0I *7
read daily the Notes and Observaiio.., ij!!?
Family Bible without beenmi-.g a wi!', “
belter man. ED WARD D GRiFfy;
I have teen no eo.mnsulary of t! ltt «...
Spripiures which 1 think >o well a.Hve ',
general use and edifientmn. It is a
which everj famaly ought to poss- ss.
, L . A. KITOS,
It is a work dial. -;u shed for the simpl e,
ty and convenience of its arrangemenl,
clearness oil i fidelity of its exposition, y,
neatness aud perapieu.ty 0 f ns nj| e , ipj '
nevolence and candour of its spiral, ihe cl
ciseutss nn:l pertinency of ts applies,
and for its uniform tendency to pro note*, J
geical truth wd piety,
. ARIEL ilDLana
Of Dr. Scous Family Bible, I fe d f tl . e ', 0
say, ih.d in mv estimution it deservedly r
among oursDlest and best Comm- nta'ie,' ‘
Dc Sootl’a Family B.ble intended r.v U
pecialiy fir T e use of Chnsiisr. .aniilie,
work highly cvrngelical, extensively in,i,me
tive, ana deeply interesting.
Daniel'c. s anbers.
rhecharacter of Dr. Scott’s Commeniarv
on the Bible is so genersll, known, auj „
highly ..pprnvctl amongst the him inle'lie.nt
um|| plot’s Christiana throughout our cenntiy,
Mi l hia pf.ysctl rapidly thvoiigii so u.unvUtoe I
i-dilions, tl ai I deem further rec<iinmeii.> I
liuus ueedleiia*
I am acquainted with no Convneniury oa
lb Sacred he-iptuiea, which I would nnre
cord aiiv recumuicpu tor general u^e. ]h*
plan of the work is good
Perhaps in no way, can miiiialcrs, wet ;>l
•f youtii, and private Christiana, do ^u-i.r
lerv’ce to Eocietv, than by exeit-itg t!'
ae'ves to d«83: linu ffe this truly inva.u.jli
I know of .to ^omineuta'y which j* b> t*er
calculated for diffusing correct vie as ofi!»j
grc-i t truths of ChriKtianity, a* d le j«.lu.
t'at’y impressions on th mind when rx j»
r jm the pe u-ol of it, than the one ycu hie
-i>uut to publish.
No writer seems less disposed tocouimd
for barren specula i .ns. None inoie m.i.o uu
ly or mure >pow.: fully inculcates the g-, tt.i o
aentialsol religion The spirit whffh p,t.
vades the work is txcelVnt j 't ia the mt k,
MUeclioiiarc, healing, yet faithful spirit cf tne
gospel. DA'-TEL DANA.
From particular examiuati n, and concur,
ring tustffnunv, there is no doubt an my mini
that Scott's Family B.ble is superior to .ill
others JO** PJ! EMERSON.
You will ple»s *tu »ei d me six copes of
Scott's Bibie / 1 refer »o . mr lately pio|:ottd
edition Perhaps I shall induce li>e inure to
take the same number. 11 L.
It ia with extreme pleasure I perceive
voi» are about to publish a new edition < f
aSCijtl'e Bible. Having been in poas ssion of
it move tl.a 120 yiarn, 1 trus i know S’-mc*
thing of us value, ami am UetevnuLed to pro.
uiote i>» c rcuhuion among my tneiula Yoti
will please forwacd aia copies as soon us pu>
Ushed, d. y
I have obtainod four sub criberf. f".* the
exc< ilent work you are puhligliing H. S.
I uroposfe to take ueven seis of Jcoti'a di*
ble, and will be aucount&bie fur the same.
J C.
I have obtained subaci for ninec pin
of Scoit'a F;railv B ble. J. L’.
I shall probably need eight or ten s.’Ja uf
. Scott's Family Bible. J. P-
Rev. b. S. of P. has o’ tiined ten svri.sct;*
bora. E. 'i
I have observed that you are about pub.
tithing anorher cdiiion of Scott's 15 We
hope you rimy succce I as you h ve dure in
utrmer edition*. I have been cudeavoriig to
orocurc subacriberi’ affio.'g our people, »i.d
tenor more aubscribcra wnl be ob ai‘.ed.
I will take ten sets (uf Scolt'a Bible)
bound and lettered. J K*
I have obtained ten subscrioers for yonr
edition of the Family Bible—unci haw ,|J
d. uht but there might be soniethnig hkc tW
copiea M)ldin this place if you had sin Ag-*‘t
here—I thought ire work ought to be
coyaged ar.d for hat reason took a subscrib*
lion paper It is a work that every Ltrrijf
should have that is able to puich* r:.
J. K. M'C.
I am glad, that y^u propose to print #'■
Scott’s excellent Family Commentary,
should be very glad if it were in my power to
give a more liberal patronage to the work,
than, as circumstances are, I can. I«u»N»
However, be able to do something { eight
ten se's I shall rertaiuly take; and it may be,
double that number. A. B.
i have procured fifteen subacribrra w
Scott's Bible. ^ J. A. V,
1 think I shall dispose of 20 sets or mure of
be Family Bible. R. B (
I have circulated proposals for Sco?t%
Bible i how many have been engaged in
cannot it'll / but between 20 and 30 sets io
b s vicinity. . J. S*
1 have concluded tn become respond!*
to you for thirty sets of Scott’s Commentary*
Ci B*
I have procured 106 subicribers lo tbe
Bible; 6 sets to be bound in c»tf; 3 *et* ’J
be done in boards the other 97 «eu, bound
and lettered as described in the prospectus.
H. Mi.
1 presume I could procure 500 subscri
bers lor your edition of Scott’s Bible Jbj
demand ia increasing for them. They
finally supersede every other large or Fatm*)
Bible. Fifty of my aubscriberg live within
circle of 8 miles! J ***
Just published an edition of the samx wobi,
completed in six volumes, without . mar J in *j
references; price in boards 8^* <« re c J
g2t; in calf $27. Either of these edition}
may be had of the pubjiuher in Boston ; or oi
S. G- & J, SCHENCK, Savannah.
.la tl
xJ*/ Irom Brig Pheasant, for sale by
April 19 C. C. GRISWOLD,
•Marking Brushes,
O F a superior quality, just received wd
for sale by GfiU. RYKRSO^
00V 80