Newspaper Page Text
VWfim VMM*
Sheriff’s Sales.
O N the firat Saturday, after the firet Tuea-
day in June neat, will be (old at the
Market-House in the town of St. Marys, twi.
negroes, via. Bub and Hole, levied on aa the
property ot Joseph Rain, to satisfy an elocu
tion on the foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor
of ismuel Clarke, snd George 8. Brown.
April 8,18JJ- M. H. UEBBARD, S C.C.
April 1 >3
Sheriff’s Sales.
On the firtt Tuesday in July next,
W U. L be aold at the Court Houae m the
City of Savannah, between the houra
often and four o’clock.
AH the building* and improvement* on Lot
No 40, Warren ward, with tbe uneipired leaie
of aaid Lot of Land, levied on a* the property
of Chaleo H Hayden, under a fin. fit on fore
closure in favor uf Frederick W Heinemann.
A. D’LYON, D. S. C. C.
May 9 39
Sheriff's Sale,
On the first Tuesday in July next,
,%MILL be aold at the Gout Houae be
i ween the uaual hour* of ten and four
All tbe northern half of Lot and improve-
memo No. twelve (12) Columbia Ward, in
the city of Savannah, levied on aathe proper-
y of Wm. Stone, under on execution from a
Juatiee* Court in favor of Wm, Robinion, arid
turned over by a Conetable.
Three Brick tenement* on the Steam-Boat
Company’* Wharf) levied on aa the property
of John Davidaon, Agent of the 8team Boat
Company of Georgia, in favor ofBarney li’Cal-
Ian. turned over to me by a Constable-
A negro woman named Diana, levied on
tithe propertyof John M'Niah,to aatiafy an
execution in favor of Z .chariah II. Winkler,
issued from the Hon- tue Inferior Court of
Chatham county.
All that lot of land and the improvements
thereon, situate, lying and being in the city of
Savannah, and known and distinguished in a
plan of said city by the description of Lot No.
one, (tj) Wilmington Tything, Darby Ward,
contain-ng 6ff feet in front on Bay at and 9'J
feet on Bull st, and bounded on the south by
Bay lane, levied on aa the property of James
Morrison, to satisfy an execution in fkvor of
.James Dickson if co
June 6 63
Administrator’s Sale.
On the fist Tuesday in July next,
B ETWEEN the usual hours,-will be aold
at the Court-Houae in Bryan County,
th following described property, being part
of the estate of Matthew Carter, dec. and
sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors,
and by an order of the Court of Ordinary of
said county, vix i
910 acres of Isnd in Gwinnett County,
known as Lot No 363, in tbe 7th District.
350 acres in E*i ly County, known as Lot
No 174, in the 30th District
200 acres Pine Land, in Effingham County.
Also, two slaves.
Condition* "f sale known on the day.
Anri' 3« 30+1’*
A certain East India Cure for the Rheu•
mutism, King's Evil, SfC.
Extract of a letter from the Rev. James E
lish, dated at Bengal, to Dr. F- Bedwe
Dana Sin :
A GREEABLY to your request, I have with
difficulty procured and now send you by
the ship Jason, Capt. Robinson, a few pounds
of the Poladelphia, or what generally goes
by the name of India Extract, a Medicine un.
i versally esteemed among.the people of Indiso
as a certain cure for the Rheumatism. Waa
I to inforin you of the number of people wh
are daily relieved and cured by this vslusble
Medicine, it wou d require more paper than
1 am able to purchase and more time than 1
am able to bestow. Indeed, the effect of this
Medicine it to immediate, that in Rheumatism
vou would suppose it acted as a charm in giv
ing relief and removing that painful disease-
In the King’s Evil it hat been used with great
success, and where Mercury bat been given
or used to excess,' this Medicine his proved a
perfect cure. The great difficulty, however,
ol procuring the Extract, will for many years
to come, prevent its general circulation, it be.
ing obtained from a Shrub growing on the
mountains of Thibet, in tbe Berman Empire
of India, and held to sacred by the natives,
that to part with it is like parting with their
Letter to Dr. Bedwell, dated Jan. 7, 1823.
Dear Doctor—I have been violently affected
with a Rheumatic complain* for many years ,-
even my fingers were so contracted that 1
could neither dress or undress myself, or give
the least assistance to my fa nily—I have used
only one box of the Ind a Extract, and I am
perfectly restored. Your’s truly,
Letter from Tobias Jennings, Steward of St
Thomas’ Hosptal, London, Feb. 1, 1823.
Dear -Sir—I think it my d uy to inform you,
that after trying every thing that could be
pointed out by the most respectable physi
cians and surgeons for the relief of my sdii,
without any success, who you know, his for
many years been laboring under severe Rheu
matism, I was induced to try the Poladelphis,
with a glimmering hope, that it might give
him some relief from tbe excessive pain he
endured, which rendered bin a useless mem
ber of society, and a burthen to hi mself. To
my utter astonishment the relief was instan
taneous, snd by persevering in the use of the
Extract, his joints have returned to their pro-
per olsces, and he is in perlect health. Up
words of sixty respectable nersons have cal
led to see my son, aa all who knew him thought
it impossible that he eouH recover.
Druggist, where additional certificates of
the efficacy of the above medicine maybe
May 20
Sheriff’s Sale.
O N the fi at Saturday after the fi-st Tuet-
day in August next, will be sold at tbe
Market-Houae in the town nf St. Marys, be
tween the hour* of ten and four o’clock of
that day, a negro man named John Smith,
levied on at the property of James William-
a, n, to sati fy an execution on the foreclosure
of a mortgage, in fivor of Edward F. Tattnall,
administrator of John Hamilton, deceased.
M. H. HERB ARD, & C.C.
St. Mtryi, 5th May, 1825.
Jute 2 J9
City ‘"heritf’s Sale, Continued.
On the first Tuesday in July next,
E I..J, be so d -t Hi., Luurt house in the
city of Savannah between the uautl
hours of ten •' d three o’clock,
All '.he buildi g, on Lot No. ( 30.) thirty.
Warden Ward, bounded east by Lot No. (31,)
thirty-one, wes' by Lot No. (29)' e,
north by Congress st and south by a lane, le
vied on as the property of Ann B Finder, to
satisfy an execution for ground rent in favor of
tbe Trusted of the Chathsm Academy.
A. I. D’LYON, C- .S
June 11 6 8
Sherilf’s oales —Continued.
On the first Tuesday in July next,
At WILL be sold in front of the Cnurt-
W House, in the city of Ssvannah, between
tbe usual hours of ten and four o’clock,
Five negroes, Titus, Betsey, Prime, Rachel,
nod Phillis, levied on as the property of Thns.
N. Morel, to satisfy an execution in favor of tbe
Bank of the State of Georgia.
A. D’LYON, D. S. C. C.
June 9 65
Remedy for the Files,
T HE Medicine now offered to the public
is one which hue been fully subjected
to the infallible test of experience ; mid in
every instance where it has been fairly tri
ed, it has been attended with the most com
plete success. In some of the cases, the
patients had been labouring under the dis
ease for years, and during that period, had
received the best medical advice, and had
even undergone a painful surgical opera
tion, without permanent advantage. It is
not (like those usually advertised) offered
as a certain cure for a long catalogue of
diseases, but those afflicted with this com
plaint, for which alone it is recommended,
may rely with confidence upon obtaining
relief, even in its worst forme, in a short
time; and themselves are the best judges
of the importance of such a remedy. Price
50 cents per box, with directions signed by
the proprietor. Prepared and sold at
Drug and Chemical Store, No. 273, North
Third-St. above Callowliill, Philadel’a
The proprietor has appointed LAY &
HENDRICKSON, corner of Congress and
Whittaker-Streets, Shad’s Buildings, sole
agents for the sale of this medicine, in Sa
vannah, Geo.
1E7 The Darien Gazette, the Washing
ton News, Georgia Journal, and Macon
Messenger, will please give the above three
insertion and forward their accounts to
May to L. & H.
Administrator’s Notice.
A LL persons indebted to the estate of
Randolph M’Giilis, late of Catndc-n
County, deceased, are requested to make
payment, and those having demands against
said estate, will present them to the under
St. Marys, April 10th, 1825.
April 37 29fr.
Administrator’s Notice.
A LL persons having demands against
John Street, late of Chatham County,
deceased, are requested to hand them in,
within the time prescribed by law, duly at
tested, and those indebted are requested to
make immediate payment to
Qualified Executor.
May 5 3fl?.t
Georgia— Chatham County,
In the Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1825.
i the petition of Henry Champion, admin-
1/ istrator of John Street, dec -ased, pray ing
an order JYiti -n he made absolute on his com
plying witn the law, for the sale of a Lot of
Ground, number four, [4] second Tything
Reynold* Ward—Also, part of a Lot, number
sia, Tower Tything, Decker Ward, being th.-
real estate of the s-id dec, lor the benefit nf
the heirs and creditor*It is ordered, thst i.
notice be published nine months, in one o'
the Public Gazetts of the City of Savannah,
requiring all persons interested, to -how cause
if any they have, why the prayer of the peti
tioner should not be granted.
S. M. BOND, c e. o.
Mav 14 44§
Treasury Department, ?
March, 14, 1825. 3
W HERE AS on the 3d nf March, 18: 5, >■
law waa passed by the Congress of tbe
United 8tates,of which the 3d, 4th, and 5th
sections are in the words following, via :
•* Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, Thlt s
subscription to the amount of twelve mi'.lom
of dollars, of the aix per cent, stock of the
year eighteen hundred and thirteen, be, and
tbe same is hereby proposed i for which pur
pose books shall be opened at the Treasury of
the United States, and at tht several ban nffi
eea, on the first day of April next, to continue
open until the first day of October thereafter,
for such parts of the above mentioned de
scription of stock aa ahall, on the day of sub
seription, stand on the bonks of the Treasury,
•nd on those of the several loan offices, re
tpectively t which subscription shall be effect
ed by o transfer to the United State* in the
manner provided by law for such tran.fcrs, ol
the credit or credits standing on the said
books, and by a Surrender of the certificates
of the stock so subscribed : Provided, That
all subscription by rich transfer of Stock ahall
be considered a* part of the said twelve mil-
liona of dollars authorized to be borrowed by
tbe firat lection tf his act.
<’ Sec. 4. And he it further enacted, That for
the whole or any p»rt of any sum which shall
be thus subscribed, credits shall be entered to
the respective subscribers, who shall be enti
tied to a certificate or certificates purporting
that the United State* owe to the hid ter or
holders thereof, bis, her, or their assigns, *
sum to be expressed therein, equal to the
amount of the principal stook thus subscribed,
bearing an intereat n it exceeding four and
one half per centum per annum, payable
quarterly, from the thirty-first day of Decem
ber, one thousand eight hundred and twenty
five; transferable in the tame manner as i»
provided by law for the transfer of the stock
subscribed, and subject to redemption at the
pleasure of the United States, is follows: one
half at any time af-er the thirty-first day nf
December, one thousand eight hundred and
twenty-eight: and the remainder at any time
after the thirty-first day of December, one
thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine :
Provided, That no reimbursement shall be
made except for th* whole amount of such
new certificate; nor until after at least aix
months public notice of such intended reim
bursement. And it shall he the duty of the
Secretary of tbe Treasury to cause to be trans
ferred to the respective subscribers the lever-
•1 sums by them subscribed beyond the amount
of tbe certificates of four and one half per
cent, stock issued to them respectively.
“Sec. 5. And be it further enacted. That
the same funds which have heretofore been,
and now are pledged by law for the payment
of the intereat, ind tbr the redemption and
reimbursement of the stock which may be re
deemed or reimbursed by virtue of the pro
visions of this act, shall remain pledged in like
manner for the payment of the irterest accru
ing on tbe stock created by reason of such
subscription, and for the redemption or reitn-
buraement of the principal of the same. And
it shall be the duty of the commissioners of the
•inking fund to cause to be applied and paid,
out of the said fund, yearly and e- e-y year,
such sum and sums as may be annually rnquir-
ed to discharge tbe interest acciuing on the
stock which may be created by virtue of this
act The said commissioners are, also, here
by authorized to applyj from t me to tim«,
such sum and sums out of the said fund, as
they may think proper, towards redeeming
by purchase, or by reimbursement, in con
formity with the provisions of this set, the
principal of the said stock : and such part of
the annual sum of ten millions of dollars, vest
ed by law in the said commissioners, as may
be necessary and required for the above pur
poses, shall be and continue appropriated to
the payment of interest and redemption ol
the public debt, until the whole t,f the stock
which may be created under the provisions of
this act, shall have been redeemed or reim
Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that
books will he opened at the Treasury of the
United States, and at the several loan offices,
on the first day of Anril next, and continue
open until the firat da" of October, thereaf
ter, for receiving subset intiona in conformity
with 'he provisions of the said law.
The subscriptions mav be made by the pro
prietors of the stock, either in person or by
their attorneys duly authoriz vl to subscribe
and transfer it to the United States.
Should subscriptions of said stock he made
to an amount exceeding twelve millions ol
dollars, a distribution of the said sum of twelve
millions of dollars will be made among die
•ubscribers, in proportion to the suma subscri
bed by them respectively,
Acting Secretary of tbe Treasury*
March 76 10 t|tO
Georgia—Chatham County.
In ihe Court of Ordinary—May Term, 1823.
O N the petition of Robert Hoy, Executor
of John Wackerly, dec. praying an order
Aim to be mide absolute,, on his complying
w-tlt the law, to sell Two Tracts of Land ir.
Lauren* County, being the real estite ofthr
aid deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors: It is ordered, thlt a notice be
published, nine months, in one of the Ga
zettes of the city of Savannah, requiring a'l
persons interested, to show cause, if any they
esn, why the prayer of the petitioner should
nut be granted S. M. BOND, c. c. o
Mav ”8 ST
N INE MONTHS after the date of this
notice, application will be made to the
Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Liber
ty County, for permission to sell a part of
the real estate of John Stacy, deceased, for
tbe bonefitoftbo heirs and creditors of said
deceased. JOHN W. STACY,
dec IS 21
W anted,
ply to GEO it YERSdN.
ply to
T HREE MONTHS from (his date, I shall
make application to the Bauk of the State
Georgia, for payment in full for the half of a
ten dollar bill of laid Bank, Letter D, No. 217,
signed A. Porter, Cashier, the left hsnd half
being in my possession—the right hand half
signed by Wm. B Bulloch, President, being
the half lost. All persona interested will
therefore take due notice of this intention,
and file their objections at said Bank, within
the time mentioned
June 2 5bfp$
N INE Months after date, application will
be made to the Justices of the interior
Court uf Chatham County, when sitting for
ordintty purposes, for leare to aell that nart
of lot No. 5 firtt Tything, Reynolds Ward, in
the city of Savannah, which belongs to the es
tate of De Lambertoi. for the benefit of the
heira and creditors of said estate.
June 10, 1835. 671,1
N INE MONTHS utter date, application
will be made to the Inferior Court of
Chatham County, sitting for ordinary purpo
ses, for leave to sell all the real estate r.f the
late Thomas Savage, of Bryan County, viz:
Point Plantations consisting of two hundred
and eighty acres Rice Land, on the 0;:eechee
River, four miles below the F rry, adjoining
the plantation of Joseph Habersham «’rd Ste
rhen El iott Alno, two hundred and fifty
acres, more or less, of Pine Land, appertain*
ing thereto.. Also a Tract of Land called
Stalina, cooti.i ,ing fif y acres, on Medway Riv
fir, tadjjuiing the Ian * of J. J. Maiwcll.
MARY SAVaGE, Adm'rv.
Jtre ’5 71
Prime Pork, Beef, &?c.
Just received and in store,
01/21) do do Beef
30 do Tilot and Navy Bread
2 Cnslts Sperm Oil
1 do Train do
10 Boxes Sperm Candles
3 Firkins Goshen Butter
5 Boxes Starcli
3000 Pounds Cordage different sizes
Together with a general assortment of
Groceries and Provisions, winch will be
sold low to close business for tile season,by
June I
N INE months after date, application will be
made to the Hon. the Judges of the Court
uf Ordinsry -if Chatham county, for leave to
aell all the real estate of the late William Craig,
deceased, for the benefit of the heirs snd cred
itors of said estate.
JOHN M’NISH, Executor,
oct 17 7i
A LL persona having demands againit the
T%. estate of Constant Freeman, Esq. late of
the city of Washington, deceased, ire re
quired to hand them in, legally attested,
within the time prescribed by law : and those
indebted to asid estate, are required te make
immediate payment, to
1* 43pa
Vegetable Catholicon.
rpHESubscrihtr respectfully solicits the at
U tention of every friend of suffering bp,
inanity, to to the above nrw and invaluable
remedy, whole unequal powers in eliminating
from the system the very seeds of disease,
and in restoring the deranged and morbid
condition of the organa nflife to a free end
healthy exercise of their funefoni, has exci
ted the a-tnniahmen-, and completely alien
eed the objections ofthr most incredulous—
Facts are the best arguments. In order to put
tbe virtues of tue Catholicon to aa aevere a
scrutiny as pouible, it was offered by adver
tisement, together with the attendance of a
physician, gratuitously to any neraon who
would apply fur it, and whose cause might
aeent to come within the range of its healing
power—numbers of aevere cams of long air'd-
ing, and some of them seemingly dejperne
ones, pre-ented themselves, all of which have
been cured, or so much relieved as to warrant
the sssertion that a little perseverance will do
so. In fact, such is the confidence of the physi
cian under whose care these patients were
placed, in this remedy, a confidence result
ing from the irresistible conviction that baa
been forced upon tits -oinJ by ocular demon
stration, and a peraonil trial nf it on himselt
that he permits mo to declare it as his deci
ded opinion, that the Catholicon ia not only a
perfectly safe and innocent, but a moat pow
erful and invaluable remedy in certain dis
ease! and states of the system, auch as tbe’fol
owin g *—
Debility resulting from intemperance and
dissipation t Old and inveterate Ulcers. Pains
in the bones attended with swellings of the
join'*) Indigestion, Blotches on the face,
pimples, tcc. t All complaints of the Liver t
Tetter.- Yaws, Syphilis.- Cutaneous diseases
generally | Mercurial and acrofuloua com-
The Catholicon (which the proprieter sol
emnly pledges h s word consists exclusively
of vegetable matter) with the exception of a
slight determi lation lo tbe bowels, which it
preserves in a soluble state, acts insensibly, is
pleasant to the taste, and requirea n ■ particu-
'ar regimen, (abstinence from apirtuous li
quors always excepted.) or confinement. As
a gentle, safe end agrec ible cathartic medi
cine, improving the appetite and restoring the
geneeal tone of the system, it is confidently
recommended to iadies in a delicate situa
tion. W W. POTTER,
66 Cheanut-itreet.
Philadelphia, May 31,1824
At the request of Mr. W. W Potter, I hive
lately exhibited, in several instances, a medi
cited sirup,called Po'ler’s Vegetable Gatho
licon, with the most decided advantage- It
baa, as vet, never filled effecting score in
eiery case in which I have thought proper to
employ it. H. M’UUR TRIE, M D.
PlU'ade'phia, July 28th, 1824.
Mr. W- IV. Potter,
Dear Sir—You expressed a wish that I
would give a concise statement of my a-.iffer-
inga, from ‘ the hopeless commencement, to
the present propitious stjge of my disease.’
About five years ago, on my passage from
Bordeaux, during the month of January, from
imprudent exposure on dock, 1 was seised
with a violent fever. Having no medical at
tendantson board, I waa compelled to bear
it, as 1 might fur two weeks, when on my ar.
rival at Charleston, S. C. it was treated as
Typhus. The skill of my Physician subdued
the fever, but Phmnix-like, the termination
of tbia gave rise to a disease equally distress
ing, and which, till now, I had thought incur
able. Various abscesses made their unwel
come appearance, particularly on the joints,
which were swelled to an enormous size.—
These gradually subsided into hard tumors,
one of which on my left knee affected the
bone—an incision wss now made and a large
evacuation of pua, mixed with pieces of bone
took place. In addition tn this, I suffered the
most eseruciating pains in my joints that man
ever experienced. Every thing that was
administered cither gave me no relief nr ser
ved to aggravate the disease, the ueverity of
which increased with every succeeding year.
Such w.ts my painful si. ustion that I despaired
of ever being restored to my heal' h i 1 had
not o-ily tried t'te regular means of relief,
but used, though in vain, every popular rem
edy 1 cnjld hear of- It was in this aa ful and
despoml-ng condition,that I was persuaded to
..ommence a course of your Vegetable f'nh.d
icon, and the happy result is “/ om the use
of the tioobotiho, my whole syo'em has under
gotten complete revolution, my pains huve foisu-
ken methe discharge from my knee began
to diminish, snd soon ceased altogether, the
uleerfrom whence it proceeded being com
pletely healed. The tumors, for the removal
of which I have tried in vain more remedies
than I can name, are rapidly decreasing s my
appetite, which was gone,has returned- lam
ill fact, nearly web, and feel confident that s
few hollies mure of your, (lo mej invaluable
medicine, will make me per'ectly so.
Your oblig.-d friend,
Philadelphia, July 5, 1874.
My confidence in the vegetjhle catholicon
is undiminishu l, and as fresh in tanccs of its
powers are daily occurring, in iny own prac
tice. I have no hesitation in recommending h,
in the peculiar diseases to which it ia applica
ble, as superior to any remedy I am acquaint
ed with. M. M’MURTKIE, M. D.
Philadelphia, May 28,18 4
Sin—In consequence of imprudent expos
ure four years ago, 1 hid the misfortune ‘o be
come afflicted with a disease, the painful re-
sul'sot w hich induced me to apply in suc
cession to several respectable physicians of
this city, from whom, however, I received
either no relief, or from whose remedies I re
ceived another complaint quite as distressing
.is the former. My whole system became *■'•
fected. I could get no rest at night on ac
count of the violent pain that I felt in every
part of my body ; the weakness and e-ntcia
tion of which waa such that I could scarcely
walk. In this state I fortunately hrard of
your vegetable catholicon—four bottles of
which, hss completely testored me, I have
now no pain i my appetite ia good; and my
strength restored With many tbanka for
the relief your medicine has given me, I ant.,
your obliged friend, tic.
Sworn and subser bed to before me, May 28,
1824 JOHN BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28,1874,
Sir—I am now, tbanka to your medicine, a
hearty mar. For nearly aix years I hive been
a martyr to a disease, whose ravages threat,
ened, if not aoon stopped, to put a period to
my existence. Hiving had no regular medi
cal advice from the commencement, my
complaint at last gnt to auch a height that I
could nut swallow without great pain and
difficulty. Turnon formed in different parti
of my body, and 1 began to think my aituation
almost desperate. 'The five bottle* of the
Catholicon which I have taken have com
pletely cured me, end 1 am now at well a* I
could wish to be. With my thanks, am your
obliged humble servant, We.
City of Philadelphia, «»■
George K me, of the District of South-
vsrk, personally appeared, and, being dul,
sworn, doth declare and say that the above
statement is in all respects correct and true,
tad that the signature to it is in the hand
writing of tbia deponent.
JOH" BINNS, Alderman.
Philadelphia, May 28, 1824-
The Vegetable Catholicon ia peculiarly
adapted to those diseases which are prevelent
among the coloured populat on of the south
In that disease which is called yaws, it is a
sure remedy i a single trial of it, will convince
S lanters of its superior efficacy to any rente
y of a similar nature in the United States-
The advantages of this medicine are, not
confining the paiieot unnecessarily to the
house, or keeping him from his busineas.—
With one solitary exception, 'hat of aniritn-
ous liquors, it doet not lay any restrictions upon
hie appetite It is so gentle ih it* operation
that the pi.tient finds himself getting well he
cannot tell how. As it is not toe wish of the
proprietor to take any thing lor which he
cannot give a consideration equal in value,
persons at a distance who may wish to try
nis medicine, but who are not certain if it
be applicoble to their complaint, are request-
ed to describe i heir case and symptoms in
a letter, poat-paid, and directed to him—this
letter will be immediately placed in hands
fully competent to decide the question.—
Should >he remedy not setm to suit the dis
ease, they will be frankly told an.
To prevent disappointment it i9 well to
state that it takes in ordinary esses from 3 to
5 bottles to effect a cure so that persona who
are labouring under any ser ous infirmity,
must make up their mind to persevere to that
extent at least— if they do not, they might as
well aave themselves the trouble and expense
f usings imalier quantity.
All ordc'-o poet-paid and enclosing the money,
immediately attended to, and the medicin.
packed and delivered with directions for use.
to any place in the city, and forwarded aa di
N. B. To prevent the possibility of all im
position, it will be sold in the city of Philadel
phia, at the office in Fifth near Race-Street,
orat the dwelling of the prop pi- tor, No. 66
Chesnut street, only, and abroad by his au-
tborixed agents. W W POTT PR,
66 Cuesnut St eel, Philade'p/iuv
I have appointed GEORGE RYE iSON,
Druggist, of Savannah, mv sole agent, Di tig
gists wanting the above valuable medicine
will be supplied by him for cash, at the sam,
rate, as if ordered direct from me—viz. *30
per dozen, or three dollar* a s ngle bottle.
W. W. POTTER* Philadelphia.
Any person on application to the subscriber
will be furnished with certificutes of the tfli
cacy of the nbove medicine, sufficient to row*
vince the mind of the most sreutical, althoupl.
too numerous und lengthy for newspaper n*
sertion. GEO. RYERSON, Druggist,
Comer ol Bay and Whittaker Street!,
dec 13
Between W. Davies, Administrator, Complain
ant, and John Carnochan, Administrator a de
bonis no . with the will annexed of George
Richardson and others, Dejendants In
equity, Chatham >Superior Court— Chancery,
20/h August, 1824.
I T appearing that John Murray Carnochan,
one of the defendants in the laid bill of
complaint named, reside! without the state of
Georgia, in that part of the United Kingdoms
of Great Britain and Ireland, called Scotland :
It is ordered that the aaid John Murray Car
nochan, do appear and answer to the com*
plainunt'a laid bill, within nine months from
the d.xte of this order, otherwiaa that th«.
said bill, as to him, be taken pro confess .•
and ii is further ordered, that a copy of this
order be pubtohrd once a week, in oue of
the public G-z-ttes of this state, until the ex*
pirntion of the time within which the auid de
fendant ia required to appeur «id answer as
l*iue copy from the Minute!, this 21st day
August, 1824. A. B,FANNIN, Clerk,
aligns' 24 5Uf
Georgia Camden County.
W HEREAS Surah Brown Junior, widow,
applies to -he Court of Ordinary of said
County, for Letters of Administration on the
estate of John Brown, late of said cnitmy, de
ceased , ar next cf k n: These are, therefore,
to c.te and admonish, all and singular, the
Y ind red and creditors of said deceased, to iiie
their objection!, if any they have, in m*. of
fice, on or before the firat Mondty in Jum
next,otherwise Letters will be granted the ap
Witness the Honorable B/ttian R. Bunk
ley, one of the Justices of said Court,
thi* sixteenth day of April, eighteen
hunured and twenty -IWe.
April 21 24
■Camden County.
W HEREAS -*ohn Chevalier, hrs applied
to said Court, fi*r Letter*} Dismisaon
on the estates of Samuel Cozens and Evan E.
Muck, deceased. These are, therefore, to
cite and admonish, til and singular, the kin*
dred and creditors oft the said d ceased perr
sons, to file their objections, if any they hav.-,
in my office, on or before the first Mondav in
January next, or Letters will be granted the
Witness the Honorable J ;mcs Scott, one
of tbe Justices of said Court, this tux-
tcei.tb day of April, eighteen hundred
•nd twenty-five.
[L. S ] JOHN BAILEY, C. C. O. t. C
Apr I'M 24
Georgia—Camden County.
said rouN nr
\\WHEBEAS Lewis Bachlott, applies to the
JJ Court of Ordinary of said County; fur
Letters Dumissory on the estate of Fr.nces
ll iaolupe: These are, therefore, to cite and
admuniah, all and singular, the kindred and
creditor! of laid deceased, tn file their objec
tions, if any tb»y have, in my office, on or be
fore the fi st Monday in January next, other
wise Letters Dismtasory will be granted the
Witnesa the Hnnorahle Samuel Clarke,
one of the Justices of aaid Court, this
sixteenth day nf April, eighteen hun
dred and twenty-five.
April 21 24
p roTuTals
Combi". R non for publishing
gtnai Reference, to be eo opZd in sr
boduhed with a iiteeneso of the AuiK,,.
[ T ahall be well printed, on good
be comprised in si. handle HJ' * 1 "®
will contain the Scripture* of th. fi j . I
Mew Testaments, the Introductory 0’„, na . ■
Explanatory Aotts, and Practic,,!
anj ail the copious Mar final Rc/e, enccs
ing printed word tor word from the i«j
Stereotype Edition, published finer th*e Au”
thortdecease The price ,Ui (, e j.,™'
board‘1 g24, in sheep, R30, in r.irbir.dinw
The wh ile, work will be ready fordtliten h.
May, 1825, " J b f
Ex racloof Leue-o addressed to the P u l,’t,h„^
I esteem Dr. Scott’. Family Bible,
calculated to prom >te the cause or trut 1
piety It seetra scarcely porsibie for oat in
read daily the Note* and Observation] i„ t i°
Family Bible without becomings wo,,.?
.letterman. EDWARD D G"TFIS
I have seen no commentary of the
Scripture* which I think *u well adaite.ii,
general use and edification. It is a tre«vj
which cvetj family ought to poaieas.
It is a work distinguished for the simp!,hi.
tv and convenience of its arrangement, ifc.
clearness sad fidelity of its expositions ihe
neatness and perspicuity of its style, the c( ,
nevol.nce and candour of its spirit, the Ciri ,
ciseneas and pertinency of its Bpp|ie,ii, n .
and for its uniform te ndr.ncy to pro-note ctaa-
gelical truth *nd piety.
of Or. Scon’s Family Bihte, I feel (we to
say, that in my estimation it deservedly r-oks
a nong our ablest snd heat Comm ntaiier
Dr. Scott’s Family B ble intended more e*.
peaially for t' e use of Christian •smilies, is s
work highly evangelical, extensively instruc
tive, and deeply interesting.
Daniel o. Sanders.
The character of Dr. Scott’s Cammemary
on the Bible, m so generally known, »r.d so
highly approved amongst the most imelh-uu
nod pious Christians throughout our con'try,
■ind has passed rnpidly through so many in.-
editions, that 1 deem further recemmeM.
lions needless-
I am acquainted with no Commentary os
th Sacred Scriptures, which I would nin e
cordially recommend for general ute. il.e
plan of the work is good
Perhaps in no wav, can mini.m rs, inat-uclni
if youth, and private Christians, do leicati r
nerv'ce lo aocietv, than by exerting th™
selves to disseminate this truly invaluable
I know of no Comments y which in bni-t
calculated for diffusing eonect views of t!>»
great truths of Christianity, ai d le.ving salu
tary impressions on the mind when riling
I rum the perusal of it, than the one you ate
about to publish.
No writer aeems leas diapi led to cintcnl
for barren speeitlaii ms. None mote uniform,
ly or moreipowerfully inculcates die gresi ew
ventials of religion. The spirit winch pit-
i-ades the work is excelled | it is the nick,
aflectionare, healing, yet faithful spirit of Ike
gospel- DA VIEL DANA.
From particular exsminati n, and concur
ring testimony, the:e is no doubt on m> mind
that Scott’s Family Bible is superior tn all
‘therm J03FPH EMERSON.
You will please to send tne six copies of
he,.It’s Bible I refer to your istely proposed
edition Perhaps I ahall induce five mure to
take the a,me number. II- L,
Ii Is with extreme pleasure I perceive
vote are about to publish a now edition -f
Scot-’* Bible. Httvingbecn in poss- rsionaf
t more than 20 years, 1 trust I know s me-
riling of us value, and am determined to n-n-
inoie i's circulation among my frien-ia Yet
will please forward aia copies as soon as nub-
luhcri. (I. M.
1 have obtained four subscribers fur th*
excellent work you are publishing II. S
I propose to take seven sess uf Sr . t'a di
bit;, and will be accountable for (be same.
J C.
1 have obtained sobscribi-rsfornineerpiet
of Scott’s F.mily B,ble. J. (J.
1 shatl probably need eight orten Oris of
Scott’. Family Bible, J P*
Itev,5. S. of P. has o' tained ten sui-scri-
hers. B. II
I have observed that you are shunt pub.
foiling another edition of Srott’a Bible
hope yon may succeed as you I, vc doneio
former editions. I have been etiJeavc-ir.g la
orocurc subscriber? anio- g our people, and
enor more subscribers will be ub-.rineil.
0.5. II.
I will take ten sets (uf Scon’s B ble)
brn-d and lettered. J r
I have obtained ten subscribers fur y.ut
edition of the Family Bible—and haw 9
duubt but there might he aomerinng like ICO
copies sold in this place if you had an ag- n:
here—I thought t! e work ought to b- ,y
couraged and for hat reason took a subsrob-
-ion paper. It is a work that every f-mdy
should have that is able to puicbase.
J. F,. M'C.
I am ghd, that y u propose to prim S’;
Scott’s excellent Family Commemary, t'i
should be very glad if it were in ray power ts
give a more liberal patronage lo the wmk,
than, as circumstances are, I can. Isiitl.
nnwever, be able to do something i eight «
ten se's I shall certainly take; and it min hr.
double that number, A. 8-
I have procured fifteen subscrioti* ts
Scott’s Bible. J. A.P.
I think I shall dispose of 20 sets or more is
the Family Bible. E. 8
I have circulated proposals for Scoria
Bible ,- how many have been ongeged ir. Ml
cannot tellbut between 20 and 30 n
,h : s vicinity. J. 5;
I have concluded to become respoiw™ 1
to you for thirty oeto of Scott’a ComroenUT.
Ct B*
I have procured 106 9ubieribers to tbl
Bible i 6 sets tn be bound in ctlf; 3 let* ’
be done in boards the other 97 sets, bM rl
and lettered aa described in the proipcctue
H« ■*,
I preiume I could procure 500 subi«h
bers for your edition of Scott’s Biole 1 “
demand ia increaaing for them. They *™
finally aupersede every other large or Fif'-v
Bible. Fifty ol my subscriber* live within
circle of 8 milea! J “
Just published an edition of the **«• w< ’.*r!
completed in six volume*, wsiAsut margin-
references; price in bosros £18 i >n •“, e *r
*21; in cslf 827. Either of these ediWiJ
may be had of the publisher in Boston; or 01
S. C. h J. SCHENCK, Savannah. „ 0
Jan 11£
«J\/ Irom Brig Pheasant, for sale by
April 19 C. C. GRISWOLD,
Marking BrnsiieB,
just received apt
gEo. ryerson.
*F a superior
O for snle by
nov 30