Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 02, 1825, Image 1

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J .-.Viv r** . t • T >■ ■Fa’, ,'i/ Js’ew geties—-V o\. V1L SAVANNAH, SATURDAY MORNING, %N«}2, (825. ittgtfoti =^BSsssassdsaB!^saaB9«Meess£9e9! THE IS edited and published IN Till CITY or SAVANNAH, Bv G. $ w. Robertson, AT FIGHT DOLIiARB PEII ANNDM, tATAOLG IN ADVANCE* @8$ WgtmteK for the country, IS published to meet the arrangement a! the mailt three time* a week, (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of the Daily Georgian, and contains all the intelli gence, Commercial, Political and lliscellan- lens, including advertisements, published in the Daily Paper. The Country Paper is sent to all parts ol the State and Union, or delivered in the city, at five dollars per annum, payable in rdvancc. Advertisements are inserted in both pa_eri at 75 cents pet »qu»re, of 14 bnes, for .he firs, insertion, and 37* for every aucceeding pub- Mention. . , _ . ., Communications by Hail, mist le Post-paid- Sales of land and negroes by Admimstra. tors, Executors or guardians, are required, by law, to be held on the firs Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in iho fore noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court Rouse of the county in which the properly is, •ituate —Notice of these soles must be given in a public gazette sixty day3 previous to tht day of Rule. , Notice of the sale of personal property most be give in like manner. Forty day* previous o the day af sale* Notice, to the debtors and creditors of an estate must be published for Forty day9. Notice th?*t application will be made to the Court of Ordinary tor leave to sell land» mus‘ be published A r ine Months. Notice. N INE months after dntc application will be made to the Honorable the Jus tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell a tract ot land, known as number eight, 8th District, Pike (formerly Munroe) County, for the benelit of the heirs anil creditors of the estate of of N. S. Boyar?* N.J. BAYARD, Administrator estate N* S. Baya r “* Jon 5 N otice. 'VJ’INE MONTHS after date of thi* noticr- i^l application will be made to the Honori*. ble the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Couu ty, for permission to sell all the re-d estate of John Wakerlv, dec. for the benefit of th heirs and creditors of said deepsued* UOBHKT HOY, Executor M fir Notice. VTINE MONTHS after da‘e t Rprlieation will AH be made to the Honoraoie Infer or Couri of Chuiham county- fm* leave to sell the rod and personal estate of»he late Mrs Ann Ham ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the bcira and creditors of suiri estate, WORTHING 5 0 N GALE, Executor M-y—« 10 ‘Of. NOTICK. N INE months after dite, application will bp m*de to the Inferior Court of Chnthan- County, silting for ordinary purposes for ar. orde*, unnolutc, to sell lots Nog* fouronr five, (4 and 5) in Carpenter’s ‘itiV’, and lot No. one, (l) Green Ward, in tht city of Savannah, being the real estate of Francis Jalineau, dec for the benefit of the heirs an' 1 creditors of said estate WILLI Mi GASTON. Qualified Executor. 97a Notice. WIWF. months if er da'e, application will he %1'Jmadc to the HmioraMe ill.’ Inferior Court of Camden County, when pitlmg f-r ordinary purpose':, for leave to sell 250 itcrcs of land belonging to the estate of J* In Brown, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credi tors of sail estate. SAI1AH BROWN, Admistntiix. JeiTerson, 18ih June, l c 25. June 25 78 Notice. TOINE months after date, application wil' &J be made to the Honorable the court of Ordinary of CRmden Couuty, for leave to sell ill the real eilste of the late Randolph M'Gii lis.decensed, for tlis benefit of the heir* am creditors of said estate. HANNAH M-GILLIl, Administrgtii, G. M-DONALO, Administrator St. Mary9, June 18lh, !82S. June 21 vg Notice. T HREE l ONTHS from this date, I shall make application to the Bauk of the Stati Georgia, for payment in full for the half of » ten dollar bill of aai.l Bank, Letter D. No. 217, •igned A. Porter, Cashier, the left hand hail being in my possession—the right hand hal- ® Bulloch, President, being the half lost. All peraoni interested will tneret'e take due notice of this intention, andfile iheirohjoctionsat ntd Bank, within the time mentioned. t Junes JAMES P.SCREVEN. Notice! * N'bf ml°| nl l" ! fter d *' e * *PPlioation wil Couit of ciVk ,he Ju,l ‘ ees uf the Inlerio ordinarfrni.n*^* 10 ‘' oun ‘7t when sitting for of lot No P s e,ve lo ,el1 *ha» part the citv ofL-7* T . y,hi e n «- ne >" old * »«<>/ < n late i/il!. f I T *" n *h, which belongs lo the e«• for the benefit of the oeira and cred,tor*of said estate. PETER EVEN, Admr T HE subscriber intending to close his business in this city, oilers his stock at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of .Sideboards af various patterns, Secretary and Book Cases, Wardapbes, French Press es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables, Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables,Gentlemou’s Writing Ta bles and Ilook Cases, Inclosed Basin Stands, Wash Stands, Candle Stands, Work Stands, Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high post Bedsteads, Field do. Maple ao. Maple Field' do. Wlro Saffes,' "Certs, Mattresses, Looking-Glasses, Fancy & Windsor Chairs. &c. at. the Ware-House, corner of Whitta- kcr-Street and Bay Lane. J. H. O. olsorequestB tliut those who are indebted, will please to make payment with out delay, and those having any demands, present their accounts for settlement. J. H. OLDERSHAW. Jail 25 M|| Consumptions, Goughs, qc. BUTLER’S F OR the cure of G-*i 1« # Coughs, Conaump lions, Spitting of Uiood, Asthmas, and tiseasea of the breast and lungs* There is perhaps no medical observatio better established, none more generally con Srmcd by the experience of the best physicL ns of all ages and countries, and none o ;ore importance to th* human family, tha: 'he fact that many of the most difficult and in curable consumptions originate in neglect colds.. In a climate so variable as ours, where the changes of the weather arc frequent! sudden and unexpected, it requires mure car** and attention to guard agaii at this dangerou memy of life, than moat people imagine a ire able and willing to bestow. The bills o mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that th iiroportion of deaths by this disease may b* considered as about five to one. Inasmuch ■hen as this fatal disease frequently bi .s de fi tnce to the skill of the most learn.-d physic ns, it is a gratification to the proprietor tin- >e is enabled to offer to those afflicted wi> *, a ffoocLy prospect of relief* i « that l.ighl ‘'Aluable remedy, thfc Vegetable Jhffci* fic. The Indians arc happy in then knov. '.edge of medical plants; governed wholly b xperience, they are certain m totneir efT.-c’, %nd it is 8'iid by **n author of great character hat a true consumption is a disease wevt known among them. This Specific is obtained by e*trvct*on fror r.erbs, roots, flowers, piint, 8ic. when in pe ‘ ection. In consequer-ce ; f a happy com bin- ion of the most valuable herbs, 8tc. it become * balsam ot‘ a superior vaiue. It heads the u»- ,j i'cd parts, opens the pores, and compose* the disturbed nerves, after the manner of si anodyne; consequently the obstruction < the ches and the lungs which constitute th : disease, particularly need its use. It promot ‘xpectoratinn, which is constantly culled for and whilst it claanscN and heit!s s it also givt ^‘rsngth to the tender lungs In this manner t removes the hectic fever, improves diges tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs ibe ^ppriste and improves the spirits. This speci fi? mat 1 alwayabe given in safety it is mild )!ei.s;'.nt to the taste, and may safely be givei, o infants, for which it is of inestimable valut It affords relief in bowel complaints, teething whooping coughs, He. and is found particu l -rly useful in hypochondriacal, nervous am. hysterical diseases. Each bill oi directioi r< ontains a detailed account of this disease in ail it9 different stages, end will b* accoi&p* -ind with 'he signature of the proprietor in Tied Ink, It is offered fnraalc by GEO. RY ER:--0 , only (my s f »le agent) Druggist, cor not- Ray and Whiliaker-rtreets, Savannah, a' one dollar per boitie. WH BaiI.E8. J iihOAi O.* 1/JKiA oTii^U Jj AND Bwltious Tlower Hoots* J UST received by the rubscriber, and wa-. ranted of the l»st season’s growth, ‘J boxes Garden Seeds, put up hv A. U’Mahon It fto. Philadelphia, expressly for this market, and containing the following assortments, viz. 1. Drumhead Cabbage 14. Earl) curled Le.- 2. Long Red Beet tuce 3,’Long Orange Carrot li. Royal Cabbage do 4. Horsley 16. Nutmeg Melon 5. Leek 17. Spinach 6. Onion J 8. Summer Savoy 7. Salmon Radish ID. Sweet Basil 8. Early Purple do. 30 Sage 9, Round leaved 11. Nasturtium 10. Early Turnipi 22. Celery 11. Late do 23 Early Peas 12. Saleafy 24. Late do 13- Aaparagua 25 Earlv bunch bean. 26. Red French do ALSO, 20 Packages containing the following Bui boua Slower Roots, viz. 1. Double Hyacinths | 4.Mexicantigerfl.iwei 2. Fine Tulipi I 5 Double Tuberose 3. Narcissus | 6 Star of Bethlehem For sate by P M’DRUKOTT Essential Oil of Spi’uce J USTteccived from the Patentee, and neatly put up in phials, and far sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, May 25 Shad’s Buildings. W anted, E mpty wine bottles. Apply to May It GEO. RYKRSON. APPROVED Patent Family Medicines. L EE’S BILIOUS Turlington’s Bnlsnm PILLS of Life Anilorson’d do do Opial for the clcans- Coit’s do do ing of the teeth & Anderson’s Cough gums Drops Rclf’sAsthmatinFills American do do Do Botanical Drops Church’s do do Austen’s Remedy fur Essence Mustard the Piles Worm Lozenges Hinckley’s do do Black Drop Thompson’s celebra- Henry’s True Cal- ted Eye Water cined Magnesia ThompsonVi Tooth Atidler’sAsiaticLcn- Pasta itive Squire’s Grand Elix- Roger’s Pulmonic ir Detergent Jesuits Drops Dalhy’s Carminative Tooth Ache do. &c. A constant supply of the above useful Patent. Family Medicines, together with a general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs, Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Oil, &c. &c. can be obtained at the store of LAY &. HENDRICKSON, May 26 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. d MUJU and .MV.BU3UVE P E. BRA.SSINNE, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he lias purchased the establishment in the above business, bc- longing to Dr. A. Delarochc, opposite the Excliunge, where ho offers for sale at low prices, a large assortment of Vcesl\ Brags, Medicines, and Vhet-Acais, AMONG WlliqH ABE THE FOI.LOWINO !— Aqua Fortis, Aluin, Antimony Arrow Root, Borax, Bnrgainnt Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Capivi, du Peru, do Foie Camphor, Canthsrides, Cinnamon American best and common Ca9tor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Coiumho, Fmery, Gum Assalastida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia. Manna.Chamomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Bizmuth Oi! of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon. Sweet Oil Poartasli, Ipoeacunnh*, Jump Rhubarb, Saltpetre. Salt of Tartar Glauber, Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tartar Emetic, Spirits of Turpentine Paints and in Oi\. White. Red and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, nml Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan ami Copal Varnish. Wvi’uweA-y Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Best English Shaving Soap Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Itosos Surgical Instruments and Patent Med iciups of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. Jan 20 47 A Negro Man. A PRIME Negro Man, about 35 years of age, a good field hand. For sale by June 24 CALVIN BAKER. 7!) MAHOGANY FURNITURE, Pidiio roi tes. ■ urled Hair Ma trasses, . eatlier bi ds. BOLSTERS & PILLOWS, CHAIRS,&c. T II.E subscriber offers for sale the follow ing articles, warranted to be of the best quality:— Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables Single do do Sofas, Tea Tables Breakfast do. Dressing Tables Do. with Glasses, Card Tables Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do Secretaries, Bureaus Double and single Work Stands Ward Robes, Piano Stools Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do Rosewood do High Post Mahogany Bedsteads Do do Curled Maple do Mahogany Field Bedsteads Curled Maple do Mantle and Pier Glasses Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs Candle Stands, Window Blinds Hall Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do Andirons, Tongs and Shovels Dressing Glasses of every description Piano Fortes Double and Single Hair Mattrasscs Do do Moss do Feather Beds, Bolsters aad Pillows Children’s Chairs of all kinds Windsor Chairs of every description Cots and Matrasses to fit. Also, a large assortment of Brussels and Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to match The above articles can be examined at the store in Whittakcr-Street, opposite Col. Shcllinan. I. W. MORRELL. March 15 93 Notice to i ree Pet sons to Co 1 ! r. T HE Free Persons of Color residing in Chutham Country, are hereby notifi- fiod to appear and register t heir names in the Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of suid County, agreeable to law, on or before the first Monday in July next. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. May 16 45 •Warkin? Brushes, O F a superior quality, just received am for sale by GEO. RYERSON nov 20 STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, NO* FIVE. Alt Vf OJ*E DAY. By the improved modo of Drawing, Secured by Letters Patent under the seal of the United States. T HE Commissioners of Lotteries, in conformity with the Act of Assembly, present to the public, tha FIFTH 8CHEMB OF THE MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY, The drawing of which will take place in (bo city of Baltimore, on Wednesday the 27th of July, the whole in one day. Highest Prize §40,000. SCHEME. 1 prize of 40,000 dollars is $40,000 1 do of 10,000 dollars is 10,000 1 do of 5,000 dollars is 5,000 10 do of 1,000 dollars is 10,000 30 do of 100 dollars is 3,000 50 do of 50 dollars is 2,500 200 do of 20 dollars is 4,000 250 do of 10 dollars is 2,500 500 do of 6 dollars is 3,000 20000 do of 4 dollars is 80,000 21043 Prizes. $160,000 40000 Tickets at <4, is (£160,000 Not one blank to a prize!! of fifteen per cent. Mode of Drawing.—The numbers will be put into one wheel as usual—and in the other wheel will be put the prizes above the denomination of four dollars, and the draw ing to progress in the usual manner. The 20,000 prizes of #4. will be awarded to the odd or even numbers of the Lottery, (as the case may be) dependant on the drawing of the capital prize of $40,000—that is to say, ifthe 40,000 dollars prize should come on to Bn odd number, then every odd number in the scheme will be entitled to a $4 prize. Ifthe 40.000 dollar prize should come out to an even number, then all the even num bers in the sclieme will be each entitled to a prize of 4 dollars. The odd Numbers are those ending witl.t 1,3, 5, 7 or 9. The oven Numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 6, 8 or 0. Tins mode of drawing not only enables the Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery in one drawing, hut han the great injvantngc of di tributing the small prizes r-gnlnrly to every alternate number in the schemes, so that the holder of two tickets or two shares of tickets, (one odd and one even numbcr)will be certain of obtaining at least one prize, and in the same ratio for any greater quantity. A ticket drawing a euperior prize in this scheme, is not restricted from drawing an inferior one also—many tickets therefore, will necessarily obtain two prizes each. JAMES L. HAWKINS, ) NATH. F. WILLIAMS, VCom’ers. .IAS. B. RINGGOLD, ) Baltimore, March 25, 1825. Present price of Tickets: Whole, $ii 00 I Quarters, $1 50 Halves, 3 00 { Eights. 0 75 All orders promptly attended to, at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jim*' * Doub>e Distilled tios<‘ Water. A FRESH SUPPLY of best London Rose Water, received per brig Pdn- tlica, and or Bale bv LAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. May 10 Castor Oil. A FRESH SUPPLY of best patent cold pressed Castor Oil, for family and plantation use, for sale by P. E. BR ASSINNE, March 29 Opposite the Exchange. (ilass Lamps. A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with Glass Stands, for sale by GEO. RYERSON, Corner Bay and Whittaker-Streets. March 4 V,a\Y iMa icuastft J UST received by the William Wallace, an additional supply of DOUBLE and SINGLE HAIR MATTRASSES, which will be warranted of the best quality. I. W. MORRELL. Jan 27 F \J. states Bank oi«», OR SALE at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE .Inn 20 Administrator’s Sale. \ltf IX be io d tt Crackeraville Plantation, on the Sa’illa Biver, Camden County, on h first Tuesday in August next, between the noun of 10 ami 3 o’, 1 ick, a part of the per sonal property of Randolph M’Gillia deCca - od, consisting nf ?6 head of cattle, 2 holes, I gig a- d hit neat, 1 Icrsey waggon,some house hold and kitchen fdrniture, l gold watcD.some books, plantation tools, hr *>c- Also, on the next TuerLl. following tt hil ate res d nee near St. aaarys, the remaining part of the personal property «f the said Bar dolph M Gillis, deceased, consisting of boose tp’hl and mtchen furniture ,• and a small Li brary. To be sold for the benefit of ihe heirs and creditors of said estate. HANNAH If’GlLLIS, Administratrix, G H’l.’OV v D, Administrator. St Harya Juue ifiib, 1825, June 2fi ys f fleware of Swindlers ! !. ! ' /AN the 29th of January last, my black v/woman named PEGGY, was enticed ; away from me by Samuel Townsend. Pa trick Monroe, Joseph Orston and others : was harbored and concealed by the said So- muel Townsend, and taken into his posses sion under pretence of obtaining her free dom ;’and on the 17th of March last, was carried off by the above named Joseph Or ston, who goes in the capacity of r pedlar. Said Peggy is now in the Pth year of her age, of middle size, about 5 feet 4 or 5 in ches high, handsomely built, of yellow com- ilexion, very likely, familiar and free spo- icn. She sometimes calls herself Peggy Hagin, and has of late pretended to say that she was free born. Peggy may be known by any one who converses’with her, by her telling who raised her, and of her leaving her child behind, whose name is Eliza. It is supposed that she is sold, or concealed in some part of the country. Any person find ing where she is, and giving information by letter, directed to the subscriber, living in Barnwell district, or to Mr. Isaac Frazier, in Columbia, S. C. shall receive a reward oftwenty five dollars; and ifthe said Orston and Peggy be found together, and appre hended. so that the villains can be brought to justice, any person or persons, so appre hending them, shall receive a reward of 50 dollars. S. W. KE ARSEY. June 17, 1825, ITf Each publisher of a newspaper in the states of North and South Carolina and Georgia, is requested to insert the above advertisement in their respective papers, once a week for three weeks, and forward their accounts either to Mr Isaac Frazier in Cnlmnbiaf or to the subscriber in Barn well District, S. C .Notice, T HE subscriber will dispose of his Mills in Montgomery County, having a grist and four sawe running, which last are calculated to turn out from 4 to 6000 feet of lumber per day, which can be railed im mediately into the Ocniulgnc River, with 600 acres of the best timbered pine land in that section of the state. As to terms of sale, they will be made easy. The above property was formerly that of E. W. Bar ker. My residence is near Milledgcvitlc. JAMES BOYKIN. June 12 69fr OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF NEGROES &c T HE subscriber has opened an office for tile sstfe, Lets, Lands, Back Stock &.c. and solicits the patronage of the public. Advances will he made on proper ty confided to him for sale if desired. Wanted to purchase Planters’and United States Bank Stock. JAMES EPPINGER. June 2 59|!p&fu Superior Cologne Water. W ARRANTED GENUINE and im- ported, junt received and for Hnle by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Mny 13 Slind’s Buildings. Door Mats J UST received by the William Wallace three dozen best quulity India Door ■Hats, tor sale by l. W. MORRELL. Mnreh ( r * oft Okdnano Dki*art.mknt, l Washington, 4th June, 1825. S S EALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed by this Department until the 31st day of June next, for furnishing the follow ing Cannon Bulls, viz: Seven thousand five hundred 24 pounder Cannon Bulls, to be delivered at Fort Delaware, near New castle, Delaware. Six thousand 24 pounder Cannon Bulls, to he delivered at New-Orleans. The Balls are to be cast in irou moulds, anil to be delivered on or betbre the first day of October, 1826. They will be in spected at the manufactories, and at the expense of the United States; but they are to be delivered at the places mentioned, at the cost and risk of the contractors. The proposals should be made separately for each parcel, and should state the price per pound. Persons disposed t« offer proposals, will be furnished, on application, with the di mensions of the balls, and the regulations for inspecting them. GEO. BOMFORD, Brevt. Col. on Ordnance Service. Printers of the Laws of the U. States, are desired to publish the foregoing once a week, for five weeks, and to transmit to this Department, with their accounts, one of the papers containing the advertisement. June 14 70bf SXXZOZED. mrMN OF THE .MORAVIAN NUNS, At the Consecrution of Pulaski's Ranntr, The standard of Cuunt Pui.aski, the no ble Pole who fell in the attack upon Savan nah during the American Revolution, was of crimson silk, embroidered by the Mora vian Nuns of Bethlehem, in Pennysylvsnia, See N A. Review, New-Series, Vol. VI. ". 390. When the dying flame of day Through the chancel shot its ray, F»r the glimmering tapers shed Faint the light on the cowled head ; And the censer burning swung, Whore before the altar hung The proud banner, that with prayer Had been consecrated there; And the Nun’s sweet hynrn was heard tha while, Sung low in the dim mysterious ai . “ Take thy banner ! may it wave Proudly o’er the good and brave. When the battle’s distant wail Breaks the sabbath of our vale. When the clarion’s music thrills To the hearts of these lone hills, When the spear in conflict shakes, And the strong lance shivering breaks “ Take tbv banner! and beneath The war-cloud’s encircling wreath, Guard it—till our liumes are free—• Guard it—God will prosper thee ! f In the dark and trying hour, In the breaking lbrth of power, In the rush of steeds and men, His right hand wilt shield thee then. “ Take thy banner I but when night Closes round the ghastly fight, If the vanquished warrior how, Spare him! by our holy vow, By our prayers and many tears, By our mercy that endears, Spare him—he our love has shared— Spare him—as thou wouldst be spared' “ Take thy banner ! and if e'er Thou shouidst press the soldier’s bier, Anil the muffled drum should best To the tread of mournful feet, Then this crimson flag shall oe Martial cloak aud shroud to thee!” And the warrior took the banner proud, Aud it was his martial cloak aud shroud. The National Oazetw minks ilia'. ;f.e im portunate attempts at evangelizing the Jew* would be lo them, in this country, equal to their oppression iu the old world. Not at all; Here they would try the force of ar gument—iu Europe they applied the rack and the stuke. A great aunt of (nine, who was one of the first settlers in Georgia, un der General Oglethorpe, carried to the grave, the marks of the rope on her wrists, when put to the question in tiie Inquisition at Lisbon. She was a hard subject to con vert.—Auah. The elegant packet ship York, Capt. Ba. ker, one of the line between New York, and London, <vus visited by many thousand persons, while she lay in the London dock, Mr. Willat, the editor of the British Tra veller, was among the number, and he has given a long description ofthis vessel, iu bia papor of the 7th of May.—He hays “ ihe convenience and beauty of thi6 ship, and her various accommodations are such av we have never seen in any vessel, calculat ed at once for the p rposen *t>f commerce, and for passengers.” E .tract of a letter from Havre, Mny 11. —“ Our udvices from Livi ipool arc to the 7th. The dullness of that market, line frightened some of our little speculators, and if reports are true, several hundred bales Louisiana cotton which were purcha sed a few days since ot 48, have been sold at 44. 300 bags Ht. Domingo, to arrive, have sold at 13*( sous. Some Rio Coffee* at 13. Treasury A'e\iaT'n\ev\t, April 29, 1825 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T HAT, on the fifst day of October next, the principal of the six per cent, stock of the United States, created under the au thority of an Act of Congress, entitled “An Act authorising a loan for a suin not exceed ing eleven millions of dollars,” approved on the fourteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and twelve, together with the interest then due thereon, will be paid to the proprietors of said stock, or to their attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasury of the United States, in Washington, and at the several Loan Offices, on the books of which any portion pf said stock may stand. A surrender of the Certificates of said Stock, will be required at the time of pay ment, and the interest on said Stock will cease, from and after the thirtieth day of September next. SAM’L. L. SOUTHARD, Acting Secretary of the Treasury. | May 12 4$, 1 Remedy for the Riles, T HE Medicine now ollcred to the pul is one which lias been fully subjcci to tiie infallible test of experience ; and every instance where it has been fairly I ed, it has been attended with the most cc pletc success. In some of the cases, t patients had been labouring under the 1 ease for years, and during tliut period, li received the best medical advice, and li even undergone a painful surgical opc; lion, without permanent advantage. Ii not (liko those usually advertised) offer as a certain cure for a long catalogue diseases, but those afflicted with this co! plaint, for which alone it is recommendt mny rely with confidence upon obtainii relief, even in its worst forms, in a eh( time i and themselves are the best jiulg of the importance of such a remedy. Pri 50 cents per box, with directions signed ' the proprietor. Prepared and sold at JAMES A. AUSTIN’S Drug and Chemical Store, No. 273. Nor Third-St. above Cullowhill, Philndel' The proprietor lies appointed LAY IIENDRICKSGN, corner of Congress a Whittaker-Streets, Slmil’s Buildings, w ngents for tho sale of this medicine, in S vanunh, Geo. IDT The Darien Gazette, the Washin ton News, Georgia Journal, and Mac Messenger, will please give the above tlir iuscrtlon and forward their accounts to May 10 L. & H,