Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 30, 1825, Image 1

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    i rfjyiF>*
•: • tfsi-Afy
ifow ftwctw—"V ol Ttl.
Hft.ll tt and .MVAHULVE
( B ESPECyFULLY informs his [friends
£l> and the public, that he has purchased
the establishment in the above busintss, be
longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, oppoale the
Exchange, whore he offers for sale at low
prices, a large assortment of
Yiresft Braga, Medicines,
and Chemicals,
Aqua Fortis, Alum, Antimony
Arrow Hoot, Borax, Bergamot
Brimstone, Barley. Balaam Capivi, do
Peru, d» Fola 1
Camphor, Cantharides, Cinnamon
American best and common Castor Oil
Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas
Columbo, Fmery, Gum Assafctida
Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal
Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium
Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice
Magnesia, Manna,Chamomile FlowerB
Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs
N uk Vomica, Oxyd of Bismuth
Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves
Do Ciniiomon, Sweet Oil
Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalap
Rhubarb, Saltpetre, of Tartar
Glauber, Epsom and ItocMlc Salts
Tartar Emetic, Spirits oflutycntine
Paints Bf’j and in Oil.
White, Red and Black Lead
Prussian Blue, Verdigris
Ivory, and Lamp Bluck, Patent Yellow
Venetian Rod, Vermillion, Smalts
Japan and Copal Vurnish.
Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil
Best English Shaving Soap
Eau de Cologne, Lavender Water
Otto of,Roses
Surgical Instruments and Patent Med
iciues of evpry kind, the whole of
warranted quality.
Jan 20 47
>’o. 194
r» tvs
By G. $ W. Robertson,
fob the COONTHY,
IS published to meet the arrangement ot
.... mail, three times t week, (Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday) at the Office of the
nailv Georgian,sod contains all the atrclli
gence. Go' mercial, Political and Missetlan-
eou», including advertisements, pub ashed in
th Ttie*Country Psper is set tto all parts of
the Stste end Union, or delivered in the city,
at I've dollars per snnum, payable in ,dvanc, .
Advertiaementa are mserted m both pa ers
at 75 cents per square, of Mimes, for ae hrs.
insertion, and 37k for every succeeding pub-
“communications by Mail, mart ho Po,timid
Sale* of land and n-gwes by Admiuislsa.
. M d» 'cutors or guardians, are required,
byl«Wi*o be held on the firs Tuesday in the
immtli between the hour* of ten in lie fore
noon and three in the afternoon, at the Court
House of the county in which the property is
situate. —Notice of th"M sales must be given
Jn t public gasette .«iy days previous to Oh
d, No{ico ofthe sale of personal property must
be givl ii. like manner. Forty days previous
o the d»y »*f •■!«* . *• *
Notice to the debtors and creditors of an
estate must be published tor forty days.
Notice that application will he made to the
Court of Ordinary for leave to sell land, rousi
be puWishc'l uVfne Montht
T HE subscriber intending to close his
business in this city, offers his stuck
at reduced prices, for CASH, consisting of
Sideboards of various patterns, Secretary
and Book Cases, Wardsobes, French Press,
es, Bureaus, Ladies’ Dressing Tables,Com
modes, Pillar and Claw Work Tables,
Card Tables, Tea Tables, Dining Tables,
Breakfast Tables,Gentlemen’s Writing Ta
bles and Book Cases, Inclosed Basiu Stands,
Wash StanilB, Candle Stands,Work Stands,
Mahogany Cribbs, Cradles, Mahogany high
H>st Bedsteads, Field do. Maple do. Maple
Field do. Wire Safes, Cotta, Mattresses,
Looking-Glasses, Fancy tkWindsor Chairs,
&c. at the Ware-House, corner of Whitta-
ker-St.rcut and Bay Lane.
J. II. 0. also requests that those who are
iudebted, will please to make payment with
out delay, and those having any demands,
prosent their accounts for settlement.
Jan 25 511|
N INE months after date application will
be made to the Honorable the Jus
tices of the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, for leave to sell a tract of land
known as number eight, 8th District, Ptk.
(formerly M.tnroe) County, for the benefit
of the heirs and creditors ot the estate o!
of N-S. Bayard. _
Administrator estate N. S. Baya 1 ®-
Jan 5
N otice.
N ine MONTHS sfter date of this notice.
application will be made to the Honors,
bin the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Coun
ty, for permission to sell all the real estate of
John Wakcrlv, dee. for the benefit of ihu
heirs and creditors of said deceesed-
ROB BBT HOY, Executor.
Peh 24 w
N IMFa MONTHS after <ire i application will
be made to the Honorable inferior Court
of Chatham county* for U*H?e to sell Ihe real
and personal estate of the late Mrs Ann Ham
ilton, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
•nd creditor of s»id eiiatc,
VVOHTtHNG J"ON GAl.F, Kvecutor
*•***« in
N INE months aft I dite, application will be
made to the Inferior Court of Chatham
County, sitting for ordinary purpose! for an
order. ahanlute, to sell lots Nos- f »ur sn< five,
(4 and 5) in Carpenter** Uow, and lot No.
one, (l) Green Ward, in the city of Savannah
being the real estate of Francis Jaiineau. dec
for tne benefit of the heirs »nd creditors of
asid estate WILLI Ml GASTON, #
Qualified Executor,
9 7»
tJOlNF, mnntha after date, application will be
J natle to the Honorable the Inferior Court
of Uamd-n County, when sitting for ordinary
ntirpo- c i, for leave to sell 250 seres of land
belonging to the estate of Join Drown, de
ceased for the benefit of the heirs and credi
tors of sail estate.
SARAH BROWN, Admlstrstrix
Jefferson, 18th June, 125.
June. 2 ! 78
B IVE months after date, application v\Y
h* imfig, tn th* Hnniir»h)f t l«» /niH
nary oi Camden Couuty, for leave to sell
all the real estate of the late Rnndolph M Gd
lis, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of s»id estate.
HANNAH M'GILU'L Administrstix,
G M'DONALD, Administrator
St Marys, June 18lh, 1825.
June 53 *8
T HREE MONTHS from this date, I shall
make application to the Bauk of the State
Georgia, for ps-.ment in lull for the half of a
ten dollar bill of said Bank. Letter D, Ni.2l7
•igncd A. Porter, Cashier, the left hand hal
being in my possession—the right ltsnd hall
signed by Wm. B Bulloch, President, bein
the half lost. All perions interested wi
therefore take due notice of this intention,
and file their objections at said Bank, within
the time mentioned.
June 2
i9f $
I fter da,e - »I»Plicttion will
Cm. i „r ,be Ju,,iec * of the Interior
Coti.t of Chatham County, when aitting for
ordmary purposes, for leave to sell that part
of lot No. J fira* Tything, Reynolds Ward, in
uteofVl wh - ich belongs to the es
tate of De Lambertos, for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said estate.
Consumptions, Coughs, tjc.
F OR the ctire of Golds, Coughs, Consump
tions, Spitting of Blood, Asthmas, and
liseases of the breast and lungs.
There is perhaps no medical observation
better established, none more generally con
firmed by the experience ofThe nest phywci-
hus of all a>;es and countries# and none ot
ore importance to the human family, tnsu
!»e. Fa$t that many of the most difficult and in*
urable consumptions originate in neglected
colds.. In a climate so v arisble *s ours, where
hecitsnges of the we* her are frequently
sudden and unexpected, it requires more cirt
and attention to guard against this dangerou -
-netny of life, than most people imagine or
ire able and willing to bes ow. The bills oi
mortality exhibit the melancholy fact that the
proportion of deaths by this disease may be
considered as shout five to one. I-asmur.L
then as ibis fatal disease frequently bijs defi
ance to the skill of the most learned physici
ans, it is a gratification to the proprietor tha
he is enabled to ofterto those affixed with
it, a goodly prospect of relief. in that highly
valuable remedy, the Vegetable Indian Speci
fic. The Indians me lirppy in their know,
ledge of medical plants; governed wholly by
experience*, they arecerlain as totneir «.fF c ,
and it is suid by an author of great character,
that t true consumption is i d sease never
known among them.
This Specific is obtained by extraction from
herbs, roots, flowers, plants, &c. when in per.
faction. In consequence of a happy combina.
tion of the most valuable herbs, &c. it becomes
n b»ls m of n superior value, it heals the in.
ju ed parts, opens iho pores, »nd composes
the disturbed nerves, after the manner of an
anodyne / consequently the obstruction id
the chea ; and the iunps which constitute this
d'nreftst', parti -ularly need its use. It promotes
expector-.tion, which is constantly called for,
and whilst it ci?ans*?s arid heals, it also gives
strength to the tender lungs In this rnannei
:t removes the hectic fever, improves diges
tion, gives strength to the nerves, repairs the
tppehte and improves the spirits. This sped
fic may always he given in nfcty it is mild
pleissnt to the taste, and may safely be given
o infants, for which it is of inestimable value,
ft afl'ords relief in bowel complaints, t ething,
whooping coughs, £fc. and is found particu*
l irly useful in hypochondriacal, nervous and
hysterical diseases. Ehch bril ot direction
contains a detailed account of this disease in
all its different stages, and Will be acc-impa
died with the signature of the proprietor in
Red Ink. It is off red for vale by GEO. Rt*
ERl- ON, only (my s">le agent) Dmggist, cor
ner Ray fnd Whittakcr-streets, Savannah, at
one dollar per bottle.
'l*r 30 30
(Beware of Swindlers ! !
STATt LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, the 29th of January last, my black
no. five. V/woman named PEGGY, was enticed
away from me by Samuel Townsend, Pa-
ALL IJf OJV’fl DAY. (trick Monroe, Joseph Orston and othere :
By Ihe improved mole of Drawing, was harbored and concealed by the said Sa-
Secured'by Letter, Patent under the ,eal af\ r ? uel Townsend, and taken into hie posses-
- •• .. . -— — 1 amn 1. nnav ii.ntniian At Antn mmi. Law Van a
the United State,.
T HU Commissioners of Lotteries, in
coifurinity with the Act of Assembly,
present to the public, the
sion under pretence of obtaining her free
dom ; and on the 17th of March last, was
carried off by the above named Joseph Or-
aton, who goes in the capacity of a pedlar.
Said Peggy is now in the Ptli year of her
age, of middle size, about 5 feet 4 or Sin-
eliee high, handsomely built, of yellow com-
plexion, very likely, familiar and frge spo
ken. She snmoUmes calls herself reggy
The drawing of which will t.ko place in |
tfiu city of Baltimore* on Wednesday the
27th of July, the whole in one dav.
ttigftest Prize $40,000.
1 prize of 40,000 dollars is <10,000
1 _C an nnn .1_II • U \ r\ e,r\n
of 10,000 dollars is
of 6,000 dollars is
1,000 dollars is
100 dollars is
50 dollars is
20 dollars is
10 dollars is
0 dollars is
4 dollars is
2 V 500
she was free barn. Peggy may be known
by any one who converses' with her, by her
telling who raised her, and of her leaving
her child behind, whose name is Eliza. It is
supposed that she is sold, or concealed in
some part of the country. Any person find
ing where she is, and giving information by
letter, directed to the subscriber, living in
Burnwell district, or to Mr. Isaac Frazier,
in Columbia, S. C. shall receive a reward
of twenty five dollars/ and if the suid Orston
anil Peggy be found together, and appre
hended, so that the villains can be brought
to justice, any person or persons, so appre
hending them, shall receive a reward of 50
June 17, 1825,
ID’Each publisher of a newspaper in the
states of North and South Carolina and
Georgia, is requested to insert tin
rrniutt* in- «hw£t‘ n Bj>Bl!lTW|)SpGr9i
after the drawing, subject to ' a deduction | “ nce a wuek . for three weeks, and forward
of fifteen per cent I their accounts either to Mr Isaac Frazier
Mo<lc af Druuii'ng.—The numbers will be in ™» mb ! a - °I subscriber in Barn
put into one wheel as usual—and in the | we District,». C. (
otlier wheel will be put the prizes above the | ~ .
denomination of four dollars, and the draw-1 ORDNANCK DEPARTMENT, l
ing to progress in the usual manner. The I ... T (
20 000 prizes of J4, will be awarded to the > Wxihimotom, 4th June. 1825. 1
odd or even numbers of the Lottery, (as the
ease may be) dependant on the drawing of 1^ ed by this Department until the 31st
the capital prize of jj40,000—that is to soy, I day of June.noxt, for furnishing the follow-
if the 40,000 dollars prize should come out I mg Cannon Balls, viz : Seven thousand
21043 Prizes.
40000 Tickets at $4, is $160,000
No* one blank to a prize!! . _
Ever,. jmyunie in ensn, surty'TIays |
WasHiMOTON, 4th June, 1825.
(JtEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
day of June^ext, for furnishing the follow
ing Cannon Balls, viz: Seven thnusam
to an odd number, then every odd number I five hundred 24 pounder Cannon Balls, to
in the scheme will bo entitled to a $4 prize. | be delivered at Fort Dclatvure, near New
If the 40,000 dollar prize should come out
to an even number, then all the even num-
C tit lie, Delaware.
Six thousand 24 pounder Cannon Balls,
Piano fortes, uurled Hair Ma
trasses, feather Beds,
T HE subscriber offers for sale the follow
ing article^, warranted to be of the
best, quulity
Sideboards, Sets of Dining Tables
Single do do Sufua, Tea Tables
Breakfast do. Dressing Tubles
Do. with Glasses. Card Tubles
Rosewood Work Tables, Mahogany do
Secretaries, Buteaus
Double and siiijrlo Work Stands
Ward Robes, Plant Stools
Mahogany Chairs, Curled Maple do
Rosewood do
High Post Mahogany Bedsteads
Do do Curled Maple do
Mahogany Field Bedsteads
Curled Maple do
Mantle and Pier Glasses
Cribs, Cradles, Easy Chairs
Candle Stands, Window Blinds
Hull Lamps, Brass Fenders, Wire do
Andirons, Tongs and Shovels
Dressing Glasses of every description
Piano Fortes
Double and Single Hair Mattrasscs
Do do Moss do
Feather Beds. Bolsters aad Pillows
Children’s Chairs of all kinds
Windsor Chairs of every description
Cots and Matrasses to fit.
Also, a largo assortment of Brussels and
Ingrain Carpeting and Rugs to mutch
The above articles can be examined at
the store in Whitlaker-Street, opposite Col.
Shcllinan. I. W. MORRELL.
March 15 93
hers in the scheme will be each entitled to I to be delivered at New-Orleans. ’
a prize of 4 dollars.
The odd Numbers are those ending with
1,3, 5,7 or 0,
The Bulls are to be cost in iron moulds.
| and to be delivered on or before the first
I day of October, 1826. They will be in-
ftulboTM ’Flo’wer "Roota*
J UST receded by the rubseriber, and wnr.
ranted of the lust season’s growth, 2-
bozo Garden Seeds, putuphy A. M'Vahnn &
•Jo. Philadelphia, expressly for this, m i "ket,
ancl containing the following assortments, vex.
I. Drumhead Cabbage
a i.uug tied ueei
3. Long Orange Carrot
4. Pawley
5. Leek
6. Onion
7. Salmon Radish
8. Early Purple do.
9. Round leaved
10 Early Turnip*
II. Late do
12. Ssisafy
13- Asparagus
14. Earl) curled Let:
15. Royal Cabbage de
16. Nutmeg Melon
17. Spinach
18. Summer Savoy
19. Sweet Basil
20. Sage
21. Nasturtium
22. Celtry
23 Early Peaa
24. Late do
25 Early bunch beans
26. Red French do
A L S O,
20 Packages containing the following Bui
bous Elower Roots, viz.
1. Double Hyacinths | 4.Me«ican tiger flower
2. Fine Tulip* | 5 Double Tuberose
3. Narcissus I 6 Star of Bethlehem
For sate by P, U’DEKVOTT.
Pit; •’
Patent ¥am\V$ MettvcAnea
The even Numbers are those ending with I spected at the manufactories, and at the
2, 4, 6,8 or0. |expense of the United States! but. they
This mode of drawing not only enables I are to be delivered at the places mentioned,
the Commissioners to complete the whole I at the cost and risk of the contractors.
Lottery in rmo drawing, but baa the great j The .proposals Jliuotltno made ri'pafateiy
advahtage of distributing tint small prizes for each parcel, and should state the price
regularly to every alternate number in the per pound.
schemes, so that the holder of two tickets I Persons disposed to offer proposals, will
or two shares of tickets, (one odd and one I be furnished, on application, with the di
even number)will be certain of obtaining at J mansions of the balls, and the regulations
least one prize, and in the same ratio for I for inspecting them,
any greater quantity. I GEO. BOMFORD,
A ticket drawing a superior prize in this | Brevt. Co), on Ordnance Service,
scheme, is not restricted from drawing an I Printers of the Laws of the U. States,
inferior one also—many tickets therefore, | are desired to publUh the foregoing once a
will necessarily obtain two prizes each.
NATH. F. WILLIAMS, > Confers.
Baltimore, March 25, 1625.
Present price of Tickets:
Whole, $6 00 I Quarters, $t 50
Halves, 3 00 | Eights, . 0 75
All orders promptly attended to, at
June 2
week, for five weeks, and to transmit to this
Department, with their accounts, one of
the papers containing the advertisement.
June 14 70bf
Doub t; Distilled tiose Water
A FRESH SUPPLY of best London
Rose Water, received per brig Pan-
thea, and for sale by
Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
May 10
Castor Oil.
April 29, 1825
T HAT, on the first day of October next,
the principal of the six per cent, stock
of the United States, created under the au
thority of an Act of Congress, entitled “An
Act authorising a loan for a sum not exceed
ing eleven millions of dollars,” approved on
the fourteenth day of March, one thousand
eight hundred aud twelve, together with
the interest then due thereon, will be paid
to the proprietors of said stock, or to their
attorneys duly authorized, at the Treasury
of the United States, in Washington, and
at the several Loan Offices, on the books of
which any portion of said stock may stand.
A surrender of the Certificates of said
Stock, will be required at the time of pay
ment, and the interest on said Stock will
A FRESH 8UPPLY of best patent cold I cease, from and after the thirtieth day of
pressed Castor Oil, for family aud I September next.
Essential Oil of Spruce
F UST received from the Patentee, and
neatly put up ill phials, and for sale by
May 25 SliatPs Buildings.
E mpty wine bottles. Apply to
A Negro Man,
A PRIME Neno Man, Bbout 36 years of
ago, a good field hand. For sale by
June 24 79
Turlington’s Balsam
of Life
Opial for the cleans
ing of the teeth &
Do Botanical Drops
A „afnt,*u Komady for
tlin Piles
Hinckley’s do do
Thouipsoii’R celebra
ted Eye Water
Thompson's Teeth
Squire’s Grand Elix
Jesuits Drops
Tooth Ache do. fee.
Anderson’s do do
Coit’s do do
Anderson’s Cough
American do do
Ouu-nb’a dn dn
Essence Mustard
Worm Lozenges
Black Drop
Henry’s True Cal
cined Magnesia
Audlcr’sAsiutic Lcu-
Rimer’s Pulmonic
Dalby’s Carminative
A constant supply of the above us«ful
Pntent Family Medicines, together with a
general assortment of Drugs, Chemicals,
Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Dye Stuffs,
Cut Glass Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp
Oil, &c. &c. can bn obtained at the store
May 28 Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
plantation use, for sale by
March 29 Opposite the Exchange.
Acting Secretary of the Treasury.
Mnv iq 42tbt
i tlass Lamps.
A NEW supply, assorted patterns, with |
tx Gluss Stands, for sale by
Corner Bay and Whittaker-Stroets.
March 4
Notice to tree i’eisons to
Colt r.
T HE Free Persons of Color residing in
Chatham Country, are hereby notifi-
tied to appearand register their names in the
Clerk’s Office of the Inferior Court of said
County, agreeable to law, on or before the
first Monday in July next.
A. B. FANNIN, Clerk.
May 18 45
O F a superior quality, just received and
for Bale by GEO. RYERSON h
I V-an Ala trasses
J UST received by tho William Wallace,
an additional supplv of DOUBLE and
will be warranted of the best quality.
Jan 27
Oi'TK h
T HE subscriber, has opened an office for
the sale of Negroes, Lots, Lands, Bank
Stock Si c. and solicits the patronage of the
public. Advances will be made on proper
ty confided to him for sale if desired.
Wanted to purchase Planters’ and United
States Bank Stock.
June 2
IS otice.
T HE subscriber will dispose of his Mills
in Montgomery County, having a
I grist and four saws running, which last are
I calculated to turn out from 4 to 6000 feet
I of lumber per day, which can be rafted im-
I mediately into the Ocmulgee River, with
1600 acres of the best timbered pine land in
| that section of the state. As to terms of
Saratoga Congress SpringWa ^J^jj'^^thaY y «f iViC
trtVS* I»- » : J —-- u:n«J«A»:n A
IFTY DOZEN of these Waters, fresh
\J.' tates Bank Afotes,
Jan 90
J|» bottled by Messrs. Lynch A Clark, of
Now-York, and direct from the Springe,
just received per ship Augusta. Persons
going to sea would do well to supply them
selves, as they are offered at reduced prices
Druggists, Shad’s Buildings.
May 25
ker. My residence is near Milledgeville.
June 12 ® 9 tr
Superior Cologne Water,
ported, just received and for sale by
May 13 Shad’s Buildings.
Door Mats.
J tlST received by the William Wallace
three dozen best "
VERY Superior Baltimore
Hams in bags for retailing:
Mats, for sale by
| March
t quality India Door I Just received per schr. Cygnet, and for ssje
I. VV. MORRELL, j by HALL & *
June at
SUO lT’s BlliLh,
STtiioTir- XSIT10X.
P B. Of ft UL8
C,mM>L B’ tton for puUithieg SCOTT'S
FAMILY BIBLE, containing all Ihe Mar.
final Reference,, te to compdeed in .X
teltielud vilk • tike nee, of the Author-
I T - shall be well printed, on good psper. and
be diimprlstd in six handsome v- hi i rs. It
will cot,rein the Scriptures of 11 e O d und
Nero Teeiamente, the Irareducio' y Oh. rm.ieu,
ExpUmatoiy Xetee. *,.• Pructic l Olmnmimt.
sac* all ilie copious Mar-rina. Reference, be-
inq printed word for worn from he London
Stereotype Edition, published since the Au-
•lior’s decease The price wiU be g21, in
boards i $24, in sheep i g30, in cairbi ding.
l’tie whole work will be reudy ford. 'ivcry by
Msv, 1825,
Ex ract, of Letter, addremdte IhcPutdthet,.
1 esteem Dr. Seuith F-.m-.y B-bl, enm. ,.tly
calculated to promote the c*us<- of truth and
piety. It seem* scarcely possible for one to
read daily the Notes and Observation in the
Family Bible without becomi-tg a « »■ * and
better man. EDWARUD GRIFFIN.
I have seen no cor.,mcntary uf th, Sacred
Scriptures which I think so well adapted to
general use and edification. It is a treasure
which every famaly ought to possets.
A. E a TON.
It is a work diitinguished ft r the rimplicl-
iCStnesa and penpicu'ty of It : style, the ce«
ncvol, nee and candour of its spirit, the con-
-isenese and nertmency of its applications,
and for its uniform tendency to pro ’ ute evan
gelical truth 'vd piety.
OfDr. Scoit’s Family Bible, Itv-1 free to
say, that in my estimation it deservedly ranks
rnong our ablest aud beat -,>nm-
Dr. Scott’s Family B bit ,.it<-i,<Wd mure e*.
pecislly for the use of ch.iatian ’arrilies is a
work high y evangelical, extensively inalruiF
ive, and deeply interi-iting.
d\mel c. 9\nders.
The character of Dr. Scott’i Commentary
-I. the Bible, is ao generally known, and so
ighly approved amongst the most intelligent
id pious Cbtiattans throughout our country,
nd has passed rapidly through so many large
tiitiens, that I deem further recommend**
ions needles**
I am acquainted with nn Commentary <
it-! Sacred Sei ipturea, wltich I would me
urdmllv recnmmena for general use. T
Isn of the Work it good
Perhips in no way, can mmiatera, inttru
-f youth, and private Christiana, do g'
rrv ee to societ)-, than by exerting
• Ivea to dissi-minate this truly -nv.
I know of no Commentary which ia
b/lculated for diffusing correct views i
great truths of Christianity, and leaving
r Hry impressions on the mind when rit
•rum the perusal of it, than the one you .
tboul to publish.
No writer si-enii less disposed to contend
for barren speculations. None more uniform,
ly or more powerfully inculcates the great es.
sentiali oi religion. The tpirit which per*
ades the work is * xcellent; it ia the meek,
aft'ectionare, healing, yet faithful si iritofthe
gospel. DANIEL DANA.
From particular examinati n, and concur,
ring testimony, the. e ia oo doubt on my mind
that Scott’s Family Bible ia superior to *11
You will plesie It- send me six copies of
Scott's Bible t I refer to your lately proposed
edition. Perhaps I shall induce five more to
take the Mote number. H- L.
It is with extreme pleasure I perceive
voz are about to publish * new edition f
Scott’s Bible. Hayiogbeen in poisession ot
it more then 20 years, I trus’ I know some
thing of its value, and am determine.- to pro
mote its circulation among my friends You
will plesae forward si* copies a* soon t* pub*
fished. C.M.
I have obtainod four aub-crlbers for the
excellent work you are publishing H. 8.
I propone to tike seven seta uf Se tt's Bi
ble, and will be accountable for the si,me.
J. C.
I haveebta-ned subscribers for nine Cop es
of Scolt’a Family B-ble. J - *
I shall probably need eight or ter, sets of
Scott’s Family Bible. J. p.
I have obtained ten aubaeribera for your
edition of the Family Bible—and have no
doubt but there might be something like 100
copies sold in this place if you had an agent
here—I thought the work ought to be en
couraged aud for hat remoo took a aubscrlb-
tion paper. It ia a work that every family
should have that is able to purchase.
J. E. M’C.
I am glad, that you propose to print Mr,
Scott’i excellent Family Commentary, and
should be very glad if it were in my power to
give a more liberal patronage to the work,
than, as circumstances are, I can. I shall,
however, be able to do something! eight ot
ten seta I shall certainly take t and it may be,
duutle that number. A. B.
I have procured fifteen aubicribura to
Scott’s Bible. J. A. D.
I think 1 shall dispose of 20 seta or more of
the Family Bible. E. B.
I have circulated proposals for Scott’s,
Bible t bow many have been engaged in till
cannot tell / but between 20 and 30 seta ia
this vicinity, * J. 8.
I have concluded to become responsible
to you for thirty ,eu of Scctt’a Commentary,
C. B.
I have procured 106 subscriber* to the
Bible i 6 sets to be bound in calf < 3 sets to
be done in boards the other 97 sets, bound
tud lettered at described in the prospectus.
H. Mi
1 presume I could procure 500 subscri
bers for your edition of Scott’s Bible. The
demand ia increasing fur them They wilt
finally supersede every other large or Family
titble. Fifty of my aubacriber* five within
.drcle of 8 miles I J- L.
3uat published an edition of the bams whiz,
completed in rix volumes, without marginal
rfetenees/ price in boards X18i in ineep
%2t i in calf 5527. Either of these edition!
may be hid of the publisher in Boston ; ot of
i. C- fc J. 8CHENCE, Somuuuih.
Jan 11 Ot