Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, July 30, 1825, Image 3
those oflast year, in point ofvilue, In nn loss a anm ihan £\ .500,000 upon a moderate computaiinn. Supplies cmitinue to tiotni forward t'roely, and a vessel from New-York and Havre, within these tew days, lias con trihuted to shako the confidence of holders. The total import of tlio week amounts to S4.!i.'i0 packages, and the pales to about 1070 consisting of 11) fair to good Sea fs- lauds at 3ld; 440 Uplands, at 154 to liid for ordinary to middling, to j to iHd for fair to good, aud I lid for lino t 670 Now Orleans at Idj to00 Alabama pt IHd por lb. Sic. being a decline I to 14 upon lust week’s prices. At this reduction there are few havers, and the market indieatos a still fur ther decline, so that quotations cannot be correctly given ; but wlion prices are esta blished, it is probable we shall enjoy nn ac tive business, as the dealers must bo low in stock, and the trade in Manchester is toler ably good." Liverpool Markets, June 14.—Cotton.— The present state oftho market is so unset tled and precarious that it is difficult, if not wholly impossible, to give un accurate re- pnri either ns to extent of operations nr the current value, it being evidently the inter est of large holders to conceal sales which may have boon made at an extraordinary sacrifice, to give publicity to which would create a panic, aud accelerate the decline. The aggregate sales declared, amount only to IPod lings, about the same as the week preceding, at a further decline of I jd on Brazil, and Id on American and other descriptions; but at the close of the week buyers could not be found at this reduction. Evening, 5 o'cilorfc.—Our market on Sa turday romained fiat, and purchases might have been made on much more advantage- Otis terms, and one house is stated to have bought 600 Egyptians at the reduced rate of 17d per lb. Some Maranliatps were also sold at 18«1. This morning exhibits the same languid features, but without any fur ther depreciation s a small sale of Egyptian is reported si 17yd per lb. : but the quota tions generally may be considered quite no minal. Extract of a telterfrom flare, June 15.— “ 1 have no change whatever to remark to you on the subject of our market, which continues calm.—The Spinners are still suf ferers, and seem determined lo wait a grea ter fall before they will purchase any Cot ton. Our speculators however still Hatter themselves with the hopes that it will be long ore we receive any quantity direct; and (hot the stock on hand is not sufficient (or the wants of the manufacturers. Some partial sales have been effected by importers who are glad to realize a good profit when they find opportunities, which however are very scarce. The pi ices may bo quoted 31 to 45s. for Orleans, 33 to 38 tor Uplands, 37 a 41 for Alubumas Sic. ** Extensive sales of Coffee have been made—St. Domigo 13j to 14 sens. llicc 37 a 38—AbIios, as per Ibrmer ac counts. . New- York, July 20—Cotton Bagging.— There is no improvement in price or de mand. Wo continue the same rates. Cotton.—The sales, since our last report, amount to about 1003 bales, chiefly Up lands and Alahamaa. and .principally at 20. cents. A small parcel was sold us low as 19. and about !60bales at 22 cents. The transactions were principally on Saturday, and for exportation. The ship Topaz, ar rived at Boston from Liverpool, brings ac counts from that place to 14lh June, which represent a decline there ofldi to I id. per lli. As this event has been for some time anticipated, and the stock here but mode rn!.!, it iB presumed that, no grant eft'cct on our market will be produced by it. The Import has been—from New-Orloans, 23 bales Alabama, 42 Georgia, 1139 Smith--Carolina,. 100 North-Caroliua, 15 Philadelphia, 4 Total, 1373 bales Total Import, since 1 st inst. 4.335 bales. Export,from 1st to 13th iust. 18.092 bales. New Orleans, lb. 23 a 26 ; Upland, 20 al 21; Alabhina, 20 a 24 ; Tennessee, 20 a 22. Rue,—There have been no transactions of any importance since our lost, exc pt Bales, by auction, of two purcela of very in ferior, amounting together to about 100 tcs. at 2* to 2} cents per lb. 90 days. None but extra prime would command our highest rates. Tlio Import has been Irom Charles ton 100; Providcncee. R. 1. 55 tcs. Total lu port, since 1st inst. 1060 1c-. Feeightt.—There is much less produce going forward to Europe, and our rates are not easily obtained. Exchange,—Bills nn London. 60 days, 4J a 4j premium ; on Prance, 5 30 wimm mil. SPORT OP — SAVANNAH. ARRIVED, Ship Augusta, White, from New-York, to Hall Si lloyt, owners.—•Consignees, L. Baldwin, A. Parsons, F. M. Stone, Lay Si Hendrickson, II. Clclalid, Butler Si Scran ton, J. W. Long, P. Hill,' R. Campbell, A. Si E.Wuod, Dunham Si Campfield.T. But- lor Si co. G. Gordon. Wiltberger Si Corn- well, Cohen Si Miller, 7,. Duy Si co. John stnn, Hills & co. Ponce & Mackenzie, Benj Burroughs, S. Si 1. Schenk, Bulloch Si Dunwoody, J. M’Niah, I. Norton, G. Now- hall. G. Si W. Robertson, Edward Coppee, L. Hills, G. B. Lamar, W. T. Williams, A. & J- Champion, J.Ponfield, S. Cunning: Imm, Hazard <& Denslow, J. Meigs, II Lord Si co. I. Minis, M. Hoag dt co. J. Vallot- ton, A. Dqnslow, A. Low Si co. C. Baker, O. Johnston, E. Port, Mayers dt Hamilton, N. B. Weed, J. Inglis dt co. E. Bliss, Brad ley, Claghorn Si Wood,.S. C. Dunning, R. Haborshim, G. P. Palmes, D. B. Nichols dt co. 1. W. Morrell, J. B. Herbert dt co. Cohen dt Miller, C. C. Griswold dt co. J. Kopmnn dt co. and O. Taft. Brig Pheasant, Daily, II days from New York, to Ponce dt Muckenzio, and oiliera. Brig Adeline, Brown. Boston, 28 days, with merchandise, to Goo. Newhull, O. Johnson, L. Baldwin dt co. R. Ilill, J. B. Herbert dt co. A. dt E. Weed, L. Mason, S. C. dt J Schenk, K. Campbell, Lay dt Hendrickson, J. W. Long, O. Taft, and S. B. Parkmnn. Brig Almira. Harrington, Now-York, 18 days, merchandise and produce, to Hull dt Hoyt, C. C. Griswold dt co. O. Tuft, and T. Butler Sf co. Brig Frances, Croft, Philadelphia, 10 davs, lo Elias Reed, and others. Pilot-boat schooner Savannah, White, 10 hours from Charleston. Pattmgcr, Mr. Madden. fitdir. Flora, Tomcrson,from Riccboro. Sloop Delight, Cooper, I duy from Char leston, with sundries, to J. B.Herbert dt co. J. B. Gamlry, Cohen dt Miller, Hall & Hoyt, W. Lippitt dt co. C. Baker, and Mrs. M Richardson. Ptnscngcrt, MIbs Cope, and Rev. Geo. White. Sloop Rosetta, Vcrnard, from St. Johns, via St. Marys, with wood, to the master.— Left at St. Marys, Revenue Cutter Craw ford. Pnine. Sloop Favorite, Courter, from Turtle River. Sloop Union, Sullowich, Sunbury, 2 days. SAILED, Ship A jax, Nichnlls, Liverpool. Brig Oxford, Porter, do. Sloop Mary Seymour, Brunswick. ARHITE1) FROM THIS ROUT, At Boston', 16th inst. sclir. Waterboro, Nye. via New-York. At. Charleston, 27th inst. echr Alligator, Addison, I day. CLEAIIEI) TOR THIB PORT, At C.iarle8lon, 27|.h, steam-heat Edge- field, Sassard. VP FOR,THIS PORT, At Raltmore, ’Dili inst. sclir. Col. Ram say, Moore, (via Charleston.) The Emily. Webb, for this port, entered for loading at Liverpool on the I3th .Tone. The steam-boat Commerce, Davis, from Augusta, arrived at Charleston 20th inst.. The ship Chariot, from this port for Liver pool, was spoken 22d lilt. lat. 47,20, long. 35, 10. A. b. J. CHAMPION H AVK just received per ship Augusta, from New-York, 5'Half Bnrrols Beef 20 Sacks. Fine Table Salt 50 Half Barrels Canal Flour 10 Boxes Cheese 20 Firkins Lard lo Bovps Muscatel Raisins 2 Boxes Bolona Sausage 10 Barrels Sargent’s Crac kers. July 30 94u Sddlitz and Soda Powders Q|~| DOZliN Genuine Seidlitz Powders Ovr 50 do do Soda do. Just received by ship Augusta, and for sale : by LAY & HENDRICKSON, ! Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. ‘ July 30 pi Fresh London Porter. J UST landing. 10 Casks Fresh London Porter, and for sale by For New-York, The brig ALMIRA, Harrington, Matter. Will sail on Wednesday next. For reight on deck, or passage, apply to the master on board, at Rice’s Wharf. For Philadelphia, The brig FRANCES, Copt Croft, ..-r-j—Will meet quick despatch. For fmght or passage, apply to tlie master on hoard, at Jones’ Lower Wharf, or to — . . . ELIAS REED. irho hru lamling/rom tuid brig and for tale 75 Barrels Fresh Ground Flour 150 Barrels first proofWhiskey 20 Barrels Monongahela do July 30 94,, 4" V I’ ' * ' •4P * W.-T. WILLIAMS, IIAS just received NORTH AMERI- A CAN REVIEW. No. XLVIII. CONTENTS. ' It For St Augustine Key West, The sloop MARY JANE, Cnpt. Marccflin, Will soil tor the above ports in a few days. For freight or passage, hav ing superior accommodations, apply to the C&ptaiu ou board, or to JOHN HERNANDEZ. . , . Exchange Dock. July 30 94 50] Landing, kegs prime lard 10 Halfbarrels and 2 halfpipes Cette Madeira Wine 3 Barrels Smoked Bpef 12 Kegs Cavendish Tobacco 12 Kegs “ Wight’s” Tobacco, 32 to the pound 50 Barrels Now No. 3, Mackarcl 30 Bales Prime Hay For sale by COHEN & MILLER. July 30 91 p Flower Pots, 2 CRATES FLOWER POTS, assorted sizes, just received and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Shad’s Buildings. July 3Q 94 I lav and Mackarel. QAA BUNDLES PRIME HAY IsVrU 40 Barrels No. 3, New Mackarel For sale by GEO. F. PALMES, Exchange Dock. July 30 94,, STOCKS. B lack hair cloth stocks, just received nnd for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. July 30 94 OHice bank of the U states, Savannah, Julv 28th, 1825, TITHE thirteenth dividend declared by -I the Bank of the United States, is re ceived. Such stockholders as have direct ed it placed at their disposal in this office, on application will receive thu amount. IT they cannot attend iu person, they will be furnished with blank power, of attorney, so as to enable their agents to receive the same. J. HUNTER, Cashier. July 30 93p TICKETS RECEIVED. T HE tickets ordered in the following Splendid Lottery, are received—to be drawu in Providence on Saturday next: (BRitSttD STATE LOTTERY, SECOND CLASS, Fifty Numbers Combination. S. Sf M. Allen Sf Co. Annuls for the Managers. SPLEJYDW SCHEME. 11’rize of! 20 OOO DoMa ItlHTSOROLOGICAI. TABLE. July 30 .1. B. HERBERT & CO. 1 5 1 4 I 8 i44- 88 bay if the Month. |S £ 2. 5 ?. Remarks. July 23. ll 12 3 n 83 90 86 MV Hi W. do. SOUTH. (in. Light breeze. Thunder. 24. 81 H. W. LigiiL bfffzo. 12 88 do. Do. do. • 3 89 SOUTH. Do. do. G 87 do. Tlmndor. ‘ 25. li 8 j 8. W . Gl«ar umi cairn. 12 Ut> SOUTH. Tim.light.Strain. 3 87 do. Do. do. 6 71) «. w. Do. do. 26. 8 81 s. w. Light breeze. 12 00 S. N. E Do. Cloudy. 3 80 N. W. Thu.light Sl rain * 80 SOUTH. Do. do. 27. 8 79 N. E. Light breeze. 12 82 EAST. Hard Rain. 3 69 do. Cloudy. 6 no do. Do. 2U. 8 76 N. N. E. Cloudy. 12 no N. E. Light breeze. 3 79 do. I)v>. do 6 78 E. N. E. l)n. do. " 29. 8 77 N. E. Light breeze. 12 82 N. N.E. Do. do. 3 83 N. E. Do. do. 6 82 EAST. Do. do. Paial Flour, Lard and Hams. £/ p « f,om Bt >ip Augusta and brig 50 Kegs Lard 25 Barrels Canal Flour Ph, „i u bbls -Virginia Hams, in bags . jftily 30 by C> C ' GRISWOLD & CO. Ink. A FRESH supply of Maynard Si Noyes Superior Black INK, just received pr. brig Adeline from Boston, and for sale by LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Jiilv 30 01 5 000 1 000 552 50 1 100 54 25 Ao do. do. do do. do do. Goldsbarough’s Naval Chronicle. United States Naval Chronicle.— By Charles Goldeborough. Character and Writings of Dr. Brown. ‘V i.,i- Lectures on.tho Philosophy of the tj . Human Mind. II. Amusements in Spain. Recttlectiona of the Peninsula. Recent American Novels. 1. The Refugee, a Romance. 2. HoWmok,atale ofEarlyTimes. 3. Pcip at the Pilgrims in 1636. 4. Tltfi Witch of New-Eugland, a Romanctj 5. Saratoga, a Tale of the Revo lution. 6. Adstnville, or Marrying Out. 7. A Winter in Washington. 8. Tahb of an American Landlord 9. O’HslIoran, or the Insurgent Chief, an Irish Historical Tale. ' 10. Gosington Shadow, a Romance of the Niaeieeuth Century. V. Common Law Jurisdiction. A Dissertation on the Nature and Extent of the Jurisdiction of the Courts of the United States, Sic. ; By P.etor S. Du l’ouceau. VI. European Polities. A Review of the Efforts and Pro gress of Nations, during the last twenty-five years; by J. C. L. de Sisimindi, Translated from the French by Peter S. Du Ponceau. VII. Travels in Columbia. Journal ofa Residence and Trav els in Colmnbiu. during the years 1823 and 1824. By Capt. S. Coch rane. VIII. Major Long’s Second Expedition. Nurralive of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter’s River, Lake Wiunepeek, Sic. Performed in the year 1823, nnder the command of Stephen H. Long. Compiled from the Notes of Major Long, Messrs. Say, Keating, and Colboun; by Wil liam H. Keating. IX. Du Ponte’s Observations. Alcune Ossorvasioui still’ Artie,ilo Quarto publicalo nel North Ameri can Review, il Mese d’ Ottobre dell’ Anno 1824 Du L. Da Ponte. X. Brainard’s Poems. Occasional Pieces of Poetry. By John G. C. Bramard. XI. Critical Notices. 1. Mr. Sullivan’s Address to the Members of the Bar of Sufihlk. 2. Colonization Society. 3. Burton’s Essuys oil Metaphys ics and Ethics. 4. Robinson’s Catalogue of Min erals. 5. Hoyt’s Antiquarian Researches. . 6. President Liudsiey’s Address at Nashville. 7. Van Rensselaer’s Lectures on Geology. 8. The Leper of Aost. 9. Bancroft’s Edition of Jacobs’ Latin Reader, 10. Memoirs id’General Harrison. 11. Revision of the Laws of New- Yorlt. Sity’o Amcrtron Pntnijiulogy. Quarterly List of Now Publications. Notice.—It may be proper lo remark, that New Editions of parts of the Old Se ries ar- now printing oft’ to supply orders, and complete the full sets of subscribers, who wish to have the work entire. Public Institutions, or Libraries, where it is deem ed important to have a perfect set‘of the work, can be furnished either with the whole, or any part, by an order to the agent. Jiilv 25 92 TO PLANTERS. THE SUBSCRIBERS H AVING made a conaiderable purchase of last season’s imported PLAINS, which they offnr for sale at the latt year’t privet, for caeh or drafts on their fuctors, payable any timo before the 1st of April next; which must be, at least, 20 to 25 per cent, less then the ensuing Fall Importation can bo sold at. W. Si H. ROSE. Savannah, 7th June. 1825. The Darien Gazette will insert the above until the first of October, and send the bill to this office. June 7 63 BYJ.B. HERBERTS, CO On ho first TUESDAY in AUGUST, Will bo sold, before the Court-House, in thiBcity. between the Usual hours, 22 heed of Cattle. Sold by order of the Guardian of Susan Cunningham, a minor. B. Il- 8.1.unAon Potter, C otton ttagging, &e A FEW casks, containipg eight and a half dozen each of London Porter, im ported in tlu whip Georgia, on 28th June last are yet on hand and for sale; also, Cotton Bagging, errtes of assorted Liverpool EARTHEN WARE, and a variety of Season b!e Dry Go-ids. Apply to ANDREW LOW Si CO. July 16 .08 CROCKERY,CHINA* GLASS WARE. BY J. B. HERBERT Sr CO. On A10NAY, THE 1st AUGUST, Will be sold at the Store formerly occupied by Mr. N. H. Han. at 11 o’clock, the re- maimng slock of CROCKERY, CHINA and GLASS WARE, comprising an apnort- mentof blue and ctonm coloured Ware Elegant pptts rf China, plain, fluted nnd rich cut GIobs Wnro, Cat?terp. Lamps nnd Lamp Glauses, &c. Slc. &c —Teruia Caflh, before delivery. July 30 T\\e, t-vvtosc.r'iber HAS RECEIVED PER SHIP EMPE ROR,AM) OTHER RATE ARRIVALS, W AFFLE AND WAFER IRONS Dust Pans and Spit-Iloxes Hair and Wist Brooms Club and Broad Axes Scrubbing, Cloth and Hair Brushe8. ALSO, A few dozen Pockctlights N. B. WEED. July 23 91 s A CARD. T HE subscriber, admitted to practice in the several Courts of Law and Equity In this State, onvrs to the public ms pro fessional services in the Courts of Bibb, I Henry, I Janet, I Crawford, Monroe, Jatper, | Tiriggt, Pitre. WASHINGTON POE. Macon, Bibb County, (Ga.) July 7 84 Conn, Malaga. "Wine, 2Mo- nongala 'Wlmka’s, &c. Received per brig Reliance, A KAA BUSHELS Viginia White Flint Corn 102 Casks Malaga Wine 15Bbls. Whiskey. 5th Proof 20 Bbls. Glauber Salts For sale by J. B. HERBERT * CO. July 28 Georgia, ( h v? ham County, 25. \ Clerk's Office, luperinr Court, Jui.y Tkiim, 102 Jurors for ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY J. B. HERBERT Sf CO. On the FJRST TUFiSDAY in September, Will be sold before the Court-House in this city, between the usual hours of sale** a TRACT OF LAND, containing four hun- - dred acres, more or lean, boundcIt norther ly by the Augusta Road, southimily by land < lately Dr. Cocke’s, enstnrdly by hnds of . Jos. Stiles, and E. Jenck?, and westurdly by lands lately belonging to Wearat, with the improvements, consisting of a good IbA Dwelling House nnd Stables attached, nnd three Negro IIou- ji|M fWj being the real estate of Benj. Putman, dec. Sold by permission of the Honorable iho Inferior . Court of Chatham County, and bv order of the administratrix, for the benefit of the heirs of said estate.—Terms at timo of sac.1 July 16 R8 FRESH DRUGS, sasiDaieasiisg rDRftTMEllX.fiiC.' a B A FRESH SUPPLY of the above VAL UABLE MEDICINE, just received per brig Frances, and for sale bv GEO. RYERSON, Mnv 11 Sole Agent. Madeira Wines. T HE undersigned has on hand, and of fers for sale upon liberal terms for cash or approved acceptances, payable in this city, a quantity of Madeira Wine of i the justly celebrated brand of John Howard March Sr Co. in pipes, half-pipes, quarter- casks and eighths, of various importations ; some very old, and all very superior. He lias always a subscription List open, for the importation of Wine from Madeira T IIE following defaulting said Term, to wit:—James Reason, Wm. F. Leach, A. Clark, Anson ParsonH, L. Baldwin, Francis Biois, John Schenck, John Myrick, and Patrick Norris, arc here by notified, that unless good and sufficient excuse, made by affidavit, be filed with the; this place, and will thankfullv receive or- Llerk ofthis Court, within ihirty days frinn ( ] t . r , for any quantity : lie will, in the course this date, that each Jttrior so in defnult, be lined in the sum often dollars, and that ex- edition do issue for the seme. By order of the Court, A, B. FANNIN, Clerk. Julv 23 91 Ooorgla—camaen County TO ALL TO WHOU IT MAY CON' ER lytTHBREAS Helton A. Copp applies to the v V Court of Ordinary of sa d Coiin’v fir Le’tersof Administration, with the will an. rexed, on the estate of Jo-eph Bixhv, late of «a'd county, deceased : • These are li'-refo-e to cite sod admonish all and singular, the heirs aid creditors of said deceased to file their objection* (if any they have) in my of fice, on or before the first Monday in Septem ber next, otherwise Letters will be grant, d the applicant. Witness the Hon. William of the Justices of laid Court, itii. 23d Ju ly, i 8 25. JO IN BAILY, c. e. o. e. c Julv 30 193 Georgia—Camden County. TO ALL TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN yt&'lEUHAS Whipple Aldric applies to the VNr Court of Ordinary of the said county for Letters of administration, with the will an nexed, on the estate of E zibeth Williamson, late of aatd county, deceased: These are therefore to cite and sdmonish all and sing ; lar, the kindred andereditors of aaid deceases to file their objections (if any they have) in my -ffice on or before the fi'lt Monday in September uext, otherwise Letters will be granted the application. Witness the Hon. William Gibinn, one of the Jus; ices of said Court, this 23d Ju ly, 1825, JOHN BAILEY, e. c. o. e e. .July 30 192 miCF. OF TICKETS. A package of seventeen tickets, embrac ing all the combination numbers, from one to fifty, which is warranted to draw >j(24, less the usual deduction, with seventeen ebau- ces for the highest prizes, : : : 85 UO A package of seventeen halves : : 42 50 seventeen quarters, : 21 26 seventeen eighths,: : 10 62 Single ticket, ::::::: 5 00 lmlfi .*.••»••• 2 50 quarter, ::::::: 1 25 Apply to W. ROBERTSON, July 30 Georgian Office. ]S otice. D URING my absence Mr. Aaron Cow ard will act ns my attorney. JOSEPH I. THOMPSON. Julv 19 69a Window Blinds. J UST received, an assortment of the abuve articles of all sizes. I. YV. MORRELL. July 7 84 The Library, W ILL hereafter be opened for the de livery of Books from four until six o’clock, P. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. L. MASON, Librarian, VALUABLE MEDICINE. Ant'-Disppptic Pills, PRErARED BV HEFRV JAMES. A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Habitual Custivcness i. Pilos. It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable diseases of our country. Its commencement is indi cated in difi'erent patients by various symp toms, nf which the most remarkable are— I regularity of the bowels, obstinate cos- tiveaesa, headache, commonly called ner vous or sickly headache, yellowness of the eyrsand skin, acidity of the stomach alter eating, often called heart-buru, flatulence or wind on the stomach, hitter taste in the tnondi in the morning, foet id breath, drowsi ness after dinner, ebility, lassitude, emaci ation. depression of spirits, &c Piles being connected with indigestion and costiveness, are certainly and speedily removed by the pills. A fresh supply ofthe above valuable med icine, has just been received per ship Em peror, from the Patentee, and can be ob tained only at the store of :LAY Sl HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. Julv ’4 ofthis month, forward a list which will be supplied in the course of the next ensuing Autumn. PETIT DE VILLERS. Sovnnnah, 1th July, 1825. Fnctor. July 9 85 Cw Upholstery Store. T IIE subscriber respectfully informs the public, that he bus opened an exten sive establishment in the above line, next door south of his Cabinet Furniture Ware- House, in Whittaker-Street, and will at all seasons offer for sale a general assortment of FASHIONABLE UPHOLSTERY,con sisting of Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows Mattresses made from pure curled hair Do. prepared moss Do. ibr ship’s births Do. childrens cribs Do. Cots Easy Chairs, Beadsteads, Cotts, Door Mats, anil a largo and extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture of every description. All of which, will be sold very lew for cosh or approved Credit. 1. W. MORRELL. N. B. Old SofaR, Mahogany Chairs, Ea sy Chairs, and Hair Matresses, corded and rcstuffed in the best manner. July 2^ v tolen, F ROM the entry of a houBe in Bryan- Street, Warren Ward, a Plaid Cloak somewhat worn, and a Blue Silk Umbrella, for which a reasonable reward will be paid if left at this office. July 21 92 Fresh ’leas and Cussitt. JUST RECEIVED PER SHIP EMPF.HOR, 1 rt^OATTY BOXES GunpowderTea lUj 129 do do Imperial do 100 do do Hvson do 10 Chests Hyson do 3 Half Chests Pouchong do 200 Mats Cassia For sale by J. B. HERBERT * CO- July 14 4 Ship’s Mattresses. T HE subscriber has on hand and for salt a large supply of IIAIR and MOSS MATTRESSES, suitable for fami- I lies and dlup u births, manufactured in the best powible manner, and would at all times make them to order and pattern, at .'the lowest price. | LW. MORRELL, July 1} Wiiiltaker-Strect. Planters’ Bank. O N and after FRIDAY NEXT, 29th inst. this Bank will be shut at ONE O’CLOCK, P. M. J. MARSHALL, Cashier. Julv 28 93p Library Society. A MEETING of the Savannah Library Society, will be hold at the Library Room ou MONDAY NEXT, at five o’clock. P. M. L. MASON, Scc’ry. July 26 92 Dr. Paul H. Wilkins, O FFERS his services in the Practice o/ Medicine, SuRoery and Obste- tricks, to the inhabitants of Savannah and its vicinity. He may be found at Mrs. Wall’s, or at his office tour doors to the south of it, in Broughlon-Strcet. July 21 06 Y tho ship Emperor, the subscriber*. - have received thirty-five puckuges o Genuine Drugs, Medici os Per- ' fumery. Fancy Articles c. carefully selected by one ofthe partners - now at the north, which added to their for mer Block on hand, comprises ail assortment very extensive, and particularly suited for Ibis market, and well worthy the attention of dealers. Merchants. Physicians, Plan ters and Families, would do well to forward their orders, as they will be aold at our usual low rules. LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists, Shad’s Buildings, .Till" 16 MEMAiYAL. T HE subscribers have removed to John ston’s Square, next door west of Messrs. A. Low Si‘ Co. whero they are - opening a handsome assortment of Fancy at id Staple Dry Goods, in addition to their former slock. W. Sl II. ROSE. April 5 in (D" The Darien Gazette, and Recorder^ Milledgeville, will give the above four in sertions, and forward their accounts to this office. James Anderson Co. H AVE removed to (he middle tendmont Young’s Buildings, where they offer for sale a large and general assortment of FANCY AN1 STAPLE DRY GOODS, received by the latest arrivals from Liver* pool and New-York. June 24 79 JAMES ANDERSON <* l O. H AVE on hand a few bales ofWHITE, BLUE, and MIXT PLAINS AND LONDON DUFFLE BLANKETS, Imported last year, which they will sell at a considerable reduction from the prices of last season. Their usual supply of PLAINS, BLANKETS Sr BAGGING, will be received by the first Fall vessel from Liverpool, and they will be able to supply their friends with Freeh Imported Goons, at as low rates as any former importation can be sold for June • »n TVCK TS WEUv lVED, I N the Rhode Island Grand State Lotte ry, Second Class, which draws next mouth. 50 Numbers, 6 Ballots Drawn. SCHEME: I Prize of 420,000 1 5,000 5 1,000 1 Prize of 4352 4 600 8 100 44 of $50, *c. &c. Tickets $5. Also, in Maryland State Lottery, Fifth Class, which draws 27th ins’, in Baltimore.' Tickets six dollars.—Capitals : 1 Prize of 440,000 I 10,000 1 5.000 *c. Sic. 10 Prizes of 41000 30 100 50 50 ■Apply at LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jdly 23 Corn Afloat. QKf'kf'l BUSHELS Maryland White (J JUU Corn, in prime order, for sale from schr. Ocean, tl Jones’ Upper Whurf. Apply to HALL & HOYT. July 14 Notice. ' A LL persons indebted to the subscriber, either by book account or notes, will call on Mr. GEORGE D. SWEET, whoi* authorised to settle the same. JAMJ3S WELLS. July 19 fit.-